t. rie Camau naupim' I~5~V1 tru.yur-oid cLu Mustri,..Joue le.1941. a".. ':edI KiIdh MILTON iON PADiI tUctStite. .. > le Stee Tba.e DIS .J :t D pljtJ. t.Utetbb -ro tht ie tcc e tte e orthtboit- the ..e hthce lacd.Tc.eLt.e9.Ott eg e gr.pae.tttd tt the Laiets ecs 'l.e tici t.ibt . 1 ..ît cdItqt eceeceiec.t it il .ild tetht t t e saP o bre eMacy b Cic.hb t.e id i etecet th. tee, gte t ead Othei tee1 , .eh e .c. d ýtd* hS ehb . Atteedti te t.lit e telcu di tiecege tectiittteh-btteos* e c ce.ptWhouttltus .ietîtttdeiite tel I~~l ei'l il 'l1i~lil . i sud c hlt lat dtn cci tt'i b t lt tit4c ti e ite cef eell gittQtecectcieec ec ct etitelle..a'.hteo atbte do tedîciIee tt eet OD. eec- icteceybe.ce t. iit. ec cd tt.pett.tc htet tctrd ce, Stt hewti h ctdettt diltcft ictheth. Mi.C Z Vt.ce hh ut iete itht i.*ec tetc ed httecte -gttettet e h... vdmr. cceym.ecd Uc -ft,- eîih tec.ett gdidnpftw./hecee tIq deeiFEeT-dA>tVtedf b ttee pttaiAt..teettd tattt th Mi. D. hetdece ccd i. i te c .eedfet eie Cru ei eiettetctce et te, c t. m., ees.t et ille. tTh idircaetd tr.i 1 flc»betjeetefe ofaar o cec u tct h a h e . e. e . M c teî e ed Me " . h c,. eeietee tC ie et ct]y.Y I I R tecyvmi bttt atcdOechcetttttedt p.ltteit . h epit gile dtmb ap h - ht. . cid etcbet ce cl ct.rThecdey Jtee tih ht etet teded t ytbe.t itete Jiejett eP.M edM. th lcy.dMtre c e i mhIlchcetd sloopiihmced ,et ustIrbet ht teeteha**Btecb W - AccudOsereUes s1 wLx. Ln i .Thar Laed.ilthe.eltcleOgsti ontt.t- Bd Mr. a" dn.ce. t.ee.iIIcM,.: m .. Hà rs Hýetttece htCttyeplat ce.. titeedetigrainittch. ' OMI.ttser Di . etitMA had fus-h eectg. etecegwut-t i c tdihictlatcetct e _________..AI Ch-ebie Vie- teeet. of.thettrtnsitldteheuleelaTteeetty1et h. toryLatn aces]à1maniOf il n- istict e te spint grin ad teWTilec ot wl D ue. I l oi t - On Tpee d it etjue t h.flcc-t te . et' tBalaiwtt et geeettt etht Kiomte l d .1..., ch Ie.d lteait.ceedBintett ceettet tsoed .theee ttee. t fTc heA.Ti.TA- A-el TO"ewet ene do e t. ..Y tc.tP,ee i -t ' 117' Sei tneThee te c ic e e ce ti t et t e ee T t . A . I teteet e h o tn lte te-ofi e e i.tU ne.c .. ei e cî ce i e m eh etbtch teYt c le e c c. tt c tieet et te itt t t 't t tt eti - t U eit hee ll b hti e . h îet î.t h tt t < . A . . e et c ctetethi.e . ti tc.cei .-y a i C rth e e c. tt e t p e bodtt cartete eEmiri. t lChin(ettded ttc. . ecice We Ftt, te.,S 5eee ette ,etaeles cI li teetoced1 h n.tdyLeot',a u i te eHe t . n Tt titt tttor. Mr .A. a e dctMPP. ete. t a. Md mte ecltdhet, amlic. ece M et c t ang h.iedcosyie t Eaieth eiDonetyt.d Ie.vas ht n e of tett e thrc -fere, i tcac. e. te eîithe.d.&Ad theteoucstieseeeaker., 1te s ai o Co4n.ymg.c randt et cec ietme d bb c etbepàibtaedo' te t c t.taor th. uttt oftBe altete vc.c.tt ge atcendie t.te te the Banal,... dttgoe w e thege t de.&"eb y g lâhe t -I ete .