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T044k 4of44444 4situations h44 4have 40444'4'40et 044 H 4W4a0s004 4, ln au 0444440the4coller buttof l0t44 b 1440.4 S 4 ,004,olen a uton-and044 te0. 040 40ody. And I440la40verdit4aY. situati044on lu0l, 404o,o0404p.. Oe,00 1. 40th4. 004, fl..00 sa, bu 14000',,", 4ta o04. ooooin.oS 44400ous m4agazines,4. 44445 ad 1ts co, lnkith Junkhboo the alli- $l'et. , w04404444 Dooroî, lu4414 lienit t, el .0o43004y teks h Sera. fin. ag, one code *404 wor00s apàrt,4and0440'4gel a 00444 et ooo40d -4--- 4"044444404444,mg4th 4444,L0004400 44 40400 0440040044 go legs 4of4a4,14 4404004n 4S40 it 3 04044ln 4440e. O4444tanndtle 4l. 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Ille l44i4444(444, -ni040'T ,0lie, 4e00000 toiles Ir400 flic Royal F4004,the0A40,,,Olc e hO , i1000i. Cand ood 40440 th Ooo'hilig 4400 .111. 41040ctivity.40. 0,04'.44aller.4004 01, hall oly 04,l,- ,OoOoo 4400', oa,looo. ou4. 404 -Il. 00 '840, No,,, 004404 The R0400, 4 ers 0 in 40mi 4000.1 0,0oi h.yo404go,000l ol0000000400l004 .de,, are4noir training aide t'y Ids,4 lait00044,0444044000 air0 ,4444000,plan 40044044,40, fl o porol fil a00 4logeh. 1. ro hoe4Royal Air 0F,00 il 4.00a104044000 Ood'o 10 C4,4the llll0004,4o0 of Canada0040a, 4040 4,0 ,044 100000 4004 Canada4IR4aisea.major4sorc, 0 of0,4,044 bave ,,dortako, capital 44,4,004 of 4040 $38000l0000f0r4lits 440404440 and 4400404,044'f 404,00,, 0444440.ty 4040pleut.4 l"4.0400 ho,, i000; nid ... 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B044444,4444(LO4o.,fBoloit..), Rai 04444. 044white404014, '.0s hlo44,4,00 He4.1000 ho e hobolh ho h h le Mr. 0l4k4lock cr00444044,.4aie.44 . wher0ab wrldust4000 e rs are 40pald 1, double fam wagon. or .4440 4emmures4 4sol a 4fl 44.44,eor S, ruralHydra ai cheap4r raies abouti terans 44404144. 40 1444 ti0444040 444ie n, 140 3.0004,000, wl4th4 .1of0 44444log0044,40 44ln0444440044. w a an44, 44,, suggestio. 40,401404 0, T.,..- ta Sar rep4ort4et 400004 4u 044404 Riigkt Thro.gh CLOGGING DIRT rz Leeual... r= ,dyo 9 , à* draina dean andrn- t ol..g freely. 040W11414,040haom enam.el or plumbing. Banishes unpleasant adom asa.it deans. 0444040',Lye n meliglot wook i of = ,oof hrd ceaning tak4 . . .4,4,4u04ho,,r. of drudgeoy. Koep a tin alwayi on handl1 Peopleof arien014 04440b0440,00 board but04040 004040 00444y 440,4,44bout44Une4people andcountyof Darieno 0400h4.'440o Oooie .îafa4Oh neolfo4 1, Pana. b cllej. oaslne4t the 40044404 bo-0l. 44oo oîd are04,4o r 4qolodianso C440c4004 oo4,aret fooOooo loo 440040 peoplThojo 0004,4 4040 0 ,44O jos udaowsho, aniqad odole us oo anld0.40e0004044404 44 ,0444 100frta100 th04400. ei aý I 'a 25 4404040440of4one0f0 4,44 ooo',oO Tube do 0404 OoO4o,. 