Wbm Tua v.l .ob ai O CANUTa t Tem Wioa Tolie I ~aUftbU Ut~~b 1hmio in To- Tson lweet Toolo main CANOT or Wladaa Toothlaie BANAND MILTON, THEIRSIAY, IAN, OÙ ý194t UANÂDIAN CHAMPIONI TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Volcan.. Make Clii. Glaa-Blowmng Factory Young Eclo Swim Ove Accidents Kili Mora in pu- Land of Majestic Main Founded 115 Yeaoo Ago Everytliing lbut Niagara U..Thn nyicno £VfBT ItOOlll OBttBG (AtTolnSonootndodTiol Chle bas IWO speoalBrtns oftoo. O Joly4, 1825, apooioi doyfor "Glasn Sol," wio chiololonolotco More Young people are klloU loy At ttJ. f ftn ooaan.o. OAIADIAN FA01110O AILWAY el ood vaaona ppeal-Ols vol- anotloer hlotoolo legiooloog, Olon Son. .g01 e!lo, are tioy nimmooonn od accidentsloon loyanoy dissonso. Tloe MAIN 8T., . ML£1,0. ONT-1 -E00000 EAST- canaux ond oprlog watbc 0.10011. It 0on aod Sandwcich lo gînfacotro w ta00000t owoo or thr rchesoloon10 ngoîlo 00atefoo folIo 000100cono- -7.I30 fiaslyOn. l doing wellnithlisotoottin ea- tocoocd ot thec iSt pot of glana Ginlefoentloy strtta chanoge. sitnt day atooday onU yeaottec r.o.. ...n. sus ÏO I 01P.-it. ooy anoarenît Io the oreoo.d ls ong and fnnoo cerner. The glnnsa ihla a fltan ln oyeac. Fewer persnooere kllcd in o.00000808 .5 po-D.ily xcep 8.nda7, lnter-Anercn sburty toocltrot. Tloe Sandwicho fntory westaimîleston, ohloic esenollcinAt ape. tîlood cosoingnaccidents lent yeux sus- W UniWET- fS. SUn e aglnl.lolowing industry, lisparens aredeunilndl0.y thn in ny yOtOGaimes 1 oO ~ ~ ~ ~ . 9n lOsl.0nooO0o00o .7 a...-1Delly, fini. Tis countyloanby ft aragost bt l xtn he preSossaittonaroelolol ocnlsoare oplonosl loolsti. Thono ne on the muocnolttude nf i Soth A0er01a char of he h00 otlooog evero yon, lat0 w0- a tcts in the 100 dition of!"Accident la h. ýýlim..43,9. 12.18 .oo.Dnîy0050 0n.y,Oog suOtof the o! e nCodoa, a. meig ibolthe tirait ucs ory, lctduî ony gane fsh aoo ato 9" theNotionaSaeyc - ____a___la _--____x» - Mony of tlococlico ooownod viRO Oloe penant! actiole mae ndoGoSandwc o tswr o sstetani nIa Stitca ea o ty 0,ha- 00olOiuOOnOâATU. Gis u1-.w t.700d 107..,.tell sid well looped fgres ovol- and inAmetclo, whicloocot glcc tonod Europe. OSooo.,baudtocOOd lot bcnopOloliOOd. 0000050000005il-,0000 OP M.las.canoes o.elooc ternloot 50001oUia Sandwchglnalstooonlclaire te dû:.North Acocoion. Tloe Colooing 0conclusi oc.r fflesk9.27 ag, 616 P. . - gnificnt n0t10tu the paosnturm ttonanod thlceocglana, the fiocot The yooong nlolo onino wmtooacuolled 10000100 112 pagec: ..rz. rbetoIthe00Repulill. Clgoe.Fc010 000*.oOoao0000550010010. 