i a. a t, The Georgetown Luinher Ce, .o. MILTON, ONT. Lamber, Litho, Shinglea, Frimes, Saab and Tria. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I PIGb>2 Vplal lo l g t k I BLUE GOAL - HAMCO COKE For Prompt Service Phono Ililtoat 49 W. C. KENTNES, Manager IIAYWARD TRANSPORT Dally Direct Service TORONtTO MILTON - HAMlILTON Loa n Leoenttg IDitneoCcote.csoditiecig. TORONTO MetO£'i I.TtlN108 t1PHAMILTON 7-820 The Ford Tracter la a différent kind of tractor. Every once of ltweightlosutilazed aso'u trnce0 tetead of balast. Thot te ont inspetant reawn sehy Use Ford Troctor cotte so mucli itu te con. town. Then, if yoo like, we'll arrange e Ford fTracter dernontrotion right on yoo.r own forto Early's Ford Sales & Service CAIPBIELLVILLF. sofeutosr,upotrasittttcaettseed ser theulst,usndte.ua tale-sti ureutss No teo te Iitrt mut eltiaisottle tCits go ttthe sos 0uth~e sebet. ouleei hcuu enttuettckround.i AViE oseseotiedttite-tspe tea o ice-o f pt ciesuattutu H ttceIt'.reraîteselttoet The techntiue frtee le-toeulu ft andiuitt iomple, toc. coll e-rtni' . Jouearronge esse Ns, teistyeeoft reicteties btu emcte' escee old teeru"p dettes't rcqcoirueeecives esotr- ebt edoet'rctoe. Whmsevss' ce. tidesesor. Ordierybaissu eis cae ytttc; eors o toes iclr Itsorue-set týed ftr e ttoeutcsn, Ie e-00 tesstue oft Si et heu ctsotuu ceteP sOrerIc'o pecrr aod It poottade.set to- tes tae-it scr esbetoptecrs-U", Y"'01, 'lctuptto yu.I eiue aupoetrat coue. est Sios cecO ie- ceha t taieest to eaCrse.. This copletttamtceur Phot lue- fr lexpOtercogadet noleseeUceta peur iet ... lce th. -ca. l It.t reetandt MoOrietsforte> celtsrpteioogt'- oti-tote e,->othe t ts-le ptp co ebuictetispuescsOeor 'PTecieo ime-ensouut y hOmne. At the utit, s se-p te e cueeraor ain e-t tsueetues gosue. ta tepesditesotete n rr3ty ttee s e'iettatt-e:t fte aids ee t eu tso tuchtasfun o T h l.iis ocmtig ts a touS tuddf r.dal.leutd seldittu.tandtoec dtIeam uresehsss&ierus tihe . Tcy taetca eutctcp, cbich hatetmadeeacettoftiesnatioal uets t. duste t sesos etPn- i retores. cuil beb Ssp thlshisgu tlnthatttat,tosu sttet hacu Ides formoe seoauhisarmue nd ego-so cs ou 00015 ohnuty" etu OoSr 'NO News le Se ilNm; second BrowdPumgi a @l duritu s Ittr? Ontsdny 1 t»M nv oeon auna beridonaslse= s- origt utS t 5PMAIJORIE ÂMES sur areu thoGulf torlnsgormsp icrs. Te . l..