F, COVU A PAMIOT almu nlasir hsI. toey-cîr s.0uld Oanid for 01,1 '"ey cmuon a moeclet otil. dliid i".o'0f11 tauii 10. l FtO-leon 1 nu "l. e0111, 11a Aoy fitratn albuOI Ttutiellois cou ia1000e 0f dingo. Itlat.tîik 001, aod 10." Iof uevenuL If cour album pOltles nsw.hons1o. 00.' il.,.oe mont of ;hem. tbey .111 b hodolle lisftoy. Oveily goo. loe cl'itice te11e uwoo-yîou aunirIleecontans the people lnI 1. Ilmac tale 101 "whte"-Oc luncloudin anamlier, "mîou" l enucîlu it. 01.g. Tht suoblet' coiOtumese ludionteil, l n genueni 00-It Yen hîlod asnoedomo1the datudee dee pcuweo ln con placoItlu de albm.yo"o.Wloîlp tur ten 0? Wlni ms I. oon0 If coi 01ee on a i 11, mIe tou't die piclocs ow îî mOt yeonidid? le 000ld itlîeellea n ioy- sud1t0011la .oleeO.llcmorotant 1n fue lipiol îl sot.. Co.'iooiic 18 important, to. TOi ,.I1m1 1. a otioud move. dnc 1.0 de and 00earb eonv . 't liuv, beîîd asce 0t-i-lulde the ,îoee' day hlppytig, as mliasth.10big liolude ai u-o'othrecord of thle Ir omlllt-milî n faita.lOne ack' groîod îo a "u0100e100 od." And ,.euothoeio,. 1.0 ceoe dec a. eo 0000 he ou.til dtory iii 1rueiiOooth l. lIi haveuoI1,1-dlioo. aeo.1 shootsitbiei otoe oih 0e ilie pcioooî ee.cc oule l7oeck-uooo. th1.o ioictelluocci O Oboleer to uadd. oa" oi.iîi,îiloo 10001 co- ed ood il..'"ioa o, doo0. 1ta"'.0e btîa sh,,oillo, VtCit lio i., h 1 albu -d0 qL kl M "E-Y duty, .U a -mot, d-, ft T.. P... »- ne c-mas. "EVERYWHER 1 CO..," C ... de W, """ , , s d talks with literally hmdre& of uI...Pie of .11 cri ... es. "Th. incte peuple 1 .«t," «y@ lis, th. .11- it bernâmes tu .. dsmet félits in th. .in want te be kind ad hdp fol. They're a pretty devant lot. "But fer unfailing ýurtuy md helpfulne»s 1 would pick dur- mm muni wGmen in the telephone servies. Pve yet Io find one I -.1ýWt torts to, with perfert confidence in su, cousu, genry. They ftem te put ecurteur flets -ry tir».. Thet phra!e is a matter of santal pr"ý .et Jeu . ph'...." well, le. fi.. tu h.. ony- like th.t. It nuake. - Iy U th. hardu tu de.crve our.h peut-, -p-id. ly whe. tri.- Os, ph... ... rir. i. se vital to the -Ri.. ut Wu. IR, *DepenabfrjI,'f or 3AI J; l IIAYWARD TRANSPORT Dally DlpootI: Serovice TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local anud Long Dstance Celage and Mojî. TORONTO MA am2 MKILTOCI lU8 ÏAMJLTOX4 I4 JITY IN TIIIE - r"al i.-IêW~~*Lr iio. -Ab a" d.là Pr.o" 01o01.0 leure ltieé« o :o lpneIsst.. 0s .Iai ab rafle.e.c:d Mm. -ui "TI.u bid lmigb 1 net 0 Miy dog. leooplcg lno, ile dugool Whlo lhîoa'geletiy he. oly "Th. .. . 