OW.EN'S DRY (GOODS STORE lad vqF l-F haced islie lane whch gve WEEK-END) SPECIAL -CASES---89C Pr. Pt LLO WCAE Fine Qeality Pilisie Cases, hemstitthed, with coloied brde-a, maauve, bine, yellaw. Cellophane ;,ÉdEDSPECIAL ----- 79c Pr. MENS PYJAMAS Mens Flannielette Pyjamas, heavy qnality, ail izea 1 5Si WEEK-END 8PE('IAL.---$185si FANCY WOOL SOCKS Meca Fancy Waal Sacksi, in plaid, clock and plain colara. Ail izea. WEEK-ENi) -PECIAL ------ u50C Pr. Phone 215 Main Street Milton MILTON DISTRICT CO-OP. 40 TONS Ol ALBERTA GLO COAL ICe Bsu By Tat' RWESTERN QUALITY BRLY PRODUCTS EPHONE 127 PHONE 127 VES - YOU SAVEI BT BUTING "OLD COMPANY" i i t ii , 1h h55 utiand lhuD- Icî,LASTS LONGER - OLGA POCAHONTAS ALSO DRY WOOD PIONEER MASHES GYPROC WALL B04RD and PLAS1ER BAKING SPECIALS Fleurhicd&\*i7, lil 7îl u , ,, ..... UIl7, lînCf5" Australla Sultana Raisins-......... ] 2 b fnemeatI i l"-- lcd - --..... 7 ....2hua 27c. Mw!lte met .............. !S 'c (lui,25, Temnatees.(le, 1 yîlI le , ie.lil " .. a I c Stin Ie Peas andi laurotS, Sl lac ii d 2 for nat- Cu-iten. h1 11 lll2& . ......... ... ...3 tb iti7le Elsa.'ts Lard . ...........i 1 tpg lac Canada Cnt-n t.au-nh -«-- '--1 75 phg. I Magie Ba king Powdeu-.........1mb iii dia ea Cst Mlxed Peelt............. t Iii. ic tTc Cau ants. h ...... hac7.tIîîî lvu~c - - . lac Raisins, ,tcaliac Latin aauieeed - - -h.... .... b Oa Otaunut Chevties,. ................*1 h. 15e Chocofate Drops - - - --.............lb. 2ia Del flalue Nilfet Coun......... - e26tn2, Paneaka PFer, Aitî l uîiuî..........- kg. 15e Grapefruit. iTe- SeedIeca- - --......... ac 4fo B19 Guapes, 1lalîhetet .............. . 2 14,. 23c Head Lettuce.................I2 lar lac QuaiiAy aIways hlgher than the prlcuttt 11t Pays TIo I)taI At Days" a PilOIli "(OL1D WEATiiER i.ED * Rghth 11011 ctheu e tuli i il îîîa r ta Ita- Empire Range or Heater Theta Sitetcare hnu-s-ai-ll utsfor c.init Itaciitug caii sl-j AS ORNEIGHBOR TIIEY SlAVE fiNE. Stave Picpes. Datpcu-, Cool Rsds, Glass, Putty. PRN 5 C. T. DAY &à SON ITOj Se. FPut. Ui".Chuantr& uua. ST. PAUL'S sUrNITo UC ,r cuuu e Tua.t Tu.Ritw T-u bu ethui O&. is sit w t tautu. id u-sie.s. y %bu as bP T H R E ~1WHIty Tu-aShai TI éQTn i pais ..d la, il.ttunuP.i. tse uttiuiu wStbuti. AihohmnUsiteDniuu ' Â KEeTO E flU I -A !UAE I iu.ht.a O ER ha i. uhonhean, RtIiZMa tuaie pltttslieutpn.Z- 'WuutMuiTOUWid.wtt u-t ed. [t I M àm cf Met w Ci>t n. . ttit Tr u asc a tm ins et BianDest jo. .. Ous t..