t. tT.' I The CanadiaCpon ' 001! TIIM A HANS Dmy Rumors 0f No Gasoline In. Canm ionN.At.7.14. t,,NttttNLd Gasaline Rationing After Thurada A .11ittttt 'ttLthd t nt. .Thtn* - day titt hl saudt,1tttt aiLtth. DnitYttt. Ot .1 ttt'ttht . t'. at e of gtt tittttand ttt tor t, iti iiiof. i. ti t ine t .îîîîi tht ' 'il iî . h.tud tit, 'thl.îol îue. t tity i n tledn th htttî Vtîî'tîî tt ai t t endat ii'tttttttt ttt t YtthRe Crs Gadn o o utti i carttl h tii'.'t - eutuity .R.Ctrl thIp_ m 'o N ew Typf R1 i cotad Cir Tonstro, Ti t hi.. Mt. .r ththiitilIttcertî. h p Ei, t ntu,. an Hinhgel,, lT,,hegardes, Prt dt h.Uif ittd Cenfui ed vthie ,cnta ih,, C t i ittittG.tR. Cet . Tiielsje t Ate it f t ur'at' el c 0 Ht "ttthtth )t td T he re wutdîtttie. applyRAus,"1.e.tî itt ht'dî h t _Messoittittitpîttl. dtuelt thttu u ta pi o thttttthitt,,ofi"Th e l .y o ilE g i ,.iig Pu)l l - Ie t i Th l t t stttt. tiea iu.i. iiitti 1t Ottttt, u i,. t.-F , , M.. Ttt. . ttiit ht . Ftu1 o p.t' t itt, titîitthu1.th'î1ý , . Ctttd th - p '.t.L ,î . de *t a of t h ti i.,ackt ofi d ib l eut, M i i t he pbi e . hN ut 0 . 4,5tOa e r e ' al lc n e l tebol ofth e M.,,.. tyt eh. Jor. osesttht George towntpeopety en PEFMos t M, Etfi R. Stîi'. i Th l trl, .I - nUnol tv, e oesaTh. etmeJtnt f iorBad n us ie t"O i le,1 »d.leOuiflet,,ek 9t o.th rhb ohn Det. Bet Den, Rolnd Muic, dn't eJoY harIngIl Ply. Pebapo at'tht'îitîîla n't tn tai, Idtitheue of a titi ca tring 'eux tan Lonnadt.ittt it and ErgLtliit futt.îyhIt' n tth i ne lnt he and"fsit d.ti ytI. a e' o ea] a te eetclsl h i u 'tt îtîi , tt heîtu b l ic.N1i, t î tgio pttitt 'ta fiti lltut itTttir. t. AlnaMr. ' e m r e aîeOrapelto exYta ffte,. w eIob o ea]arcl.a e Red rs.Robrt eCn . Tren.. y apladin. t , ilme..yw. Fit t a.. io , o t mille- . teH . 1 i Dop'itiiN'wi York.ilte tîhtttdontiti h. Lc SelsAhe O Lm M sir titi Vi tit, tt. i t svce iti tîiîSatvOe CUES ,ît Se S ...........,h . riaer9,pI o, 2. it' . i. Euda . H te.o ,If o ie , p ~ lt F F E .. .....th 2 Cuil. Chttc:-î, tî t t oit. sý .liti LUl p Ap.. t 1..........Ir N1111 2Vlb it.' I li t h I 1.theb CIty l an 150-F1 feCrt poifi -Ioe, ,ft 1-.ti 2 c Tut, At.tH . B nt, t ; <ir . i t tC h.,t ent t Xt U'tl 'ER 24...,itoit 5, Chp.et mou., ttMr. thttaiit tCIl - lG.. Mtto ,.1 Nw TpeRonT s tu io ie 0.tt.ttthit LOg-A1. iAi , ht t iipiretii. hI , îîidt, .tit t ht, t, Rn HMt.thi, p tor n tlltg. Pitttian Muih.a pth 'thiy~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ýv Ittit hitsu' u MUdL.tA t,d ONAS repor Ony43 i id Mvly Pat. lot .. C Ige Ns fl MAd tism.d e o f"' , "g Cte.t- l ,t T t.o ý, l-,ý Cttit tiit tti r mitert wth Mi. andMrootn '.CI li. he. ait ti,. lItheSthoa.Al e o te o lo .e.IýO. Fittii r i h i d..io. 1 t P fn. ittii . ntuei tmngc- a Ethi tetr .... p...titi ferthE AI l y lL. Jb».,Ml toIlh a ri e ofLT biN .. g................. ttuî. ti ,vse calapeiWh le md e th oue h od e a )o loo g l . LoneDsu. i e rpuro soflirFO SIXPjotrq aTOe POzaTA n osrig oouIDES Celery HC.Wierts 1ý, ~ ~ ~ ~ b k w 25el Ire iens -ain laid ta lun soi 25c ..Cael heg1 hdf dý, es hmea uin .g hLn an .