- , -.. *~...5O55S ~~ "' 0.. b-. ,,, ~s.. 075,S VOLUME S2 CÂANÂDIAN O;HÂMPION 14RRY! TIIHEODA! XO11NO1 MAIN ET.. . MILTON. ONT. ,a.neBaa.aaaeai.aee 5.0 je thaas. A iea etti. $$.a =,aaaaall...alalh.0alla aaal.aaa.W. »M . ts ai ta.a eaisa.n0 53p ý Maas...uae4 ci."".a -.bw .- Nàliai - Z a,.l Xaaaf0e5...amia.aa 4a&h Ors0E.staa.B5 HTVNO aarsla 011111« . a -8 P..a ; 7-aP..a. Ocri ..Rtdaaanaeaî. Ors. Ean STEVENSON RE a.; L. 1 P. c . .. a. n . 2W 0naa.8. 6.a E.a SURgaa Phas-Mîas nd Sul3 A(la 11... Ma1 38) nIsalcys -' tps8 11 Maaca0 aaly. W. 1. E.CK RYER DICKET & DICK, M'... auE MC.' MMAIITENla5- - ML.TON Daerstas, sllciter. Etc. omona-Naat doa liaaila OMes. main Oîeat-glitaa Talapîsasi 54. G6EORGE E. ELLIOTI ertis SonlîLtos. Noary Publis. 01,10ie-la Fere.a' Haîldlag, Maia sast, Milton. Talsphaaa 70. DENTIBTRY OR. 6. A. KIlO DENTAL SURGEON Offic la Royal Building, Milton. OR. F. E. BABOOCK DENTAL SURGEON NI ELSEN-.. The Chla'opractop 281lhyear Ifpcie. Daea..aas TaRaancîa. X.Hoe 2 tu0 - 7.30 tu 9.30p.m OCuoaaa HEsas TEenBA Osas Doaaiaion Stoe. OaaaaEeRsre H. WHEELER PIANO VIOLIN GUITAR aPiano Tuning and Repairimu PHONOB Y4 « MILTON WANTED AOki.d.nlfP.alsy.11. orladaahc.dreiia.. Mille WSE ane raI. hasa Idest Mca-Hlh Mackt 4 . sl cri M 'sa Mali Maret 14.3. os WIleon'. MaRi Markt Mt, "rst ssli Maaa Sn. 402 Dacer toast Rtadi. Toronto. COUJN-Y C 1941 -LOCAL COUK i aa... sir...1 Mr .d 8. '"a b. ..,a EVi Annlt Ila.asa a.lai Gl450acasa1-1aa. Pit Oi Edaaa941111a..4ti .a-saal1 AaaaasOa(M»1-1aJ..eonÀ-. s ~ati 141n. Eh ftIft~i011 MILTON, THUBSDAT. MAY 22, t941, TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. nocendi aintinl,55g CoseeWillaaem the dinllngaîihed personage -O Huaming BirdCon Stand -At am mm tnadTo) HOMECOMING bc. e arivitf ants eleWil. Stili in Air, Seconde Your Life's Your 0ASOADIAIT FACMICMWAT obut0eas eek baerae exsa.ected or- The uniry esealuceas IB ac m ant ( -eieBâi-rval. Ne wonil, bas sailiel alysa MM1in lasear etc otbabout 5.5 wi0g- JwU 7.6am-11015 le«g. -By I. H. WILINSON beeasase of busines.cesat. H rla tsna asecnd,tire aoffeai a 7.311 .sn.-aîly. ng. Oaned lis for ant eagesanantlehasve pe lasn aaen-bsasdredala a1 aies ZUT1 p.i.-DOnily. i V=.»-) y5a0l binen o0usan sd deelassealibewas n ad. and fEy bashoneda la the roby- Dy BETSY SHARPLESS 8.46pa. -Dally sOR-Pt éndai, lanbigioasrd te tbe dayobsacasnes lbcaeted bsanlasg hld. AltbaaEh faaoSaedei-WaO 80500.. -OaîNGWaa- morealbe <santalie. anllsd wlb lbhelUs apparnt asaneves ievers .27 à.a.