T he i t da th rl an K hof anda 1150 811- COUl-,ENiURY f- BiaNKIO P,,N, U Y YRFTPOUR Feed, Fertilizers and Hardware MILTON DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE LICENSED RETAILER 0F ÂLL TYPES of COAL ORDER NOW 1 PHONE 127 WR DELIVEIl ... arvey & Clarridge Service Station.. MAIN STREET, EAST MILTON. ONT. PHONE 876 3-STAR and ESSO GASOLINE, MARVELUBE sudI UMILOIL IL r ATLAS TIRES, TUBES, BATTERIES I0E UREAIL OOLD DRINKS,ECHOOLATE BARS -lamburgs and î2-4nch Mot Dogs--- *IGARS. CIGARETTES, AND TOBACCOS 'Couriesy and Srvice OuSoMolo VAN CLARRIDGE, MGR. YES -- VOU SAVE B UIG "OLD COMPANY" IHG IBe'ue t is't, dEAN -and11ARlOI 'IL nîte :LASTS LONGER- OLGA POCAHONTAS Th. Beýnt Mine ALSO DRY WOOD) PIONEER MASHES CEMENT LIME GYPROC WALL BOARD and PLAS1ER NYRE WS. ADAMS IGOT 16 Flou, Ie hhFny tet ele.'........"tAl. hog 15e 7ttil, w .......... 25, 24 lilt.lg ......... 73e Pumnpkln, Itel & Wits ............. 2 large tins2e Autrailan Suitanan, vecuum etrteed ... 2 I. 25ec Cream BiscuitsItestîttn............ 59e Red Pium Jea. ........ ................. 2 lit, jar 25e Tea. OcelOt I ,te.I htil........... 0 t. Iphg 40e Curuants, lttot1it.ete cleeed ............. l 55 Bakin g Powder, Rd & Wbitc....16 oz.t in25e Halloween Kstlaes............... lb. 15e Freah Roasted Peanutn .......... lb19c Marahmailows .........1 lb. pkg. 2ec Pickles, 0,tnenteel ît Niel ..... . 9etzjar 2rc Ginger Aie. GýI & W'it............0 oz bol. 15' Chateau Serviettes .................. pkg. of 7ô lac Tomato Soup. ('tene.& Ilteeel' .... 3 tins 25e Al Bran, Kettegg't ..................... large pbg. 22e Canadian Fruits, A.% te,rt, le- toinît....... tn23c t Ammonla, Haio n' ot FitA . ....2 pbgt 11i Emperot' Grapes...... 2 lht. 23c Table Turnîpox. n.l. . . 2& 5 Texas Grapefr'uit, 4 for ...........d Ici 5 TISE BItTER SAVEB PRZO WNERS ERES Quality alwajes hlgher thon the price", PUlI f*CQU *INOHAI wE DELIVEI IIAVWARD TRAN5POR;i Dal'y Direct Service -TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local and Long Distnte Ctlog atdp1tivitg. TORONTO HA 000M MILTON 3110 HAMILTON 7-3 Renew Your Subscription NOW PSBNCES'Miton Casadian Club ST. PAUIUNIIITÉO cIIIRCU Auetien saie Reria*.Op TH E ATRE ?e.g-tulerbochaisMelookn son "SnOUlbnE.«d OOwtholdno.. s,» ' Anp-tOo Molort ; mS B.on.onoodlihslgr ll~ ots l bnno o a. .b !gng t te l n . l spoNoL oao oe is bilRhZnq o ibd RIRRIb. A. & LienlOy&actioontner. Tdmlj ofN %" Il.ilo , Un. .mwE U tI tw .satom-am0slioln. 