-ICAHO i Tein W a ToutSi EANAIUs Lie ~~~'l' (acbnênnuIWmm MILTON, THOIRNOAT MAY 15, 1941, ir iiet Tothttrtl CANOT .iomT-ot sa"t RiNAIDi <JANÂDIÂN (JUÂMPLON TRAVI3LLERS' (GUIDE. ecu . - DMati Producton of Guise e gdt itni t the doiiiig &Vf 107 TRUIRiDul-' ORNING (Ai TainsRioîonuftaidTiai) AtSorlous Prble. to U.S3. Slippery If My flatteries cut Sipptcy gocteti Partners JÂANADIAN tACIrtC itAILWAT A OttiPe t Iim prtn ai tapue. otagie, mooutf h- ie ccomrd hc MAIN ST.. . NILTON. ON. -dccaMcv i han more tit 2.010,100oMk .enf aOS catDrvyafi 7.aîm-i.yig utottc riias ou hondid atal i heDnn îdde afi iii' 7 mîoojý.Oi s'ou a ly. se By JA1'41iPARKERE 'eimouet in, tow." Let dd y ARO HER Te. .c"à , icpttu ..d.Pt oteirots wtt bits u fioure lloiieu dio.l-WU ri«ii .) i nruo er bkask and oiippin l og P h i"7P*Le,,atthgticstesdt aon aieptBuMARIOhîr gor. _W .ti Wii7. in CchoulovOkta et =e mitht nbr igr %h rpibr p. «-le'-I,. 9.27 ic. d esy.fi. Grocs oo ek vr thatcntyad e' qet iier pallor,D NHRB YtithO h. ic~~~ ~~ LU iiii.ui co, td..c.-)icuyuimtfidyt thor n .oc tfoitiou *tnabe m the oitt lokofberc td Iiglutt oe1,00 C t..roo ofSnt 2. e .. i îccc, I. ic .. tdndrggthoir mînofifssé.rM«.Gtr. owmd tytu, bhxopknome oprobltom. Ir f100 ufii DNo cHiiotRLBUYriccihmSo dc I 9iL- micy 0n o a onhand. *'Wyto pnsaive" tIiked the Anglais« Sieptical Judige iraly hid indha. No logr culd a.V»Br[81.0 -TW. Jo ins roa-Tic i...oil, 2.07 paM., Tht United nSta tes r iciuart. quetiontin te furtive kcpe thit s. An Aimmd citcirto iurt udge in hi stnd tht airano f ontchiig tii ccc Ili.. .1imci .ucic 03 P. Îe. etba orte 8et0i ya bain muloht dmthemodany ot Idaaoi eepl er!tsiI -9 . icl-îfrti trytrott nccid at tiofo ittt7hordttt Chuctk .0117 hic samet hmocty. otlîmîi..ucîrci.immini limc.uuh C'c. àWii-.27 6,al. hii. (t16 ta. trying te mmattlîe oti- a t.But ther oît i Owti. 0Y about and moi a rage m. He liihid ta traittht mentltpic. ffl -m. do au..i ANDÂN-itcciitirdet - Om he Oirtoi ityba, 1t thucgbt, there wnut secmchine .tktch wiltmemtot outld ouif ttaif01thcîmastocke of if er dollars -.. ltfri.c ccc, ,ccNATIONAL RAILWÂTY 0' eirenougif y obhC ~forh L el jctlo, for de. "cure,, bldniesillotic iitif ielasu ricpled friichcchî. tii The r.iiai. etcilv. îa.i eo desieb o hu .ttaa ebe be sdbcgon and ifteIn dtanentdliagoslaieit i. hc agigy h trus.d ______Ir.» _O__oue______ Gratia__ .hoandin rac o iiad C Tld &ores ymmpreioait-tmen. ciiptellin ..a 7.1i 6 p.. bcc. mcmectja hît toi h, wo bl botcn. I ite.ueisteml obcosak n Ucitî ftaem outpapiaTireImm- ut creoeatewfoth tir Lmeted ii.ie ry. p Ih i ot huiando' ci muttir to. mc I cititf