-N _1srsAuitnassestlcse dts welt t"OPrCOURtSE,"ns ite thé urtl ik it Onttellypatl atretl ONtCEemoerJsansradltrooeb tirrotot siniser aus seht hflpî litest>e 3763. easceOcOthr itter ertica tad ocri'eel tse bIc7 totsertiopiy fritted 37>te tc,oui0> fur0>7,61310 oepoedrc-ly aie om-uptiti a kl ierad bird siodetel 566 betteit> Thjprospct .132ChcisteloeooeYSrloe -yee wysddlit aingst4 adjre fthercimey hoee. Tetece,' iinge-îtoer thodh lsubortoineolntitu wReilefrnttOsicorpieeoneof stepaoedide'u'seMote eaehota and i not e soSrn ttof nnieuit s aatuies tersiet et migre-tome, bt e sen tOsas sbosserto whUla themrourp loOn lu nrolieu. ThousonduofthOete harvesnthesstisma, doeredecaoputdOssth Sat le prig-setsi, sst' illtrsiatuaitsdbp osobsc te ti- esptp dereeiserye ueusseuils 5111i agal." ,logicrel urttp tee Ose perpose et ectoerd wttrisOshe ll ugtssr etde- TIl glutgles sprosod bosu n odlg. Net ose baed tas teepartiig gielu. osnreip ntied ne ta abs rsssrld tOstI rsurtssd ts tbs iagict Soc7se te Asdt teo tad arriced tbin etarte stabieg tatfrmées, nhorlilsg pntbhsales1ZOe .setrs'.ieg nse t reeinseseofthse oiceroitp'a leodin o theOs utpip'otdry mteio, 1Wtou ou estestber Osas ail parts ,mess attrsetlve gradoellst lisndaseeitistucap,seul ofltseglobetre utstect teaietest .M rMs ry oeboutndutaronaetrforOshrese oàlouooassploratiene t en feciurp active ehiitiren, wust eoctp"Luit. £teised in obsrvatiet, m50e-be Iuilufferd on Ose gretsts peu- igtiogt eun." wuodbhts salvecsOseritdeofetthe sible pleasueo taaeepeespeedte 6Yont oas e usmgel peur olti se-its,, Osenétange te t teldyuuette s. Weusstort.in- johbk n aemiote," dsclrtd auulgls uoshsoiesprtustoee ieateestecfmueyaodd lsoepel Mudeiles."Mine ureSarotit lest ttsetende et Osir ulistehme. poChrismas Ece. aOer dtpte wuld blieîti epiet Tht bird lu euleiip idesi0ied. Cecdialpporo, 5e bore pou le the Fretch setien Susuo, toUft, erratie, btsikin3 airi ote. ancro see-Otaors the bosts flgsnospy-liice, lte apllers aco 56i Hld .lsessusshsllescsrthad. Ote e eso notsouiustalandtuasteee de- 65"ettstefrteoll" Jea'stbret niti tuat ileou ruts pr o short et nrihed atut "Bln rigar." leuedt. Instincsideto s tattOses rushtateutopueice ctic liOns tret, HeMn lugeOte d- leeffrnsiveo muht 5e-e rds tad bot seteod te loti- totuoritntshedmoecouuapeeitl Ottrblrdt tasuoswitar eS te matstattlertetsess ditieeseexpees fr seoosteairls oleee rtis, ueblstie.suOOP conai captur ir tescaecrqeipprdo3heee Co ,e ai segil.se osma-bite gemes aed oeraucopes. Ol-Jeoo risd alseupuate shuort otrcahtt te 8 ts ,toieotlvn ntr-hds uh esta ht ites they have esenoeokid le lyopernecte ielaet, ieirg eecl Ic- ne etgieustan Osi!kdb tisnes tree." Woeelbituitrriiioate-etoeee lereand streditord 'Y etierOshiotdavoir, dturis,eltaetin. atoapicueronetewafl infronst o rgdloadetoe, druighsliertmrt lier. Alereccisioeeelsretabete- crubhetigsontslst le oerestnaesît ha b wsgzige uhte baedu. "Aep ites tsttre the BIackfellows Parforet 5the-t ocece Itoat h mtaieae teorssoesb, Miss Sorbe tuidtaselet Aucieut Kangaroo sinethe losts dcana3 sosciete play. Wt bier teee. "Msyt" ,otitislp x.fnish aDpnseo oebre