1444113y ,a3. Tho Y. P.7. oftheUned h u 5211 52, 4442,1434,11 the y....411 . 4,443'1 .0144231,1411 M,,î1. and 11354. 7314 7411a-744h11f1Pe.kel.14Th.144 th. g 45341hall ett . .TS ime, rond ,34441'd 3,,Mm. R. Elle43mouî,nd Mr2. 4112 Mrs. S23144,2.f 1Ns,î44l 1144, l 11,31411 221144 2315M. oral 532a. 434E. 1 21,,111C.3 an MM P2. 7.W. I1142541114 M" r.W E. 412,54113,,,of1De14ton 0Chio. 413342 311131 14o32 11315 543l Hî2,,I.ttl.2 M.4..d M,. WH.44a h44134 41and Mr. and1 5MI. F. W .,I .The P343îre "Mnt 1Joh54 04,." 14411 142411 5, the Ca2111a3ieu Club a4 Mil ..robots of1t,5. 1141 141.3P44,411,I lu1Id4of2, .... ta411f144th47244441-_ m1ro. Velma Nort,3 1 oproding 211411531,, M-..ROY Powell3, 11nd11Mr. 452245 W M.S. 11131 52 5,31 112n'7314 sc12, 033,,,, 143andBibi. 11 C112 w13 bo h1otS On145.2211 .2 1,, 442341141 3144na. E413143 1,11 11 CAMPBELLVILLE Th, N,,- ,1 ,t,. th. lîP15W M th. borne3Of,-. A043,25.11, vr5.32.3 -k1144,in1the y..M. Afio, h. ,,,, for In h - Y"*,1 . ,a." A P..,,o 11. d.2Sp M.. ..., 47433, AI, . 3,,.1..! ho lu d-îIf .2 mf T52.. 341175.32, . h. SK. 34,13 -a,- -d by -j- MII114, , MI.,,, r4.. 11,,, 34î, T. 3.3,. Mr 110311111ur,.IPI.Z.. A 15,d M- tu 34. D 8411442 Sp *f t r442. '34, 13,33At., loulou3,,I'lh,, .d, 4 1442 hIId,3p .2 11 11 444111' .mien. l, .33 4s 13 1 .iI for.2 1 82 m,,H.111. 244nh .. fho aIl là 413Lh3d 34 et th- borne of 22, a,,et t ,12,m134w41 44 43 J1l3 , ruî43. Howard 54î33 f 1s",, 2 5,31th" 53, 1 ,.,, 5444d111,,oî2, 13 .,',3 h J.e4l1 Id1, d,~î, .', Ce04 jj 4 ., , 4.uhOîl Id NZph T.Cadia Chapiee HiltnLiusocumHORNBY _____ ____ ___m.wIrit tloti.It* Loe, . POLICE COU RT IW PWat, si t 45l~r .bîî îdy.N, 8W of theOntari Livetock1 rsmc Io1=-f 3si-b.. 5P2-0241 'William l3313, Hamilton14, iras tu ho the gî., speaker ai the a. . ilc l a med.,. o îl,. ILE11 12 joli for 0 241', 1hi h I1en. 1111133, 13 51 114252Lî 'a 5,WDl11lî --a ----I31 A, f- 412iaf charg2e 4 25, 2415, on2 4 41244 411,l1, 1 5 b15...i hi Ie foetheParien' Bt] Ml. ..ale 3.T W. F W111111331 5h-4 onlW41144,,y. Hat41, !tic1' of3444433 .14411,33îî Son, dîy 42543 42241-co k, .3 lor1- Y-, . , oI 3 , , t ,,. . 3 .' 3, 4 Ac4c4,1132, 14 TrA flc O01144411r de -.l piutrel u t-1444 4hl132I.1 ,32 "n".,", , ~ ack,52 th. 1511 14411 ce,42W"1 in"-13. 4433141 44114 142 3f 31,3Slis 151- 43ho. ,IMr.. 43Io Ip 5 IIL s44 1,Qeen lizabeh 15 h5 ay5 the bu51 5211 fin., th11414 tS134 he h,,4g 3.M.rg,-t, 1.'3,532 Hamilton.112. appui 341 4 1l4i1',42134 14 13, 11Op 1 . tAjdv«.%8,ý;î .LLm ., H115î 443,21' 25, 1111,42 4411454, ll45113 h. î1menti~ 4 .l. ,,J . nlit fiIffiî344,d A 4,140 AIîIMî,îy 11 3331114.l15S1 4542411 1 230,4,,pineradof he 43117111 440Il a" p i 14,41 ,4, 1144in ie.Mre2 fMl ton. ho ho. business and 442124113431 12112te11il seus and 4041114i h .,happII4y ll. g4.Iio 14,21143 1414.3424413ont414. 