TuIammeotem Tomeuer' ___ lmitU 1TeAr VeLosta 81. CANÂD)IAN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. iitaR! TuIDÂX R)y ORRERoi % (Al TraiiRuason trandard Tuao As t . l.9 ft au ra.aa1a. uAZADIAI5 5?AOID!O SAILWAT MAIN ST.,.- MILTON. ONT. --(Oufa RÀs- vý or *07p.Ma.-OaSy. dunadeanra.&5 ualp enmptandai. 2.amýà P.-Saurs WST- un. r W.' ars- éaaia a.u- a .u.D14 y.s *ua9.82 à,. M. flua. n- ana- "nu..nnnarn ae a seWoaa-9.27 ara. Snag, .15 p.. .urnunaruuanaaagsnuaa.a.. ANADIÂN NATIONAL RILWAY ma .a " W.ta, P-1.7. u ..rra.POLOICK a& INGNAM s5ao1b.0utgo ater &Worth Si.auata WuTI£, MONUMENTSj PoaLubaa.a.a. osagna. n.oqur. MEDIAAL GALT. Phone " 5ONT Un. uiAèCdêad diIIc5il M.. nd a.. .r.; L'X..c. C. R. TURNER Ph..a âw - A-d&AT aea lue aReý. 1naua-au. -arp., -cee. ad Embîtant iranaer. 4.l.1a. &asti-n. lAgntfo DtergPneaise.u -UAMPMM£LVILLE: gn a aa Suea atia Mi. drd uàtirï r aou sa a MILTON. (fI ha- or.-S-iU î.u . .u.,7.8 P..a F. W. B. FITZGERALD Saudn.~yapaunnant na. Imurance and Real Estato Plia an ad sorgeia Ail isu ofta.raacesTrânainred j P- .. )Para ard TeanuPrepurtî eana -t . a - r . w P"a. * fe r is rent. Croner. 2.0.H.. - aae1 e iHON 53 MrLTON di. WAIIIJ NCUdd _____________ 5.10. .; 7 reW.ar8e.lPe..a: j..~ CEMENTandCINDER n BA. LOCKS : ______________ BRICK and TILE ClOU Et t~~# MAUFACTIJ500 CWitrap.5adate power morta;. KENIK( 0.UlJt.lsd ~ NEW 8T. PHON 4 5 MAss SiTETs --MILTeON *~*~*s~ La A. duIUotIIâUN W.(Boyne) CLEMENT Barrittr. soltar. tsc. Painttng aid Decooaattng T 6rpra4. Elaticer PaWo Preducta kUISE E. ELLIorr Suiwertliy WaI Fa",r, Carclaar. 5euNow PuSli. Mdi- Orajc-In Faraura' OBuildn. a5,itt 't.Iaiu atreetMilton. Tataph.ea70. Pissai tiar. main et., Mlton ____DNTIRTRY N U N E 98. . A. K9 ISROC DENTAL BUAGASR Lie, PIre, Atomobile, Rirgiry OmcnR yal e uBldin, Mis. Plate l tiAcde.. Iltth. OR. F. E. SA8000K F. D. DE WAR DENTAL 8119010,11 Phon 72.Rdeaoe. Mill trrat aRÂAT nseiv50eeasa. *~o -'4* - - T J. A.ELLIOT NeLSEN...... __ Lloonood tuioTTr 28h m f ratie. L.ý- hOS .le uA a te. . itu h.ael1radr 1 WPee1 D2"u.aeTausPLTAuPxRAY Phoes tir2l la. p..N.3CMILTON Ovr Deminion Straneairauresow. Phon 1500w. ___________ Hl. WH E ELE R :eaer....... ara.,'ru : T. F. CISHOLM : PIANO VIOLIN :1*e1 el Aotoea GUITAR Sahuur stssaofcitae Piano and Repaiinmg Rural Reue Ne. 3 miLTrON PItONS 14 . MILTON OOUNYOF. NA4L.rON 1941 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR-. 1941 aug J-n. M-.'marJaaS.iact1arr aaua...edr.ta c 2a 5 7 9 p aaaau..ut. - W.dasdur r c cI a u. !Âaea......aa. 51. u 6 a .eI a, Î lm À $:!Lu..a 0 B. .. u t .M- a. r.h 6W isutsuArauareOanut fiaLvrîa.. S OhM, le 09 udmaRaJraaaarhnr.ntdeanuelrar laaas.mhrcn9bteada Jar Rp arder W.L I.0C, Milton, Orbrofthe Penre DONALDSON'S LUCK Se Bp CLARISSA HACEJE PHIL DONAI.DSON apie ected. Mceiadrasaed lise riuh-houern arghiefbisStadBSr Prar, ad isrrra.d is Onù tacisie, prrmiirg te briats Ma "raenron lite buesasn.aa eu iei day or thc mates. "Didai bnom pouwmut ila or1 teir, Dot,. Who&me?" "Oh-the bnl test", Papae us urbansip. Piil Maushed fulraimalp. "M. rshnt do cru mronbp stha- maoced te boom. 