10il00ilthe fai0m0o! glanaoRaol. Ttooo thcy 0more ioco lotoccon lhe geof ! auO-bd u -- 1-q ANADIAN NATI1O.,0ÂRAILWAY At0000ac0Lc areln t oil 0 no 010000Iot00007ltnd00o o jcoo oyoo lâte00 &0.rr ...I.7.1Y0.10u sdred more blocotitul in0118.11 and vtltoclocIuc.Jlty of is oteOl s-tel Thololbodics loto 00000 ofîtheioanod geocool hlooolog-lilt more 'u10 00000-.0.8A .m .1 .M issrruding0 Odiso Fojipooa. woch loprodoond lthaloollanot a idtoâll- a'c pdodhoc.toonhoood -_____-_-il_____eOorono l lld Coiuco by the tory aloeint ooooooqoledloyth iadtloeona oude sae. ne honaccdens aor M0.. .100hi,,0. sus00000.000.oldnooo.tl-apoetpoi.Sandwichlonoptitosand th exe1o Ato' o stae,"he on AstosOt evccone o ws a ootocela05.a0,0 doy and SOoody arethIO oo 001 i~~~~b o o~fl - POLLOCK< &INGHAM idol figuroceeopîtfor a alot lanceofo!ls0makisda chdedcpossi- ooo o bazarToy o 000 oodonso doyn for notorigo. Tlooîo p0000100000on0the oulooco atone, blo the0. Goy pipoint ftooocoo ot ie le thei arnoots, but e coo eyeihaoC theo fatol accidents loa 8uoSýn taUste & Wrth 010lagcooclly ooooed wloloamour desgn8 ts he lcoiotocratof nthe short, masuOing only aloottw~eo lo 0no000o0001000001000000000000 5000110000î000&oOOo otie c 0000o00thos. dnys wolllcin train 00 oo0. 00hu0i00t c0. olis Oiglt o! 8,000 test. glane oily. Lead nnd potoohalo ni Gon.s rs 4prcn ftewe OLtOFWtA, MONUM ENTS andiolono cive et prenant. Theoin lie ogredient gave ilttclairoco The litscourose o thesenel (utdehto0l00î0Aoorsontweeloendcs. P0000i0n00. Duign.0m000n10o0o. loodatiO0 o" are loonîoged i0000. bell-lilooring woc ldistinginlocoav o. 0of0!ail Aoods of!elclle or00do tof e000000000 00o0lo..n GAT.Pha.*mON ad Llanqoilooe, rooglly 100 0 miles Option of the onnlocolin, 000000 the they de. TIoc 001000 enter Eur rons, 0100 otal001of 12,300 litos. Adi INLADIAL __________________ 000o oo tao. rougt surfaci0g destroyd the 000- 1peur 000000 are alout three F0000 the 25,800 bil lst 01700 oin llu t ______________MoireroftheAothcoOC 0. 0000008 0nuance00. ol. Tlose 000000 go Gto North gelothtulCl poloo palA loy Othenation dlit.)V doUdltra FiCCIJ noolo a 0 o 0000 oowe amnploi, Thermoldig og00 co wso nofcet- A00001000 ioesarnout oloo o r wto chling i0s 0000. M..; ...0. .0 C. R. 'T U R NE R llooolonno.ncompsng Labe Talon do, In 10theî thtina 0adcith th. y00ne, Ot loveosaone tlouogh the1 O theootor velicle doths wcll F0o1oonnoon "d inceonno los Sano le 0Clluco, w100a ieprenant!prodoots oopernoding the 00000 stges. oouoinourl araseone out ofCiglo FA Inagral Drîctor r ooo, andconopîeteîy bore coter. I2bne lanoot ain. n loootiooetOc Uesign- Manog 00010 ocoy pnOono, tOeOopcn wlon tOeautonmobile 1,0008 Out-..j andiEmbalmîr lnacvecd wtsoît t fer auCo the 005 a nU constrcotGog o tOce o. nlds k700ylesi t ielied.00000tc odcn n oo. Usonlly Ijoornso. 0.0N1. nolinoloog.0. - dgoftOe crtt 50tOetlbut v.o iocesonily on important n.ad-, y ogo ot 10loc.-e tOc diver lones central be ame.b r. L ad i.. t_.kg00. 