The Georgetown LuW Cé -IL. SMILTON, oëlr Lamber, Laths, Shi.glus, Fia..., Saab neIl d T BUILDERS' SUPPLIES C t t i lit , 'ater, (iyproc, Asplalt Shingies antd Roofing no l iiiinda. BLUE COAL - HAMCO COKE For Prompt sepvloe Phono Mlton 49 W. C. KENTNEH. Manager CIIeSNAPSIIOT GUILDI THOSE SMAIL SLIBJECTS aiamoeptodnent. Th. prco r offert0000plin,. simpl bok. ground ohloh 01.0 holpo. ohiet. It îy hbcîatipote- more OpwetOl. A iOipletli0o ottoh as th l-itttn, athe qototot 10,0 o.,tked "tix.itht.' 0011en. tiîptooîîttep c» h.Patch for aohable o ta chant wltlheOOt Rutotwo.. tte ortttg. It lao 0017 hireen tchestra rcBsa- hiî..tîllt; ltrla otmmett, Ile Jet-woheh la1.10 lou007 d lotxE-YOne o0 f ne hbuo8.1d, la all tyose abtsith crîslo- et sottp ttttt ot otother, "Oh! 10000 otofuott lo onture ine 10 itiow lh 1ot ultd 1gel10 oebol-go bt ' and 1thoplace ithe0017 110 ter!",tort Iditnce. A gildeortble me aogittot potait otoihoopol. and sho..ohtoh rntex la corect Poo otl-o w 7tth . lreftodlfoeuoito lot ,Oott fiotl b camera. oooîp, thioo11Bide hiyntt-p. OI may cusé, yen cân how up o. av as tao.asthtpelt o o ota a htopt oftitttetIey hy bt- yotîooolîjot. Il 0t laoa ootorIpt to titothing In h pclre h00 lot!oooscotlto. o hos 100- Iio.otxoPtteI. Foroxootootta.hix pitor-thretiiitt foeusioo, tttdin o potootittpt, or i lat- Y11 on - ptt tipi loo-to tioon 000 .011t000 ime 0100 0,,. sud --boitoleslui -mteo -B6t. This Ottt.ýt8 Ye atetion te thé A itoinhof tlheitoflue ocus- mai bt01 andi000t1h001stem top oea,opo.the poai ttaoi hih Itoti Promitot-00000 10.00h 10 men1 t ingo yeoasonaroatw 00o iituly topo t 1,010e.. let. Th t oc iohîotixaoct topo Ttp'thtop 100hde. noul 11100 iîoîî1itt. and no toillooa i. 700e 1,010a1Bvit 001ohIOp. Thytos pot otin000o . o.-11oM "dioptiiot" a 100h 1motelttafttug 0110100.. itîoei- io.The.. ot. 327 John tvan Giltdr ADVERTISE IN THE CHAMPION il cieIuà CLCIs DRAINS OPit eut§ 110rlgbh *ro* itbuordy lwy-*.h~io~ d.m.. . for aiouboaýpce - pas ...for oinoy Oum e 00e7 dny hos.bod teckel , Homne Accident. KjIIod 1 32,000 Persan. in 1939 Foles dot have o 1g o t10 ito1 bc klitbd. They nontay107igtl1 homeo andlhvet hip iez anufd% out hroogh soowo ot of crelso- relis, oooting îooaorvey of Min Glyî Word, hometmnaogemeont opooiltl.Uiversitly olinois colto- teof af griculture. Misa Wodt report dioloipo 10c1 f the 3,000 prsnao.accidoitally kile1nthe U tnitoedhSt teslet 7000, one-hiol. pr opprooîoototy 1,000 ptsona omet deall- ooldo fPg abl- Pool 10oihooxeolod occupatio&. Thtstono bup56000 trI. tho. desin Aohlloof ailI otrsonooooideO- tatiy k011od 0Inlhomeps ote 5 yeîrs pf cflo ooet 0Fals aooootl for aotoWfpr cent of cl hme ofa10- tirs,, hilo botnolre rponioble fho aboot 17 per cent. Roports sho 10,1 10001 fohot oor inthI-obedroooo bocooxo people ott hooloit eoo pop ig r00011in the dot. The 10,1 mostocl 110000000spot l the liing 00000 and Il-o thîrd i l-oe saototy. Ilopo ohioh