'What evrarp ptt, ruei Sureeghi fbheaspireste thSebon MNacyDersauges. Ota Hex dos round of grl aiSu Sue dasteg1 er.- meaSurrua admitcrd Phil. MHoredid i ornme rat?" "Lirised blm Crid and pat3 hoird ot te 83,ad b, as su alnmg iSu rnirrtp-»merthng. thuoghte ouldtapleased wit ohnp rshe creld plap a grid gaon "Ard saut het? "Acted pneved. Tbctnused ce go fihig-ory, I mued ha oray. lIii brteg pre n gerd o roacerr.- 'Gccd lent,, ardas anmac rheashc, 'ca ou ee ais?" 'Mot mrch-esed tcenh1a1 n hey," and Phil hrrried awap in cr, arIrious o eieap hie appc meroc ifr Mrrrya faSuer. PechrparmrriMoNncypgeed rsrighip asifeceor thf Ss 5 tip-hersfatherca mditiri hsd sr uatli ipresraiCS Sereleeicron undarrcendirg s riscrsuitors heeru trisco ep bh issters part had firhed, golfeS, and hratad r hi-rcd had threngeoe aiipa acy lhhrd ail heor hoys. ht Ph Dorildo wsctheronlprron ha socs locci, rnd as hie tterat, hacamer crcy ircirer tedeed, elSuit a fightaoed flutetrlat hec heSet thac ise faSuers mat Sue job," ad acrsrperdis i Shruh eî Srmytrisiesat. Thot a mhp ihebrd rck« tirp rhite ils 510c e nhi. pou as hr irto bas. Thersganocro taId cacb oSuer w their ipr htd norime ir cap. Arn Derrioge as aicrpatiertly the csr, hrrhr hnd arrandy tel hi. sert. Octtrhar intiesa rahior, r Sur Derioger motoesbot archei in Suhe chorrrr that led irtr Sod, Phil ciemsiii bord the L os thr hocis. Hecbhid rergoto deightr of Iirhiog, ecru lsu.e fiogera ef hie hoyhood, aid ha that M. Drrnr s catci hm wiSu griee hcrrr; eravasOc t wsarPhil roho creght tSurSert1 -na masoer of upaailg, ocaw thc saoaperoa rraiip bepaird Mr. Dsriogera hbock,. Pisa had cuelcit, rod ha haci brou thse dwomop togrdhrs -iSunvio lsce thac rrarip ocrsharoed hoa-a iflsceeidoot do eae t, damaseid Asa. feelinga ohtinig aurapper cras fappad bh esce Suc oiderrmanesface. "Bnah!"iemrod NMiorspara an h. diartasgird Sue liorn.Il iis.," he aacd cesdip, rrd hieal grard. "I'm orry-Iuofrlpartic moroori Phil. Time aid ail tisa rsiiry rrooteC Sah anapped hie hait roi carrird Irof, ahOre Derccnegrr curle none ilcs pr alter apeOmor. r Set du,. rerarised PiOon ,chee miis maop aploisriha etricatri hie hasisfortaseSatd tme fromSthe ecisofdhW rmp eut rosweater. Dessrr ermode rplp, ibut a lerap crlisklrappan amrci dhie ryra. PhIl dIdunt sio ani ccrtneed de giorm, ail Sue ciscos doggediy, patitldlp.t siecovr ccn g araSuer1 ail day. Tisry steintenrce,î cotioedunsil the otarmanrpul inhier boa iSu Suc rrmaskisl Suep sad bttdsr 'cal It n du works." "Te woo auk me to go 5.5 agate.tu i'maraid, ait!d FMI as rdarsrd Sua rogtec-is C rrd dod srts of ttttegs miSu a boariSaosc g'"On Sua traep, 1Chope mei g ou o mts he. Pbii, saii t rngerr iS great coriisity. 