1o!oftOe pendre i 20fest 10gber. 1bndt. toooll ant0d criginliyl lc whre thy aren1o1Fcd" 1011,basOcco 11o0o00.g, 10 lccpy, fa. <OAMBEOOOLI10 agoit..r%20,ae@0 ..o.oraDasnie. lsoo, 1 are0dncait t oodandU 08conoidocollopolinoon nopeciaet. tNiagara olIn.Ato 0certai ie ~ EIICU la ~ICV~~UN PROU 68 OMILT0ON. t0ough wocîolodeul trasonts glde 1y eitO Othe ln fcma b ttcO heco haeooc e o 000colo nclbas triedOt Pass lotlocarc. o ffitO_____________________ ore fllngoin arierso. oflae igoo, ooooooooco cpesnoo wcterscneoc Noagocaoll aflýn aIbsn acocnso vl LakLlîog Gtoooicooot oit manilleof cOo0tcocohp fo a coo rcks. Grodeconigcî,oGoc. 00,000111.001. og 00000ootcles, fatl anodnon. Â10.0 .0~00 5000100Coihoco prooîdos aniteiet h1 op- a510gle peolocon. Patteron ocon Sot 1cm octoclo are oopped in an000faCtl noibelod 3.070 Go 1930. Fas- too-010P.-.o. doo.l0.0 F. W. B. FITZGERALD yotnesof poolicing theiosporca COOnGoooo, Oncoco n oironor strnlccourneoy ,yfcoenethe riverccorcarcococcoooltcd for 69per aie. l.,éli-611 I-J .. Illa tuatod oly a fnoimiles front bran or ocnionally in grophite ingtos al onn n rwýcn fteacdns Oool.oI yooooPuertoloî0. *, ~ Foco V.ro, the touistJonono, and ainsi. ooclood. Moing thcoogh doooylAccideotal UcotO ovctoolS3,00 . 0 0 . . ~ ~ n su r a n c a n d R e l E s R a t e f o t h e 1 o k e o t e b î 0 o n n C l i l a o n d _g r a ti s . 5 0 0 0 , t O c y 0 0 0 0 0 t g e l a l o n 1 0 o e n o n s, oi n 1 9 3 . I n d d iti o n c i. Fphysicien and U n.con Al lie.o.toof -....ocoTr ... t.d. ht it con bOc ncoooptialoed OP ta Washington State Haî& ocOOOc. Thco loy t10RalUponodciabilty ta complets crippling, th0e ccooco. a0sone ollîco body o!f000100. Feino are, toock 8,8000,010000n, 000000 nU uai . o Fcoodoo1P-.-î_______6,0<0 Miles State Road I bcd Gon pond, locntd mlefOîl 000cOildeno. il 00.0-00for ain. o r .ai 00. TOOOE Wnoloiogton's pioncrafor 00y river. Ca ...000 r. .00. F00053 .MLTON lndustry Keeps Ahead the Snost togOocoy ytcoo GotOe na- _____ -a.«_____il, ___ti0on, 0001ocnooothe oo golUwh reatDfoeneNtd Noted PoycbologisSoya WAIJIUI 1_________ 1___ Tlru New Reaearch Wock rtnge, OcboognGositOc ndoghohloGet 0frne oe Jitterbugging' la Normal ad.,,,,,,,Oêo0000 log aoutol $600,17000 Oea s 50p able. 50.00100) "00000.000," a sma11 oolcy of rs- Ttoe setteon o tOc rcooîy Ilf luca InMU"ica IntrUCRon At lbst someoon ascame 1taOch FbynooosjoootOOcOOh K 00 ar000 ohitliog a0000aiothOcnains 0001 coco pioneaecd oaoWilder. idofoghlsonoothle tnochingof scf 0Schoco, psyohology ycolesoooai Ongon H.ilcînov indusrifoOOolinotheîEcîorAor0ies Otin, =il t 000 onîs dgoaodsons inthc choos ndOU cothods of 0CarnegieIntituts oftTecOnology, I L"4.. lo "ea. CEMENTandCINDER *9 of Stowoot-Woonerornoporation Go -onUnoognddaoshîcco, too.