TL04 Cti~. mupum'LI..p.,y..U f ILUnDENaud to Committee FINE 0445 DODS 45 00 P» 28, lui~ 00. ABrcokuMitchell,004 son02of4M. Rbrt0..200 wýy,.I u SPRING ASSIZES. IOWUUip %"P the bula Hi. e a770Ded, caillai hie2-. il, . fiel - the4074d724 suM Mr.Justice C.P. Pluton Io ffl 4. 0Are 4 20 oof rt 44001.te00 o Dr.0H. R. Mcoal, 0, 004404424 7444404as474y assed n the hg7427. ini0 et 50the 4442'os as " pÈce or nti22444 943400 00g0490141 Ti .fi edf5o4ni. oOseSore eghImtu Ham-TOos' 22220744444442Md fourni 454 latu. 4 400 nes01 parir .444.444.MIS0lion0Hspita0for5urth24077auen47 aimal 44dl 0452uredb 4 th doge whicO. o, a02a 4b4 ooiog question.053 474447040the O 44 4404 00171.442 51400 70002.2422 5047 i477 f.74 .277 t24 wu0., Doc r r ocriminel 0.4mm o qo5o45424oso 422 424424427 5.222 the d..ko. oCanada44. T 444te 04gh fr 4prit27 bl I stnd i he7ceandI 2422444274402 the02000274744444of AlL Oo 4oo,47i70.44004 Hs 4244744Je. 725, 7 A F. I,774577 447A74477,,7,,S4 52 Or.d24P -i w d . , ,5,277722020 toh44 7.777M77743 727,00,7777270of I72 77"77.i7 777777, 'hi,744 .Id P. S. 7,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... ,.,,,t. ,,0.A.7,2727.7777777777177777 A t77 -II77,7 ", ï7.77 ,,77777777777777 07 h777 1777 ,77 ,7 11, Ini .0. 47 I , 111 744-5 it 0 I d -ol7Il02 , ;""y4 400744 IIIlgO4221,.40.47,2024,,,. 77.777 , , T500427474s74444 027744374277 of777the,22 503402577544 00404,4277a04unitd4y20457725.0;,y....,. 777777,7 .. IîGnH 1 d V li 1o I .wuet etI $1002.00.40724 44 4020 .41447000 70 . 0ltr. ",,hl 9111, 'as 'y01.0Sn.43 4 Mo. . 0444 Il4327 h77, o!k77 . 744 7DI-. ino , log commit l'y M- P774207770 7045707444447000,04. 74 . 74474 402774747 77, 77,747,00 11,07 "'-~o i Injuriée4 recel- p7re04 p0227274for 52the 24township 4 h 40Md SMi.. 07732 o44d.ýooo a4.2-, 0 j.247o77 4777477.47774477477442.4404457 040 ..1e.1 .Ihocr meeting..474007 5, Thou2 72 0 , m47, 50,720070, .7 0.27 0.47744"0444 Sy M. laro. . (47477 4 40 ,, 774,4777 of274the7 024.545 o4404404454..44 ..le mn-.A 0027404724Sk1,7 ....,..4 7. 77 ,,,.4 27 C1.t.ooÏ 1.4l. Tb. .-4 .2443in. iog, l3ssetown; 5044402450472,00025 i. .il. 024044,, 042444444, , ville; 7Tra44l0ar, 744700., 20 .d 2.lo, anioiO.d 40.0. Bo. ada, HBooi.5020 Work ! Save ! Lend!If the aconst72743 04la5p70.4504ai0th0d To 700 44400,2 M4420 ol.0 hc h f.-.127 2470022042502.70444020020212 .7I7..po..445 5044in .4 ars42of447447774 4022o04270 0002on7the T. the dt7ne..of ,4445541044 "go444d20 772474 2 ""27,40t272Y024 0 ,0 .or, e042.02450 247 7sa 2. Il aie rods40 for4the044004- -77je4L.07..0 4775. Wo 0440 4bava4th 17th.4744 44,75a7d 7n007447433 20044ait5 En.i.d t ,'lyteHle PeIo Wd0447400742440.527270 o,0 n20 e72054the WmrSa24254444 O00p44400 0774042. 0444 504725 4, et7.0 0 .. tadaron.0 y2oiLj. th740440. itf-4oy.. ail L33, oyu z.004 ff47. 