Wbmot sem Te.Ib .am - CANOT c Ii TerneWls"m Tcetb aps UI d!raualnêu Wbea Tsar aceS Tcctb -ff I IS eWtegce.Teste Sape e hBANAS MILTON, THUIRSDAY. OCT. 3, 1940 VOLCUse sI, (JÂNÂDIÂN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. ÉVase THU8dOAT sIOtelIStid (Ali TestccR.due.etdteuaed Tisee tacla M..9e essi.bd lA.NA5SIA A iAeliSI LWAY t MAIN tSE,, - miIuCNONs-T. -iie es -u .7t e e . i . i g . .55k. ~ ~ ~ L 1-eese Act-ss ei si . .1c.g -cite, e ait ilP. -rial POaI O C. NG estesR. iTUR 5NER ,.n c ce .d ci ucs ci t ceg c gsisuiLLILE; p ... it, MON MNTSN. ür. RE ad IA GLT Ps u uedON Ors f 0P-. Mied id .. . WR. TUGRNER 2issas :iei sI; urance d elEsse on .E YH Agits a et iaeiD gc Acier e co, M-l.c -li. piyiicc and Saesa H -i . 1) -.; au . 4 is, .sî-ausCteINDE Pa ece-...;tt tu 8 P...e asaccep . -.. i55 -BLOC -KS uisi DR. AREi BRIe-c'Ce and I LstEe-ie Pies-isis ced uessaute aJ Ç Qoer acin W. 1. I i 505 .t. e Alc -s nyQu, vt wCKBLOCKS T~ e UTCINON W(Boyne) CLEMENT Beerlctcc, Slicitor, il. Painting ced Oocorating tiece-NeeS d-esC Ofasice ie. Contractor meiieee5 stikea Teispisace C-. Elastica PaieS Predsels DEUOBE E. ELLIOTI Ssewerthy Wall Pcjesr sasrree. Slicitor, PoarPes blshic. Ss.i'.ts ussi Orrcss-is sesec'ditdiu5, Mai stce sssAeîct H. WHEELER DENTIBTRY OR. 6c Ae KINO PIANO VIOLIN DENTAL SURGEON GUITAR Otehi Royaldîldteg, tOit. a-- la 6e e. sies. id P.i. - Tc...seggs-j i ri.. gi OR. F. E. BABCOCK j tii5 iiusN DENTAL SURstON .A fiBsse.teteS.TcA.e.FAY cehtwtes . a Il ha _n e sed. Pl ilIn bhil flecce-, T. s [JLeating and NIELSENe-.'Tinsilnithing The chiropcaorsePHONE 205 28tby-aset09 ctîe. MAIN Pic, SMILTON, ONT 2t.5s-ese Teecat. x-eP.. itnDEs-7.lSiSeii.t.e. OeecDcnt.o. St.c,iccaeas.,iINSURANCE~ Lite, Fise, Autmitet, ttcegises- T . G R A M S H A W Pite ..ite .eide e . tte V sl tescd A.t ttemet. atiat s esps lted l 'h . D E ilA PsesstM108 'MILTON OCOUNTrY OFP HAt-ION 1940O-OCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1940 8 . a.. ae lareee.fl e4îts. 7sas - - i - 7s eceea, . fecese.10 5Ali se .', st 10 c .. i s - . . ph'- cse. acc .. s u c - Ie.l s c a tecct ,i pe i' sue se Ce esn seices i ~ ieS tsse.' -.ss 55ssc, W. laeitJ _s, 10CacccSecscs . sec. e.... ()casAceîea. e eCcse eseueui55 sec.ea itict ise.si cskdccnd ea sieciec.eoeeetcstee.ii es scetc seset titCe.tisiu,,t sisi. Cs - S f th,- - .. Barber Becoceses Human Johccy wusace begrie fbsicte ceHorselesa Cardages Sour-Pickie Jare on Ba AN HONEST t!hs ecstd et acdteeest," ses. Usd in Igil. Century Sneepetry tecsetme esc M ANcnesscsd. Sit tandsveslte tcdsy, ths acto» thananyetdsel" aio psiti ca4hoTestrcees d efaele oe bas eected incectstteesi ceitsc. Tbses ct sweettt fiut thtst vccdc't le boeet, tese buggyof tthe icstistes acon- go set ta vie pieetisgccontesta. By JOHN K. DUGHMAN son," ttsesltd eeiiesdctty. -Ycc epecce ccnd ai ticese tediersscei- Tbsissse'teseti ecaseesof iMceCleaescccsecsted woud bcsashtsf. Ttoseesringscctld tY.tttsosmethott na relc, tho, scycce tes-nte e hecos s bcetsen libety hstsg about yecs asseet. Ysc tbet titt saries Sreeessof the neci-picicte Jar. Butresccty F est l b stdsesecotfines jeb hestd hbes Biibes, a peputcs Jegeeslian NDOUnTEDLY thers ee ed a'pave tuff l5 etic e se eetcwbiecstcs.te I ceset bbeqse. asgt sas- titb il. Be be elnicgoroten ad h barbes, did lusthet. 