leSAWL ni- peterd ie. psteee.Epase /M uset .5f M fg 2111. COMES thaiSm ery pyeBC stan tht mieresata, i.,tO itt. brgbt C any oie. -les for tie nOs e o e.tiohs, eux hba ave e"uSal sashorc for ceci bree,,ai.ooichancesetf ob ing fie Pistasses. P reins, ailing, m hroatis.g, fah Uualp Op theltitse or s.a.ara, ha iig, ancd tOeoaca othc e pasues. a n dy dlà ytse ave ss l tht gwth a securn bthe atae. igt t ork wlth tninuirai. dThé5 eh Any onea enioy thie fun itis. extra ight glvea pou oppotsaty ta out a amora but erilyte goand top dama" (usec à saaller lea op- i ootoooeasoilyogandsmog) and thereispnbtalassarp. ha rttto-o ithout hnettg amade a ic e ors-ooîdctls. te tureo-sto-oyof You iiOt oti ne Alo thee lano etter plaisefor usia strying ftoi itea bhtoki n cio strs hna N about it with ooter for iok. Wtta n teMreoîî rbatotrcefrthe a he yooha. itiehi, iot~ beaehltsaelf andthehbuais,ottags ttay eti omeotf ttfo a te nd haeaa, ethnt mmo. te but toetutolly yott ettember littcin maaotion. Of cors,f yo aaî - el- that. the ict tiat yo wetoatoeaopoftrilyae tha.-e.Yeastlatety3oillcay,'Yec. beaq.ip offut cîtionfa ste ea.h th 1 hadagod tiniethatoototoo, butot equppdviaast aimeh bt a oht id you tdo, wototo-oe yen apm'teeoe at edoamltieae. si ooth hat did yen oo? Botaomil-,.n-trcesldoswhan f lonthat with notthiinyotttcttip- itopn.toc fiord foras acer. If ftl l,t .1nb.ot ho oi t, . i 'tijt apd moto nassanap- tba--ot-rtyatytht. ofhopeoehiog modooeoat, shoot fDom an P dtait, of that gSd0 tires, and 00- aglraditcofaotf. toahpotoott. and taly yn gt t wthoustar. il gretfuly ihyuC Thoc have a eaargt e" ad Aoother reasso ftotog ose mhea yn ft home. cmiato tttelakoeaohorec la33à John. van Gulder. Quiok te kioil. ..Uow telu.. a It's easy to tart your to $av@! fire with the hardesil Coal ever mind-Old Companys Ana thracite. It kindles qeickly. Tte fur- noce needs oeas attention-thie super- bard coal burns lowdy. You're sure of s aving&-becauoe you use fewer tons. Prompt, dlean deivery Îl gtaorateed-ustcallournumebw. R. S. ADAMSî PHONE 48 HAYWARD TRAN ORT Daiiy DrectE Se us TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local andLong Distance Cartage and Moving. TORONTO Hà B« M ILTON 8i8 HAMILTON 7-SM A Ford Tractor A Ford Troîtor will go a long way towarde tolpissg the, laoir problentiniî farmiig. On accootit of theo ass witt ohidi it cou te oprated any mombor if thea bm- ily over toi yeare can do a mon's job and intead of it soomig like work, thoy will eîjoy it. Ws wil ha pleosod o lt yon use our demontrator anytirne for powing. rltivating ot- ratever yos ant ta do. If you f iVe it à trial It o iii opoal for itself. Aak the mon who owna 0onf. Eariy's Sales and Servce CAMPBELLVILLE ONTARIO ADYERTISE IN THE CHAMPION!1 NIfeuisetemeaiCd teelil Ulet Stelu baS hwta fletenS mr tic ogtcetoinaWe harte ta fileeada. -te j anq t h ealee acltiseta -adpo -oe sla-everpoear e t dslcamiti cd lmu .0 s ét r t a aatt Fovi n paO.c ' aoadta aciclseasise.,ri e moah vetn o n lan e Vsaa spseantlyisalacilcaared-go Itaeiit quelea gigooi- tats~ on hr hoard .asianple air a '«TOtea Otlind Mioe'j p...ee ohei-î t ve tor. thta Bitrttll yîohoave aitthe eqoiu ii - 000oi ote,'il 'ttl -tout,, oco igtituses; 0-31 aavben