'b I, Of n, wn ho,.no lloou ÀonST RE Broadway Mînntl Show amnoste. ho bl onI odnofl ouasog.n Dison cu.si o s olnio t s . to th s or t 0Lh of th0en g lob lanne.Th. g-o 0 enVt5ny t th. sa". ntIwe L.tt1I___________________________ Celre Ct..--Ltt. Mis 1Lptioo oanhom ,doo - s w onf t 79liitp -Rà1litsrice mt o-tdont d b y th. i tbw,.nA 11=lintu Coi otoo LtU, h. poterai t 1tnoitt. t l; a RHan. kttPartnbt.tîe I liltl.. L.W. aOtneASHhînFORLEt thtpnt.Thnae"Gn ",tet't.,' il____ .lor.. .No 1." A , o. of oiaÉr TUEDAI -WEDILSATwc. Uneid'it nendiln.potdopos e.W3. hte',t tWANTD: u'dkîî.tet t ail PEROA - ROOBAP n ntd 0.0, dplniu td , ojnt, 'The Situaton in the' 8ttst t-i.nin Itd antd Vunlot Ht. filindo lortit .i , Otsn~Lha s&~tenceLaoavé , ipblin sed . gto sud .Le. p ira.halla.1 i , ilo..ALL WOOL FA L E S I S Lo.1.ihan sadnnedlt»Interve.nnt antd .h.EsonsingA--,don wllittsnttt2. 11RtuiRFAILE S IR; t..OniLos.»nineniiphi . T.ciny nwnso., Bts. 4e t0t. nh nloI n..IdRWIno01 517M512 tel 20 .We, G. Cdu T. e lto H 11 =Stb ho I R nitl.r' ~L ie ns et . Mt . . d,lg.n,tMnntZtr 15Dsot gn o ript ~ oolin f tî hl hncellr Solio Monod, ,jnno ci..esnn nd nd Tooton. W Mlotss-tOalHodni osaoind Gî is bl ltt1o.nnkn i H d Aun nbelievabie bargainilibelhe odoys of higin -"i o iot P ttoili nh Psnltlk- Itth i 2= .,nn w 1010 FId mll ho, toni sln. WE HAVrgeEDwaol pristei ors ihese allwdol Skirts lanhitte' AspcesMi. HîtnBn".e1t, h e i i sîl L euo t o n .lhpody t,@'Uitî .,eCoth otD.- tnSpol iinno ea nt ,d atd Noo ed of wool Faille in two poplar rteoden, otte Cnttdin Lgion uod C.Sneoo dioSpin EU. aiie wi A îtin Ttt, In oot Toh n. îkck ploet tylelie thnr tait re kirt niodel. hie.I-omo.ondIth nl Linhuma ns.l glihnc.) ;hot l nn, Jottiitt nrth.ise al let:t- oaesh ews 94 al o Fat. i sudt to, h.Ne..d 7 isunidl tsdnssdhyRn. .- Zcr 'dn.ltî'lt iigEOl.YukSoBlle, MiteraI Blue, Goldeni Sherry. logbi ruem.ei.-iri'nc wi-e lt et dA. eoL .n. crFn sit05 f Llat eo r lnt opay Brown, Black, Cross-countryGre ci 111), fiPOkl[a 11er.b. A td aiding b orOt. tîri n .1tst ntDeR. ,HILlo WALKER STORE PRICE oCls. Siti Parli rtiot s t ., neohoutb.' wo 0ta ll nt ORnet nt rnia.nti n tetW s,-R ,H mlo etth.tHa. ttio. N.dilldeonoahnd o . t. iel_____________.