Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 1940, p. 1

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US eam Bweei TestS affl Tam, laim TestS aee BAIKNAIDS IJÂNADIAN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. ocyzRO 3164444606 30045150 (Ait Traiai . on, ki6446446T0164 i t - ". ai ANADIAN F6301110 ICAILWAY MAIN 13T., - MILTON. ONT. -Ouille4640 7.30 a..-Datly, Ling. 44~.41.4.044. 044 Z07 p,4,.-D43iy. "a' "a..8.456446p46 . -Daily ..p B.d.- -*l l.4 9.276.44- Dail>, Sa«g. Ciel.. ... L.0.4-le pt 8.d.,i4 A.V»RTldlbio434 X08444nglin-7.0 -. ing, 2.07 P.u. .--.6.4416 Th .24.1_ t G 4n % --.274 . filig, 6..16 p.l.. 4V3,444444448440 4ANADIAN NATION4AL RAILWAY 0, tan, annainryont... -t r-POLLOCK< INGlI 14L3324f t l&W14304. MONUMENTS P04,2e444. Omis".4un0q2e.4. - - =A GALT. Il..., *248 ONT Urtî. â[cV£c*dâ and trittil M,.. à41Ï.,67, I..VV C. R. TU RNE R Pbleîoî.44 andg,eo. Fumerai Diractar sud.. -- - m mbaimar CAP3LLIL: PROSEas8 MILTON. DtS. fHtLii and skvcioSON _____________ A"' 1.4 p- 6' . 2w' Oiih.o,-0-6 416, . .. F. W. B. FITZGER1ALD 44646~10 ~ Iaurance and Real Estate D6I. 6.~ E tI R 1 AitIl. of1 ......oce 004.4.t Physiiau naît Surgeon Coo,'o. 24.2.4. PH.ONE 53 . M.LOo D8. WARL) RiüDl]CK Ffyiia'1urgeoa d J-G Orl£ .- L. U 2 t014 CEMENTandCINDER: d3743pp.i.Lwe.L4 BLOCKS LEG.AL * BRICK and TILE 010K 010K W)thMANUFACTUREO W 1. 24l4, i4.C. 60Ail Size*4a - Any Quantity *3 N46W PHON4E 838 Y*547*. DicxI, B.A. * BURLINGTON TA. HUTIHN40N W.(Boyne) CLEMENT Barriaier, Sol34614f, tic. Painting and Decioeating 06f604-N..t d..r 064147104 Unie.. Contr actor ifle4h... 442. Elaaia Poiat ,Prodacîs, GOE Et ELLIQIT Saaworihy Wall Papera 004662-1. Fariner.,' 30o,3dg. M4ai. 0.400 A..,.d. titrent Milton6. F6340 126V. M.!.4S., Nilt.. T.34LUI1.. 70. DENTSTRY H. WHEELER 9R. 6. A. KINO PIANO, VIOLIN DENTAL SURGIEON GUITAR Office in Royal Building, Milton. 4440-464. .l.664 60Piano Tning and Repairing OR. F. Et BABCDCK P1 N 4.MLO DENTAL SUREGEON OM -Pý T-%.. S. A. FA -RY SR4. G EXTRACTION. Plumbing, 44444Tel. M..4 Heating and NI ELSEN,. Tinsmithing The Chiropratop PHONE 206 28t3 yea.1 practic4. 6 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT Dm4424444 TILERAfflT. X.R.o _________ 24465 7.) LU 3 U .p.4.. f Oea Domon toroo, Limo4444wV. 1 INSU R ANC E T. G R M M A Lita, Pire, Aiemobile, Nergiar, T. G RAM HA Plaie ilim, Accideat, dIti. Vaimatar ad Aa.tiaaer- Vu3laali44. p4634pty aîttaded ta »« emidu444t424l and 614go"4 F. D. DEWAR ~~aiaed. FPh... 72 Milldooo 24,13460 COUNTo'- 0F 1-ALT-ON 1940 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1940 7 lu -1 444 64 0 a- 3444II 4 4 9 l 4 4 942664 AlU. 3...4002,44 d 8.p a. U.