Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Aug 1941, p. 3

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HELP WANTED HESKY FLAX PRODUCTS Ar£ prepareid to a py igd wage8 ta men and teen tige boys and girls ta assist in harvesting.the Flax Cropin Miltonanad District. It. l", 1. \hitoil, pharle bbr Harvey & Clarridge Service Station.. MAIN STREET, EAST MILTON. ONT. PHQNE 176 3-STAR ssci Eaaa aAaaLINE, MARVELUBE esd MStILaIL IL andci abESL-FUEL OIL ATLAS TIALEa, TttBSB, BATTERIES I0E aREAM, aaLD DRINKlS, SBEIOOLATE BARS -lamburgs and 12- Inch Hot Dog- U.GARS. CIGARETTES. ANI) TOBACCOS î"Coirtey and Service Our Motd- VAN CLARRIDGR, MGR. YFSS -- YOU SAVE BY BCYING "OLD COMPANY" LZHIOR lievacit i. us- iCLiR cuiand b1 D- liLASTS LONG ER- OLGA POCAHONTAS a t4ua lOua Niii,,li ALSO DRY WOOD t PIONEER MASHES ici. c an CEMENT s-LIME GYPROC WALL BOARD and PLAS7ERi DELIDAMS PHOSNE 48 *ANYWHI.IiER.S. A5169V H16 TUESOAT - MEI>NUSDAT CLOORD FOI ALTERATIONS commo 1 Pst. .4 tic s, Aueseesisudl 1e AbRaltiteciCeud teAlesu Joese1. ~'ONE NIGHT I THE TROPI(3Y, InerneeatinalPensamN. 2. Gaiseeci PteptdinletTsereIlt *Cesedisti PeesseessNew." Tac». Wed. ansciPe. tee6 te5, list pl.tesehice . S ie... Sts syset 0 ansci0 P5.p. dertnsg .T. Ssre gtis.tis Acirtetn e is.tul e-il pays t Tbe ine et ireedea e. eeresi vig Tes, as saliresthle.beattonlea.oa t!itablisy i T.day le 'A.egL. 11Ceesin 5 Mtt. Bessi, ai Toreeto, risiles i.l stires bers ue . le Beliitiy ccVii1lette Vittrysandl ils on Rar tbh..Sbs.ses leetesha des. Th.e leiulg bRaelbtii ronesehu tacs rrry pepelse Iis.entsesr 1is lb. aactly [it.elesehrateoneeke Mir.ssnd Mes.Gorge Peseshe 1 resit taie trip le Nrîbere Me.... aendicUMe.Hrets ber e- Drrit, Boaaei rseobass Saaebr selaseis. tue battue a sasbtthIerelir beip yasrseit andlithe. DONT PORENIT i.5the c51 tfEbI1 A I KNOX PRR5DTRIAX cul is MIlles. Torostolti plEsat.. SO.FIJrL...e MillesnQgeh. Weid erA.sS1I% It II sane t. .ese aIibptaysilaI Tia elis.= the Amsea. TrnoMpeLasUNION oSERVICES. Mr. «Mea "@Io*, mae. seosfThm.. Te PIay Miton OWIS. 11.0) .m.-Mereisg eesbIP A. BI.beieeb . P.P.. eed RMs.Maue. i7.00 P.a.-Ev.sei a th et MR. C e d hivile. e . Me.O. ed beteee'radeh ele. ua. Ilesstes ouWeiessciY ....log, Jety 9. 1941, ti haeelel elass beditae«r»lc. te0.vil snitedsieci hscb. mile lt ase't.o. lirnyr'1Dec, GOSPEL TABERNSACLE l'y E. bViiess. rasatun1 ellu. . Ep.. 1. sasa ile-i. 1citastu..' ii i s cai W y AccR. ita. Mr Rt. Sînees, Saalli,Milss. rtsycci le libeArt. Thc e -l cra iliit n l BAND oNstaTs. Vicreaisle tgltepr-reaifathirsigala ill li essyaretelut@ ingseogee ofs.ai VietRaleParkbers. iltTbesday British Wsn Viasises'icccd. dt nlebedM.S sagtehe lisise.St e t . n es h Gi.stb011 ea ecporam seeeaciacad ici te aatu h Resaiby tlic Otie I..itttesBetBan .cc EIglil et lie bal., cer.eu.