The Cmadia mîmprna'POLICE AHLRTb.AY MILON,. Mo? là. 141. 't. .1at. et ta. uno 00 oit ____________________ Oath ?*ne« d Chroh habit h00. 0Maymeting0 la ..~.. .,~.o the United choh h., o.Tannur gi ola L WNY WASTE PAPER Motoo.I. C.,0,lêCm@&" ~ « il0flotlut*o.ok otoa goo oloooo aao.oudd b7 00theoco0..o80 tOoOoOoh Slooî-Stoot foMedo.01 oS WK. o* i s, nftoyai bo oos. o oof h rmytery coago1000 ter etfIo "Boa 0 ruh teno 00.0 hie.wu , o ,ooîo. The , of0.e ,, n00 h. 00 (Goerih Sffl-Str) Ioft les0,00080 oei ondh.*0 .8010 tel7 ar. : Chirono.o.Rey. A. 0. W theLesto. 0.-0 hy th haodrods. Every otospaperoffice ,is f oo,1,0 101000maMo.da . a lhso n 1100,.0 t FrmnBalad emt ary. R eo107 00. o 0. le ,OOoooO lthi. thflt the il) hu Il tK tI Il l lîto 1- e, ý, cketoi. ohn's red . d 01,1. R.P . ,ohtooioî 0f th t. M . otlRe, 1) 1 _ th10ooof,-OIn1Juin,, ith 0100 0f100 îît1ot Mo" 00100100,o ..dohi, 01,o, ooIIl i toooooeo oCo t h , . i oo oo o, h,0 lot , oto h. d y ,0 0 1 1 O th oIl y oî 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 , . !If00 0 0fi,, , lllll , o o .o M It l, , ~ i u s tî i e lo 01 0 0 h o o . o o -00 01 0 0, .0 0 0 7 ,1 hî ooh 0,. 0, 10 lit1h.0. oh o .îw.O. ofioo vic, 0 0 t i meo. of fo 100 00 -0 , 0f o Ino ny o.c o r ., or cou,00007 hall0100,0 h 0,0084 <0 0, 001000 oloolo: o f tOoî o0he W M S m et ai n, te 10.000 ta00.10. 1P 010,10 Oolot, t î,h, h , ldtooO 0vhd. he itant00 Touj., Mons C. 0h00.; 110oSe 007000.10, oh ootho tote o titi, frocl t, ld. 00in0 0f o oo woo , n06" I$ 0 h.., rle 5ol it polM MtO,-, o. O M o l a, whadi. h nlds h e ..o0 o0oolyooo o vnPYepso charge 011 1 on 1001l. rekd .îIooihiOnd h 1- o:lobdoa.ooooooootoo o.00- .,o,. lo- toîîd th a00110 o th hn Tthtooto,1 1100 000 001 0 0.0 0 .0 0.,1 0001 ebo Co' a,otMm.o o tho 110100 hir ic o p l fo ndlo. ooo.o ain00 000, 10,100 thohooto.lotae ofoIy o lokne. O oo .hius r,,o,, 0 PMI00 Ras0"0 Do- , . I ow li 0le f 0 1 . 0us 00 O . of D r R o e-1001 , M hall base trave linfM r o. ox. 1tM oCa.die Loo o n t10 0 01 0 0, 0 00 01 . tIlC an-t w-til ffoolbtoa-.D . on 1, t ooIolp ohint0la.aPoolol,, oainsilent.00 00<d for000 000,0001. oo lOd t. O po aneo nthl ofie .kol iaty police01001 1 s0O0o 0a071010y.. .Atlo, 0 1îotoo .010000,01 00 0, h Inolotoo i B d1000 '700 000, services__ on .Sus. 0, ,1y. f too 0 0d ut,Ie000 per0, 10 f7o.Econt s tner.,Botheo00, 011tu Tor ooM t I. and1 lis-0 10 1.0.1 of,1Mr. and000 0,0110f 01010- stilb0000 or cumin00 -0 1,001Ille w«tey. Gibet a ,1 zd te ft mten. W. Auckland1 and dessiller of00,0. Il oOefot, Mfomoh i00, the 