ît te site ! ig tt ctt *.1. tone hm e eetnd vas meew My oet we aenc etw nt ranme tit cc socad éte e. A t117et'tî eete - i. .d'- y . ecc b ttry.. r~~~it ol it e bec.. ta .hi ett the eetdcitt0 etettdtMajorhFtantctBdeec.pty lunh wu»i e d. A cieee. te-tedteted, ortltlalteampttnta Monday ortetB.ato.t1tvont et iet&. Potdd cten.ch.ntedmethe bednt te ce eet ttc. tt* t. tDcie tic eeictehccdLibertyvtte o hnr uetne at i e. ,Thtobiteech.teU bteieeeeeed tteeeeeteitn ce eideeouec ettte frttteIcht aryet adctc lte e. eh.pt ee ct Ileiebatthe . lete. . Mdyetuh, takon keen nd oei . se ai ta he bogtest.Sang.edtteedttesi; Ichcy ed bedlhe e.i 0he*bee4c11eecdMetof h.hea.rtetcctctt tee cibcthseeleidtoct.eeotetetse. cchctetAsctteecdt'thcetInith- -rus tirthceit rict An ofeCandate htice e ettte te dete ut.etttelattet. t tttiittDtuelît Piceolett, ecc'ei bete. pe dt . onec.thedc.eie.. t bite Cut ry leaeen elh Me. to. Iuhle. tt Itte. N C.ATetec t c e T RIP th@4iet usbi.e .ed ats eb c . Weî t .d.hie T hîu . etetgnasc -enhIne lateolartCtapoie l .echitelet le . c iteetth. ot nt inh c, c ttîee ctet htc ec t act*d y ,e I o, tmi e d R rt-ctct-M i yedty cI l . Y .On t flonh t . jol. H.fcIt Met . l T hrbt i etttb c etag enl . Milieect e c . hetid tth C d . h. ititmc." "dt rasteai .o m 'Cop .. .. . ilt>Ch 7 e tdte .80t(etdare'tdfinie. Mýert.BH . Dccc. ettehGNobeeiBrokôelle cihtg h e Tb. p ett c. ettarentt c e be o cee ciie blfMitn enddstit E .Rd.1. sitt b Jb tHu iaar Fison.,scita o e .d glenabe t.siedhh bd obeit o dely.ed Ave rtH.i.emi. arei Dit 1de eee teteabouetc.et..a Caet.J.ps.,eth.. , lteiroes. Tht ctitetusite n Merbt end ae, eee bette!ae.. attceoctcadeltte "itttt Latidt etehe cetutietea e . Ciagaadi t$,îe Glaesgowde&soi"bedbe t. b arrtte- a taidntf W.J tte xecitton ftthe dtteomeeeit- eceecdjuniohth oi. OT ua.Me .Ie At . lOurve. wt etd.rTt e de t te dntt c es«ct hv lm iirp t-A Cylee. -t Ct et bt e ee tet tt ite.t nn 07nln oe yeeig uy n.agre ar e ie. nprticed s lc sdub o ls er bt aC HinlE eidt-lec efaet outheeeeeeee tee liehfced Met.the hontedo '. n uetf ersad ehe thteute th @tOc* tiee bonte lcie c ce., eeeiencatyc lc.. esM i notesMet ur obecti e bsLttion tcntd dceethe Bo eu]Gmadl igh aid ce bc.terforette -chut thc te dc c m .et e me.acdeteotteehitt A iboaîtc.,ifga toCel t'ad tlehttte ttcvett tes er des y aCcc edidles Jk.aCc ouTt '. t ed-ceuetdttetdt' till i.. ieed. b. etite. cepeceut te. i t ttcnd le e ttcetesttMce. etthetcerfCmay o mib. eeu t. paa. e c eti ec. eilasietdiec htecve& c.eech osttt e IWj,eeet'ye.1et A ttc t c p i andI eee eed MeLet1e0wtt-let e e nt c.,eteflot h it. b. c eteectcc. Admteson:itwtt thmthet md[ fA ettea htt~ e g,tte.ccie t.d eecOurt.etierdthtt t. ht tt h t HttM e TOh toiv etceu en c tel def il actt h te eta le;iee d rc.t 2ec.etcy e nyte. ew h t n e ce teed pbthd eei tt h e d e t a e. eted .ii.oitt Oe ceci. mtteeM@.. Jm s Uc;« tel ie.bc Iteye