BUYYOIJR IlTog trip Ego.. pointRedCroe"aid anad Feed, Fertiizeru and Hardware BIG STREET PAIRainLeglonon tthe -DOUBLE BILL- Dn'L balai hIL bers. lethPidayh biglât A tIt d t ,ou.qu-p hhh J- ll Ala . Hai WÂSBW-H..hy Ph. Pu- ..Ry v..hh .men on.Th.y ha.d15 lft IMILI .t..pptdp. .d..l..dht.W.lh.Bhlt-TON DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE "n iGUT ImN h..,...filer uau.. b bhm. no ' S RIEET PAi IR % * I THE TROPICS" gt* lit _p,.S L. l ap Brult sud thld. N.yl. . ft, u, LICENSED RETAILER 0F I Ib.T,. qlt. in BatyRI..4Miltn, ph... ý 22. dttbl iI 'PAIS 0F THSE PECCOSo w:n'. "flh , O., Ie, e MAIN STREET, MILTON ALL TYPES of GOAL lir. ,,2. t TURDAYEVNIm PIOE ORDER NOWI NMfc 2 t, Slowne.113 H,îa,t. f Jy TUE WR DFI I't FR .- APLE LEAFS 13-OWL 3.AUST 2 s M.,o"Bt ausC h TR " P1o,. hto.oool.t LoL, S.f f o .tt.1 MttI 9.1M.S9dY«l9 obot..So. .,o M t urot. oo . h... eb t t. ts,,, li -1# jIS 1 s ---- --- --- --- -- tIdeDady 8to "balt.- ansi. 3-. M chis44 t b t«,, t h. .b ar. of ho__B., __8 ___14_4toonto nd th. .ht, l 512 .Harvey & Clarridge Service Station ... -'tito Place@, No. 83" .PMb. . .. d.four niLt b. Ttabout 12. ar CHRIRPRAX -b ituTî-h b t,t t. tE ," le tts *Fun S& Frolic forAli MAIN STREET, EAST MILTON. ONT. PHONE 176 00N0I 9 .A.T.S. (Caienod i., y eT'Tdp : . i I,tond ______________________ 'iSTAR and ESSO GASOLISE, MARVELUBE and MOILOIL IL Jt1 ,h,,RhttO..t l eg. l ri i t thL.,@ fth. i.tee.L,.,5 Bll Ranlo n I ,thet f h liat tGREASES-FUEL IL &.ilCh... Cbu et L ot 10 ... d th tuth. Io..tttes . IO. S.a.A.Fite. tLtdt hI tttt" ATLAS IKES, TERtiO, BATTERIES DVL ofMS OlE t~ th., a t.. audrefhe.. ParL ...S .d Lbn$the1 Lt.f, ohtB IG N ID thtY I2E ORSEAU, SOLD DRINKS, SHOCOLATE BARS ,Th.roIu. .,Weil.,.. o . er , toth hllteIas htdttd....,,n 1.0 t 815,lut .. t otl.Lb.t"t "0t th."Ippf' LIt ,d dip.. ot-i. L930 p.. .to. y t S00 Port h Itut.tP.lliLand Pper- GetogeOttttIi. wht. y 1the wu '" g tne eet,,- ad -laniburgs and 2inch IHot Dog- .bdl10t0p.m. fieat l.Se. 1 -90-1Lilytt 19.1 .t tt,Lh It . ,..«.td Of hg"towdog,d,.,o.c,..d.. BOOJI1S GAMEfS -LIGARS. CIGARETTES. AND TOBACCOS _and____________ t ed W. HoLM.pee. T te .n l a .. t h a L o d tte. Dnce0111n "OL'T lot1. TIthoet No. 940; f, Mes Corttîty and Serice.Sur Mollo" 'Notice Te raru Certificataa WiIItht:htd,t irB lin..N.- i e A t r c on IVNCARDEMGR. ~LOCAL NEWS f Stidnt wht."a otlat ttud. A ntd- Saeacn.""'lo b pîoy.