* U~m ~ awed 2686. Sous ___j. ~Iîe T- DANDY L1 ~AULI~'ftU ~b anipinu MToW fflmTu*06 SMn caien viAwinv DSTobof (JÂNADIAN CHAMPION TRAVIELL.ERS' GUIDE- dM!TIIOMSDAY MORMIN01 (AiITrain.Roou6.60160dard'166) Ai itin..1 1166 o.SNADiA2< 0AOUI I0AILWAY MAIN ET., . MILTON. ONT. o-lOO660 6000- - 66L7.26 n.D oir.61 Ir. 6hain. - t. uni- n'a $3066îW 06 0.-D6lly6606.op0 Ood.y,t066 *oom'oo.ooo 0"tu. Gol.g 60.6-7.00 ..mo. 0.g, 2.07 p.. 0 .- 9..o.ooo .32 p. . 6.fis au. 00 6..666 olla W..o6-.27 a... f 6.16 .066*6L -In0,.d according. OANAI2IAO1 NATION0AL RAILWAY la- .9 - 6 606.1.6.6 .660066GALT.PateuON 70666666 0.~6~ et.C R. TURNER' Orýon. .. .and0601*6660060066. IAgnt for Dale.6'a Fune.1d 6.12.. CANIPISLLVILLE j1066E MILTON. DiOs. IIIr± mdand tNsoN ___________ AW,10 op..,. M61066 2W officlo.r.6-O-lOo. p.. 0.,7-8 op.. PW. B. FITZGERALD S600676 by l0660~06 nusurance andi Real Estate O. 6. t. 01111 - physcluand06Surgeon06 Ail ln.. of I10u.0... 6Ta...aoîd. o.-7 .66.80 . . fur6»le or66. DR VARO RtiIOK (),,a.Aý9ti. -.;2IIR o W.(BoNe) CLNEENT P..r;lt. 8lilo P t.-P toîn_ _n D oo a le _ .. ü 00PuiuL@- te LOCK GEORGE E. ELLIOTI Snwower Wahipera 0 W.060 i66. I6,î*0, M.. Al, sûtes -0I, Aod. a it (-...y 0, MII. 306NEW602ST. MPHONE. 618386 OEICTRY, NURANCETO T, W.(B.1Ood61 611660 Pae) .. CLiEat INaTi OiR. F. E. BBoioCK F.aitig nD. EWoARi 2666066.6 E. 66.6666 J. A.edLyllParler NI E LEMln. Phionae . al. titon T.0h.01 7606. j 0 OR. F. E0,04. 0660610 F.6D.6DEWA Oui. ...Er LERi:uaohadt NSHOLM PIANO15. TiOU. TeFtCi N* Liconanci Auttoner .P5a-o7.30In nti Rp.- rng Ro64 iRote. N. MLO06 F0000 vsa 0 a. 67.02 :... Phone 150 ..6 I 14l.Jj)>0~COU T CAENAR 1941OL 60.00,1.%.6th.466.... .f1Huit-- ~~~~~~h. 9096666-r-2160606 16 0 J Piano T 60 ....and 660606.6.y.. 6 %ni N. . 3O O O r 0100r ALTO 1941 LOCAL COURTS266466....66,6 0 194 .th., 0-t. .06610660o Naio NDADa m r LRý1.B R .gtM on;2J.. h.o. MILTON, THURSDAT. JAN. 9, 19410 001*1*60lir1tons1 00066 d îhild. ln ociu nFl BI1G ENOUGH oh. berd. 1601066 Saving Alfalfa Second PlnCociu inFi FOR ThWe io. 0,61 110066 0,6 6066 0.1Be1t, Cutting for Seeding Use For Spring Landacape p IlP6dup a0206n600t 1e10.1470 Nuo01660006inquiriesbout 600160 For 6a bit of 6pri046ime land*600p66 eoe 61600, her furtive0an ,od 00.6,11* 61006the seon0d ootlg o lflfa or 46666d hi ea6666fai,1.plant oolchioooo. 16 la ta 0660, ad o1* the 0066 il bute] are coming tet he g6000607 depo6t o.6bblethat 64060 700 go t0 boy 607 ALICE DUANE racorni.abc606. 0.klog. TE ol£6001ment00of F66606 0,106660107 train a1- h00 oo1*oo 000 6006 6067 6007 6620660 .6666666.60666S66000.6 6161606.666d ridi061100 foiso wers w60 ho 0h06eOmad net lie otainabl6, sinc ost dea*6l- But pld6 0came 0,ok, oand Cath enouogh hyboy 16060 106166660 06 ers, o061166 60othe06 616606164, Pre- 0101 TELL. 1066, w02a1*01*76Yeu6erine *6011*61* hat abch6 bd 60061* to missi 00016 U06.0460 0001*, 01- fer te cI1 60660 7lants6060d000sel- 'tAI6060 If 6. ddot 0620601617. 