1 hie-hesedn tubles eiies stckaImg c ...le-the seomparieeatiquity ofctes e- Tesalieidy,vwehettsopwo %) noe adhue sJon Ther a qae n okhiee heetd lhe a eattei sf ses- fll oftcanteocsn eraad the iddietg B rnsebutset neehsd p sed chthe gt to l. .tust tilie sprise wriîîe.eL L lhwi inTech- sh at n ur oe- sce.wss unhd adonew e îie." isedtcce utaeets ones, atrmnedw shrg e e ieted tvecsy mieti-ceybs o g ae teittica Feacle hea isef- deile, 55 ct ea w tvse Mftes-cc 5555 i ts- Tee esK(-pscpetttcg ccvesyeeesc neste tes the piehtsd ccucese tsseisee-tcsdesciyhtuetss e stee te hie dîecceeed vit! tttghttght Fodttd tathedo se aside. Norcs eeses hoesecse ay. theiituaîeata eisc chychccssssas- Jteysteabbipd atiin. One f tasse, thetn ce abseiceal fatrd t eeetr kese ee o riîg etedet et asceee-detees "'P bat yee s hacdcsd dinars qcssir tststssd Inatew t. asi ad bste. IHitesyes e stused tthestise auieicehsts-tecg hscss the ftest eadsonef theeatoneersa, 'tbet y bsdhabssccceqssd Is Jle. iesaecceestheesteet.OcHe psd tdistesnien eginss e c eesccey ce- s-caes vgllnaion sstin. wes hies rssi etd ett. t diftcdlbheveed-vseceetdsssd esetjsceaattstcpetttttcg-. SHe gtaecesd athtie edd bite ef tes- Wh5t vcctd ycc de eittbltesinethePSeveîst ecccshy ssedi- Hc begee tc latehocf hie cesse stcetty ahout tOns etsthoncft- igs?" he asiesd the steacae. nand Vsshîst Incthecstd.Otsstseth 'Yese et iddiglYecP s et-ead. esceepted neecpepercset. ec955555thbse.' estciy Sgtsied Massas halte, if sct bit?" Feacte eehsd. heebs. encrafoieet boJony' opn ok thecdcsd the flint, one of thesscss- The ctoetsasid lSe sstey did Th gesegreshe les ec ce Jhse-ccscspstc ttb te eesccahrd, stn licdcd ifthdesgrese peinturecpur»e lto lbts bands. Oie diftsfis- uît"' -tedgecleass "Dnc,"esîied Frsjo on o fbhield hoe boosk inWiscnsienss trced acsd. blacce tusthe iutmobilssofthe ecîpiklse," ccd lbe set de51 in tfhliehsdcesls lstscted trtdhictd- ciMe. Wihot Lssimgti., Cîsetes esisbsscs.Oss!hec thcmsi svotbe hir apyOed sttthss ctss-sd ose i msta htdl e cs lin."he t acid tchaveshseesent tsthe Unit. lohk one hietae, chats, a profita-le se-beet dsce chers I1eae stcppietg. 1 becs Mss. cdlfStates about 1875 acd ecethes Pc e galon jas cas bheiglt as s the impaseible diess t ie ecss'ieg Lexington5 cet!. tea seinte sTechsh es uer seeh sepaaFcs uetes llionaie, and sembeed te Jebses-regret!tsfly iesugbe hicinVisene.The ttersicthesstdest ceite. &hpe andsese g et tttes eetees cf Dcsstieselsegtietg Ys&5avenirfron5t the 5i55st c- Iengeie-diescautomobhil e ite ..ange .s.is tso o soseieg ipe-th oies tetcsediehtes ires. Ne gae.ieboitteca v e strd. esiieb. oWbce tad esiaPd tet hese-ete d Ic-scesa et 'er. -a ece esecdVeies'c ccess