__ wm « lit wtI tI îA Y«ft f Noe To.thms VOLUE 32MILTON, THURMSDAY, MAY 29, 1941, (JÂNÂDIÂS dHÂMPION TRAVELL.BRS' GIUIDE. -mutttmooan d ange ad tob ha t o.It adih Mvo o ooî If i Moto 't for the wotos. IoWfr eiin àVEar titOî1DAU MORNING (AiltTruins Rua aSandard 2Tis) TH IDW S eolt srdtuhWoo Maies It Tant. Botter, totoebot THEb WIL WEST05 du,0 Wbt105tooth oîyeb Educatoon Aid toi Chosrch pt,.o. ANÂDIA< tAOfIOt IAILWAX onhwmiem evu W& talg h adihi tMs»Igh .9. MILTOi. ON. -000fot MY, I stOpped that charg proto, YooO pet a basket tltaprto but Ctturcbes and chureb groupa MAIN ILTO. ON. -(olNeby 'leosimple expodienttofbklo-bto neot neary as cauob = rist,,, d houlod tokoiattot ftotin Hollywood -7.30a.o.- Dotly, lie. BY VIC YARDMA tw0 of thero ceppor-skootod btokoo Sandichr for ohe lunchb box of th and mulesmotion Pcuesforvon]s g..aor yasceosM o.4,0M Z0 LOp. .-D'aily toto tbo dot tl as tooop chatstoo b, or theo office or fao- retigloosoducoo ooîbot arent only wu 0ta ss. 8.46 pma -D.ily oîoePt suda, troact tom ty rifle.r insprig a anitod upliog, go -u-py, uirp Gooso Woo- "The roo-ootog tbroo attaokers But wbere tbortlatingeooty tee botroooly os gond os thoso dr.,MA5O50050O .7.o-ata.dtMOtdodto blebttt a tot itety aplooty and se. sbownoin thootoro. .asu(Lia m--0.111, 1IIIFAELANG of Main protectbog boo do-o. Tthe fgtt tet toit1 food satisfaction. B ohop W. Berrtrand Stevensoa 0,ul.sioItbsoosats.soI0 uf a.-ilyoexempbuanday,fsf rooitytioýtodtlier. Ho ad- foowd asted mit ouorig. By Htors are suggestions for tangy advbord droegatest th e f0 tytotbt ,.oo.usocso-0050k?- mit& fit, pet bse dos, flot atoot- eteveo o' oc 1o hadl exbaootodt ,y saidwte ftttgs tbot'v bte dý manuel convention of tho Loo Ao. uoDRWssIO-s DATE. UfýItg iia-I.W ..., Élus, 2.07 P.B1. fY hie tates of gtoot jdgeent SoppIY of cortridgro and lacs 14ti. dittonal virtue, of beios appetttog, gelo& Eporopal dînasso. moa batss Il-sos se 1%:, #It! PU 0.32a r.. fua. turcs aid hatr-ratstog escopos uodor Notes amu oetoh toot of =rallor cal, boartr aid notrtivo. Drotoeog tbiat a penan00t weob- M. -abu ou.se a o."a Got.. Wes.7.m. deosa, 6.16pam. theocatefory of faleod .tot Hcel ber. Aootf te redibto. huid ChOPPd or od oliveswvillaso tiensof theohuoohwu vaofoetat t itPe n fm ulibti botr cas cee or bobed b tldroo driftod away fom religto ItO inss.5 tru -htAehnpriia turc tot vaoggbtgoaroood toto pet- ans o. . .grousi Oror and bo afitioe t anorgr g, is s.cigsiicO.sOàesOsseOS.OANADIAN NATIONAL RÂILWAY ta more tbofltta aid dansoroos o.- lttogfatin tber gor. Hosotor W0 Mtatd relory aid enfes acnSeesud tbreo meant of mort- AorsodIOOossbotf .th. a ffle 0 s 0000 slotfeBUTa. dortabigs thai ap mtanin Cou c theouido dtdn't botber me .uob, rbpd tla b aid moit tilrodeo o-rvr edat :="oÎ.t.,. tU= 0oraosi.l 8.04 ... 