061*a4M. 0. Pence, extension01600. Yeu m66100finit 00604lacer nageha if yen dd ea ShO66,666010p bh60bar0r.6and let a0g600o6016. They are oking rectly 00116d a000060crocus, i Bert000Baldw6 ingared rfalyad , 014001g 06 h06 ifoito 60111ie601*00660660 t067c00ocus of614600 6666606001000 gerces the r6600oma isl6la Cath1- .N6666y66,606661*6600excoriai, 0666160*106006666600000010660k0161 60I06. 26 060020002,t60060 of6the 60660ot 0060660600166.0ishings. and* 00660001* 606016060066i1. y, th60crocu0 160net 4in0the saine f0660661*. 066 1f6ce0vies66one rasant.o601y 60lo1*,d 00d60i1* light-a600066- 606c0nd* 060600 60606 66700061by Io-6ers. for rep6 ose and 0600606. 6600666* am60chair 0y 106e60601*06- 1d1ana 0106116 06060660in134 60060 46Meadow 660660ob ooî1* 06e 7166616 Jo6toooo 000gb 6e 1*d 6 a0 r.1' 60606061*6101* 660-6 061600006. 100 00660016 606666 0060660 or61 t 006 60 46600 0600 ioo h e soit6 0 , 01 Just n, tog ct gii e ely Catherine J060761* op. 006666061*6066*, F600ce66601. I10 6011lie66660the6coma6esting0on6a oohio of lze f, ager et OSt unec6m60001 le0 Iehn. ."iO666aGrant-6060b01*berd ha te urfimer 6oflO6Ooooân. Rapid pant004l6 ore-660 unlirpoty0 atue.6 h p e wod,1658, 61600"," 6600 hooo lte 0061 wsbey dry oand 10 16 oLEo 0..011661*by 6660100 Oa6100666 1010 t0e about lier 067, the6f0ow60a20006lier6the66606006. And a 06660mo0me60s60onoditions t60,0 611611066ts060661*nooiî 6taoa1*pthof 1four6or066 100066, pe001ta lier tonka. signal. 100066661*6060046000n106e6second sin. Pace a sma11qOOoity of sand Bert, only a00ou166 o 76066011*60, Th6, frm the recru nextdoor, she060606. 1in1ibis dep6666ion non top00of was mad for lughtergriot app001'b660d oaltuait0msculine00076- B671011ow04601the 00secondgrwt, f eh e meadow saffr606660o oo, ress0. Fo Bert, If muet bedmit- W ll, oO66O0or, ring 'eut, agi. Ad as ou1î001*O066, it sh06î*blie66Posai- hbhy0 6007060166660ta l ,c1. olhdo't 60046061*10he malesqote 06660 on06460460. l'ilbang00on6qier î 046 606for007grower t60 1*600060606 b. O TOoo 011 o 10the *6066666106 as care4u1y ashli b02d have. Tht on1*00608160and6Ye*u61066600n6r0n*1. 006610666t60l160bis 616006090 for601100gond garden f1inira1666e6of soif- liait60610061* 0the 660266. He ha60*a2Graa6twood, j060? 