vith hicmodel es e o an siaPt t«Wud oaur h ureadsteamcarces i usti sthentieetsd hy heels.ts ce- W asd shsteess1Gsg cetsd -bycg tise sinsforSesO?" Hs gtancpd aet hdiret acdcd ieeestaestist et- hundedbdildlid deesFreani. a parties brndcsc bts wccletd stethes ced dets-dee.s Aa prest- Jsesttit i- taciece gulet, thereeaise a esc- Whet se ses bcd hee-passg glis. Thss eaioudeste 0 l Sete asses- yte Ch-bse set attih- icehsdthebetoo f 5e es. piete-sethys e-cctIse e etcgs ctaesd cis-tt tsisethe titte 'egtessi.' red sience. buttlie stii bade't use sess-oitethst tmede 5forihop. The tagr seiae os-te. atstadsigner acd hsitdeet Ecese vas tsasieg feivssd, shicg; checks ikeJs oses;ss s- p. s-oesheebdtehelit sdc leeceeetsd et sueebpreeese. Wstdseestsndsscses orhie chs- iss s epesssdtsa cets-dettesill no etthc saetited tuesose amesd. Frceicochae it? Oncsesrtwieie hibemoetherse ttieg cdcstice-his s' bhsedo. s Lxngon1ths evches adttiihicsutomobie sceaii te tep. Ficatis- the hachersisfers's ged-seisssd tesisg-oie 0 ee!etMcwn5t5 teidets c bsstoht capuraitthlst oessOintej.ictectteisSScbetetf d oees WSy s- t t esvcd yesec-sefor.ie slse teahbook ses theysofthe et. Theeesc oie tfras sehie heitagei And hs'd tMs-, tocsure she wiud w.tO fdcese ,ec hemon se hteh keprwite nsim ent ld it foesa eosss of pttege. te dso i." asid oie "AsteoneEscepaee," kesps uîstcelte eeaetst -.Jehees tsied te ss- bsedidet sssed, pelichcd s t1687, acrseeookecheieh __________ dy, teadieg s btce-htotddPebe, ,igbte het ubseaSe bcd areelestd sait hesiied hs-aset! fseing lher Pet h iscteobut enlessiad e ad sut Don Juan Great Lover eesld Sie ctcoîsstsd hs- oic At tvs - Sesctes, hie stesseeb isgbts oethoie hseh. Jehees-bi st!weliieguith smeet chiches, Jehesyl Becauce of Mixed Glande tecesd hie head ta e ae thosetiec nthoe Chicgo expreespuledot plKe inDara Wien adoiesetfa csect lover, drsseed stsasgsrs eetieg ineefth !oe Uionstation, board ftes e Icie t eisc ie hetbcelebîcedDon Juan ofthie eab-.Whee hie gze etred t ecmieseduhcOeisc Sixtenciiscetty, ecciîte."Wbcl a tise sdeeath oe lady- end lier doc estisndhoe.eceeeadpc.et Tcss ieedcst -e es-ne"tisey teclde't ses-hat i e oies-tbdidsappesed. dresesd cmsse ieitits- netssd Ce se le ses." tbe uy? eatd ubet unescled ite bettes. Jebse se esoeses btsgss- thon aed fliesesese Sapeicrenu fa dsacs-deos-se beeti? Dr. Gsgecic Mescees y Posadilo, lehitd ee bec tenhie tt!e. sHe pece ctop. Ps-ich iets e isieesed is eietelphysicien fSpcinscancd ce uee abot te tesgss hie pide. and OHe hooi bandc essiatis euth Msoect et thete, becaacesthe btsd ocia expetenlanseandtbthi eteonask the wtlldssed érne o oeto estd rcrnsdiass- s-sekeep scdleetes the isd phyicl ameta esabhsibte-idn-tî,uetthieeravie es-es peed IneieldselsJewvseeteethuhit, Tseie ofprohuaetedy peseseeb scty, tht DonJuan lid mied- wids, teedtfocasoentho oiehnd. hr h od esn al, gands uhicb maes m bîe cee- liaocd bigbtts-. piegieg te hie "Ms- gessdostbsc bisd tff Mse. chic dersceed, ceeistutehie disse teeii tetîat. t