laimet Mdline, "Oscsraleldi Thte bluckeis ietAosraliearetesetaiad Frestil sctmthieenidtimeu te boelgegoutnoseseofthOse dtest pepecerr eig stctdtrrou"uiostr"uand te lunch agentemiOs peu. Atidsîit ouon osrit. Ttcp tocs tact sere trot'teccemiegeietet. Philcente readtistrer oeitu st et brous,. uboots bluet,stiges. Ifei-cesttdopa- An id ustnamiog tem asrîghttuitt tyrss tot eprtitti. " torpe cutneleofftfrsosenne od A5liOttttsgbmttge tuMr. Hlde'otanduear tOse Livetoieteud oet integ ied tetse tl7leteuretiittotetpydii6îg6out citesre" ste-crird csatcspy. hater tewauu pee o eecrp 'bad spiris.>'Il10 utuappoett teJcae'u e ioee ati hereo et dtpetbucc~etSttcepoO- Osdecshudtcccaaettetomeîosei tetietieatc ooeetythueit edup, uetsaltsr uet, moth auts- esepin eester str. secd o rcysct edets. Clttes uere ermeetb.1Inoerctain vilagetiste mrdesoes ine ane t yswr ub ticrvsiorgliae,Vilo Armtrong menspoleoe"pisiooaces" eiot roee n eo plate retb ooerd se thgteullpabuton e e nem soeresth Oe boitadsuo e tcko. Try o e t ogoctetiee ans iete le-ape ollerssoterc et te lotî hates. ust letutse aide of a sict permsn Ste ueetiered ittnte wul ee ae and utimudes tetece tstthsep Loot .avaucodeotr tofutuce pccfecmanes. te pic piees ieeucu sls ecte i r-sceeJean 370ws ioctty mîstreso aed telti ick p te nw dace tep- pisonbote tainhis rio orcct trhep eyte the meedrote ttat cn Ptil escer e-uctrd te geoat ecs- or Isg. tite t tem. ictitdristetee-sle suio SoneoetOsercrelticd seoycs- "If MctiHode alstisebec trcm Ose "ceuti-it wued sritmtemtsftthetlctelosae oteconte be-eecicc'c gotseguste a mtsieeor musicaloue sned. Ttee-titr sttlreioo et Ceosts,' tte gaito oiyseet m- showu oece te a utils. taugbt tise eaticest tere-Oye teta scos, h ltesunmi Thretoegrp etiltirso, srmcieg in carseortemtir3rsm. Cet tîecesstîli haeeeite-etsibe," mced JE-oe, trae i teti'ndpils le Ose t.et purd, tires tiees tc.laeites we-tc esea5 tasltth. eig doy.,litOc Osif e ecterrsptst ioilat ttoght. DOt- fat uuoc Osui utitet secdoe- ctsit lpcet l-smltltl log iu ly ste pepard spper thoa. or tis raso the ha Orheled e-re 5inthetrd ot. Ttrer p ah prpuesi teps. tiese O'cstleroeetree ctangest thctc ehalbe, ctrd et- Atste iltrcouéteVionoes beput ts teotti uapt te o g> e'it pccit3elin thre66tda etg e s o mre tteegbstfMutelne'su uectis tstt. " asmpepr OfMissrtesuaer. Adtite ru- Intetututirmtidacer, a uetre 7£30'>ce.tipet flcted thttaiIt trse t te jeep etfmes-us musp us Si or ti-f-t o ce-andt**a tot eh tberc. truti-tysie outtsuld tlieruietndcrect itebeegocoos. Ltrttriste-ee-otourd Jre ted aed tsretloinetateirtodslie- triieusbheieburnsotieroeed il ctig blissteliyctactetpepured foesetrmold beoe otramteet siiuasudl,tteesloweettc tdrcom ofthe cemicg goe-dbetc storifsite enut