40 on4d4 M-50 plaid000t on hoof om.11.glo 004C pooio 400140004tubes o.b'. sd inla td The ivno, ,.by 00404400ou lec. tricot4 circuits, provides that eacl4i 440.444c4,404000 ay tube ni0400,, 0400, o4ly a small section of a largo l 400400. Such cathode tob,.acord-o. 004 ta, Dr. AlfrM 0N. 0044,4,404'. 4the 0444,44 4as the0 400,,., o 0400e4 - trie0 oiuininog l40404.n000the in- dustry swings 0une 4a04eproductono, and cra4s4m4,44044 440 jod.ood400,44 erably. 0444.144 Thoy C.ntradicted~ The t400,00 4044 diobolco alleuoo, 44400004,00 4y Dr. 40444004 3041,00of Boston04, 4,04 040 bord 404 40of e0440 de,44404 case0 in wh0000I co,,idoo od 04jury a cause ofdabtelias4,oc 0444000 44,44,ap04004,4.40019004 su4tod m4,0 Dr. ,Johns o d. 'Il know no surgeon w44ho post. pone od 44 44444on04a4pat4004n04bc t causeof the po44404004y 40,40 400100 woo440444.'hggon 000.abe ,. l'lgivo oy@i tastior bread a. f reo f rom holes, doughy spots soir taste" -mm le- « . ý 1, 9"1-ýý-.ýMIMM.- iln, yar .404 4 !st414,40.44 40.040xil044-e n 4400 MOU .04..o layoth "' 40,0, 04444 44000404444are .1. ,,, 1 1 lu 04,0 4444h t ('lie4li4fe4e li0y - "-!a th, full Ils-fOh, 4f0the "" 00 40 0040 by.4,44 000 1', Inte,44400'4- 04 f..4011. 44,t4 1 ,0,t,.ors 04,0 4444404 040 404, .110,, 44 0,040 7- th ola 4400000ail4o 41 4 in 0, .'00 '40441f ,il Thtl ai 7 4044.40. F400044,' 4., 044.44,y 4040. , i, '4oddjoo, and 040' o4oy W4004o. t40, port4 44444 girl f444, il,0004,040n,04.11 l44e0on4band44t4 ,ring te yo balladof 4h0044444044f lu .il ' u4 o, 4044PRTE 44400. Seven or. 00,0,0,4. Silo lias 44444444 4444 lor, for00 40400 ,h,,*ho giol.,04a4ire Io,'loog o mode oi, lier f440, illoi 0T sh ro T ao 400 i 0 0 rail rocl o oi-. 0 Th4,o o 0,00000444y ,ex. 1, r 0s - 1 0 h0 s0 a s h i4 c4 n s0 d e rtal o pi nio n "On faoo ,.orsaIono. the 44 0044 440,00004 o Y'oO. aoo .4, British04ie 404 4ed , loy 0.,o, FooOo, 0, 4444 t. ,,t400,o,, ont o iu,oolwhiteo sinI o44,in4d-rGrIn,4.0.0. Di Ilot (ou, if Jil 004Fo4la. wi.r I l4,e. 040,j n, . 4444400440404 or O o,,,o4,,,4040o 4400444 Tb.4 (I.ooooo,,oToho -44of 0444 40000:- -W , 040 00 'ta,0 1,44 i40 40.0 40 40.44044 400)00 000, oi Il,,0,1 ni o4,.o,,oo,,,'oo 0oeil444, A Il d l'yOOo,,,,o Oo ,Ooayo40.OyodhY ,f,.,,, 00,40,. 0 ,0 ,00 , 00 ' 04,4i,0004:4o,lOo"ýo"i oo " l40Torie"400of04 1 o000,00 0ooouicil A4,00a4 004, O Il la0 o0a4'oo ogr,olood, I A.40oy 040 00440 h oot, C00004" a Ti. lin- f,, ýl COl,,-h, Fld0004 40400 a(04 i'oobo44 OOooop OOooloooand Il-, yr4004,0oa, ri0 "0l,0 W,0 4000,0 4,0 lin"T,' 44iao gof C,,,," olo-ho 'oo ooI.,,.ouira MuP;040000 -f , 7-llI ss,4A0 Milp 40,4 Ag. 4, and0040 Wo 1" Lay0 M. D.