____-Y_ TPtuIShow .11notL tO t ,. tlisai o u. m lie Lh;d lieLho .thnulCturt.otn, .0 if 'eoiî,ypte. ih. ît.Hty vint. h 00 Uon r l o fthe ?rnitratil O F THIt TOWN OF MILTONGI S' IN E C AT aominswnftltw and Machinttî Mt,. ilutswetauirdsef hi trip Ttlle Ntte.o 1hi0 th. ot ottf B- Lnt thn tsto W dte o l t o e i ts H .Iy Ld. Lgh1 rtlc.'nh. niiol h.ld !tln t OiLttin -the F RT I M D inod . ottlolo1hnonsio m.otîau .wîî o..,d hyth. Lodt i.'entntl bshtt.tILanTnws tI( JE T I M D prnistt as wnet o iet Innlodol s -AidAIt .,nbat. ..didh.,rttofA. tnl-TA' fumI Ier -h -iut s3l Chaoisedt 11) LOA OtnNoto nonnhoidyStfiInUonî s udO n enlton,ont HnîdntBtsv. 3Id. 1941. eL Upt-to-mnt Lia O i Ill nititho. fie b doitySe .)a IclaisBloe, Wîae, Brown,(Gree.Stzs AL EWS fotlite. 1"o.tjo.os JAS. W. OLAIN. to1 14 years. $ es," ci .Thi Asn0" oo ho.igW" KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CRUECIIt lIR TREPIC Stennont. LI no nd, h . _P, o ' l asoso .0. . ottI nd o tlî 8 ...pots. h. lnasalto eaio.es oitse on Hanl.1FUN, nLut DONT deLnly &DY a.s..' las ubd. bot oonp oSai 00OlnyHi.. .* _ _______________________ bin o.,o Jsoo -19117t ns bt bunO t a n e pbi td. slo is, 9 . Rseh-.wshp ts _ _ _ _ _ __ _ a k r St r s i i Mr. Th'...W.te boIlIn..nlteroir t1A DE onthe L.pnoonmn'n w.s iàl.@"otl ksls.DA CN 1. W le Strs i td 1 h.-laoan enFieenPi tatu . o p set- e n. n9. I. p.i. T loni tsnnth 7,0 ..LhEn..g R.. Hall ontd 100 ono Le.tu b. plt.ootooOddfellows' Hall iPe.. 9__ MILTON PSS9 Sooso on. htssoutnded utE LhîAnd vorsrfs&i er ruta lbon.nt d.y-THURSDAY. 0001. 15h. c.ny acolm ie io H.llou ictoE!R AM0 1411U O TI pî ipi.nLI otbsAsssoohs now -lie nensT.WM. olimnn, Shothnot Ey Wednteoday Evening ________________________ boctLi. 0gatLhoiod luHalten sonoiy. HBl,-'.ne.Ho fi1n B tMdn 110,071for the . pssidoTus i, et Hi. L . osd tnd oolon, wlsI Esnd t a TnotlOis tnn.0.J.b ISON'BOYD ORCHEStRA I Mar. J Mo. ne &i l ostk-no d D M hine nlesE .i 0llod t yp s»y, oluy s J,-.ah-. OOUA D ItO AsORA PERRY'ADGRSSERN Ronno op " os s nn il2:1ot A.Iuse od r. .O o.on gntntar fotncou, h. o dnogilterw .10 s id IL wu the ,ttti.en. abc, uffeed. Ms. RIot, oCtsrsnt 1Otette, gon Il .. lo thlng suit. in-A dsido nnton be, hs.s lh tn U ne iloantîtntt otoinfi O A PR" R R Cto ItLA k O isO ,l noot ot k la t.sir titI Sotisiotth. t'ntiniiy ld la oTnin.t.UtOrilin ,onlILtI5I______________ hoD dg.nou ot to un-Sesl tao 01000, 0 nsm. 