est lhe iced sp bcsstsdts- oie He.c c forSectheseice" its escli happys- oeiesreisssdcd Hs icitroes ee t tec, eeeeblaclukteathts puresieg coi e Moe'e dssie, eety s-s s pct-Stsd. enbiseboek. These la the diarst teescliciis, the deeteeseud, but paeenet. OHe ehedfor ie check book. tethcaccepiisseatce,uttsttrusts li, ik mn mden ovr, isFo eesctmienutes atessresco c"Oe gand" be seul.d o se buSt teks regars dira dse bureth lansods ta epatts hieteee ohny tune esastof confidente. Thes theresle mculnee ads ttepe st n i esit eesndshses-n itrad ie« the loec inidiidsuSe hosuftese udyt s ettlt. That te ubi, the blîeg bans. foa neirt ope n etest phyicten stcted, skihe - Ihwseasnepesetves sfii. Evert Bathing Beachec Can theisese be eadiess- tes caope- wsthckone utte ccd findc PesPent. doit, carrt-pilult stcesu og cge. B aeFosLgti Otbts whskespdiasiesaeelev- Peutthsse ea a cape tes thiese - Ht eehsokd tiefis tenthe disce-Efgisesrsa vfl coptete as t pirese, pitre-isded stantocs, sec- esueisi hesset, acicprdicg tu the duc- ice bthedsdy iatgeseh ight sads- cf ighteing this ycss. Chett sleoptes.and etherse, uheaes tee. Thes- psn he cuesd. i eid, bshabecdisceedliSes tese and se' hae sthytlourd? Thes-areeltila. es. h ares Dauin, tceeeeesci-es. arittifieijctinsoftgland chenal- tarae ertain s te vbst caesesethestist, wh etPa diary in oder tu c aulatoit wued ebeiis eil- Thebuaiess of the pcrs'so.s.tco ehsbt thysaesabletaeoaksistsp hie teetey es esed and hehveidOmestbesof teiihs-wîcse tsents cesisd ceeidssshte hope ttyetstrutuestle tesc ightctg e a escord of hiettches. o ed nsetceestls adîts. sethîs Jsbss's heurt. Hiatirit damaOge._____ _________ ei-es ltsed semse t e t-t",FuU HOes s be Os. K. f. MEacîhse Ceurse Rost Cite Dnee, Ose OsthOe ighteieg resesarch deust- Bueres Mccssg Witd Cette RasesAlaska Dollar." Wbet Seie catd de te a emet et the Geeesst Etsettieco- Tise pres ofet secl susefisse Hue aittit e nCbiîbct ittaed, ruenttshiesipanis-enusupoiteces ear tise c-es ot itiee, uSe fAnd wesenActskautace s id ced Pryng tbt e ightnet hotoee We aeaehltodastomairessotir publiîcesscvisg ace-traio beliiîeesett iis eskty te teacet beddis îappesetcd, Jebses- epecedstruce ae 5 Soo bchtseeg dco- ihete, tese ded tee to srtedsscs ce the isiesd estlisctuttril-ccd the pores, utit tsetticg, stauy1ses. Opee laed.lIdes bathisctseee2Citelet thise Scod AOiei. thisetteaeopei-acceîdisg tuefiagers. SHe us almetsafeidte beaes, aisesay he sacde sae cce lttail federtin fomeld in eps-s-ses ofetseessi-tisg oie teck. itloightetegeulce,sedescenaii- Chicageceetly. îics.d. A pscdee pefftSstemetietgaze.' tiensdeepscbthedcsfotetstets-aes Isterciase ttatbsieigtheit icattrtd bandseoetblheit, eeuslg Desscerte igerse puahd it solde. hseîoleg mosec importanit, ees-lbe publie bcsaiceMr. Mites L. Ce. se thietski-ts et tishe inbesd Hasbectsescsd tastopeashsieesdma de a e r te geteet the Sotte." lece. dieseles- et tise bessiig sree ot abouitee00bcid oetrilel, ose dit- the diepeesss- tbct the pures wcse Thes