- il 0 a4 ..4 et. d44.".O44444 4441 _ _hý ý e o i u o e oi'd 04141B. 24464t 2. J.h. O"et.; * I 0.r. T.Wt A..;KMmWaU ýtGé~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F64Snin t$n ec n ,«t -èatigwihJha t *h 4o wtT-h.y CANDY ToUr WW4640 16o4*1Say@ ~b atapiou MILTON, THURSDAV, DC 28, 1940 Early Cutiing Reduces Safe Imamniy Tret ns Alfaîfa Yield 30 Per Cent No ea Profeaaor Helpa Saufle Er 1ttlgofthe Oral cr 1, or N 6wN46 r, SayScientiata 1,400 Labor Diaputes y161040.46ou ratc, as eotsw4c a asaeyand4p.Maye ho laot te champio L. F. Graber, alfal1a special1stet contrai to the ew "convul4ant646- ahpo 36.66,oO6iyOî,O443, 116774461îr6î 4 "'~~~Gorge W. Taylor of Philadelphia in 160006 3604 6y 400h e466170444348the4of613644431e744 in0the6bade4of0nonc go,dctly 60of the 1,440lf 4m426ho the6464644641Assciation4forthe.. liste344614444641446ofiutry ai of only 12 6076 4a41146 ooîî36g h44ein scintist. 064444 464theint12 764a, Dr. Ta>'.i redu7od the 714166 of the fiet0467 Physliiens have 64om mince 1928 lor, impartial chaima44in union64 Fur1,,',,years h606obervd th cu. mentis, 7444064, and 6mince 193, Bett4466Mre tho 1,0 abor dis. ting the firt growth onJune 8644. 6h46Dr. Lasz16vo04 2446444 of Pute wi16t844434majr st1ke. duood tho , oal4a60437344121.544toes206400,1 644706146 63, 4644*1 liant Convin44464i6an b14oaent,,oepre. pareilwith 13tig132 days l34444on 644466 imilarly. But in16the444 663042ve'Win i 4 yi464744844w 8 444 J une 20. mince the46ave6464*14444 more444 d 46f0164414604t64a0point164444 a&trille The Wisc60onn g4oo4634461,,s ore64444466 01 he risks involvd n la unnecssar .ho enera the boe. Llie )caf happer quite lrgely or64414 uch trieinfinte. 4gs 106o hh.o le 343 .444646e -p1lo1ir6 06)04,64160'if the sec. 4616 666644 3,ducecusons61,3,4 4616an the4414*1,ho cent46331341 It4,6 7r4p0of a2f1l)00 s ta 6o646442 43462444te epi1epti30file. in 16464,4e The reniait ho a., la 64trois. .44,,,, 4644666 Iof-hopp6O 6damage, 01 46444401 , he am are6of8par. 3441164*146443636,4or "40lecive4n, dv414c )40Yd 660)0 of theOral44 0447in t604144 46644431. Sonne6patiets414 4641416a" ha prefes o c144411il. -A,î arule, eaf hppera do not cationsof the Jaw ad minute fra. A460444the pants 6il636 '464041 1ferh.y,' deularesGraber. t a dangerthat thoao444,14d w316 &B impartial 4ha4646a4are 100 163, 'Delayed 7601,64 of h16 4404 43644 066464416*144411664447634o8 644p344. 43447 44mille3444449*141 0the446a4o4, the adults tiVe tu coVp1444 347344 t0ry tellure. 364146364 a largoe4446*er in Rea6- .206014±h4601the 4Oeet die and the Dr. E. Z36* d ad Dr. D. B.Ty. ng, where hofirt bcm1tels> 4600 0604464006 in the lfla are reilr, *1016 4the University of South.eted in ae 76*1644443 1eo h 'If4th-1h67. With ... y OO143gof s34364-on660hich may aid inredu4 _Ther, have 6ee nomri64a 3in il,- rit c'op, 4314&Position0la3nt i144the danger of36immun, o64444630*116644 1004mille4 64436th12ilyears 41.4)444)gi446t)4.The.. 4egg.hatch In order te aîody the affecte of430773d44147464646tenetupun- Ill',u.44 le6)4)66 ahop )0 ymh e large46764 1644 3 oses64t4 e 14 44men464 36der4the44fair6labor sandard&6 444446 hat )1.,,)6ou the y00..6g41 1f. lanaJooî,6 4animais 30346 040410 tb 15 helpe o 6 etab136minim36oagest 4)44)44444446100 anod h4217 î14644th arrount normally used onfor that inda1ry. )V),o,, 46,6 Io,1hopperin- h604644. The anmale paso1, H 74444 arserhen34446 c40 a4oeint3i a v,0nte,4hot h4o, beautho h a stageof convlsion ti a theWharton scho1'a industr3ie c. in ali.4)4.,,t he stand V4y ho loge where respiratio and circu- erch depart4004î60hi*h*h