Ubu. Tour Owat Tao0M aw Tour 990.55,. T. alp &îuêbit CAbOT Tour Wiadom To. ~kU~IUWWIJL bsth sa tU 007 VobVUNo81. UANÂDIAN CHAMPION TRAVEL.LERS' GUIDE. 4cv910r 6110421360 0008501040 (Ail Taîne RuonOStandard 79050) ,, l. 0. .1 .0 420. 0JANADIAN P8AIP1oO AILWAY MAIN ST.. M19AI00N. ONT. -UOoou 50605- furd n u=_8.44p 0-90470000Pt 8404), 0000000.000. 04*0 0504. 9.217 .oD iIOg &1 . Ipnu.-9040. ..h. 00000000 But.. $3.00. ....- Pt 0007o .od.y,Ooâg 900004100008460000. J0o< 08-7.0 00 Og, 2.07 p..0.. 0-".t - fthul 0000.1 - = I= 1.82 P.oo. dg. Th. 000008 É - - lipua. b -rg 0oo .24 dag.6.16 P.. 00.04500400003.OANADIA44 NATIONAkLRA0LWAY 0000,0500 4Q4~50 I 7.100..S. POLLOCK( & INGIIAA 000, 00.00006 W416. m ON U mE NT s 406006Â0A6. GALT. Ph-oo,2m08ONT 4..0....IC.AR. TU RN ER IAirr, or 04 0.5'q Fuoocol D-i.olgo Ur$. iOccoà s 9Ir~5irdâA lu e MLTN. I 1-3 Phoo-'6o.o,92..0.,78 P.- F. W. B. FITZGERALD L-007005000000000u000y. Insurance andi Real Estate physiien an d z8005004 Ali l 5900.o001004000)0Tan.aolod. i00000..0d T4000,Pr.P,00, OiooO. 0..9. 044000a 53 . MILTON Ui. WAIWPoU 5K _______________ ell_78 J. COOKE p...; 7 W 8 0p-. CEMENT and CINDER: 00d00040064000 : BLOCKS LEGAL BRICK and TILE : 010K a&[lice 01 MANUFACT9JOED W. 1. 0000,40000010.à0.1; : Ail0Si.. - AY Qoo.oOâOy K-Nil, 0.. 3 i NE 404W ST. PHONE 5838 050000000.0000000.00 * BURLINGTON MAIN 0000640 - - 04000.N a 00000005@0055550595000 Bar;0ste, s 9fit0 hitc. o02000o-NooO 2d-, 4)8.030000 0Oft. -LIt, Ffe, AUtomoble4, BrgiarY Mil.o000-9.40 Plate Biaus, Acident, iieatb. 1o1cp1004000b4. kl01E E. ELLIOIT F. D. DEWAR 4.00. .24001 40o, 70040500400000. Phooe72. Rmi0d.oo. Mill00000,606L _______________J. A. ELLtr UNS. 6. A. KINO :Licanaed Auetioneer9 F.,0 b..4 ..0500 É .0044001104 00..d DENTAL 409089081 50 1L06 9 0000.90in oy.> 8oo0dia. lon 9. Ph-, 151021 4000-000 0.000000000,,0tirolRoute No. 3 MILTON 08. F. E. BOCK DENTAL 4848681 '50000000000050000bp0050000 # T. F. CHISHOLM I6.BA6 0000450" S4 OOaOTIO5. 5Liconseot Austoneer le B20. b5. 0..05. Fo the 0o...oyof te.ooo NIELSEN..Phone .. 9-r21 9 To. tChîropraotor Route No. 83 0.iLrTON 0808050,0 T40006040. X.RÂ5 _________ a__ 26.8 5- 7.20 64 .040.0. 4)05OSE 4too 650000000650 GALT Monument Works H. WHEELER 62- .80 Wot8., North, 00.10 PIANO -: VIOLIN Monument, Markers andi GUITAR Cemetery Lettering Polos. Itodeoooo-Wook o40000oîOOds Piano Tomnigandi Repairing D- R.- iITCHEON, PrOeOor PEIGNE 400- MILTON600 o 04040005 0000e5OMM OOUNTrY 0F 5-ALTON I1941'-LOCAL COURTS CALENOAR- 1941 00 D40.-00. B...'-h- b...0 &ÈoO0..V4. Th.. 0 . 6. W, I 0, oo 50-' ih . ,00 , 00 000040 05.. 