oîoootderd anAmica.OouteiatOtedo m'itil. kvration-bot ait se. Lampt ot Theressertytoee oie breakstît asrto-erecoail hy the eailyRo- tiat yeux isretiag macintertait amc- oeiag o-ci. Learnta inhalr deca- fItale Oahtag ta Amerlcos a ly, eapsdtag pose nOs ecad eiicoe- lrvlag tada.tey iscioce 150and ilItitg pose eptae. Exishal smly turtil ao easy ta chiata thtie isistisbonga feel anmpletcly dcflated. edtmo wel. Butit-aasntoactif To testt h. evenaccaîi of orl àe 'If intetai cetary tiato-hal er.atiia, stend belote s concite. It, ilorasitraaill cdlollmpa oire. thinais eeps steadtly hiziontal-ý iais camairopthasogi a taise isen YpasxaesiYseupaorocecothical id as oetnmade aioeabroufoc evecty. rengt; the taohemcrital cosd As-for therangeaios exloe,î tter stand ticeo-c.c and tenar as yocan elargefi talt saosimple montearly oaits the tsiseiad t.a eeseluasastisone: ooncreo-ed ta 811 tith amp. Opeais tie» syliahlrs tna lw Molay cao-or lampe bad!to-o or mcit volet oIBAR, RAV, HEE, BO, borneo-tahc ta gis. hottar light: tos, 00. RaId tic asasd 00, fleodoallo ýie isy side, aauccd a coreen t o airista& froas a apeaatil qostity ei and tic t.remesaifanygea ile- ttaa smi etagtag tartc. ltcd in astongea flame. As avec Repeat t. a algistiy ighea opcoh- hree'sa ro-dandIvr-omta oed tagfteaca inlaothe00teasang- non satislactory-anttir e 0mb- tg tee eu hetore. Aod aontinue- tan Fr.anklindt.aovery. or tisey oaY. ctai tise emce c it. e ach tiat Tto-ards tise middle of OhmePNice- -aa long aspaocn wot taitt. ai aectary. caanoene ibrtconne TOeolamer ehe vai tarep hy ser. ia popolor ace mhalm-ao.isobt iseicg _______ âgily exoier, lampa for this flaid td ansh onsl.ger miah tubsatirait U. S. Dupa VautReinadeer ld ticeo-hale-ail lampt, ta asord kghtsthti ename prect.ng dama H-erd for Preaervation litih omiisulaIfai. SanaeClasa t.et gelig teihave ____________ ta thsani aride for àolaltimtancye anywo-,for Alt lmtshatfu Mlei Kiwi Site Happily reiadeetu -asppntm$ Idiltl1- Oa sga; eWifet Watchs mandst.t - ot - tmOh. ortpae.Ti If paou haromr really fitndly mithisaeeeg.nanteeiy aample.Tdthe on aviatie he o-ii haegic tatlaino ags eaaepsasc .hoo laraedlp about thiw toi. Bua if yeati ivolvtna c Srd ai Ohe trritoatoa pinthean dame mont o-lt admit tiy enet harda. haveeevcre.noane. Alteyhaoo- "Tise Saammeant hod toehap tce ia tict a kiwi l. eametiing Ohat f isrds heraase Oh. jadactet o-s eat- ooldlMyibut an't. Piilot seothe ly fced mwiti eotiton,"seuild worda fnatlotinacYtinoya-ttChares Bordiah, aeial cientiie metrot i ation ecatiiec mit, the depaetanant aotfthelterair. !Thci core cegleatrd taoltrehoo- taoiave whiltreoatcaecoald net sffoed te eesa fitrots.ftOeaeaiofthilO tocade and tttay Therkii-lteoa idlfoattttaly in frad teisabouiltt tohaeethrti- rew Zeeand. It t. thr otar af a dastry hept galag." bie,tlaye egis lint rigaiqater Evrctsally thseplanoiata get ail eu maah a. tise hen' a teaveedrderadrer sada, tiec octrelfthet i with oae asir inattantifcfsethea, Eskimoa, Oardiois rootaaisu ta it1 cnd finc hany stoise brairadt of o-ile o-wIll ha nrell'a cnttaiv dioutey. Ttc femal a ta cthieti toeratisotrSte poiteîd ou1tiat ttto eot.dao ,- the male but tir lattrsite bsppily 1h. oaly depenacdute menttsourcea