7,-otlollyOIt0f 1,0 111, 0000 tO, o., tthîI0 o 00u00 0000 10g:offi. 0010 0f VooisieVooOl wi . oo nt.A 0, 00 00 o Cg yman.. 0000 a001000thot 0f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o thot 011 otonoeOo Oh oo l a 001 01 00 1 0 of Iîî,011 ,1oMdo. 0Jas.0008Auckland.,Moy000. CITY1 0,117 I FOR00 F01070000,divisi,,ont a 0 othr ura000 000I, 0- M,.LutCo0, 0.1, o 01 .. h. e..o 1'= ý 10,1, 00,- olt bc,,lOoohottOy 0,00,1 0000 a0".0 division 00 0leuOo0,tHuma1 ou0,01.t-France.t, the00 spifrit (sirohîocc0 oReormer)100 0000 7Weh t ooOl 00000. fO"lio, o J.10100,.0f 010. .10. . o f»rie n vculieffot wo1 o noO h ewyfo ntoot tooo , 0f 0,101 Gilber00t bT00R000 0080100 7 Of0 lent0 Soule. PH..0B.,rimouss0fofWMilto000r0, - sab h OtroGoenefnsOtlo 1.01,,1001about 1the lOI.y.,fi10wu1,1 o,,dey, asellSna eolpý kflB o f 01100 10 186, Cad ienf ,Le- Jade wili a 10pi,000o,1 foo,,o,,. WOtted tat h WE Wt ous th0001 grmm-. J. 00,0000 1010Mm 01, 0 sien. 0M0lt0n, Inll, 000 o ototo pin wlh fein a toot 00001, Oporion1o bis o0t lg.,Nt-as0fmit. o î,o o, 100the11000 .,o ck':01 cigarettes1.0te0 0,0 0 B001 titgof a srviceta Ithi o lintf10 Lodte oospl tu 90 08008.1 110 ll)» o Mtl, i t,000,1suppli.ait 001 01 01the,,leu1 P0,01 ohollO ail o te o llb gee heam uane ,1totheoo 100010 00 00 00 0of0 00 00 01, 1. Shopo le 0.7 duelwu 10000. 0io, are 1,,- tot fl O 0100 and awttîtI. ai0t1 Ir new Jobs. MaOyOcar ta th10,10 p00000 mode au10 xc0 pt. aise Io nderef00, Bob aW. M. ck Suytoto guiserai meetingho iho, bc, belli Inothe of them w0,-tO 0mis . o fni te ..1001onaf y fu ,, . Heîo 00 0-0 1008 lo-o2 100, er. W . 1010 01 od.C 0017ooh use a llna ,,M1 0110 1t ment of100 c t oe BIt Oooooo, 0 m7n0. es0 altier.too eil000,hll 00 , Mies Mar 0000001 .N,001 001 00800. hurît. ooil 011h --tllas t.l" ft he 01,1g0Yrk 0Townshp.police. foo,.w î Mo 0 MM.. J. 80,1,f0mIh' FI. la mene.000. T. o0o I. 01 , men frontOthe ruraltaras who bave au Investigaton. 1f0Ibo0,01,110,1 Mo. 0,0 OMr.handhMm.îB.oC.oOo,-oto TI.. Mav te oitopIdu sti, o.ýo to]rais eogm. LIoO . Hi 000 000001- 100of 00011010.70707 o - 01001. hyma ppya e, odaMaII,, I. 000 os101 700 107b I ot00g o1g0old acu 10ane , n b0,01, 0100 o 00 0 '10, ,Ioa thI r tanksI ty. at w ti 0,l0malle 1 t0001 0district, 0- lent,00, . k.oWoodI piles loa0 the yard.Oo ofoO 00,01 theO el:hot o te ha . TOed f 100me 0 100 8000wu 0f h-8O 0, 00 Mo 01M o, C am auInjure hieL o ntn9oslelfndInmone la W,1 boout 0 o 00 ,,0 ofe umeo f 1 000070101W080 00100 Toio n the. 01,11 and0 0110c0"0ts coing0e0.roub. meonin.ooohard ooo,-îo.ttodalO fIp ariho 