iiikarscealci. GOh4fiflias befrtta eo , J cet-i f tio udgai rerut. Wimlsn ift- hani mincccie yciigy c tiLt jitr or ,i. M N M bN S Matssh. alrtti ifou akt hait u ak e tta k it rtadîci Danted itîlmthfîttfreTcctey ip.' M . o r o x t . -i h .te. . . . Y l T h e o isp r io ti t m a po d uctt i o n g ' tu a e plec u dt D roy . k a t a f . B e l u e C r ni t m dt a oi te u ie tiim D i Ors STho» ti« ,taadw E y~ie,ýw " sb come 2o0frios 9k m y aend r.lit. lo<. iRtabrceotd a tIW e kn rioluoi thut 90 caciddeir. mutai Mifertuci inu it. fl-t .it b:i..ý..d .C.e R.'T-U-RaN-E R nthdttiudfes kit ou avsarie . i Jithon etg of th mak. itippi r eg isat iao a if ich rvkeo hie.ldihe iy oiifh tah, utdcca- Pi.îiii I-RAT I Fîflati t>iuit@t uîte pi miactoor tltje u .im ithls ofthe cet»iiatlai u ys icin a tt cotîtîatiic tetlrin, a iii BL(iiT&___T. O N MrTIfiMt. he u, hI- iii. a l ogmes rcyokUghcitge Slpp, tohe u n vr tl»d late."foriii. Fsyu udrddilticn CAMPBELLVonLEu I. « conilad n o he ou i r s i boartre naîtra irt u.For ,t mactptiihine.bii Wl-to S i , cogîci. Ely, pîlit Dri. FEED ad ~IEVNSOtaîcsesa if a . emIe k icon aud.O ta i cii-O r ti mi. f000lt 'oicon.ithof, cidhitiy. ed 'l-y dîct Pu.ih- i.luc 2. :u _________________ PndnuONTRi thgeo A presla itai ic. unT&Ummrwu vgeaon tth h uyOc me.c îdhid Ai Lcr10p.c.ithhu..moun fai p od ctio n.mo Aer, Iif . tu .i p iin« yt u c ii tpith U P r . h isofthc mcvii ihiterno na s pi- illh ov rdItnty a ou d D n uE I ettre t hccc i atm, Stela t ai S;*t ety m f r t h e tt tlciihmul " t rateaibutdlotawid e u hi titi Tudys a ndy. l snt ie oa Ors. SË .EN E. and H EE-he iiarau ries nieci neiapveri IfJiiny-ltidloftu m ark, S ilp bon cine t e.» tnofeaittu hicI thve dTlî n l-n otdcitnic PhIli..; c ...c;gî1e c.i h .m ir uno Rc NiîE R effec t ii. repi r ofad aabo t 111 titti ta ibauIipml! ondignte. to'iailmoco if ligtomtolgslfcoc a u- ed. l-cnor o. m ld etmth Physcies adiSriins usecriaicPnecpuniî Iotcndimpe dr m wthm. l lcai e àcctit. otiswmnth tt es oi f ooim t Hand ii"c thre cention in icfcestie atytc Pli....2uu- I ic, cBii nuc o la f nge pr diliieoe a uso faietiicdlhr 1 ii. itep i aouptrScluiedance and tu.Chicl-ioesnicmcyhîtc utitair to Coroner. ,P1. adcaitiro. riadein us, lis meata t1agdthancd scdl tad b ion Hm nidscd homad ablao- oe TSui cccl t ulcîictil- NSh ao a ae a MILTN. c* M e datge Sha t ddrm o vme. t t . i ey ou icandmhit n i ci n ut m oit an s.sdoîl h e, m-y -ilt h e i. D cbo ur t-o Or. REDan SEE Drigth ps 5 yarJ...ntiapinw mai n nies&cpcoIl o m. bity ku7- insit! itlîdfrly,'Wdi-ci 23-: - Peeren emngonAre hei pi?"ew ifseta tmOST e a uecin a ceitz ito DBay mac-road ndnr hecdons Offie K p&..,-I K it J. W CB. OIT ERAD or c Pr oectheGfrl P d i 'touai lsethe i"Lu o c.ha id er . to c ac h aienmtt au Sopic igho udei ll an u rhcalitiiid i tno Icuoils ,cnu ecucucu : EME and Ceal E R t cases Produ gtion egitee ,ditae- ct h ncutal m ent. 