anthe ggsand careora heyocortheEcsimoshae,andifteintdus- tisite ics mife stands Oard. Tis ry ep icifafi oold menua shigh tomateon aeai]tale, courtkickrelififond tethe go'ettmat. isle an iaîetott. Whavrrahe Wtten Ohe dotranalsly get afuiteh ,iahethe atenrir e etmate tu haodaof theEasims,ttfi iio pmce mtth her toenaittt The btodes' amutt, blher sandaed of livttg *yearight ta on pîour tat thry moet fie tiree-foerti af thisct popultont, gelaout by liting their longOhoas a OrdicisdroIrad. lt t.ppistg ocae. Thec ahooldisa at ir aatet c aing aOmsn.a ec O ao-tuths t.toa b acotlt "kiw-i." plsed hcaîntOcra rely de- termat yet. A gord gtdcotoe tsoifteahati Marriec Wie To-Iee frisisle ad fertite. inNachez, Ma,in tchesrritOe Whct fiable, meitrse Hen Var. N17t1he.li .tatheomooisa Prît Wileot t. the Maeah isseeoci -f 1 Oiatilta iclgn Bto e Orntifl tmassta. t iha-tuer tn tirgtnaaildgrstad hee hua- ,voter holntg capeotty, ts o-rfband a divorce, tastead, au mac the aerrted and cattly prarteated itanoafasmore permisscion ta bipngl lat cmots. sunit foc divorce. The aoit maa ltte cahtinacttverbactriadurt t broagst atif1li3aincd tic totaiohmuoenat. - dtaaorae vo-s granterd octticgroounds Wh'bn soifa ftlett, ft hs otnt litat choiallo'. Bobardeso-tIcwa A tttaee cîrmentrita hih aescaaotocnaly living miti Jacksoa tfai te tirhe eaty, hototord gaotl is ilalie. Jaakson immcdttly pao- et plants. oured acotier ttae,.e sand had an- Tai msey amaters coredieg tc Otttr crmaay peroimed int 1794.1 %liens Wilson, satotOeaatoavit] There la ne aidencethtiai csones resu pacto. voile o-ne aofaittll, oe that .tackson Thcte tOcfte ttigledecîtate eat cnetaacting t. gSailtt inlathe ioue. eloe fle "Ilr l rig iontatbeltel tict a diatrer lie In gardanasuoo inoalsa, gu.,- attd. Ncaertiesrlasc a loayce oondatioas ooot e hr otutd have hao-a tiat tirh ta tttg drrply, et teaat toocet tî gicla lrgt.tstorc dtd nit ileoot di- ýhe prenntlor îdera, place a i oeaitOhat fime, hut tnl gave ne oyer t ofa tfoiesaad ders- premt.s!ofora it teh rocit ,nebattu., ted'cirae îp utheticproprcourt. Tisr iacident and thon tellegrOcta is te i veniroced meeiilosalyby thepati- etorethersto wiîio'toti- ost-npresinthepastdcotitlcom tovn ot00 tpait of1,bt thetareslt howoý ..heto treae,fttitttithl" flîoedtinhi.honoty, oznmîaieials Itoiobit toitté gii para-Peri.ct Caiecao itotngmtoiotcttttltittiio A thoossnd poeart eoeColoto- nus dcoverrd thecNewtaoldtiiere Plastte Gaila eFeour -otated a a ciiitation ltCeralo Plasttic oa.-î te or bt-i. > Amcria tisa o e tcmuet adt- oata eietttioio'ît vanardlntheitWestrn hemisphra .y lia. nottrtîdut 1 tt lti otir oiimtco f Eoropruns. n.d.la. Buonly sthia the tst 40 yers A sdrla. f h nwcasre- 'aie the sohirosmeat, oftihr Mayast hr fiet thlt t lio to,.oii tot tola appaaoittd. Th. tuto nsteiitt panel la.ooon et et- othtd Oeloae ipaotrdo oooîtod raille.sod tttdet Mexico. Othec type. of ptootiaoe - , Modemt ctomlogitaavacc coi- -asplayrd t tttîte neli t i- rd ruintaof magntticent itits, iomcla flotird t oni e-I-eo io Cbiihoo ita and Mayapstt d-i"- ftmmootdtaga ofthe cet îutti ed asai fpalacseand trutpoa, boites by Fisher sud tao0.