bock ta wueinlteadr inshorteerud:. tdce-and et ieitc0-- Oo e tort le heieg prsttp lotesu aod lsup hala uts air. Ic tteir eps ler t hitab tt££the-estton.e sopmtics eutoc torthec ptddce s thep neo puas moot us f032trt, btt tte olwn mriget the e-u seehemesease s tem wusut esa , tepde set eqeai 1he gey, t3llp dcohcd bceokfott toble the lotes r pay wth he oys bouidsof gint kngaoo.TheMos' Hsldcceonsesprotîtgiy torterd tt lte rpu t Os et. bacingaineu ucas osa>lire Tncdcan's tppicctoostes. ..Mp Suppece-ser,theslires ltgels g in rc bcote, J, Po caetllcerpeo chqieie4taj2ed b.the irs o tedupe5t rlymise oinaopiiisg _tigtt. Wiop, ect -.tI tcSedli t w ite e rQ ýyuk....ae-,c!-"cebr! E-iba.tryo Sar smeid e sttsetely trctivee oeeg Sleulp ste maettierttc muedounearyH uyo ard mec- .cdth lyi h, tbo tiru asti iete the tdet ltiog- Mulcia China Tracus Misst Grey ptoyed o deotele t rmmhe. Mudis he-ut cl ubs- ae-ue- I'îtersieg tacts eîtgîes singc. st îiot c3d os thse rpOsette g esltof our.otingurioutheearî depteofçtr.tbertliibthepare!"' a her :srg isp intChinauareurcroein anc Y.ttilcc,tîcd thot Cerpteedi- tethres eus. iTse orO crîge Ofc f ikerstuett Co titecocces ilhad tees, couse. utslest lisu t aegsgou c:! Tertileoit. oet Cihat e->. twa s. c ltchd-tdPsO70ch,.e.. Totueourtbuetwutld'le ote Ossaresnoatetdcumentseoncieoougsecistent tte3estectrain mchth togt, ifohuts erue-eorilg Ose seigle et Christian tcrd sice- e£gbt3ic0 boys' Polirge. And lte ia ttoeris See, Veola admitsd ttu le Chisu tl tatsiicccd t edry cemenibte,'cd[ece-ieStpo. tatre. .mitiourictiln tatuoreuesrdan se lierceOinthepat. Saoslg tersObhisoiesthe tecl'nadpationst the GegrioccbSct efo "3cc ot-tetto" ed teo"aie- e-rceidst-tbedsrutuicthlid ItlaosdrutesdOsspechate-tt in tpît o tactue serrcdePiltottsgotttteallsus tredorsti iteeut fOeti retst7 ieesan lPrt tî£'îetdoercithn yecr-Vilttebotlpstand pu-.asOutiitt maeearisiosacctrd itoo tlieorttcse ld pe, utas s bite i cers> eght tat e OsLattetsofttese iner-cd hsocccitoeght; coeidte-agine tbt Phleat seonte rmsi.*" dffrsst tecliiss.thiusoytcg: Ptd eold'5t e tome tilaler The uriterecuired Ose tamees "Ahi. ycq, tth e-e-ug ledy tesit ti- tse teaetet-i t s*uts ueleuChrisiau pilaer et isuas-fo inShOeit' nacieefethle toit titthesgrlu huektale erit, ste muet îot tbo i, uhiettdates rsm tecar 55eec7 eo81eht'cteectg teem, aduetsrthis insription: piopc -Yce .g e7ddsectsOuipmle aotidselpVolu restembrsontne Th edttesebet bpoticeey e-ut iteexpt>" t ttieu Pitad sieieescumoeaspoersico gi. e frOs t tourdiof Bte-htloe-rSthe>g-ma'sthtt hstore, "I sse eu rt tbout tho e mtcp anti ot cbarltp." ect7gtit tt r tte peusters hoe, ep uit tuiold te. ILla lubiestdiitt tismigbst ree-osiertoc tsitseeygîi tgdttt "Itcempeyoo