- thsassi. Hueile. e a. efthlie boutlas W.spartiof et lrie. sreatp inte 0-OA.S. »A. 'tiea.ciaaccîp,.k.kes Da selfaitI lae h Thieomseesprsstient mrsbtbigal tot 76,rand have iSat 0'llse ait14 Miniuvî5 . Ee,5 . lesîn peoesofstsh. sle osmamn tarete e tentes...s.a. VTh, Dea Beem ST seiesriosti i.. as J. MOIIAT.l.yngsoti de, te.pregreaýbtib cdrae mi. ee esss ce reieeec atib mh.. orne s u MIL oy@ AIRDritialoonteeaitSare s@areistasres REDI CROSS 0401 Maktmdt- MLTNFIRthe Mllsieslego sut sas." seull habeiionSE OP. Mlessad 27&b. Thséeloleeas. bass etilicer - thé$ y5t. birheseippeluibiseesseiy beisg ose.Thiceotitaialagslvitame, A Cew c aa siitid et th. BlitlIs bebele ener sagua ei e atieya ee.itlipped dcietg Jety. Wsn VistilsesFodPeoci t. Rbelil.9tthUseitillea.b seseutofat s tiseasoai10paiersPYtt5tl5i 10 patiet bas. staâr. e.i Mes. PHEIdi.,, leur.sibibition Ugstnes, tS.ievsensAses ussts peccee au conaesente ise. se Weciesciy seiesu.e. bspisg ftranus.etiy lil"@usyeer" 51)u iii jac ekels, 21 lbeeipîtl "ths, ssciee ie lpetheaopeme Ie is.of re ea Visin.. e sth.es ahelgsss1bthes ..biefs, IOsb ..reas 0...,. ssociastion.s Cel t ml uttaseer itacie deie.pciadt- s22taibe tlents. AeîIl.t bu mimsaefor. A. chalensgeltita eoeettn sfor ei 5eam iesa isaeu Meeini lemu si a.. a due.hbecsrta bep tbel ts .2tasiest...e 2sd bteiees srssissa0.nc---lese natepsayd ache us tiAstisePARTY. sederîbth e s 1ifl ael dse ate cisaityeiticandcasp,4 painrsoe 4ui oftBslbel United Ubereh MA., molliîbu sessetereetf helese sian m4 a ltsre i. oamers 4blouese.4 ot belieAt ebe.bhm. etMr.eaci Mes. prt teeedre le tels avsuse ei. 53()sIAlr sac-Ce 56 Peurs elle, hieries e ll, AleionComuneties lbportietas. Acissisn c Aciateîs5,-Sc ilseccinitial (4 alernat.e Il.se, Trafalgar, osedeiseciy. Aee. miltres 1an. tsatitumbe 15515pylsys. Isie ser-b tsek.st, 205 st ILsIs. A.secsllanstiPregramsesmolli b. Vhe.elsieptre ay- iet-le essters, 10V aetk sse 5lreteby lb. liettio i libseste teese Ibe lise th. cleop:hmcied e.aa7s...sa 20ses 25 peur .,tFi niillCye, esomadis, t BePtty mtaiell eBese aAyps,' D.saacie, 18paiesr. ies.stock Robete.. etiiie teesarinaelati i Dellate Baren, VeTa laidar, Rd- Lti~s ard.le k ~At Shiti Crtd, eette tilrllla.dets. Brodai,' Smetvieiti. Gise- est 2Ut iesel P al.c quie, aeeàda e Und-on fist ntssst.hr tii et1ofToroele. Rsiessm7Icset. M.Lyitles-Esigbs, Vletebe, Pecir sltata satres.. Admsionte2S.esit île. IHelen. Mîtete, Moalis.Dlilate, Partheeletiessiedseeei PpariUlberti. Cittion.Audie, SteRite, S. Ms-'e ressul bas.recel. lg del Miltnt121I..ii ..ai pets Aos~se le, ests tituî ill it-il q.steeuei, ssiitel1s41ciMilaeors. EUsts.. MILTON 7-STRRRVSViLLR î5 eeet se lsicati atecitet 71 gites-W. B. CL Ni. AhSsnes.rsby Bers a It tee eteb,- tae popultahetb s RasrS - - bsit tet les isîhal ic i s lesat elu is. MEDDîNG SOMOIaN ltîse f tet tlla e eravIflte Miltn - ie.I. y 7 lta mte beslcy peay (iomiae Re aeeeseî stettus hi,.sne sVT.e.y reesîse ORSALE W. .l. Vhs oleseare citaariti We telle e t ate flo IDc'frst the v.b.ieseeéy esseele el ta isba1.