'l1 ym-tdrrirr yoer patroce,. p rrcistoiicsen-poes midcmtp. l'- geigtgcehoyr hrw trà How abotanit?" Of coerse Phil silitSu riCist Su, an chbhrdoa gimerrtSatif hrd cseght il SOmBahDerten woudonot haebaseoagreabhe, 'Its theahrmteg.aff 0atSu yooms chapoSntdisguttame." n orn Ms. Derrirges. as tbey cs tooccd home, thep attebIam anddbcit ail,.rnd asvernadmii cro't dr n hirg. G01ermes an ince StrUc,, rebe1in5 alies taise a hac slesit oras.Ita t a o? eveery odetaiig, aven ii orlp ratiog a mn. o aappu Yo'lsiu ortanrteloma it ris?" Hia ecyro isd a "blere rap ciild" gana. Tise rais day Pidu bw4&W a o oem fsehios taciselesor R Payeuthe Sudciitees and Il ha csafellp trCnsacea te a lii ieîSuer beau tageSuer iSu acr pied riSu gtoe.. 'Seatlmersa mena hai leckin tegemd lcinri l guise,' rueiatSetabel as Sue b Tallruge t mi tel TrIIirrg tsuage. oslgten 01 t, homrapthns tSuahaveepaw isy Suir rralesin atew rmhnib rccntIy irs'rlrpei bp Or. RS eobit rf Sthrlnted Statuepa15 WiM igeMatsrvlr aid DaOd îEl MIT NiUO DAT. MAR. 6, 1941 lace of treCheepraire o'ica ggdyt u tikuo ée lrheratrtey ofSlcerena, Md. Th.uu gd rM e ai dtis fetave ral M mae vffa hwane rw on t isld rut long. Asnd tria gve "5teaa uc e h enla ini T1E MISSING Ye ywrciho e'sroul in tres..Sish &ae aSae bttsrla rs uap lvemst brd."rar aalai indpar hntsre eolaIhaprd 5.T,* -LTlrata asrd.' "aad Stsce, yawn- povrtdofthVamiseh Oaa n.d rae at tot. "Ina nolatatatura i. ut,.StW. 0cvr aId rVeat Surie siandi. Tite foret ago ,had't me iettrr maisa ltae,, nr n. lauub ape raharo " he) R7 TOM FRENCH orr tatemnerta abuet orrpins? t raj rIshorw rt ai dm d iaaa risauta-reauvi.rsuathebet yr hicea't icro Sue malter a ta wsie@ ad rmSu lidow uter Su""e-m huaa iace breaiulaut St ttefiliarncrsarptaaus a icrrarr ÇCAiLTOiC THOMAS batongd te tata fors acurata resirtt.Suaheaot excuiesearireor ce- hh Sig ty et Parktasgis eag. îs scule..Catcing Felao Tail aiIe theUd u Order id Omis. Prepaing I Io SkIfl m *V. S. Inaect Hunterla Il là. ofcrouse. a great teg tu Dld yeratais arme ItunS as trest Li f Reloam a w on Pu te gta SthiSociety. MH rhilp aver tSurweeki-end? Tier..exo finis- InIltetoansathat yourc'm wasSuederbt auSuillmwhren e lada atcha, Tiha nana re isr mti rbugaso me oitt onamselod orl, art tecon- but tSursattisfaction Suit comaiSera .fifthl rium ara'ativity net lisat s piap of u ouidmnrse,. but weei aig e ml rondfs rn Suld sue departinenrofjOC ice rama ta mlhiowrm hpes eutais, rut yors tislrste rleiyor rmasair Baiepraeleyrotlreta m in covrn-t. s e ame pseofSuuat annomere mtualad. WISu a hut a i ti eaa wa . nierit . p ___th wrsdin t trik os tas aoprosux leiasnladeot, Too a iti eSerts.a rmoope~n inYrating Sue piattes pro ha,,,tsu mais. Th soa extth«Ue ve . an..Thsomnaus ad beo out of id Inafor onecof Sue ment beoaud go reveais