te t nt ttdt ,tete1 ACe. t tatehi.roneedt t o Mac mtc teg. ont thietic.ut' iie .e.bu ptit donet cccrseue b u .c f. t. m .i J t'e fti, t tteavmsd. Q..M I.t. @ee.Ratte h ehn chlair t ettBar ofetht e teettlareotouetede . h ee e -W M d e ct ttii Te e N.ctty ti1 t. ete, bCocs]t.mot tebybns e syd 0srSs ite ler i ct nd iietta iet ce ettee cite lttet .tbtdutors ptcedid ccttha tcttts d àm t&"» c00 I ii, titi t e ee te t. et tettn n I c it .D w o . c ea e.: dee., c- ce i ns trh out iem. 0h i ie., z O ,r ie, t te e i c et b i T te sce eted t . W ttt h t etttd tOt i. t tlt te botketee t h e thôtel. Tete.des . beit. ec. ee cîci e r ,l, led adifgt ..itltee. ete. eagi. Ch t . et . W .bl! er_____ Meuda o ig w atrddaIn sd9 d eid oo. o y.1 etrit...tc w.t o A. Cet, lnt et,. oet o e ccai tcetîdVolum es Pttcd etî h ittcddteitteptîî leitttau- F aelk .teIfet cheet.ltht cttteettt9C et Te.c3 .iGalbraith .ITh e ch beid e tnteth eee" k ethainttitttelt teejceî. ith e teee -e h Ci etiJeeatstt ie ofW ilobyMr. ttttw- eones te Niagtect. Pel. bi ht ci ~ e Pa t tiv evo té e. J-t ettde e A ett t e. is eett t.nd evrt igw itfsi.b rerve.etc.A.l.,Dteee tt.- ytct tht@.ed teue h thted Cerr-. ORSAEcce ut 2ite e liete Sels Dci. egtc et.t .Ee tcohtttbee'e tmeete n i.n a d c t.eS t tht ttttd tg e ti t deeeartcLtevatee tiyccd y ss, 1prair titcgse pyeîte L .= pol htte a oct getcct e elueucie. Mie-etleth et c otcrC.N.d.tderMeitt for tc feettieeteccttteeproe-e C HEyet etc. Canae.actu.ailetc uat ttoS tc wad. tc ceet'.chtttt.iThd eitte e A rt. ait eec t t Jeco îîesaee. ce ec et tte teutcee.cctteteettttd te ta rman te llwth." m stedtiret..bcKepe o Cee WATet Ct'Cteie tcy S A te.eca..tced ec M i. M.cd M. Ice. e t.ttc Ctttttte teetetetce e etee t ccyabcBotîîe, o et.A.Ce.p.t 'ave e 1t tttt, Ntt .y ttc ctu cthMe c M.bt ete setrSsetti r a dfe cabCassnts' 0"'B.Wec-0..n AT.Sl letes. retc it'j liestg eccus:A.te. ttteeddn Men oi@ CellndtnI,.mmcc..F a .T I - Aitcte tJtteCtJL cde. eetee lutydt e d outdoCtheibildiCgantctiletti.teleureW.eam 3.etC. eol. O. t. itît. tee -S alere, e leed C latirets clutM.cd a e W m H ecS fU oe. adAittde te 1 eci tedee t iit e ctteo tIte te tiltetet, ece N e eee. eteon t.eMcc.pMcelci ttcudhThom -e A "m epieneet jci ttctedltirecet, eiehi t ddi.ctet' ttce PteW . Cee -1ese, MIC. ete 1l. a e T rtc e e e tt MA t. îeth. tecieetc. Dc cbu etuldet eeitt.Ce c r.@"eel.Dur thitgt e. nf,-I pI h. Meett Ie . , .J ete ttePeetttEttd .M t tete o d ttbtei . e eîttithtd- ecce teeitteeddee teek.o. C RtutBîfaicîc stt ipMtCc edce tet ctictJ edhehctth , cimtttaC ,t pineoy C battoncîPtet. c tec. e-CP..itLet Cee eecieetA eet. ekte Mîectedit'ICeW.t. recdIlt. le.by u yeteiti tee eCcl i i ittee.tQM edyclhte e i.t .tt.Or tht cersendtetn vcette .h d e - in p 'vlt .t-e te M Cht. t e. W.eA.tCox e. eeeE. dette. l ilet8.eaeet' ...e tcFORtSALE-tecetehtec.teclasesetdte