ois 'III, laTtion 47 hîo w64- 1430 464 047 6474444. Sugar d2064007464444n4117 of 1business4and T4h6s.640,11 0)0 60 h0104 reverses46644 3,4136 hook. But 464,4 36646347. or, 46064ed symptoms of64446 6dam- Drmocratjo Bahama Haa 446, acting 13*16 44346436iV 446,06Model Penal Law Ofored sections of 164 64434 hot 6iment464 SrIf-Governing Parfimment V4606d. For Corracting Offendai BzIiar014)4,446 ,44)6,or4440446106Making 16e 74434646644fit the 440 4)4467 0I4e04 2a6446. Navel Device Indicates descripti3ve of 16h 4661666*1>' 46634 444f064 pal-66. 4î Praper Color Schem«eah, AnnericanLaw Intitus opos66es4 006011, 107,he cunr's. ta 64*13the 6 48444646. 4r, se [ 44444.,4))4446606 67 t6e Be olr i0644and44use4th ond-46.6o6l04îtWilliamDraper Lewisof (2-1o 46,i;ll F,,f, 70,4asho,-GraphO F6646617634i, 63460146 6of1the 36a43. III 4. 444l,)7 061044 and e.-4- Tis a the166 463044 41604hoVe- t1444.466074044417 mdrraedi*the Na- c 4I14i, 'f ,14602,.a e-molets who are about t006046641tional Frobation asociation in .444.4666664640~, This4,4reolving4436 r44044showcor- 466306 correctior 46431 4446 414 Th, are0Wo leg4)414.large4and6Bannit patterns, s303746 largeIy 40 F701. John B. Wollo of 6. 4)4016046ý126167court-4and7plaid. 06440 4r440604604 that 164 University of Michigan 36o ;i vhy f2916,,b7.Pub- and colora harmonizing per00337. 0he proposai alerte w636the co. ;-,,peut 6y 0public6boards F4643osare a64436 444646614. 4tention4644 4441636364366 7043464604 .1 )46,, 7070, 240446 46466are6 od in florle,4ahoa1614614o heck0crime. Il insista .)4),,),060)of heblndinechrom dshI46344s6 3603676 nt4464lis start. Il points out th III th'441,64 l'y,,, local)70 sels034 This season, mna614730040of036- stitute ol13 par ent o the opu7. u , h.t 4)4.446, 4)06664007and6o44. V0y in alhome furni4hins. T06,45074er0cen40116t444ut4606i14166814, 14444I, t' .44464)4 ,4d registrar gen- 7064647644046e tant he three im- 0The060137081of the .o4461e e 64.4) N,,,c 667)44t46061,1 are: 40044. portant1 4644041,1colora 4630 6ar- in so6,itiîol3g 0possiblereha166ta- 1ili.4 ' y ' audit4,,6,o '.06,,pub_ 440614. 4lion10o7001,646444 Cas4a4majoh.b it4""'Il 44'.7)461644,66.6034. Two new drapery fabrics thi4year jective. Th chaactr of theoî ar 16047)icetr141160, po. are printed spuri rayon and pinted fender44hr th the nature of i3 6,4..a)ndoaask. Wath or 00t41o46.. .004444.6 1, 40 6etermine the . 0030 __________ they're 4644*1446or0444004440 o hi, 14674340446644. 0h44, Lewis 11,,, 4001r44404* causes intres4136 icobiig 86the046414 44 6g64 ho *1074 4631636aninstitution fi w)440400h the be07.443 uty644and603olor f apeit. ited of44a elat 17463r offense, 44),t 6446 46In 6646 the T64 d4Vak 3a16he o1-1466î,1oed 2- 44611 a sec046 individuel capable :,, clpo,4c644407606404of h ito o bond3166446443 o0106îoin4theof 4666364 4a 44ed scialadj44t. and b7,466140 are0 6p00,446d6443444. Sot pastel 4646,, 064644464444 46346160364ar176r1i one.i6ough If 6,0,gittd 6004,oontents, self 44466a14644 _____ t 1 t 4.4Ion. M. D, and Caol -abr akrud 4) ,Aî,0. 