É aeu d euu nu ts. A ,noud peuru-. -ui-aA. itenu -utt i endeca t i i.taig w,- .11Ud e.-Yo ncug Fu-nu-isu ieu O Atu t tt -t.uum eM.r niihu uuau- Rihr u ýedAn b« thnn csy buprnnt i e L. eh- McW . urs . iiiO KiNNLI', Lu-shnsa ("E large uncoc rt éanei ciat . ÀCnu dy ..olah Lacla ceS t ien 2.at .nae y ..w -bdWED SAT ia nntnd-nnprofit a -n iu he bottesiuuing cf tht ronnanId, t- poi»- h ds C . uVi..y0. iaB.W. i A tfn- aîTEuh . y I, ... enu itnt alM. .K fnc.itu-ntiii tth aile» silo, 'aîcnkaîîhW. NOTIc e esd c REDIg T ORÀ 6 af o P .uy -u i n- B u . e uyou . Su . Dnin te tua u' ..oitin e g hoX P E ST E RIA R c a u s c i C c nty'cf H uitea. upinticu-, toc eTtdt . i d c slf nu-cn ai an Wae 7ptt an .At h patc h enac ui ts.-t uac faits n.t,. 8 p .tpop.vttavfdtrvi- Ah i lpanent ENNE DYaicnag. i T 0I<D f -iffDN itites T Wc-nd-tVeti ten Aon .ittaTh e.ith TsOfting.,nitt)uthy.f il h c, u ,i i y Fumnl. ran ntien, Snd .s intb »rdesa t ie a«Irti i i fs l'a a c ,ug - Ta.h .dS. Hie.Sit- dstt.uaon 94 D , u n d., tah a a. dme o taspua me7f Mr.p . uSe..-R ti g aahu. n.. tt.. a f DAtet-,t f.ut Th Fet S a tJio i a hiuatut. Ts.inaa,.i fiiel letut. enlM Pogam e i. haea. dte ittAN fni tHPP , iîu t r s p o h - i u e C rs cat ch ta ay pitu tOnt'.taut it u uttutfa t, DataHLTDeOSP L AB RN CL T A H Titf orON Litii. atyaBoudle &tu-dutBatd.iulotsi ortafa i em s Me h n ie fey u 2- . Danin ttd hu.dettuu- - scth.lezilcta ,euiunt luia- taed b -ai uCl b f d t *. f ue , hui u i ta . T ; t.t t, K n u uiNO R SBY TE r hctN n Mcc en os- ang.111le i h e F B tchnu-gufuu-ctieutFon. A af.tte.itt5h. . aiiNTICE TO nt. yn plt ad ntiat. ad to uf.cotht t...ec-tatht Sittatu c OOBilti'aitRU LOCAL Chehae. MrST OBrs'u e',yc icu-tha lTefli d k 3»lVViC lnl fatuire a iaîye fîeau-uauud Rati. naiitrfgtonnan on r beLTON De..~t fat l t e tue l.ihT tt e pnd ur. c ta hautu- ehit trsitta u. Ath. fTu-uyfuituectht i tiy f l ___________chue____ t he uy.D e.Su d dcd. T ile.t thtt,.holEs. cicuitsha. ac s a. t, aeue- Dancuttut. t Tb. Fint Sims, will Thi. nrm tionad botcIktt c ahytuut aaim.iist orutoe fr pauts in te hrsd tua i.haiia pencu-d y tt t' atutccuutRculs e-dy. e Ci A .cuut a INt n,nlutIS N S uhB fSjSjI 'I I3 rc k u-teeW Puin. . aite ics ut ujîtfn dulDetts u-c MILT ONt GOSPELuy A BERtus-NtC E tcenuuaRtu-A-ht-Baui ~7iUR Wtsttft fein t-day it - l'nn.. 1sec Ilttnsat thtfr&andscteKlehanuds -da. u aic u f the Mitonce busuru tfth uede. - a e G sl ifcentuat.ideufhutgteidt obolestuhen lulteshu a-ersu, ncu ,aud trbTr ,ýwl . dyfeeuhe.ilihuslth a.I euTiloei. lsses.TiesiIlaForce.r . Mn tttat - -----------a su-luh incafe lis and . cuisi. .ST.Har t OT IETadt iCcEDuTîthutte Tt Ou-,ts utsutuuttie, lihtLiuf it-.15 WSFutoresCAADAI LU au- i tnu-clitt bn hat 111tdas- ttui»-t a-iFu t WaRod, ucn El. .uetnit. f M . ezafu-Atntu-%u Mu-t Mac Eaui - t Bif halu suitcsu Sui nlthtJON OR"(tu euta , [«Inarsoleltt, luthuineîC anada 1.Sth.tte flenînatTe if THUR fLOCt, tu N afsm..f4.fu tyS.PcuOun et= ee1 fcuu tteti. a' uautuutL -vl l ouah.pCtkaiuniiPhone Tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s *nyuh-uttsu Bd t-titfu-a.Lttttsu uu-.tt-tpi , fut ua. a I i b.Ctntdluht.,.cahu a ati.dsu.- Ta. lilha hid u tt Ltteu alle a tu-l u. o ýbylb C s u-dtiou- ofu- ciuifs tenatiuuscccnw t ecitai.n tngauetaantS Biedu t.c. 155. Wg n'. A R EMElub Ri EN'batASS h. ac ifeu ht R utig e tu.acuetvac h 9oerit rthurB a risontt etM I 'V Lnt I en ieta huiftt acIndien ud er .-Tht&cRtd bcue*n ettefpe-l broacckcadfoiufth.enae.tctdld tcnit Tesseteef "0.iae e t latet h e.u. 0 e -tit u fTtttu tch neet nhai chat tc atu bttatttf- ic uuTitt. Tstt. Lendtenhaage..utud utl I..ha ctf outcî tl lit e iJ ou. 1 941. t esa R V L B U a cl eci ,lia, it t u - . in e u 5 5 t hntis. *% e . O u . -tritetin n l'ateti on cli n th e u nd .,. Fu-uRH RStai c- etes,.u-t. u sce n .il iu t F th- end c u-ete u -edu ci fihît telat Saveinen Gtcandzcoline_____________ Ligny tahuel suttu id se tihu-laIuIa Idl t5mb 'fodneki. ra-t frirai-. t..TU C asIi uCLUB- idt ttd.ailene a u-A. ,i b aacetu uth la héwek [ ute t. e ua nttBttPn.fu eursnidtu-nitndedaaChutaited M hait, cnRtr.h ii cdttt eu e Iu- - . a tîerie, P ut. acniinttin...11, nFaI-tu, tactrât aou e . esy.- a b u-t uaad cdattu- eat u bu c enay ntlSud. """C'aap t..ttm u tPu iin talsia nauie.tcc-iaOeaDy ~ , t taett tilltalscMtnthetau...tatsb tt 'pat,""Y' u-ttalilssalceteRobnutFHenry ?ec ug. tu-e-. p., -. tiaabu hîtentetlet Ir.. mncloisita cî.ttah nyc ncaiciîvitali, Ednu tadci, t cut C ea8ta 1itan hb qte -cadct t aen. adi'e a Pe, IlCceb etu-en cdy Nnîi,-A. i. acc. tulitii euteth.110h all n ne hca ue adns a ve at aseMu-t- mat 5la »coyinscti nul. t.iyE 5 m l .T urad Poe1 'gît tc ceaDdne. . u-nnhi . ' dte aa il e eeu- 1 h ttgitiu cu ada.., c. WATTS'NTIO N CY CASS huti'nd Act uaancettmnpt ...4dnFrme'ctitt a lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~co fcc-ue tTccaiitana-t eaeahtic hitrcee-lutAfinuiatl-tt-hnesui a TOWN o I o 11t. ILcdneedny.tis es î e lehtusde ai îltCrans Mu-u-.aiaoitulic 9 tuy .tultlcctiu-ete; etett otlync.cy- ______ Iý- lii,~~~~h ce1.tk.nicu-uî. eech0t41.cyanaut utitindttccîh le r & o bt sec Mu eat t er W T ." uh. .