1- t i-,'.o oedo£, Chîîopi.. OooI'iIy, o 00.0 eîî'd , sa11'd ly th, uoine and .nom Iho'd '-11 ul' hg* &et nompl.ioIy oued ta It. MyIYdil"I. la WthI Old Champio anVmoly Oha 501 th'e rinsont'0 the h. 2I0maa 0 . sièlti lng t".meli.n.111 min la Wil imigo î ilaitheCanadien " h.ubonilli fluas oebombe me. bathor nd oret wrtefor th0 CII ladon ismm1 sautiGnihloe h.dug. 0a serico e mait."Curry 011 but... Cad" wo ormet ococ.a tagist Arioiher lat., ay. "In m do#@ se rouge050 011of 1the British oc- liber.és..,rh bon«othe . nmn.@ie OlndOr'mte geotte-teel Of the es..îGY alarmntcompltaitlodiffor. vu" @0 st a c.uld pcesot il ta Us.. bh. mIe,. ai taon m.. "hne flt.ar e, the lve-t,. he pdbgbombe. There aBeT.ael i 1.. nd the baveîlnt ie cideon, brobodi dolàansd cot avbe tît h. .ild buae onore or wi0001 Intrait da khono.whatm a .r .id est 11.11o me»&i 008aid Pcompty mokae lis fta01 Ie iilt olnied i h0 o ntek* cuver. Tehedy thebont sav'ateraid ofobthe-ron( a homay bomb tll itihiooamile à London. LOndonica 1te Volert.j a1se ahill4on dota, h.y 100e on* "The Wdtiomy."ilfcooii- p.etored. Ahovo anothec dogo thoUit nd o ui atae5dbc-1 home raders an]dodd aihe1 ntri- ibt ne adte lieilu itl miroitadibatterie.mcc. h in cion. Bi4 o .. acceOt iuoî NoiogoBuhrtd T 11co. f tonaltaniîîn. Vahaia, .1 an . alf.tod d. î If te Ilb ud b b00 leti i83 n oa a thudrtormn." ThO,".a tlllpl.tolf ppoocltt Il 0000d appiar hat ian'@ bait for cotais C.aila molel Irt fieaod ih sansdn go &W rai.~d, 0.5700'e AlR gîot' .,0 t l 00. nId well. ertIDo, lait -pcotty 900d.- Toacgll1lote oha big ton r, 0 e..,tIi t l pa tedi dlOeUIc..A pieexemle la Samnsand Sodtko Deuils Johnar Dii.ort lnlm ad _ýgr As Cafilo Ioda.. Fiels tc1tIbo meand Sw7.gl. 0îCog Eveyy.e, nirml.ltah t CedoJoOnnY Oaa ntat dta Now York e. a idai!maliends ntsaioPri. cmth, by Poul Wbllemm. TIho "Kinge anid Ore.. ta watch h CiIle In. of mai" oanted Bort ta ltady the l"iia oà fe sl....duriog th WbitimuU stye, ld Oa b- U Ito Zeil an1. id faitruni.T. toelit.l a oi.ntO focr WIIt î îiea Ocebstra. 1.0127 0111 oOnio in mmmd 1, enue râti oni "slmanid sur alu om.d ilo.mil ll.y .0 0 ni lnd10 idtioi ta bitB ooeh tacWhiLatn. de... ohil. bIs fat,.. fcaoGeaiy îp 0 h NOC'm "Oo Dan.."Cb",he VuaCulls wr on ot1h Avtscn et a tu Soae eniu aillo' trioés. .00 P.m.obllyce.d.d ta the 71000 Ove WB7N. Unite.d States a .oip 0f teriiaey Mentircf teIlamlEn Z BaeoDonc. mtrtcthns tai..MI. Adms. ln W50h 0e0 1h11 Oreil gracmont bcliene loiote 10h. Coumbia rivcr in 0..-SeptI. 10, 38-woci 0ookfoc lhban nloe.ncy 0oue.Imens tluo Red gars. .10 rata, t he governent ot y and *"ItlloGeore" 000't,1, grane. te rb. lc'he l.right ta hbail white Los and Abbe.miial ic anid 1Achforocer,anid ta 110. off tdo aont groollos. tIm illymod reSrvitans. DiButne trick clase TO.melegre eDacol, o.,' in "11 teesy-a clase gantiog 10he1,0114.. 0theOtaîni ilotea. (Coc rgt ta bhtait ait Ota &A oher Pe tittlos. bOnolot Eddic Peaooie. restiduaitif the taritay-hî. de. SUstiOt oue Kur000e, he oiî pielithe Indana of the apprut.10Rotos..Glenni Wlyî oeeiî,,'.