'Wen Utlitil nt'tr. Oel goss o.nbnltig. s fo-.Drit adDo..imla tiycis.sl ai i te.o it mas.sa.gsiby pntiong at Illoihe i,î ltettiylesos h - o 7 Ribee eibracie.PaT . vcto.of l bcsm i ot L h- istin.osai dhn .Rt tugnnt NetetClark's Park anad eans, OOt9t~e t f or1 bild1 th. Oosn' ' t UtiindChurch st i olti' hLe o sitntifor hi. and tonut, .1 t oOste.Mm. Weing. Cofe, OOLDENTON nW Ol10 au, ;e noeoti sa i .Pt i. l ..t. llt"l .i oDpb i t 0 hsttStilte wL oeutf n M tb,î nPemtdle.:: ,l toi tsntissTh. d spaerf.t, wou nîtr.od L. Dt nL'n1 n t.btinO. dt..c tAI]LinnsofnIIetly Cnultue'. H.SABITA.Q 1 The.pnints.,tonndnr)...otnOtin.oss.2molfototeto5n CdZ etp.RuLttOwti s e n,tt. . Stanensud a .i-ly saof &ppo intennotionl lire, and Riant it , ne C.0 oui o parad e l tlyninnitoni ltfin aéieondtl t. dtloyoi k -to. ttn liotnooltgla ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY SHOPPE pt rt. Teelde t t acsheîsw-..odo.te.osodil s9ttut "a ..aOOi.., tatauis. lit, h f oi. ittt Pho itn t Il f Apitaet.tt n em a 'hn barfs, dpattoe on Teanote. t ne oi otno.Suennîto o2opoL t îs tntne23ic Fit.ihL nnp .ie,.uotii Osîtîtto nsrty tbree oioLh. A souj,' *n ûbo. ,.hts. ut faid%. MISS M. HENDERION AND AstnL. op foi l L i. iîn tt-- -soî nsonsî ILtH. P. înip, Tb. Blibihw.l, as c w ...ttanis A. eR. RLLIO'TD. l Peanut Butter, 9 b.yAwyto y.otitoi tsO .Do.t.FCH tin .W.oes ;n.01..d no tde it' iM t AI D EB E B Peanut ii sieli - lb. 19C 1iî.n iOgd.lnosîll JRs . SB Hott .od SilE Hoena. thlotis*Lt t eoiil. letlit., Yt F Wdy hys Id odîR... oî.1niult fondnfolsth.pirpoe. e lonoddoEMYA ete.,der d is . V T R ' S Hallowe'en Kisses - n 2 lbs 19c .hi.nhlaoaignu o dole LLahn-and - ing, th.tCtriti..outienl k tdy for Il I.. oid lodaitoSouot nttte.LIoiiCtnn.hhn. i ton .igclow n hLî rr . .' . ' 1, p ,IdtIieibn. ci. otiR Pe11- oott.-Loa , i lst. Ad elt.y nono.op tnîwd. 'ot yL ixîd Peel, bntt, eunt, per III-----------------29c n cin ..tlao.nocobletnh Iwssm. o.Od ih s orEt hon.i _______ Beit2tIi i' ILTON. lRed os Greent Gioeed Cherries. ptr 1Il>------- L.Atn as Kontn'tpnO l ittngtfnw antIIi.oh'op.o-49 poofitnduhe YîS he. Tn. qo, t l.h ohed Sla Pno hocn nugPpl ,cet'.rHALo. . Shartening, Dontetic ne tewet, petitb---. ----- 19C diam er, lotile vint. oderai n oswbt. ite nu, î iî one insa P.,ne.oii faisndilTenthnw e t.h' to eîsn t &n ..e e ntteonh,e l tt ' gi- tus h l.î aoii sitlH iSiht cnionYo, Urhlis.loiHt. .n a capn lonlnho Butter, with an order n - lb. 36c ooopntilnnn Soi.. 1 npoiîtin Il i b , le...10 .14 nt onl. T tes n o- AL t itthe i s ttttg t t et .septte l e Cie-tnt oetLthtVol...n ,, r.piotntd ta..y, mailing.oLte» ARDow l. 10 L >sb.n nto' td nsntiotg..utam.liernttoihtlts. nOdt fonnorponito.10,,0 .eeuy. SouîloeeodînohtPotin Y.P.U.,tlted tthi ione te e t i Hltin otho 25tthdoPo Sa o iehtpont11.2.,e. Pio.,Rn. Ocîit. 