rerihtothetssob, lo.aedeo bl oedltacali thre ppc.ecd. loeituolettse, iotetdsftLee- ttititile oPraes, oetetaetei0c eetotehr hittdaeut bnoneeibeoaeoeiteatéppier. rIttuet linsttrumentsoruecemnpoy.sotehtcedetut37-e. seppe ts llresmehobusiessfr isOsthetng.sa2cancctt e-d 0,t otancnbot po. bttl'e- Slltsg pe bobi t Xias bosuettt te Prtnietcceog cd e. tettci s oCebryte ,d ors drnesiloekt le anmeOser lnte sTticrst ted F.erteest dros lge-O ,terett- cetrs lttsese uosnte jet24tors t dtp sscttries, sang teiturgieu1 chante Soddtely,- intotey bt el etereti ecery datioynete usst." ot the Crsdo, thOs e37rMgsina Ctte- etemh s tcrsttoprw d0c Frtpeigttboru ltsretainle eose, A Sal rso, Ventascee'tome-O etesditoppedarrdistant grep-,stpong sens toeeen S pirits esd Veillu Ssglu dOsher ect i rgtt end etet taeed tetry clstpywrtted astuIe tntdthsetGrandusentoeuatbeCre tscp.-ti-seemî "Jeacdacbcig,e-d5l cieseiedts e cilla-leet. lof thnsttoftiyuan. ,up. u lie mp e-2"Tbootceptceee "MukduliesaCiebon ullrs - su tI tOs ipofpetCes e is mecds dtd ceslrotthemet aitcf sitetrid ststa dioreitutsdfcctivccoess. uat te elsutore ole gog WIa Kie it le JcenOt'£scoiferiociy. "-et- tct tck utecs. ne Ositoo.nef CaheWu vn tuSFthe ourite e-tphes tcnyeu-aeeer-stter ci- eete at uio tau us shreeOrstc ec thr tretcoec woe-emcsmehaeeeo bttas d e-is etftt'pcuea-etd New CaeOr ssstosoPco'Eotdoet'utuace moesp hac thcp tscs taI. Moltrmerr, GereBevcan, e-Oc e-s tocnrpctsei oit0toot Srms cils 'ss toct a gransd Jli hucuena fgar e teetetrins o mere tibiect-c. -Thoc Oceoot blerhcod. atetr teceeeisgestilittuehousad csetsot the tigteet cctery si ..lie " h lcieol coyh titests, tetreet etetnthittres l e bl bointrd le uer trt ttlc'cne-ierste e-rd tapey otitusofuritlog ta Roa esectdtpCtfiletcAnrcg Ad Jrc od ta rccî, i,cte teececetbubade-tc esledot" Istheostrlp sumee-cot7iseter oeccttgtîocl" -ii aresatithe etter e-blet, teosng Mrptp, trorurreat tfeteBeva th d 111csocl i-f hc letcouthcemmened: "Dearttsoteetd, atieeeerd ttth et iot.tedOîieletîeetk PIl tTsdaysbeensott iseov. bortOasrstirtod dted 'ire s ePort of helt 'etît uttoomr Sr ltraeeisso eunt Sotefi t "Rm teeoamlpdîmoird go-se en Oodhuttctc.lodiCar . lo1 home thre ealy l nonew etrtoadiretsuetpicinssebrti a t - orle 8112,dluoresttht Menctsetttwduo toîc threttp clinttandeisrs eutetecuet- The., Dîd.t eîeou -i k, tr tug.eand 'csteourd eeeeutuostafftbeuotdttptetee tedrthuandts grlthet ee- cettit-t- ,cot eot eeeeghcnided ra reusé or uideuuantlforpbpereartrstcd. Y,.,einitsp.erlout .,es ve thenseryrre c-ceoccceterr Moeptp mut bucged ocd Me.tebctheino,'Ilb.th, peoptet.t thetiaespers, usd fruaesat frtee vanetdidteerlir, baneaEoccciswe-eetirth.weAn ehapye,.oe-d" cos Mtty. Wote ape usarso-t;loit et ofthe perliet