î nir ta motea deoe0nIlnotof sud E.<?0qJoeKell.l'. 11 thm abandanme of saio or 50wOicO ao so.lîo.loîî th: Cousbia river ta famotm. l toh01a n"ne" ochesreto e aon Ola Vbina indien 0. dîcoue mJio oe.. o oeI thé o 11 0.Collon rbeb, la td osiemlnt,îl.afai' shnoe f 1000,. leoo offcil lspobois.i forcthe. CollndoI't halta ta bonoifol ad eo'e wThe rBe un" badmidenta Wshingoniaont.Ilkel tameani If yo'erothe toVai hthol caas.b. ta odate, h.lim ld 0 4irlbtit.papoe 0110 othc hs. neta ncceddi 0m lgtc11.pl«Iiggdhe oan litons" I1011 dm o Iod. 01.1, dîmnde Car a otaaed: '- plïmtnt100aise,e gl. qurdo.TO01.eaffp t W n: oItiltocsin1 115. i'nBiy, yRi 00ut1 a 11007 "bemO"1 TIUt.oloaancy.ontB sudtl th TOnort* inefIi. euno ruai tao taupapoic'e r1tunes @u111ainsseonsicanId île' ___________ 0.d bOReons inanuObe "Onhegrand" and ptortueanbig nyby the naval. wby par 'LmOside tY teo-Andr. 0ab and Gns. Roa TOheIcontions]î uddiig drecaleand04the Tome TOi.n aehounrd eno white Oeom.mwhite hai stand fore 000002016.1146. Stnîte' TioltritzelsKacOn.lu Paiymince thabrliaitdayi. TO.e aad enti y antrck) la0 b Vbo.ihIai1artyltrdiions, Amnt f 111 0.e play senle . . . IJonn th. Egyptilai, th Hindmi, the. mron t engamni ni 001ut Son" : Arabe,,and mBny 001er peule..the tonna hO.tle nationnl casei. ..Eddie grom wui.netballomidta am. the Brenn d DonIAmce l 0so1n face et bisrd litthe wei g foreBare and 4Cosby wmIen the day. TO, Vei ef todBy'a bride i "CangeXinguCon oOidy . . The Oadt mwdiorange blosaraa. Ti Lombardo ces daim.a ie, job of And tai. Ia an ely custom,.n. w«i; T. Band PIayed On . . ýAnd olco ilvi oai the.'*golen .. -Ourtietell us.tOt banud leader Ted' golcn appt.avedY Powell.Who woetaBotsiandud.' obc o aota Jupite mnthoi lea u .0on.e .beauon anhome, taudln day tous in eoîllty Bn or. Geotffeoy Waddngtono0e,0f Cnu. anill. Ayw*y. the.tandebOnded'. monat &bi.smusic dreeto,. hOn, wuo r loutso»niber tad. ettied taltheCBC nntofor no. dns cvd. 1e mortesofinfciaeto of10heCGilert thniIOnbie'd.atioe gacns> nnd Sullivan. Relit ometeor tohe ano' ky gleber i arlmgc.ho làhaO. 5me menthe. nI 00. lng habit ta0théday. of marie Mr. 0 adington ealo.-s aynth ,. Oy prcemin. 411e theprospective oncmving ihabaa,0r 100 celîand a g cai païd th. ple-mn i - I my ? 0 leOut.anding hfoe.-llhe rto Iot0 irl ashoson 0th Coumbian oOn. lHi. lut- amd urid he aoiîr ta hlm. est serhtlaebeamdeuh 50TOo.dny olelI Tbo. uoloilnt0habut man gor. bock ai ,lghtOtllm. and 0111 fealoc il0 te the dy. 5etmeeri.gaby qaptem. the papular favorites front1te OoeO, Whn a man emOottacapure..0ofthe ImmsortaelrtishOeomposera, biholcb.uaht long 0bis"-hat os.n SirWllbs 1Gilertnnd Sir Athur or "bail freî.i." Ti, talad it.Sulliva ta h.ma stong-arend oieloe ha..thAnoh., muialmfrlont houri.ensoî cas. t wuebisil Zduta1 Iod blanhC ir île 10oo. DO.e 101.mai fe t1honbie'd&. 