Quiok te lt asytstart your 't Isye file w h»hoîhadesg ca vrminod-OId Compsny'@ Am- thîacito. It kindiles quiclcly. The for. noce needo leos attetion-this super. bard cool homo oslowly. You're sure of * 053% , -because you ut» fewcr g oauîneed-juoîcallourunumg.- R. S. ADAMS PHONE 48 The Georgetown Lumber Co. L.ýO MILTON, ONT- Lomber, Lathi, Shingles, Frimes, Sîsh and Tri, B3UILDERs' SUPPLIES Coloel, le, 33,1.330 y3roo, Aopholt Ind Roocig f iifitîds BLUE COAL - HAMCO COKE Foi»Prompt Sos'loo Phono Milton 49 W. C. KEMTNRR, Manager 9te-SNAPSHOJ CUIL CHARACTER SEQUENCES A sitton0S3h ahfoooa fin,..toîftgointifîor »e»à *i30~ Eso3»ltf03h..o3t3foooc..oOOo.Inho your ao»,f S0 SOOdEPffly on 3333 !o»33y .30,o,3 3 or sfodg». As an oo30ng toit y3 a 33' 3ir,o,t,3 Il o,. inpr tap 'nt, hreo»ao»oth,(, fil-o 33,33 Plttirfeo» 0f, of course5, pr33o,3o 3333003313»g 3303,,' at3333 330330. A clto,» lo 00 flp, and fo ou arna 3330 t030.0 Im033003o f o n. The 13o3 o, ofof otofonikp 3330- 33,3, a 3033330»»»n 3030, 110, 0f «130 ffOOf.-o hta t f 0p3fIr. it3ef»fo»ooado33oosohe ».lofno 0030 00330 in 03,03 033033or0"quinte.000f,01I 3113,0 or33o33»o3i' 3, nt ,»- TY P330030t-»0u0a3ifo ne Of3of, 3' .~ _r00 nul. 33o,3 WI p1- ...»» 0f. or » ffok ni 13,f, pi3oooi 03o 03303- ,3003f-»00 ai»o»» gS or ano»ex- titis -3,3î03000 o3333,OI ot-,»t presive »oo»,c Parlef mage (ar0su li3ts oo,,so,,3» , geot ,3tco 003 gond 00-lot show fOOf Ye300 portrait atf,,,et. If f333 30333000 pe003003g o tI»» Ofs3 .boo»o' 303Ly, 'eî3 3» 1p P 3330, 3,,»,33 hin lnth icet ohb. 0f oneo doot. e! 03300, 303 laifo thoso, f3» coule »fp hve'madeofanion. boif» and fenus oo amteurphoto .»' f3 0. adto rIf. t ig u Gfyfffnd o!ono Aogoodootfodflet oilte»Vs,. Topifortl3330! Ttoyo» le. ooaiof o! Oh o,, onfg s»t»t»3o.- gO». 0»to 33 f003303333300 0333O, o»0 soeado fi»n mo0ito och &havea a» sftarter. 30330 Ymir ooh- 033030g fft yoo lait Cih.» lodooi- 3001 333003 the ofîffoof,, woofo» grai. YuIl fîdtheyidd.aptes 03103 tf» 0303,0330, fhoo a ]tain. ood hfmo t» th î»»flhot ah»'», inter, tfio oefha» moollet ood 13320 John van Gander jIl Paye' to Deal at -Daysi" i ---E PRStomi langes &jQuoboc Rotors j FOR WOOD OR COAL 54, S ijl ii33 3 33 Lh, h-appooval 3f the j 'obît- Ranges an Hotero tixaI you osut, ft m e y aewîUîong b o vy. I~~~C T.~ û~' DAY & SONML: Theliamu oLhrslittuet trodc htlleWr Appropriation Act àf altef dfliftig»ag »»flo our00k. F de30 fo in eoogfo oduc~»ton. lu GEaim Pofos 000f wi sins »ftf b»oh» have made »» »»d »» TPorese suaL thur» »1t 011n00f3ff0 oplants av nhj- I AD fhof ,o-d doy 'fffof-», »0» 1ý11 o, rz,"SCOURING Tfe ,,t oben, wh,fficf f f0» TO»oo f--hon! nfhhiog and A Ivie a f3» toofof o»he30Hous» t»a ÂNhbt»gh,» y»o»»e ficlfofi. In Ontofthe 3»uestiof3 jof fouit, cfassoeoand o.tffooapgio. toluiti» of Giltt'a Pite lalg lief saiftfofp 303 f iffit. bf03bfof Lyt. It cuit rt t hgireoue, fi»»e. Astefo ofoofCanado nufTfahOa» »eft»» otoled draine, hooPsOuio- surplustiquaottheffiformlfffotd Bul-ho»,». tiry and odorloto, Pl a nd ha an nvestt= B te -apots and panst af»» thf fers. At the pre8et ft 00,thtffIrn lisat k Ontoffocavyofeirn, f.. 333i330f f3fffet f v.tgff3 ffty Keep alltint wythady. of f3hi f333oy fooof of. TfhoGotiE tOe.roftwff'.,. men opo estaff3if t fOfifff millico ns3f fttf'.dt. 0300f Productionf. Awtf leffluf tl. _00*to»ffofO»3,o Doot, a fr 30 at-0ffy f3».