NEWS ITEM lly STANLEY CORDELL Ft t1,mcic hat poaca BcdiiOa tcppycd lto thecoioiicedcd toioioffioeof the Lansdoaci Wcchiy Go' zeoti,, hbc neh. had iackicd a maaotocdljob. Thcoatosphcc of thc placc iaicy rcchd with iîtio- A liddic.acd 'man in hici slicoocat at a10desli piiod high mii ciipcioaondookshoanad holiaofa poccil taho TO, ma 'oas ccadiag galley pîaale. H. taabcd oy as Kendall uppcochd. Xe'a flallBcoc. Kightsent me dowia." Kenalli pohe cispiy. 00" The manilaid loto, blo peool aOts. He ioid ai IKcodili as iaoh as o ay Oo yo'the icd ithe otd tanacsent1doo'ota Oit, thioýga it?'A .hia -iOc cateacd- tat hi, aod. !'Houal, Biac- 110 Jules Alenca. naaiaa déito, 00,0. Havec a chatr.' Kenalltidid't occpt. Hi. .yco roaaoilahoaithe oomialoaty rcta, logtu liAli'a lS f- -WeilT. O'light saIlpitoct aot ,d. Sorcy taOc saabrutp. bt yoo bnouta ltol'aihrc' AIcalot.oit edai lit, caciiiy. "TO, aid oia'a lTot,, t-hlt a', coat pcaduottia.-ffltieT oa aadico a oveiaccoi baiiaop r Fosewon, A en .Imh. id s.i ihai hdeýàe.O.Bs ffga fa. or ypu'l iid poreUlo iehi. fur a job." amoand ahmoorn oe. Thon b, tacoad bock la Allen. "Tram aa.onAite, , 'm bass. And gel theostilelokb affpier fa, or yeoot inOd yortt tliingfora job." Ho pse.d and presnly Bat "Frtî1lmanurun ro bgh yen, fils. Ho. do'i go trie o noger.' plantiotof whoi's moiig. 1Iknor. YooîImag tudroppatg offbecase yoaacadootiseo, ari'i gotig os' sats,.an o padertierairen't ilttig rsots bhaoo.e pour cirou- lation a ndrappirg oif. Tour cireua-n tiontlo dcappiog off brasi. ou',. ntigettitag 0,m., and tOits'ou, "Sayi" Aii'a face nos rd "Lilco, yoargsei, e I lb. tneollme wnlppaur.. Yucu'I te]m bom 1u rus', pupe,. You oan' i tlil, smomb,-" "1 hcaa, I kior." Keiid.l liner. îî'td Oikiy. "The o lrs.deadi !'hcco isnta 000nir5'. Comptiios lrooottce doii,,. u,,surr. aime oid stacy. I huroi Coo'l 11h, pouseIt aoyihiog." Alca mot mad. No oe ail hnd ialbd taoîhm ls, ual mnd gol .mnp toth it. Ad yl, diapil. lbe paull's inolnce, the mor.ging edilar somotab lbd him. omrtii.g aboat lb, boy'. .r-0r. ntituode in- opied confidence. Otd Moi, Knlghi raely mad amiutkialn iame. i Kendalt bod plakod up a proof sOcl and wsr.ading .loud. " 'MisAgollin Dra. vloie n l Sbok ahrecerotpt' . . . 'Caleli Rollinsis hobng hi. lou.. paitd' 'TheSauybraah b oh: rehie boe ta. os ypsi l'irapprs. Alent teda.d Doîl Bnp il m.' A. FAY Plumbing, Hesting and Tinsmithing CUTS CLOGGING DIRT eurl r plumbrag. Oaniae. onpbemnst dean.. GOîrt'a Lye mablimm l cf d=oo md fliard rlanlig 1 THE IGHTH DICINNIÂL Census of Canada, lune 2, 1941 THE cen»u.i. th. tck-taldnt f tii. ntisn - Of Its men, momon, and childr; ta agriultre trade, and indutry; ita huing, and general socialenniltlon.By it, ail Goveroments, - Dominion, Provinc"a and Muni- cipal-arle enabled ta work more effectival>' and acon- omically in the intereut of every agaldent of the. Dominion. f ¶ IN the.. deys