Dr. F. C. Siisspp, caiifalrai! cd Cr tont ar, adis, hnd plctraes reater o r rput&- id ofth dscOisof m ierti iffetlng ea n d st aisard progris u Pmaid tiran. as a e hsteîî taasoisrd anaad b.ant, U. S.tburau of rota- haOehtrve. ha» roogyad pat qarRntethe-su m ersatp la tsu Omis. .ual sais uap bhrlled retSut hiegitrnitg of extional affirlrory But 0oneioisalof id asmdergsad- iiotea Ocam. Cleana, repe duy, dlp oit- and saaety intonsu. ciidt. nets dmys somauterd ta Caritan. MaHe i ofoSrrmelted Cnt; oprink ist IS Justathesudepartmeofan Ju sticrMait tot s ta. baanexOm Pet sait and pepperad brou untit mcii is trteraiplrng li l 5ht on barna tara rp a peg ar tOs iSu tho girls. brrered. Larges sis ay bha aplt t,..j "blolara, Sue barrearoteortaagY 0, In umments oaI arSuaalu foir r i-rIIag, tarolrg tOc ra rt r- ta aJe tepplng opàA antira-relde Pro thsugis prapa nat Ina feeling, suhe lsaide teteSueisaut OcratSu Igria, amntp lyta avert eceasalo Casitont, ad parted asSu caverai Omi otan aide.,haas r crasoeaiip mIS Su 9a nd hunlous abut tatecreasopins. Ilsad aimaya bee possible fatrorscilan sduolniil. 'n..onano euolrenor crdreaanof hin ta m rse at isedqarteri. Wisro babrg Sis, aiirm abuet Oor- country. Ons mornnrenrrCartoa rwur al prard fore ah parsar. A sit As part of Sis prorua. Dr. 915h- rpaadrg hemailaui teubarissîrs ut r iris tenfat uap he akisd off, rpp tatrd Ocat mac reid ha e amrd apastret ora .aiar.d aiSuSeemSeOiate r u IamSpr destorpmara rrmiort ad happl- Catrnmty esciplrceroand tripa cofibaco Or And. ara.. beadqurtors. lait prs ld cver rhrm. Itt saa 1 Haerports 5.2,0000 caaesofrma- tva grt ror, tar,. Stavr "id- gond Pan itenp a h o rpire catlaara annain tthsctery, ma "ed .at ILgas."foied chrreorhSusrhat itmap n liserityinte SutSuhlhch. obile art Caritan taris Stevai iAdvlo. Tise brlilftrd frem Sue PanrmiShut hbrrak- >it-tlirsit i erhlity andrco»-mrnoi d tat ardintg toa re- tg. RoSe isrO aeidadout qratîmrsdpceict cenrrt deristea id Sua artive Omis. anr iSth aitad ptpprr; dcedgr ahghtip Oc.he DrEissappissrgistofficial data OmI csutd ha aIroed ta gtve hMa minuties. aar und . .evedrrd . ihteg pinrtueatgirlrpreendteedwu deaee on- a eeSumun0 jaeudinycSure iatheearm rsd tr ber. The. urlaty frit rvrr. .ibr mrsma petfrtha arrcertiy madea so ruaOmis bed basnoe, 1. icaueihUtilerishirt ihd If pesret rSraClr-recisisanabrutthesu rietr, ond. as gcrtip .immerteg qeid. prcCscauisi ront, fl a SpracdrnSobyr Cahier- eadqartraisad arecordofthe Partmlisad part watrr. Dreet wlh ia, verecatrr ockrrtas hp Olcs car-obehaoflpisueat!aeach menu-bacc Sus iqrid crvers this5h,hu vemp t elcdhp rsaiegsftcnvarbar, an oastandteg pins mâtbc e. mecsr epao and rocis ocrery hiip riesn, ha addrd. rerroed aaoer couttds.Teaiirmuu aha.Crmohrhco bad rnes psoisirm in asrc s aihSuahSupins ad elOebeenafont crmuerr ta carcocistSur Sah or i it i laui tira. mrtaiitp