-. ,ty BSEALOAK VILLE BAND l'h StIitStretbh beattLe.tdooS1 tt.le'- l bu.. muettttt 1. a renaîh crottof pein, i h.. t ht eplter Tht ____________________________ 8h. o.tASOLIlIE .ith Cerf- 5,delay ther t.. of 5thRtotttoottot Y ES e-- YOU SAV E Kox '.ltrituftttt. C: la ru t. .B. rcltlus,.Halbtold st.ille, Ana. LefiF LUOKY DRAW - .l..g af h ft pluh , orL. ______ Il7-tt.t l ofO.k.t SYSJII lfM A.V og M... R. SBit, Vctoriat 8. KNOX PRESBYTEIANq CEliCH the~ J.I. H.. c For Five Valuable Prizes. Bec,, tiis tiliso .LEAN atd HARD- Rtne V-..tD.w.t. hbu ,tu.,,.d VcttoaPetit S.ttttt.y .r_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____fttt htr t.., .,.ht vacton. Wtt.htp th. Lord tn th. spirit ni Tht hîo-tP oto. ILt th Wht.StAt. in'ht"th. it -"LASTS LONGER -ntt ' ho thtMi 0,1, . otShAtotttî, rend pt.lg 5 thhL 'ilbotiatg.Srl T 0 , h.~E~ EvofySUe corne and Rstist thoso Who are heJ gn An L.d m arI PL t. 2&27yP UNION SERVICES. dr1Ï1. t-7 I. bhth ..05 o th, able, îd .u'YtO i tttStht on ., OLGA POC HON AS tthtr..oLt, LOLTO PAR IOS .tL-Mtrtgtth IoLr .tr. t us.tohlI pinci evts'.th oor boys tt dttfeat itler. OLG A ISîti Miud otl IhtIS ot .SEPT, 100h and SSth, 7.0p.t'R t egtth. o. ttootrto, îtlptot BetNiidthi Y... Ras. J. RIddti l it encul L 1. t h. avtetrht tti- ,, Mttot..______.....__________ _ __le.iltr r. .i iA heby ALSO DRY WOOD SItreet oi"bit, ,Af t . o. ~. t. t,». opt,tt.t d tthyttt Crau ad nd atiori.dthe i. triFREEo.ADISSIO PION EER MASHES ot. e,.Rh ,, Hi, Ho! Comantate .Fair ntt Ilht @8tt.t tt. tt IttytetîtePîtoVolet Orattillt lentI Tht. IittM itnRdCostn h o 1 r-y..d i.iu o itn id 8.t.d.y Litu . 5ss .,. attttFoie o.tu o5,pl thIo t 1 , , tt l'hn CEIVE NT LI ME Tht.OLt.di.: NaLtioal h.bbtit 1 o .1 .. Th..dty.t.OkKhdo: :k,.t.. Err,-, ________________________ GYPROC WALL BOARD and PLAS1E R Frtd:y Atg. 22nId. f un Reit.o.-ftrs 1. inttoe ft_ yuccaandSforb tltdtwtfiitol t o- UM M , Ltt3. wrttî .th OuvriTtrtttt.tSO, ot .l rien ttSt .hr O,, i - o ,,, IIRLIVERED PI ., 8, t ...toat$Ibr., ootRdUo.t ,. b. o lttott ANYW8ERIMONT 1 i t ht Tooto tar. t.yotte..od.ft obt R uII 1 . 59. WS .Oto51...1 bAD A M S.At.1. t9r.otoo Slb ipI. tkhtarc 5t. ttytt.ILtdleot,îg ad t o dsam l itt . Wt d r ,h. . Ltd.ttt.W tWo t15l Wl,. (1O94ly a os tittt ttlu t otpttlLtt y ..lg t ut ed, the IR lt h, - Lttyooht.tho.. oO, t - N Ot, i Lt.htot h. OOL.MenCtt. Fut., it. e Cro Lb, St.rî 0 Carroll Jur L AB, A.ttt l1 1001 St.tothtrhtoo, vi e b îe ra 5~ tL thMhadMs Hs- Mne.. r-ithtgtwe . ..o,ti d t,, Kt ht,.,,1)015 ORO Ittt,2 jr - 2 O p tel l L o w 9 $ t, h E , 5 F rt S p e ll ot, S l d I,. 5 . 1 , T h t.d d , W ... i, r e aoo t i .i . h o t $ 9 4 r . o rt .t Lt t. l tt o t ie ny t t t th t. h o b tu t..g f o to t o,! o i : h e n n ' t F l e , p 7 5c l'o per INjit ,L.ttd Oh. tod tjote tor o,,,.. o r> tt ttd b y l tttt i O tt leit Btte ttttoth bs ,t K t httt .y itl~B , o î k S rd S S thl.yI.dt.