tend A.reee.FI Cccg. J.hn Teec.rtc . CeccttPtt.de.t.t ort he ion d ete te.ttttILtt sitdeetec7tetde TN îet t.t hte e. eteeetUteidCbt'c ctt edt ce ttd." Ttca CeencYca Condettonis.tttdMmccd pitete TP.lt,, et. ete. .telonio e. e ttt. tetceietitehcti. di la n heeeec i l eThî . Ki c. c,.eet cie tt'ticiee Pte A"W Ti. ItW J ~ cetdct ee.tthide. L . ete the dtibeece thlce .e e.tidaccectce . .ctcd ic t _ tedgtod[ogs tT- TleP. etcY, eeeeeYOCet eMtcteec-ycs'ietdtee.,Thcccc. tttlai ttcettti.,tietite. bied t. pLaveg SieeCtPte. .EzaWitte. . vn. Te t et Tettete service Int th Untedtlatrcfiltt-ite seetettttteeeail.iteceiee. CIet.. e eCcc te. . citti ch on tete teet. ebe de]- tte9.0 et ltteeetteteey ttct it bettct thlt ipet Dr e. e - d g ten- rasCitc ip e l hc..ilc Il.Flt C.N* re ofMr.andMr. R y C ultr ert e tec e rysha ppeettddtltth 'Rtic, mceichY-RYB D .ts ti . ekeee.leeeece i op Mo ARtES Lb it v A KnO PASVpecalmuc. be .,t ciib .d* etet teretut t ce ceitt MI. Wt ei etice,.*gt hyW..M EtEth. H, A ie-.fTATieNu - ,Pe .Ho eoo.Pe ,Br I. ttthdtMm.,îBae eubioy hc ep ttdgge wte te ce te.all, etiepceofetl t.etee b o tittP , J P tett.eR ec "ceett. . B D v sttt ad ol, J tttt M r.td d M m . ite m e cab fetedd M. e e tt b e t. e c itortt c .th e cttA pe . t I . t . o y , Irs,11, Pte.C. J, ones, te. A»E. thdue.netellitg - eta CoJîtte.BeThtn c0.cILci ei te ttelte e . LtePteeW.Cb Mmi Mictîul e tt.c d. .1eh e icd t e Cittee te Eih tccte dicecld. hit le tt tit td cL et. e eb Roesei Wucd ttc (Ceett Aidet aet c c te , .. e. m to c.t n it'te 35 aic te d m c si i R.te tetie, PtsiR.l dck.tcc tet eeJaanTu»dat.ic e t thci. h to.tettolPieut oihice dtsaNtM ecît t aecutmleshowstcee.t"heme Marks gtAG r S. M tch. ar. LAC, Mm.E. B.Couitd Ttetuittpet-lai, I.t-hsbite.MLhSnets. titieW.c' t tet' e s. J.M e.q iteflth.e eUcR ,RCt ttteettoipr ietccdeeedttete. on ofteinpe trycce.ec me la.t.- lmc4 Ce c lt "BItttct e et , te Thie ecîeetetoil T 'M .v r a otevn acw ieipn..c ,tmrntccw dete tCechti ted moicuft ef n liA. teth tc h tee rPi. Cee: .;lntte ent ce o hc die lcyrid e Mc. tttt - hàmwa rigig the d dit-d pi estth.cittecce h it e to.Pe . D. Pali tlier... i.C.Ps. lnet'bd. ctsogMe,Net te ue Ofi ver of cth.E e ccro ecit th ii etyte, Wihgl.dbc tttt dttc t CtG .l rsCia.PriDtean. Mttgt.t t etlteecet i th e.t t30xc ei..ci .ettigt mon, ee t etîei t.t P.b.Rî J .Tieti t.Si oii .-Apa ere m gtitrat J.ettt C . Ittiee c uhet c cnteofpeuteattt 'tt .Ac. Bonset mite le.tirtet. ' cd Mretad Mh. Robi. et ciCre c ud . et eeerm.O. t in aspeit. ttaiCyate.r tec.iedtite ht Stehen. Pe. . S.,C. Pe. . E Mieee Me.laet Td t tvisiti.gt te nudtti ed tht ette sC ourit.tt Lnctedyyu oldhv hteth " e tph tensnRQM t ..O c t d t hidt h.eebe S.eFe hannot ceece S..et Pte.E. estbelttt etehBobon c"f ch e c da'an tçmeabetormr. ttec e.ide.tiettd A.ttc ec the , Jtetie cetcd te.elbD. tCOMeii citt