004000&-0010000 1 ru .6050o.. 00,050 .4060000o0 000000.00. O4'60.o.4,504 Bi04 o00 . .0.000002600Milton,0 6 D00clair of the Police MKILTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1941 HOUSE PARTY sLone00005i 1 haveoot. Thoa0000 MURDER 1tocan;000ght, in Mact, hve be theco hi6l, o r in 6,the ocoidor l nearbyood-" By JAMES FREEMAN He00brokoffoI got to hi, 0fi0 00,50000, Ne"."..)> "H050c500, tht ibot ohat hoppeocd 50000servi- I-Greene, yo'd hoîSo, have 7440 gu0000.1005, the oo0. Thes, titrage T TWAS a hg0'pitchcd, 0500500190.arcOOp.Osetig" igocooam; the 00005000of a Greene oodded. Ho didn'b uodc' wo 0040. stand2, but hoie0000 gIod toaooopîl Foloo'ing lb thero 0000 aohot 50th 1h00 Oquesb. a 1500000 of grisas, a heoy, t0642 Greene0004400002 inth o, 00 n.5 il 'g ..Und2. 091 allerthe goot 002 400. Then silence. A profoud, heavy "l'm borry you didn't g,00yl silence. whre ith your qestoig, Io.pe,. Clyde Greene 500050the finit2ta000." resch tre corridor. Ctyde's oc000005 0000oî0000o.bl00.od."On the con. -1 ooxt ta t1501000100pie y ari arY, GreeeI o o ng way5444. il Lcloî, As the youth opoood the dido't oke a greol dool o iogeooity1 do o lie 00500,2d on0al00ght btna000 00205127 h k>ilo." 1 andth c00orroidor 50000 ho0llaoly il. tCy2oo 34f0ce 440 O 006bk îof a. 00440060.tetooloihmen0t. "To, do>'1 04000 70 Clyde o 06452,2on Marie I.lanod' ow0004h4o h, oolprit 001" 26,0. Thsoo 50400no0050000, and h. "Thato OOOctIy 04040 I do ean0." do,dod t0a00fa0rce bolck. By 01000 "Wal1?" tim,000thorridor002, 5040 81,2 509510 "Marie Llodî" peoope. Doosoped and fright- "Ma006, But good heuvens00, how e, curio40Ifaces0000d up and Oulti it bc? Wh,01I400005020in0tei down',. Attsighb ofClyd open6,g rSm abch as 45170on4the1lait0un- Marie Lîloods door, they cmeru. 000 ius' rang4. "H0004do 700 .00oholitre w0 4un Clyde paood 94050000002e the 000. 3cons0tous?" A sha00îoto bals Opo theo flec 46 Clyd bib blo hIp. He oogarded the 06040502 hi. passage. Hefat onwg 6,opeco teadiy, 044ting ta 6e- theI,o 1, ond a sih ndaiapped 1Bave,, fil of ,w0h41 heoman0400. il on. "06, identjfiod hooolloas the mur.: TOe0,06o th floo, 040000a40004d dooo 0h00 site, bld lhor o1ry. 00ec .M.. 002 dooze20front a woaid 0000t9000020004k000og and seet.g a in hisbtemple. Cyde r e0gnize,20Il0'10409t 50t000glowinbg in he bien ai once as one o ts 00w.OOd d-ank A044n'.00 0407000a50050 g,,ooto. His ome400 sa64 Howard020'l0? h kne il tosooa man's be Lo,,2, o,,2lie ws k40000toi bie0mar. 0cause05100'00 50700500a 4mari. ]y~ in l,oe witb 2Marie. And oste4500102 hat maou,t of theo Maoie l107on thebl, odc4000009os. 5047booo >2'Iof ht lie m0ght tl.3 A dressinggownopoitlosOodlier oidb. ho5004004men000ho 3e or.Hoo tace04000 white 5as cheiko. in 1000 oo000tonîght 04000 040000 Clyde kopb i 6isai. Il w000050 101* Non. AI> but 1H4owar0 ho000oo ho040, 9400050,00000'lb, ight." Bean p4,002. -"teOhothbln. The gun was ly00g close by hi had.r .oo She onod40000d