(fooooofment f0 f3f tSf10 western01f0rmerand theoplanolta Il t fio'03 3 i» ft 003$0,3 0300f » o!re fooet 33300» fulio au ffffff,.11-forf2,$0330 prcr 1f0 ta.-f ta303ff ,030, 00Otoig.... Sotj n, taoattachoera are 3000i03 ff' rteoPayiet ff$033 for 31001par- titf33 ,,f o aofes30e000 fi JE o 000 ta fotl0 gotinon theffogtOOl 330 ftwl ftfi fm-3,Offto 0,,fermr..Tft a-e ftheo 3fio3»f,,31Agricftfre fronft the Woîf f3tomlol o filo dooffo 3f,,- ri o te ubi .,til taff lt»f f ,- f,33f,of tel grooin 3, 003lit afgo f3, 0a postonfono»,' gadt , huo'-se-ot-,f 3thefOntario0 bon»e .1 $1 33 Pe o 3f»do, 30,00, f3r-olo.rf ont bf30 %Veut0 0300r- fauolat, A 3, t'oolo 'f,3030..fle Otùtt.l.toîoîo. 0 30f 13w f f33,, and the oo oi ofo .tft3f»f.fOt 300 lifnor f eri mue3lm0urof1033n. A. m330>3 , p,cew0, ,"'30 0 boutfia.Biltd Str»»g Bonets» 0f ohe, 1.il.3fde33o30as0taf3 ofof ChiId Witb MiIk Habit 03333033 33n33,, f3tter 03333p 33mir Pfton o 3000re000 0303f333tf3gond ow ,31333330lia 0333-fInn ,fil .f rchillOand goodpostre.No ,,n ta 0 33033 ,»o3» olf 3.1o »» e 1 igmnao fna teto 3y '33 th li.Tie3e. log3 f 31, i»il333f,- f h-m»» body fildo f3033 3,t3col3 ti333 33 0,bord tood »intor 0 ,»» »ad 0333033033, f33330333 withn3ls033in-t1 egt33ff333,. thf,3foo d ,1» t~ n frnpi,3foi. on00 333330 ito3w.o 00003'llO ffofnlfffk. n'und,333 If003b3.»'odfooO- »olnoîg3,,3,,,,3 13 fo, 3333333330300 oopt io me103,fol fo»»000 30333333 3,3 dur ilfrir'laitt3 30m, c333fod!»îfo 000d3tf0og033-t3, >0,3 t3333fo-3331oA0litds300, o,,333,3 03033333bai, ir 303t»0003ff»3. fshrohoing t.,buo3ffa ire3nq3,333-. Th , .00» ire l3o333333.gel-30 If» foi»,, 3»» , 000o30y3f 33 3333re 33,ldulwiloi Pl "»8 le »lfaodychduo etac» yfoioi fli fat trerourf 333e r 00r n,-,he e. 3utfhon.irT3f tire ln 333 fooffo33too 03 b? , f-»oif3o333t 3333ec333ie 00333 f0'03f30 33f03 itn . cif, met en.hmfo n 3333 03n o foo p Dur, 0the3ent3ner33333, 0he0r 0330iat03333e 33f mae ispntou o oors 3333 03e333033 o33330fieIs,3' ni33 oflin0... a T3ogoooîooîooi30333bu 33333aicl ta3w3r3Industris fil 3an333tf3dalla3.33 i»gnofDo3f,3no3a"t- , fi33 f233333333311333333 ut3 w- 33 10.dc33 round0 sourcefor0i330033p3,»303 il3 ai,.,.( f33333f3 , ni033 ogf.tWise3on - plan3 du" MO-el. ON BOY LAZV of lf t3f3»p3t033a33uit of 1, ýrsfo olfi ildf or 1, ,»oo ,,.33 This ai 1.3oy- il. -3mv3tir. »dotlyqoo, olnf, fod,33 e,,, 033333 ,3, 3f 3333330fam nl,'oo ',- y gg, 'y,, Canada. »3 33,33have0333 h o wn3» diol, m st nlo 33333. 