0. K. 266666on00000160r6pols6001o0 06666006e66661* 0060016606 1166o6060600lie scater soit ses green, n bis bathroom. Catherine 0060001l0e6 06660. i11ine00660006t66sec00he600600ot 60601* ekssta hecrea 0601* shoot6gratuit. quiver and*0conne6 10-066.At Othe6saine06t66re 00notaboutit 0li060 0600 p1frein *,the soit. 606660606011 ta a6stop in ptonp0i0O60 ifftIy 601- 01 *06.ppe 10the6167000666660661- taken of t0066 0060066i o0 001*6 1066061* 666606 f6060 0066 o l 0 6 lm i venaiove1 666 0oof the dey, r%6 .1*0601*61* 600e0061*006 00th1 frima o7i000the 06066600hav1*607001* No 460061* 60610 0666001601 00606ibi. fore.6660Bert 60haut 61*1016happ ea 6 li6661* 0606 0060 666the06 060. w6i6t 001* formati0onaoig pac fat.No 101106660016066oweve0606606101 66010 îgbt0106fqi, Un 06-206061061.o 0666.. But 0066 00077podd1ig aong wit0110mail1*for ~ 26,6 710 06066,6 60 o1*oooing 060,1, 0006gb il0d161016001tient 0on 0is panels. '11660!" 6006motion004l066promise0of0agood med Theyoblo 6 die000 o 60 hot6 I11 *6010 bine, did0net6hav t0e0affect of*1-l661601. 260 0ba6." And in a o-010'7161. I i16foc0 00617t10 1*606060100 The 6arr ie0s.0660 001the?.end rninishng is appet6116 100.0ent 66661*046 6bi 0lly1* 00106600thequ1ity of the seed telieopoof 6000106 the00I0666. tems01* b 60 Bert 006 1060017 and grat6710017 6on 06e010li6r6aide of theo 06. .ooo1 601600006 6001 othe o1*o f adace an mg66t 006 oplo*I 606600 06 .- 600110*1 --test i Yug lWel o i heto i6 76Y0eu0610 0004100are6l00far200 616 6660060000oîog t10MI,0 00060 66606006e. 601* 60111 0col. 60617600064661* 00666.,o1nd 66erbohaut661066rs?" 00t 006 partly 6066661r 066*. 777*600000060d0n6t . P6oole ndfoy06 groooo 6006 t0eoreight 6l000 don "00 the 060a4. II60ie66660460 Allllint0,0-1a podd1ig lightly o bO6 o01066floo60 l wIth a06 quatre060 of0conscience60. aw60ain660you." fingp007orl ith ee soud rseton ad hesanefiie ter6 and 007p10666. ma 6usboath6060f? Y600. So 60661, But a goo1* quality of 60640046, ,lthoug tpa nErh osbe 70660666006066001661000006060060661* "00, 00-116 I 600 am0 00667, stage. Tenness0ee Min Claime theoo600000160of 0bis6expression0 6Bert." ______ Tho60 - *66st 60001o e0t160s6600466, 60In67-for 660 6 ololo o0andh, laoUtopia fonaret l Poretle. 'Weil, 600001*61 Iay?7" C600064660n 006ow endhe olght. WiO 1061 ochoc- Leather Glovea Washed f606 106 a10an61* s000666-66 66pîoO o qîooy. "00, yes-6l. have 11 tonnerre-060066Plai. .oap, Watet y the ote,066of W. W. F0111176. Bis Yeu soi1*I p7167it1* ot60066saine66 011*Yu get 607 00te6by 0t66 0004060 0606666 01076660are 6more600litingplan la 600 1*60,1616 00he 1*01a6680 , o C.ntraCt." olooO7"a4hability makes theon pra666076076 766 0,00 ,0000 0, tooîus ok 4 "Ail right, 600066 1 . 6But Yeu 'No. 001* 706 060 mine6by th 06e 066611 006 06 66<7001$000OO.0.16 0166 said ohy 1d6id 1*666g0Yeu0out0 60066livingmarin00l1060" tical. The6 06600 60066o oly F66044$100,000,.0000,006f$20000,000.000. 6he poy 107610600060. 