iloff with a lianskec.V ch oiof. 1ta h eoo h 0,odbooohie in My0poi 00 poott0,502 400h grenats marks fb00000theg00. Shohbaiars ly 1000001, bign o Oo000ousneson0 the bed wh00you arrived. Ohe muet 13 ~ av 0450 br hooohng heavily. Itos 022 764 200' notice." Clydeosentir ito a chair. Ho 54,032 he oo20. Heo pene i d 002tooC 0000500Rooo olood h,,,. hhiod h010c 0440Mariool, Lbod, 0,107 oIod, mis- v erabole,0 ofepression, frightened.solib. ing byste,,oolly.1 Clyde 5400020004Il.Il w044à a nasty 100500000. Family Trouble Starts The bulk on the Iou. 000a dead Over Handling FinanoCoS moan. Cyde rcoogoizodbbimofonce Nothng caues ore00 fri00ion0in0Il as one of h0s wek-end guests t he .06A040000640t4040ly than the ques- tioof oho 0040000 bonde the,0004h 60000,000 Ho kept theo 000042 0,, ly'o fnances. Man,, o traditionoIly t .600000000200he 04lm4st. 00000004044100000004 454010t, oi barh, 'Go 24onoand 040 h, police, 00911 Ibo4ght ofla o 04040teIIiog 00004 hil y-1000 Jack. And 0h00 ,stOf 40 7004 0 ardie4021, 0 040037 >000000.06gel6bacoh lo t he orior- 2o The thîg 10 do, ooooodiîg ,o oe Wc .dot nt tadisturbhooybb6,g expert ofinanoo,'oieioo>is ta 00,00,0,0t>e0police64 405ho,,." t1r0,t theo 0401004s4a0business con- Il0 04000 fulio aolhoUthooo bore 0300 t000000il. A 04000e0040000305 lospecturOscar B00 U04andblits hie00000100 lils purchas0o0004agent0the ,,,do, Brt Ros arr5d onthe30hrewdest b000440003il00045iop Marie oland'oo2o000. 0Minuteslobr , 00 Od f ts ,o2iog depotmen, <6ofod the satily-clad g4o0,ta1a00g Il coat or0il man, 0.00th00a i. the254040004 troc,.And 04th 0420000104jobo ta o bunehofb o,! 0 T 00040 cae MarieLelood, o1000 poi, lo, sm1en.4 Oo0ghtee o00o60000004 00flng hoo0î Doth inth hing in your 000746hom, d sat d,,,'o besde hor, 432 Marie and t000440-dte00jO0e whl0i ofthe l.,pooo Uo>oopho Clyde,. ortshnaollarIooand boping t1,0006 "Y,,oo Gre,ooso, 4t01704' vo:'4of at te 24o004rs tht came in and I "Y'600114>o 70000o b ai0 go ot, and then simply elct thaobt seol00. lOo,, od400 , ,0040020oha oof t0he h6000ex00. 0000004l0, OGr4ene,0a003a lot f43r100000 00063 a,ir.o.1oo,,,d0y. 'b'o 00200,0 -1 bsies,2 5002al ndc c0 ourse,. Ak yorqutons.ila o. of emotinal 10042040..0ta0 'o6g>oooed s00020040a00M05044,00, this man Lund in love, wi,,,,,606,th lt Orley yo have ta us. >00060 ho 5000." "Ddho 0lave hlm?" C lodeo 0,,ked 400007, but 0Marie ',ily ohe Iovso ,o00oooooo, end Lond 50005f000ing 01000010on 00C263.l 14,000022002 ingd olod ii, tLat direction0. He u4Odown, close by the girl, >gnooig tb, threaten' 00641look4110000whi9 o 04000Do>otop "isLelood, 040011 704 010040 tel] nieexactl04h05 hoppeoodt" Th, girl dohhod aOSb0000700. Oh, was0 holding 4)001000 hood, and ,,hvn be looked olhber oooosuringly, .h tr.d to0,0. " o'100450 hoso log I'd hoo 120060 IOoadto0 a n'syoo0t ooOh gio50log in the dak near th o s aloood report. The 4000 660000002and2 looed. I 00050 a0figooe cIosS osto thecior.43,TOo I10must have fainted." 