rate rargrd 0u1m0il 50 t prpcr bada. apari. Ahrut 15 minrtes per peard Ma prm t 'But, and Sev, «itascipcanm e l crrect Oms . inprcent. _ f rhsr.giri.csazy Jrisani e pcr yve Lrmrrs. Parasp, rcrrso, rad- boataitg te tatelp aod isr ticsbsi, ceiersp cestsa, aird taiatara ,qo Wa orySe eu uir plate arerad proalrrougi- or cecemborau mrp ha aird as sac- Phil W r Wory Sen e ar, t st-mrsa, Mmisea. IHYeuonchesr. ei a Medical Journala Adis. frnt se, perrvc test thsuo. _____ bel Worsb iard and pay hard, but 'Y«," mutterd Caritea. "If dont mosspnbort tise marsituaationa pas ce nt leurncm- poave tait ColloCtora Urge PlaCIuag ,ist exp moreSt, p eu oo peaiii Oce.' And ha riatched at aaopcali FI nPotg Sap tas bcip. Thta emioctyrransadcice. sp Suat hod Iniien Scraun roc.nv- ag o.eSmo Madici ermis rper t îmr loe, anoatificatioa homo beadqîar- Tiesa rt officr dspnrtmrot-micis Y i Meicl juralareorta iseinters. thahomueta tarrfor ai. hai leatuecd ecrrprhteg olis bro Sua rembrofomentaicasesraqulr. pns brsad applefr. otumpasuforaa crm te Whluteris iSu ~ 1trsrtcrent i telattw strSdocilt,Caritaatlistrdhbst euer- toitck ismSua prehirer wihmootsu. It mrpi e at t une vovlgpitalst ndte ig .red despoodeat brdin ottherr P :Imrehs fth uretwv thai esreren. mp alatarrme aý I"Dýeta is.Hear. d D, avearofrpatrictirs, H. E. Rhodsof San Isc sitela psaa ceDirc.Ctiif.. msotr te Pcetnas Sue Thisuofîcoruer cs oody an gave it taiscr. Thrrs, 1gave Mnd eOreaiWairthtnoAmerica boIt grcd. Oe cantoaet eyea and Dastaagel . iSu mp is-. flghnusocccm edeonanaAeri- fatcaris rote Sutl go nte tes WrIte. or Sutos . Forc t con staoop. hin m red Tatud ect. Od dse ler g.; s the ie brunetrste nSoe.i Intrnsive investigrtion diacled Lua, if oecudd l u ersinG nba otIrce. I gave îJa ntShoes Oaa oohotetially cet- re oer tego hrbyod Sue tedlviduni Tracy asites I qrarred miSu Cath- rcct-a 1cmlSaga have, .ppeacsd ite. r ral Stroidrieaorgod, eiSurstaSthe rinrown JanJursire ilamapa sicat inue 186f9,ibtset e b Oa inidelnorna caitheueprrb- mhro lie jIcnd Cauactieesntl&rhba onbeausietrten. o u Une lem. ~on Sur bais.Gond aisIrem. Sax- Rhrdes, holaPresuidrntofîh tlenodcrrtimgac taOca gI t su teNomSan DigeStamp cub,aehmittud a Se bs hsd lis prohieas and is trage- 55urPeire. Cons ttis cofibardcgolrur armilimp the ies . Tbe raip course li te dr ahat aua.Hat naisStec.' Sheu arired 5ag te crics. ueh muetbe dons anddo il ith irvgrr llutevcg ean rllg Cotloeteghin crmpaigo,issmwrcse ahe ad a cir a d. Scprad tht, biapipand radin whiteCarito ilrrgraoa.o.Emrv people do temmsbardnaiteir truggi.d over nomae myateus le-thr re psmtrai Suerosarm Onrrhc jris, tedeige in al rsar recra. tera. Sa irrbad sp bsilss and fatralite rateringrdcrai ses the- -M-otion ad pap, ad trynas frnastried trtalk nmoninecs steteod raad u ypossietea acd worrsY. Ecro ilh BPSewasp, Sisca," ha cald, me iMoýncm h oe htld