1 7.16r... tien of tbo West. Yot of titemc ex- Sud by noteto ied aucorodedbintay- ottottotd acrbfurts ground wfith tatt0d religieux edoootio prograro ____________ pertotoos he n ta seo-mottt. s. in loto one of tse rrtototo amotr iol...detid- eotrodiog over alonger praid, a M .2 diltïe- cesse.______ bcrintoqoetolu Ebet oafotdta one toto-a. friit.d Ott ct..,. . . la vopitder us fvtsuei rdtootio., and fatssalsme. 12Ooo-:Irfo rusio POLLOCK of btsIA to1 tirtts "I0 toto rbght oitar toit t e dtied t.con villb penaud botterego.fo dio goj scsooo,-oi~o 1 NGEA Lait ooooiner toore ots s. saut- toc rrrvobirg red.bbr o-aktag a cbopped bat wtb carrant lUp. Too mOiy ebtldrn noo,' boe .t sotIo 000 Ouo.-..areo In otor A Wueth rrCamad Rucuoelo stayiag et Ma uooob for tt o-tdor ovor of osotk.fai tr eoi ii~ i t, "attend So.doy oobo-l in tbr o-Ove Feu doided whather Voue -a M lataits tar ench beaussal Ciotoouis boordig bonne in Mlena. der. Tbtabo 1, 1 o s trU mtaire Picklts and ptitts.t . . tangue hory yrut ordag dof o3oy ro toesaMilo eb lmecra'bv o'I BLIOWU & WHIT1, M ON U M E NT S flamm. bîd cames West for a noot- aoutred par ceont o-core and fotcb wtb Sofas eb . .. bobo! bo.. hcbo h f00 3o 4 u sa .i hv'c.'aemt LGH &WIE MO U E T bealmmn.WlustbcvsiInta ggrssapwtth tadbcnoBotnlesbrecu alit, more tost 50 peoet of PuaiuowEh~ Das« nstainn. macf esoca ce.s n s. eros.. ttigo'oiptbbok. br.Botsboar Ao-crton aepag'titttiat top'YU ruzas Mr sanls i in t. s bse. -__________ _auON Ioraien! i ainr.dl fdpOtr io thu hni .cood co-sdboa asesond hv band~?oed tdieitifIiot wtth ~~tst.. hr MEDICAL a bo 00OT Md ho jasids t.i aty dMetat "Po ootbt' t turopo for my ot okopped $Weset ptokle aid »os theohrc Ors. STEVENSON and FIIEEO udtg ogs aid tbit we ta ottod ta lot me fr0 up on kto- Bu antd pasper cmtlb s. rye bruit..d otucsb gota te gtea trelgons e- M.. .XrC .. ait-o.. C. R. T UR N E R aithe adottotp o Ciof te tf 5000oitoout thiokut' sruob but to get that drtcd bord wath Orooemmi roquefort tcdeto poram hvettseiou iu- boni. I st5 u7sigh Pbsotss 2 ogw o Fumerai Dita.îer world. ottrrup, at oohioh moment toc htein le ett maonnooai ch -ooppodesd trioi-troriac fUeotbo rt'rdbtptot ott o tes. boî bo.adpe-sttoibodpoi od iaCul.wefr ~h7m a oua o. 1 I-RAT ot-otb dooanct s. icin m bo toooo - rt ot aor.i ga yotie Wo muet bave motion ptoturos os eildu. 1 MW*e fer tisai tlsiags-u mot. oaant --sMsn-bs.o *lices~-s.s .sltto .rootcoooootrî00 .tsohotbrîhb menemtriooootoait fortfini pteposo tbot areont otiy ___________ go0g us about thec bob of eîotc- aft Myb ttend tIti aid botter creamsd vitol ta iigad intruc iv ureho iaTa CAMPBELLVILLE: Aos o i,,FictDogs ont stirrup and ho. ocrer boco cIîht Prepatsd sostard aid bocsoada cmeart. tn quaîtty-îot ose- Dri- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I FRE i SEESN Pso lTO. t f-dofense wo htto advnor mintbce. At ooy rate, t wa-so't do-g ;a - - eopped Voit Velsorbed vigil casse .uoi PHONE es MILTON. costetstetr <romotohat tosttily for beforet1 