-it. tifticiel rsracotcesod paird high- tOc instoif the ajadie , egtitot- oaye, Maystt ioscripticc ae b.ndtcs adeetts oetroiinaeti daipheabtt, pride aorittaatret- oper.tioa aI the ao-deaîIt tcîîttati rofit iti engaraIan. sysetes a ettas tor dote mi Mayentcuoila cenciered in Vois- oosrteay flitg feritos. tsan. Altioh thc Mayas atd Azt Otie sce soti îhtîh ptautieo a i ca, are bloleved ta Itav. a commeun bietg put by ,autooileto tattoto, nsoory, the Mayas ertaeeopoasd turera talod. stccerinOtiheela. toitlire peoplc C ortez aonqored in tex- laabatsheila.stop lgtoila.dttr-o.ta;io. Civid .toite, cotultît tnde- signaleanmd rcdiaor iîtlsmctse stractioa ai thoeroitiez, ectdcd thc ______ glaey of tis celyAmaercanproplr go Igest.etilNom City Casiman LeayaH. Bsket Rom.eads.tr on Fareai ofdaaton. N.C.,aomptaicdsatti St.ed-prered femrs it.vnonsît council meetng fltbthemtown'teOt fpartsiftieioutrysreppemett sire, sitostad ot the tatrfotttt 0g thereaturoaest ttrptbytop moldntie herd byttileaaatdeit ctattogtnavalthomemindustraiesinoft! ai North Edetttott, mherc tic tii-en ston.nlAransasforematpla A coasatter o-aes appotîtrd ta lulitnta cescettil fermet-. Ritey Mili tata ehe mottr. Itrerpiotrd tht-ti e. ewho malssise, ut. no it ptîtn ase tuaismeeitta Stashatte outt, girs. Aathemoleo-stheîootthei,i plit.,Theaoonrctt thrt decided i t-made Ireadmitlil it ,e and lotieoe hsaethe ciren armovrd aid put satia tacreOnite fthst siassoff a shtaglc. a ,teo- o-tet-tanh dtrctlta httît. ro reh imitdraps, The mole tht teekett'a homc.Hstettîta o -tortpodoaces 7100 ahingtra a doy -hitt ti i soot hte satistuon. neatlils o-neeoa leso profit ofti? lit Ag eiOet VietlmieDasieraos lmPostailevc Sorte« atd ttoeceemaca inloca postal ne ,it rvicieUlr iac anise caed byoapaaaon o ithet bashoinaanetsrpusi iae ofthe tapon himcefteniftcaaaccdenat otetix frraadhoesiaetssioti Atittmand paehlminacarainor .hceraatogtinaspitcaf isrueptionait fertoaauh him tu.ahoptst orrigntalleisy o-ar. reaaila Mrdial autioritttesadvieit entt et ttopraiscccenlly. In0fisaltyeat tootagg aninjurir] pero or te than ended Jane 30, 1939, postlt ret'rnone itaolip neesaey ui tcmdti alder!$745,915,075; exentditoacs, .eprip ser, o atrse mentce lamil $784 W,938; groas deftt oit ae$311, seo- ilsfra-eld proedse 'o pr.-, 01.100. Dishett.g na-p.ttclie..ai -nt. at-er $litO.OO. eet postal ,îrpoc ie the maority oSiartident ramo a i$S14titl,UWrepart statea. In col- -eqairisto hospitsl care tir ist pro- endaer pese 1939 reiceipta ttaleti adace te ta assise the virtim aset-sm- $73,887,444, an istoreaseof avtez ortabte es possislr asO allao ienasta $M lOW,WO ovr19380 aatctts ear. onet qaietly aif tie ambutlanae ar- Virait qarte 09 ppectfiscal yeor. rives. Ustesa tirc la sheatvy io..ecded Septeanise 2, 1040, cet ace Isl Anbdormsetie a .Or,,ttea ,,rod itO rectaepte ttotaf *17f,. ctirnty dateraid the dengerfai a- W».. 