af incceuiag Govero- ment reoponsibîli. ~- tien, noaGovecomnent .cao give the liet se.Iorvice lolean ît liao detailed and accu- irte Inowledge af r -the peoplean hi I~ 1I ) varyllg clrcum. stances. That la mliy me requet the. co-operotionofaiail Caoadian citizen i the taliiog of the Ceaoan. When the Govemomet's Eoomerotor calIn at your door, re- ceive hum corteosîp ami give hlm ail the information for whîch he aolio. Rcmmber that ho lain lu our se- vi,,, Accocy and deîpatch i0 y000 replies woIlproota good administra- tion ln yourcomuntry, nom understroes if wac and iacing crucial pat-mar recostructin. ALL INFOOIATION SUPPLIES Ha»LS IWICTY CoWSuram uL Yos Oaa plam absol" act tula theotaffciBi Enarsoatse, Wh Ia .com lta cp. Au th- wiafa..imo m tchpaspeo.d. rOM bd hoi. s eti.4Bt efl4mmna kolA lies..and the Domdea Do.eta ai alio.,anid mv b. sma d gmiat Fpass toe-ee. inoh, or spth., oWassyp, aorduoMW - mi û for. I la om.p.a"bu. hp a hsmovar tho quesilons, bt piemil h. .o.i.tlag ose Gerai tla t11... dIfst tissu b7 gIv- lirg Ho lnýaam reaýairnid aemr in tho i0m t gi iddd .Omdhlpt Iamod lie alboiip af Tac HimambiJAMES A. U.OKIWNMOI. P.. SV.eU DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTIS - DWT. OF 1LMRSANDS OOOE Oie fât1 bein ib tIs" oa.. 0.,,bn up. Elhahae. Evoe m O wrk botte, in a ohiui alos.pre." Allonrwu Ismeaday .mmtL "'Rememnbereiis tena seegamao f- "«WlihbIo n enoosfor ilolgeieg l1ke n ptg peu. Tb.l. .1007 boo saaf, eadiI'. roosgt" Alip lenotrld 10 î K.a- dali --îod 0000 ocathlmn, c- g cc Iad li The Black Peobei'on de Saillon a- Jeliovah Agî Na. 16616 Wiii .tand an isi.&bIIle Lai 3. lit Un., Liquidai. J-ooalsAirain - eirai i.y Jana (17Ml. F,.l.d May 22, 19M Thi.a big onu, tissu., etong bons, eood fis, arek gbe o n Mie. t»mde 01 bind.. Hoo,.,n îhaaid o,. 1h. ho, .. for. brasilnae. TUakma-To ln.«,. àn11,, 1.00 Cnlwni iiao eof ..r.iee. .lann. pp. ahi. Fek. 1, i042. Ail ..drai. ni uwns.,'. isk. W. H. ALLAN 1 ure, ih'. coanip. B Oai 0.00,iem. 1 litim a re the bakbone r vry t 0ro ne arappr. Thain mwhy r oih. bup 'em." "V.ýOue righi an ihal paint, Ai- len," Kendall ngroed. "Bui Yoa'v. gui la dtg faribor ilion guuhhil yc'ee goiapuiar,.kiya&cross Oic.. days. Gai ta set behind lte gossîp.11 "Meming?" "Meanirc itaihor's nloi more arr. s n iibm pth yu feoa ars getiig. Vaucv oti a orep pour soapen. neai lbe dallie.. Gic. por moders. iaindogl rad." "Sau.d ra.y. me.-, "Thalu awhai I har fo.Whrn du pou, form, cloa orc h11 reek's "00 murrow non."' "Goud. l'il hab anlvc-mie .10. Kendall piclird op hi. hat. 90f1 Cmn do il, yaou ndo it. au're bomahronhoau. Thai fair .noughV" "a0rSeiag'o beliccing, yong frl. Kerndall wmmi oui. AI t :30Oie nazi maonlg h. mn. bock. Allen, z wo had h... o lit. wrred. loalird op aniuialy. > "Gai yaor lory?", "Oure. And l'v on gai pa.k robber." "Wlini baak roliher?", "Tihe goY wmliioeabled Oie Baya- brook hanli. I s.a nnoms iem on pour galop preof ponI.odop."1 Allen lmhed laareduloa.. "M.., la Y pou caplurd hlm?" "Thni'î rlghi. And lbe .iory'. .11 yaur. auhop la il o an 1.1ypa. wrli.,. An u coffO a thoo.and « lras i.monh. YouOomil'.m a.