'Yudido't rooogno6othe.figure, hvno 92,50 0h00 fi 500?" -tod Howarod Lunod hon forcing hi 1 attentons0on704?" "Ys"She paused, se,0ed t co .ier sad viet4on. 'W. uoo tt b egoged. It 0440a oiUly lovo affi..1O won got 0500 91. Tho 1 00et000 40000aud 00100 in love 505h himî. Howard ept hoouding me." "Il0onding you?" "ToI. Ho oo>d h00'd disoeod saine thinsaouot my pat,and un. Iooo IId 1let hint c00500ta 007 Pnom he,62 tell Iooo,. He atwoys oold illai Ramer was a o-gSd rolol man's s.n." "lid you te10000000 bouold com, to'your 0oooo?" "No! " 00000000010 000000041, boobiog 500 0000000 000401p. "It mightb 0.p0000 sible 510,5 !o0!9.0w!a50h001ouffht c Aouericans Beominî,g a Gond Pasture Founodation Nation cf Pessimiste For Econonoleal De Our new 0distruot he futurein Gond penture ta0the fouodatof 0 spoiiotgtodaor bus0. eoonclbe n h rdc W are beooig glSoo,,pesi- tion 0009001bo00004,h,,oodoos A u WOOOO'amt001oles peole. 4O hea hoper food01.00 harvesteci oooo0f L E 040016041 58006, oorconvosaotion s . .of 4001000ollae o grOle ta the war aroad ad fr00005hattatu a. yoOlososoioeg.Ofdsad ocks dFR E .Q FR0M Predictoo, of the future o ooun-1000 a tfr 104hod idBcs ' try. rs9 h100 07 u 5 e50 I05p are maiotained on. adequate F NAMO S ORAD5 longlace Poit ofviewpresnte . he ea aupossible, the onta il50 OCR R Ta hear upls l the004inpochance geoeraIy be Ince adteorf bto thooo o the 6o l hpe taitsreduoed. 0004 50 io p050big01.5, 0007 0000050 am ori us. e sundilk a efeted B fcate, speialy n». ireand delliie.o - good 00001, Pl40 tot l16. omt0at4n0005090 th ' hop f50r-000,0p001y0.00 00dho o.0 o dlo.lOodoo4 weal. Wandthe 00. p fotnltrghtndthe - 06 of.0 1uagiur«w000300 g 10k out0fo, 4000001,0.. Omont fr= the .princpul gras..-e 0Dy Thee labo bm 4 ~ ig pc500100550in 1.odliog 1.0.0cabt. w&._9i '.tcotleo h Ornl ht o .otendiog the grâzio.g ns. o> 10000r0ou heartfelO "By 6045,0, he'looo0014,40,6 qooot o hoI044000.fZNO l0ck us05" toU atff000 0406ofbte1on6 a edce heq60tiy f br. 00.(L "intllectbuet"ttitude .0b900h 50150070vas0002 1,04requioed. In .gooeralZ F gboies in painting thbe wo0400t Possibe the onta of winter food for tour 0ta Pictb0000and ca110004il,"facingfto 'l " ojomonths are bom 5..o tafoor Wei, ltoscubhout.i h046 4130e0OdOcm150g10 oo .70 DAND 1000 FOR YOU a chace" attibude o 1thbeNoË ilia016. propagaodio14 560 ooghb il,000.20 Toaeted 0the grazing s1o05ment la more00natuel1506,0i0000oes ib.. ffetobîone 000muatlhave more Iber tbooo. one Permanen0t Pasture In ocde, 0t0 Lot', quit th16om0014. Aitur040 Ove ungrazd foagefeo grasooo1 _in blk oooootplishes in.00get us0000,04 ùoduminr, afa, 10joi eor ear-00 and2 doobtg. OY opriog. Tempocary sonnaioopas. 