«ite tall uiaareieecim. teei Gbat see'u e otie lstla. Vsteaes as. lies oteh. eecsla arra.pteci b lie 1 "Thcerâidontsac tiens, ata ire. rîslee.h bsetousenle.es PecidlrLaLece).i euleMs.. iB lice dems ofSitmtone Sreet United t, MilIcebs l ibne. Whieltheveisll- eset catreti. teloits te trpressiset'ae, o npimyrerrerles. ball tlaleeIlied' eral belc lissee Sslerdsymr iisaesesfSeersers. Theessestrru b.eaeheieling baillan t, b as. R H E FARM FOR SAI eseigesepe lies teaak, Gostielsi etslii. ail....o01100t.-e 12 0 tie. watsntthick about tse "lin. 'Miles ...... 0t0110 C14-7 P1c.2 lIp ssci besser efthelis ecitgnon-. tileiS5essrit . Adeais 1, -Ytescr Iesa...l bigla mons. MMrehy ssci Hapei Mills re.aiiietse. lsseats, Tîet «esasiontate c aivatyri' TeleltztiandlHutsn. atîth,'ac esdstregondlb coelis outtagese atitteiei desaresei. Oie cire-tisses. Miltonesci 1usd d. citnsssi teisphee. Pelas Illaetbee tbstilîbMabs otautes .y, stiteeui. Appiy Mas. Botte, . R.Rt, Milt S Pablila pectal ent eaip ietsariede____________ courle acre caietstdlbc dti.tibîi B SE L lice pesa.'"B S B L W. ares. dAriithit a i sdd te-GORDON FARLI the siseetiste. diatitY » a pss ineSes .. ,..- .--.-..- Hatisdbaemidllrsmisai l tn fSa rcidIng 1- teb- but eiisPAINTING _____________________________bs.sydose.aeuls.sly mis e ks tihs roand cinoiseandscithe iedistesMilles Juniors asll romcainsis the iisfsrtibie. oai.kiics israethat tare att e e eeleeSinteorseseelehonso r a is And Geneesal Repaire Mr. Ho y, illuPtith le eature of lice bride and 9eogibeIhe bird Caess.ber e lst nght _______________________________________________ ss.Hesy, iiSBi-, but- te"- groosaisre dadenise scanderaise. D h it e...ea4leO.is 1. it. cc ibonsctstaices Msd..s <berge noess a t b u a h s esear e b.Tiey ret Proabiuy ssiy tsdaiBed 1. B e3mét Ses sert. amid O.kieillci b-ie Wrkiscs.sp ui (i s ec tisesa a, b. resGaide. br,,ý asss tIti sics ecth ie ris aswà-tien 10a Mia ot. ser. bisstc. 11 ' liais deo :,,lliti eaemb attientinthiIse ta cds. Tiche eedy 1.te croat Mlni tisess e . b oati'sat Ph. . li . MILTON l ji iy tiare. Ther sertsoueil tlic e à Puttbirsentimet aae n 55t heti. mes ntht e ieldc. He piclrci d nd _________ c hall., twgil..ieLts il.dubislae iRA /E BY B NESPPE aeu! ,tsa bth l. Dwdeand Lccsay Well__Drilling Specsl îLais We-EaclFaara bpscitit Lai Sldles'Saes sas ercici.oetDetri, at is iAg i. ADVANTAGE fsr l. vester.a rt tir sinscgles eâoci ____ Pessis saasce a tis l -rese bfotrhgýe w seuliiMskerstf Vassr Weit. ertasTwess. 