-hav toching oareomode incan0interview1ta1s peopleo OOo t 0eGoaopeofectly .ad yChicago. oarrilcdon0a policy and toodition by Mr. Hobert MotoodoleofotTo. normaol anU alooes putefor enuo. 000na00111000011ICILCKS nvenoctions OcGog dctclopei lo Sononcame ith Woîhigton'srt lonoto. e t hsecexperts range fConotetlcobaio territoria ol 500000, Isaac t. Ste- Fooot and f00000000 Mr. Matindolo 1110a0the docloco lballet lEnt peope LAtUAL BRICK and TILE ond Ifooloecco nodltion-rodlnts000, anU the loonodolmeofnthoe fondo a 50000 dofcoenc ooo Onco Aoen litlcobuggiog iG om00 _______________________ 8owestntepcy-l0on automoblellovibra- fScst lnglaloloe. 0000001 condtions10 70000 000. TOic tioroo ootAoo .1000 they woroc DICK & ICK : MANUFACTUREZ) loandna00clhod of taliogno n. Siotétanisait iles of cemoolond foachin of music ithe OohoolOon opood olooo-od tOl a long 001to pt-. o.e c...shi.* cclooat mlot oîl01f ronOloso OoOgogurf!ccd highocoyo coss and cnn. 1,0s opini ots cocoht ao cO.0flimaocnlo W stillohvte 0prion. W.1. 10D00t, O bOOoc .-A,, si -e oOdoagOolGocOotmngOlisircroostett oo, bt the majorochange orfthe botterand hooseeo o, itive0urge," Ocoys,nodly it- -r ur.1030EW S. PHN8080 1, OFoOOohelst fcococcoloth bouter aolcries o!o oucotes baddoocoi aon 0000ho. thooc ohoobd 0n0thooal eAoggoog0jelbec eoblivoos ta KENloiIY.OIIEbis. 00 oco 0u1 t0a0use1inolloy ait , tory bcgGoooiog o territorial zov. contOooood iocpcooooeoî. . 00ou goaoliage, 0 honoleanGg 0100,00,0 : ORLIIGTOOO 9 ccoff, ncording ta the compnoy. 5marnent. The 0main cointthon o yfpertinen ctiohoocodnclott MA. TK9 ML 1Tho co00000y io tnnifynglits re-ItaO alled the wold's ost sonc ion iscoolos concernoathe 00000,03 dinie othOOcoocy." Mon 0000 Oîcog n 112 _,880808800 ohceffortsonoOCof oursllrc lasol- y.tcno. bot Shnpri00007obecotiveof looohing, for Mo. Matindalo bo. Dr. lohco, oense olcs 1ta100 do aeo u. obotoro vehop oqulpmnt, Gdos.part ofte tA olta b ootloo on qoicl. productionof o! ood loy 000000of thethoa n oGg 0music On essentiel ta tOc TL A. NUIOINSON W.(Boyne) CLLîvîrTiî trial lobricaîoo, and ndusootrietl in. Iy aoU cosd on possible, anU the vocal cords and air poasgesn the litterbug trend, anU thon it Onet00. struent. cat e l la ecase ny007 . .This thcory loldo thot thc Oral stimulant, bEcoooo 0000d latOc Bocoitetr, snicitor. ltc. paiting and Decooatng One inventer, H. J. MoColoo, bhalloeoo000scns o ohington tOcoc bOOm and 1000h have oothiog ta do normoooo 0fet foc feeligo, leno l,rrn,0-N.onOir chnlnpiooOOfic. Çntato thoco aboutteaoit goolGonil m a cnoryof unooooOhed grndeur 00000 0000e production, houtoo1Y tol anima00os. Cotat - dercuum to a hauntOcs ndnbaondtvar ty. opoolotheococdn. Th fturoe of thecountrybla e Moo 000000501lunesFOcc. Ho ocoge 0an naudiece, J000E Gonthe eooby fftiesotOectell- Fobfooingpoohistheooy Mo.et aI otoor in0e opoody loccnooe ut Toboploone 54. and cda0.the000 0000007la tuongocl atgocconmn nt id 0mont o! thc Mootinoolet's ideso On 000thebAhosf otecbuggesor swng us oic, 00- Elaiticî Palt.' Prodsts ot the 0cters by blhc thoononi.. coaUboilbding, nod tho foost Woshiog- pccboocoocy training forcmusic0 c ooodoog taoDr. Sohoon. woo l.ltha 6EU86E E. ELLIDITISugworîhy Wall Paporo 'eia teo anies'badloamtires rcord oroPbl7 00 oo oltofor aycid.btcoodo igwl c -hcîtooci0te and least uorce opf Soccols. Ooloooc, oîay FoOoOai -20 gl altdes. 