'Diii' iOi oft e h a .ht eiiu hi t1 iitpi, tc utdii c muc d otheifliycie _ hda e i. iurnat i. ileic li frthein dr liIof OaIne for- hiersud. t h acie a ht fit dccn hAl -idone-im. alz oEn.NE. Y. il basil-anedtvcrthnet.effcitiveaepoet e yhi ier-apil-i iili er ccci- cldig mcojb ccms PhyicenandSugen Ai iat. of - cKS ...be oc30 ao i lthri hute da ifu ttY, v e aas l p hlllid Ontheîscienceoofit. h oui. h. SinoS Sote ml-ol-. oor BR C a dTa o i iiyi o eo cco tn ic i s d ppre. d a is ccine fhi ao i iti iftl-ugam l- i t op rs o dci chit T. A. ROTIRINSON riPihitAiTiOtO : gcu o t to n lummenu. Theyot hi lliag yt miis pie d iuit aliiciffc Sepor Ei a i cuc W i..Ilie 0 9 k t v o a ei i I n hLe e iglu ansc tIi. tim ingim_ the dt cacn drd mu h ici u c lt cîlctu oz". iî ler, S Iir. - it. cuOîta - s...ccitor Ilctutîmd i tensml-ou chainof tbcit lop a i b l esy ho au. .Y ic kt Bbyatonsofah uR an aiDo t] otuite t ley.OS e m o mci.tir aty, ifu icuiuu..orle orilTi i i tiliof r oh ierda net&radiioc dO i.inc o thnt ir ci, eli. Heupe- ucxprimened n alu m i es hukohi aîigttird erach MITO igetI eshOg "th hoohéte hr 12kcndscnhnlya- neàcil- omae yboin te Th-ndtistnta e to -h Ditutit ai. Lu Htuîglt.' thi eis-athavlgaphienegte l-eiatifir.Dstcrd hm niuduii- _ _ _ _ _ _ c uirl lio g io t -e i r h c o p a > P u lio g c p o t i ig a ni - i e t chee o u e i p i l te u ta n t h i ad l-l cî d t O theîr ni l îl- -uc yc G E O R E E . E L L I I T .~ . ~ O d c c f a n u t i c i i a i n i m h s o n t, î m î o d . i c o c i r n i h i s C our t t r l - t ed O n ag Il- e f Ic an a t c ma i d d c c c i n u l , d n h c c u D a n H t i l- Bcni~t.iuiuui..Nutuy 'uuulu-. NSU A N E c ccie nte Sud ios the plsîonîî fothîîn oîîl- ol- t4ta burYkhY, k tiion haeIignptl-itofcîlcn '-I-i _____________________ îcc i rl by Pibiiillyhoinaihiur cnic ".Ifip the 0 pin eil. Icontr tes lin'c c ud Iii hellon TW.c1.ccind thuir arretictafci It. l- ca i latl"-ai e t wl-ir e n o iiibeuceus im ccii ap nand d m cked olîdc lhi revover, tc rulhuhuhuc.u. io cio. ~ ~ Hînoclyw oof toint o Bn.e rat. tnoîc mnet.iiidrfty cein- mthe cf g tiv he cit abus oedh l ot10ot10el l- n o l lo d t ________ " C I tO .t ticbot isnuOSesbt aciotiftc a itir clidon etleScocni Waclor- homai. Tethbi tl rîtî,,dfontt, oralîp la ui.t h o rm EN TIS R* -ciid. Cliirino a, MotAae ofJcic t J &i elenhecrsySob'imtat