60005 Right oobmoooic and meri- tures suh as w140.baley. what can4 0e004ta play bhe coleof th160or ryoand Korean lespedeza, Ment ~ ~ E i 0 ~ 0 0 0 J 0b00004Oallant manowho doesn't have loveg o, ancion, 0507 1e tondseo* ILO DST CT O-PR IE 0040100050507but 04h00 1v o 00050OUPP 5.et Permanent Posture. ________DI______________ oe Indoubtbhatbc wOiUltoits goo0 Wth suc cranst inpofsile*to caro of hmlooin0t. 00kbod o00,o.begbostion *gfronto . 50fou. EO i OCNRTS DSNETNS554TN blo. weeokseielr inthe so.clg,'to havs ED n OCNRTS )SNETKSadTNC W,'re Incitait ta aib aounod ocr-oun buo0sof 00 eed durbsg Ju!y . '-o Li.Sok04 olo- 9004 oooh other-06o kidso h0dolib. and Amenait wleblugronoand oOt.Fe v SokadPut 000000,17 00000thb hghb ow and5ore 000 00'pasturograsses are dormaont oand FLUER, SUGAR and HOUSEIOIDNEE[8S thoooolvs tabodeathit 06ghos ! te nod the p.ciod o gond goo. ATRCT, LET,5a>'oÂswu OL ___________ fbit and eacly w9o1,o'.' STOVE, NET, and RANME, COlKE Great Occasions Marked «'A FUEL FOR EVERY 0481810 In Odd, Unuou a s Spinach Io CondcSivo -WE AI M TO SATISFY- Mancelbrtesbigevnt0andbi To Physical Activity mloents0bin bOObjg, uiqe ndod 0 Priebsw9g at e he PHONEIS :Ooo.650127 N041,91,r0 o2 0507. Dlvsh o 6,1 0002,0histoy, Pennsylvaoie Stat, ,ottoge have0 lgod bas i5 hab Cl0000tra do.-000500 h t oploooh, 5000406 ooooo tains.oi0o08o5b5Io500ol 0015044 0a0Pearl06ort aoud $375.0000 vit00040A, la ,onduotive ta physiool in 0,0 bg 5momentbofmeeting 0Mark ooOio00y. Dr. N. B. Guocooot, pro',_____ Antonoy. EoopeooVitellius00cela-1000040 of biologlool choolstry, who - _____ obod hs o 0000 00000 0o67on tobcondootcd 1the.operimen,*, 40.1000 00400 eablog and eat1904.0000517000. thb he1600llobpooduolco1nraamay mig lnue.MioofCotn b he 6s:am b5in tOocotu AYWARD TRANSPORT he lOIgth of the 05020040etothe oc, 000505004 14 olo. o olaito'y ex. Olym00pie ga4000000k9in0th0 xt 6,6 00090in6, pecial types of coO5tSog D00IY DiPeCt ServiCe 00001407, B. C., 30tablh1000oa cag4e, and in6ilies e ca oges wemo 6od'oorecord for bhe ooot and ,obt,4d ceefloilo ouof t ires TORONTO - MIILTON - H MLO 00052>0460000050040040 the ogeo. doily. o prctlo, whih foroed te A ILO The MsooMarco Polo, hblo 05016,,rate1850"go for 500110." The ail' and his uncle, boa0mark thojo 0,tum mals01* 50696 5000f04 ,no vitamioA90 Local 8and Long Distance Catage and ?00osig. taVencin 9 aler b0y0oo000of b.weele nliua4o1 o 0exercc1*vol. sence in fer Cthy, ppred in u0,ily tantose hic wft6 a-,1,50 CL88E00--E- boeir age 0004424000,0000,100 theolowed anoodequatuooooubof thi. 00655 se04040and ,o6,oood 000,00000of ds. fod 00100500bi1406,90 diet. The 00,r- TORONTO HA 8m MILTON 258 HAMItLTON 7-3350 oos usadO.046000002500600000. gtiOraa made amaller lncre00, mg ta oll oOOoOood at they were ihbody weig and requied less 000>664. pareotly 0.oouoeei1690 ystuooo And 400004 bool abott bso cen.made botteuse of the food eate ture 00 s o Ood hat Benjamin00Thus fer the Invstidgation has Franklin0io 1750 2009202 d ta00iltth ho 0045thab ai odequo14 0004005 of Christmb0as tîooby ho 000,of00the 09150006,Ainthe16. 