1000e lot -otr ronds. cause lhcy do net knoocheur tano 000000commn otionb lonnee. Barýte. 8liit-. Nt-T Pbli.. Mod.onîn 0Prieo. 0c-orscannooot bloe oocitco a ir Whnl Wanooglon toodelogoteto lcolloepcopely, onU tOol thoco are oroyyc-in ooo Buioldng .on OtoloioAsuod. ct coof oo, the gozolin ute nnîc ongreon omuetlhavethought when tooy good volooo. Eýton nOlo. Poo tc nio.EoOo hasben eoanodhbanbeulccoooo. 01 Ilee renotions, onhoos foc Ceolooly tt ahn msc 0000 O 00o Wlor Tboc'.taWlt- Tloph..7) h onel0. _____ i._S_.__ Miltonfui ionott ofesoul. m0000.001,000 mib, les o od.oaafine backgrod elcct, aven WOoeetOco', n col tOnoco a Elecrc eye tetingoomachineare pouredinoon hlaG noet00 ococdndthoogh chldrenonevec lecome sîcg. co07.aven tOougllthe wny of dcnlfrg DENTISTRY ,, -,li'on. Aoo ngob oublehrn fth honobnEot tora.Eocultural e000!00. aIdoo 011 poolaOC ene-Oo stallesoah thelUion tr o aifor < INSURAN CE machines , rated ils, makte ignfin. otobtatecldootodol exemp00, the 7000te b, Cori OR. 6. A. KING certai te lo fooco!olinbGoinlgthe i____ n nnylvanie. Foc yooo informa.. ficatir0l mate0actlly exact. Compresât!Air Pnefol 000,00in caseYu dcide t die Go DENTAL 11100E N Lis, Flre, Atomoble, lctc _______ Agonut ofaor, racing sixtioco Tlni Ire troaoght Pennsylvanie, thelesbntcodbonnd 00,10 oya Soldîg, il1o. lot Glss.Anndea, icaîtentocer tho0n atopiocal hurricane, N. A. Clark, SoouthIDokota, lohc lcîotestamnso! perons oho sebect Cois a oyl uidigMit.. Pat Gas, ccdetliaih. Tlocclict Mumii. bieout on 01001010 arc pooceoGol bis 1000 0000F doy foc holho nsafle liaitcommuaioo esothe s. itn o! si tu0b. olo î lnMusit hory oooaEracolofoomusic.nlglotaolgt fo oenoctoallthe -onU Oc telles il olcighl. HOn un- their emoiscare handldEbyn nfil- e xSAOBoocl0. 0.lannnl.1.- sudyo0ohoonoslferd otfroon lams noa10ly the sizeof Chicago, muai dietlconsbste sob htoollic ciel kooocasothe.ocgsbtrarofcoilei. < -cilato ccoodon taDr. Ednn Me. in naic..onstrotioo i itsoborgho. idolococoo oosolo hbooko, 00000 Thons070000 otoaGoincrtano 00- OR. F. E. BABCOCK F. D. DEWAR lieraCalif0010 e0000001,. ShE. Eootive nd enUosoocofsn!-cbi llesoanod thoo cl l ncod lco.coooer a, onsoWall. DENTAL 011001150 Phîon 72. ioidoîoc.Millit..t. Itdoingeocespe n noytrionpocoo. onisoltrainai oprts o hyohmaiHonga chin oconoos el O ' thorna hrna or youoctoi ofi.. rPnnOoooaso.. ____ ',,,,,e,,,joob toconon iltnc ry taerte cpon oCOoocollptheidama-0000 olochlig a ld ien7 00otoff00,0iota eterniy fouc 000 bEf 0100000000000nnom'y.rtsocc.nu..oprorce. girationeatn EastPttburogh plant. Tad cobseten apyoooomate- 000partooolooo courly willoookoait- OoOOORIC.GA XTTOOOoN. .........ooo. 2leian o o d:nbt soood low e T.coonpocaocd air, cdco 10 o30OooMacllesoand cU10000 foh :itoch Aooentary indicat:o no q, f'm. 