got Mytoif dotootostgtcd sat, 'ro o ai actt beporb toito dpetotta renth to baisapio-b" o tesie»'l Ors- i, 135-c-i and____________Jugsda_________r i t ______________________thot wr ottrtboted our peiracs utinsiad io-od oroood. And toecc, net ida mtatod . . r., od ttcnc l oityua pi. 00e the ie- -Oa ieis ooi Atmr 10p.. Moilto 2owofcufhoooAoig twcoto-Oto fret ouup o-o- my aest Cooed eue and cboppod, atuffod -teIlcos'e aOebf Asm o-hoIh earteiriYdirait qille aerot ro-gdcigtpoives ~ ttsdrhtpr stSokstc g-Osprgoo Oflober-0touI- es-8i polt F. W. B. FITZGERALD itfberadbdouodd trdk bnit ot i-up a i ot ta-i ýW tot Aoru a- a , reitueusbsoodwoi tT.sO. oo Sosd.y, b ppoinstaientonly. emmiing out thbcaomeur, mattboOobhttootor doigtof Worootecrsbre. biorettc'oou o lasoranco and Rosi Estato ta Our stitsfaction. luia to koobn shooto Oucmnordcorctte.loeu n on. 6. E. SUER Ruminais botoorer, w05 siepticat. ico sme ioplog tocco ont the good, Mo. aui ptaotoi pgltce' of Chritia pooih Phystcien and Surgeon Ail 1.. ut louosoo Trsososd. Ho toouid hâbe, lie sitd, to ber from ond campts tp lhie rile. But I huid MonY Hes taa» eMenoobCobto f Oao-js.. tossa. faoodhsrp> tho groot Abe iotocif. Ho dtdn't ho- beod hn ina an' prosci the tris.LaoHmWmuSayB N Io~IOR T (Pto.. toot top f.ooî -dui TON. iO.at gr o-hoh brooghi o-p score OP to Wteaan puits op station, TchaikoviyRvae 005ot"oe-t ss-O.Os for ,Oitooei.ot. 100 per crnt, Olltouflo1 i mor OOMO teaa Coconer. M.Oto. O'ooo 53 -- iLsTuoN sit'oeup tobt o-ith to buliotoI ir lees bts fmOtti and deporto toc Enmion in Hi&oo-sic 1050 __________________e an' ao o koted ookî-' Ports uosbo., iYou rin to-t tt'o te P terIion iiiHlosy Muuo oss ____________________________ - o mooey quc.tion thts et toc bot.PtrtioThibnb ooc ____ LEGAL _______________bAe po-ned in thc tcIinog of hie too-, Rusaiont omposer, revcitod hi. pr.- [aie, as Rotols. tobo lied tero lio- Yeo otd lie onrg, bot t.e motol croos hmusic, tull ot DIKaDC eib o-lob stiofytog -tcteo. chancsare aai.t il dopto and toiodp. combat and fiOred * 010k & OICK ~ j,ç~ toddcuip burot toto o roar of iooîh- HAY W~~R T A OSP R to~i~ us~s:oooo.c CEENT nd INDR *Ate iooked ut bit sbirpy. In cd States, aid oott-tbe sottge kbs rofortuitot romanosoo. ______________ uo.oe hlobio Y.o îbtopip o!A redp coob aid an ovrrboodoice ohobbovtby fle in love ooitb anDiy tot Stvo KEitîTi Y. BICE, B-A- ~Ail dooro-g the totlog of the oiory o! _bva-oo toe bosic fouit. oooso neo eso 8 b BLOCK iTEE MILTd fePbtAaotodlg0 Fr Uds sabatteet pou hore tc. efo-ed bis pr-oposai, mriod o TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON tuooexcllentojo. to-ouroo-ohc ssrne fEwadAstidie.baioe At3lieo-etand mer- BES3:EN:.6 îOFFCs, 112 BRI.CK snd-TILE e uioroec trot o-rinoed th:t thoiro ~theiorc aar l~tangueed Atonio, Mitoukov, but tocLcladLn itnc atg n oig o MNIAUR Weot had one eetwld and ooplly c sig,and-o has:rage tostcd only t3 dopo. Thea dLogltateCcoeotdIlvo T. A. HUTcHiNSON wiba.out oo sd. -toAco i - o eos coneof raiaossttpo rm : miss woa inTroibobsy's fit-s0500.0 01W OT ~~~~~Abe toulOrd o ontt and then bo-Ituded. Wtdoth oot ttroe b Ogwc-N.st do-c Chbapion Offlo.. 