Nature Ha9 Cive.. Eatî Fine Waterworks Systen, lime. That 199711Ta7in 196709113 tics1< 8<57.1 ,v<in .77-997w1514 7ili <.47 9a8 7-';,,ri111<77911 1696 aJ<<9-s 1197199<77777'7<r7r1 5'<« <(<'13,1o 77.96<7149a 14a17a1]9f 21995 977799 in97179<5min2tes!1371 A î station917<7l<a1C7<11869î7 179 th1I76 h fil A19 p8 7îî<, 1926, 9991979 of 'ai.9 77<7 71 Opîd'. 7719mp7in9ne a7< Pa57r771 s 7<1<799C7517î.rna 9<s11717s'y 791 places7ar6797o117 2971<197711<9. 17<91101998916762959 1971< «719118776. < th. 19 19911 9811th-,7The c7o1981ai,6<990 5gh- a51811'<7711 7<8<1.1th789<9 121 511171.n1 71.1o111<a5T 711in. 1,1c<<19797<77116714i.1179. 0<l<811I9<8760, 1119914 7911 996404 on .811 1. 8.789<rd 1the 7-1971The7a9 Amateur Magicians Cao Perfarm Payehic Trick 71<'79,Y..l- I<1199. 976n<îpot gît Il,, oio,9 7<77 7h7and15962 t ri .r1",19 .1lie9811ta5place9th t1. «<118 Aile7<, a6Tai118779775997 1 litt<7<8< . .t i.<8< front77and 77<8 ,887<11-1p7o7987, if.7l77'11 9179 m717<the < 8I tpicket.<9< 7 S67177 781117711<1<781<17 I <do1 <7<17 179 "88<'111117<1181101<177<1197179. "118<1,78<1<1, <99'9 <1<7117 711oy, <187 t<<. he79 7919-t71716< 67675711 7911 979911,7119679199191779 1777 7<871711 7975177977., 9660911h7 îîsilgia F 7<17,lyCt. <dd, 791<î mg9,r<77 78, tIj61<<97 177771. I 7871]71<9 1719, 9cars0197, 779,7741 77h17k,7190.11 976c <Ai6116651417 99 7569<9776<o17 trip1a19,e90179177999 577511991711o19the1tor95901717171 to F 519679î.9gp1199111 1991' 197971911197<96gi.976299511976496I 97<779<6 11199s7<911t19715 1199999 1 r- ac , 2foIy ehcriatAimmedi J -«« CaadhpfyCa Corne Througls Culture If the mannter7valus, of fous 71d449 9999*bondwan satnpIoe an 1919941799rn9 agala. but ll 494in9.0 sa. The vltalitydc ato..<scuIkurg, -"9? .e 191177,<buon 997199799147 <11'11<77"f h5117799299508 68,17. ,.aple1 0417919499te9th1111711 tels9(162hie. '71g99,ng Y9.99«) a9< 9999629 a notait co11ecter799996899 99 68999949h ye91 19o949hi&ow99ous9 t 19to 9)99999177"Ohao, 19.ure91." Wi68ouî .11e.9o1..g the8n 29 q99991499, 68999999 .4o.. ..pm4 fi out bat4 99e9999 19ia491.g 99f68he9111JE 179199)999 97)994417117as ..6a1. 9n On 6817968917r bond, consMder the la 99299 944119 9y'a Canadien 994491. 1.9149462999441esin)g, o9.o4919g hie a 9911)999 9y .,w9 6819g. 94689699ame99Il 599991749<99 spirale. 7919s990174nainoJ 1790917<9799tat8.e9449ufa4t1re9ofla 90111199 markets; thugs en dollars in c the 90179914 of9949999949999. ri Nerve Surgeon Relier.. tir Pain by Spinal Operatlon le 1979914< 94944994,911n w9t68. pthe us9761199999. T799999689111999991 9917999999977. The9surgeon .99PIy r 999<149, 621999 in .914,911 97 p8in, a9 97195 199 99419. The incis0ion 9ini 997927 629119 .1ong 689 spina1l991711 6251911 91491199 a 179949of torve libers996î94117about9the114a949919of1 the 51199 99Rage0r. 4Gras 9are9mu9 bc9t99709568the9surgeo4ont976"t 1197,dee, for if 9999914411t68999179 9 617777 y ,19i. Byron9 91999997o91699 91971771797991nstitut@9of0Noie York. case of9c11177,9 facial.oceura911lyand Dr9. Sloekey, 999, han 999<1999941 99199179 11<49949e. 49 m.ro1 alignai cases9. If)la used 9991y9in dseo.498. 