b. ttceI.it-e te HPu-ce h, em .or tee ettetdc te htite I tt ca eiget.dchebectmree.Ma ist cetet eeeeccs, te. c. tete ttd Pte. 0> 'oUi ted Cem ttiDlthi o. peptte Thtcetd ntt abltt e COit e i e dantièe.ttcycbeebetctttet E Oretb Ocite Bocked f Cci di nte et toececd yehîte t Tee. ed Thet a re ttheecars uptetSd te thiteye, iteettWecwhited tete .J eii ld e bhcicelecte oida.c infentc ftet ctbetthe gî,td tet manufctrera lite etto u.t d tht thticieteeàt ced tcci, teetH MinedteMarcegerastndGe Thomatieg.tieibetteCafd ht cecte aset. tçe eeec Mpetett rt~c t Cecet iPte.1.w..Pte .,cet Ac Tote . ee ILdthwekleteccdh itt e c tte e bit thet. tetet ntee neaitth e t dnipe,..ofteeat Ceu. I-c c ctectdcec tel cil Hi . ttttccg e iB Dc e' c ibrr t le d e l itnad tic.. Micy ehtc hue. ethe. eto tht tRee, ESe BRteAYttAND et eAN <, Y ce. i tlteho. ci tt d int. otil etAttt dtctci. lt-c. e re ie. t acuea 0 hp..E ERDTPS TTO telpelet tecee eecShtetetltt tetet iteet et. et bi, tec .t . ce e ct et te d e etct ait ractt e r,.t'c, c.e uct adcy * ZCteyt wo, ato-ît i .te tc c te tt. O.P tenny- b.ttd. ice.. 2 d tiu. pe.. att c ctce uitytete ag.amobil e avd e d trssai . r in ti trs R t . , hMI TON or Ie e l l teni ehom e fC'alwe n tche e.t c.hdcee.n i c B dc.i nt» dta sreeo asa________,rqurn a rJ.G ILIS R .5.MLO eceelcî tite eie tt et c tc b ee edJoutteb1t . , deysc la joi etcMilton..The3ctetue N t ... tetae. Twnhipt cdeh. B = , btti'itaete icit teittcehydteOeeiitl -k ehee cesct ee ebete chet Pvoplce des yChiotetde cSmithtd teeatnd tetIi7ladi.tiseicf tic tetd. OitiN.w35etec4 'Je.t teTbathithe feld.ant nte. tt - -il et Wdndyi l fr oiey ec ebek cetîci te ellettete et Ileeeeweut .. lainai . M' eeueIl tt.zaget Mcisie e i tttu. olomBreasa c theAeteeidtiet. OtehatfReer gong June iatlte no M etttettettt e.ao c on Utr.MT. Bu .. ew D.irnt Int au c tbe tetttc ondhteittio oo at reàeteinocr Iti M]te ttetetbtuitett' becdcy. idite. rda, W L UBe etteitOt et hi- c t Md Yetr pats. eic ilmcee h t ion tgitedîcetoftethec-as!ecitt tht. Pieclg '"'sd .cbI..cteciwi.atdtebeccct TtcWNSHetIdP e îetdca aFettAyceatReîeMlded l tl Jiaece. a ueabat n.Le B ay IM.t . i .det, le tte î i tc itc y e e tcge t lett u . il am cce . thd i te cbyttil ' a" te a thIc eac.ini . cc.rnu hem a. t antdi t etrdagcteetdt. tLt, thu. cch red. And t eof ertdt Ia le R d T p potrtt.p a h g, oer ile. ".le e «,.' e eh . 26. tcon Euet. wh shtpet onett ulit rchtte ti g t,al e A teriatiel aet tehI fielcad.ttÉ nd:1- = cMy "tîtIsaceepeee' Th lts w.e br iteterce.ofit.Yank ete e te etct aite adsitnG a t ei'UiMt t .ea titet he . bb ec. ce dt c k tca of cub .he te Me e eteifr t. cee e anufab. citureracettte e.eti .... -. aa Abe h r- M Ui l ette, Meed e igt i iht eeteay capuatahle d ccttec thtucB Pt.ie ena e.. plckte pic.etlettitbe. ttiicc.ectciite.ct1tt ter fîto-Me.rte Me,.d. t eek . cette elet. A. e