75cs l~c pst Mils Re.. ssd Me. Jeli.e B. Moe ss rs lits dep.nsec lgel On ip 55 bste bd s O I..tî eardia. tues esas. spesdlagtbele ceommersancetionîsti a bil iity teta i ieiasd ssc iîîgenîy ici H E Ta H AMI LTO N miemum 10c Cents 1reLitiesleTaetoaucd Chatheam. Tier saei ta esa sebsct a ine as Mlee...... ......... Woe2-i4ta0P.1 ssi c""'raiain- taipinae qcip- iicdiiofretcitar ý.icclay r 1i r . Cam.tiipbel.atfWitipe . luathe word and t aat bbout t in febeilte............ 001i001 0-2 a 21 as îisucdtlispsiaec Sîcîes. n crîcrîîlîalst dcoonsdlr i leliuatci.ortcrci.ilsslapeidliehtatll cti cctc atte t t e att e nition a tteerie - Geeeiits Patiail saci retcSccciccM cîa i il ii ci. îtîî.cic io itocc adi e i Aagccbt et berettin iPalseis.s erim5tce re. Vrsas M iles .lîdaDictt, -tliit ae t ý nTie s e ac tiretheia saer Il ta U , tes-1' rs.Ohaiasc siitlaeiOi.1 iIcccciisiîce .Mr.an id Mm. 8.W.l5tiecey tand rend neasaaer.s netelsi ssesat . BlisasMilse nd J ____________________ iesbter. FeLiîi.ba. ers rnesie t.bet sa esurys. Passibls..Vicis T. H. RIJTLEDGE 1,.tae Ibir lip laBilb iti ebiomm. caise beps ensassasteisite besee»U FR IM.scSt. .I aee tslecs isbsictsa bsîses MENS CONVENTION d5 R'aiceai.,St.YRTON, bh.- lIaS Save lleny UseBer tiltit, ers riitlieg t ib t e , e ars ieiPse aanyn btsicîjo. Vice tistricaeiasEaee Sav Mo ey seOur Mis M. &r Ied aLb.setieriri. p.e wisba ciat rea ecSaptpere Isst Mascieracirlela i cr. 5IJY Pakage Express friand.. cestlesaeffer inrsisssrisas.,Atter eatendcicithecue sarsai sî . . A QulckTces evc GAi Ctie-H omuinticbeae t Sicdabot ticheticicear A.on aydck Cinvenlent ritit ce .d,1,1,1eed*el ibe arelts iaEtand, seaaseicsae.Re outs eisw. . r, iret .a! a i 2 cents par mile eonomical sretas te Isee GbeebtMuasble. Asese esleaesIsiatisa. An slading ii, Plumbig BlG 8TRESE PAIR ta Milleeon_______ iicnsyaa ii --esiagaiti Iiini ticicii mo ihi ceci-ivi,ii i Tbtrti .ds lI esc 1B Trafalgar Fieet Cm. S Ssc biss cl a st a .Tii cc- i H Rtna IL'ss i l Raie a tbig fae aleesu aciise si e tacorIlle1-o W. T. BARiNARDI - Phone 14 Don ti mi.itl. Tisetrasf tics isisanis ica . ;'; Ti n mitbing Tis ~Otibilirc Ans, t AVseDseltal îicb ilt.ýl1., e Ts C.Rcl dbp rea »i "'9be"ttise 111Tr getvsb,,sgd "Ilct asbîM. Ssu s sra teesec se.irsiil.. bol -ccaao. bdby rieess. tisi .1aiber nt as t. f ,,iH. W. B. la 1941 he sicacecius ho liait bi PHOtNE 2l5 oit to. ..top r L.ir iret, Fradît=, f t onsdhit ip.tiselts es sTais wsaep rr. e phlie a be.a ced.Ag.121h. - i t e beasil. st e ti... aleress thlesy aie wa Sag ci lee tac ic r .bo Psirise atiegofU.Sci tanley. h I.lt4 hsa. 0 se.Th e arsoecinsetatetie. proia soiti on, utaso. CA N A DA Mecs Prtes a.d. ses rtonc-Tbe dis. le ne- tarl@ titi Asois ae efl.Adtn .9.lc.1 b5 tas aepy seabs S miSetese. Seessr o 1ho]estes . , et Osih.111., hoe sets . td.dci __de,_l,_tio____i i t a tta nte.estslssheSs..al s.ilsl.