- DilflouEa. ro O 10W veney 111H at nOsureleag macheobf 1h iaefea- bave eu diaspulcalrcpeatedly, te- a. Y.lip.sa-IOail. ~ Adby theily. The ]itleecontainse!a a ebi:ao etphotgraphe avees etabllabaal IF.'gUecn gel an inerviewn 1230a.a-DIly aaaapl aday,fla 8« n' oiSananl twbih ie .dI1direceilpoe it e tigis phemme < ith Onrenna, youre o ihepay- _ NAT sane oBlte s a hisoail .1t0 <sel firas 10 n'a efor ouare" nlThI.e ihaonas ittin 0,cc rlNobady casas es.OI, e wnat GlgIA-73&m.ià2.7pa. abut lam. aeeda saurdir pat lb. humieaig bird codas lalla. l'es glvec ua nnou ob a, bol On.'a Pa-.. 0aa. a .7p. flou.n ic5bcsesaslssaawpc sas 0 spak, oea îe ony peoplc ebo casa do 10gh gAsl C-.7&..d,61 p.M.. flEgrraan sHwy Eh. l:ie asela Te delasy gv u1ntirUe1ea ikcpnot Saklae hei U;l'a ~ ~ 0.18a Wbo. ss sa oesba a comsplets peepassatinsc. M .,usr ngaaumslaaaDr. WiaansM. TlrJoswwn out leae days. This 1 -- alasglh.esw. aspratios e Oies paatpnment anal lieseha* asut foin gardet, . I,& a isal emnsosyaa s a ei CANADIAN NATIONAL MAILWAY aenabcthe 1310 ad bna, bu1tena cIe0 meesne.talsaiture ofte abil. Te a 10atgdyaaotthif l Im't s.Tn ale8wbe effe ona oia,@o«.wee nasbOdasdlur artsnasn mm0Eobe, ifasppeaceal wuassalh.. isn of a lenali thubiand esl t biclb 510 fumi aa .w atboawoerd, aNasa.. I1 7.16 . ny eneadi roetenai p ons ane benenelor. n learr hona ablack-yed pan. alcsadymenag plaast get tu Oas. _______About___ n a yeuis lr W4104 Anal aIs a aenntbos boarncl fur- The haba, ase. atacca ndiat col- non. eaa, ie lar ielbAnd4sita 80e, o rai ren ttno3sWiIbue Aasd nuy asy.bg 0e n mpletely naabsalFor thecnent tiee. day. HelIy POLLOCK% & INGNAM F0110OuilltAt ous frn.bruinioheas anthee oeekbobit al P-s5 Al a thougls bliasalet bith, they gcaN o Ons.etenln in s Buzo alaCalas&hWorth h eurts. b.alln tualsapale afbi e omag. Ouautlb.y a nlu80.10 inille ensbSsyofficestig tscajol8e Ttlsai bppeasedal 81I wass1 theiricaslbegana tetal and waadrte pus, oterflclisaea Narsaas'sLoinleatig 0e aath M EN cuanat leieng relative, and by theanal onguent amang tenmelves tt amnt ia s age mthir prmis bariers t aat led tu bis privais do- 13sga n nqai. in blgeos psotmne1 neGalsOur ssanss'limain' 0. ~ en. But te no avait. Oemnn.the M N M N S UGcasWln osnl niga le il. 3aHymt.nia Ise. and0TsadaaslsavoitebOt ian ainateesod, ileasdsd 10 maintala GAT hei004OT saal. MUnl ae lreassscdya ls- casresalno neassoec.Andasnshelw usebadiscavscsd tht haaaieg bleds are . ise tuîssiassa..tbee __________amONT_ nd._UthIfaos ne I 1 i Idagged by wsipaba sofGaek iswl. e t1 bomeaci . Natuco-theY q c ndel c 1tasua wentbe disapparasce. hasldt tiob bleimasiteasn 8010fols e. absut illEs aaah lattresbird. iTo terniia Mny O nntbran s a0c so feerfees i a a idlvc atheasg, nietcanasti gbo as jnatabigbly illentsa, e;ýd1v 0 ry-angerlaoyec, ddei. Fa, I oas but a bnb i lbslsaes .nlseea i dsl ty a eflgtablas ta e W18 siin ehtna b a a nels WOlbas deasped th senen.in soins racontaeasoe.ertofly pawsr- sanie ai bions alnîs ie- C. R. TURNE R . hwlen.pieot.lasa.oinoerrltveypte- as