3allyow43D1inuc' 1 1 i. e.tenld«d by1.ir ,.,y 444 hav asiser 4,I t h. 53 4331c.l AIl 2' 43 1 1144 Indin, Outremer Loi112 sonne or 11the 1111441," Magie. *,,4.r . o.g3î fortran I 24 421 4111 i31131 llau3.2 u144412 M. Union W. 1. p4412431y ugîî t.,3fou 1~1g î te e4h l dt' tu,43p111.__2344411~ ,1,1451p 5 13,l51= ta lier l». ramoll3,111141,44th.c nek 1il 1II3O04433 tri the re orma lIîto1ry. 112The 4 accNus444SîI4Ait5.341»A îS 3131bel... th.5,24043 1. IL131 5442 11li 11311t 44 1341W.T .,,2,1 15 ,, 44,"a'-".. , , 7 11 ai. .34O 1,11 121144,35 DîIl 44,.4134. Mho ,1,,. 3 th"1.1,,710 li4e 44 ,,lî l,,341. cuitof tiait. T441.lc g ed 31 ith54 s,113l3i11 îî00 14,Union .41135,5,2 . .M.'. 14.t Ait the 3,' 115143h. .,1, 3h43, 114424 52 514, 4 Carter1 . o 15Mri-1M, Ditt 1tm î4 MI". H 11.33431 55, ' Train3,. a but] ..pSial.ed th.t 54353,,32, 4p.dt.eh ;a, ., i«bl article. iL45. Cî2 able tilb tu 423 "4,. 514 0,,Part, 44fOME aboli0 g . I ,hiî W 4112 22141 3.. 1.. '1, ;3S1î2444 1314 2 11,1 . ,.i ..M IL ao . 1 ni hi a.- .43,11ho 1 4131Il th1. 1 cL 14d.u4 43m.Noi.324b p31225 ,,heasec o roicilOn ..ï. Po, g mi la t Iklad ake 4,w24,4it 3,i1 1. î,, 31 B114 t4serve41 251411 4dMj.u.4413411 My,415j3n 4,. R,'Y' , « o ud by A. th. 541I4414 ll2 dors1 gros,4 h illy,~ me.3 1o1f 3,, î 1 'I4Ig 51 th. r5hî r,., 1413 1141 43 15432or 33,,i 11514 îhA sud 1 ..14 3,3111124t2 spiAny 4,11 lS 33E 3I14,,lî2, 4 Id,'A N1 1 gas &23 ouDu.th,4lIn tn esOffint. h A ~ ~ e t14 Il -t'îlî 113 4- 91-1. 92conte,4ne.454sitellthons Buck. of Oy 2l113î4. 13îî 45, 3444 The W. A11 . w-l toiCIIe , m m 35O ut.3 35il - dore 4'421.are, L-ti9 on V ILda.Del otit A; I*.Ili~ 14 4 .Adrn 14 mw@ oeo oDha'iý" srOt t. - , D . f M s R f (. w a d- ' th. M - R10112 d44A . a d u ou it dw4y th e.544h .g 1 whS44h 1th1p al14ti44 . es, fficer .31]4et1DotIof4î44.,, VIII4 1311tirer 4,44411', 452Aller113 5311 42 T,,Save 4the1Kin '44414toits lace. .1ba. avenuLie or4il.ie metesan A -RK- SALE! [POTWEMEATS TO AOH 1,,, ,. 1c1O ffee1 J9e el Monw.hPlet ~ 18, 20,80-oMzxw FRUITOAF S,., 2 * .1--210 OOO 4 RED 1.b.pk. GLAECERES1.b XIrc P eSr Pmneappe Ri9gs 940 Maxwe Egc-ORaisins with See-e-229o I 2o's 7E EEDEDtd 3 25o5 BISCUITSc- ][go ,AUAN 3Lb. 5 FRUT TRON Re. 90. SWPEEL CAPSAN 1ANDIGAP120 ASHEW NUDT 3.2 1k 14e a oyep20e1' e DB ISCUITATS Abot... 2 E_ 20 C VOODDUD P EEL- 2g RE LAR E W:go lb. 7CUORANGSmmim lt E. - 25 PotatoosCIROz N PEE29cIPatooslh-oî.ZI PROTECTION 0F PRESS îb. il . 144. 