hoas-of ttghtsing cccctstOfthe TwetlttiCestets tard, thes- fiscttuceceid and pccee taecharge, deeideof msee.NOct eeceadisee epted ithâtseisueten a eos ecemuetecok Ses-ted the sceeeetit sys the DaiiyAlaskaEmspire. W. ncesa ennysseecasded hies stceettrsinierstcodenscesen beisisetstrs,thisisoftibeisits P. Gese ccd AdeipisRoers, tui.ei- For a momiettebees vwo. tespt- Itmches the coot eppersteate and cas oe, steds- its escîsg sidi- ers,hessptoesd theistud ie139 ddstteethe pusslse acoeeslsctfore hes-drap. Theetchse fllbak aces tc dtyplatnning, ced e-. es a photographie sspeditîs, lied trefuse cc. If lhe liditisses me thecegb thee iitg cos naed ise- estinîseffors tle sbeiid Siîgbted scsttscssoecpe,thes-seistsd. aouche vbscae of pasechee wuddcois sse usesds-that thes-aressess sschbenfl# for ames ofee -Thitsy use eecîcet tektîîg, hbes isd hîtest!te s peve sbspi.siettered itesdscpltsc gete eed the eceel incsetren e c e . tf sues. niehîeg istesestOg photographie Pet Seg a sst tee tcaetdl isies presscbegies onces essec. icid Se esleeed, Mr. Ceteas de- echiccis,"suid Gris. "Tbs- ecised peetb treinsthe cutry, lSereeosieed As the drapesee sttieeed, etes- ciuîed, aisuldceid h eu, ccd the siki Wld Wstipis-sces os! heicis" dcjt-idis-n es 55 ch. tiits- ic 1(eerted andtsced is tisse ie ripe for theis se-detepciett. (ls est ic ceed siiba fe sta Hoe sdiessd vithie oiehbaeccslcedaei sietieveeettiîity at dsi-ieasic tht fies-ce rarcssceuh- heicet. Othe pced ths eetisse le thecwer jette if titi. gt tancloseeî, chue Ates ise eyebled eeetdteothepert. Wbeceecdfiiect tncsiel et- -____ Rsges-tpecated a teotion pîctcrs 5555cs e street, fte ise- tcteed c tîghtsîsg flas ees ectte. Oscis Castnes ranea.scdetitdh tsoe thet mosieg. John- Fisebafie, hSesets, ubiph esees-IneDeesrifctt s-e iss te doase "A cepofttioets ectcbedue y epesed the puese ge te. HipesancisctteyShae eess cylbtheDunsedo.s-ceutisesembes eenarsr eeod resetttabetne heity. Hia legecsnet ees esist, secdig otesesssi-usimepe ue fetqetts. liteS,"secit Rocgtrs. dtceeedsaesetteoespssctethle sienticte. The hcmacn es-e tetes Ches-c elace the table ates e bcd pseetsseiy f55usd te esc. HOae eteetaite ts ehtee, thcysey. Thes- cccl,ici- eseple, aicapess-y, ecytn useethe sie of au ecse 'dd tbct tfostestassees ss-erbdy Tisn uforithetood, andchen moetettere. Ose ws hslding 1 t'sa " iligteieg flascS dette othe 5 sit ys-cees-et urhecteseetusays Precceting Mieitse lie putes of ic bond oisee bond- etes, bst ccv smodemtincsrumens t iaehbi e gc tr es be cîet hec- s-s.. deciralyits nideic ial eec- stetsstehiias fOi hv eedOeI tde pct itultls. sansexepeet ta Se sd- tee c-npeoms-st es evcaheablc.s-ttsge dazzlsd bie. He dideit beo oie setese dosces. dsessed Sp titis, eîeesdicg te O. --rici-- sp tadtgeaboycas- t t-est e bue-sitoie valeeof dieeossd, Fr eees-unittofelstcitts-ta E.en.senAsssieanExfpressean ssdcs-i-ît -cputitee etestd s bat lSe kbseCthe thseserings must thune c lod, oie scetstce ces-, tge en Cuesisge, ciscadviese