f i ok nasat r Fa..el Dhogîs, It oa, Tt w aaseslsobs 9 <îsnerly 100 b.a e ba luwlaged ceatale.s, thehuronent igating cmteaetlappaîasled by Fanerail.., r twathrfoe asrpiel ebanaard'f UnebaWilbn. A kok 80.kn 1trirfnti0 10 tki a" h Svrnr ihut asdenl be- en _maie nedyalte Wrvi rn l ne, nas m outlaotI Ad y.l. daupi.e-b vali nd -crntniftheutfem hr bas ana apom patiryg ingMet buffles, the butaners, cnters in the cilsî oberes he Ivedl. Ag.aB las003.. busssaTt was a gthy aplatie, endsl eeseaf er 880 aseas..may heeonn.eaaplslely Wether TIlu oesty asaitee. Agn fraor Del tseloaasal ebaed orns anc mant a gray th asred in s spiers osh. bape- ttlnll elly id Blneto. BHar-ac ios s M ILTON. ifoloisg lacis: Unele Wlbc bail tobnccs 15105 The face ofaitre lsety hpalad osahs Ibn.or stseho euai n etofproa n but eassatly lsamnd ofithealeas80oawu f Oaoandaa s8sybnias t inllsaorillkwss. There eaefsaaynlfaanls ______________ is faba ana enaar Silce a 0eyan oeeeced and alotey. 'as ntisanc.et nfasoil dagnon- Bety viea alcensageal Ohe lirda ing Wesa ha bdsesd al 10aety HOcseeneal abroasiesaanal b.as-aaal g7 att.abinen.d saasqueriasgshuen- day e ie ltrt flber atteenpt F. W . B.FITZGERALD o aepncllilshlSableby, ncaoenalriealaF a1ie,. bhavenlasghlehe er'na tsec Hermoan. e ecied tesînra hepr o b.u hote reElr anal orr o hmliantla nelosuten-Te uetasbid ln cis 710 ersefanOascenon off. e riedapv IRSUanC an Rei ETtu e adie ectsOy lienober . t iendie rvmina ohame linsurece emdRa lu Ehite renanthcsw Ircuaees.r-aef insials and alie lhaib.d ord tg taieen,1 ads. aafteenan I of oabd moibe lac ILg an bifpe.eassalsnemlncea Ccle Wlu. b.sb.10,. Th.eln ndfotanelel morecofident. Borane wlseeyenasegobhaaut tuased na e ana oRtnsb aagrlthe peselmaalrenam&en San in ess aBayoung mat- AilIiiIn aieasncea Tcamtea. prospecter. Sfie. t 10 .ay thO ilTecema ln t prlsedouat ( IsaiToutneat fasbrisi notillE Pa-ed isa eeaalAnal Clasna bc i nl -Uele Wilbud ai, tuquel0s I ns i almmaivoea s Écrlai.Flghis ncrthssardaretied coïncsidene w<salal havefil, Oaa i InIsaanal Ta.s,Prsp.cl plrsealagy, "tmkil cl guet.. goal, tbesgb steîlteh0 is tlei. 8 lSenoicisonis. Tbey oifeart l nle iaclcnn ba foraaelsaorsint. lieoasaaow, wegsansi,sae- antiane-ntbiena<say. ncalecabsecaponyOslciaeneiioarent Fasl I Maa.tieiranchler,man ofmielb. Hehtoidusatlie cane fsenU. Ansappeacr. SLIand I aaegnge diner PHN 3 ML O salth. Investigation aib.dravsaIdle Wilbns te deRier e sssange, ________ o80AantViegla n onighl teuenset ______________ 0n1.Oeabssalylelncslwoich essaage le pesenelamein aCharlesaHasen. ant Otheiofn. tha w wr ieunr ivig el-satîea bby envaepe. As ors BirIthe IPoor«r People BsllyV aseasaeal. InalOite oslesy eyaa ef binen dort. * K ~ I ad aboot h. roue na Iand o an hla Not Alanning b. Nation Bellys bcart Oinenpea. Sfait1 fllile saving mmooit onynapne î J. 000 II1 face n a ook bich oolalhaveTIeecinaoea"sfosera oaaveeof glanaa betwenn irsN nd flood. e b aroseed ainea fln islg aipity, b.d thse c t hn .i-cell al de. DbOh.Cela," tesania, aeal ysu :CEMENTandCINDER it ben a lela aepicabia ceaint.