1'~.. q~~I SCOURING N hn o ard rubbmng anid Nmebteic choc ycu une a soution of oflettue Pure Flake LYe. It ctacrigt through pnemmet dream cued drains, keepu Srt- bousses m-toy and odorie. monts pote and pans, ta"e the bar wok ct c htvy teadeg. Kecp a tic alaye bacdy. 'N-tdi.t- tt isibatn--. T-ha -"-- giktmimpm #WeomP1.Ilt-. Antiques Made je Frmne Reach U. S. Despite Wmr Frete a ynarty busineso e $5,00,00 ie pr-aoc iyt. Frenceh importaof etitque te Uoted SOcte, have seohice tu the eco ro ceact. Noccthetoot. cee ore stil te- ceicteg aitoe Frenct-made antiques -nottceom France, bt ftcm Persia. Thete tcctc acre rrcrotod ie a sr. VecY et antqueisoucescodcOcd ammeecdeaer nt a rcctgilt mor. het hld je the Mrrchocdioe Mrt, Chaneloiers and terchetere, mode Oc France erc c ccctccy ao fer the Palace et tc ehehsofe Peecto lt-t Tcheran acre creece ttee itemce sotec et thic cmarket. Thtr ccedte-holdtt-e cartas oade ap the t.ghtt-eg ytca f the Shtcho palaer uottt the ecece et Protces prenant rctcr, ea Kthen Pahltavi, ahe toch office e fca vecce cge. Geceg mod- erce itapeneac, the bacrtg of tthe scttee palace, fidtec hie, tert market inthe Unted ates. The chandetiers are cppoietatr ly t fcet by 4t and acce mcade je Boccecet, Ff icc, by oaOct-c cf glooo teterco datfce bacd te 1765 Th.c -m.t t-at hetd the credl, eticks etc sepentin- e c in y cha et-n- cf eelt-d 91c-- itcd gicco hello acd large het-t-c-t-heicet deededs gv, them chandelers o t-t-c.ci.neta' teceOr. Ut-It-tec -cfdftatt ctt-ed tîce, tbrycareff..lft3 cfetelifehefi ct bette tffp and otfter. The tee chie- are tc et-ftr-ly recte. bte -11t-c Offftlit-c lstat ao dccc. ceos tii ffftceded te btc cecd fer ,lefcftyý Rsm.hin U. & c" Né-tchotmm omoatetolatu o 3 ltdcg A-e" al liéet OnRIn l-s .,.te ohmhgsoc nVt"um-ad sm cm. OctO ree.meedl= Octa us.« er invsion fj'uiei ceut3 Voltemcf mc Iommu 1mai y»m wcc morethm te0 timet (10.4) the 1934 tett, Ote wfr the deede,' Value ot these ccc eotdeeces wet alt 0tIiratm(9.01)themtoc totellt binOcUL" Cotrlhotieg uuhclcOtty Iocthe»n record hreins figures cas the oomlesftet m dvmcec,otly tour- flfths of 1lpar cnt, lu aversge.corne pec pereoo provldtd clth mcc hot- icg ceer tht prscemdlt year. 'ltcpldty cf reuldeotttilcosrce- tice tet pee, tht uth succeetsive yero rcrdainsmb. lun ephc- tized , sai Ryco. 'bythe tactlhat bette velue and voumet inerocu w erth trgest ymmc Otemmo risc daringe eade. The citez Ocludea InOcdmh.urvey, tctedin b41 alliez md hm District cf Columbia, have t populmion 1 w>c eeedlog Oc the t040premeaury eme aite f the United Sates bureau ofm ceceu, cf 4,13470, or 37.4 pr centcO et tht popultion of tht Unitted States. Thit ceeue leludeth. 