7770a-0.i.42-44lit 4.4402,07 MI W. .unbko.p t55.fio470Ir 4- qM fl fPrim n il4244h.52,4,4757777Glim ies o ParlIXe, 4020 4040 704 50437. Change Announced i pet Halton Seed Fair Location P' belli ai Miltonon Mat5044,7t745..i74 44 States J. H. , 242004, 772277 122424 77720442774of7the75 774.24C7n,7.-402 7774420.7774Association3, .225 77of7hall fin for4the2change, l7e v77774402 .7 th. tA Natureof the seond day44277Il.2I,,, 3F747740 a,44 77222424722. 444444 772,. Il (.4044477, 775725 74424lis 7077a7In4the t5 4777777472 07447the57direction7 of5Agri- fi culturel 7 44227,ooo,40727oJ. E. White- II 77442I5 J. A. Carroll, 7707777424024424 m. 444472 077774744774 of4A2727,!,u fu. 0744ý W. 1'. 07724,774. 7 fi77-7777477744720447oi 2 f ()a to and 24740477 74bý, willh4a, have7777.44077 24277file774 57 ]fat7fur42 25 47,3,205,477Air. 077227._ 7525 fioni th. iturWdpo0it of e4540s, and n 22o044447 477273247777044504 24,7,745 4424440244 752244777074 ARE 734INERE07ED , IN4222 THE20704472,4277 ci7 A7I.-Y7r0t47ou7, 0577744223lire 2-y77match4th 5,4,4744 277i7n7Ille out207 2of2the74 207i, , c4774.7,472770744424 04 b' t mlin r' hi.4Idi.g77 4:44 220p.thy722 b402Il 744ait 450 r 2744773i777lu cl' feu52,4 of 744770pressai770477 e02 0.4474This4772727744,g24722 77577u424il ù-7t2cisms. ]ut 4ili2il 07 tw774rongs 4 nUke a riglit7 If the w05204.2of.file a the45..et47tir77... 2log 77vit. 77Othe ,0ay: 74444322la2th.e0us44444777425 tho 037702a 27,725have fil ]le 5270 0777045In0242. ta227227742747 27077uni,701 00.47747pur-o fi C77770442. 4 for a44 7 e00 and4 pressing442 l va5gage2ment, 7724do7750w7t3 file 0.2077a ],.,k.3Surs,21.y77. aveolo 00.2 0077 2u 444777 in7 t'l44,47777 45004 Domini0 on7 of0 Il Canada04 ,34 4447274440? 772,77a 4477 770 th1t,7I vis 2,477o7007 20 the77.0 olle.y2t 44,7 25 77 27 i77 2077 0444077244 27744 fi 477e747re7744t777444277oin0472220227i0 0777702 0045702,about Il;7727720 0.00. 4227742707 4420brave732 22 503If4245a7400 247,77,77f7i4t4,777752774724477447720224 47274772 g44 l-7242 2744l7442770420th. l 244,24 sud f nd 7 fe7 ar o774 7. g 7754244 M21,222,o477,3,2ofun4 1, 744744 277 E44,o2t5247722l 22e4422,27for .aile,7 77777,,,o"ofatal.' 4427772472342 B o'>y " " p, - «y 074 malle 7400 . 1 2753477474ha40f 4202027445If77072lente7 toi47vieil74us.0ng 742 2072202 24n23llume ta 244475, 422247077ai.. ..4l447707file77 477742227,44 72 440524747522432. 1 C7...7dise..5n4, I7 B,Ita o "Rat. ts t!7004224274, 4y ,ov id777g i450 70ta « l70 74c 7 77 .