%otth.actre o fitht. lot Quf atrctf>w a ker co " baS O 4s I. o 1 P: o, ett,,: t Ao ,t,,lte i t. AOe 5 .g.1. tri . e.k. -ct . ho is Pr.... Sts oa lg,.ptyt. toP , e h t u o -tît t hettoran,. Wtt,,. lpot ttptot g o, tth ,I os lIed..h ria,.woeh SSlrnOO fo-r piîl ... ce ~ ~. ,.,d , ~ ct Ch.y u.m .r tuo s.t Ihit. _ . 9/ dd-mextrtI R Ahttt B t-.f#ýi .ho, o" o l.. o . Th-oftt l.da ySott..,., .dy O ktti .igh I.oe ,tir t gfortu nb odys ait ihmlootg o C sîiofe , 1lb b . b.,2fo ______________ ht otu bitaoStndtit, 5.0for. Cbttth REDi RO SSltt NOTE S Ioto ti .to . ,bo ..t-.ho t he191"t1 _a-------------o1 MTieo , Soo .. Tl.le. . t S Oui . .,itu . -ry a y frSt,, ..oy tid t it ho, e,tî. ,0 tOrffsL eoUSO PieîF$, 12 , pg t -----t---î avr-ne P"t.4 B . .d dWi ttog Rth t... r .rad i h iitth n t-fu tebys hý eat TahHAMILTONtMinimum Ille Cents I h tt.&tbot Whiteef te .1 - 11 i l', STh. ort 1 Ghni.Chare,, O.D.lie ...dieu a tinBrad Flour l. a - $2.4 WEDDInS Pstry w«. ID.n BEYPacag Expre. ifL~ M.. fhtL'. fil liotel I.biltS a rase. Wh t,yL GtL.Don aio o dr,1 - ----- - 19, ttik t nlýsO icket fs ie e i.ric .e i («t H ombedrMp..otuit t ,e-ulti g dtîlr OooipbtOSod.y. P. . 1,10 Sod R lî o se S almon Mixed PI kl , 15. o zA 1:î - 9( osy ubk Co ve le t ATENIO Lsi..o gt, ltlottt to tef th .tptr oloth. n DA iI2SONIitO I, N ' ' ' 'îto nts~~~~I pSrig' mieE o o ial ttotdhile.ittrtttA. o, BiscuitstptItIt.htoo SLd Lcy To, odtliOitt. , rpfotJoc,2 o.ti,2Sr- 2 II( C ttî, IPL Ct.... o l . atttg oo w..r S o.g l ieM r .DtdttSOh utSt 12T i ik t e vc ir.oad M- Btenjamin Ht o in. npot. s il Ilit b o r oihît, Isolnd: n2 t .t, ltit ot StotiRLbos, Ia bîo r atg ot Ceor, l tini -- -------1 only Q ick -C nvent t-PT ThT O d.d,, gou t lte. i ott5ttt ttt.. . .it f t ci.. .oî 1 I Dkth s,. Tit, httdoottoickes,28tz.d. --- --- ---c9 cents PerhMile Eooottitoitstt[,, tS hotot- . o:ototoo Ptttoto~~th Tbo no-05 ti y,,fii, t,1r 00,t ,o o, u ofttand hi.t olît Drier i neG a efrit e , 2 1fr --- 1 tluttoy At l. 1. bLotOtto otoi tho i. o eoi L, BI.itoatt ot . .. Mito n. t ttt -i fy pirito blended gai.- J'yt e nrii , dieutr",Pju" t.tiOtty. hi., ctuntd,,,ye,,th-o -t, ot.r 4. .t.. And A orye Bisot, fo r b---------------- -- -- 210 Ltt b. W,, . " oI. »Itotu,, . t..To.boLSitoS tS. Id _, oitte. eh.: t,, -- -- -- - - - - atoîlg 8 ' F - i fi n tth o to M . . .1tb o th î . . b , u a " 7 .t e -1 I O tr d p b i . 8 e .1 ta . rpL to t L o s, w .8sried p . "B ita n ni2 9 o 3 5 adM.C "Haeuaei a. L.rdo ate otr d t,..u ý. t-Id S 514 u . t,, ooo l e .Set ooo 1tt sog. ttt St holtrttl thtR,,, tttytttt t h loto of. Mr. oan M. 9 5. S rîapetI t goho. ttlie ttaS,- .. . .. l b fi..k ditifor atvef. 