49,0inCondso00005 la1e0t thiog, electriciby, and 000- 20 physilol 05000090. Rta wh56901 HARVEY & C LA R RIDGE ceeded t0 do sa for the odifiootion woooobooood 2ta0examine000tua2y con.-E of0 a6000410 of bojoods. In theo4excite- b005004 0s. food4 16o tto, mats. mperil Service Station, Milton ment, Franlino togot t0a1let0 go o hioh 50000 ouo'4eor ao 01owed t. ________________ ooth0g and theo40000b0000400d eocieet wil. The fact t tey the h00o and gave h600e0f0te 00 ue lsf ood 060400d10000450oui0420c5tg fSSO-RAD, ALCHOL ANTI FIIEEZE 00>000600of 10004 Ido. sigoooo ouseercise, 57ai nt hb________________ 1100040, 05092 Dr. 00,00000, painting 04 out ha0mendotait 6o04 wock are GRECASING AN- -IGlCAION Saie Drbo1*g ia Daogrous? 000016,02 t00e0t more00n 16,50 deys ALL WI04TER GRADES 0F1 GILS AND GREASMO A safedrive one whoo,046 o ff than when actualy onuthe ob._____________ -lamburgs and 12.inch Mot Dog- CIGARS. CIGARETTES.,9AND0TOBACCOS a IVAN CLARRIDGE, MGR. i et k This is the beliefof 3011 00000ib50. But oog 0connes30JimmyLyncb, dd,2,st ot driv2,er3,0andoîipeto this bl000. Hiao bheooy 90aOta0th 41 oto01st ho obeys "ail oofoby menace000 00014100,10a002tuo 3160, on tho 1014650070.Lynch opsets te1.. li, ma hotneoo houtd put his hoot tires0 0ob te 0front wh00,. Ho lie. lievs, ho ooys, fboo xpeienc, 1h00 thoro is0more0danger 04h00 0000 0tire bloout08. 1He oloholds a thoOlb0000000gad0g foot 2,95044. Hio opini0n0la t hota low005dois,,r causes0 the greater n040,hof accidents, lhe. caus0a0ow1driver030 Jooftoo lu11o2 into a ale ene o scut.6000 il Gliog Theoo Aooy Cheaper 000lo a s100g tooptation for the Alvie FrofyM oun C armell.. driver0000000902000000ta0pass h0oad abooght three cbins f56ot5oÏ k a oliso. On the other hand e ah. His 'erc theo.ly b02 on o0040trist whedrive t00tion-0 th00 three buildings. ,oolude in9 o 41 ofhis ,peed, la ore a lert grop of 11itm ffed flodehian is rflxe aore000ky if the Rocklanod ditrit ary ng. an ernergny rises0. The buildings o. 05044 oS of b. a in an ouboidngs, ae nthe NC0 ew Semm Cures MeooiogitIs e Iowashoreofthe Missisippi rier Paddy" Murphy, 14-monoth.oîd p No. 13.,9Fulton, Ill. of Washington, ID. C., wsback ai Mires otho,, o»bin o wich hoe re 02 00000 000. w00100 m oreepansive.Walter C 404,or hildhooridisea 04, flez -n tSaouls. Ill 'got tw. fhr $1.25 00040ti0. .eh adDo làA. Anold of Sa-"Pddy wastaken tathe os vanna, 1Ill., booght one0 for,$5. pital oith aflever of103 degrees.. "It's cleapeta givth4oooo4y 040. Murphy and hospital attend.