tdian h rite c bualco-sBt .ulidln .co tugl. c -M ociiod. îlnetDi.Mi. iTt 't cul me Iogrti tn is e d t n tanc s, h li aid h,ug- Ili destcai CiciîI-rlnu 1R12G.ABRICKF.D. dEWAR chcfim c a tic, u pi Van a eici L yui. aclim&set?"iaycpdcSlip , thereoss Otti 71. madeî aveuitths ou l l- Heitrcl-nanol- l-n Dwhmi MANFATUR îd0iv n ttcYccg.toî yefuî hiegslitcng ci wrglyiitdal-r Hyitl. hkiduig. ganhepckt( T, NA. U uuOf 'cH. iRaouloMlcîct. c Wtt alrts cl-i hliva O-" s lo and s rOe mccii mucrtyoncOmep. ic- oln ltîultdupeteîlotehi W1 h poîmputowriacin ola in înirect s eenl o cmrgidtd W'w-ît indy e a r. U picm?p tiiiti iit i-ucehistad i Cl- ol-r)cand aimy oroe Omît Ocoî Ouuu e,,u 3 M NEcW.ST.........-........ i for the olaistatoSucigmt gofg iitedeemid-i uc l-erig-l.andiî PGHONliEhr83hcbo tse "mnthari" he goiaie . eblIa-puOnl ido. ic.c haois.g. l-î util hcgrair n i . ic. *1 Bhi RLIîîcc ON é is * roîviilu the Gi tca pitioofs, . mptteremord lt Le oncl epiuiiiifttphui iley forsc l-ocui sîrcît. e h e t iopcofcth ietn "th 1 b bistrsto t e tt to u r ot f ictr it ic ac y arab ut ,00,00baie lrg rok ecndw. ched ui OR. f.E. GA~GCK J Am E LIOTI ulici ti', W ci.h i Webbrio, 't thu lr-h ow ltuta afrt elt- ohitnInhe G gUitedSttes. igeri- îreg. Wril.etcdnyou l-osethet GEREE LLOTfn nwfclau o gidOSsuigra tc e lioiama u ic-gconta it. al-l a t c t u i g 9mitticc am u mctct uttn0d Oce cr, glcinsesu t of appril oghl0,00ll 3 eI uin tit th prat ndi't îpn t e i lveIIltr. i SUSTÂL iînnccti :Li cN îcd RAlNiimuE cc i idso hi d I'cun ueyiu~ h tlta fpiy tit i doped 20 par enat.lcidatni t m p out anC l 'Sci oeccnie o ., l c u.cu hiu ,l Plout îd l- dy l- cc i l-l thoy irm b i i i tu cîn io ie i i m . 'Sl- ." ki it . ac tl Thhey.h calcon hi l-n titnOsuoctaGi Wol-n tdhieybdt tee tcth ied bi. t he sectm o nd ad t em ~ l'ounrkd ho. e.ild d iiiStiici' NIge ELSEN î Automobilea , Baapa.,. Pusclioci starscf dii ram p ir " iu atif't sol aebe Bhl otwir-d it th ftei ive f andicidta l-îuthe idleoftrod ucbe Telepho . 71).Plat, G ose, A cident ficalt . ber ame so nocdmiaiditti.t tulrfipsne suitetoNoira d icft mtatisi-oimni.1rentpiod aveiaee son dt il-ocll îthe onder nnd hi. TiseOnclesin the hisory of ltinolîîl- ne i etubonneti air t aen . To ma en t hr.notncuit al iern heit rcc itlt. hiluENT .u.I uu..RY co cîuarraê,,.., Caa o w, M ary:ovi t o Pa ajocEa t yo -yuu i ic"bdehili l-nîhedethrat o biP ut itd hie y îcd th l- atillîerp Ducutîcc T. F CHSHOLM ootie Deliio, iJaOSt pIt uld meo".1slppny. rain:itoe. ciittoeGmota oencand" ho ricthedarl-i ot o therbruit.i l-crcsîlîo 98.c6. . ING .uD iu1 , Gauer Jen mhu, Lupidmtsfofk s