-," Allen .Mala.r.d. Thlug, Wre happening aih, ietna rsi. "LIien." nnid Kerdall patiently. "YeslrcdaYmwhn1 rloveio too 0.000manpainting n house. Tii. hom.e imhod as if il hudolt been pîied fa, hall a ccoiaop. Thon 1 saw O rma citm about IL Hum couid an a ford 10 lhae his hooao pai.Iod afelle,50yenr, ,if lie coldul leortoIb? Especialy la 4vu. Oioae tbira«WWal, the bail hod been rrhh.d aiSaiyabr.ok, hadol il? O bosai Iiohg. I liolird o, tht Man Anuwera Question Caleb Rolains goy. Suro.soaugh, haHeine rani't saypariuiaeocredii la the Why H lrred Susie? tow. 1takedwih hm.He ooomcd lHcoc i1 aa0 i* il tO4 c týit i talhave pléatpof money but nosot a skoThit,uot ail, purtilulie iinlllgene. I occalol O l'i' .tadltigll hamaof thérobbryaend he ilted. sladOI itl-ti itohnd ocmon Tha'a thé. cml. &tory. Th'e local ltiat ailîcc men botuh ic ad ad- Cosaleb.poml..d la k..p it quitlmire unOl r. 0Soi e pape ou." "'A cian, aihenlia o 20 o 25 ian mUid. H.e uldi'i lallî ta love altO Sui,. Soi, lî helev. Ilaût CosablelLayton p0,01100 lie ta cocita nice, we hav loi .hafftire and veifiod the gicl. TOc maniao risi er, nevToc, 101.wli hlhlog eyp. Thon lh. ofcoursa,, toppitîg tatoacle, 'hal Orig theqoy o sie aîwtiS hac lîhai 40. reai Or.ualthlbboaos "Te gtyitart,0and.sa01 00 Wafli.mOip e s ma.oaitag loih it di'tiooittheittiio a b.. aoskobus .nes uaakoo. TOco cliras tototdi y h ita 000 Ottito le ickoed op hi@ blai. and00 itîy. "nW91U, o0 long, Allen. l'monlaa' "A. liec ltîttitolie mo-tia 1hIigîît 9-g."HO. glaneed sabout lb. offc. and Oihr o 1 i cia.ti[e c tthes, OI kad b..n aapi lamand aidtan oo 0101gold. i i 100titl, coc ardeed look. coho aie.ito, ad iîiiioltciaa ".Gubta? Gog" Alent lui. aod ela. ."Ha 0010010 t1a tOc goîîîîp ho' cîht 'ilodoO. No af.d of om. booc. o Olt lietiari tietcO..ooiidc Oor.d pou hum. daid fle. otftilt Oco,-1ait "Ynbot-" .J "'tiiae. cituiiy, il'd cîght "Nvroodithe 'buts,' Allen. 'long 'ttOTilui t-a.i Batiaho Judig.lnbsd thgoiy itemsd.elut c i Too i OaOî, amltreporticms thoogbpyou'Illi ctty ft1i bothlitliidticr alt,, outliof hed." Ol iec ot- ie mtc aîciol c-aho H. ioro.d and iieppod ino thlb, aIl i odeuito. sioee, atartinikl,ktamay lomird "Bul thcoug aiic,.andiraaeof lb. railrond staiona. eind hmlm erbow o 0 biag , il 1 in acowd Alea stnd and waioodlthoe. e that ioo'ay hcond lie. It taojaî treati gue. H oaaghibhimaol lucblsho rcioo'the moa he di. mondeisg jui chai had iibi Iflieoh adot ai..iict uto.ilad pain ahis officedoiig the.liîeoariacaiet oin hl'ad.iutut, pasti24 houri. Hod a feeling thal id O onlie wnir0in.qand eff orl, whaevar l wual wa for thebest. ut, pîîtuoly oaiid ta aiiioitiog Butilirs,'IoailatoertheGoazettebcîclo a 1iî aolaor maothecutreetad mauo onatd and ivglîîa 1an.