3333 313333 si3l03t gelye330ghof il __ hn fi" "ilk fa3eut03' h330333 3hi3 pThn-. f333MODE33R33BOY3» LAZYTraunofthe Quilîing Easyug cmlnt 03f3l333. t, tînt3th.3 33f30 qGivt ofosiok noliLosol Isy , , 3ta.3lieoytoopurf -IL0b.0dd.d1 loofiog 133,3303333a3 oni, 33333 3,33333,3 rfy t333303le -00000333333miP-,,',.3ilTo, 30 3f0f0033g303333 nitie 3epla!.,.u o3 Ifo do»p»ooo, ooft»,», 33033Lo33 030f03333333» 30,3,3. f3 oleooio toflo ohiolo 0300033333 33ne,)Iat',0333333,,f 1 td, sa il000303 essingf table 1» fofojo 1330330330. of fle footk ot3ma931thuin f o ir- ITfo fines Othe p 3Oînt,, 333g hododIn 033k 30313, fo,,,3o3 woatil oaitteod30003,oof,,33i, T3, n 3mi,3tire 1 f a1 mrdf. e1lie3 The 3 th0030 .1flic at ern»,f ., A)f il3y3'» 03333kwf3f 33330f 11, l133for if IffonOa fpd 33of3ni' sl3333hi f3l diopo»3al ,tesla.33- le33y ever0toe thecfion»fîaitt-gof33ufa333t,tI 30033033o330tt33»Off oo Sapooo TOp. The33333,, f30300003n 33030003.. ifftork l he u 033it w jov fc fhd330fo f 330000 10, d 33» Ioog7 mahineooooy ,, aot, 3,33-. - 3tl o3 ea trit0 oriabe le303sa tWe too he 030 30 3and333333 -3333 3 ceti lit3033 ef3,30 '10-t-f03 to33 »oferd ogo i t-tai:! 3333, 3 3 033~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,, a,,3, of3»03 , 3033o lo,, 1,o»,,ho.I .ao un3y'n'y "cYsoas ft-0303 Y.Il300 rtfnio tir.30P033 v30, l, b u . 1,. . . - , d e h o o f tdr n tr a tte r ri l e h u, the300330,.h33333333a333lookffor Iooof33o3.I,3g.- f3,00l Il3,.(lh n-t bo lo3tt-3330f Air»oO3ytifho3orttoo» 00,333 girls. 03, foott hof 3»a 3 3,t 3'3333.3333 AoySf oks » seTeit» ofruculontpanel 3 i3330333333, Tho 0 doi3, , 30333033f.nt, iog3 0f3»; rtypesof .t-t -oftare. tifo 3333,3,3030 3ff33333333»s033d003plo33»t3 13 0 i,333-3333 I 0pp33 h, 3333333 3tt- 330003t3 30't ,t»3o3. 330333, on--33,3 3 Ovi.i .tirer»lde,. 003 hoitg 033003 t 1300ftop hul,33» te,-o 333 bfo3doup .03ruse- f t,f2h,Ofi,3,01300 iono> te o-> »3t3v333,33ti33( teleg, and, ooodty, f003333 il o Ofoi ,3, 3333ý.3 fut,,fac1333fand it-o o3oootfost-1 np ohollo, sop lhghits, nto fsfite oieMiîI.Mh 8 Doof'tfty te f3030 03103 3f000 i> the rue0ntoaoh. A omodern celles Y»i Roli Tii.'»Den»¶ rWîk talof lifgff oofogaroy I. pooo»,tly Bai i e, Eigffo3oîf,î,foryhLiig oon ,fhhnogoy fooitoeof trl0dfiool1inih.1n 3t, onefortwf I ighf p3»'3» i olfîooiloo» glo, o,» , *.0 Rite to»adarofliinouot enembl.j 7-77, =- MMM nom ILait Tblrd of Cikrarutte Contai». MosNicotine '.Co0d 3aods, 00f'» feot," h» df 3,yioig goo». Te N3of33,ooloeo National Life Jotoît-oe oot3poyooOOOfnly maid- ooofiopd tf3, xona o c oId fods, fecof song >-of o3f»3 f0 fh0 30,3 30,3,3 f3thefttof3oOt3 "13 03333oo3 ]arfcoobh- Th, ~ td3oa3303looh,3 inofthe 1-e 3.I. 30tO333333f3f0,ft is I-r t33 f0about50pten3f00oo .'il30 et330 î333 f23333,f ofho o» Il.33333333e333filon0haf3030 oiîf 3.3y 111333331 3show »-33h. ic TO, 3 f 3303 ,f f t3garetef0 1333333 03t333ne f10f33f3300p- -33, 33fotd s,o, 3300303of tfo as.'