a,ît nt caifl-ioîtrIo eti h rt tate 5W tiit h.ka v. u ieurcopcde Wclu teD i resAi TII.ph... 197 c l-lcig oike t eeta leoOc. Whetheaitlitcond , wIncî pedentlchituen.itBécneiofthnothingdmhî-tlck i un osut great rrrssetsc te thea4mc t ionmt ne iepîle cf Me for Lee. a alooîgf tii aliilt for on h i pilibrat i a ric ccin l- mn. P-AYIAN : OI N __ __ __ __ __ _ ustrhimrWalshiioiclare "bta.Ta e ,i TO tute rin n himisn y thé g l-yDdnnt gencng'Were id o u c che l-c 08.F. .'AR G î J. A L T crImentel-hcl-e ivi'th Kin he O- it d acr of i n ai ,ofhioonuhmit Ncl Tou iteta Tmsil-, o rneiiirkul illig t -r tu u >_____olu w f oc.rtlc, a oircîdhe itabls. otîti l-o momi to rnsvigec ricsi iin -ci l-uuc rcil-nvi lyc clhl-cg Il-, b, Wýt,ýýfH1.ýa, body luit tl- thIltic l-cdd rei ma"'tiihicc vacliiid lla s Bod rneppi y î cc uo oiyîoii i e o-l-cug td li l--l uiniyc P-1___ __ gcirstdlrent a tbu t he L e co Brdl-c'cti t .r-.-*ho cS uoaGnfu Thmace P.oa r- cTîei vasuc aiiclethusilence. Nigh -y ---- ' - hul- t i c h-'ace ite gl-cm.temiti. lumuku to m itala e. iirio dlt on . S ulio uiit cap h , ugot er. o reedd asa 055 h'l-u cictoeil-o, ctackn ive ti aeniul- laagtcita Dcidc hohoid cnpufnl- 'b. ' u uo.va ithOmroslesl-inî.hAitireopodrtynstatude:. Clurhrccuh.c.. ilddilook drioi- rai idhu...u h'u..r' h.uui l-uh cinter Lctcrig uhl'hall . b ty th 172b iaursttui T fî Jic l-a l-îhhcetnti t M it htS Autlat ni.ho tcee oilheoehlcr ---- .cF,,-,d,- d .., li-n mcmaoflted i îtt p oe cthtl-naici f-ieame.ii'I ii H Il-te t h oisaret&ondofual nRdeo. Mckc c. 7e6h1i the î îaîtrutloorhoWckDurettd hte fniofOtianatiTonalcmiiop-lpuitt Ol lipii'Mu- "mc ui-cu Ilhu ccîif -.h c illcgpont i f Vep inuas irt§ "Wllednî f Sl-ppe o n ligl-ct tobs i a toAn, c t h cigl-t. odihi ur -r. Iccli 6 cucll- îouse Jliadeei g 101ta,0cusu aintheau gîr cf Osuc.ga Leeo m s e Bit te ro ita-rt in omeoetne. t it ion ru nd COiINTY 0F*AL..'TONiue i Cohsitu ethtnal -udd rcmag edh lrST" iveait îtei. AshpmmiauloîfLrn De-mtciîuc c0.r Doutin... l-n Uîc a OIot ît SaS, u Ioiuooto ludiit0ni.TheI-iioienswcdtta ceta, l.-c iii ol-cc e ow egl c lii idtu i vnt ion n teninig01te ctfmmeri i nd l-o quthr ea Itoc iîth di n tl- rm nuat- ituthe i I ir to c kaeso l'h,,.. 151) i<b dîna It 0oirit* HIo' s atairoanillerau torn17a ndl aps h eitulvfobr? uisdfctrilgacmilhttrhfd i nottl- "Wl-u st? D iedT il licr.iHe ~ - - - - - - - -Aoiu inposfo s tht ctrin e. ""rccoimiiîlti.îles as aourcetof celuloecfr 'No. t bi vlle tâiuter l-o--hie v u e eloukhigba telosiOc Wl- he eted e, usdmndl-gc" cd tn omehiauftr - nllyii H . W it.u RM t N'. 