eY" Sur morat isnppeoa, l l et bad hdagbhn UP ia. na. ew .....u thorenan Su posa Saile. a, ug teenur ha wtou hv Mire tat jar, di 't dîg Sesoe poiorrd oet Suot Sue fiag ain threaond thora befor lis ptrirtcrr d ai theSuie? Sert cudCs eSarterpriece ofa s t ia an MsNiMce giris, hrto, adCr- itud red ca pati a raPkn )rira ton drggedly ticitgtr iat . Mls o:d b uecin lby: PatrcsS., aged 47, ia a pmlii-tt-at lttis mai. tireoe at eoas o potted wiSuiris ad Suenarmes rf me, ca. Prltieniabuth90 HPerrcent preto-Prgg surcSulrg r rther, itiro; disdp hado weeld duli li hnd payrisrirgpand abeotut0pes cent an'ti 57',brghnes ird ermarmira ond heirear. ha laegis- "A finsr Oms tea ais," oataStece hsheoera eto n n pn Igly rmrrrsrted. "Or grven- -afsr e ushed er amtuand Apeurdrromrtolaa no te il nor ment nrtualshouldabrid hrcn bY ten aeaaand never gaverc st ase k red t oha icordilathe Sue s'ad spepralatls. Sot arlantisaeand buai- urtier tSurght aut riste ced i u t ,eit, nosmeraon isar tntadrpteIncll- .Mt a. las poung ena. dld avelopes barig fag Oampsave taie egSuusrlai. SSueponsutalr taatsabatisesmistata u ni e apreserrud? rhil ingthemtvu feliere ýOtail. i b or ue.At miailbtnt abt The tSueght mar Sighterteg. The itt r..votes . racims se a actuii r no siam.Aitpwu J sm&fier erdepardmeoi letet comrittirg itselI and destan urrau a ntrure. Pltilons, psrIi pat Wabat bruites ru'Ve gt On eSe a e u rua ted o sué utrary, tnan psttp m n ueatous, Se uai senta a abrrad. ithat br ta deaI ith Supeople. Bacbiiap- R Bu iasnelSus errr hr. TtSeelByIge ayn plag, baadsaia nd Mils 01Wiatsferbssme?" Su os&. lir SrMlap Sblgeare bables noar rie te ani oiiin "e rn.Tbs'retigY hgah ouldnct? Deet hohace n deSl, tesg A lear ens gr aicaal bondred Sua Notai Grdra bars fora Sue tai-omeuticnted Imis? Cheersop, ladp, .bae ongvotraesilaChiagoemerea@rs-ter. Te actin, Casltona.theawia h, to, cthbea Clark Gable.A cr.rcommead les imprcvig Sue ItO-god deci of bas. 1tbiste ta atie previo feriirrapperarceredernt- wmejram itatinandarelaeso u eursscor ocetdta oul ee ntSuatpmarman.Ir Der. contry. Tis eprser oiethSma- are bat I tSueo h ut ites aie 50 îeys il poeoIt, erataisar off sies orparti, anrd apotaeoaripm.ssaSersd.tetthuewayuea Si fcocandhuris eersal appeer. a c rladSuir perurnai iem. OntIY bed. Arpwnp. aise dide't hnce once ohesalar impocd. Mors Sis ai1i olthei,, rse gsasp ecetmen,- arrisieor -ra.sapbrdyaise"orgaiatiorrisrthiriiroflopeneirrsa h isis. tthe nas~~otia bt. But tiseY Fct?quried Crta."I muât drparborat decocri srcieaivnip ta mare aibmet taanimma i r t cizu- lokhaber up. As 1 camsmhas hes. 1 brgiog hact, te omnSuir ichasi- tegg teapr enst rtai asa togst Me aspretty aswel, ut1 boy fgresoand complexions. Hors. 1 il~ laions doilarsu bbaaca onthe Sua dndt tieserumi tesated-' eer it tluneao piriric aboutmer nge part ofSue fedesra ery dudnt "Wall, dent sedait mrked