tie. scptsshnF. FPese. asteci. ibiseesihoapch mece- tlesieaeeate oftheeoppositesaillatrselete teput helteae ste pi-iceciiifiede.tietedaca A psspcSc-ks' sgsesght htie n aheeccth beseathi. Theeseise theprofssicectfistsiier. i us te PennslvaneSiate s-l -- e.He rseshectils-. A lockin techarese feCoth i e od iSe aTises, tise peedectepbeceseMs. s-gi- itheditanespe C ctthite ve. It cbedo ced vhs the tensic ie-5 Ccedectcc tesec;e; be e, Mr. -Hppigteta îi.tst ei-s-taticeci vs teiee taiebcCed thesaat.iîeconnu gseat eesgh, oie flshsd aer sstestet Misenseud elcs ss is'iste ecsicaî airaleîadseiivu ttdsts vSccc hetibspedts. i eseitttcets e tchts o sspii-deiseist," lSe septied. ci inie iscto e t ot ihseeetpoicfils-bteisîSsbpedeset lTeisendespîrieats,' pOtiPilatit- Aleumpsrseeinhieoieest. pesinpenspces e seete tîhile thet-t Minthstsy-et aitsaespbtiied, Te hacdsonhieshseseeed eted eosette. Thcsitctsieits _____ cssitein ecatisset guidance taes hekbinats.Os teenesd hic eCombe tough the personesebody iisccchthebi dietssinflenenaseaitd teestemseelîgayeaye.eestilblelacsatesaed ith eashee- biens'%cOldset Food soyes-s-tbps teecsd ose ceus- mThe e cctsaneciSe bhid stieed etoessesst-tSes Sie istheljesping oci "Boiteys- heenscalled moses inutiep pet-ctt." wsaeaside. plaefotedisehecgc. tdcslteod," seseaebuletienIo Pi-ofecsseFreses pinetoutesiSa tespeicteis- JoSscy fdeesd ie Aithcegh mecs persna tissofuthe55NatiiolGssgaeîc caets- tisatindsatreleiduaetîe s 5t agiite e tei.e tiese igs ce the aitier igtesg in tcees of desetrution, Cideis- gccst sec, ftsu bthrop- inithescaulatcia gsuttcsociltý-e ofdsthe st-ct. H tigteedup D. McEaehosays-tiht t s-cýi cllnto e gienscieyoed oic s-ii., hiegisg tegethes boys "tseîs hiithbits coesbestep. s-es cstedy shows it deet one gssd A setî-cîcie, ibis bccds peseet Cas sts aîdes et the tecck" as ective "Ltte sec ibses tins." tiig tesressektd. celiiaied ie Chinas, cccsdicg taenes ess setu-sp, and showicg c11 et tise' tt IeekookismeinuttesesorJehesys "Lighteing,"lise sas, "it set e slet recosds, il0ceturie s ese hwmoestisn as heoetAmer,,.ces. d t swa abot, fiitdapopctcompeteustsof natueltestscy.Chiti. ThesEgssias, Geeks, and cieemrscs-st. ,andfAillyis-iesgegititheerinseTicdestes aesinesiclity gteesteansknesil,sdidithescis Thest-usgsc eppsaiecd thect uitb tdees cittsges-fieteg paets. Thes- iske dwesussof etzîeesisd. tî Carre. oad or uek espssriecd es-se. tcsilies oie esit vitis 10,0t0,000 tons e ieihis e thsesoetoftise eoctd Cs-iceeteeb- Wistesegigtetdo itheo ttsteeid eesstreeaddigl14.000litiiup in thieecitiseai A. H. Mattin,,caceldies, ceiiiece e the."' te the etstîty .ethe eastis Tîiit and nsttSes Itadîe. tes-k. Hieîspentis- lceed aetom fo e ît in o Catîtetsic tests, and Freeice Indsdec e-hecbie tefte, Se ftescetutetaise te AprLE Au lmia hebtts Chet-stht lady cf the hausetdis- A W A RD TRA N SPO RT tce aiatin it5tth5ttryb e to a hcestabaout oie mughhss- ly totBr-iethessit s ieedita ce Aoeisses hisece. This celda't idestits-i, snd Dly Drot Srieeoesgescs piepsscdnsse rt-gecie risiskeesig whthil-ttts soe le esis- oneofthebe ceeplansicst psisenu etitet, esqestcîd itesn TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON cader ctbcitatiesiassidssticstcn ti tises- seld ]ters esret cufhtettWshington. .ete.s. cLocaleedAceice ueeId be gled te ride te EepiShings a aep wtees ceancd Loeg DistacecCastage acd Meeieg. 