000 , foo.1 To to,,,, dhîof ____dys ___ornt. ___ Bhrsocs i ., oubiepet 00000t sh nid g. a ,ow ol o.yno. folle ttla.11 10L. 000.C11000 IM e lf usdya X hd Oedeler tea - l..n nid rull , Ot oitt o O ,,in Ier a ,1o du ioî t e e n îtehw ho t nm a e efontthe0 W .0M .00S .ol, 1the00 0 0- - 'h h o llfha otod hty reo Il bahol services in0,1000 Co, oo .hoolo T O . .ol- ooîho,0 o lo f8010 Ooo 0,,00' A 0,00 in if wo o , i o ti 01 o t101 0 001, 0You ,ngo, 000 01 WooOmeno 11h 00 hfr0 1,o. bogne ly O.U.t 1,d I 000 otlooo1ý 0 0 0, ,1 1 0 1 0 0 1, 1 ol l hi i 1 0 07 7 0. 01 .0 . 01 7 10 t ho Mn c l a ul,, 01 W ,. 0fM . IS . m e tin g ho 10b0a00e0. 00 0 L lî o ( . 000,oolIO o,,.,,1 iool.po. Oo oo)ftiLr.ooand. T 0000 l0M.10 J.oo And..o . I fof te isat- The -o n oî tla t th The y. oio thol oo tirl Sc1 otso f0e100 ont, 0,0 0 f ,s s t y i lle suoî.0asavn, 0u. 000,1i7raan0finf0,0 000 are,001.A Poobopo .0 bol î.îoymeft.hMiltonîola00prMo,. J. .00,,. IfIiootjury t1a1hi.00 0000 000100 10 O 007on1the 'j'loisgirls haveo awao nuli,,, t h,7. PonbyteyonO oeen -R-ci on a10 0111100 1lue th 10 Soodoy. 00,11, la t a.o l hy îoitsho o 0in the,1 su ppo rt. o f fredo m Mn d.iJ..Kon doO loClaren ce , ,10,1 0fIn1, .til _edILi «y 000o.0ubic0ecrOhîBu &I a Do .0 0egd oroto vsitd it0hi prensMr = r a sae r oieormsialt le nthe ont fine0 o,7007of eens OadMm.U Charles Laing oSTuTE day 0,0. 1000, 001 0o 1On 0000of0010ercu ad ,ar000te 0rn lfon .. 000 f00a 010 7,. 0011, o0f10078 rICRJTro be - Il 00,. A..W. 70.0Th.7Ilfil01000. oa.0.gratitude018. .1&10,0,0,0,0.008 OiCooa BATTALIO ber m ont b- 8ii fOsoueadget the 00,1100 îîhotig fooo Oot ooo 10d8e . . MDogi. oy ..1 0 men mi]otirr0 0 yber lirtthoi o IO 000.N.Yte eCr O oe Lork, the oo.ohooTh.biglol.îoofth e o nthottoIIot buif 110e pont do ao hib w1, e.linof uie d t01,1000c IlaW.A, he. u$t bv be lgof Hlto 0f ae prtoa n bihlopy a o ld er. w00inthepe 110Wr .Vi 00.0l'und, 0Md 0De tmoulin Mr andlI IIo0,N o.SoolaibyfdoI 100 ange ~ tooflhe illoSb n. ta playho 00 areOoo.0.A. 0ooto eil ou0ilr o, ,,,00 Su«. * r00 , of Barbs- C000,000, OfO..Oooo, Into 10a 000110 00n117 and ooothoo l P-go 110 010,100. 0,.Leu 08 10Bo Pn.dos . A eâe con. da oo, .t M .aounO lato n hesri. M"010, fo ,ok. O oigoo 118 oe C.I 1.0and000.,,O M-n, . Elb . It Ag oobruit, and0 M oioo 0,100,. 0in 0f . ahaybt f o îh o olo .y r tooI ohlI,, 0 ,. 0 0 o. 0Vter t 'a ., MM..W. Galbra0thdhoule ea l Ume ,. 70 1troubles 1a0dho 0001,0, a oo ng t , oho .liing010000 O e o r h oo e ogI,,0,_. . 