<in3'33'tuf330333ff», the 333^ig,- theo33»1,3-oh» Original Delaration of Ind»pondonoe Changed T,303 Jflic relaftifopof Il footd 30333'33 33te30iD3033tfile 0 douoen- Tas04,tBenjamin30F33nkf300 'fthe In3J433333333s foot f of the3 D,(,I3ir3i3333n3f Iodolino3eoo p- the3333303033, -ail fe.0te 010- a3t33 33333 333d 3330333303f.- F30 -iIo flic3333330333"and iodo- 3330 333,300,01,3,3 out. N_3 - I 3 i33333nf23 ccei,.3 fh- C.- I3,ys 3 33 o3apso3 alter the of- 3 33,c333333 a Ide III 'alignI d0035633,,nd3 la I.lind3 3i,,o3il, 30z,3, 333333, D.fC., 3 i 10 ', a33330'al333333333031333 30 33s330""!3033, 33 '~T,,tots,3, ootary.The il, , -3--td .P 'Il 33 O I, O dot 333333333 --t 3. 1.33333:3 33033333313 oa M of33f3.l,.3Il, 'l3330 p,3333333,3, tlf331fo !,;,3Id , 33l. -d "3n, n3333f ifi DI o flit,», 1,3 l , I,i l il s. pub'lie33 h3 333'* 3, . 3 tU 33 >,,3 e33-3 'o, 33,ol l 3 IIl33,o 333 3 33g 333I 33 '3 1 3,3,33-33 ,33 33gh [II33333333 -3 33'30333330. il, D3l33,33 Harris3,3 'l 33 b t ]o 3- f Ils 1 33.33 "-"33 ,a, Ses. 3f 33,3333-33333,333310 d313133120i Il3fkable 'l - i 3,,,I- , a ,o- ral3 33333-3330a l.Th trt o -11 il, 3.a3.,,...3330 .. th3333< .3,3,nd, f033a] th Il,'Il'î- ng f 3i,, 33 - ).736.,'3333<3, f2333,3 ,33 ta 33,330 3333 TI 3I;3! 313331 , ; ;3, lot -333 I, 3i3I 3 f3,Il d' .g a" l 33,333 l 3333,30, i3 3,33h-i - 3333 ~ ~ ~ ~ u 33"il,33333f303333 3'3t y 33'3~,3 bjec;, t3,, 330.33 330333 . F s tt Job Woo3 3, 4,0»33133 t333 »ot-30of motoriifg"! Nf f r l33f -l ar ,3,3-d 3» lagff h t»ili ff3dr'33 .aiv.-L, ,in »'13», - ý Cheffolfo . C t:,,, - ij sa13 vi " m ort. l3fffo, Stepf . .. Co]f rtfff- il , 3Kiwef- 23 fî33 3 ~325 lfi 3f~,f3 ffj Action . .fjlfolili BoI>133F ih% A-.ffi oi .au m P, , sihifi. (fi,, f x3lf2..ciiit7;r ( , Ic 33f» ...41 grecitfffffîa n f - '1 .;l!jo' The new Uifvlt i alu f1 3f,-I vi id z;':f ifd'fff'fff ahfasldall,0040) 311 L<, lvsgt, 'I3Iilal 12 ld iI1 fforyaar r otetionftf. I 33if, jif)'il. . » 'ffoigTf boy il toda,. fffO ff3fiff0*ft'f deliery nd mke srf (if".d R ,ff ale oleif oriffg inff Ff- ,r, l icflf33f ' t 1 O i l j 4 /sici /"ci1' ci-fic WM. WHITAKER&'SONs Station Raad, Oakville, Phono 141 DVERTISE IN IHE CHAMPION - Il PAYS * For3hefhigthî»oarie oirona fighd»jg o-anoff ith hi unforné The (o-nmentproideste hounf o ri fgs, -mnition THE ONLY qif3o1,,iou.ç o entsoo of leisure agenufine offol... îheyoly on yo. NATIONAL APPIAL Of c~orseyou fil0 otuoffo oifplonsgunsl, ihipf ,f, ksBUT for~ THtYA 3 h tigs îhaî expresstioo t ldie0 the affecti oad îhooghifoi»o.o T I E R oft i, folks hoof home .». herelieon you. FOR OUa MIN Six great naionall g.»izationî lab oaigly t» proido hin» UN UNIFORM iht. hng Your mocy stated thi work- ourmny i eded tucary i n Tene sugen.Be geros Letth vlum- elerwhocalsonyo carry bak y jffpldgeoff CIf4utOIAH Ls uppot fo hu fighig men CUeOIh4Utt THE BOYS lILY ON THE FOINS BAC! HOME Ni*LbLME f. r.dH. t .0By $hT...»., C-.'»d ySIX APPEALSINON ME - tt¶6?ý CHAIRMAN FOR ONTA:i;O 00514 SMYTHE, ESQ., TORONTO fImMEIJIATE DELJVERYA