621162a9 e996111 ba70rai6thehope of9e Th.Briishfl07i4 pe ittd.t 4 19<17)962497179<Va., b9994449lit 1968. 06999t1Union, 629499 4999911911th9 17,99991 0171199h1Unio..Ja. P ~r h<istoriens<9999411)0 experts, lawy.s, 79911)9179199011affiner" the689United1 299 689 09941919 Br941499f9,g 68999 N the21790114of9the9Capital9of4Colonial901 799 of 1795. As th68. ri9ish99 949of1 1705 62999 9own firme th680999919of4Y, the 999)9)991 94911199, lit in, in ou <411962991 909197,17 914ng 6849 44 Il 1 4994e. b 91stAG.a. wm oologic91 ad1999errie40. fi victime901f99179919997* miii14Dr. b 1999117Lubn,9,U . B. omm19ai..r I of 7.99r 96441911198. 8Hepeinte Out h 001799999 114a94o11by Industrl n. 4717)99. But "no90provision là19made1 a 1117015 97119 9909411 '4119.491.41b. 0997,991 hie for7mer *mpfry..4," . The 6091 .9oul11ont9lie pet on the9la individuel419emplo7erLubin9f4d, b.. cause9 "ha7ton me;87 athevol90 JP of changez9 in 994994oy197.le 11o6ioîissa 4ges.% One 9.9949sg laVai In the17 r of 1818 the9British 37177911 Exil publie9building.s4in Wu9- <99670 99ut9one.62,n th. British L 117170911t6e,11999)49, the Wbite 9oue* and1 99117, In Wah» <99770, 91195 11)1a 4 q.1994.419job of building wit68orers ta u1999 le.89999.4 99171, 62917991191411 of 49<629.999119 1114 95979990o119 lesri rond919199099.y 6<9, Dr.Willam19914 ,62 th79<6e 917, commis<sioner of9patens, .ppeal91 ta7the7099999 in charge9ta poe9the 9building lest th. B9ritish 91411999in9U 591.97 9as9the99991'9 999179bar«4 a 57177909. 11997,,89911 y Dr. Thora l 797'9,1717991<the9offi9er9m9,c99d hie r116791< off oithouî ir19g thé patent1i, Girl9s arébeai 1184489949949d In Hungary7, girls go 4994.9.841. a 9991 68.ey 9are 94899494. 881 tr0in P 6849 1145 o9, 68979un599917 aga..1 t s90946th 79999<0114beagl,4accor. à 2o9 67a68691711 Maob.n91.Grlo., je9 6917 91.099.1)., 684.90994, pe99s9.1 a 9y the Columbia9 1University Pea.98 m 79999 la9astrange p.pue aillai994 i i0 thal country, 999499 atlrIbu19u ab collet0n e9ilapeU on hers2a nd n t 90991417999041999. 9..dgear la4the8. an'<9statue, 90with women tu one u. P 9917)90 111969199w.arirg e1ght 9 4149. l 11)go9. 099911, .a99.1rille lispanlo-t 9199)91194pd 9 . 1,9 Weil9 799 111<Ih 9<919<<<1 1 19 141 09 îîî 15 '599 115 '961119. 19 <7,e 49- 629689119991147 r9199 1917 99m foIrIthe boys1ln9th.94 11199 1147 th9Amateur11494 19r' fr 7.19,991.97 996th914ntributon. for99917 t. 0 for1 the 4991 9,9 1197999and99919 9911 1629' 919k91the29901149414149about <999on la9 DII, 99t19end19I941149 .997 In9 the Red4 199 9 Nckel Club,19179 <9n919, 9911199the9nick1els14629the <9c.h* 9999d1f1or9I9r9s1919 17 9<9 fo9 the menF14999a9914e 9service.og ... -ickel1boys111 99297 11<9 97,. Se thon nigckels m99. ".