0,,thoo..,oor,,,,,,Cle ns r, it ____--------------____ ___ __5c_ ittrtd.~~~ ghoa de pur if S... it ,t t fat, t . S'IRbry b t I.oLhi h., tittgt __________ ,tl En t~ tre t, l tait lu 'tort,).. c.oný lit r, .th t,t.t Inoth4 . i tttt ra t .Litto. l iy St tht p. dl.W.i o - - itry o i oS a l ke ,f niy sz ,vk - - - - - s ~ ~ ~ h t5tt .W5rdy u.Ph tiet viR.t , Mr.W.. t totoe., Al. wADh AS- ieSrSt. . w.. to. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýîo Thtgar whitoe spirit or0 ottteht.,dloo Tht. -hp, t4oo'SB,.A. ,MiS. tolÀ 1 AP i lgi.. LbA. P riat ando ..ot . ldrorid o e ttiS t etLntet luts,-ot .. iot dooihc., 1 bit tP lN lNG Mkof Wlt15 t Tooi ('dt rt -to.tdtht o o. oto t.1,St, i Sot H o itoS Wo r.,, ,,,otd ooo ni OIt.2 Ru Oe,- -- -- - -- -- -- -- --p E S c h t ie , . t.tS Mk P..". "e,-My, i t ,tOrangetsotih ,.5 r.I J IoSoo o ,,ttt 5i.d- - - - -- --g - - -- 9 n 5 Sp g e tI rih O o,,1ig. 0 2 îtr R ht inlhe loic"toî itan), . o. - op 0 tia k. oh hot totil Rt.. I. ,. Ttt mt,-W Ltew My 1 T oEo t0tfl obleas t-t . cep - f.iLoL .Lbot h0or oot. ,il .o.edh . ."v.ttlit:ooo Ra.t. Iro Fr Ml,, ~otog oSttplr toît y î,ho. t.h ht,.l 0, -z~ogt, L lot S.lmon Iltoiooo, Aothte - - -t h. h Ao to l 0 . Il.. 0t , . hID o ritho ta olMride' .oyry. bh.,,, trt "'d SatttPt t alsi St,:(Otc01 .ttto,- -f h o i dct. .5~rJa.. Atto totrt h, o( aotbt nt oo, Mi.. Etottyt Hto.y, Saimon.- - - - - - -il ."t fn0t y d.i. y ,tI a t.,titb., dtlo hpt .. E. ,to L tudoithg Me.t otttotitt Tht- FOR NAL ___________ THRTE trr.. bag,. iooîo sro vurL0t, unBo.. Soeot,"r'otiRtt to h. Op Laidt. td,ie.. Dooto,,Wo.t,,G la In. ferLhrutoooso.1 a-oL lfututeo-t:,tt t ltattt tireur bu.._la________ __________________________________________ hr.d. Lbnlob P oLî -mtano . 0 o th L. Brute 0t Miol-t.... AppejuceKo- OCtsio2 0 ctli, - OS . 1t frtor..idoI S Mlot. IttttotL M,.Pt,,.,Otolti, toto R&adtubdistrict, o,,,thtto Sreti ottt0-1 11-9A i~~ GIgrAeth'S.:0w, :l - OS, B itl o t s t t e meoleo, ,. S tee rat,;ul.KI.y. ,,,oîy.i05 tyM iot 0dt. GO DOJ. C O O K E D ilin ~~g0~~>o~o ~ ~ ~~ - 2 Sot Po~~rttr S ,Tahg~. - roule G irsI-t,. d h R oa ldre Thla ert laie 1.a Stefreu. il Fna rM1 S i. tt,.:c îth , Eer eaao a aoda LOLVN A Glilettaut Ls-------------h libr SPt. thetto.ttlutos lr.. il" rifta Etî,, hout dtt,,Rt, siud2 M.lon w0,,t. bari i,,u laI t.S - 1941 P INTIN SPk- O OAI W-t Wel o 0w FI.or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Wal-Ih.îe - I i, oBc job a.mL . 