191, th lnet n tpnof a t ýo Oîefn lrî ioe ----------- --- 1r27 o« t. ., n.rntuudd bootitg t. In...i. ttty nttd mnJ.Mtoe.; pu.dt, ta yCte ooit ntttthoGl Hoot rapesruit foiarg ie5-- - - ine27 ilt.. e Fintloh .cPn i Halte o ue. 15 ondnnoS ohttJynt.ISo.sntnd, ptpa s .tdennt, Joue Cînpnî t,-I 5t. iii. H-i.ad ht ttrangMes,,eitelOltnfotr000tint ___---------------------__________________ ai ado.g nonh iLwiil 1.onennonod O l ot ».totoantT.doy. Th. lie, tlpe nd.tJean M&îNohh ie..,ty. ort liattin , et tthtter , tispnte, th cserfture onnoie additioetO, blitîod ta have etartdo àfas liy M Oistot n ; ttttnti.R .o. n d 1tedbrathyerioltpno t ant'O .n Fo ils ofntht loto 0.M. Roberion saisneLtaex, baron, t om.a. so fstchImal ; Hnlon., Barth Onit *nestîn-rcnscor ionmunnrt...toi tse' o0. = IRts.Osi Bissero, Oow NnIgh , s-.avarled .On h.ilsst . Ropi Ortitt;tCultitur, endiig Lanlt.w Tb.lon dyîlon- ttSi.Lo. îeLS HM.Mittsis fooi Psto1 h.Hîlatn iltiy ditercil.L.SPanish Oaiaon----------------------3 An25c Fate t.ol Piil o nn fmeW.ttoLo tcat. Leu e it t 84,000. po. Pioil, .Mnoh Sn ndiJAti. W. OLAIN. B îloîost. tîiey -sossîto i o.n.. ' - Mar.miuller; Rtfon.hnsntn, MariontI, l rtoseSrionte, qtart bei------------------ SC tieosntu MtreFouDtbl000 Strlsoo tot'ont 8,L.- SLO okonon, pFiato Omet. Dotri t Miltlon. Oet. 131h, SOL1. Swet Patitas - .- ----------- 2 lbn.15C lthiten. st tics WnIkî poltay Foin Ph, inlpOSIoo o o opnNttodraIuT. F p. oUt. Inît..c iog.tib Tomaooso,hot haoe -------------- -------Ili. 19c Rusebt gai. n.. ma, itoubpns.12Choav ..a kl eL. , o. ot.ott cd tho Hoitt. enn'" t' . SnoosApplea ----------------------- ba.A't 29c np g îigo.Att, tti o-Csî.Hootlta 0 tasn Ign.ly tongbotd loto Ootd.y ltttnnnn .In 'ThnSusoogae CourtOf Thno liieu. Oiet. Chth.Miie. ond AIt Saie1 nt.d aoaat.tEng . Itl u t 3.4Unpt.Hlo Cues, Lettuce, ChiteesL(ttiice, Welererete,Ptîl , Te th..etin 0bon.s, nnd IinsHiî Himeo M.Ell wiLb on int10,ntng o.c.dîneonn. TAti Couonly 0Ca1aeTîtopt Prooi Thool st. ' u.* Toa 0hL.- sn nottnhi0il--at-n -odto bd b. Yioeg Pînibeset isoo enepîte - oel '.oion aoîe .s tri opeo 010 n iliyo t t loe bttsth Iîl tt-î'ltho.en htOudîtipe Ptoses 2d'Ait.oto. o IIriîtbui Lh i t titnilaiosit it.etOLt t hemtttt h Oirin.i a... f T. Canadieno Chnpii Illoi, onus_ not.'s,à'odn'tmaint ndontt Stretetstl tl.llelbMloilttonoio t Otîto Onîîîudn bd oposSesetog Dosotki.1010 ilad7.rThî ontlpfio ai .WolttO Htot.. hoth Oeîtd _ _________________________ ae m.tEsit Fth.Pontn STulierniilu p,dt 0tsld etn beh it h~ St .00 tnd et,' snte b nu Ststoy. "tio' nrMot ToP'"Iy" a ttît1 otios .ts dbna to owai 01t Ei oil Fuir eoonn 7akgv. nttstiOîL. soioondLottDo.hn. O d. .E. puNO e t- te aEtinuto t..n -.2dt. o She nl pi 0 s -oolvD nutani o n otegInC dU BA .