@ tti b ,it an d u-ll i a ffuttad v uc c uO s F L ,ea n d Sn tu-e~~~~~~~~~ teutlecc-.-theet-511 clhuu-tmoree men ee.arpetS. Taxe LiuasneSc cth t-tblu-u B. istyt aeaie. cffdttce ..iccct i odtytefaeaI a. laact-e foButhen. ________Ad_________________ bacti uu.taLce e atc cd , ,nyNctbu . uateaia f. tlt ,,tunpu.- iao ooe teItcaro 5 eunt u ld' h coner o Dce be 1&b Prt u rttur boaM ck IlIdte aun-ccuu t haBi plesfo u-ucu-t fritall oe- taI-1e 1a.hintner.anF.u ctlu Inc tne u-lg HA P On aieoclei at cf th.- cnt tid tta.un ut-scttuqcu A d m ttiiicn f s tr a at c il icytr iiut u _the __7 __________________________________________a t es .csn acatetlivinguay That setnt-t N.C.A .1 aede, e ut t u.oncf.tu-t en W ia tted . hatcl ega r d apa t th eSAse- îto, WMu etur a bail .tantau.t dst icM .ît a .u-adi.l nccp-i nay u o=.Iiuueuu-uadFanfaiu eietcthIt,d5atihaeTaunTu-es. ___________..eybolide..__________ tht u- luntu- stict~ttteaknihueantTh- viun.c ttectcrît.,Factur.au-t. it i io.tt hn u-n thdc Thbel. etttic ..iebiih ichc.. i .ati'n tunetr. R A .ac uts tatcts encaeeiIiabiauti latunncassdc U .< the ontn taririàton Rayshui es D cn uti.P . uct.R .Ap.aa5.nnb. t 8bun 8hu . a -on, O..sac u-a-lntnd taA.. t1941 & tha, B y1 an akes .l ikt Ioeh 1'..u u-be n tutlle11, u vaab-uidad .. Thtbuldtu -tad li u,..e dta,Nuv .ade u fiereetng isT elda ,ehitttn -idcn uK lnc-Mf I TR E , e T MLO .O . P ON ti 4 eti Cit nt a bl e s u d e. id. "'" t Iheic ue k.a»tdt ta-lIf Mu-t. the- - vali lt cfh e- -,Yuenu i lictil.uu- or t W. T.cBarnardiPcdne 1 Hihuy e 25. au hn- thcd ,ie t,cheul.rpqeau-tu-u- ia g h t Yucnglaa.bp u'.ltthat cnac Te nnu-hnie futlltt 3SA u ssS atlM REUEtdu tm i i t cu ee -u aftiy hu Ket. An tiit e. tuiiucde ,uaaa t atn.Dnitu c d B. aahl, dfcn Felu.,c lluneneentlC.. sn.tittiy-t:d.et. hu.iatcSsnieaetectedTinca MI,. entchtelft t nyuintefat.- RD ROSNOES . PI. C huec WM S ALtt E OFna LACtnN DStet, AS CGRTE.ADTRCO 1utcuycuMatin L alg hsutuHtdo. IhY. thinhtacati.in _____ A____ N_____A ____D ____A_ ,tote on rdaymePt.urtslanit Wd- iWteaOctchG dlnhTu-ate Nhop 1h atnc. h enncf titsoiteATt Sutn Ce. hi teu-caForingnitc e Aett ea soi. T xe Ou-ttahaeeetthyu htcf e M.. . It . Mili,,, A.Oh. cMOAL 1V N aRtS it tuteeutu e.r2 l. hh.tteaui'thuu tha tiacadEL an n i , ha-titis. ou- .E.hlini,nîi1, n iSl tn, e.. l' ne ie .L o 1hen hee . h.laou Anuit etb auucsc eieih i n .u-.i 1ubo.cfinutllo_________ Mncteeoi n..pY. . celOS ,.Ond.. u-bcto u t fy bclpcs- u A g e t uuthu Miuse-fa t pn Sean sult.. iaccts h t eai.i... -. . ut nu cd.. tly Ra Un t b. - sth te-uve ai two tt et oin s- , [.,ci o -.fc I seli snefliîtum lf.e gd, nid tta C .Au-nttu cu hidîteet l(td t.gni acc. No. it. A u.t.Wh-l"i Tu Mettua 01,toAgldactid nfluhMI. tau du- eMieut. ttcts a n ien. it, tusteud..ilI ttc .. 1, d lieV fi - AtheTHORE PT-5à.. ceucit tbt tea 1au Tauf aust speakIer aM .nta j Floor s, "u-fluBictOrbNewh...lIctie,,h tnft:thuîAgt:.:cc..te . cntiati u-Inutm.ncul s..tih e. aut tut.. th c.vkd cet lt-tl itatSfu.TI aI . tuFin-yt de peet Ge offroyntii.g tht i. eaau-et, e .J.. 8 .- 9 d-esy.t-thact....aRpHavey & Carrd Srvceuttinj. thc hantictld-De.-i-utittuttatinut-tatasusedtu-ny ia.u-taclcn MnIN e-n O L P LSu MI L OOT. BEAL IY S5a7F The cecei p tauiia cf ltht h . bttcridteae-w. a d'I etgu. t clta, antMo ts undlng ttc 4-ahd Wu-hciîuthh Fliaith]7fou- ou-,îc iei0 26.. bâch. te.Scusect luee »,,ttttui iastl"wllnut Rathu cI Id tafnac e«.l (-lh Sv rSadr ac ,ldycseSg. u, 58b. il p tcitet auas d ne v ilant Bt, hablnln ttiît Tet . SSsa a t. Le. r la * th.i. p a , s e A B LfT lietthbt, tc.O e r atn t-t eaishlilt Ia tceiîatc-c.cut111, -tinc u i .. utT thucs3t-STAR ud : ISN, AVEUEand NISSERSI iîci Set. 2. ba c. a ,ii l Oh.c steeniuc s..e lt t . uy Wune-h. a ill dce-fpthhc. fe- tt, Ct T a 41 atTc Ta OD! u, utetcacuaduc.naani. enp -ctuiu rait.o tn. hlu-. ciduc i anea nd Muen Te - ft.Tw tadGEBB FE yteatetutcau-suda.e . tt SbA a h u eu ec esie a ub - , h.nndn ot intte . 1. e f cu al th e a ns ,, ilcht 2o t . l .. . E O EA , O L RI K , CI C E B R po u .k-u-tut EFlaut r..cta dccc Y.e l., ui Y.de t edy inatsn -cuaeetltc- c-5tn tSha o.. h" -ofA N C IN ! S. A. FA Ttu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i mi i en tu l ap tn-a ebs onnn idttfb - .t cpecauiny e itau te c fh .5 pî lu e. tan e-,haMilt ni. ahy lu-u Ttpgriuctea-ln-5ut aA u.tttanci . V1ilit s. c S andrdMinpc __________ ad________Mo___g ltutpeetattutatluti peu-pet. etc a4ft aa leuui attî, ad fle t h. Pilunsdhîng.vb- 111 dntciTye,.huStnue Y" n.eth. ta Ma. REDi C ROSaiabf S ud Cu-ethoiiu-,i,-lachantaytcatctict.tne-t e-u-.aicganut h atOce.Dnnui Hal tytnd dgaFp tti nttuifeiaî,attendla ESuSueeatu I .un-hi u na. .M.. iait in t c no t-a on.lo s' H l sud M Ie. p tia .11 7 11Wn.1 adna cate--,ate.nsn bti-ctettniunnet . I Sethof-ciath. B AMTossaei-, lt thti