« a t hoeprc,0oth engrers ai, arts sad ath0t timehe was nt 'than tago tu the oopeneof barn- opected taliv.' ng0 thoo,." P00OOiOg fulbonfidence00 in0the child's docoo, 040. Murphy g50501, a Foooded hy Sailor new satura00, 060000 bef0oe tried la r I 1739 Choo00ty hosp00tal ooî ootab- Washington. Ilt oroked perfetty. eIiohed in News Orleans 1hro>gh abu, 00.1142 by the 4hernical ootfapyri o tletby aFrenh silo, Jet: od b025 14 Louis, who wishd hibo.aing, a ht4b 06504 ookod by the or ;pent in fou din g cetrof ed-1de, bt siing evth010., Pot. ca ttetion00 for000the poor. It la one.1 ick play.d o00h hi, brothersoto 9 Athe larget intitutionf taki d ornin home,.ad foth fioti0 ministerd by the sto crb Il ýPledge for War Savings d- n U . Origla of Niek.amu The 00000 "Hiobol" gis, 0t0 th. Germen040 00149,0by 5the Am,,loan doughboy during thelent Wold war soilU cling. ta oucpopolor speech and now rfeb o20000Germen. The g95104 of oobîotolj.4t931*00m, s populac tday, han8 oemated1.9. toy fer centuoies. Froom 0he09.,, 0of4QouaElizabeth the0 pnlacd hbas10... 1*own t. Eoglaod au Don Wthoc.oadm.. CîosinMichaelIla the, P7o5pean 10000 1o, Gcmaoo, aid Mynhee, Closh, or ohoply Myolo.,r, for Hol' landers. TO. johobitat, o Switzer. [an eolOi Tampon. TeDanes are kn0040 as Daoskers, and fini- The00 L4,,acî'. orth French, io Jeai Crapaud. or ohno.o o, Tend. Joho BllU was tint appllod 000 th. Eoglish people 1.7 Do. Arhoo16oot in "The Hstooy of John Bou," a satire on the6,dukeof40Marlboough, puhIished in 1712. U. S. Teao1..o 8,ietfle Faroo1* On tb, th,>ory 0h00 0400otioo le the het oot 1001 combath0l0a00nfoIl ur00 thol hase oesulted bom pooo 04000104 and miern00t00t.mo, the ao 0450000 of duootioo in methodo of sci,01>03c000006n4 for yootbs 5of sody f0000000000 0h50muetl eo0t1a living or1004 04marginal fbocos This la the ond,00,4 700 0.0the 00000 0004,117 odministooliio to. gether 50116 the Nati0oalYouth a4- minis010a1ion0ha o 0300010 a train. a site adacent ta the 0campus of the PennsylvaonieUbobo ollego. 6he0 youbhs ore oletd frontm oody tarot fa040000000throughout th mtsb. Aooota, Ilobaido Okh Atooiooo 0mentak h 5hl 50950 fer grosted. Amer0iO4o0men doot ooderîlosd wo000. American me 000 a thorn in h, aide of fbomot. 00004000.se anobs2tacle thappy ,.m.0 Ode. That 10 the attitude of Aol.090. vivesloward bhoic 1,001.004, 00. r. S0, Ihos loebar ecpeo 5in hand ihood the0 500000a verbal to.ht.g 000 thojooatitude. She dolrs.1t 001"m0nIhave ad 10.000oo ad power f003,0500 tes0 butt Il wa cushed do50000 h hobeauoo 16.y 0(the500orn ,uld net 1,9e auclo power as Ihey ,.d, 40000310ull. 7-7 ti h ti c c 0 s ti