110010 o.. Wr. ooO t 20 Vi,, Pof-.ond0 00r0110 000 01A t'l'y have . ol.. fer1tho.. t,,. ..M. ndMm C Sipsn ndM.0ocalhuttor i hecos010u Perh %P@ an' but nisny of t00.h.e100sas,; 1,0,0 and-Mo0iooll;J . *tz,«o. lm0l0o sio ne mr vr ap '" "" ""'pm'o ""LU0"--0 0ut 010001Fond, 00. 10.h 0C01.D8.Doo0o o 1 0,0HP.l foLLak. ÏOoin 100ty... O g0000 a"Y AUo J. 0.t71..WBoo,, . ..o oId; Poso.t 01.0 oot,_, ebooto, 0 ý. .0 Oo 7, too,, o m o milles,000 Oolo 117001. BMo..CJoi.; d1jRofoo. fai. o,îooo 0>.Ifoooo,.O 01, 0,. 0W0000.y.0. 0000, Mor.. K. LD... II, , h1Ol, OOoOhyol 001 0,.f0,1018,81,,""0f W., Woh, bicommenceMo.. 11. Oo,,Ii o0O ,Oho,,oîoo i.o,. hi, lb, 801100the 0V00ton] 10,. 0. 00. Oioo, Id..00W.0o . oIsud 1. .1ty AnIkolt,- t . 0s081o00 a 0tu th. 0.10sess o of arWmO00., o. . 01. 010oa. 0 I 1.0000t th. 0 GO 70 able..801 .Hamilo Co0000,00107 000 00 10000000,1 00,00sW0ifo soi,0.t - 0 the Actig P10 01010080 00uoD. H . HoFinance ;H1t,1,10. LO BNE -SOpTS O CTO HAILîT ON) Cdt Mo nter0,1 niversity M y .>-fl. 8000d0Co,,,.1 M...0oOOo,o Pool. OoO,,-Io 000 OlservicestIntto, 1,1 101010010. 0n. Howard0 & 00 a . 00,o. i i .sR, ,. Sot,,1y.u10fto 00010110o oO S. d.ate,0, f Ll,000.Ma00000-1. .Cooo 010000010 Lt. ol. R. V. n,,0 o 0, lott to, 00 oO,0,T, r 0mne FwW à oe .0.. of ougla., ommohtog 0 00ý, DfoI and111Ba lloCtnt 100en00 W. Pol. on Gazette) Or,0000 u. K0. MeD0. lit H1. omHoo. Sat010 , f,1 tooth i ,,e. 00 001 0.etoi. 03. 10oo.of ,0 oy, oo orbe 0-11,- .100000 . , ,0 r 0î0 0,, 1o. 0 0 0013a r 0k,H a i t o n . T 10,cter 0ad 0th b t ta01 , igt 0 4 W "01, 10 T St h otb M t . 1o l,01 0 1 Bra pton ,0 otiIO00iOI Ctltho,1olpo10.o ro ft,0 00,000 . In Gage Pak bo fo1 e Maistrat, 0 ool00@ At.un o ooior , oOo ioneo8I8. 1 0100100 00 loa1 V f amlt00100otatWesy. - Tfo.t.o fO 0, ue 0t.0,0bu Due0. l o th o Olt l h l 000,-1 00 te0.0ate o, po,0eoi o- 0,0n 10ele. TdueoLU0t824District 000im 1 of 0000 Il 100er 00s , 0 0el, siP the A i ON aINITI eyAL .,d *08 -0 0000,1Jolr.. .looo large,,1îow o 0m0.th10, f00,0 10, f001nd .0007 Tan 00W Oi R g oIT? 00'Asooloi îîlooO intip 1 tfoo many relV.ives, ,1...aM th. Ar..1,,ebofor0the0Introducton ofafoard systers. an O e akoPbiNG AJOB If lto t.O o 0OIr arcent . oo0î4000ooOl. îo . - A,.oolsn.îan h.i0 a 10. suoloa he o , o.10. 0o 00dotOdO.o0Olo.I 10,. otlai long h o r 0 t hoy ott m 0 10 0180000 1.0,0.01 0101 o..lied 0eh. Tho oloogoo!to o..r H 1 0, ,o1070880fIdne oloado.t ,,,r M 00, ..!. D lloO .1,0 o . olt. t0,1lfexpress07 070 satiston Te10 dtaem hoeoo0f800001 , o000o.eho0,00p,8 . tOo'h Oy 00,01 il. e o sdTh nt a lra M iatt 10r0on Was te ,dy o 0 M.. é .11h0 bal1,.3.Mo Valli. 