[4 - r0 ..4il f04 nd7;403 4 2247724 bave7 th4e2i5a7t24 y0of50he7a0r504 7747247777407744054440.324774 il0cl,7belli.0 a447 7 4 ,4 5 4 4 5 7 t24 7 7 4 provid4lig Wnis sait films. fo . field 'I- luhi 4422... iril7Il.. 7it0de 242024liens of4people 4are 77a 4344r 574sud t -.It40Au. 24uy FP.R.iNO PROM blly 00B Ilb.4 nd..t03,y4u~ ,d 0. inrtiMforP t r e s t l go ut f le M .. R .0.033 77440, 2as202,7700000 57 the 4774022774of Finance, celle for the ai. 20dir 07f7 0$221300 millions4047 $07777 )rasant fiscal0744444for wa0747404s5s4 0,0la3al"42243 74424 54 2sauter24002 '420774774of7Canadien034m0024i303belli il, rosit Bpitaln3774lflie repatr20 770 i 40.e 7522407,4447he7407002 04477t4 440 and1 074444204 4In54402 Ida. The correct74Poilerai4missile7are 77242024244 ai3$43 32illions(a Leduc Lio 777774test04Yser).4,4044270224454, 75 figure about $5794mi0li2722 0i44 334, grand4 total4277 2 t 237000millions, 20370 44h,777444444f007004a74444.l7e atilleil ta puy In taxation and by way 47537lf f 044502,total 40232. This '77322477l -a. 7040joot 0257 $9053.31 foi' a42ow the 424477f 04402207233. This of th.0lu 422 charges of 27702240743077 u .ni .,t.b14 w.r20effort,4saiSthelitr crurent4, 300.52477t23724432220 74440 3<2724 1 belon0740033530047 fini as7il 7s7the 34liy 0022the 7504 4,. nient ta pn27444as 0403024as 34possibl o the4 45042277270470442ot003422 5520ton al4 ' ,73 il 4447 0 .3 7 7 0 4 7 0 0 2 2 2 3 0 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 il,,2 rc4s3i 1. 0 ... ion ac lu-labl and th3. 77 Can0adien2 0075420e0204442 ta puy 77044277734ut-p707744732537707 7772 204222.stion.70 77 0i.0th272324 of lit c0Minister f Finance Just t.a .,e m To,43447,022OneIl, 570777 30 .77,772447 7770277704p773h04270000773,03 of Provincial24 077407770. This7437703444 uf772 5ii,,1, 007230372 2of4Icarn,4to 077, w lie ll.r. a...32244473 ...34d4. 1.7 blister7724 0ofdinanceIn223343 ing the.Conf"rencscollait ta 0ou4lle t7he 042,2s442420302777e07h20200 2437 434447of0t4e2discfssion 447442,044242,22 22270772237 44of te full43in7774733. the 7p2720e7of Canada4. Our7700 effort on7 the buste of the 0maximum40. 0ef- fofs7 440 47 Cana7da43in capable0.Thot In the 7724sh7of the peuple of Canada but Il me. mlimt2224change . 1.34 ta put4 02043,44 7707.maximum effort. I7 mctIns fer mure te. we clin font d 0770.507405277.er3 "'s50 (bu.503 '50 ali4 577,70 he tax032437470of ait 4044' 47440.4,444 7047277. Tho ..0.7.44 or. 42577ttl' 27 74704 0 evrone b.uld05 Lie RADIO7 BREAKS THE 4.017 People22 7450are 4407322772conclier 2404472470Sunda4y ski4trains out0of24o00 3447g t 23327.ait4to 7, 5500775 77.p 7547,4,call04r7un0hot 5fa3t24f.w4 prslo the24country. Sa fat we h77044444heurt 30777persan44 ho listons4ta7a0redit 322 040.marcer4h04 lut07 404403n7 2704072. 5.7omplets77h dotalla the arget en ver 220.447427,35774 50,3007 77on5.130077. 