<97 9yu97"o97.e tient.ythe9 2l19 21491 99<97. 19ing1779 san62 and999719th14bo15 lntining9 points,914149Il 977 1999,9.9Ir 199 97.1499 do a147.14 tu-62999t1111999, ln14is Ma, 49991149,. 1 11119, 14179 17<71 1991a 4,9k» in th. Red91414 11gnt 91411 14711196 9462y79199.. 1979<th 447l91e. A hw4 ht h idin il ia In a. 68914997.949991414 19 11999 14 grain7",199' 149 9,1711e9 1119 097 9141 Sua49.1 a99,7.1 9<14ary17<9, 711 6949 or9414 14171for7<'9,.17ttle99. 99 .tarte.9abot g97999m, 97176914<fr9o19 -9991749979 1147.11all,7.14.147714 o 09991ure, o119la,1 999'17met0 47.4999 an 6891 9,9 tIng. 119179 999911 9717 14997the99 9a141197. le79boc1k1on 9the117.11for1462 191409 1the,9 01agd Elizabeth1,g.t79e9g91 19pr9171914<79n7 the lnd11raies.9For799790< 179<7< CiO Et..49usic1-d. 97 .1. .. 6. 5719ua 999,99oi99144141999tiens191199149917 -boar 9,11 414919914114<99<99 1179in Canad6299 19 1t9e17<019<Io 0 717119<9 One9of the best7b<.799977<7117697<17 91n9the9airlunes919'7991197'board11 99 11999,,9 799<19. 71<1. 1999«1 10.3 (standard)914f-4<471197717<9<1199 911 the6791111797<7e 6999<9499<9 1(99996211,799 19< 6119 717.111l1' 9999,~~~~~ 1994i1 7.6 lie91 711, vent149991911n<la7a119611<19d76997116. W9.19abr.11a7. lion,, <7<6 5<9<1 a m ,< boit' su 077917". voung man ln the7lumbering c-anips CerauseKan lforHalles. adTreod 09ho991629y96299istypoof11,1,,1 » Z . . 1? a a f m e t n a a i n rôle.9la ha199621i62999. T1 Fid'971 t9yRock499A 19. B7119 4il17n 99199 621491 oi68919 119799, 9949tb4 W9lvey 1099 790999 19 09 ieo 999494-4 p91 1<1.< 17 on91077,9?là997911 !19 .19 a2990."917110. 11- .9 79 919947799 9190 09<9917 99 9 Caus ford? Hatle1991 519end <491 114 6217917 ra ba 091 9on the 9799972999 79 475 , If962111<1497.99917911a<t9o9762968a99 leu tren,1and tholc11999 of4s17o99 legs 689799 991191911ners. 9This7trend han91eu99919179179 no11 9ale<99In9t7e New7 York7aires620929 170per 771427t 62499h9962999179 09917a9e19 621499 9999, 4997"Idfron9, 11o.<9 19, 9.1 9949914%an4in1(997.949417907992171 Yser9969. <17 2171469199. 4179 don.4t, J uwe91 a994. w < o ea ea elsl yu 09494.he ofnglohertng a nin bord 4 9Wear94? 71 09111.g? 7T17on full of fl 91199719449Ton 9099? yj <he141997.199are 97117<919? in 89out992499991 of99 792 77,7,7 .1es 149o th797 99 9962 97111the9s57port1o1 94799962<ces d colle91799boys.b 070999Saythe 919977,90119629195911 t ?17217flm0sars9502 bat 919r 999949177,9 9,17b95y971re fin« 501 trend 7,297e911But7the 19<71 629girl la a91pr19909; 3 597 77,9 99si <1147,s wI.yna 7at.6abc<c9)99 149 119911 91 .3741119<2tu9k01-the-b.k79-te-he. 999ers 999 2 932<13<59,6201)6219or, 914r 499991799917 929079caps. îo Law911of 140199 90177. 