cuueatu ta ihastepoti i.1ued.y, W acctedieu-l, tu-tefsfuade hnsta- At utFth h tctuga-cd t Sc nlH E. UrAthbeaahThe WNcMtt,.acfsSt.at utttUniftedeofithelTcene-f-Miltunihct hy.isdey5tofNatlcutaiAandsServicehyuEvMette" - - 140 2tb p in. t...i. t .ho uvi n n BodTuhîtr pf elitoi .. ol vgai the_________i ýIcen a 1 c941t. îni__ NAuZ.AA 22-f u TSt. FsciMR'e.tlbae-edi. .D.. NO ES. . 1-1t .BAN. Pua 4 IUO4OBORHETA h1N, i tnci.ea Mlas u situdeDu. Red IosbantM . ntAFL&ho aient -------------- Oth ns228put Auticut er 5it te th daleieu ieul.tts Ct t ena Sieutict ite tn th.c NaeetnSu..L ftAthcO Qc)t.. aney W, HCP. o. deu.b.Waa- dunaa fcrath a Sud tly ,paofTea-uc inS e imaattta . fe heit a .cic AN S. f79 mt ne rvisu . Bapl at, . r 94 tut. i e oua ill. ietbua v. .ortne 2 e uct- la- tctut lle-. O dcu tasce-itut. asayhudfilI...ecW.,a tuntaintt hg.Ilatc F- u te trnilacne.Wm.on and ndegify. veiune o n ec...i etai . c. itauat, gatne Tih. poit iluFar mneîaî th eleo SbOcc rS anc. pue-ca, tscutn ce'hn uc,clî - @i is reat p and ceIr enaicurmd vise u-n"c u. f01i. n Mc au-utMt atgii fit2tnc, ttut 1Taiu- h ellttsn etu ercut.i No fate ve .hl. dchs, l- ian .Ent- s hoo, ftecti. cn .f2qtt, hi ah.C O K Fady unc bl.ts, t. 8u d . tac, quihis.t2cSucticecca atait.. 5 tuca etu t t a Ja11wh bui, t Wlue suisa sartl .l .vvr, I, a np.flaput.ilceînet -ff._9_______________ .7Mot.n.1.....he £ I.v i . i t t a i f a i. cit le h tg a ln u t o nifi e ntîp r.c iW.'tt h5fo i.c t .i i y u n b u . Aic cu-ct.Iair oru ce-, ILf Maicute - UN âI sudo.DE.Ya'tgldtceaepu Ilyu mcelatciauclu-auth. ol ..1 lie nudthcc Idcn-te c InaOc caa fîcu- ce nu-...dig th.lea c oeedietcnseciy, Enne- tefoadclndtccu-tqs Aet.tibtel .1e-ctthlu::tt . r-u.-tqci eiutctctStacît. Pr ti- u. lae..tatut tatu-feat... 1bt-Dy "Sul.îS ut-g AN fut .... let. s.uf n.v 2 , a apae.I d ..teaad-tut,01a cutnim u- cf tiaen hi cu., ...Rda1i*a.i-caoasA. R.su.ti.etsuui Mbcut f t.ppu 1 aitb per. als-i ]os " II and fL b-A i tndu c efa.gutlutad e s u ea e. Ten d MAta 85i .w. ' 0 .m ic a.aOittu l t h tiht o"u-ngs nd tc ei a ia,.no i r a t . eutc, .ue ,ee caiuuetut3utithaac.a0ia m uctinaliat f aaay f.oaut, ChJiaN.i t PLbca n t s -et -- M eLtih , 4,su thfa t se..nt ,an iacicc a s. ofth..c Il ntalofutirer, an it eeta inl B-t'o. lu «.yf ie d e .Wlatnude. nu-.trii tsa al foy.tahae .tf.cd asti e 2.lap.tu boa.stc it eu. bRit . d R., . oTeanaha, ls u ptu h fitu wl-a cre Ofut. h@iutac6.15ahCSA.haaliMt.uEtc,,aSD6.a1e0ncp..utgm.huSt.gtA .t , g e * LEHIGH 1