13 743340n4t2b r77Police3and4an304420, 773422su40.04c5« theoll7724n7333234432 5.4 400447wu 200.5 Sf out4In2 theo pen, tho Dame0of4the 377004557&Il47is0.p.007 05070 07744 57774 73 2403 54t35402000 a 4744 7 and04327If conbc 34750ne. S2..ILla4437..0a0 7ea344of0the40074i a 0354.2untry and 4-teac Su00y lien wi220Mies4Milite.70470544723, Auction Sale' TO W027' Hg54 22724 [25204700"70' orDair y Lows and Heifers 25hu7eh o Fryof 30 220 740k 775077pe23023ns022772070,20e a00lect2730.0.22 30,4,7provisi272,27777h23p4.7742277e027.3244the2 C. p. ARM3STRONG Th 753lýnhl hihali leA .P A. 7 7 St. G3.-027,4', 02O724424272' A24007720[. 7447y 7.774,y , 4 LO,.,.43.244 of on4 Monday 42077477. An 7772077442027770277 77 e 42o70 22272LI4ED.45 72447 50,7li, Mr. Halterra n y . 7703402502005lemen as the belle cony dee 4LO I..., S.T,5th.77774047747 Et bS ubId,.y.W f}07.l22 onto 0.72042504the0 044 ,77celle'444247o4044 a 'fin- -'il s[04002025 toll 4770474.4772242.3747742 Th.22play7, 23 53 02,427 7507775 _ of ape, mote and othr wa8te____ 3747o,î 747747-.w.27, dLo,0or7..l 0302the 44377332723o 002t 347022e's77clore , tor4i2ls27 0.,.77424440, 44344447442774772.'aJf 'LODI 0. 42 777244, 5270 , 324e4titre, I OMAGH TOI. Il. 443'22277ops7otuoi4y te 70 O.e 7,4,4523W. A. Lit so3r. 4o0,774427402,750 '7774I75 042CA bd4 1.M... 034tour77705r3Ly04me4t 3043... 52é0at.. 7,0. ClobS 047724. J. , A. 04.5.2077. 0243704. h. ..47000204 Mr. 40.0447, 0es250W44a , i ,4ad 5.2,7 77Of2R. II 24, 4.2274 W..h.0 24gb:4404 Mr.. George4 bA=ibd:È."..'Id :m te74,44 . 777e '0 th . "riptoe 244 -t.07 F40 r- 43 B2.,3M22 edi»a cd Miau J.b.»277l43d77f000. 57240Il0e00. .457 4 22,. o 22 CLEARING 447744707,4.7 .3450770, Crayer _h I0.407 72,7042000404247747 34,70570470 000240444 w2. . 4 77 7 4 42 74 7 l m a 0 37 23 o s 477. 57 777o_ _ S a l e joint40 ,23th.4270445 a 77l 2'42- lis 4h7et2tri.0Boit4.4Milton tun 570e cent- 244775, a,4 .02. BoIB0474 4777742 2 .,,2ogs 44os2io4 24703. o, .s 452,0 . .ni..d o h.,k00match le4Ils -7I42 7I,2 Mr.. ... g7 1 1 747027774 IL.0, P4.0k4sudMGrain nd2Fu7.472,, 1811 raty .4a03g370..0240. 0 a44427.47707770 40 ., e I.70044 OLV R BW 4N 00.47,04 .il7 lit,.7,, t'o.247te57Ib444y .o40î.1.44 444444447420234 74703.7247277 47,73224p457,Il2020D0 sud fi . t- -nTeuiMits7O 0047234 422r0Y.43The7g44422544724442lie- At2 t.00 ho. 45,I orII 52, , .b y03405B154 5.44.r 440277e tie. r.ol .M M H 2742 402240044453775f4440I00447777 07 a.-o-b IO 27742. ' 77724470 475 «d4772ie, d.g7t.7-Mr.. M. 4477Tien 724772id.stri.4o77J 400020r.0.T N4 07747 -fil lie tien L. rei447777177a,7 , 2 il'. _d7 . I40,44o b03et0th.23u.. or Mr.. Nobl..47471010004 4',247707044177< 4,.77232.4477'.277,47,42 r Pet--- lire. -W-434'te.-sa77en i44342277-2 77777 2, ,.,,74 ,h, 192.741,424 07745077025W022544447700.:,ait Y,254424.00240 7,,,0filet774a'0man347234,444 M77.34M0.37724242274 it4 5,,tl7..g4 2,»L7, 1 D134.747 ,7the747274, g Hoby 2,774 344477 025 77, 074 4na-2'42'." 6X l7o y5,-7, Mo.. . 