- pelellsged moael. classesin8ha the lu inesit girl livinga. Msnl I OBîbUnialdSatesau e.paduisg alageCharesOnnarml Wby,lId ies ey BLOCKS TheLittle can arel ea t pasprorionsfet 0.babies, aclc-nte10 aentin.' 9bnving tl bu bt vngsely aotieig 10 Dr. Coastantie.Fenando-lae Celal Ineel a0Inîlal csprsae. 9 BRC n IEUnebe Wibbo, confirenngonny the tilatant proesssaof noislsgy a OsWt -I sbthneAn Ve ta fct abothimoe arenaly aew. UieasityafCamrie LoA n1s filalie. Causin Macy'a gelat aiesr MAEFACuaE heasa 0enpsi ala, a axas Po.paion toal, anal I beow abs fecla aleber *it OIeptadapoearachine tha package aorni eon- tens. lan aetaslnd dSsae'towaeltego e AIliesa - Ay Qaatty lî i aa nibaa aiasa ITeWaoaa ci.a e ni aght. Maybe Auab Virginla oibb 3 NEW S. PHONE838 oerdeae lil oncle. H o t hae- he tbsblelfigures o1920. s pepee asalyaa ieeaead. Onnîte haveesie?" qu hdu i niefrue t y4,tbcflyoetido h AI Oieeanal ni Oie oeeh Htly had BULINGTOS4 o hicb olu geeraeOe n e had at 2,10,001)hsblen baro camea Rie. eCharlsaHemna Ocea lin. fical anppeaed. A bie n1noe . faeniles oh,-ttalIlene Oaa Firal aItOiseahaner pnsîy givcn in ________coenpaaiiedOie tastaenetl, willsa in basa Oan $730 parseyar; enad lhafig- i.bisum, whobeathe, a p tuofe b ~~~n taWilbh a coceîsa.llusbfgf4o.sprnIyouil charmain10woitschîlbon, de. wasor eat's oor Heth naure Tarea wa cotrbUt more ana dl eegablaen-haireal anald iI NSU R ANC E lad irarneda.ha saidlof et cpas=a by thon s i çrjcItur rnea- pany-eycal had aa iesaeal bisa b ___________________fr hiîescsptian anal of ils piclare pally lopnal sgfrculalnioacbeatfial le blasd .hdhec lae eeel hia oe liaitconuedlinouradenllafbhia "LaOw acasa,unsabUleal scears et lunchel oeusta iay. LAI, Pr.,AstnabI..fl.jlay iaa,. sh..bn nE bt aidpersonnnappeacance. H bapeaois tisna ndalowe.aetiaanial atuando ecSaoadt lanch, O.llyaisyowiil Lts Is,.Autooles, Buarn ne s. des an obld carry ilal Ineenay with unsnet nsanliy nsan bllogiesal rsspense anal Oie feeling of acceas. ist i" ciet elh r o aboa. thcc bisals ai iasislrity.' OrFPa Stijl yaang and soel. butt ne I iea.IiacOb.asesllb.sOnOtheday faoligllth odyof Ourmiaanys. "Thennenunapeopesdenmite. Excitealsarpy tIbeesa tis -ntcleRinr lei aaan as rcaerraintenieroleaainatinahavet al aes -inldark onel. Charles.Herman E AR possessinfal! ai e aIlccti cancern. belotlerenit. The man as aa nnS ribaleil n large psapatien Of theencenlg-islecaaleal. 