01 71f1oiO 101000001,0. 700 oooy o,. oofotheModA 1lo oof, 010. itY thI, b oe 01 0 I.ltO, lot, u R M T N M N N I I I ýddt,,1. 1, 00 0 0,. 0, 10 . 08. 01 . 0, ooO. T er Thr 2o NoOo, togeein 0,0,1, 10070000 toi, to ie ,Ot PI, 000007 NEW 1YORKCITAY lO= p,['.t . . pl, tMA lek-ntO me -I ma01001o,îo 0.i O 001 0001,C,00.0. tie . .i-lg ,of uoldageou. 007 V ,kioo IIIMnait" 10e0t0r.11,00 ottiotOe., o r am'avi job,0 tbut kein lbOf eTho 00010 no., 110110 Ch T o s ha iay taattrt o,-tskto br. o me,00 ho o I.rlt ou O îthe o rldI ays nyho ,1îo t the isori 080000,.O,, n M y o . T e o gra. - la0.0 0000100fo1 m im0 lteprt0on vr h nwailn - tee a ilo os, f 0 00.0. 007 IOOo 100. honst ork oyt fort an noe ad N w YrCi t . Mr.. Chart010110 . o Pr8,10,0.r ýý,b who go aout1a Jo. 80-80070 na su et th. e k hy p otCn. Wi00 OS1 N".11.0,8, 78010A8nd M 0. . J. 007" Il' o otO Oa oto fO erO o oo.Malon ai Il a .m 00 ofon e n s a ort . M.. C Bl a d ilr. .he The h.I1 at0 . At f10 000001000 ,,10 and a0hlh 0 lnNef0 Y0o..., or0lunch 000,0 Wo thé. -poo. 0. . au0 MbIII, ,1ob 0, 00ses 110 000 bd o 01. 0000000 hePary n e.1011,o0o 100 0000-000,0 .. . Cont," an7. . 0 maks ond. he ho tr oo,10,800C 70000.001 lnNew0YorkfIfhaioo 700h oood 0m. gro.ol..e ,. afbox of .1.0,-o, 0n-01, I. If0 000000,010,. oand o...., 04the g.. ..,., Aoyoy, T. to nal0,, 0000 ool teyo u Ir-a l] mIe0. t0100 0.0010. *po0(000..ainou , Oel 7i oek.lly hooliolif,,.i.g th my eau1-out.t .8gon shno thfy 0 ,n a d w er b a1kai 0a1 4 . e 11 .3 arc o0-.0g,0 ..hop8078 '0. 0j Wy100. po.owj o.00,1.1m00,raiin 100011rrag .0 h... tsr ok.,, o de t. H.. 04 od E. ... 1.001.800. al. d 01,01ke.. Tewrl a ltl sca or....l!.tâ Pol O oooo ood hep gho ,overem l<og lootolo Englood, or, the ,.I0 do, DEPA t10-oy,,, f1011 0 t lo1i,81 . oo.1t010-t.g-,,o1oîNOo o , Ofl o1000.WFao,. Stock, Implentent. and Cond..sed Advertiseeuîs HousehoId Goonds FO oI. -.40I..&.a ;.11 , toTHO.RSDAY, MAY 22. 1911 et ore. 110- owo. Appiy Mo,. J.0iogo, ot o,.n.. FOR 800..-A "mm land -14,;oîîAoet Iooth.00,of oiode .0. APPlY 0. B,01,1.01. No. ALFRV0O ROLFE. 1, Mato.. et oiIo i,-tod u.Ih- 0-t11 0110.0010 0Md ovem1. Appt0 OI,oot- r 0..-doo r-,-,.. a0.. D Barber ,MBla" . Woo -y Liîg -t 1, 000-ioo-oha. F.o10.Met"0.0010. 01000 .«0polO. 1 . FRANK SMITH 0& 11000, K 04,ph... 4, Milton. Atoîio... FOR, SALE,, OltRN-Hbo.»onoLi,,1. &a.. P-vo.. Juba ,Oo. ..Appyt. 0______________ Mm. Oouefiaid, phoe MO.0. Neutre-801, a l0 0,. The StocK Percheron lm1 M04,,,.0 olio Ap. Stallton uty "Y 00fW0 0(00. 