7702232,7277,Wo274,-4404407442 47" ,27247727422424 The W. .52443m ,2424472 ' 4Le 47 0u72330.7715 042002,,, 3.474K)i4.474 tant 0.034day .777ing. w7777Mi..4Al- Codne dtsmns 8 -4yI 347524772. 74470.257 de..72 .77.5 s fr 0747274502flotter» 40444ln'4charge37770of54the427ci-44 2740,47777.74 Co.47775,4 77277477 0230 G3257045. 4,02,. .777.file777444707777 4 ,,d Mr.34 S . G 77277022MI.5 44477244744 I Pb... IVO22,-2 DL724705 47 72.777..7 2 I4..74 02 and* Mr. Bol, Whe 3407430 an 3 4 FOI. y 727' York25 pi. 4, 447 we .77.2..,7. y.7,r4, i7,7 Dg477,72 fa Mro424. ad I$. I7777.LIlod n ni.7.hne772r7, 244 ,4,7 474 H 5oy, .044744774772257744t74772744 770S3.04447544A444 ..524 FOI -IL Dis.277,.777777747747377 y 04W. A.2,2440 0.22,2kin.le 07pot 47[Y2lit,7.. 7 ..,..o.,.7..',. 2<02.4407il.2 7057044277743e077477,4'4 704720-'42442477477247.7LI,,,4,...,7,747.4,4,o (lie home of Mi 22470,44R. 774744444475PLI 3444474D 2o444447<47te 7 27772477370,.17.IL..7fi. 27LA w7 nr 507M7 sJanBI LO e ti.. y t457 F, ol e 57. 077277 04W.77-f luttyO .7.7.w7777070077bu4.74437043 e mer _007 . 1,072 . 7t747'l477tu77444p7427,I70' roueato e( fotGet B(J IReolto .ýo4ioet....; oit itr.7 I 1743772 . I. 7747l,4LI-, 0244444444fltter l 24».,wh.,240H. R , 7000.. . .77,742 Y.,,7473o2II,,t l-,7 f 7325477..k.4770477747772 7 27072120 27 ,7 447777447777, 7742 77 o454023074o777424oA377o457. 075 ,oo 24.42.024 27,70444 .7...77.. o., ..7.54 1- Mi . 200424Alfred. 7',32777.277777L,977 w74 1272 Si a07et7477 077I4FOR474244 77F.... 207447424744 Apply4750s4477-k,4I e.04220224i77232024 sai .o404l 7723, 27 f ,,34,-50 7,,42474 777.747777 l t . 'c o o, under the super inge -il Hiudles il, 4 7 747 ' .2 777 77 747 07 77274 5. 234 f03720774327727 Mill.. A770204277473324 72 47..77747777 ,774,274 9 Mr. L-k 7704477744 0,7447Coa00 50703. tol.44t772.4, ,7 2 graino e 70447400.4007.74474<2 . 777042. 77o.4774 t,,2.k.o 'a P4732702442252440et .4475 577741 7oofbou. l p h~24î44one 2.77lie'45,4-Il. , 24.... 7.7 II02 and772027, 0o. 77 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - 7723452702747727507457772 s7444oo7M24I-,2O W.po& "I'777.47.4 227177774'7tcre y oo 42732424 Le 0 bie .Du770op4I5Il,,et,705203- W. :U4OQ îo 477707;! 4I, , or 770,20d. tepile. ih fle iS lule,443.4977LI 47 .,2 7.4777,7275274773044 74 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 2 0-Ik023072347454207 *402..4 7d24o4-3,447'77477 il7477, -2772434, hi fosse et37327770474 3Is42344s,.4474 1.5- A,7747,4,44,'4 45 »P322 e 272or file pro7d 407u.ocpo2op.4a 757222Joint00 3 44,04430 44374.fat4275.7, 2Rodi t0.e22435724 2472237 44 2 Tukr 70 lant5,7 e 52.4 D 2770213DO,4D4-044222 4457 M,750 ... Il f,444 or o ue4, 724742,44447407 _t et 00477o442337.1c, c77 52770240447.344707.24. ,,.,702L , k, Le 7477027 3 4202,2443 70of Ag. 7Dit. ,22. 