lp or lothoblo. slitro cod tryn tithopl hodroi. oin needof rpairs, sippery flors, hneur oxtesor 1talesood 10 placetof seooore topladdooo re soecue f cootip nd o ma 00100. ftal accideon. Sclde and l-roî too seonxd as a nueohome accidents beooo.r people areitt otoioîî les wtlot- Iîqodî. h,îîoll ohildooto are olîro the victime o throo latteroaccidents. Matches, lîohted cigaretteso, tfo- maoo l-to inig Plio 1et., 0110 cre 111ih coîlooîooagtsto oody In strie tl-aotorneoooooiceio. Trifling Woundc Cause SeriosoInfections Ntoo out ofloootP casest 0 sro is infeto 100100 foîtoin. juries enotoin]tht Itp 00010 l on îîoîtpottinîooîootoltialat- tention. Loi MottîoMllr, Noo Porl, toroxtin Hpfot, Tho Hoottî "Evort 000, osho 50s,."lOOfOly 88 a res aiof tina ttentonle pir splioku, tolotl 001 0011 rrtou-i andphototl-otmoehlo htbande ler, otot oo or igopi. I ptope r îooooton, are tabo Il-o 00001 iiioroity of sool-infecttlu can ho poîooted, the othor says Shhtofferso 1l-oîosuggestions: 'H opet 007 brook il-ohe blo and costooo l-o110in0botootot in fotiot as00aco espocible. -Thetre are many dsilpetpto One of tte bot, i thoelriîo h 001 tooextensive, ls 11001000 ol Il-o oooos th atietilloo ool, 00011005 and mouotl- topobo. Il hoild bho mbr011h00, lowoor, 10.1 the antiooptio trooliooot la000. er 100 yperce tfective,oandilftler a ot propt heaoottg of the ounod. o pbyoliaot slould ho adv10.d fin- cooit.ty." O f *forth..tdo au 1. Brantford 116od 011. o lnsolatlooc atue of btlt0 OOOfO0O ooobtf - t.opx 3. 11.oodood Iooolàted 51d1510IIwo1oo dm cm uof rooooiod valut- bold bp pioooodom IBranioSd Insulated SidIUn Georgetown Lauber C..of Milton he tts sek tio 11p0t10111î,0the ocolo-Oftht o. oo liî.llîlg 1, tressos '-ootresses hol mut ît 1h- $tend violenttoopratool. "bprobbOOi has been," .otd P;Z; Gerge echerdtrofP lb l' o enlg ineering e01010000004110 aiib,"1 .lrlo.thoe0100001 of bo= 1=11=ioboo for varloos ohip .000110o.oscb s dck. and bulk- bOad, 10111001isolatono ond oith lotoflalos of vion...kodo opptiad lu. dffet000îwaysaod 1in00100001 To do 1h=0, l .00 ,000007 1in- "1 1InbOrpPlOO.o uoberoo fou- asomoPanelsof samuchOOln113 i pooxd welgblinch, rprsetiogI a.eOOefoad battlesoblll. 1h00. 10000 blt nt tb. Philadelphie 0000 yard. Special qulpxoenof itoe guatded bol box type oas doottopod in tht Inboraoies iassisce tho tests al toOipoiaULboPorangiog froool .OOP Fahrenht ton tbe ppd-sideofpithe panoelta 140 dogreea Fahrenhbitto lbe bo aide. ai dl, ii o d. - ho ho éver od i no oir dOl!.. 0 of pSur 100êIýPIOM& thelbMm, furtboo der nÏ4 >bj-leopdratolOWcei iic6a~I* hM1t~00bt01O0d 11010' Tvamni by ShortWave Beoaxooo hi urloslity walo, oinuob fo i bo, Carl Mollo. Braio- aid 0f oi ~1tuey o n? ld op Younig Batard, "Mao" t0 hi. friad, i118.0a senior in ifb ophol, w1110 a bot for lb.e0000pltifo wl-lob bai boi growng oendtty mincothIl- Chritmsix000 7000 gi1 1h00 bi$ parents gavoeboM on rYoIo rodio set. He