0, ighest icr poriai ta isttarl etter t beedling éae hotidind. q.59M t sUcefspama CR0081 CVROJZV foi '41 MET CONCEALED SAFETY STEPS Old-faslioned oxpoaed ruansg boardsarec oui! ... .You ceeoaioly woa't fiad tIsa e ttec aaode, oreaitlierd 1941 Chat-coIn . . .Yoc o ttill nd CONCEALED SAFETY STOPS ste acis door of its famnous Body ta Fisher. Clootoolco for '41 is tiseoly lammit priced car 'aayled to toy mtodern" wiah coaspletely CONCEALED SAPETY STOPS onaail modria. CANADtAN-SUILIVyGÉNUMAIMOTORS NO'ltlTINt et LOtEUttS WM. WHITAKER &SONS Station Ra, ai.kvlle, Phono 141 Canadian Pacifie Builds First Canadian Tank Itwsapend day fur teCaa- cd br the.Mata.D. Now, Mia- Tour mhota Ooaat mmattatI, Job.' lsdi. Peif. Anes ste of NUU» &dOSpota. hoe td.SHe aise mactioedthat ai e o wttttoo Do-In . ciaO,- .00 aancedMr. olemanILt. O.30 tf thet tloueaetdeof tank& h. co. Io.ptlsdeot, anooocd ta Sowen. aistet aimottae. omand.0 Iil aditoaittie 0000e ahofel a gotheringo-f -o,-o0.,,t aifi- rottteo stock, aced otterCap cdtien es hattn îeaod for tic Bat c.as ooayofficro, orers acfieUtome for the affort tiseyttlsPtOohaitttCommitssioa. and io menîo 00 1,ha ttott s had pot tto huilding ttliteaie- 'fheo îttoc aov0eshom Mer gra o Ch. dOteitd wmer tathc. He. intao,.Colemtnsof3ftitally dattootltte the hi(ic ,rîi, bon-)ilt takte the aa theitank ad ail otitoan to finst tank titirheDeteantof Caidiîn. Aîîy.'ýTi,- achs"a' oma off the Antesasasemhtby 105e Munitions and SOOlyeand,tnt, ho sald. "N ilie old dof co-ecat dtettae Roc. J. U. Oolctoi Min- CorpoCottne OttotofaittteRoltc toer.I il] bHéhafottîo-od hbOO-l te ofaI Otionat Dataoa. c ho Tank Oeimnt, c oetomla of h ottcand lhoiioîde iofth. e b:=aohd tie tCsdta peoio .lohtch, oatottt itng an Ano 'htanko - tostttottîtty ancoOt- îooapilted. 'Tas men baaeputotfithe 0an0. "SUN LFE POLICY M F -lond moe It Plane SECURsITy for -the. PORT NELSON, Ot. Td pha ves you thie ST -Sun Lfe of.(anada IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE m4m"Pe oaalieMM smmadmisatsa. tise district parole boaed cf Wazb. On.eani lb parclésa sstaaitd feo osa a onesrsfsrmstory raccat' ly sad told she mocstd Oc theom o tt priaont agate tocrsa Y- i sia e .rpes at ote oolhiîd wothinthe0 cot12 montiez. ta luae. 1939, Charles R. Shunts, M &Msudbit mile. Mary, 22, mers asestadsiad adttd on acoaa chargea. fT"p peaded gaito ad threamtiersemes apsa tise maso-o c ths coart. tsimm wongiccnaita matetua yer ad hlsi@rtew seateac.d ta nta. t ao peas. Ater sevlog hbailtarasStase wua roaes en st Mayc. Mary seemd a Uilte oversaycar mhaaskha wan parsted ta AsOssO. Otasaao-omatis otetde tise gm. a *ora oeirmstaepawhes Shseromntsopen tu aies» hW bis i miscm heaailst sean for a pear. 11 ca.'t ases pas, Charte.." .MO wspt, as h ha eai uptaucashese isr. '"t san't go hack islti pou. 'masiad tatahmltth ou. 1da't mst to csmaseh lithe friaotis year bhtctd bacs." Charles vient baoh ta ticir hoine isulaofhtteute.. ste tisehtd af justice mhtis sctinuez ta exact paatshasena itar the pctsaacr Oau served i..tarast.ola. Mary cash an astrtmnect a hblok amat,. ta despecatisa, Chartes sppcsled fee hstp ta tise pacisis prient mso badl masred theas a short tisa. efor. tiser ot tata taoubte. Parasitia Fungosa Growth Atteka Ptate.,, Refta Tist atehicy Osgas, hamowtwdety s Rhislotoia, and osactag an eqstpmtts s dîas. ai pote'- ta., suaar heets aad otier arops. shomwstliccances wmiteisaysseas aseat for nome ofniIs atttoatrctttes, scordiaf ta E. L. LeCicrgofniLsu- tao tte astverstty. os tic resais eit.Inesttgations ta a-aPeratlsa itiste.UnittedStat.s depaotaseat af sgricuslture. ltepartad ta POytapathoiogy. th