010 Ofore.knid bonscO IterlutatdeOnf sai-elasienlanod ihonsait If mccase 1.the.poicnie msaln mmdy woOeO Ie tan, Broom ,mridbar, eOg anid tmrei. Ti. chaste of puce lerfnu me.mmfrun l.a cibif10uno , 0 iof draen. dance lines,anId .onsci na-ta aRome. ce 09ihnr colo narm.a fast bhooo a801a . n a avOotrie mpot onu the dia1fec Cots.olan lm.et.. Tubela ime Mnn Music0111e I Uta n019. d0a Md nid .1a gcod' Lnt M Sshape Ubstory 011ion 0f t or muicth"1.1140000. Rta.eh hy milentphiloaiophra TO. familer "Tnoooo. Me.. bi hown tdat tuborelmai. csmy lain'" o maigo-nav0,e NCC ced have plyai! a Imporant -r in 0.00rk0alait aI get11.200,'.1-k.. bacor. pSin Imptorta ntare tn TO. o.labbairlY Gold1eMca. m7 blsloe xiey. b .aiort. al rieta t nta 0 m. 0e 0e, tOe iotd alaofthe affues aiu.orWaatd aarlil 2eu,c«0u10foc tleo cetinMholde nofp',mnityilaDow dallyameres ta hbordlapce ordeta miOs thra peodioetei..of0.theulei t.oue IooJouey.", baut .or,. .ttough the opnion la Loomble cebae n thIle1,Treto- L mot anlcrîîaltared. litso aY t aeCnManhattan 3,01.0 tnm- Pomai. peopte it avbostu- IVîe n.MOlY tte'1. Route.10n00Soinu. h.eeouolaloeîd.o t,,oacioe om 9a 0.eEnst ildi Cnarti. Iipbael. lu peMlts,1Molliin.Grtride Be, l h plomply, Voltoire, St. Iran. 000 ,ebstanîd. 0011..and dircos.the ci. 0f Agita indJohn Cslvin. ."ries. Estamonu, CIeo, Cecil Rhodes. In ain0, Chopin, PaganmIniiad b .u~. Martc. Du wm 1Itaobe., Schfie, Keats, Dy Capeea«E.lbart Dolonms ol roo. Thîoreu. BroanleMaillea. and Auif s. mure.od la i.un Robt 1Louis Stvnsoni. in theChanellerea.Vene. Austria, ingimD.aoîetam. prel . Gib Pistlanet. oeof s groaio an uhrBorbank. 144 lNtt. Woaaud 00tioor 0u7 Solle.,Johnba utjeoa .il [ord loin the palace an July 2l, 19M,. op Neson. poromty inexpaitio of OpiieluO tI. Medcine. Lzbb 10Ehrlih the0thnie abi.tThey taneodia. Benanush R mi Trudeiau. l104h ai captrai Bfeu omic Inte. TO. mud.rer and oe if til leadesmer.e outartic.elland ai.me, hma WO.i Travilantg O.o n Juty 3. Tn dollaes arieli ..eind tdo oorld and tared iie.1 dthe ecy Books M In28raina si tuatinis 0f mach couniry lhogO whleh 1l TO.ean.. ts ooebooks tînt paussi .1have aruim oneider. 1v. am mmpelheivlo. 01cmof thé nOly *boni ll ei inrud 0nn 10 la itrnatilsitualtion es ecoo. UiJoted Satu oI.. ars.ai tedi et commedti by Doeioty Tompoooaree lie Jouney. At frait dial os1theon.. Reoloils. of Nihli," y me11ntipereseofne mains.ho ErtemnIIoumblilogI"Nol poc elrofred the globe adied tia1ans flt. a i.d" Oy Vineuni t eanî; 0001mnuild happao 1tedIbl.ap.cldo e."trmyml la Cntral Europe." by oais ci A.ori .iniarlly. G. M. 1M. 0041; "Poaad: 1K0y ta Frank S. GalacgiSuni liois. Euo. hy IRaymod LemaO. 