92 eitiez waIttecpopulation etf10,M 0or more. Ne homo eultdlag Oc hs310 Aieicencles Oc 1M 0provtdtdi heoiegfor0070M4peocpe. Ths ma s gineof2t232 cmpeople,1 or 3.4 pec ceci, overetOeaM0,632 newty hoecd Oc he amne cdOles Oc 1938. Nec emdcctiltcenstrucion lsnt year in thezeme mchen mprovideit toc 67.1 pecenot more peoet he ino 11)3, wceece cy 51elcere nco cc te seeetered. Green WmIh Replmcisg 1 White Onea in Hompitala Tht itemaclaechite cf cea and inetlhat usdtaOcbc Oie symbelt et ecrylttig sechedan d mOrite1 on cn ectitopele husptaltaO gvleg way tn the opcratog rmane ta a toc potor. pinch grne. More tht thade f plnameh Soedt cnd crecned dmOha e hmdar e tesf i the rec eegcishe, tOi e soc olur la teiog aird foc ccttt for gocea ft surgensand nures,n oraetts1 tht cever patentis.9 The clor ceg"e-lae OcOt pet1 cmplte, tece thaa r e scc m ale good mmey chitecifore InOcth linec onofm i osptlauthsi have tn e te ern oet. Blimdeu certein aider sureonsocc hetet glcletg ept their traditteccl chit. à The plemrh eh&&@ oms ehesem alter seeermt pears cf tapartect-t lac cithteonms cf gcmy. No lght mtrt oreclos mtm.mntcmwre esecd l intestante, wchte toem jot prmtcal.' Geen lecade- cided , athOe mantiestil cmine. and sinetpauetims ccsdatmp artes ctecoted ibi the opecmtilg romm ai-1 redy metthetlatd. hm possible ocoetteg efeet cf pich cmm cf THE IICHTH DUCENNIAL Census of Canada lu ne 2, 1941 THE Ce...USloth. tock-taking bfnth. U - cf lta iedctry; its hoeeleg, and geceral social ondlition. By il, li Goveretments, - Dominion, Provincial and Muni- cipal-are eabled ta wcrk more effetlvly and emn- ccically in the jterest f svery realdat et the Dominion. ki mi, IN thece dayc of AL INPAMTI@N SUPPLIE» increccmng Gavera- U ICtulYC ON FIODAL meet renzé«acar who lua worn t Oc mmcty. AiU ties, no Gove8 nlent miok butOcOhd wi b c gtve the tc hi * ftnctt Id*m t bctii hm Md sIi! ervice ecleco it han th# Doemi m tioiSOctàtic.. ont! - dme nw, b mm i t t tmeu e awtac-coi- detailed ad ccduec- k é, .. orot iaa eeor ln Mys irate beawledge cf .mOt cet . r -the pepecandtheir t la ommp heri am' O comme the L varying crcueo questitos, lut yu M cfuting por cchy we requect the t4ofutitt ua ttmthp ce-eperatien cf cil Canadîa ctizece ie the talicg cf the Cencce. Whee the Gcverotmect'm Eeumerator calea at yccr door, re- reive him ceurteeecly and give him ail the infrmation fer cehieth he celte. Remember that be e tainycuere- vice. Acceraey ced despatch je yccr e replies milpremeote gced cdmliitra-. tiieleycer cuntry, ecce ceder are cf car and fceg crecial pcct-worm recnstrection. Iuccd tce cctrltcfTht Ecceomablu JAMNO A. IiaKtNOPf. N., Mlmicm. DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICI - uT. OF TRMC AND COMMERCE ~te 'n. ~1". '7#Ai1A-Y - - Iumbing, J Iloating sud Tinamithing MAIN MT, ILT0II, 0en lIhoeBlack Peorchma.n -Stallion Jeovah Agi No- 16616 Wll tandi ei bis Stable, Lmt 3, lot Lise, tsq.mm jeo Sib amis - Ulen o n 11000 30- Dama- sp73 Vm IM(7). Fcalud May12,1918, This a hig teit, clmm. aetifbons, eroud Cmi, cslab.e itao. sgansit 14.2 butai. Fela.mm"aboses hie tube- iera basmlm.. STnia-Tlnsesmfmis1c00,1.00 Lim eilsof sce. insma py- &bts Feb. t, 1942. Ail senutaisites W. H. ALLAN Lot 3, Fil Lis, Raquetts. Strict Fteding Schodule May Build Rentesat Tbe mothor cho puis ber Yoing baby ce c striot femdlogsesheaie mop la hcuiing ap a pescmally tholt c eseol caperccoi later ;" csaera O ehoeiemptlicaiom et a repotby De. J. V. Muntcf r cocn certy lathe Amacicu Ptyebogecal