1hn 5 R.dnnMI net is ash,sandaof iy coain r na. rapies oaidaetificainîaere.onn is -Unonsvis amacs elhg 10lainCarles FHemon drîving bhrfor ia Choe 7. Roidnce Xil Sree. cellcicaenisanacsa.parsec, thngl os racagirleal binoas aleithat thI.paplationaof Oua sasilumleas n 0thîe country-foae] ---- e apreaedIssed csIe e tr as outvisieio te igh prvins. contr n auanwol.as n ieinsmillsenmilesainduFaiybaed. V te heiand o ieîativity, tanspend Aniln eaeneyofonedistingulsd typa srfitatils leadeshsip la purLachealilalie desb a aievie4 hi.alcling yene. wiOh iebisoaIneje 0e sain irhalOe pneechap badaa slssd1neldeHlaba aevio:OiCrb Feo. bloal elaieanoelatng.Dab n rare heia. Iwly aclasseaecoentributing enaeh Il s a soUlal eview, elly : J. A. ELLOTT caleyloiebcealupn the condiSAnMd that wasesi laavoic tthe popuaition. I acts, iltfoere kaeo. t waublgtleth Ôt aif cas finances,. abs tacsaohardo nl ibr ntlfor the lprfssionnal dplace.aasthe Fbnres pyll. And, :LcnldAtiatloneeir woliele semcal nsly tue oel ________ aie, sa.cnlleal pperclnasses anlal laaaalby. anil elly aoCharle Facrlîaa .1 e ialtitI aal arnai, ad advient Ointlbe oaa s anssl inaalnOenntliguieoel atr pofacrcedisg 1tuoctaccourl t ab hesbaitNationalI Forant Rangera segmentotIhI. pnpulatiaon." olia.s ahe glanosi aI lien feen a Oamenofaieay. oîicb aa 1010a Have Naanerono Diaiusesh8e bere of Ils doanIe basa :-1RîruîR<sN. 3 MILTON enerpaspas. e masofit, le can- OMoerinvawlenuiWhc ~ 'î sy n enea rninnataFeYenla Olympal erN n abesa atioal 10 inysur hrd fghinyuaBt no hetym, âin ailisg clonobanle ibstattheiata Park Servic age oasaral irsaaensdeagey, ocinyausis ter ec-oia17 I lag IablaoarieaHabottedi fthe ablilg aiof eabheereeardieig bletirible esaplatien yau catch the pr.oairag er ntaebyelhilsOonoola Il ndenloeidaelaennenieaan t enota n ofaithesainscat, 5.ps ai ynr b.10g send gins aarebi aake bine bappy; s ilîle aees 4~P01441BP*O0*55O~O~O*êj Diseetby illoing Oe resaalng o a informahation le oai3,ha ac. tabsal. asal sa is.nbyu y. acaneeeylgl l ablsnel thlîscI e 1calbil eny basi, nbad TeIicnleah ba"taen 0gn inetl a, ~e, a To as taaeimaxaressoneabcsur-c *Lloenset Auctioneets Lied taiy blanse.. lasEeback or aiatha moalo Ing cral ilwasol o mm laad Phane (IsI iceenmenay angle.aald ai lede-alp arti age nTOITy ra out tshisllrafornia teple.e ie.e. iyaslaa slsan Rosl R.laNa.S MLTOO calsl batabsinut o cohi la aagradoalea lain orsay, ilagy oavesiona aithe t.tple ni 014mb Il la mnelns awnay irn Oiee ily. alce le prpr e arue. l rn frbIney ehlua ilserapalalenns te lb. s puc ar oe.nel Oat ratiencee a bali rn IIeibeR ______________ mabol n eyn. Fis aiaaillfiiteaes bndo sthalu "Ha. muifcecel hcg eeedinglsaticiiler menlltU ifa ffaclsthe laoa bfen-'elaICaca lcs eennans, ad whiiaaaony thbanmeeeandlbaOmathtee emon -youbasowhcc I fscb alaye needstlas orlsfor