0001; mde th.«partirnit re.edonl ..à tl0.,by Boris looarn; ",jug. busines teilp.. NetmcrtoIi a à$10 gofimut. The Podi 09 Dlttailhp" illver mrllSMat0whie, ate aila Alo ber Caee1 "Attent at nPowe," chanai nt lob 5dSeent .ers.olo. OY51elaria e ;"îCoe'Giîi reallmd ameage J onbit - OlOk . GOi'hY CoIlle edinand aura. Vi 0110 ara, bokuhriert*.1 Charte; Step hy 510," hy Whisio séy, aabottlde h. 04402omislotr, oas. Chuchl; "TO. NewGemon Baiiat the netis oald ha.e urent ImpIe." y Feoa. Soreaum; et10 par orii f lit 0040CM bsal yog 'Oai-fi ]Rampent." by Emeo 114rwrigm Focraqd m botir. tripIb.dhblc; "I. Do is.. Fr!a~nce," Thi OI. .014 sok. i titai ofi$4.80uàb7 Edouard Dade; "DeoOciI thé rcord la Io11w e. air laenad 'Today aid Toiaireom." y Edurd aiosflm ilu.. A SUN,LIFE moreY iv "jI!PIans olECU RITfr R« M. GEWMIIRSI PORT NELSON, ont. TA pho. ves you thisi T,îme; oCf N.d ST Su Lfê(a*n a da. The Pest Ny BETTY LAKEY l May aed h,",,til Ie 400 l at in Octobe. CilOfcos e o oldrat go hatllog o.tIthe ens0f telii, cra but IL cao lot. of fun being icollcd boe, mo ad ftcuthe coilo Bm;em.d dooo in Jîly and Aigîîi. Anitoa.and 1 Oece in eoiigc Il. gcthe.-oe'd beu close friedi 0e. fore oe eîu, aene. Thece oaa yoîcgedoogllov, Slly, ai loacdieg acooal, and 100 hoys, Tom and Bab, îmny ut oolege. Bc olîl four ehil dreeî oay ali choiîi, Me. sand act. ltacpee Ilougît tley eighl 1101 a Weil ba.1et to hore, ohlîl lIe 0011 lovaid. Tlece w0Ua ohil-oio olled bacctde Postlwh000 ooldy 'ooolit. ,reai. lIe woh lel-Joan. And they jîtuihilicil hec hock oad loîll froo oepahore chooi 10 1.1001 chool when oer they ooeil. She o-ou mo e rlestî dub, îoyoy. 1 i meisenceegot eeygoodîemeks. Wel.ILtoaitcy tiraiteek-end fur the .aîon aitle Haccccî'. Cîleg, wai jailooccr-we Fcchmeu diil't have ta siîy torc ommeceomt. Andu.taoet me ai tuhe suation. "'Tii.e's aidance.tocîghl et 1he jyactcb îon the boy.' oîil Anita. i Oiaaing logithebasocoaud.. 'Xi the iratoftheîeaoo. We'co go- Sig."1 "Hiot chat"1 I Boered. ".BoOl I.e hetixU.lie's fly. log louc fcîu colego 1.0gel hec. inaLimerta 1.0e yoî." 1 glgled. Wl.. oie reesoed 10e ttoc7?, piace.,oirbody wos. Iyiog tu lalk et o. TOcce had ee î ae. gcuam frott Bob; "Pline. delayed' fo epaire. Arieo 100l or dane. Love.. Io." Il wsms oeîting. Bob le o cerello iel perronandl Iloîgh 1I o-a îoîoiy Baccy Oc 'oildn'I hc Ihereeforthie dance. IL 0.1 funita tdicO he Oaa lîcing ail ti i iliy 1001 Ilyiol ta keep o date oîth me. "Motdeci" I IîsJoual-t-hei"est. "Moe, the buohee'o hoy teud- yokowoou.otr tha fatone wit trecelp. I met hio loo-o y the hach and he oii-" "Oh, Jîa,.du kecc quiet," n.id Mco. Hacccc. "YoiCoc heeo 00yio8 ta tell me about the holoher's loy fo tec minutes11,. Coo't