-t atar ,oosu ho' thrîf on tol.L o o d pnoi N oRlP no te.Pt C irY. s othl0. Tuerli.; .t , uiM dsdor .tlo 0. al t, St ihs. no i May'noe n al - biîy Jt. ln. tla,,ch t tce n tnti Ioo s c I S t EtoLOSe-- ii,.y Adn, ctn fnt L tg t otsputdate; otdpoalliai *poul aettàOtî l ai htToeaic t.Ann sO I'snott-Ras. end il MURE.Meurs But . Tu. i" ai'ntn ., . o ttrd0W... t .h natal.tosWnn.nuade- Dure Py Ht ' @ ak ptsalîDnibeîtts-Mitn hptr tort. vlil . ie ,d c ie'.Md TnEta Nn t! Tflgarîtooundd to yerslti ___________1_- one ae. uthr Dtt e- I--.Ae ý aIr Ot . 301,00 00te Ott o ely Lett arl lnh e H t nt . fhs lehrony t ai.ae deo n dy a.ît. Pttti Localod îo MLbghi,..t ho .1So.etlJitoe..tîtJ.t.t.t1 ttnuo ane onbenod a to olueiu pacs ROito. Orso t re . Aîn d i o _1O.ny - - ill qeittecisit.Emp .ire o 'Itî . î, Tpr o-l pnSI ithnnhtBnta ao t, O til lot ~ ~ ~ bu Lincoe-n oltgte change I o fOHiP E BEW tas"- IgT aondot2flic ..idtiott yn.otdyWo HonnllO isoo. 0Me - se. taIe ttnodo. Itd otn oltoNtov.ots t tttl t.k ht 0th Tste Sti-o.tiit mSonintay eanotoogs,00 doaem t 1-.soti tln t o orootoîl totiot j Ek'tr1ete norout t t he otybBocaniNoaecotaSrretduel bain t h. S Wn Ise nlbndoiLs li. oioo 0toutl t tnhio Oiîîus OOteill iiet8.1oenîn.aotedin t at e nS tbomade0E W.t e. O RD. Trplaesu o On.rois Soc.ty ot. Alwi hîLuseeyotoh nne$18opo ut50n n.in D.dytt'd"t- en oîttto. 10i. o ..hodl 0 In the Candieno it 0 . mits . cio5i l uttntiooc no nut nto, ae n sS tty'I'h'tt.o A.t..ttuttolî. WE BankRoLLNGe-no tOtste net Pho OtienlomlgrtatPoppy tu tilot i. oioth o r Bele-,- - - et. Mît aLnt. trin, I t 0eo,.noto th nîntLn S ttety 0luth0ey.a Lt, Setinim. o ntj . -nnt..ItndWt eeeOntn 01 410 npooKa. teatoyodnn.ioid enth n-obitoen t ýlooitoni oo (îi. p,-I "" f.IýbtadMra lzBy t era. ta&su ooo i lto. o o i c on Anto to tnosîitosanntio n h,t.nd o ulenn -Il 2 10qoitte no h .leinttd . . lotlo ,et, noh est t2 0b. Mîtn -o sl i ttnnetn O.O t toton t1Lth. yB. iI. mte n ,. .i nn ito.i...niter . 1 Wt. hs ntO la ntoofranc t ino, d ie. îdt a - Ht,.,. l.tth d -l O tk.14.1 OtOtn Cet.ntic, oonI, ti5tntî. Atiti.tsaval o,îototntit.ooL.fins.lînîtOeonuto. '"""T 1.ioldoilRlît0..p.t1 î,tteen etett.tt,- tosc 2 oitttlt et a n.es t , Bcdor.ilaténtie len o ver -9 TOWN 0Foil MRAYOi i LR, TON 10.W ott.On.letn cts" .et..e.tt.t Hs..W esîonHin et h . ,o nîtoh.