0ells 9 6299 of 962,51<79 101171799 91917 .9919<are1149<1chances4of,9n19r49< 49g 414f99t9n99149119 917g 195 199949 an 7999, <6<of1791 99 620177,90in8on.? or of 119199990 1919r 711l199s? 9179999194179of4Wh994<9977re,777 970 lion 799991r7h19629m629009 9907lie 9a 6844 Dame115-or9177,e1<9< 197 946899999111799< 09'1tu799999111a9sur. 99r9i 9919962o 17197999919 99941999)are125, single and eo.o j ----- Pl-99,911W.97, 68999T . . .....1911)... T.«» )Hall .9. . 211, 18 Hall)28907. ,- 209t 1tWdR.<97.7177.<)8l< .....8.1.... 8.ody . . .. . . 2111.... . ..... 4 (14997,9_ 511199 '97 9,11'72 51799,1,7749 992 ,32 33 1<77914 2,414t85 111<7)60 45 8,2G3 11 88<1 1711 72 DIS9UR9E19ENT60 s.I 9No.15, 190 0.99.911 5 .9.9.1 je... I.1941) .. .... 829<776 40 099490804419,11)... ..... .... 1811)2 Pire ..d1W%4.............. > ...... .... . . . 2<414 76 2 -4.9 nd1a............... . ............. 2<687 60 Ad11979)899,8999917714d17..9...*"* - 424 44 91999.991. 1 0 . 9. . . . .7...... ....... ...... ,9.96 74 0.9..eut 84609and u . . 9,646 (14 Bak9049 1 .........................,...... . . . 5777fi1 Hih .98 19 ............ .............. . . . .. 14,190 60l P,4711o s 8 ..... ............... . . . 9,1î9<îIN) .......... . . . 5,219IN) A11.ut.99.yb. 99 .... 09...6...0.60 à45 899,1497.....70 8499917.).....9....9....1(..7........... . . . 7728 17 *09489.......71,..49 . . . . .M 8919990... 21892< 68811)29.... 019,1<9 72 For tbe year December 15, 1939, to Noveinher 15, 1940 Cupront Assots 17h.II775.<9d5d<n 99 .................. . .. 59<724 76 .1'........<........69.90 . 1111179 I ............. . 71P,1720 5799917991790 ......383 --- 29<9l6 15 ........................... . . . . 9KS60 W,.'y 49977,8.877........... . . . . . ..... 11<9 [)7.9d11T.99,9 ..1..... ... ..... 17600 (1914969196 94g97 ,9<1. .........9.....91190995 94.L44991 .997,77 . .............. . . . 71192 179.,9.1,07911,.................982776 8999111990909 .91 .... ............. 907 A f-..] 99 p-999191..... ...76î6711' 1<8283 H 7... I............. 311129w9 Capital Al$sets (nhln s87.i17797<o-î'. ...........S 2279 94.... 464799 <4"'e 11S1<9.... ..... ..... .. 11 87 99 .6y....... ........ .247 61 .......9................ 3 01 # 42 79o.s11 6-6683<26w A. E. ARMSTRONG, Mayor. )NG DISTANCE a ..d tod e thy17.9178gged £7,Z .. . he 4717899)" Y e, m-6 1< lifo whou you 9499148111c90igore'dis)ta909, forà<9a 994u89to8'949691k. Afte1729a.62.(4841411 dey7 Ssaèj.) .sseàamwras ev9098970117'99949e -w- 999.994 4, 4i. 1940 -cd >7 Cureont LiabIitIes 9<94959917....9...... 0194.. ..9......9.4..09 ....... 118999997n .t49p9...»1941-4141791176909.91,1191 11999,79sud911(77.17epay.4l. 479,. 7D--,31.t 68. 170487,5S..9>................ 49<9599489 ...................... 