44066 M. D., Chicago, 1,ýtout l,, ouirrial of),,tho Amer-. TesinC.a ili. Eyes Autogire Bison Vertilailly u ) 6o6î7,4r A6new634 test4or6s144 1 3lre44 O644 ici,4es of1the Pitcairn4 Autoglo ' 4446 i 7,46017lo tal 4463o6 464644it daring 16he3test7444 00467447 of W31104Grove, Pa., .., 146l 0604,ti14 bo ho in Massachusetts6a461404rece43y do- 034346a44446adventice4in ai*1ato s. Ioch'.4043643 6y Dr. Abert 3E.6044644 of tory7as4a4441401of8a0464480616e.6 Il iaos, th auhorssay l6 .e.l.t. AU11 66316444ought t10 hugio 440. F4436431 of re y.rs' ,I., il,4Il 44660)7 , 3)4, 6 6046y4h- vomit- 4446dhy qualified674 doctooo. 40s4cret 476446344014134, the au« irg nflcs )ti,,u066404 .Thi, thoy aid Dr. Stalin, but o long as that motelship named theWhirlWi344 ,4)Iei. al o omitV3 6440000417o6de6in3it6ta 64166463ne 400444447 Pipeor 3446706" 0666 a 134e 6606 601 60304 03.6 0 30430. Hia6 tet oo4i do6ti6tre1. - thigh. The '34467 14044f" Ihý C4400)600,1ce. 36e abilt î rn a may 14404ff66ciels64410andY0303144646084. T14 alb, ,ueti.o of t.adsc ito h 63,444 *36 606 and 46 oth 744701104 of 46e 2,03-pou06 planai of il,, b,64h06o,.p. 0yen; second,4a1test or 6341043o spot t ueyrate, the.16long 60141 .46 odt he incidence of images saen et a 6istance 606 614644 414p 16e .63p bagout 201413g. _____________ 144. fe-41464664es. O 248 66316444 ,poodod 07 and a4660417 1the.*1lp TVýi" ont ary the360ye 4p464363st, he schoolpsed . ,e4cl4b and fi660864. 0The 46726760706,i. V)060,1iat138 ad hespci166 a ssed t46466hsel craft ou1lan in the om* 64nnr. vhy0, m,o,60 0)6734607066,10.6su'3more, making the 013444 _____test 4444460407, Oopooodinon 0.6 000041, hut 10 7p6r0cent4more 0-1 ,,,,iIig 16cnt-ce6.1..d 60nd 06316406144144667160003,001444644 A Chicago w464114446444411364the ,],,,,n: "On the ON. 16c40646visio. e46a mao,4003p461of3lts,6in6he6461 i4 4, 11,,ok thechi7,46 447077con- 44.607' . So,6o,' ,,6ooo4 6du404 44 a s 160 I,446066403)0, c..OA. y' «4i0 il,, nurse ry 00a614 "Mary, 704)64 'q nit conTRA.oy, Ho Vdoot 441.- .440)66a40,10?" k1304464444 444.4676th.,accent0on6theo Oooî oyl. Tho . v 47,60 46 ngtaDr. Kirt. ,(,y,, athe!ofHarvard6, i44404646 6.-.)4,71660)6-. 4of 4,000 tons a o 6120000, 0 66ons 64a066, 667 ig urpan't ta ho 2,000, 046 60o..4 0 90076026602.000. ,h),000 ton.661444)0060646fit 7 660 nto, Ur -r)44t0h =6,, 0,of 10 4100 6440404d-. in the -6rtt00 3a3644tof "4066 hog.' 0,1444 tunnels. Tho>' ge4 $14 an 44, face00 6400 dangers, 4601463441 th. k...30434 am64th.64"6446.' Sileeat Ta.atm.e.,C Com6pes silencelae 6, htr40ct4 46004 for laryn41434, D. Lymano G. Richards of 0Boston4,. If1te t4400 630 la 06ut,14t he 740t044t46u44 6,0 aven0Vh4per4for hree to 14066247, 446116 hIs phy,3o3.4oo4o43esout064 0. 40 40044460444. If the 6062i0304 3, chro0010and6reuits tr046longabuse ofth 46eoic4e, epatient ,hoId cono. fine hia 044666444t04n40 44636744 for one0 or 46604 4644416. Hoarse. 64444607 4406046407164644g,66e add.d, and oneofhe O 4600troubles 434627 30230044t44la64041004os o the larynx. And if4a7patient ha, tuber. ,uooisofolthe la104n4, 6, 3e4346043 ceraininhav iinh460436631 as44060. 