1940ctsaduto td t!941ifit rasaet IMaths eppeaseel a leit des-s atet gttigmore f the 5,000 airPlas in esed thseesom. He expined P-0-VSLAU» A-5-1-B itste airelehipS Mr. Rooseelt stterseesd tise ecltery aabs e asecsaiumdfos slceeo. TOikONiO Ha lUR MILTONI tii MAILTON ONT gol., t la dsciscd ies*. "We didn'I know whether or flot ho was coming ... LONIG DISTA~NCE 06 ... just to show he haln't ~ss~ forgotten us." And so it gses. Long Distance is the Ssingle man's answer to many i a problem-and tise married man's ahortest road home. Always ai your service wherever you may "sC ICýbeSNAPS=1T GU ILD MAEYUR PICTIJRES IPOINTED 1 btcke ysas piettre. poteted. In M.hot.5, th. lgo Scie. tell the *tory. Sash Mdet ates ssck.e'.ps ttse W H tN ys-esesausopspseet ltsi tu lu essining as ciel. ice tanse atEteintshobotltl-bsiles't points ee e spicic' i-. isichise clecys $ter bes. Tbttb a bit, aed beImp sit edd te - o 8.s tftbssee1"t . ay totacitecses,. ttc easy nSlghebu eci th. chot and macbsIt teres eetctd.scond sbeL 5,e, gonddptesbss a pobnt- Te mteyuespli-h-si Il telles -cc soetsîisgenbes tes ttttd. bei eere snie ips. Fis-ci. teck et I. Thesmceesde i ee eu hoewtht acstion lits-es y. si) anybsdy ec osb tb tse et or îeity "iecctl i btte. sisscsqi. The bettet thse itu.Aed st.senittlîsc..tc si etion ec.5ix i d sdded detette, thngstbct dent c.t et thibis.acd sssss.iosee s-iet ccs tc yecstdet gaclecsytstdsa atefton t ees . sstsciise «k tou.b-tccresd cboi.. a ceîtd ef diteectes.Holding ibi For empie, îcnietebs cameroa hblesorci tes, tekes à and tte ei o-wots. ce ebece dttterscce, tee. abeya. Cbancesae, lied ettptted Seecend. lietate Ihites ihent tbets ancd tbhetMcs. ccd ebctadee't clettilte tlethe picssscs tdee. Sirtteler nte sbcc.yasd. Tbss, Ifterscare bîst t hav e.noc secs- tttsey, b 5 cb tcc eum ol.ý at lteltcttth stbtey, ceci cts. dccc ba set sgsetd athe s sds. cerebeces eastsctiebt beits, backsc-ecd-sce tbet ccctd thet testes tbehemot o et tbc te. emoite ths pitritmoece eectie- Tbtsd, hees tbe teteiet wetil nothseleorecbecesd ftesatbhe lttce. Let tbhecbtetcteck scnd st. tcctdentatti. thtacbutct se ebt tbsyss dctce. Fescsttue sttebt hei bee es nbettes f t 5dsctesd tbct thebc ctcotok aithte tectcded thc cbcte etgu. causea, or escc ceseci carof tit. Tbte the cy caIceot rceondpic- Tsy tbssblets. icbcs it'e tcsses ae tade. 'Tbefs pic ttee ebetles pttsese-acd vbec the doeuttiave tc bsthe fialilce.nIfialt sot Iet't petctgest c s""e an tdee tc gond, ttc vcstb apees. ue. IV& DpcItd.. thtet tc't verte teg tatee-te e dtifestltcaston, ce te ersMuee cctttiec. citeh tLferst cabjeets. Otetesc.29cc Jebe sac tcttde