00601*11*2 "No. 1I60600660s- heard Yeu op. gloes6060660000001660667000666 The proft on tis transacti 6o oul Inow th606 606666going te Pla Oy 006£fa1ire-" 0for0060 7060167611y oaitAmerican ie $8000000000 06or he 6661*6660100 dd I d,.g y01..ay60y?" longer I was wrong. I was trying te feature. Y66,666pnt i research ie deb of 45,00,O100îO Ber Booîî071ta mas60666 0is 1*10016. 26et Yeu y 0661600006." have Oooo productiveo and*oday. Paid off oand $20,000,000,00aboutit 06 li 007 1661600,Catherine60 605 acting "Y60-00 6006I-16ying te g60 0060006 0one60 6067600 60710600 06060 10te 60766610 0000006i66. 6But litt6014 foolish. Yeu... 007600460, 0671*71 orpgskns. tht In0660600the 0660066606aoutit1* 66060 * Y666 lO,760ost er 1*11*di. 7Y66 "Catherine6,60061i11160660I*1*0600 4661chances7are 1 e1 hat theseAmer the1066envies6and01*,7600and0et0test j ,in' o 60667 00,07"tOd 00,0 the 6060766 la 1006617t governirent wo..11* ilI have 16661$15.., 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u tW61of1?Y0 06 .110 710660 0 ino oap and6006066bhof00000,6000 us 7 îoîrfln og 6606 Bert sig06e1. 0g of y061600home1andWilliam0K.0601*601ly. Ths, 00the 660004 ovoooo manu-061060. Catherine cer1tai17l 6066as 0e0t60 g 66rews wil661*7061ou ie ok,. Foi 10406677066..y, 00 the0secretof kOoop- 10060 in0thegod old United6* State6 00710464go. 20 years tha bas been a r of lusing one70g1006006604046l4ly laof 0A606714004and6the40061*66001066 Oh. 060qu6et." Catherine 4g," 00e6calt, "*ait 00106 Oing 75, gving 0t6e0106600 10a 0640 60610 760060006660006 the0Glîî, i04766. "This bou00606 ta066104617 consrot 0600 and 61*only 10 per6cent00on- QO the oobecof 61 06110bit. they yyohohth lit, lie gl.10o666,bbio.1*00,0.006146h 00040000 r go, ao0600CnndToaiesKe ex1*ho107661 16,00 100 07Berto! the6race,0habite6and 076. Adt0706, 6071e* 00 do 701661y1îOoî06 Vtmn'A o er And lie 006600006 60160016gh the6open of ali0ost an 6 h 0n00d0aker. A 4eat - 10ed on0a060010716606000. Ricul 660spot0710i00i1'A! Ofor 66066 lier4660ns. 0060 1*6600*6*.as6a.06The Irish 10610117 p66fer en4740060 660077606116. If hoy 6are606667600116, 6s0ow000 0000 of 01006000 A. jutwa b sa0o00600i. The bouge wam.60l Je666660ialyi7461661660060and Scot-6071. have canned on1y enoug06001610606 bi 064 0661 fo6 00660 bo. 1finit66000. .0616atin 6 races 7 0incline____ta10for a 7760 66us, beoooo66 i 6066 be. 06466 0,0l11l1660,. 602661* i60p10061* 104gs and G0766606 647671* 1066lI700061* goutte 10666 Sli 06666001' go home,i0600700"' 10Ica 0660661* ornementation." And* Net0Bad1*In0A60606160 orne0of 106ioo6nutritiveo6value 006 shewudgtawYrfo r a,61*010 660F06006666 a 066666600066l0661 Olie066g40706006. B. C. Forbesobserver066of îigs a76661041*of finie. 