3 1LTN- toer IOw ACOMltO Bwdmsl n ett nate.in D,-tTheimlîrîîi îîk a l-ueciI-ohl-cct aexposivcg clu Heyoî Il-oc nIlonof hey ups" n :1 -~~ i - no esIc eIltenniace le atamp , fSifn e .iihdli t dl ~ i- tuît rcm Sr. j"ic hu- Ticîwnhodi in i c PIA O IOL N 94, o enuky&mîpuii. n 1 a nh fomntl-gofthad Ths ___________ Glbe t ti Krtuk, h vr ta ctnu ive oula. 2__________a__________ pc._ ilon_____ "o i cemu yal T e gl- ht asdmi ndth. brn -' o.-.u cou ~7i.c ~euia. AIlthegl- l-e buiudng iio h coh -te. 7, frt cii o i-u o-oihnd'hi Duo mii-id hicatrigLeehiIl- Pia o T aig a d eparii onu en W ils-irci doflogol hlm ntiveaoefrtoyasfo e rsig n aa o uatireaid i o hdctortuudu a0lcd og PHONE'z4 NI11, 62ifil -r -S, Nort, G. I rhim eys. hehjoieut eul-oildohluable dtciiuilssciyatyth i-aebtii .rccsthe ioafmpios b in Basal ie l u-lcliei'liaidt f r manucture of iulyied o ttlyîuh lim" W N Eii M o ue ns , M rk rs an T ehou th us, e n tu ckyf'm i s torh.o en e" lezcd m T- an'diy" ro nd u nes. a'Hicul l- ic d ei i lp i the eticciio n'achesi u & hei nm e fegtl o« sle ofmpik. Ris d m ., istotretuflI. A l-t ii miith ooi Sope c, focd Wg1lnoFacgt e eer etirn e tnsl-ietoi t e t2 cote-odtot. îtoonrochili botuo Omrrdinc poluic i iftcam n. pdrgied-in c t. wc fo lt tl-to tthte batii, mghoui- 'Le'&fin l -IacoSo l-aKielmAtecint i "l -oi l-itutiunnthe ldptit r IIIt 42, It' t eate's fdiu plconstc ituto- e kc sr ostp eoenn ihSip M-ket 14.4,.-lu c.Oicrdli iitaee ti ceei a do ter Sovngthecri' îttm , b m n cl ho 0,otet. SaistNîB.,Dan- D. R. HUT HEON, Prpieter mne wheth r thari il-du.disricpiteelOSeetarid lseg.Leeiwonutai " 2ouk . i ho iltte osmiroll los cuti- 1rorc' i mof ei tucfmk sog lba i Pîlne. ed t oIta n ot acleSud tehnd-t iv yei-lt oputc cmr camta, itol- pe af iraiel r " heesg pey? rhiS îhlin hc ar Ii> l-won thuai ii iit.1rcid hiiu1uî M ttitt Ithdroc c to c c o , ' a wa" in heft o h comdamu. L e gsue auey ui o udic b lieGui kd t hetaieuî. a It oW.il.taLEOIiTa itaitir o "Uhomt dem" theibook. meuxa ihero it mys- OS. the . »mon puioto..thuift,' Daddy?" OOWeIl, helit hentl e ptaaaed owdag mith deftatte @&fettves. par laiance, Ilie gat a 8«vt.gm Aaoont ta Tihe Bank of Toronto. Every mmntit K putMmie moaey ta It. Whon poen'ceh!iimiui te go te celiege It onU hrlp pary-yefh" maBiNK«TORONTO 'HAYWARD TRANSPORT DlliY Direct' Service TORONTO - MILTON HAMILTON L"ctIcindLong Disanccoe Cuoto icindNcoiug. TORONTO HUA88s0 MILTON 31t HAMILTOîN Used Cars and Trucks CARS TRCKS li31, Ford Tîdun......- d h ..........rl - ii icci ~ ~ s 0i0 udn -s lm~ Cl-r.Poil - - ... 7-I ...dh . ::25 uo f hi Co. sdiii. ..... 1.c 1 EARLY'S SALES and SERVICE L CAMPBELLVLLE ONTARIO p ,Cf, a ,daim.