-yesla s.ct b a""riiirsgl rtc iit k s sadier ro asHtrison esseisg thbe Mr. Robnssnprduced. diistraie at îencdsc rcisî LUTTI NVI LLE - R se stsica'.Des. 3. H. tqesciassi W M Wtlt .w..5 Metcasite. (tt. me.aalc k iasis Wasseti tut. sî aîsslS t ti Ie ppli-iatee. a sie@ t e T iSes. Walter Eseiisi.l, oiiPAR K asetbetrsdeh.. c 1011e.elîrPs e B. tseî. si.etresaaa i a o tte isa )ý ï hRai Hase F IIatide 2 dllrTcoftiheicsbrigacie sasesi. ia l i EveyWedeesdsy eand Satmuly Ilsr lleuny 1 aW te AdtirUss ng55g oVer&Utlasgi dstacandssissuesh.efati liai i i se n e at assssis tarliat is tr1 Nigli ________Tics Jesey esc. VlettesAidet'.IcsCaasait thie irigaesie la bnp __________________ Res.ases.ciby MessusG.BeslY, h.ihslllesepdsidrss esieses. tIEItULâR ADMISSION * ~~~Milles, btiB.s Z. SItIII, sersrait sIoath.bey. neomc_______________ mredatf9,51 lb.etslhi tis. et ts. t s ail ttieraege test ore5.43 ps. t inn 0'_ iadey.s. Resteorn Scots ______ ______________________________ M. ssci Me Den Léelie. Mr. and Ca0.Aten Ma. Raicel t mii, Joie.tilci LereSeStSAtendCamp. AaPesagUS CUttinsa. < iedbial, 12 oz.tîs.2 Cr 59e tiercia,t lle., Mes. M. BleilS etici Ne.1Cet. 0 ...rt Hollding Unit DeAs.1basLaeScat HèIR IG easqa re Dess fail, ii. tfi................... bisar19e Daoese r tes o iaetaltrip le EHti"'s CanaduitienAsiey v.Dresses.-,i A RD ES I B n ea hc e ,A i .Li',i............ o i l lac t1e .sue iee .tie-s-Ittes.Mssej. H.cbhambre.. oai Ilii itstîStyles Pie Cherries. 0,1 .. lali...............12 Z.cin is Sa MASH WOMEN'S ISSTITIJTE W"'iir sul tesuai. Tbeyoueger ir. esspli thrys. Ttistg ieas se.sschmore Nawtithaiin sPersmaet Mnacaroni, Oaadî Cal ...................... 2 ]lia S sager scil s siat th bo Rye. It.tite s Dids p,,eci divrc itac asc-Waitig. WoneierflI oap ........................7 Ea925e Be sIegec add y ý. slrd O:c'ci .Ag.iatisrg l t*Iis b. cii be s.e iilicraaget Ail Lis oai eaty Cslture. National Soap Flakes, iasti. tiza 25c, 5b11)ii. l.41, ibispsaciie y llellsg l. es eseticeeaait t isg . ti si esieith.gonci teitaasip trd ___________________________________-__ t. ie e. iesie.prersatisse. beci eth.bebaines etMes. Job.i Ms. gecicai. tsr tti maDeegel, Batyse. Tbh e s17 mto-e-De taitieî%cmbsreesr ELLIOT VIS BEAUTY SSGPPE Cnndenetd Mitk. lcigle Brandici................lit 19e re ti esMlet tg o p. besueciS' isieses se estesA F d. MISStiss r sM.sdsiralsas H e NDii t s Apps A NDei t o Iedlro, rhc lvre rn" Crase...piieditits o he.s V c steete r1in te altesnd A. R. ELLIDTT Coffler, Rliii .1 itl' 1h il,29" .. i. t.il. 2a The Cenadien eatoaetEthibiltin Ces-- se-at th- soes, sti :sieette. bresti niesaistîcc.. HAI DR S RS Coffeea l i ic , ci ii. ligitititi siatas . 1 l. < 5a sp stea e nirseRa "poee- rtatsel ... l essebocsk. icb l .stedc ae ie agl Cowa s Cscaia ........ h. is35e rid.y Aag. 22s.. meci5op by lch. eci Cesseandscistelsitesetir lits. co a ,S n n ..............Ii.tnes . bers t ir ede i b auppiY. ______ Tes Bisk, toli:i.. iiiiii lti'iri la ... .........t . . M8e Sr. ssci Me. Jsin.. L Ledslemres. loreele.VsSisesssele OGiH LD Y ___________ Nescafe. liii ic.. yl i-iailff- ...... ci... osin e sittreaci Vel"i«"', slc i si sc ees a sgeeaseisssl lii cibi'.i.. îciît .1tlill......7 1 scaIMe. andRMon.BRober J, Bas,ssornsmi se ny orssas ansSI. S p.SceelidtdefCo,.........2jig.o l M. Cesdsehmgb teediles Mes. J. MeDeet&lgsu i a& se sesre Osîseis shaSi cidrs betpisg an. Carnay Tolet Soap. lit iiiciciîîcaniis.i 3t 7e IstActibuel b Be spts t Oiandy Ameesonia.. r o theSsciandVidette. 'tanS.lceîitOrîeAt f ereoIiqesies ii aSb Rinko.. . ... ....................bEk. Se1 tsdbeicheuMilles esItec i . is e (Ji asciteSc tIeriilt.eiSaca l esl tltDlte Orngeskit htii ............. . . .drs2eSîeeteissIeDpiîela iiela tiiiiiha l . . iii 2e rierci, P. eastrd White. rdiaor ot[ Mes. iieeiy ssciM- asvOellnt ece rdsgleteDisscci sîatty le s GrapefrUit, lii-it i i ca.ii i ......i . or 9" Ir y asicb asslteiSr r e rking vri l si- e respasciecit.abyP t.. ssaiberarscnim- bacs. Cookiesg Onions. N, t ........... . 614i. 0..11sainc th. tii1Ly ofthýptiepar e.t. o r tlerllb. krosi." priselpets ses t.iaice temak lice _____________________________________25e a 51 bas IsIthe Nissetit IB e tisegespeaiker, Mss. Rmesonse eildees sbltg o a î ..sthenssia BUSES LEAVE ilistibes s moels besttqssstea. le lrss srdse lt esd es, cai regitee -s.iti ipresesi chrias TUIE RUTER BAVES TUE OWNER BERa l8setetim.,.ofour atse bbc sthecigti rtescii tetk ss b as. foncsbre t i. eloyer.i T ORNT VI er i Uieoril Ma. Ws.bbîsss. Tbt te th. ra.Site abois, tbstilbey h.be r. cees assee .iles 6.00 c c. . e 6.10 1). ai. QualiI*jealwaies hlgher <han the prlce'5 Reeea.tyf. im«.ane.s rês. tsocksevs inai lie permai ose ibei i u.. b i.1siloPi. PHD l îA grilc peerstire eispresset KMc tuttii gîr.esnisîcreelu. ebseestirent ecol." A, gae l &y, ussherb.er a duRa"bitltlogieed eelp. ýIn ttas et0 a2.15 tc. R.eea Reel sese Oser .by te.timse.ileuias ebsient]H O IVE itod e Rahl. Oresa, llot1, . fte. 1 b kide g . bsee. A iesm i . eIe tsie.01Sgoic iri alsa aerc ue siH Tbteesdsys Â555. 11h. RiveAtbgis u rsnes4.. ndscied by Mm rs. Dk-Wsi. tis bsa, rPent e i,-Siat. sadi lol. aily rie paeisssset h iesi7On.ici grsslprsseoteltee. Rsey eb aeti tsee s C. The e eting ctaeed ilic-'Oai ciStaîl _____________________________________ tll aseers. pet ele itee ctsssd-ycol-b MATAND ARseTuait - -.serbele 551 tpciseig and escialishtil.hser. Nbestl-MaResste-seAisit Ac ,anh.11riic.. rsulu et feslîsci d,1041. by lice Rnr.B. C. nulMsIr5B NPOMMAIIM At geslie yaatia dseacitirete i. isI t ict ...ap lsesse g t enantauir i u id"seaip.lilti. ciritig May .105t.,Bese 4 1estR.Ma ptsetRSary Uses a vaee ue dfi1161MM.878.,et MuSasm, ta eettiam",eesini. t se sem". Otlss aseen e etq i e sthéWord s.or itr sJ. iWhsite. Wbor tie, H berieg