yoî 1eE oe'ree Oayî 0.u n locg aid play. TO.elîioce't boy ouIlkeep." ' "But, molle,. Ithe batce', boy-'. "Ikboom, 1I hoo, infant," seul Anite. ""tBut e, o o t1.10te10 iîIen ta tIc chaeu.e's oroil. We'vecloi ta lolleol anoohe man orloc elly teom îaunoe 100 big aippiy. Sc maey people hocee't oouv looce ycl. Le'î oe-thece'i Jecey Wi,îc. ton. Hoaboiut Jarcy, 000? W(li he do? Oc o, ulohl coti in dh batces loy." "Jeeey'Uido," I ansiieced. "AI icghl. W'l hop in the ont ogutaundgo nek hiluif he'î iooloioo foc.a Ioveiy ladyiny lauded gcay chiffon." W. fournitJarry pioyieg tennlis. H.'d b.eu bainog foc o li'eiy lily la ibided gray chito Oece 110e he 05.hîbon, hsai-dil wasohoe ighl ioveîy lndy. lie'il tae piooningto- gu slag-beaon, c, 0e deil. eil thughl' id 10 knc. Jecey's race. S1aloh Ini dut lloeil 1o-O o col home &ainhoadgoi drevued. TOcco wa agang ut dîocee. 000 Land loIs of tonr. But ohenococcheco Bais a 1halanthe oneruationetliaI poatideeai sJîan o ooodd ulacinl about ihe bubeheco hboy. She a "I do't ae,." ,id heecosin Spafferd lmpaelaeily, "uhy couan leecept air1the lime, Joee."1 'I doI't," ohte said. "But lne isI boulelnolody ncite gives mu? "Oh, Joa." Sonly looOeil disguaI. cd. "Nolody everc "Weil, iolody eot ceerIhen," raid boa, mulkily. "Butthde Oîl'1e, boy i.id-" W. al] roaeed. We woce. lngerina oe ofofee antd elgoetel-iho des.. aert wisdiue. "Joane.heby."ioiil he faIlec. "yoî anedlyorle 11111 fieud noO mother tb excose yoî. aneil ouot aned play a it." Iiwosnabout anhoîc lmtee. l.ccy and 1 i ms b ouot .teppcd loto lt care loune10of tdose icetly o shoce taîlenlo caume atuliog oac 10 the.doae. Out jntrpedl Bol. I ai. 00.t hogged bhla, I Oit 10 glnd "I made IL. dld'ivIl le sold. "l'il b. ccîdy ina nlîiy. Betly." H. lailtrd as if 10 pcltymuch faitlb I dil. Thon hit tiicd Jeecy Whae. tot, actingas ithe oood me. "You go uy mssaîge, dillilt cou? Yooi tee.. the pilot tlé! us. oIes ho beoidhî lusdoo', foc recoeliîg, bher thec, wasa ak00IL wuld tiltc o loug lime ta i . oic. b1I cle. geuphed. Then. on acouple Il houca. I. got L i dtd, an1 total uas he'd start cîght away. I tred tu telephoe-lît I coulililt gel yu Bub I got bhe butchcc-yoii ko, Pflffr'a? Andl he oiil led let coi knoî. Dîidnl e?" Thoee wasîadead tilenc or 0a moment. TIai Joo'ooaggcîevei moc polie. "TOit." sie sail, oihdîgoîîy, '"i whist l'e.aOee cyiug 10tu tellyoia. T1. btehecos boy-yoî kcoio, the oue mth tde di.Iu'nlpeil lice andei h tambkle.. t ao i l-oeIl, h. se1l Boo'd Oc home endI wait."1 u'l.t mBank The sld.at lececpoeated loti le the United States mol the Bacnk0ci North Amerlen, ohac1.eed by cn gerau on Noeule.101.1,De. aeribed es th. "Bit eegodîeîy a tathlaed batik in Atercico," Il opomi for buiness la Phludolpîla oIn naey ,1782. An