prpoply at don ad look il spa0t. Soootda't reniai; 107110tf 0 d oui wby Il wrked," be oaya. Bols boi lryi0g eportmicto10lin out why lthoga ,oo-k. He'o bule 007 poppoloabto typeofolrodio r cslvoi, tour sobpx-oo. ooodioo sis graptband arorifg mine , inM1WJ OF eluodln hie00.0 cpaism oforot 13 Iia reorpds. fr lt 11's boon lboougb a gnrorotlto mep poot. vson c our. and lbore woth h o,00 o.yçfi colage for blo. for 'bied libely etthe omntl, tu briofht10InCash*I iantxe.and forune l0a apotableo lto a.thbf0 phone 10101010cot b ootried oy dopondeoal wheb oif idop.pold, withot 10000, aveu from, moi 1000automopbile. Ho bas 0ment lbo devolpo 10 Woh- ingtpi for paet iloprovol, ood if il in frailod b. may abaobot 10 ready te tek, care of tlb, loopolof "Il opraes soiolarty te0 .tp 10 shore .iletoi lrphoxts,'bhos- o t plaine. 1The potalet nil a100 0000 lar Fresch îlphpio 101000file 010. y in o glov omoopartmetoo, and transit@tby sbor waox te h, toto. ."Diahotg sigoal& Il-oheporoble are piphool op oo btoohomet'fhon, e-Conîrol Aodvanced lnoopo lotsoble r 00110it.l bxInRabbit Experinnont BlesewedsA oao-t M0lîiolly -l-itfooitiox, Tes..wir o xab rooetoît pî. Itod otai teAppliiod o- Il 1intinoasingly dfficoot te10 I-obk ttl-loear iotch 1 ot ot- oliaigbl.about pur probtopoo. An ex. ddod 0oîgîî tolrotootof w orkoo amope la turttsbod by lb. agitatioo dd0d1 000 t ooir -.i idiofe ogant oragwdfor the otolootoftoot-oooinotdioooooottooooo 007 ixoor, noOI10iboltadngt 0.1th l-tîotp blilh. we,011in0only 0one of lthe10000 ex. îiologsts atiltthereserchbinstiu- citants of Il-o diocsao. îtiooer Dayton, . J., pnoucood T7h.e aplidePtarode 100100 ibol97 001 of 139 Youtngtol-its 1n tioof wedoctpoocbdthealbrrnlIl-oe Oprimetail pop areof Il-e probtxoo .iirb 100laiole enotur OOsioul-Itwhoo ithe mthertoe oitheallegie costitution. tetotdowiI-sodaortic aoûttd-- Aod 1010 protlopo t lbsolod. fpreo toiof. The inormaooi0rati Mlreadyooscicehnpoititdltowad txt ral-lila 1961males0te1W0 f0. bleuit o.llolds o. otiotoof teomale. This w01 Oiooonly opsI secret. Il 10 reporta it î 10In llr-in bo10hî-diretions. gie indviduelsthe lbbod oltoido are The rol-il 10011010 areprt of an entorgod and senitve. Tht en- ioperimentte se iftîhe tretoool tranceof n0ious 10duels bile hetvie. offect colot.Se fartCeler reioll 001'. body causes a prctat0iponotae r0 otpin. Butlmer ont ool lb. sensitive co0llde 10 oopiltooies sc000001 ontnue olfooîictdtoxmbrai.oandlbth y .vo e. aobag s.Duriog ao noos tro tst oodoop- l.aitmiceor1038, oaltotlof 183littora Dycstratgbtthikigl c c sl-poo of toto and pol-hto havo ooo oIt- Il-cl boy f0100 la a pooblte1hi-îtaiord freito othoox 10001011 .01 ootoid by science aid 010 by lgi, onaoid sotution lot foototo otlcpotog oltoot gctcl ood. od ol-line solutiins flo mloff- syttof. Thoto 10000 172 doord Seghuai o Chirpracie joiirx, 0100 ît.ics, ad 10 fait- Abo50ys a if tbho men in ores. Stex-ontotlird ldiidoots i the o1 yOooo.101o0o ogd roo 5te 8o0 procetlde- ho Iichg ats shd Penoî b toop l-lo- lnî l-Ooîr 000 ngloofoly 0on100e concentrat- itoodard lbogboul 1the100011. 