2t WAoo,,- Dod H.n~oan0Caill Forfi"pi0o uohone Mi <Oo,do 210îg. Jehovab Again W, 0.0. plok o odon, 00101 200 pho.,00h91 0,Toono. 3.0. No. 1111;16 FO @o.-0.od Pieck, ca.til.g WlI 0tend *t hie ot.Olo. *0tuto.1 and0bQreto O00ldoor. Ooo.Lot 3, 0,1 LUnf, Esq.,,iog, grain for quioh sale. Sir0 r.10, O, . JOooh Agaio- Si00, hi J..ot .111. 3 (1639l) 205006 Oooo - .y 1..V.,,, 1170031. --F d 1.y lo22.1938. Ti.h ig-,d..t, ,. oghob.. goooIra,, ,igh.o-r 100 lbe, ten.d. for, bo,,diî. 70008-Tio,0Ollit0, 810 b.1,7,.. 1112. 8Ali'08,00,0,. e I.. W.H.ALLAN W. 0aeralSessions W. 0.MEREDITH, 4801 STATION ______ R R.8., MILTON O O FHm }- (ChIoks on Displayo Nti! o -Iy v tt. b or J., R. R. 6. MILT00 f tioo fOooîootth., P--oand Town 0f bMilton TUSAJUNE 30, 19411 et tho olobonn . 1-kp.. . .1 T., of ohioh aI0-.Jooio, 0f Ithe P.&-t. rCon,o, otbloo, 0.0It-.1 t. 0a .00 oo dîatend,0o l.1tu,1dooand1.o po-f.oo ait doto, ohioh oppooio t. W. J. Ko.0HAMPSHIRE0cal ai a is IfmMSI Oootf. Co. BHoîhow 00,0108 OfIGO, i0(100., Ma(y 1100, J'r ers; the"~ ats hold- poObitOoOo ,em f 000 o hrer manda,. RATES 0F PAY Oh Apply t'o nearî-t III The Coooliln Actve Amy ooquolomen01for Artillery, Eog1neers, Signol., Armoured C,, Tanks, InfotryTansport and Supply, Mlilol, Ooolooooooandiothor branches of th, Service. l'ieo Ao.oy t.p.-opoood tu leochi 80o.y trades, and b o rinyen t0 effldooltly hondieo Canada'@ ooopos of war. Go 1ta7000 00,0,011 District Roo-oting Office. FOo,1o0t11aboutttheo, INTHE -RANKS 0110000 hotothey f,li,o0,,, , ,dD- oroo, ohatt hey do. ,i.fýà6a . e Se just where you'0 1) Dý - -.. 1. fitin. Sec where aoy 4rit PIitîing IoOtculIi,11kily.1 .011 Arttîotîoy. otili.d Thoo, jolia up for ACTION# ARTMVENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA ===ý::COMPLETEz-- BODY AND FENDER REPAIR SERVICE PAINTING - TOUCH-UP WORK GLASS REPLACEMENTS RADIATOR REPAIRS W. WHITAKER & SONS STATION ROAI OAKVILLE TEILEPEIONE 141 R, o ... ..,y giOl , 1,î1 1-08. îioOî i ht oo.- b- '«y I.ngr 10Oo,. tV-,o'ooi, .0,0 Y.ù .1oliTh.. 8 Wih 1.o,,ho 0 f Li.d0,ogh, se- o0. ateb.o. .. o.d - iil00ohod f d- 011..,y -put10.. AIt 0-00. ft. . 1, toO 770ý Mo. Ooo,0.1,010. plfo , Ohl'î ,o, o.,0o ry 0 isacjuat fil hin01o 1or o.0I000.00.0.800.e 0,000. .11,e0017 00,00 ,1i.l,.,o,0,0 Il.jet 0.oha0-W.000 This t, Canad' ,al t. YOUI Menaeo o wanted 10.0000 th, 81n,0,tanoks,, rouro, nts; ait tllhejoplemooolof modernoo oooftoo hic0h the fatories am prtxd.ooog i oo àt!îg It is o diffoooof ooo, histo 1oo,. Whoîî wo ho-ko ohe Ho hofooo. 8men were recruiIooIhoo tu train0in England, to fiho0i1 France. Now ot 0 7 -M --il