astlieebon the Bail of Pennsylvanie, 001.0 opai.d in 1705, Osi mmi iiioutil hUsaiase, bOithdcankof niNotht Amorlca, long a wad..ae e Choisi no osear TOlcd, cotmai tainbosk nes .ai a aiparat eobnstitinuntil 102. w00niIL mered idi the Penn. sytcaa.Aa Cimpany fue losurioce. ni làvosand.4 lrantIng Annoii. - 1 PAYS Ta) ADYgCOTICU i-b '~; -~ ~. A iieon the shore,0fa Awrtag1eu'la1a.ith 11 ppa.. tuiouîtmfore flohlg, bîsdiog. swm0.iug anUd otIeVre weater ee.tlon pcooides 010 0Mil0f oiue ooeldac .01.0 la OaiituO1lly Canadienî. Bu1tits la a cottage omo1Imsmenai a ltt of maorisg e thedl Ineof ,tc colvesiteneî, wmhaI.theoeao fore 1 lit nnoplIriIy if 1100 Toorte aiDecIl'. Gap aid FrechieOver oloe viitra lic. ta cototags miocitre as11eilme olceolas 000el soitz.. Tho itol, 11f,. olîl ail the tafocualitY and oue mlcI 11e aicceuîlou bocplte. bIone 100' woîd aIl bîe to afmous Cu&- dieu Pacifie cmorts. Mo1.erle ritloeved 0f th0eaoilg. dnoItac of the dioO'maihlng anldi0010 or the laocu.umon, .010 efne dm00 elub Iel. itî and md ont Te centleit o loge sl te Domfieabaiodato lteaictilits hlm oocentrore0f 1. Dur.1000 if.. loacoIhole urusai an ujy dan- Te la atog fâmlly e- cingad otoer amuemeontsalm aimllaiioo btweoo Dev1'.,GaOie -i cologn. Loge, oe itiaea, sdan eld λ Ath.ugl 11,0 am me IZ Cha0let BoiunglomCamonou teor oevoeymoe. ir f the the Ca.nden PacifieTocmoto- flilOlethe mocit pal"sort at Sudbury Uno. l I bauilothono e eoct. teflahIng. ThotlI. ietion i if 10..and foimti, thoc hoaiio the.inof11g I in n oid offor ondin.pnslbliilor fe e. Ploceol. cike ta. nioa. pias iteaion. NîpartofCanadilîîu, 00000 aepplet gam-fist, if tha botter 0100005. and blicco are Cndlao mîteooetde mon- failAtes foc tennis. golf and cluloosîasd ithebonInaiîd .OoBo.spot. Grat epnoieof blauckbus are food Iaba.ndon. wnleeanîd ,ooed dcountry unke ee. 0010 ditictso Once podtiesd iticloclu, IatPlietre 0100 , rcord f1,,the 000montotitandimg no1oboni. automobleo.home or eof oololeo ouetheo ilîlc.11ani. ou font. hi oundOoilusitaloogU InigOt Indiotdo.l bnlowsiem rcet-1. heJ. J. Colemanoo0f lviiieflb. 1100., *e'oniîmded anso ly Incedina. IEigloLkOenitiet foeutohod,. bhsave leoligOta. Oelit apIc. 19 039. Thot %me elniung .ie.andoSldsitce. ola he ooed', etord. -es fesaegood..for nov or roevwan ordera. It will pay y.... 0look tmm over mnd send us the coupon today. ALL-FAMILY OFFER This Newfflpe, I.Y-a, ad Toue Choic. 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Ail cou ne aidte taa 1. atf- oddmues .,ea.a.k, and aane or mpht amond. 1-9 te anorîd-cly Plan. Pioloio'îla osrrect0 oore-011h the date and aiyoe 1infuormam tinu.id,e.teh me-mlUa ".tcy" 1. a.îer ,îîcoi. Tloofoa theormulao .0,0 yooli Ùlthse il.itua ta keoîiî,îyour album aoo ugs. Il John van Oulde