pPSctddch.,oinlis atopo ,5 ks.99001,0lietir e-eaibpt" .t ébubisediepb e.sdibotod en te rm.bco i tiht aDumentititsiRuagee-tcttttttit a A tseldgreofthtyspcuet ofdo-. Suesusmctosce.tpe Scqttia!,. tcdîot, '-c e-os sbers metleruueoon rseeirteetpty elli Tegrostesttextecnsntttee-ec otol7703 cnTe'ca'. white potaemotbse od selects. visionssisces177,e-teAstbmtrcvane-oc ocd ltsok.'ttottoo5tdi. f. iAsmiistersteuaramiOthaplie Leewehekbtr.ttcueud sprt-c- idrro>-hcr-verie oode 1Ihaete-u. Ahpselie arcteii l etronsmicrmscope. Thectrectrot EntoeOsh-Septoî,îtt k cccrttrcs ofuanAseonistrrtug a iaOstIlltnsirsoperm eateofttlc- r"cbtcoedoas thoottmae-e ". t le roeei elp lesgOhsesbocaus iresu otaseold iiileteligt, octent ncoire alphabct. ttc Cber-c. Ots teade tO? Yte ucrostuitu asd Lnsxpérimentaltsts, tuoe-og- s lbtteie tc eteaes ous te Stue. sifiuS Il 25,IM Limes. 1t timesthebrtop lie, -oîcptîd ofd86 ee tetes % Mesdtoteslt sot aprsltpoesofthbatmcrscpe ,,Intc tnloith-se-cte5hccen- wev rqaalipy, bt teassu uss> stsesmicroscope sitailotie forc.,eecthoshitt,' mati ,tetsttsstrestmate ooabruadlJosire letiue prcttal ueeiecietic otf ooorte,,,i ,-ctin ithe si' '64ittcbestor more wlti e seoncsrrts ante esd reccttee stî£.csttet-i.ettelt I FesusttrosendulOs the OsCutuien, N.., Itbreucrie a itc-eos.ceceehioisutst- cillyt lltcd psrn tie gvenas ite Radile Crprator et Amersct. terrelacionstceOtweei ethe diansuaoti t-ieptsurface a pstblpsor sathp et. Tht2.5Wiuseua-gsiticutteeliet- ewdite, sheen itemerouituet lu tort ltofthetbéatlnhtseicrostoesul inteclit ciooieertdtreen I 1bpoetiitpOs ntourofigt ttsi. -coe-,-d "eaell eer tim,. SAZAAR-InSt5. Pul'. Cu.&lS ilceutesplr dtilns amolle- ton ____ . (jh..h abo.l.m âut-ar iteru su log at rua tis - la____tur___ tai Du.c. a, Lit. . tu_ - Ldap, Thons Ceabnatlot Offert are the Biggrst Ilargaîna etftseur and are tony garn teed. 0f yen alcseldy soleecribe te auy oethtie magales ltsted, yenrstbsrlpltin="ii h setedrd. Srnd ns the Coupon TODAY. Mstae BIG-FAMILY OFFER CoECa TORE MAAZINES-NCLOSE WITO ORESO 1t1ileas(24tissues).i1ce. EOCick (MiesNtionaldpietue ALL FOUR Et1Canadie Heescol c. Meeh>ly1y. ONLY ( 1Ctaiaesi r. 1[Jeiecse Fruit Grewe-ss.1rc t 1NtioleeHomeee 256737>5, 1iy. Ceetdia oPeeyoeie,1 r 1 1PramllYMerId & Wrkly ar, 1icsOIOed & GesinCanad, lnr 3 .00 SUPER-VALUE OFrER Titis Nespsper 1i pr, asti Cour Choice sf UNE Magaino luOruup "At tud . TWO Magainles In Granp etBlt 1JLiberspty teehie'o, 1cr. [J ittueist'. (t4isues),lp r, ]JMagaise iet.ôoiog CanadientHomeoeurnalt, ALLFOU 7 Tru Se-cc,1 Y hPtn, r ALFU J ROte- Sces, E0 tttie r 1JChtaneeceesotmro C1 NatioalmeiMnmOtips, yr ONLY 1JracesDigestlpe.6mm 1 E lPOpeadWeo500uu Sar.iu1 yr. 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