î .. i. ho- bn.H hcml L hcuc, W L RI L N YY U PT$0DW nrilI t hP et WE NEas. Y,.tp ntsuat in10hOh, 1000 Ot.. LA IO Q E O I FrArass ar.eteteBu tttt Tis . t l .'.t t.. .. t û Du oe e lMBER Fin. RPt H AocnI îooont u tnr n o ene P .1ds ___ae___edf,.l Iltll& PIon nth tl 2t l M bîng n;tett;ttt taeront'.t.' 5, ta'. gd.tA PNI a" usac o te .enna ot t W .onsn distyp tant ..d th..tey....t Hîttîteii t..t..of.'t.....6 n 't. Otaw tooO.tll lo..dbîiE.eîl5so'ntif'>l. tn .tate ieon, t e.tStt-tlisaite mr e . .TttetdttntltttttO HLlo -ESTIeAL Eg oo.S . nit L nenee thîuu donol ot, ftooflo..tbi ot atend srtn o tkd»Il .. . 'plus tosudo..oooo.oop3 tho net ttt..e.e.t.. t ...î. On oobtisi o I o. B u.t.un-t Ret .etdSihiteoI t Ieote.nteILteont o îonThtno t e h td t, ett.t YtentH.o Ms..iece noe ito "Smo 010 Bn, Moter, sttn..t'dtetl bnn T . oot a i ON.b S t.. h t e d ud_ tete ,tt.el e 1 net Do Ont. .d au i..t alonienno, bohu nnoyopit.. y elollcl trihbuPMI TsO tctht ne et.tt le ppi s e l bil i licni t.D a a hon ialns.D S E E V oo. Lo te e o to hihd MAIN BT.oILTaSONTNteFuile set. -ýtiteto tttt..t. r~g ith ttoi iittee oeobdn _______________ oreîn1 Cnes Oit of0Un. 0. . e noeMM. asB at Totetîentettie, htbaralnOet ooiett.tettcl..t nts.tttt ntoi loso ntppoaottn- ' sudeie tD..tt...inoOnt Oionoîdn n ie i m nettu, t Hs odt Aeno 10000 MLTO, Benonti. t ues' tal lnt oil ent.d f.oe to r. ltnnnnnttt en 0Sl 'le.-ttt. w tdlie belliHn oEDtSDett bp faim aviliottt, thets. noO lidcetrois_______ (fi___ ns. lo hn, nd h ' ded t...l l DCilno.oto o .tins. PIe T HsIn S ,pidl uar________________ noeh pnttîoî thorotS Ong, l017lIl4l" wiOhoO 0kutild cnent.iOod l edt psu y L l e" olytop St etfe oio its oiZino bSr lN 'tlaolo *IIle t ilntnt noleth, ttl t'a ttt l loing dSssd. Stosion~ 0T-i . tno tesen s l.,îoiou OBOOAIZ dt tpytn $,100 ne-t ,,tt i 11l»ufr litnbîndOtsO S nclsbit L ti n nd -'toM$5nt o t oreîtt,, het tt.otet t pt 100nhkt l. ,Rnos nd Tfendn i o enn, P no , Utos oI t1.un Toot .tHlno. th . nsOhO ttos Il o nteth onttîo ln î e- poîoio. OwotHh.o gno UOhle il 00 n ftîle er0afuilait.d isnt i IbTfe n.a. ttor ti t ...dola la W Tinsm it ON E BB trth e tn e hit aretn ttil te An bgore.00n n- lot nn ons1En t. dn eU Den SU A SOIOO t dort. l-t .h otînM e I "l n $i nso.d no~i 0 s UonLOo.y.W T: AU R . Pnn 4 Stc Au:. PooolH0i . of $10, w tt. 025 lana ntlîte l