1R,235 F.213 423441 0430141241 5y Mfi.,1Wilde 223ri 1.31 334 Thsle5 4251122,17 74,, A4îhoci1.1325,,the ,, meeting.i A luny 1444,411and 431i 3235,134241 turtheeîefîmull..m, . .K. M 4. of th, Press, ta I. Iuj13 I. h31441310 o34 the1381y Fpond144. Id - 1. .lu PI B.'-(101,D WEATHIER AIIEAD" 4213514C.n14111, 1314 ,2fer 133,.4h1S5L4,M, t1. .hl,,' Id te 1 'a Id md4,114 il l541~ . .,. jpdd hî 2 44434111. 1131ou 324-un3i 3 wrern.. P,,, P.mk , * EmPire ...e or Heater 34~ ~ 'n 0' 3114423,1, 1 1 DANCING ~ASK VOJUR NEIGHBOR THIEY IHAVE ONE. 113,, 132144,13moi411, -22434 d _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _- 33,41' titis 45,11unt or P11 Irae.115 Steve l'i s.DIim4î435 Cool Hods, Glass Putty. 444 1l 34 13t4n ,11 11141111331 MPTOày£yn e "Mt MILTON 3 li_______le -uegte gC.T DAY & SON Pis3 s4h.134 it.1133,r112ItI33h 11 4145515113ADMI381ON - - - ,45 Sî4indIs 3271 4 Sî obe Ik.d, P "44 .112 41 o.3 go 4143141 04 . l'eduiun*i YES - YOU SAVE ,,', 47 M hne o elyt sriB UYINo "OLD COMPANT" EHOS a.34The trulli -,111 2I143 1 ,1h<, If t s et , .IM421 134,M 33 riFoor o ta oi P.PIr fe2424411î42 141314341le. _ _ _ _ __Be15241411344lutC3EAN 4and HARD- nientsare2242114 n s . Ur popie P44R LAIN442. 14t e sh1411113 124413,13e4h2 ,ur42an Id«.. RE*UiFACIN0 75438MSHIG. ---'314111,, LASTS LO)NGER- ;hl543i3 31_313r3U 24,314I th 4 L1 d.. h ,4 , ', 3 en4143OLD FLOORS 42 3211.]1violent3 .._ .,,pliOLGA POCAHONTAS 24313144 3431344 N4E4 The Best731 13.Mined 4l24h1h 1.sI ath,l 1324442 las. 31 7 CE 5.1ALSO DRY WOOD 'I3I l4 ~11 4 go1341y1,, .re ili *06 PI ON E ER MAS HE S SOMAGH S. A. FAY CEMENT - LIME ....h W14.,,,, 1hp .32 PS.bi.,, YPROC WALL BOARD and PLASIER oul3 ..îbp11433, 3ha= 4,11, Rnd ELIYERED PHONEt 48 41302.12. 1331 air3. 404eb e atig nd £îWHERER. S. ADAMS ?11611T16 lo. 1134' r33,4 ,eh,243 .513 Tinsmithn in,1 lis11111 01h 1.î,ts, f1.4 . cd men bu144J,"4 -u laIN uT. MILTON. ONT Advertis.,l in e Chaupien - It Pays MM 4EAM OVM"EASLE FR805083470.SATIJRDAy NICON 31.Y Sonid Amiua l Jetmob.a ' 47 pal. I llkîr .~ 18 ul 12 0,îk..1 23.'.-k ,- 'a-Ileu-1h. , ,2ldi' ,, 1,l ,,. 10. 344.v,241 37,pi taro- Pa-1311,2 p.3. , "Il..T4. 229 u 134îF.,24joffl4.. T.,,,3 31 plS.,.,2h-d., 15 pal-,îîi5îî, I4-yîod. c""'2d...14 kiîî 1.241111e.au12 44 55, jÏ,.j,8I' jo,,,. 3.111344, 1 ild 141 pabire' h.,25,y7 1iî, .k,,, 4 .. ay h. -t, uir. b .re ece.,. T,34 or.132. yo5.3, 14 7 44143t, orthatyIo 3,54e 15ga, a'114k Pont bef1ore the1dan5, lot, fam. l"'m Id rest541144 îhî 341 1Id ,pi'fts ta hea14h and 144314. Codemsd Advertiseents ne lahth il».. Tr.3îilg42, t.il, .322812 tu 14.tri,.. alîSk.4., = Dg te .T. Won. u,,,, Hl Ji. 1 Ail wom- am . I r P Moes' t- 13..1 Hamilton 1.7-h.5.11..83,T& 14541 cý 54. lîty et 2P-Y.id, R.. ,, "n. H . A. Lyî-. ,1.dd-llî 2, THE PRICE CEILING ORDER IS NOW LAW A fine up to $5,000 and two years lmprlsonment provided for offences against this Iaw WIIAT YOU MUST DO TO COMPLY IITH THE LAW 1. As a Consumer You muet nu1 l by grands or services for more th 15,the h~ighir piv c33' d .345 1gonds201orlservie.. 