tkirýgShineop ofSueis on accord a. toucrbtuir imrdiate iicesas cloe- sces It. laid Steve. "Ilam bataond in hopirg cicee iii force chaos l aîs enex roe-cet tauronSeir operfnightegnd M e1t, as tadruno. O oaeasashrut bus m5-cnt lunch check. earignaOml mas of ifutMe woeideroîhher se,.ndd Vgn Aside rom Suher santt pa.Syuner enaseuanbu teassaesiemPhti 'ly Net me. rScaecQfSteueasLonghbrsd, People id-dlmq:r. MHe'sanoegh ofrh it cithrcthr wma W isl a te gSred frr ah pttyirri- ACfewhesure IterasCarltra forai en ta he la. What rsoeiI hppe i th"p ltgt"an-retali aaleuitaxsea. S ee satirean i teue cbair bhewnas edeuptaiask isaeiober Veyoajsdteapgnuanad ime ofl- et- adaist bout. Taylor?" dis. tir documansosaridac esafor a WpSqsrld 8lSve .dld re utaalEfeiv hie 5crct lut. the atatlrc-l ouipigO t a stmre Omi Pis Psggyn tlullat EaOo -cpin tae. dari ireqaaitis t amslaýig? Selathireole, thetaletecaddtîio araî o axyesandtsobl ..neaserr- Treaî cla, aa thsuufiaiiade fauly, pceced Yen, tet CaatrSbisfac rerl. yn uooietxsfo n benralag. i ltO esactlp en- effecei rinC.c aoute rcc por lococusr:r asa (.yelior pue-pro' derirg baccerliu roeningiti. <te. est iiamatio ofIthe memraortasur. soradteg Sur spiral.cosd ondiriri, ~ t u~ 2uaW~ç Fredericir W. hitel, M. D., Charch. tais villcOe. N. T., and Abert D. Kaiser, IMI.I M. D.,ocherter, N.TY.,rpote bar- Sue Journal of Sue Amasrat, Md dià. icci Associasior. Staphylecocra aaigto ncara elynai r Z n etlirso b u Meinb a h d os. e r Sue mrralip rate in tagis In Sue anandraue rapord bp Sua Smo ptyalrlur 'necthe dreg waui rdmuiotered bp mastlt ,UE dallyftasIl perid ooftier daya. "At comprte reoery, Suep aq'. No,, c Ite.aly rahes om etnof ablue oa' tu, prove en, yoa that inthe heaingvaaueaoeycauibuy. Fordeaner, GEORGETOWN LUNDER CO. 0F MILTON -- PHONE 49 TIfFmC0,ma UpFObrLéj MILTON DISTRICT CO-OPERTIVE FEEDS and CONCENTRATES, DISINFECTANTS and TONICS -For LIv. Stock and Poaltry-- FLOUR, SIJOAR mund BUSEIIOLO NERDS ANTHIRACITE, ALBERTA, and POCAMONIIJS COALS STeVE, NUiT, laid RANGE, COKE "A FUECL FOR EVIERY NEED" -WE AIM TrO SATlSFY- PHONES :OrraCS 127 - NiSOTs 91 r 22 IIAYWARD TR)A NSPORT Delly Direcot Ser'vice TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local and Long Distance Cartage and Moving. PF-c-V COR3l Â.&-f-U- TORONTO, . HAs88M MILTON 318 HAMILTON 7-335 HARVEY & CLARRIDGE Imperual service Staii, Mflon ESSO*RAD, ALC#YOL ANTI FRÉEZE GREASING AND OIL CIIANGING ALL WINTER GRADECS Or OILS AND OREASES -aburgs ani 2-Inch fHot Dog- CIGARS. CIGARECTTES. AND TORACCOS IVAN CLARRIDGE, MGR. Quisk fire idi îthe hardest co vr mied-Old Companyîî An. thracite. It kindios qteiclsly. The fur.- nace needa Jlan attettion-this super. bard coai burnu sloonly. Yoitre sure of s avictg-Itecause you use fewer tons. Prompt, clean delivery la piarauteed-jutcalournuabme R. S. ADAMS PHONE 48 VIT.Ivnlhy micr CAN