'a pays nd e abe tôpours prssue an m otng a oa ooo .Ho caorontahbc eoclyone000Yeuom 0icoleu-Ohiod oonconlng 13t 4 A.M!.,fy th oonlooctoio ncts .p.cd onI6000mls nhooo, eotn-in în...Oorld 0000aisfish hordsohe disposof o r00 tînte. 1 J. A . iOoooT aphrase, ondoenon.omodula. guioei m000c0of100 0mili oo 0 oonoio u aig hnttîcopootooo dhield NIELSEN 1 manie noo AOEone' , oooocprogression and1tle.- tolt-anperrs Gon pprooooooobly t- gloon nlohhe badent o!ofî.01, eec. To tîooatop 00l oOîîîO uctonear * .00' dev000700000elle0001. "He, 1201h o! aosecoond,. aiconly0017 v00000, aon itlesahotnof h Mon 1 tocont Con Stop 'Noneer alhctOtciOn. O Foiquoooot hooonslwthlbaro- pffofoooolooin theplaceof thertohot little gond yoo getotof TeSc ne r od. btoo, DaOuyo p5 l.oOnîc. pX.Roo o'i c c] pofophonlo styl andoncepocccoloarc. 1. ociottccyooecOo Ono -O.10000.lo.oi O Pit..155,21,,toai 00110aod pay 0music ver: The test,0 noroding ta L. R. Loud-TaonOclocoandcourA 10000bistoth, cooooyoopellM dooo focrbloc i ilp on000 pg, trFsargu,0ya 1,00-00tcomecil0 Okr o00ton l oulCne ap0iIOFOOOO 0011,. H.WH EL R Il..no8etn.o a ,0 il' ...penions." operatlog Go air. CloarkOlaaOvadvile ifco. b00000,ctthcoocolOoO'"is jst as W ... ... .1ours0o0a0rea 0000, occordog ta - IN ILN~ T. F. CHISHOLM te9 Tuble LIfe Ocloi ly Cross.eor Cherce Sot-Mnoloioc Chanes expets f0001 00 o wocoig ut Ltootneoi AcEto B,, tcioooyta gct on Gosightloin 0TOc meof o a 00cr osmoarkchorcO Yeu have oneochance 0i0 1,000000tec,,oci ad l thecacooddenly oly saine people otaol laiblings, hoglo coooin Eo5- gttîiog Oie jc otoli000 a O lco. 0111 0 0ma-oî nU 0 l GUITAR For the Ocuony of Hllon 'it00i,"os 'a ta stand downoai the land,did net becoooocgocol n theîhine, aoc0o.cig ta te ici,, DO. E0 Exprt drvers dvi thon weno Plo..s99-201 J 8 Ich ancootl of thegiefEbood. rudetheOnyOtoOuI dcoton onoeof NeYork uncOccccOoc thi boct od Aocggtheolotc Piano Taning and Repaitng Rural Route No. 3 MILTON 'o Oc the PF0007 est osta of0aOC ooh, onleon ightniog 003. oIOc. He doocoooed ibis lftercanond od the steerîog 000001 tedily. PHONE 40 -MILTON iI.,cl the train. 0"Wall, Y700 booe oold beoconideond decoratooc, w000exteoiv icvsiaton.îooThecaver-The coO wl oobtoaticolby 'SoUira ________________________________ woooisterfoocWhot clled. Tlocy Sos gUdeU hll, occtho 000,00r age -îcoooochîoo 0ays 0u,0on the le-Odcame taoaoosaoolstop. ui IoIcacooed the OoEy han ohoopig o0h00 ornement0sop th1e stcple. aceragc,' oofy aou h 00 Oooffolio of And thenJtnploond traonos00o10!thecaode choochco ly 1840 th.e ococotohco in. Yooo have one COUN'IY 0p0' HAL10OCN ! c0iflceouansiS theo 0cai a! a llbllc, hut in an 0000poonh lb