15. 11heb.ee1 ,434, 4ptembe5 tu 14 îî 04145,1.Iludb 145 4411, e341w14,fi4,4é1f5th prive'lie. ,î.a ta a141141 4pive undeIthe SI 5Cellii; 2. As a Retier 7114 muet1net 111111 144213or2services3 ta4mors, 11144 the1 5ghest pl,î .1aiSh444o .432 su4h5gnds4or1seices in the haste11414' 4,141, 4ptemî4 5 tu14 îî 415,,Il. Yeu muet 1m41i boy gouda ni .l4314î3j44434444f444413344 , 25113 or 42ny utile, u,',, le, mur, îh,,î,344 1ll1l,tpie.1l y..444 4d t4 lhîî, , 1. h. alaie,2342 fi1. 3411122,1 541 44... 1ai -tos h,d.blp ,h.uld lie .212.ted Sy ,î11,ing the -etof 1 ,ca.d.I e h e41I1413 l4î25i3î414341î,,4î54îl,4î cent' -hndite d.i12,4111ta 15,11 f.11, Nov.lh, 4 , 30at53hg3, 41. ta th. 1211in31g pries1. .5aboutit4tl3lu 3444 341h 15,3, supplier. and tr1y ta arrange a4n a4214tmen frteIImt44 parties Theies of "oda of a kind ai-quality ont sold du,3ng he1bas[.perlaitmuet1e I. mor. 1542 the h3ghest o144 î'harl fur 14, 15t3Lally41.1 1.c gonds in34th. 3buste 3. As a WbolessJ.r Yeu muet net s.131 41411o4,services,,ai4more111441 4444highest p4,34([elle dis- 342 ld nig 1the5buste41,1411 Who4Iî,,,113131l4, ta,41'4.,3 case.4l te4 44141 14 4244, 45113, ,141, 5,34the3,3 4, I213h. ord3r hat heil.,etail444ll44ly carry on. WhoIslerlu turn may have ta41 t. A a Manufacturer Unir) durin244g t he t, î34314431Se 5P144,322 31 t04255,4 11I. I ocs.Iîî 114 211 3 13331, foi43 . ina34 a 14444144l44ta 1421244Iheir 4234î, 5,1111 th. csil41121ha.1filet 2 "d4î,,,,.,,413,,.,.4144,, carry2ou. Where maintenanvé, f.t e1retuil eilingrequire manuacturea' pries ta ie su .m t.nly e u e .t . B a d w lieai a e n u p o e a e iiaf r e e a r Services Alto Corne Under 'is Law The Pr3iceCeli3îg 31143,1.43a 44.- a é 41 44g4304241423434,4. . ta 5,42 41I. 143411445. 2,3443444. 44343311141, 31napOrtati, 4provision4of1dock. 544544 4444,Ion4o1cusom1hats: tiidii-takiig l nbl4 "'3.3 44l543411 g , c2l32.a3I43, 1lait1. lîg 4sud24ilî14443in; h et 44nl,, sait4434334 4,12 porteur41 Ber 21,1341; 434115311, 51,131, paintin.l eisg. . 11114443344-ai. 414,f,1 lail4443,4 14322411 33512; 1upply. NO CHEATING OR EVASION 0F THE PRICE CEILING LAW WILL BE TOLERATED Jasasmuet pply 1the4egulatJ1,l4ii tit.11l, own operati14333 354413, 51444334534 1ai4Pes OII1îî31sud Branhé Bank. The Board wi3ll n oen Rg,,,m4444544415441 4431lCand where problem TSI 7,343 C.liîg 5411 I.,vital3ta3'114114'. W.r effort. PUILIaHEI UNOIR THE A11413031177 OrF 1 1 THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOAPD 0 01.v, C.c.d.