9 1.httt Mlo.. b. S To o4 n-ou d f o Stot ht.rHrl WiauLt, . e. fNI LPS t ew, AO l nie .......a...... . . . -inlie t . ofMr'sud' p_.r1) Frnk wlced lieotte *i Rtttotthl"ta'.....PtMr.ttaeO Far.clt, moriet e toiR tpatat a îooSoit o ottir. b 5. y lahtbat , w-tab o wn o whi tehne23,. l..ITO5r ParS S Ioa---------------------....4 b.ofn19ec -t.h ot0.. ba i~iD r s bSoirodd otby-St o thaet, sal tionttit st 1941e. ntrufsf l The0 T PONO03 Calîf r t r p f u t - - o B t c ltt O tto . T t h. o tb Lt.totopo, w s bolpt xt tub rt rouTha F. Mi os . ey r,,, - . rdo . tT._H.____ ____ S ula t rasnges ;ul,: .,..4-- - - r t,101 l , . undee ., 'h. gotto, bi 00«It. Th lgi oS b fi i s 1 o , ,-yD oo h toW d tttt, t15 t.t tt- I- , a1,,oI TSNli 10 B- 1 ,z' ï o ic,*ja... R49e ,toit g -oe 4 th ,d,.yt otril gt t.oi,,, dd al t Oîtt1. th 9 "1. ha o t hite.ooi , 8.znk Is r ang s. i:,gc -tc - -o...9e th, o L absen~ t. L L tIl , ht , lL o tt r 'ol _l _ ___aeo, tot,.. , ttottwo tt i . ,. b. t. t e o bMarl t oi . I vTRt eue:S,,to T oor , Cttîotlîr.S ride .Ly otor ort chiLb , ttttt t ta, . P hioe t:: týM u fo W U ci a t rer oeid et ot t on . lu se tento.odm P,tt .,t D ominioth t o re,-II P rt suitoo fth white e. , , a rit-ri , V.H . tc .P Apple J l wayKiO-rs hie or tinthe... p fr ie tenir ,,.,e ttelhie o iS hlroh. t iS. te5 to, 5tht8 , t t yore anrdtht uoth ,,. Tro tato gdt bt otW Ap l uc.Alr's............8o ii e CmtAttîttta Io.g Ku,,'L. Ry St orad tD ., , 40,5,, ott, sbM.otr,.. AtS to o e,o. LLSTSIATY SOP otto, gtAl e , e t,. M ito 1.%, :301 oz.otbott........t....5.-et 2 fort2îl doCSo th.gatfield ory t naintcte" 0,bdtttita1,, A1tp.tiraitA tti iT PA Y S TO B A R R O ....I .....U 2 A iis. 5cE ' M. .. hefeme ,.. t PtARKoitootottM..W iyh.d lumbîCngctr R e3 R v rC ie l .. .. .. .. .. D.... LIVg.2 eR "l o .«d edyl., , o t. B în M bto o L t . ttoo td M ,.3.4 W iito to I o ' ,LL I - - oI t it B thrrS T ,i, P rltSittl .moy.-P l Ga ot.g ult.b ttdS p,.ttt a IRD ES E H e r i n g w i t t n n i i s u v , C n_ _ __.. . . . . . . ._tti_ __1_--_v'l 1 _RI H eI A tI N G t o uIN I H Lb, oR,..,,, .05 .......g Wb..oglra o .rThoue. T,o.t, LOAL GRîUTURLW9 toiot.lI.t.p ......h.......... .t..... 4 .Sus 230, ,,d!"tifLb. rtgl tou..- -huT h. ect- . lu-~ i n m î o fladt.oS. Borohytgor[,oot. ttdAR luIIS.Ii .. IL.odu.o." te ce.tbthg1 aog, Oh, ad1 Moti Jto,., b- ,o<Lteol okktt o, ,i, C SA IN C .P R TV Jtttlt oa ................. nOSe.ttai-g.t. ht aooftte . . ot, b- ui orec ,,y Ptt, o .o d yRWotttt oootnofttltyttoorier.Olfrt bod hto.l,.b aa og ooe L.. th l b, Lt rat e 17 go, ous. to ,at o i i. Coin. Staqt ton o. t o 10ff c SaoUso StLe y.u. Lh oLyte poh -, S noullaiLht MiLON ON