I&ee ses. ffgle.cie-dy. M., ebUdc ire i tlss.t eseds10lie si. MID CLEAI ITO CLEAR IGod Range a. TO CLEAR. Walker Fim 9 ER STORESI LIMITEO -SUMMER KANCE SALE W' White Feit Hiats ----------$1.00 Dresses with Slips A Colore astd Sîzea 4 9 Stores, Limlited MILTON Phoe 9 IGarden Pa rtyf Spanaared by Father Dehier and Parishaser- TUESDAY, AUGUST l2th, '41 on Mr. P. L. Robortsanes prapeety, Castiteriyth ie GORDON HOME, MlLTON PROGRAM-Gamea, Atîletias, Baxusg Caac hats. _ Tap Daneing, Muouc ased SoegOnea Squares Dance an grounds ta te tasesa of Churliuethe Itiddiers Grey Coaaty; ('HOEUS-"Tierasvuii Always he atin Egland.s Miater ot Prgrai bnd Isterlacuoar;-Meet Hasry Stevens, amCtse d for Comedy, Story, Soag, (Scotch anad Iriali) and his Smile. GATE PRIZES-Beiatîftî Chast aof~.pa r prizs, 2W Iboh. af Sagar i prisai, $10. Certîli - Cales; C(offee Meker, 1000 cigarettes whiciiD muet ho designisted toa soslduer ;Csîîdie wick Bed Spread, Oae Tire ta fit yoSr car. ADMeISSION-ADLILTS 25e I CsILDREN-brîng an old piece ai Alinîru cciii aned if yon are 14 ypars or coder yea wîiI he adesutîrd FRE. _________ OUR SLOcIAN-ViCrORY. COME. lU'S lIME FOR FUN!! fTheeaetint.the preeci.lebedded in th.s Caias snsd Mcilas if Rsd rmSreesItar ciii teeasacédrd lb eali 00-.O ee the lbtaERtAMs. Australian Seedieis Raisins, per IL. 10lc Christie Rita Biscuita, perIpkg.- ---- ----- 15C Aytmer Peaches, Blices or havaci. 2 tines- -- 27c Catelli's Coakod Spaghetti, 24 oz. tunesach --. 15c GIico'B Csabtipple Jelly, 22 oz. jas ------ 27c Aylmer cuoiee Peau 8.. 2 o 1 L intg's Worcbesterghire Sauce, par battia.-----l1c Mep e LeRI Matches, 3 boxes ---------------- 25c Certa, the ogre jelly maker. per bottie ------25e Mepte Leaf Lard, 1 lb. Pkg., 2 for.---------25c Quaker xin Bread Flour, 98 paaad1lise $2.79 Lyno Valley Wax ar GreenOCît Beana. 2 far ---19c Pari Sani WaixPaper, 100 fit. rell, eaah ------25c Ruebtarila Coffee, freBbly graaad, per lb.------39C Ayimer Toata and Vegetbbla Stupe 10 aunce tin, 3 for -----------25c Manning's Assorted Biscuits, per IL - 19c P. & G. White Ncaptha Soap, 5 cakes -------18e Batk Vtaegar, Blendrd ar Whute SPirut, gitilaci, - 49c Aylmer Tomatos 26 oz. tin, 2 fer --------25c DoSmino Bakieg Pawder, 1 lh. Luti, eîîelî -----19C Clark's Pork & Beans 2 i is 3 for 25c White Cetery Hearts, 2 banchas ---------25e Large Grapefruit, 5 far -- -- ---- -- --- --25C Dominion Stores Ltd. Fl«Cmtractor ~IV PAYS VO MARKET RE MFLLACINS 5855155 ?l ON A GRAOEO BASIS ME SPECtALiZE IN 4 Gisisisksard Taise liais OLD FLO Re LOCAL AGRICULTURAL GC5ice * Ssi Wesbcssship Sesseshî Pries CLAtiE WILSON. MILTON NMT. PHONE! 888 orte ctlfiais a NEANT.ADIAN CO-OPIERATI VS. SSSLINTOPO OOL CROMEEIS LIMITERI L . e, 1BITayC îEt. - Ttaanlî - - ~LOCALËNEW MMMMMM-- 3nowl. -0.

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