247a - 6S 3444 4466 74614 ing 74746444 onp706i3c44ion. At1the end of 44644 74444, 64636g hourd 4016304 4more, the 6041166 4.666 164 agen,4W, in. 36106, ,,16, the adj. tors. Bock6 came4a6loOly 64464*1, 0Te1l Mo.,"4.14.412, "0611464b Impatient." 14 04043302, t6e44634,. 44004 on, th6004s0 0f the 70604edi- 104 4660 took over a r1lig04e 4maga. zine and 0606, in a pigeonhl, an article ho 16oo2 6647 4606,6, He 446036 the 40460, a 46363440, 44 46401< 6346for 46he4346646 4and lm. 70o044nt46043,, "I'm g4342 7406am Oonally 7661146364 31" s4432he 16.. 364.4', ooply, "but woold auggeal one c6hange. W6444 I 64106 46 467. self as the fatherof o8 404 6112., pieuse make it say'six.'" LIAVWARD TRANSPORTi Delly Direct service TORONTO - MNILTON - HAMILTON Local and Long Distance Cartago 4and3006344. kgTORONTO H.Â4e88 MILTON 318 RÂMLLTUl4 7-Ca 'WaIking Stick' Insect Stands SUi n Daytime ThInkof an i0nse6403w446306looks lihe a twOglThioh of aninsect three 344*1641644463364606ody 4s3636 4a a 1436ig oodIo Perhapa 704 60331 46436 43044 40h an 4444461 1634 6407 do>'. If 704do, you proe*11y wil11not;4041i. fi b6as a *hbit et4st46di4g,4til46mont of1th 134444In4 6471346 hoo',. Il 1ecks 44 46660*1 136a 44634 hat a 706004 466416 404 notice tho difoooo4oun loue *1, îooh,6 010441>. S646,1346,, 163, 36,ot 36 041346 a l46igInt36a40" or "stick 36a,î." More 00164. 64464644, il 4064 6>' 16e noms of "6041636 stick." A3 4046440 type oflk1644 stick1, such es la found o 6h6s continen, fr646 oueoo6Cana4d,66to M30ic,00 se1246 , a 104416 of 4more thon 16644648046ur inho,. 00604362South A0444404. hr re 4 Insecte,68of4017 460the4tanne446. ,1u 1647 40060 t4 46006grenier4 34443. They are 640466as44'43461 46636. ing sticks" and 404644134604 are 1406 9 14 113 36heslong. WaIk3.,g s.icks live on 1444, and grata. Qil, 8,o 16rthy 47046 43464 on 48*1 Irons, but 16oy 6140 1066441 11646446 46444 and 644644, S,.oh 44466204 4as16.67 do 3a car- 6306 4on4643467 at aight. Darkoe save thorafrm, being seenh7 ene4616s who might 1ike t44est64446 47. Tho>' 264 en 7lan4 food, 4n6 C4,na04 guard 46446401608 *1>' 63344 an 644467. Tho>' are 64443.680 30 people,, 04067 10r a410t4of6d46a40 th67 do to t4004,4n6 othoo 700034. Th,>' 460644461064 30 03644 160003,. A good-sizeo a4t6461464 466p" a 4641*1344stick in a 4i046. 00144,8644 e 0ap44. 303oodesc4apes 660,04 404.64. do0440001340407 4464 place. Io 1929 the *1042464444of4 ol 4 40003in0Vir- g3414 wa4 io the 806603 hall wheo à 0664460.40,106 the building. Tho 6641 46344 hoc046046640446 4a4 sanding kn64.66deep7in4a pond 75 test fr046 466000the0buildng 6o6 b6em (an 074-60316648444il4 6344 1 appear662046 hie oyos, , hakoo 0nd fr34614446, 6but6,634,to Intho sonne .14441the4barn i4466306 t6e fol-o304 838446 44on46111646 a co6 4444 31014 up sd aid44636640. The440464 ores tou.td ooder the, oor of the *146, 446346 6044404434 on a 40040 46411 46460 distanceo44oy; 0601644 th, no6 the îsix0046 4641 64hoooee in the barn were hurt Vmnity Important for A Plaang Appearanca Unquestionably, facial 64116404. 