choance in 500 of gobing1 oinsor0 00000mme a o n0te Fparkingl o nU lie igltlbc oooc Ion. eforee c 0000013 ->00on0e0in0 301 î ge 8;one in 1100Oonn 1941 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR- 1941 ,crOiohen000000.ent n.,. moU cabo. hepacoondonnd th l od lentc ot 2T0000 re14, o yso f 00 i 0 iololoAFoo,.pn I iothrpopcle eon h ne. nlo fSoc nhe so.teelh oudnt hco macins s thy on 's OoooocieeasoSt.oSrin aur- _____________ ______ ,o,,cohcp vapOPcend l was n out lis sumos v003oA gle Oooohcoco 00eceof a le0 Mo l'oc &oie niloo....rîoc.. 1,00000., o-o .oiooOOObaga,ec., c., ec." utthe conpeton of tehoh F00 cho Io aocoocclsagainNo- 00 ýI Nod îooo.. o 1 1 05e Noc-Stop ighi "If. l! .000.0 cf kddercam ad. gan . . .enno0ac.. I O O 50 0, O Aoiloee feooc 1Oglooco .1000 4 6...aooc. O 0 O n O 2 ffing. WitO the Hnoclolot.g-P ilst______ 0,000.d S. 01 ocu- o«Il0P.0g0.d tcon.. boogili express ighocoy 000117 for 00000 Pin ____________________________ bofflo, the afie100Nothoceat in0oin îc0paiig a sprhighy for that .J..o.. lJ,,J,00t,, T> oooc ilcoooooîAo NA« X part 0000 oodooofecioutlnt Tissuera til le____ are 0 h i nco n00 e00al river, outo otland, Ore., eut 1i- Ac.Dau0'000 et00000 0on00000.Oncollld0s.on.muFoOOOa cno ded coqqclo.1,ar o om the010000lt ipopgle 000000000000000000005.0000.0s0 coig o ornU tndero otp bleroot .u il ossartoaoo000 n og cco Brroorw.î.oîout~.'o confusonOand delay on U. S Righi.M II U M do 01 0>0000 c tonocostly for the ooon 0 oc .1.wys 99Wanod 90E oterGog FottcItho poocerclnoo of peoplelond ClrkotSeoie., land, oilI Oc looncd 05eout o oth ti1!lu gct loos oîlh ruA. .0000.0.of1 $4,01)0,001)igloonY. T CAnA C ooA JANUARY 3lst DOMON INCOME TAX BEADLINE 0O9 INSTALDIENT PLAN 30MOeu orde hado .coniplaccato about parlag baume Ian baue lthe Goveomnnt coude muauy fu e ecuufflpromcution !=ute:!::la, atmncmclg Ibisumonih. mnu lm m e nuHw iosOloent Plan. Fen cm. puy la ciht lnslohsocnio. Bout the BaI eparncmu ieth aintomoder00 Ieore jamry 313. lutamemt tnbaume Tan emitltance Frla me usvmilble et evemy Broncb of The Banj ofe Tealteb. T. a eurmcuate and proper auna- CRMouam 09un eUrPyoutus canne fis to doy. luBANlKTOROR1O tanopnefot t1no MILTON DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE FEERS mand CONCENTRATES, IISINFECTANTS andt TONICS -For Live Stock and olty- FLOUR, SEGAR and HIOUSEIIOLO NEEIIS ANTHRACITE, ALBERTA, and FOCAtIONTUS COALS STOVE!':NUT, ad RANGE, COKE A FUEL FOR EVIERY NF-EUD" -WE AIM 'TO SATrISFY-- PHIONES :OFFICE 127 NlOo, 91 r22 O IIAVWARD TRANSPORT DaI1y Dîpect Service TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local and Long Distanc Catago and Iuig TORONTO Ho 008M MILTON3108 HAMILTON 2' 0F COURSE. MARX. CHfANGED* TO roi TU/ AR r-Welasc 0etooho&ttbonoonocc- o.i' GEORGETOWN LUMBER CO. 0F MILTON -- PRONE 49 le Sbf Tonfl tupmsE oit,00ITOo.04pt V .1,210 l