-00,000004 , ooootd,,40 0440440 0 0040 40040,0000 4oThurii 04444boo.olcer0f 4tLo ,g- al-1 00V- 044l00 Town"4 4a44 4r 00 Nh ooo4,.nilIkrof 04 4,440400 444 Tit"a t-I444z ,,,, o,ooIdfor radio4 acirMir lM. 44oor. in pl040.lit fi rat, t. ."4 004 44 h, 0404.4 00 1,4,4i40444.. 4444 N.1 11, 111-Y, Ille 4O-,404l 00t .444 84.000. .-I404loi idl,,e 00o.00. Ae.,4,4 fo4,y,. .44444444,40 s,40ool'u ot lis ,44.'Tl ,,,04, 14.00 Cross>, ,,, ,004 ooy 404044 4, 4.e0. th- l 1 wes Pat t440- 4.,4oohnnbi.4o' , d.000end nam. Ar.44 t l0 o ooooi.4,od M "Dl44 Livin- mos044of the luxuries of modern 4j. 444,44404» rI motoriWI lNevorlbas a car carrird l5 11 mHnd fioo',oo Oo,,, tages dian tlisiyear's value-leading 4,04 Z ~ 44 Chevralet. . Conooaled Safety ICI. 4,4444 Sep... co.ofort.inrreaoing lonee- 240SIHOMS4440,4,44444, jin Action ... qufhity Body by Fisher 4.044,4 ,01 4 ...Vaouum-Power Shift, 0444o4exr : 0000 4f4 040-10, ce040.. .41 great foturo, for '41! z 400Il, 44041.444 The neor Chevrolet ha. lice. oaed 4'0or 4144,4,,4 444d40440 44p.o. aioead, styled abed, designed alead 3& I04A00j -T4~~4o0,, for your protection. Eye it, toy it, 3ý.RoCt buy i today. Enjoy immodiate P.I7 .kCk Tîr404444 slelieojoand make sure of doperai. t. Ol o I HP4. 440 4 4 .j.. S able niotring in the years ahead. s.,.Ad0i u v.4444i,4440 CAI400NA4,.4,0f45039.4004 004444 44 of5ffl0 Meî 00. WM4 WHITAKER &MONS etationfROad, Oakvil4e.'Phone 141 Thasae ffara ara good for naw or rauawal ordera. 14 wuI pay 7041 tu look tlieus over and aend us dia coupon today. ALL-FAMILY OFFER 21* Nawaopea,,i Vear, ami Vaur Choie. A,.y Thr of oTheno Publicatioons X TuCK ER M, AOAZO4EO-ENOLOBU 004114oaa.. KI01,40.444 Magsanelyr. 1 000à0 an . '. ALL FOUR C Catlam.114.] meen oaa 040r00w. 1 yp, ONLY CI Canadien ameoon. ir 11Canad0a oul"eiew44.,1 je C1 0al oo44440ontl. 1 4. 13A4,444444044,4484Mo& [0CImanien 44o04400.o. a"d 31.00 nom.. 1 yo. 11 An44441, 04y. i&4mm4 3 SUPER-VALUEo OFFER .î Thn a Neopaa, 1 Tar, and Toa. Choira of I~1 ONlleannel (roýand TW0lagazines lu Croup 3 MARE AN '4<X' BEFONE TU£ NAGAOO4Ea 1001oEBIaa 01001 4A"4 04,04-.4 c1 iagadeDst8zal..0444 , 6.M 0 140.4'. Man,g 1o.I . 101044.a Stan. 140. '_7, 1 Chatelaine. 1 40. ' ALL FOUR 11 4 at4, a11 440«Sece,441. . a 1 Canadin Hoe Jmonal,144 ONLY, 11 14 05414 Fr4. V1 [3 C.di.,, 44o4444u44u404and 10014044484454444, 140. [10R004and0. 3.50 1 Pam Magazine, 0 m [ 1444444444Fruit400404014 3 .5 11 04.a= 454aoy1 F. [] Canada Poul4070404444041 I Bouse44 4164Arta 444.140. 1 00444044,Boy. 4moi. 1 Fr4,4a0,4. [OAran Girl, & a.a44 1bNw anda. 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