77.90......... $991177799 945.9 9997 9856.99...... .917499........83 4.6007 73 2,2(4 49 1,713 <50 7,562 97 7<42205 709.1.................. ...... 863.96b05 4 Capital LiabIlitias 11.99976,4 790*o99, 7<<6999 D-99 31. 1.41). 9479)> 9<'9<'<9, 629947.195097.a 99<5,.51 .....$409484 no 94<989968799 d.., N-<, 1, 10.57 74479<9979764 1199,M9,1. 10 947 ........2593414 M a- 170ri d . -,17 95,1944 ........ 2272 W.19h .do117..9Hall, J3-,145. 1942 .....1<279 848 990998499,179 N.. 15. 1)97 . 9...... .00611 509910.9.1 H.uing 9999. I. 194 ............. .99042 $71,410)21 9u.177479 1989i.419499d99-t ............. 17<49993 T~n.W................ .........$68l.504 31 A. D. SPROAT, Troasurer. 949999499994999499 999999lo-randdng.lo t fy. In caefitsboes. 99 9999, 09 , nos- sa,749fat and99 mises4 49. difficIî 99o49999t the, record8 149991i17999 994999991. 949. oc. of Mrs ..DaW19491,4994)9 he reis loe9919991 79 9999y 499d orne W2oodb9.idge, O0499o0; cassent91717997994979 9.i.g Msk71for the9secret of 0e, bak11ng 0,49w. 919979 9490 994. 94971799.4617. Da14e1 saisi, 'To 999499 Robin Hood 9or. 9994988 ood loti. u s eH9dl91)611199999 Robin .Hood 99999948949999absorba 4 9t1 9 whet si- lité,lno s aily sud n'as aist si %,as9179917994999l 99999499999494 ~ SIt CÛ ou.49. Ibo W-991art99904sors li99 Robndt4.4.9491.. 1.6 Robin97991799999994499917 9494949a ouve an in W.49 h4.1ou 9994)9 1 cn 28. a c..-Gelsr 98 494.19fr otd 8942 99 y.-99 -a"09 9,w 9,1.y 91094.9 u R o i n H o F ... n l es ft , 9179091 9 9 û 9 9 9 6294949 Robina H er obnFlouredà i Roin &odad v eentfdaéeJ *4lautin FINANCIAL STATEMENT 0F THE CORPORATION 0F TH-E TOWN 0F MILTON From Dec. l6th, 1939, to Nov. lSth, 1940. ]RECEIPTS UIBURSMEI4TS Dec. 14h te Dec. 3lat,1939 Dec. 16à1 te Dec. 31m4,193 8.7 9<I, D-". 15139 ............ . S8 628 43 Bank9 1.. Df. 14î9, 1939 . . . $19,99024 T99.- i.11, 1139 . 8... .1,157 (13 V119<19.0t.o.n ,i.g .. .. 4108 82 M-.......1112 21 2,019984 ]h77,9-d Wat........9....9.....9.. 943 Fi'. ..d w1.,ý..... 24894l P'<..g., P.1.e 491.91.,9..... 9675 T....9Hall -d Pp-.w-L . . . 2724 9É1ol.n,4W&19 . . . 32 40 ....17011 ....... Il2 31'I.~. . . '7900 T.. 9.W 1 . ... ... ........ 111 LM1 Bak1 8*9 t ......1................. 221 24 Mi ..«.l..7.17 ............... 7575 102 70.pi4...lîath and c9197 . . 199 Balk',1.",'9 17<'. 1 , 1191<) 1- 9î,y 89 ................. . . . . 7,711 9 L- n.. .- .. 29,776 40 0.9.. . an.d O.up............. . . . 771)73 C<994q 719.;11,g 181 02 211,1157 42 L-s .. h-lî -d in D-k..9, 1 1119118 2H921 24 822,190 28 $32,6m4098 FOR THE YEAR JANUARY i TO NOVEMBER 15, 1940 RECEl PT60 Jan. 1,4.o Nov. 15, 1940 0974999140o'.3,719< . 49190 Sî,5.i<y ........ . $28,1014 7 -1143,M742 ScIence lindu New %Tye. Of W WeTailed Dem Ton rieur d<ep.c19. 