6ay,40, ,ol 00he ha 116060 te look en60ab0ut6minora. He6660766106mi0-016 1*0 ,0617, 666 the6 0 onclusion0The experiment was ondutd b66*y ab16 out an OOoik 1046280out. ro606a06660t6a2t6lke and 1006 theo 00610104601are6n01tue Oo*inoAmer-0.PeFa61P. 060s,066,0. P. Mab6l 16 0406 00776 o'lock 2606161*07 6010' 0aOOy of the606660067 Oookng îoods les. 7,For tanc, 1066United* States Nelon and Dr . 01661*76S1teven0on0 6,00 n ad 0066yhing 60064in00hape t6601gretooariety. -B"oo in ba 4004,000.000 radios, four out of fiv 00,460,60060a06the1UniversityoCali for the week-end. Even i thi fil 0youve otone that suits Y0, ,066e American homes have electricit0y, if fornia.Results were report6d 1in 40,066600 of 160066160460, Catherine gays. opensbtwe vnad 0166660070 il- 060t11he47Faire 00070760e2Rep70t16, 0011ag6 chclt pies resta7it606601 o the po66606y0066110 60milli otlephoOOO, ,000 Te research was dnc on ares- hef 0066, 60the0 06frigerato was e600 TriseIl 0016 61*1*M.60l66a iBg06026publl OOoo6iî, more home67 000640 600Orl,04Gains6 of 1606 white rats 5sto..ked wi6 rit and1106* 0getables. A60,64660 46,601 10 46in6Mexico 00,007010h66000 Il0illin f60161400eli uafetd yva and 1h106 he huit laid in a 0steak6and 7e0r660,60 $15,0000.000,of w604,4hal0,0f.1, 601pe ooope sok in pr.ouciveonin0,4601*tho ff m o0161*hoesii *a0s1lfilet060006111*06 06 060001* 07 66601*6 ofof00006 066666066*607166u0iv17popuî,lato i it466000. Ton 060r 06-opart 1of h diy 66604070606606of : it cl:-6<0606 f066060006r1b66666 1*y. Snce 1932, Amer0ian 066660,is idivil la 00 6606 .., 6tOe oooîgooOo66lOo60bis00 :ry 040.I0ea601b6 h6ghwaYs6. 6tag0the.0006010007peole 1fa ',t a'0Trousera Furnialaed GoId Th6o. aithe06 0100000 table, $lie The0 A006661000 0000616001in0160440 60070n 6066004 01*1*61*blessing but 04e wro6e6note10 Bert. She 70600,1* 06600616 oîog 666160606 06406,76$Cute 600066sure6 0067 010,0 100606 00667 To Make Souvenir Rings if up against the i00066600100.Ned throg ogb 600,04666ooajungles noy 0060060066. T06o6 4600606676,11*6006110.06rd se- i 06701066,606010640y. N'd corne 10666.601*6of a61061*7060600060000 "Jaoky'6 F460066 0004601*006660. o7rh k106 te606666look fo6 man. est sai0lo i0o66Ne110-to the affect lier66, of course6. 0066gave8 e 160 o,61*60607, it6inerarles and 667 p If Yeua 66a6manufactrer of la t 6616666166616 * o out06 6ome f666660 1*1.0tcweIa, Mexio Cty hePee 017116 66060Too club porting styles 10 the ladies. of Se t044"26660110. Fisher," ool1* Kng 1- .: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a P0061 and 66 16660671 t17 he*16 M6646an Automobile 66000 Amendeo, 066660660a660 0suggestions 6*,"olo 06701 11 60of Celles in he cai0t60' obtlo.T0666, 06ganiza00106are0effait6by Senora Hermiffia Davila, 06600100 : hn T060.1160060g aref627,.ab 1de-'6060606060666468. itho oo1*6Iy.6more6 