777 four477444 ,744774443.j i.t, 2,Iot Du. 534 tonell7 th7752420244 374or430477,et50le77727.;,""t w.1I lfo w 04022404 424 niait - 27741. h k pp2 h-op4I 01 - l11-3,11 1112 444500n4l22302277277 324or7gond 7 Fils,772 .A.. ti PY441N0Di enr s: 20524siteII . il IcLe i0IL ,2A 75c.. IlLa0s,7si2the7744O.0f et nt hecaefo apAet ud coi11 lo ,.n, Sale tg ofthe t2 erBconsttute tic 4 !4l.44 tYe o,4î0244 172023520I ,417:i704334 aof 004.. 025frnt 5047477337744 t._74427277o- 07:4442- .. 7,4474,. 207722024 2 24,1,44077427772 744 2.044. r lI ýIj,_ t, 1 li. re25344 n0 te4 lbe.0LI447 475For224ck"Iltu7775] 44474247U,,i, 1 e 1 .I,1 2d1 ' ,,023344452420027234407affec the y1eld Dr. C. I iilo0 , MII l g, II, I754 II le 44 a 77242003540077of 0th.-024a4442lot.0227' TSISD--o IAS. fi<7, r241 boy2702473 20 770 .2445011144 47 02 .0 ,77727324 74724' 224e2200,7 l.-40077,44 4 03ED Al,kin d4ail lo.t,7,7 ai3f fid 74222247 0... 44772tenait...7, 372. th il - 7s4,.o , il4,., , pose77. s04747440272 7744A72744447o747740 074 la b... grow .,4yp4 "'f ,,il03 LI452477,2 and 23252400,44404744cw.24377, A ar 7i4477s4Thant a e et.bd40447774L0e . t ricepeti. Phone M1,24745..0. te 4043277343027720773700 te470207'4 - 12, 4 ;.oo ,d.l & Jo , y ,'5M,I C SH yoet 77237352734377244747777 ,o.4,4704Jo4,3047777 4..R, The 772742242344004004.444775777247 444777 257737704 744or ,47 s 72,7 le4447240.4 70.472737744,74 or 2504577.244,7 si,47et gowin as, o n fr d0.. 3 .4724 ,0 Dit 7,' J Il .1.50470372747l4 It si4 oSî 70204725070 9 0 3277 44P . -..,1 4 - L44,,, ],O cote tel dette te I tend4427104443 .I court ,447.74oront ,o. of at 1. the f0ield 27 nd 574 4 57 30fier40444h 2 777 21,'2 Officiel t - - fm257,oooi-stoo ,y 547,2 4744 0444 5,,27772 or ,LOI 3...7 70,e 2 2su4bu774,702444322227374 o, 7403I.go. oeil 474 43.404 27404237-d 4o1i 7744.50.t . lee4444Grain 7244407,O th.. . gls, tbe.50'i I .d . 44 74227 74704'. ',. OS an t. ffcie tg: Il Te . d77 .,4.Ig».d lie7. 5.yso7OM viigi, sri.o . i es1 -co5'- 57 3277344. MAR. 044444544.7422 fil raio 1.4te7site5tu fi407,004077L 544the 7fo ,,owing holui IL *uty a sf,,lo HO444 , 7 4 .0 2720 452 , 7.,1 or-de ane, nd ai472<)4,C D rh m4.4't . 7, 44III 2724 OrTi .c.. d I .e ro1't4044. 0ddesLi,44,fo .,.sl . , 7443, due dit4,527407 002 4427 ot,,,,77 [on 4 y r httyfie,4o3.1 4e.7 il7il4 2L 772772t7 e er- arred . le Iitir. oine Igo j.. lbe 777744202404. il -1 herctlinri. h70000,k8 22 PL d e .y gia ate auo MAG i n g 000, dinOlyo, Jre odt l eau0 [.1OT 0il4342 "THIS TIME For "Seryice" at Home a vast National Savings . Plan bas been organîzed to enable WNe Are People il, al walks of' li10 i. ALL in the wage earuers and salary earn- ers. . to save mone.y and lend it to Canada to buy al F'RO N IT those munitions and supplies LIN E" .M. THE KING Buy needed by our gallant armed forces to win through for your saiety. 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