46*1646444dur to00644404043 or se. q43606 2084414, aveu if 4u70r00ci1, thus afflicte,, 466306frequently do- atr074 hi, happioo64 and 466064040 06406hance of0economi0 ,14016a1. Yto in 404417 011 cases, 06400 the grav- ent, 46446 641014 7441con oîjo,46o3o6 or 4644417 6064066 67 46333301 plas- tic sery04, 0nd the indviduel con 16rrhby 64 rloa.efom 8th6e3bo6nd- 446 of ab6a066130. The correction of 6020446137 464 4114.4 64 336406 34 0603344inthe Goo- 634. knot in6a pati66,3'4 psyche, U61- ail>', aller .oh a4c0404041on, 4600, i4 a ti40,p6î0change001o41y in t'beaapperanoo f 46e patient, 6ut in hie bearing 4as4-Il. T64460600 of 3686436634>' 2344770444 30116t16 4*14666431ty hich pooduood il, and lis place in 44604 6>' a 6,46conf0- dence, a freah, 6041167 outlooh on li26. It la popu1arly suposed6that tho, who terhe16plastie 4044600's aid are 744467102 by 46tives4of 640137. But43if6>' 660347 604 46440the do- tire in look4 04's esh ool, ultiais3 the gond wof s1ociety, and6307464 sent to the wor1dan attractive ap 76646006 6446.46 1646,a407,13630e oe, thon Iltin 4467001404146064vai. Roma4n Servcea A 4663304.366 in a00ertain Amer. ican City notre years go ffered hie service ta a large charitable6i. s43tution 6.64136g 314018 40 the 440. tare of 604444347. 637740806364 t6e controllUng board h0 said"Gentle. men.I1h4oav pen eogh tiVo4an effort in m= g 04 404447for 4674011. paeurs of 20344 4446016304 for 441164." 00406 16o4 Iooiod ho 6as developed loto a 744043043 i6041144, and 16,s 44744164646 44641 66 30446 "th.608764*1,616 Jo>' of service," 46634h 6#a46gt n4600 6466 6000 642 16,no401n1lo13obi63464440 the stiU 84660 44306 4644644446 634m in seek so8met.163g4 634640 and 46re 84406134441584 46i-aggrand14446644 More Oar,06I 5060 Love 6bas44ade 046d,1 amateur% more6ca6sf41 in theoîoic)e of 144436444. For 76444 64"ba"ns-d 6648862 0466 ootr 4as'024' old man4) and 466444 46040460444406 in refer to one'4 wfe she -sthe OW' (016606,46,43. But marr6ied young chap wh606644y16ot a4 4girl 6atur- 4317 soaU,6br hoo1e YL' îoooog lady). And24664416,>' 4604634, Iove luitclnt sen164 r44f64446440 0o "YU'as46e ""W' s004006, o ne. 4436044644460411ed "XYL." And now &U 1ol4 4orne" are0r0f04406404o the air a e-yooog îodies." Gibraltar PregaeI Gibratar la no longer4 3467404 noble,0. .40eLieut. 0046. Charles Mor of the1U. S. Navoa Reerv. The exp0866 7position6of Gibraltar, 600444, of the 40044 44an48 of 460. ern4 8r1ilery, in wooII hovi oVol0it-1 444746mon, ho nioles. In the avant of a wa again Spain, stage g444 coo416 6063600 the Rook of Gihraltar 40 a 006336400, h04464064ent and 4347146,04 63201 64466846118front66246414 and2Mor4e. 40. a Britih ar admi4ra3043 4600441 gtated. T*1e rock, h6, ootinuod, in 0006.44*116i34460Cr 44.3444 Spain and 600416 *16,400463441y 60730e. on t lveni n the ev6ent of a war 16616 1644e., The best way ta buy Groceeries!' y.o. .lop b> od fplo. hen 3,f, -t n,, I "14irphthe o cî,oooc" , '-il S., l.. ilSti ntie4444d patoo,- Th..iil ,,o,, ag dpnd en i. g.d pa 1 f RPLE 5 FRESH FROMý FANADA'5W3RLUJ FAMOU5 ORCHARCG5 7&">4 6000DAlto GOOD FOR YGU CýeSNAPSI-OJ TCLG YOUR CREETING CM' fS Ing, effective, Inidelal 46. Y6441,14 4 toh-, 44) 4.141- C HRISTMAS4664444o04330460424 ,44,0 Il6il g j,41, Ne 1 Y'.r'.. 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