-.t 0 ued1. .t1o th lti Ot iltd e ti nit é Iches, timulit oelt't, n g , tn y a tt e nd t. e U n Sut,. T.da de erp tititsco ln,' .x, t N, i,. i fln s, I. i t in ulo s f..1 «,ils , SION THE PLEDGE TO Lot Tour Car Wear Proudly' Go ta yor hiendly neighhotthod servicet station ot y..,, local gttagento.tday. A suitsetvt, .t,l.yot,. He as ho. oged. H. wilI h.o.mourti.un and thoetghtful o.eve -gIad t se. y.u-o..tdo taINdto ythittg ao .aylhlg ho te, to h.Ip yo..ButtIhe in no longer a gazolina .oIt.mon..He tt t gazoline SAVEE. H. oiâur tgt, ltti Ibhy la.nttad of aite. Ha wjiI point out wtya o.d neo.i of savh.g gazoin. H oUIH tellY.n ailabotthLb."50/50-t Pttdg, ta titi yout go.z.,n.umptiti, by lty per cent. Hte.till in-te Yeut leaigu. This, ptdud and ptittit tik.r fot you. tcarotit ..matkytt t,.a mamb.rfthe1b.wtt,. o.d lbcughtfi ban.d of cartowrnata .t-operttllg with the Gtt..m- meni t 0saT gtaoline. Th. la o.uiraly n vo.xtary mtt.ment. Tt t. ntttiaaing. This the Goe.m..t htp,, ta ts.tt. But Io.oaead wilt,,aitit,îtItd ag. of gaoline ,dueta thle.dverontofltnker of tut Fighthtg Fotce.. Tetetin.hotcali forpmdot.nttod fr la .ts -butt tiswo. in halag fougbt witt, gazoline o.d w.oae ighlinglnfort.rryytto. Stgtt the ltI.dge lody and cotaiue t. Lt N'tt ty potrtcent o yotr gaoline Nnatmp it, If iPttt, titaîly im.pottant thtttot, dt, the usetofdtttcti andut.mnt,.-tlfitî,îtiî REMEMRER - The stl.oer yttttdriv,t The G.vernmnt of the DOMINION 0F CANADA Actt huitt THET IIONOURARLE C. D. IlOWE, G.R. COTEELLE, LIONS GARNI VALý BURLINGTON WEDNFSDAY and THURSDAY AUGUST 13 & 14 Big Vaudevidle -Show EACH NIGHT Prize Drawn Nightly BIG MIDWAY FREE ADMISSION This Patriotic Sticker! lleasy ways lowards a S 0% AOL (Appttt.d by Attobil Extp. ) Ti,..id1 kt itM t Mittt,-l..., dqht g F. gh«tbu,.tit ud ,h., tttth..Ud B Tt, ... p t - t.. hi. et.d.p.d KI - I I I g.un -- I. 'tIi t .9-t,',,, n - u a u !~ Ille. tîte)îtlitg .and ,ittar.ig tff ta 'tti.F,'ti.tottt .arght..tdd.y.T..h.. ttiii.tu t.i dehtihtiotu. Afuth 191 Ct. it..Outi ht 1tîth Lh b it itn w l h owi. ý u h o hi i ruenit. T ,hNv,t ou, îfandtht,=thg ar- ulin i.tîdt.pl .T "-t t-Muntion. .PM11 wl. fait. t.'.. £LWOOD tbPY'll battit Un tbý Gel.ý.n JOHN MILLAR vin- 1 -P'. th.t tw. -'L . = A .a 1 A a t Sta Il. Lier. liv- M.. Walli- L.wl..., f Sruith. pailit.ry A. "Ifi, la. 19-cat At &b. aura.., ho ýh1 1- -.Výýd a R-1. i,., -d n. Wlitrid E. Arati.". .vs t ýý MI." ..Iay ýw f-r -Pair. W... armani que. Son.,- filk. h. lw.»ted or. th.. 'rraining Planes, bombera and pur. .or an A vrxýý COccluàiOn of au autrement wbrreas thir --- ci gmolive fur week-end It plane., air forre equipment of ai[ - for »!-ki-9 a- ilpr.,.d t.ýthid. et Britieilà Ocitlmhislg tijtal driving Alti nom, bave guoline con d,,escriPtions.and th.r.c. th.tý.- d ri'lily 4v"rpd, P"ý.ýý F,.p t. ha toit production of e-0--d ai... mitaine. fory-le. Si.c. tbry ca.n.1 1bemstout You question il, ý'I for 1. di.k. And 1;rd bl.o:t 1, 1j lui. h- d ... I.ped at Lhe U..ýj hýýjýL9. LINI niffl Ki»gd.., A t- 1 b - Part of th. R.C.A.F. dis. c ,j 20uneed br Trade Miel, he thled th. ý ni little m te carry play at this year-S C"Idt" NU,,,,l i alit.rnia. WV m in tbe truck of the car. Exhibition. eftýaý e4",a 11MZ't 'J-OZ- VICTCIPV Y M 1 à lu m