etetJ.ci.tht. etiecet-ita.geititt.MieteidADit h SDNu peet30. itlilete tt dutt tcte. sfj. d tinchtM i whecei rdt e .t W taditltet eiieTî teetîtet Ikpstacceet .etd sdite thecithe.. vont istoneccecccl D. Bude.e.t ..tcttdlele hîy. CCe .Etitcî.K Etet ee, ictttehe t eeettt:eh 111T.e 0d:-. e. eied 2,aretithe' Tteec., etcain tlasc=.e. Ceee pceeîeîtceo.Mei c.he ta ghtdtît Dra e. etyctothe 'cendo iteccecth. bavAL ee e ite.t geremât incd t' th aciseî fou ipetteiti ..tes.teis e d i. cd iu.g d h ub er ipelt .c. ehDet c tihitie lc. laoratie.. ehc.sset t _ ______________ etUnecetedeet. tentt - Jtt..2 cg, m entofGin ndFteiDed . l Tr Menh et bte a m .t.citt e sstdc T efors al talo thed tee.unTht nt etgtttcoin rin t- sasttct thtde fe inÏt at o dIci ce ase.sinon..hct etc .Mot Mtht it h.. elaeble teel.tt th tc tetsaiet ta tee, . h d oriett geaictetd ct igts Untdert csan i ts C tawe e efu thtecinllabe fciie WrosirNK llADss tette ece detten a Ke fC h et b.te'tdc h i n..ta ec tMcOct.... Uefdr ainsi.casit hthe. ectdi lheete h bdc tde fe tht tt ed e e e aia ie11N.. . Mci'Thie t, .ctett he uslatc citt tht the pisuDeil thm i ib t pNe. CItstI i orV u Cete ttttttt ttteteteei C, te. i i ,tttt Basal . ane...te 9ed Itree aaeteM tvet c E..hdeeea ed tft.te . itetîeN.Ct.N W ccd t, ctteie te ., etee E -de 0.ict Bona t rhll Ild t ,tte ittt e - si..p k i .,tttin t tri c te nons e ae t cee biCe tt ihî c l 'eet t t o sice. .ttetete Ct. -g 1t . tt ettct heei. le .c..Oe m ,..piett dpe ec.. Jce H .-.. d 1dt .a0 0,ttt iles ESQ EINN aer t eie c t-lehttee îare tc ttc îtst. bc Cce.,h T.a.e.d c. t 'Me ..-m.te.d chitc. ccais, Bu cttoce i ase i cttl -cc t uec ntc ehthce rnnthe c ei c e -'tn c sc andd elec Iends. a,28 tI c. Ad.c t al le confien.c b. cuernn t t cctc tt ,.t]d t uhsetefa,. i ech, W.y-luc . etise. _May.ed et.. M rrso e Bv i-A. K STqrl f AMK m Pet I. n w.C .bdeoff kc Acb * &y- W> W*.W- 41"- ~~~~~à #w, , ~ ~ U. riow/Mesmgteet W. T. BARNAýRD, FHONE 14 Least We ALL Should Do is Our UTMOST Y VICTORY BONDS ifiOn Textile Company, Limited Montreal Toronto FOR* SALE! ,VROLET DEMONSTRATORS BIG REDUCTIONS WHITAKER'S GARAGE 1Prices on Painting and Body & Fender Work )N ROAD TELEPIIONE 141 OAKVI LLE FmWr Brandh Tontatoos 2 NO.'/ 2 DOMESTIC N"1 LW a Zl2 lb:27&0 LARD D i.N.. U- 3 lb 250Ayhner 3..5c TELA e.70,420 SOUP SW.th LItA DieIU; SUDS AB g-z4* Teorom MACARONI70 or Spaghcttj3 à- Le. 1 U1*Butter 250. 20 is& - - ULK SOAP FLAKESF.». 3lb.. 200 CHP0with Glass Jug %- . Bh 240 SSUNLIGHT LAUNDIET SOAF P 50 ICAAT TOILE? SOAP c.'- se IOVALTUM--w à E -»d-ti. 38e, 980 m\ENEROT MIALTED MILE e p RISOIN CUF CAKES ch-.i.. 6 IL«10 CkaIti.'s SIvePid. Cake -h I250 WESTN'S RROWNIE COOKRSIESh 7e lS pJ Kell3gp'.. :230 NEC' USTARDfa lIDUES - ib. liC ORANGES -dou. 21c W-ALABAMP. Frg]SII. CRISP-IIEAD IAIDES - 5 lb:. 25e LEITOCE - 2 fer 13e pcw id lah I.eUmE Se s v wU * lýý 77- t,