6000n0000770061,6160600600l6bas0 a r0l "060 r,7si',006a610he600stan660' * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~wl as660601d266676000d.000006616<06Peint066o1y 601,dressesFîo *600000pî b.106660607Pid 0 : ddsecudgiaa S0u6610660 t0i871006. tha600500067,0066060076001* d da 40060yl"but66606660o16666660 061me N* fore ie mssdlier61*6, ch@ coutil get6y; South Amerian o000 r606. prefe eut. 4' 06000. i60 Mogan red salfiurd pa11 tterns1*66 on60 a00dark W017016601*7point e a sory t1 >0 46 61111*h0bgirait0 lier* 006 ju usO 0040" 006601064001; 0taboushot lenve70. 064y Goeoge Aolio (in 'My Ten Y6606 ow'y pullhdanOdnîhtahat6,1 organ,"066661statu the end *of th sta01t0ion l146ig 6ruera 00Og the only btierce00066660ol01* 60e60661for 1600 66060660no0shor006600 06<0 of066 ot 04066days gave me66a of te 0sttio, 0061160r66 f606n1the0666ed.INew0bi qoalii hav r- ot oîlo nakd. Long and ample bh74 1461one ta.; ise made0out0of Lord piaffeai nti the tain cme in.mainedpredoinant n bis escen_ dal ulle l 'or0by0the0l"76. t Touers. Te fillFiirs plotoo60 oooî 0e 1;46 6660 b. 06061*7601*604000 lO a on66.6 bride, 600<000.01*F40666 Then sited6606d uickW gbar d ..ta ter the past 140 Yas'sege6, nta o e orwih66 od ihrs scatd 1hesel et he 0ç0tgriodofof te unIlvd myteris o thetakng sicesof ake.for arred %ithif agreu del utgol the ,rSt Cr. hose-0red,6 wor6. eni off ie6esof te brie', wite baîd.Thi old brRi1*1*0660nt Sh irt0 âtt trat»e f.Cicillas6. bare06661*4660011*.660. dsd finie trouser7000 te0016060666. m00010lie going te tow0 for dnner aoF670î SesLord1*00660or out bis At liait 7a61 0066 Catherine was àEh ii.~ .2o1(ZL44 off 64047 an 041*g1006-06011*and ai.. 074660666g fi . oo. et lier fa- 66"Dame06004g606006a6006y 0b6066 006607 hotl. If wats the h0t6l 600666A U vont0ad original w6onn. ,Haoing s06 and Be60t067ay1* 00ien0ev6r th1066dis,000661* ht ool1* brai1*of 1046 were inte" fo the660401*erod ontained 6a000001*6601of 60ol1*o ing 616l61*106601abc1 an. ood-talshî obob 106606061*4606 60 1* 06616060 10abc muid 066Garrick0 club (London), 6and had th06 ba0660660601* 6666606060bc andgold 60660061* ooan606m1*66000 olti 25e06006041* c ooy de0 . No. .35 e Koepin ace w66.60h the gowth of Caada., this Bank@ servces houhout this country annd6a6081*10have 66606st1*11766607661*61*.Our consant en066d606660i t0e6t6d the 6666f6616066 Modern66and61efficient60honking service066 of the publi66e emerally. Ko60 Yoo6 S.k-'-6k6 0une of IL, 'ihe BANK of NOVA SCOTIA METON DISTVR .IT CO.. I .. O PERIEN IIVAD T RPR LocDSal 60601* ATESLooDIS]000FE61600066and MooIog L OOT H60 MILTON I18 BA56ILTON 7.135 LU, SU 6 nd 00EOL ED II 6 1 p. d 6 0 0 82T 6 6 INp 60066.AOIe 10001666 ANTHACIE 'ALBRT.d P 4666000Ils 00600 S 7S 6e 6O*p60006 No. 35