3 NE STs PHN 8t ouid, "Tito o ouotp iugh, o-iter. "The sorfac. rasn igit bc an Yroung composer, pabd hbot o yeorut TORONTO Hot @0M MOLTON 10 HAILTON 73 Mai tt.tMl ,.,,BRIGO Whaoo-tgbt ito-eurt" onc o! a to-rber o! toigs' Etsenî 'otaoe so tout hie rouid devois T.opoo o. ......... unnrlo doird bia epro. 'Pardon berg satd todip, "but pousroo trace out of bie titres to music. Aithougi' -.,ot.th,,,.54. nie, Slorffbut youlookedosats. the ressoro rtgbt hacb ta ~te tpo orreponded for 13 Yearts, - tiouo tobor Yu o-cre trlltog ihat aie Moiep probîcot. Tano o-tp mai mrore t toto 3,000 lteco.tocp UEOR6E E. ELLIGIT 1-- Us I..,r, E yo. Itaily-quit51e os if pYtu actttoly eopert the wife ineravganat, toe boshoîd 000cr met0. a. nNSURt CE c Ut stor ist truc, tbiîl'm edome to belteeii basofoitthnblout indebt btstoite Hec vboitod tht Unitod ttes lot U Ca s an r iaiett. ouioitor. Notoep Publbe. 1_________________ a lier?" Abe roldoord toodor hietan, reat- cags bbto about 'not heýn upt891 piopcd et toc dodicatioo of * g * OFFICE-la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.itto BuedigeaitLtsFiebAutmoitocB Joruooplrsed heamat ase oe.mtaorao. NougYorkoar yCorththeJoeur.~Neboul. CrnHiehal dierde Sciot aret,idl. aocrotctoour ttiuutngitogthebcioto.nt truc ForUtesaine reosort EisenhO,5 tto posete0,r .roo-ochales, afr bTo.th. 70.o LEs ia Aîmbt Dsf age 0 t [at oo attrboted to Stteriff ibut to- a liturt If se poto'd bte; soid, ooip 34 vives tlo bome fast debribo uoboid vo1cr. Tstsrhos 50 PlaIs tItis,, Accident. lith.t Abe Lang. givea sorto and gtoî if dang Yser._______ DNITY__And ocaaot tt one qurbi" 'Wornn enodtbUe tagelstouy C R DENTISTRYdep ono oo ith unoiilo ont Ma Rutottlo aodded, îtling oroother groMn It ai I tan ao oses bot tcp'ro Citobssg ut, s onCoOco MF CARe......S6' (RC) CIeMM0'o terodo and wotohcd Ahe r00e ot ughîeo- 'Weul, tf toa. m&foid," bcout.i. 'Tbyreiaccus. Soobsttutet for oulire bure ap 1930 Perd Copo 5117.-.$M, O> HC ob eltrî 98. 6. A. kilO F. D. DEWAR c00a botpbog ap th. tract Inverti good sory oay-y li hoodmitt.d, to-oed ta the om oIrta o! homo and poorcd the world rer. bn Fr coth00PoSooîcoo usWîo br: Maplo Lit long Pui..c 72 Rooidecoo Mill Strcet. ing ta set hie totsb.th.Oh ettocSelftbete t.wto i0. Aid oohoo the aupi o1 iu Ford Tudcr ...... $:uI5.P dTco O u DENTAL SURGEON trc-nynx iiSeif hntersle.upy0 13 adTdm. 450 OatleplBldtg bto "Wbp. yes," Abe bogon. oftcr preypottocite 1hat purs, pou o-igbt bi 'There's otothtag tse Matter wbto coftoo l0 vro ioou, obioorp lauso-d 4 o- cTodor .. - 0,:..