100.1. 10Ibothe idwest A.dmoooTaplot Succooî otot îoooooî rorterito St011 fouod hat1ieho uold IlitOtite Itot Doayton t ooted t a10 eco- patins a11 acbes f Ih. body l-, lOooyiot.îi 19,8. Doiogt1939 odJostipgvaoslbons&, ousclesioot tOp of cirig animalfl neiiaIO, îoo tisues.. îluding Dr. Looo J. Coeofpit10 Itopopobotale, , cotber man 0 y University otWisonosinoand Dt. Et- il-o mosf D. D. Palmero maide tnpmer l-tet ofItheUntversity oIll11- accdtel docî1,ooory. By djtttng nuls. quietly hogoo tdepeodootlalb- lie vrtebrae of the neekli wa oooîaoryooypt-omttooîî Boihololîred hir 10 te roa III.the yoptotoo o Dayo and oiîoooood telîr 0k ht doofooc. tfused t10 ot oncluionsottcoill The liaitdsooo.ove astlourdol ly trtitlotpislo-o. erof tolopatby; the00e0011, Il-ota il-ro phipbropractie. Finit Cnt 007-0011Pcap Hpm ico th rode bgnoiog o Just off Il-o old Wauobocl-o ril, itytem of *1I71000on0fl-oOlc, Oabot hll atmile wesof the l-op ohiepbas-.îiloco beau doootoped iule 01001p land thotla o 0w Miiotooh'î sSturette ite-ooloopathbpand lototowo ditcto, a pioncer footoor chiîropractie. tol-ol off lis l, boitlahouscoand Wl-cl idd reilutoo 000 00100are and Il-oeICil-ooun e 10000 111h Pdinf ,n dr.ioos, sooottofty s aitour 00 om oo I rivloriveor bantIt 010- matolvesto. 10,01. Marquette ooloorsity 0cam- A factldlcus, mdestyoog ooo pusooproil averoiolof theotd un drecantsofhavtig ltoky oodo fro poprrty. Worbro reorotty lier bande, or of itilblog hlf dugop the lootopoop on nely dressed on a publie miait, or pflito. .oqoird property .1i S. Ctherine', lng a *oy rid" ina ar ouofo hoot. Grdoooaotoollbkolol, H. coctrol, M. Vtodaohoog, jao i thecl10oolo, Psyrbologints 0have fond lbat 1007 oncooorod c ho f0a1000 ,l-toblhoit are t301b0110 omessnges frocta urboon oood t10 oooao the pontFot- soco.lo olnd. lbr tinvestigattti oo eled o 3-fot Ollk ond cin10a dreaun la kly 1te.l-ifl ol-lh ol-l-îd the ptping and b.e a ychol of moeotplecoonl piston ofpithe.poop. Constrooted thogb or expriîonroyou'oolrod aoirly of woodcand couplatby te igoe ri, Ooitof timig lhoitbond ioigd matai1ringthe10pipe msImbple yeo nyairboob.essodici asfourid inooorly prfeol Couili- by a feeligof inaccurltr inyour tion. iliopofrocn 12-fot lentlb social lils a fou lbhalyo ccp re.of piyelloo poptcr, tho pipe bot a lto veal momelblog dlerditableloeyoo. inch bor sud 1Hhl1ooo101.the.wood A car ouIofi onrl ots1010en0are00past bonihb boogbî 00100 t0 the taInia oo000000eu 0nicra.117 100110 surface about a oonlory afi0, ]Il for< rACTIVE ISERVI1CE If PAY IN TUE MIki oy h eBoa ord, Lodg- 10,Modiol cand Den1t doEXTR0A: (1) lRates on tZ.. lo dy t) Dapodnt Allo.oooooo a 8olf.12 eaobper 0o 2 Eblen - osly 3 st a loi 01100 Joi Caada's Active Army tlowl yea, giron. tainLk@, armoured cars, mechanized