theb.heRIua ee'teaf GALT pern aaea acie 80e ier5S-Darntela afbreeafireangersus reagbt 1010o wabaispethe "Iaeppose 1do,"aid Beesy, eei. pssasigasssslnat.hneeo n, the rangerecaeries nea she- Mater wibil-PhiMlpt BSseb. oaby. c 1111e Ireublel. "Reosose U s M e. lachaer" rock aat inlodesa atrop, ________ la ishe <secI feel abotyo.' Maument Works ~~ ~The cmre w o begbî aal lableal coenpuau ficstald hie, lied paser,Chrepuonbndvrbr 02- .88 WnSb t. Nrth, RoSI Oabuthepropoat.d OOfUnetresfole and aacs' eegncseno rvralcese 5aibýroeetand deese adequaisly Wluthaeanrstelght.al sb.e-tions. FHe cacelestli o ntât oas Anenasi g te thIesafsty csnesls lnng fer eminutan nnd mesibrtoi. caenes ith tes peact. H Os usr hncb ohibaeanpaîroba raaglag stallalica, thIemacher falenseje n t hilerspeechl. Maonumentsaaaa Mkr end anly livng rlative,.8ntact nhIcrirnentue0enileiudey. odriver. ableealInafatl Iacciaents Tlçn Hely said: "Charles, lyv .a.s..a5 aer C55 bail, ap te abs prenant ins, bes Therange acteasnagueea.n- abogbsat thIcounntry leessel ritee a îîsy abioutl co-ae asti. et aBaiyla.asim Thase lagmaielcaples oitHIetoeal pacui. olile enI te ie as. cent in 193. And thIse nher of getaja n asareprteeraonabe Place. et Prie.aMaalrsnlsWkas ateaal olenauflcintealwe or.- bl sot.aoscradioain0dslalalag pealsstran n l sueh anich eynsaid if1goalnneview inih alsb. pasi n cTiene ly meaneccomnicaets nareassd iroi8par cent yu1 oldhaveehb.I cheaisd. 'r . R. DJTCUBON. Paplor caaoni fihir rlatives ea enanianalha itI petibheadqoactcrs. Fs 1133 te l5 par cent la 1939. Te1 r eas tle atcle astreiaR dioneee disant.meat be pepaedIe rpairtes. ýc@raaeporsilflet 0hanIn oe as going teend i in Mody AC EîALONlaina nnbly ohen sbaal ohy ha easnger in hisoc coui actabes oen la ahdrivera f:i veal la fa. Charles dyco Oie caereejcai lhc bal 1bseceetbaolealgc offis bcnanefleggare sanarduralssteluacdesalab.asacaaig. One cocb. Ose han aso nt eroogl KTSî CALENDAR- 941 existence. 0e pstnasal ien asnynrreîy icesl mntiraI e vetaîle aintntes fatal accialents at aigll in- Btty,' ha asial.1b kneain oou lal, poeriab enan; a n-t.aanad Anda i eîght, ha leals doon, is vovealdriskiag by drive ac pa-ýeea. l'mi no enaugh e s as Imge MO.oa .. cs~ and iribelo.ieug wstrnr;aan hoaIrase ehered arby, nine adestrianc. ofaine faieou te becurionabout tinanad bearlat. Weasaggeratedaîtreaen. HeFevccusenbhiasadl nlbs mCrnt glclhey salitstock acnedai the a- - 2 n . en basoriledan s asetly peayed fas u pillo;eoled op jeanses C AgauCnf limre Isîng te interviewn me. Se I 6 as an . a a pasaacat as cate. eeeytingmas hangSd w iad-hrei. physica anantreayetynthe Sac. 1lhada feelingeny psivatelhieaoaa i 3 b $ a b O aat <e lad pe rs yaii. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ am cn to Junior collage, sa a hIe y o n-ald 't no t aci iab ho ut 41-1s.Il,.aaia u..aacls. ay hadOsllteteUn aslWllIne CaasnilinenenaieOasdicveed mysebî BtI de'coneo. tas a ~ ~ ~ ~ a liai abto eld ha deightsal ta have î eaaa osche Sprndiffaeidn. I oanc everybdy ta laie -i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl asvaatla).£aaah ien nsn, temitehseowih et as5,191. Ithecuea reby i ,vo-oell oo endeefob eoary. I T. A C.,d laiAMla.î.6.W. usaslanasnEbha l. Wslesolatleabdcastpaadvîg neallellngly anthIeennnreytbshaal heeeoslellatlasLysa the laez 'Oh, Charles," aaid Raaiy. "let' ,Racais Rllgallisl0aaales dapsilte enuacrastit. radalsisorssof Nevemee adreofages,.îp i at tuursbves. III Ito =0 c.a1. Sit.g. t ,«Ih. . a nwnlg te th nohge hoaas malttsseleaaSoutarenglbthecn. oeet. Asd ole yaa conne le .oala p. îl eixar] nsapac 110 neatractive suitecfoi Sse, Ilbsiln Aqaila. 1butowu dilalhish of! t-oIcla itrviseai? anieoieIlaeabasalor si88.2= Uacin Wlbes(ownuns. W e.aia, En. ia.lc loaeeeabhc.i'tàan's Pivas lsdaiasoef" re th uP" felcal the lalarios ni aur w om n &,W on ere ahase asd the s'EYî - 180% jana vril. lie a .17aî lt aaaaa' endmal owfrnilie. oerfsred. Il seacleal perlaelons Porbsasitoa10point contentthe sain)nl n son Per tb.i &tteisning asad PaPr Oas fieslsada0.5fins camnlssd oaay 20bit enaid bh saelece lag nil Mllt 15I<. 1 ilsuil!pasten 13y asala W. . lICE, Mlts, ai GalelaObarsa sxissee. Th.y 41G'g IC 'la asin the catbsa hssipl.ra al I s.1941 Simpla.elsBnaetby Oiasb af the Pao@ PrOasdtude1o8010nd la adal 0.10 MA- c sl basea sbtter chasce te oberve. dB Saatid Wlipara.a.. ltat _____ _____ _ -osiano. bsyoR s. pis3w as55.. a-W. 1. CLEUIT, aialsaslc. HI,.lreea bi s, <ehO abs oSaisfil y melnog ..adPan,îhyBI i aha yaa i. a hgh praiae front uu 1.= Z ad Lelsd. Th.y nlier13g. 48ppy'adhe hRi,. 41a.Biaaa-3 'ara Robian Hoal Flour, 5liSsci a'apoons baking passals, < a t.a, 53 acapnaa iam.d Zpoer, 5 level buttpnsahaae, 1 op a-sailk. 3Ji o.p gcîi harp cheso Mf.i -5. Sf5a..csead ia b c i e,ee. 2.Add. and baii. in asyqu .no 450*F. iL. nabea s aw oze, biandu. of Exeter, a.aOn« Ontario.lihsstbousao of Canadia.. snana, gema Mabflrn b bagsabRbin Hardçlcae"Wen on fl u:bet n akes afro nth e da.gstaHhcilafîvi. Y .. Yiernt. .lIy iy ni. bsyo bo Robbin NasalFinal, j Nl Dietiservioncealeacsi, o Loa n ogdrand ablae RanHd Fing.. A a Use CrsU:andi.Trcks CiYAR TRANST ocal anal LTuongDitace arng na Mvi Use or TdrCars") l"'and Trucks.. .11 4034 Fard are . 0 0 1938 ch-M.. LiDeefî4l5 1980 ryl. 8.b d .. ..... *8,00 1933 bss.I hse . k. .. o053 lm3 Facd Tndn....8$45 . I.'.IdT ....... 255:0 19W8 Ferd Toe...«s . ..3115 ()53 d. ,>tr... li 1W) Chscao1s0S.d.. ..- 88000 16 B F ittOleO er 0 . n $o 0 EARLY'S SALES and SERVICE CAPafPBELL VILLE ONTARIO To Wbdom Te" Unar AMIM