*345 00 10m Ch.r. M.parieLt .... tii 0 Calmein Roal Bildin, Milon. iitoacbc lied t.eî dtsposcd of aod int o-bd that o- euotercet onatuel the average thkaoterrisge "- bc eclusivcip. lm0 5ibrysic0oado ...... 0 800sn 109,M tihe' Stoks ...... T.Io-5-t 197. theo~ >, brifo' rlgbt les, att boboci ta [y eotpert pou cou-opo ta kot oh, osttod, tat fli),O or eaveu Here in toc Unoited Statero ootcd 1000 Packard Sedan .... $14 IbS W b- ordt 2 t, w-Âtsts rIs Cso0î.~uhiob oooocd bts lmp, toas eotid- abouot horrot und hou- ta ride 'am $500 orunot't .Otre." cyo bot heo oscd at o subttuts 1020 Ford Tuor ...... $12r (m lt odsoo Tesao0 1 SIo :c LIOT d, osfortabip beloro bâti "oby We wuldot, toc exemtple, cool I_____ in lo-idcrcd quit.e sentiodrinb 1901 Chorroit Sedan-... $185 00 1tH. P. @jetero Go tO OR, F. E. B*5000K J.A: LLOr pet" hoe rcpeatcd. "I sucse 1tooo diruo-tof acooto-g you of ttemtino tai thCortez fer_____the_____dis__ DENTAL SURGEON1 :Lioosefl Auconr telYu o so rp. Mr. Ro-oeis. Fiot to trount o borue feto- the rigbO tide, Rodent. Vaod la Nev. co of chbocoluts asa drinh. Wbee ta, 'IltellYeuhow orn 1 bnge undr sy cicumtancs."And Tait loy Psychologiat gorerrottont to eoplore thisnw E R YSSoE n E VC fle htC u alco îaoo ut- p ibis bor o is of o-ne. t fucs$ Rittullo uokod dotoo ai Abots toindto-cdb oio-u.h Oases.e-oOlsa, theemu t acut tbotpouo a cebhoo turcd right lcg' Wt do attosg mei sometiMe. hel dsofe h Molubl. OascooMostsoss, PhonetISOol the sail ta totstcd toW ho eri- * breab dooti bîte get t in>t tocî l tcof goid.IMeio APEL LEON RO £-RAT SE50100. uns E105AOOIOO. Rtural Hauta Ne. 3 MILTON decoenoogh ta poe I sant Opta' ttb vio.otam, ttoy gerin to-CMBL IL NA ,ne."-i 0 Mulc Trader Recognizes ccbct et tritles, are stoo1oliera the ho uod bts Miioce foortabord N 1E LS E N.* a~ d. 'Humm. Yep, bt Mo-tu bient Anival Af.e 20ll Wor oolg etern Resserve choal. î Thoe Spndto suo The. ChErop ***#ahct ea g. asaoune Oi ourose tore ae big msttr andoiverlaitt profesoer 0f pbpcooogp. and took il boob 10 Spain. -_____ 28tpseo II Ptoo Vea 01>0 îe * Ob, ta noce nt mor'ooapoar or litte moules, but to ot persans hctorera bc bao boind te aiootc in The Rostan Cothoio olourcon- Ditaso as ToîoA-orXRT. F.RA too an' marin' for anp lied o! eo- 11i mstolo ok oibc etîht geserattois or o-te, dercrocol-ts, aoststmora. Peo- 2L1TaF CHISHOLM cieet'Hotoooc, driveoio Kiebpobil in the He brod flanc, ta prtdute toto dts- pie etrc foooioaied bp ibisne ice 0osTOoo jieseI Auci otte 8ethog POoorbdthet. Aid tep a stun toho ooo rcogoîoc a stuit oitoo. WOtth vrpgcttiuo, off- Whco finaoiipthe Cohrcirlenrd, Pbo-s 10.. ~ >~ tt UuoOp tHoto-t oudtors raggrd. Thc redsbtas oood And he bat droit in huitdredo o! tors. Offspctag of toc atabd boroot. breok tbcir fast. - o * Phase W9--h ttorb a wag00 troa, oo tter mulesIno itOht tosto. mors steady._______ H4. WHEELER ZRuraiRoutNue. 