91r6o 629)6<6999 991991917 11999<of2the)7h1797999999 109so629179999 68.y 1121799 mark- <171116?<71the97919199977.7179gn9171 V!, 971667 7 1<779 68oy 6245fl997'- 1,97,7 1 -62 177Y49 Carmen9)999,n97149 9eer9 79171 in9the 9179 11499990790of911 611996 199 1199 19n6Mexi999190r11)999911exas)hart- ers09h68e4re 174911 19 699)9e9o.<o 94969.i79175i97,9 111799909<017911 90 9441999)699766999090in9149149borne 4829 tint11of 62the 961199aide 1of)the 119177.9991199)99. 79y 9have,61411017 4901761717nd1162999176<9179. 790624< 099 91)16099Head11Isl9n1, off 5149t9 (49911999, 1994a99979177, 914119906)99 of th. V)1gi.îia1191717 6899i97,p76iaI1y notab1le 5, 9.1999)4699 1014911, b9 999999991 l6s 94179762< 9ghIy 9499911 .11 999)199962170. 49069799 1a 791 Guinea Piga Cao Stand 50 Much, Scieoce Finds A8 914)994p)g, 62990 feeling9p9nk, A 9144099p9)9g999699 90717,6)< oo, an11 62919 629 9494499999901491 99 the 499t4a c896 te atone,9le1la99pt t 90)6994)67 1795999999<09, 77,96. Car1 J. Wardeno 9911O0994d119 (1199 lem9 t9 99299 of )jumping97777711 628ls 62917999949779of 11997.1719919 86247 11709 4990 11199, one 99979691 491 . 19996011 oo. I19t97 p47949911 96d689629919 110wel. 97146217911 91 The9 99)07,4pIgs 62917 68hamps99for 99991t two62999.s624799 611y 9414996 of 689e9<94 62997, 4746291. The 99946209971776<9. 79769069<97979 point out 69.1 50 per9 9996 199about the7e, rable9 prop17911417<14, 99)067,oo Fort4 Jefferson8Open 49246as79)9.911 1 pos7in9174 and7107 970 A tri-why 111 4994)9099rv97.9 99179)99 19414997.0691 ta 680 fort, 621)69 in 1999999116599911178off 11he canal9of Key17West9on98o9090f 119e11175Tortu- 499 1999196)7,99 8989havoe97,7,9 9ro1 1179911as8a99 9911)11p7 st7ln6198174, 14 w.s on 19)9 1919911 69999 Dr. Samu1491A. 4614111<Mar9yl7911p477î)' 9171999171. 9He 629 997.1191711 on $arbo1 1876 399 19, 9ocue fhs a. 'fu919919ic689a9462 b 6119 997)911 19. 1899,**by 19..919g 67.194e171799799<99 999494911911 5 919r4911 H. 1(179999, tee99of Los1Angeles,699 19917699171799 crime.701The119 99i8411762,91)9917,11 h om171462179 in684 94177,691794119962194 9699e9s6the 990.16108s462999944y 6479 1714917699891point9 71466846 9crime 9919988917917199 19)9007901171717999099 6'<68799779)9)9 17997<47, 996 )14999)7 0847 T-- Si949 89999 Col. 914697 777177< 19919799 491 871111917<o76011), 669679779197911 1ln9a 99627 in07<0 9<977., or $60000 1191 Fards,11< 6091imo79si17s, 96119769717<9 4009) 67.7799< 1981r<19es,2 94469199 gluas, I cannon, 29670<176629<24 nu 299 .1117.19irt, 8<79 110199491 96119 have9$11,310 in 799sh 7176. But 49091711)99t17-7Washm on0 9947624496< 19917949 Mi1779) the9 919 "Th799 7 billions99w627e 9177,1on9 996 neveu9 7,99991946091 .1 oflv, oh) 19909)lât 47.14, a s4701798199179914a conflagrations9, 4are4theoly type Fatal1b994091964709962894,944 1.19.4à» 179q4.olly a49999 .9 9