aaon.la tcslahorstoe ermsmOait rate, Dr.unt tmiscicutille tes. firmatiotn for Oie Freudiendocitea Oint experces la veey early la- tcy baveoapoonaifcOt ton the ehoirmeter oet mit.men mmdemmes. .Dr. Humt put bob reonmua meteedole. Forti tweh.Save Oiemnocly asithotai!omoctetftmod imsectitof fetdlcg thtm milt Oh c wnOd. Wteeo Oiey ceecrosi, Oie ratstoOrneda aine ts, bcarai- li great qemuaniles cf fiai if Ohmy toit tvee ulicho Pmang fi beger. lIces e ct. wra.pet o c uaile'l eurly niOcy ecreaecdmore Oc ]ta ieethm thoee hose dletisg toms hoeuister. Io bomm terse, Ohis michi ea Oist batelet terought uputrclon arteedule, recordietsscf hec nge Oiey maY scmcoimes beart bkty Oc ho perculloctpsensitive OcameDy dopricotioe or utilect tanlater id@. Pcogcc.s by fiitetssi Peecresleomade oeplady olivi- cmim-ccret-eopung, mmre cCd, bol not hyOte mmen ovenns,» ct-e ntei ppcteocglt. J iO uhi.he- [lfetotytt oreets- a ore te- necerri hy tetOishte testsoficCd- strrs aod ccetty heocot eyeoi soitd ste hot ecinothe mats, prett stcpld. Yccth i lu ieYs Oc celai- 'co," Ihît PsYchctciet etates,, Ohis lu Cee et the gt-cat tacts of tet-imm ou. t-ne. The yoacacc cecerotico slcsjr ati e tacoge teinge tOcard tobst t-hay tht-k rh i.-mcrccoe, oble te udfolkm are Oitteceed, itocybri or imusei. Otiter tothu, torgel t-hmit they ent coi the i coco rhbetlet-t-acoithtt thOey t-tavc jetltta ciertmiof compro- TOIL...m TEARS and SWEA T" This le a wmr for existemce. It im war 10 tht- death. It ic a war bo wim 0r,10 lome. There cau he mo hoif wy-mo compromise. It la a war to WIN. Momey Js the- fourth rm of the service. Whatevcr you are caid om 10 pmy or to lend, it ie uitile comparcd 10 the livea that Ocr sonmo fi'er. Therc have beenmammy mmd hemvy colie upon Canada alrt-ady. There wili bc more. Let us face the trth mmd the trcîh wiiI meake tsee -i. It is freedom wc are fighting for, British freedoce, the freedom of body mmd pirit that makes life worth living. If we fuil, wc fail. Be prepared for sacrifice. Great Brtitembas et us mn exonepie on a @tcile of heroie magnificence hitory doeo' record. LttusaFIGIT Canada bas tht- resouces. Let cm epare nothieg. When 0cr soldiers offer their lives, let ous be wiliing 10 shmre mer livelihood. Preoentiy tht- Govrnmetof Canada will t-ail for motey. Tht- mont-y is ht-te. We are speeding billioem. We arc alrcady heavily taxed. But meot of these billions and thoot- taxes are being spent lu Canada. That mont-y cornes hack 10 you. Kcep it rolling. Kcep pcîîiug il bcck loto the- wer effort, g0 that it may be speet again amd agate mcdagein oti Rght pt-tvoie and the worlId la freei. FIGHT'.