3 HILTONI tce mime. If toc tr-a oos net T. Gi. ('Thoropi) Hicbs is i Dr. Hall rtgged op a rostpreaoed :ots.e.ar,.......4 equbpprd stitb a farce oarge ttougb nomse und ho bat btco in te o-uie, abo sotseoîbor, wbtrh ectifs aPnouoticato Uses Infdi Mtod to stand off theoaffrant, iltras; just tradingu busione for o-or ha h ar aipts. Appytg t tatosof th. Williao- P. Hudson of Orange, PIANO VIOLIN tue hod. Thte Iotuooro-d msosau- yors Hit o-eotor for stule focet highlp nerouta rate. bc ou tory Mao, scs on oid Irnden-"stagie Apocbes woid retreit. Ntoo tioes boards [bot hoe gioco 'a tolcoubie to bceopiiepoto fita. Borne fell lacn aocute. Pisa Teming sud Ropsirim Monunment Works ottof tootheocMed force edt qure deal taooU." mieuxt. Here's hiesyteom:>j PHONE M - MîILTON 02-00 Ws0oe St.. Nucto, G.ta toUou-. Thri the rdbbo-otouid dis. Prost lots native Alabaosta[ toc "Thi, map monai the Ucmore Ptod out obro toc Brut quartr - - __________ play cumso. Thep'd suerete, eoob Fort Wtrth stocbpocdo, hit "-toito- .a.oaott aimoa aid men raentieo o! toc Ottohet stost 000000. Cout tho-sin'otap oour otma.Wtto absua[osre dcoi" lediscustîd and tht? pent-op feelingsofpUy" Dr. h nrbos-ohof brigt stars-gial, p- WANTED Ai ktod..f Pet t' irai Monuments, Marker& snd tuoli aoos toey'd lile t.> atobua o-oderpua iesg e stain. OH Sa ongt teiomor is-peu lo-aot 30oes fo asl] Weoo aod Petter., oid or to-si Higb- Comotory Leitorng ahnopsOtatop i, i i o t ho scoott toturtot attractions op bo tse bcsa. Wbor the tensionostar ahon Mix loohos frost o brigot os lspid. Pboo, toocO'. hi..t taonIdien, chances viore te Oii tuoro. beottrs tac greit, i flowotf o- st"c. The hrt[join of ibis extra M&b5I. adi Mociep'. Ottat Pootto Mudtcao-Worb Ouaeootaod o-bite would get phrasdi graiM ho- .. ncoor tell o lie ouioight thot-f gotoo-ed Imtpulses fa lot ftoe.- star oUI dettro-br tobother tiere Mars btld, or Wlson's Mo-o Mortot D .HT ind a houidler or sone sunh blc phtr a nitoal lst tcyiog te [rode,' ________ wi bc onstoorst store or 1000 lai thooî M02. ormit. Mosenuoo 8ue,021]Dr, I a,. CtEN P opfbo dooeibooit. 0do.'Ilt ooct Itosd, Torioto. "Ilics br obooîoe oae dey uteor t[ebllroe tce otasbrr rtf brighi taors.t7 ___________________________________ ort ta te tig asot obe MOhe prospctivecurotorner tht 0nt. <bott Mammeri Hodsn oopt hat aroocdiog ta U1t s Conioctei ___________t_ o- oorproy hho aid bie ftoUpripio to ynoolo-dhtto (romMen ta oun Bal, wer oI ling for 1to' aetetl i ntoot-po t be fontM proxitotteip M6 tOro, bn o-bit [rote ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Mo-a aoo od hreot ooo ider [hao four pcuoo tht potscd, îrootooo mosr. enougb t000 wi11 foit for dog or rot COUN'TY OF= HALT-ON Note haldotaodoaout abonigocia, ý a" Inateid of pungfboldo thotage truoks ta shotoWe u nsalrfnab.lrisi .distance0f Mitp miles. It wasn0t Hick car Urv agi rvlate girl follooiog blim, hcour00- ysrtehlleu.i -ýt 1941.-LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR- 1941 touohto! o trtp. ind iiooougba fobîa Ih 0 diUoooiesbcpercrot o clschf ytdc u0 nbo licontr, butlets watedl 1ood hoe tuobro bit toProOlers bit [otposboOba he cae'dhboketaait, Nwyuch .k iham uor ohouid f0 slifn beco-e be tlitrod ýrodc angles. 0ne wtoogico i leu iOouohec. Aid tho folloos tse tuher Dentol ocr for otbildooo fros t[ho rtasstosasesJu ha iso. sas,, ranoaso.ecH aitdtoi'ha000s $uood:o o10 pu o, o~o~ - ama 1__ - - - - - agreed, adî&400tofMoo o ilbyrpd trad. ia thertt, witerbeatiaaotagtoca uge ecnlyI normltie omaracl auia.~.,.cctsr.one optit rorn Oeehnu log Hot' -ha to- perîoeîulssar otdoooooi ltu t 1OOOs..aOy.orO O td,î.OofE g't agnd "set omdeootoi" d owali . 000in t ot bp Dr. Johno C. Bur of Iou-o City It&,ia.: days': oan of il Eo-o'ftos y dpont t.hie t.frHo -ooofoo To btoot suclb littho poinote, to dote gles. "To-o tut, o! [bort trhjidooor . 93 ys, il we was geo îttboî o-adp ta P'co 0OMP Camp lligbt dark-juot trading. aid portp wbthoot iorou oo. tî[ huve dentaol drfoots od the coclioori t a. . -ta icidoutai; ad heoitattor-wta oioohep areoarrd for thetbtto ,hc ve baoe Ceaaeot petdm 50r.IM.sid 00s.t ul D"u0 1, 9 sson . about toontit-fite msotc front Mena, tf Insaoro t prour palse anod popuior otld. Dr. Brco-coo rcooscrdiit a n00l. mr i;dueno ______________________ oi'dse Idbo tppd reb. But osp ta check op mn ctit o ohtid's dirt ou as folIo-o, ogzal at i "ydsatr.Ie N- X OSus ADD lra. oo sOtKo!50--o ooOah, oobd dooeaonouantd quitto.el "Att op[imotr0f dlotorp egitot e0> . ou ca~~Om Wopta thUtOittarb. o h in ii a ale oýwt roduioof toocett tbto v 4. T. to.o-.o..u;s6.uW. "Not. and medtdUtehauttO out, rtmctthalac'spurucot. Stop stoneta. Thtpthouidgoetuaqqurt of F. dolafa e sitwthrihnoJr oud tafottfpoo-inelvez bthie pin t a eta[urantr.rtlt omhoos silko, oneo or to go uoog esr Oos.05s000thrao.ît-îooat OOaaotObes Ivreic >0 vigntos aid icraigsd orarselteas Utco sibi, ltve Utoe sid ote obo "oot do.o i oioo fodjr I cJosssotsoOttrOsacoos atemont stratetcpostonsapos- 'w niter. Aid of courseoal [ t and uod[boe touoproooof butter cecl.de u o.-O Ooiet siaisj.. Itbhut. t a otOocL oor O tut f0 [0bi ta , sotte. aslooOsu.àto oÉ, o a .outt, th 00la, uttaîu,. via teou'd lieta havead giooiuly." thon te AsOOttttoOoOO.otrOs0,hsi-c.aAso, ujocoa st it ii, o ot ght white ab test- our ordco ta tho eoitr. rà.-otc "10 %.a. cd. sod tooob fodosa thecc f If poor beau toboes yen msotocta0 Par thelatentsinPaintingsandPpea- Spodorw. . DCI,* ~ Zw rent no mamelut sta of OhM 't'a tuP t. yoO t. csffst gatins Ir ls oif Miltona lgp. 1 OtOl ost persas.4 17oe W1.IC.Mlo, Apaches. Nto oaa o-t af te sOn'- o-benasrrive homte. For. agar lî. thN s ap d oecb Makof te Po turc aiment et once, p0ttW our beau a. pou bout. ououldo': one of tsherIo sats m Wsutatdé" alppu n ae -hr -, -c -f -ls -U -r Saslet to loisbr fa gel rtf of bteus t 5~SsetlWtppo.EIdsoas there " m wih §vae..-W. E.L M5UNT ssstenste.à t1LRutA fe. a" Ji