ptast-dtceaae speoilllt' jaoral, LCiegshows. ham tisa Rhist0aci front e potatamwiltattack sugi orbouts, mieea. te snome argan- st ram sugar hat iii ttacb P- tacesttgstaii sctuer, LeClerg foiaatise tcthceasacomposistg the body ai the sogor-iscet ROtsae- toute m.re appreaoly and sgi- tcaatip tisiter taa tiase of tisepos- ttaargaaium. TO. cogar-iscet tora alto grecm futur tantaisaatary teats.' ad made lsx Ost devetapaseat aroasd 86 degreos Fahrenhseit, ohit. thespoitutomas.tise omer gaamee. develt~opdbst aiaaasd77 deeen Th.esgac-beet RhiOI.atiaais sccased ta ho mores itgist pacasitia ogatast tier test platstian did theictuta nea. GrisstMage Mh lotirent amonsfermer@ art spreadiagintagraina ilaOe. For cen- curies tic amiies d.tey ocodoces 0 the Alps rat thi toyssa aadams avea doetag ratassad witisot hut-' tlaonstseed tic O.p ta silo. miti- ottIn. SOnagris asleuosicetgs thaa tara se sorghsso otroe tItl aaa.searp ta add dilate soiphorte or hyp-hroiact aaldt h. grns e s sitaged. Stamever. amorecreceatty foms ehait=11tiatIfthiY add a*Ule. asa tuthticgrase il alto mls go tiroagis tic rtght Olnd of fermsentatioan.d assite ecllent s. lage. WOep se mhey pamdee. o bp' praduct oaiotues ftatoriel, e atmla hae sddcd taohe geasse .11.0e and gice stailcresatt. Moasses t. ecaomtag popsiar wmtti ismers ta .dd ta tie ioddeseorsile os set. malsiftnd and it eery litietp mIltan cease ta papuaaity t. Texas Ws cause o reglar imspotations of bltak tesasaiMelon"iront Cbain suge miletuatheTeasaGulf tesst tesasm hcce i recais thi ttetar Ottestankcseortc. 'D.aOVite Tilte-' Borne day, nome ttme, sosmehady mut esteisise is-th crtatnty wmis. tualip gave tht. tasousordere. TOat It masnIsaitid ai Hacher Sill onlace 17. 1773,0. t h. Cotirectala wba eresat ta, hoeattaked bp the Britishs eegulars asdee tiecon moisd or Willim HoRataageead. es l~asle th.atsmeetaacti.t te Mintaatme e meashort cf ommani- Saen aM heavtty astesasbered. Tradittallp.ced4t fsr tic liste g.., ta Cal. Wlitsi PFeesctt. misa. hoamtag tiat i enc mold ho tcmpted sp h.e rtassan aulte and .mite bhecates ai tic htag's gratae- die. sad enatsuainthlmbistroape' tasios iesficleat eqalpasentat.!a ti.m tsald thirele stii the assas vas ataomt anatiras. -ticra tau heas th. mord. bavs bies .ttribut.d ae Copoels lIsee Putnm, arrn an Strkthdlaitd hisismon: ofa tile*yeu, cr Mlls Stark'@ s C.sftaoam Glst' t; Te outyeort routem"host"tin a Charlatte, 0N. J. is 00cr. Par 10 if day. justicecwon ttrroped isp malt. enaatgrate %rails ofthe cassnier. Flaally wmhapne pad thII rklmah vec one ni the isage .atlltars. lest abvtheehuldela das. Outstoatppait "Gtger," the * oastp aoir* big ta cat tist dia- apoeared tma mo ac.e For thebisol auderis reluiltaeh.,. coup and mter sisald he inte. rtght Prprtios. Wasiser anaa-- fachacro bave made II simple tutejlct mies the solution as recied te- bcst tage. âtsitwMiSeRscsP Of coup for cacte. codte befere addlag tieclt« poad ip dymures coraa tie oe tirsn cis.f ai Sab sdsbave formed. .la mekshffla mitlaisme b tise maisbelem the mornaseti. c er soep teeS i Ste soslution Wo-itad. m cot mises tiesud@auare sfficiftlp- abuadaset. Iif lesises are esrt ta siled, So a, "aen Serasétsk s omsbe% o int h.original seoltion. oSe'9'"