oquopocent of every description await YOU 10 send them fliundoring down the rond to vcory. Thba s h e opportunity you have hoon wanting -the chance t0 talk to the Hun in the only lînguago ho qndrstands. So join op NOW for ACTION Oversoas in old England, or wbcrever the enemy romm hie head. The a requires mentoifor Artilloo70 Enginiooo,SahcArou. roi Car&, Taks, Ioifaocry, Trancspot ancd Sopply, MedicaofanOc Gdotaicroanod 01h00 branchocf the0eIro- vice. The Aoocy ic preporo ta teacoooay radr, and t0 1train70en ta rfficieoxhly boodeCanada', oroopono of wr Go to yeux nenrol District Recrciîig Office. Olnd oulabout heo Uoito; boit lboy worh, ohattlhry do. Sec justwhere yootfil fi i. ikili 700 poslo 0000 best b, otilied. Thon joiont up foro.ACTION. Appfy taodNeareat District Recroît- log Office or Any Local Ao'mouo'y 'RTIVENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA Vacation Delights In Old World Setting T otrit ho prettooty Oound toto Totoopporioilly of attenod-littI Abrahohamtohe0Citodol. the imo o weood cillsof I10000.0.1ve0eli colooy-odithe aotiootity oooiith tet Euope 1he 0001000 10 thoit îar.- Chu rtl-Po, r ittg thtouph n0r- Gaies. o otîoooîoooocoiî.and lio optol0000are ooieoyioo 0010. oohhtetoned td 0100, 0000 01h00 totetoiioo todîootl-o. th...à. . o d tldotto-to oopo.ýliooiod hottltido. anol Octhet ollil 1thetootiot 1 theit o..z0id. f th. Atlant topi l- totolol "hol-itoot t idtow IntheI opicltresqOIslofp ln otd Otoohot City ohtli 0000 000k lo the ftids, 1tto rrepolo Oirleans, wher. tpto1000 ii..w1 t koily voty vacation sport aod ieointlhe nw oooood, ad one -y hod. poooly oxeno.t moith potont., lootodioog pol.' tennis.1h01 Qophp oneooea0ulofe. il-p Cyth.0sud tîpol, pil itho bl-top sud bl-ting.,otohbioplt Theo otootîldweitio0f Qoe- liat. oowhite1001000 piy otootot pithtl-t e oEt utlodatOacom-i hpto LoweptTown"'stand out i ad-tooms andtsilOiOtheiO.. tmodato, awotlothe tiitor ln aoharp oonrtoo1 o the odern OthotooothyoiitototiotI.ldo t00t1h10000 otttoo unique oolon phe ooo 0fI-t!h ioOo uFronotenac, Wiolf'8Covt. Qîlohot Bridge. Ohe North Aiooioiioolool. popîtiot heodhoO0t0e 00fo tteShrioo of Ste. Annedeti.opro. hlooiy ootoooihio hy Coiodtoo Qophotoitoo. 'This 0010011Can- Montmlot orec alt and 0en0 Popti ilb Pli iioof Mootoo. dis.Pactitie otop 10 l0000100 loos. bitil0 îîoiitîooOd 11es the New y ork. ilri soO, aotol ii oint0 f ot 0000 a dolIgtoltOood LaurenidesooPool-, o 000 .p.ppttoolop ..C if th. livottot tly, ot,d0100 ciotehe. Wtth- o.000010counîtry ool-tvacaion ... ne0là Il.00002000 0f I l- -Y oOPditancelie the1h.boist oidlgtOl- ait.0101pi ery 0. IIAYWARD TRANSPORT S. A. FAY Dally DirectI. Service Plumbing, TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON lleating and Locianad Lof Disthooe Caohage aid Moving. Tifl8flitbiflg P--v oLbo.aoAý-O-SU PRONEmO TORONTO RAIa MILTON 8île HAMLT,, .M30MAIN ST.. MILTON0 ONTr ---77- 1 - - ' .-- 1 --