-ont. exraicoapeshadloosmiodiboibc Pote lt.ot dt ii mas osdy tlasdmitlitshi. îmcauîp motheiaitdi oa iniiîcc pas ofcixperlsanm as mrig fat c, o t'd0.0Iit~O ta g oreet rallier Oi.s omrmbo. lia stablhishment, thriova oi _________________________peoplea oliarletalY Ou1 of icr Attetation,. Pleauin1i "10 la col Pai'î flat. I t The eau q«&foCh Rd Urco.bha«,eî Oce hubanad'îfiaitt.Iflibe h" Osnr.a.d and Iiiea bggeonri,-had ,aociI a airl ho cold b,,p "iaigOn, su e .c là ., oro,rt,. op, il atial have iooc moatiy bob. Thieis'0a. -bu",P'mfoalirlihnFoyoag menalof 0don't ch0oa by 01.1.. ab he. rb aho,.r U fîg ýhrc Pocara henthey r, 40. eri bossaia,.. atior arFnr . "TOy wocla pety girl-anid qonua. i ra b~b.dlt lac,, c iid tOieOuaica. Ad thol la =ai0= :Lrim.imello la b. ..d. abat tOry gel br lita. îa ts.aihi O seiaa po-.oaa "Hcîce tlthe it conrw eaocb about T e a«» &i, ,..aid hlp aveu If11 lt.eaacaîtal man:'I icotdop obp U.B aumi. l inte molab, maoolod HËIIH,"l IMAIN st, -I 7000E Um BILTON, ONT -COMPLETE BODYurÂ2ND FENDER REPAIR SERVICE PAINTING - TOUCH-UP WORK GLASS REPLACEMENTS RADIATOR REPAIRS W. WHITAKER &'SONS STATION ROAD OAKVILLE TELEPHTONE 141 li i lt- M"m In money alan,, tisI, mu, 1,coiîing Canada ln round fiure,,$4,000,000 o day. Iiat Ie îhrer und ane-qoartr limas th. daily cage ofithe art yer of oh. luwar. This oon0lict couso aboli mare bcs. bt is a baille of glan, sorift machines . .. as 'oeil a. af mela, And taboild ocber ban theie.ry bea machines moolO lie futile. They must b. orrhy of oc men. Canada daeno... and wilîno ... sarifice men for loch in quality or quantit7y of figlaing machines. Hrncr mo'u praduco them on a&cl hiîherta undreamed of. Ta do tis, Canada nord, nom ta borroor from ber leasi $600,000,000 in addition ta thr revenue raisrd by taxrs. Toobtoin ibis maney Canada wil on June Znd offor Vlctory Honds. l'orounuorly, Cndiani have the Jmonry ta boy these Viciory Honds. I. ala ,bawn by a groulyooxponded CANADA MUTs IDRRW $ 6OOOOOrOOO A Statement by the Minister of Finance ML 1 i national incom. and by record .avlngs depo.lo.. If etery peron whhoba,.avlngs or who man make puymeno. 000 of mage. or income wiOO in.'eu lin Viciory Bonds, oh. Loin ml ha quickly subscrubed. But oh. wholeheartod suppori of carry citizen ia nece..ary. Wbai Canadians bharedone beflo, Canadin.can and will do agatn. Our population moi leu than nine million. in 1918 and 1919. Yet in, November, 1918, our people boneoird *616,00,000 in Victary Bonds. Elraen manîhs laie,, in Octoohr, 1919, shey inaesird *572,000,000. Thge itol .ubscribrd for Vicîary Bonde n ihose smo lbans a *1,108,000,00. This vear, w'olîa r population lncrra.ed oo mare than Irelce millions,,the 0at100 that did i. haforo man do it again-anin bgreater The terme of the Loan nil hcaun. nounced May 3isi. (1.0 rmady ta boy rveryBond tit, os can.