-BlWORK.a.a.aPAY 0 EI ~ AR T M E N1 Ptlaenerap Lice Fleh Gcmo Cote dceppe r tet-aoptane ca the oewcot tccthoded cpleyed te stockte C ote perde iettc itd ..... f o otecroMaiet-cc.tlt-g 6,tt0 itectefiniCot ec di cp. PflttWittiam Torgeet f et t.tfeditctibte 1treutan oettet aicte lch lt-et-ethe Biecte riverr cteig Parla et Wtcrr vittl e tthec teonth!.t-otreo ftcee tctc. The titrou Cet, toge ancd camo re paccriinc tgetto coco cord the ptcne. Ai rie ceeccyrd ta tteeonetaiccrs te9tn ic ictaee wctictelal ceeted t-. the at-cee cf the Place. The ie itteco in the cctele and pcsses thTocciteaedistrîbtetr toeac ct c. Ther plan ette 0iu00fe tePlat otitdciece, and tacecoert teeccer dams and col-nietaesc tolo if tbry acm arse oceh ote trcp. Ficost-Coco imAeet-o The. t-tRitscetclbt-li-t--tccene .onteirth- --t--f--.,yaft-dctec FracceoOi elt-hac-f, a Fcuecttace, et Ptitedetcfc t-c Jacccy e9,193. c tectîo at-t-b cefls ccd o ruddrc. codint-c1785 te rot-ced tthe Ecgtt-ot ta Americ inc1792cand ecceeged ta maki, nooccrtttf-tetad cf teodWolntrtort prisono t-cPhilo- drtpteic. Prrchtt--t Washt-t-gton cece oaertg thecoprct-ct-ecc cethe dote (Laed. tateroreretheecl e fcrite theiroaoaltt-vasctccdccnd ateand Ptaerd a ivrtY lter. Btenchacrd ltt-,ddet Ceoecro Frcry, ln Noe Jersey, 42 minutes tter cnd ce- Carnedte Ptet-tdctcbt-e ehece tee peid litsmrespestCaOctfir Pcideot at his ieocne. Fttectcle Moiti for Btanit Prebctetp ter mottacce hoode lorcrycactice compcosrarethos et tegelRt otechnainoctthe Et-t-. 1 sie lcepicot-cempec. Thee lecrat accotry ln the ceecti aterce otte. il fhec oct ptcycd dectbg it log and cclodcocarc. Daiec hît cret trcnt-cm etalot urtc, wcee mppeaoicleciOccies aboe tho lem- peratere itexet-rartly ccli tiee beepttioitedtcandhfis ccgroosup- pte pyth use ofanelectric mucc This mdffla aninisitpensablte pert cf bst tacetiog eqetpaet. Mode ef cecct, the cecf bot lt-t-ee airicc Chit trdece qeickti het att-ccthe curert ta tarcrero. Thunccti onag, iendercfOcgecC caro ttpt floextible mmmc c hat he Occpeature. T O~P Il I i Il N A NCIC cAN A DA ica rth xrloilatimllmccchm t 1.CtoMPInlaed 3tEgh Pýmtl dt ite h BODY AND FNDýlE rkad9rtsî S«ttof-e R..EPAe il y .t -dI tSRICE 2ANIG - ei e « ihthUcH-eUP BatS »WORKII. GLASS tfRd .tELACg .I«eM.ocENTSpdpa RA iA0b ro-itO RLePAIVoRShm Wm WHITAKRUb& eaesONSyýh STAION1IOD BranLE tford NE14 elants F4glta Aid le Flilut Agmist Hay Foyer J ledical science teck Oc thteoa- 4,tt5A )Ammoia ufeirlecfromn mat-to4"cmortmesaof operlmoonttu senticb aemg ilamactd ldem ot altudmu cantggOc 12,000 fat. The suracvm ere. uptmred mpratety by Crai C. Dwuma sChcago tbt- amol, anid h. HollUtr-Stliecr or- torsaaiUSoe.asa mh. Ifacoul, he stuio@ ailcampro- vdei he odasalofessiout Oh otee S ad bail irhtpeoolacyTh arg"etainaie mmdical meetiegm. BY stcdylt heecouremeaendeu. lent of ic clt- ollen timgmlraticon hm in=c os ichopei tOcottoilo dditicnal dM0a toc Oie dceeitizc- lio, treestrutit ci touincelu victie. Theqe in@ u who tas iteecetions lu dmOaomicmd. Foc a muae of yeuso eocr, It bad bas eceognumai Ot by lf OUr ta lmaeO lacwos nit Tace ta imilm feum enct ot foiuma luOhmo12Moes o o havety C cnglaimilantshm u ai afoyr pan- scie corinacthrOa.Hecarnt hae m cf ammu mflett aot dot- fauti ailucosemaileve tiato ilt dt inteWm wteh certzrdbfi- o= ,tluo a nd becsentsofte o tienlaria utOhueo.aHthetui ee dates i dîscoverlesOte, 00 iB. C., chent he cholu of hlu digriteleasu uder themanid the hc round wclà u ow taistlmlet proloctoit Irmm h. catae. Wtcothe mois ce- céded, nttolmmnt bcller- wmn "BLOOD. 42 1