IOWEN'S MoW Fiîîîne QmilitY Oxford'. iîn ioIîk and Brown Brogl11ies,Blak and Brown Flin nd Neatiy Styed wtl' exclient qnai ty Dend d' l ' Sole. SPLIL -------- 29 MENS HEA\ X WORK SHIRTS KMe's Hî'avv Work Sliit; Grey Cotton Fianl Slat and Pepper Type MIENS' DOLSKINSIT fi e's Dneskin Shirt, smart plaid- Main Street, Milton - Phono 2151 An Invetment ln Gond Appearance 1 MR. JACK POWERS FASHION CRAFT REPRÎESENTATIVE WILL DE AT 11"RB STORE SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 1 Order hat New Fali Sut and Coat NOW if S P E CI1 A LI THIJHSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Ladies Full Fashloned ifose-59e F PHONE 361 C. B. KNIGHT PHONE 361 2Harvey & Clarridge Service Station MILTON, O)NTARIO 3-STAR ANC lSSII GASOLINE, MARVI-LUIII& MOBSLCSL IL ANC GES-SFLJEI- OIC COMPLETI' LINII OF ATLAS BITTIRIFS 13 t171 PLATES ATLAS TIRES ANlD TUItOS Ilamburgs and sz-inch Mot Dogs-- -Cumli11y ,,î4 Sî,îîîî' mir, M,,lio- Ivan Clarridge, Manager. WHAT ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? là your future in doubt? Then ct today t. rensove hoC douât. Open a Bank of Toronto savi.sgs accoant. Thse portion of your oonthly ourninga you are quloe ta place in lit May, ut first, seens amn. But over o period of yeuru Bou. dollas witi eccumute-they'lil b. sitenty worksosg for you. Oppor- tuiies for business advenceonent con be Coen. Thse dreans of a heappy retire- nment con becIome on octuaity. And cftt becosue you opened a Banik of Toronto seivingo occount. MRBAKKTOROHTO 1- d1l4855 11111 N lI AN'1- Il I I, IC(HO Mfa "FALL CLEAN-UP SALE" Sunlight Soap. fr a &!* 1........... 1 bars' 49e Llfebuoy SoaP ....................,.......per bar 7c Lu,. Flakes, tou liII... for, j9(î ...1. lare kg 22c Lux Tillt Soap ...,...,.,..... ' 1116 *t86ckm e Rino, 1.l,,il îîlg 9, 1cit', Pib. 22' *..*...ttt..îll pkg 43 Comfort Soap Deal t to ,t.i'2 glatis tiiilleNsor 2,,4e Erooms. 4 strinîgs, plaîin Iai,' Il, ....,....,...... eeI 23c Aylmer Irish SCow ...................îj..2 titis 23e Poeahes.1I, &Witi, ............ 2 11,11 25e Gngor Aie, 1îî & ..îl'............. 2 1-îg,' 1,0, 25e Ginger Ale, Ny Hy'..............,......ltcg. lidt Oc EagioErand Mik ..............ti 9 Habitant Pea Soup .........2tis19e Cube Coroal ................. 2 îkg 23e OId Dutoh Cloansert ..................,.... in10etO Houshold Washlng Soda ........... 3pkg 1ec Eunksst Oranges, bîîgd t, .......... 1111 35e Eunkist GPEPOefruit .............4 or ' 59 Lemons, No. I1IIuaiIy ....... .. ...... ..... (,î 25e Cd6oking Onons.................. 1 ib. 1ag 23e 1 ON BEB-6dlug 61nsigasa.6f d WEDDIN fec0rri. O Bale fdéy mad 6.e111- HEA RE dy ol.y, ÇM$o1.11.95~6, hbit h. 16»I. CL6EEET-AEDUESN T H AT E api... Eîy.RiratI. 66. A fmI,6..eqe* hon. ..ddh, wu SAUDT D6ivh1g ta A,16. Fair lut 1 nghl, DuelDy w - 11 1hL,. I. 6.61Iw th. 11ey 1Robert ..getroli In llie1. aide .1y . or8..6th gh...y, end dmppm d Vin, sael, dg ., 11of lb. -0dMnt I d.Omi"Had .pp bel" of.P&, Waltr Clamant; By poub, l 'lb. Lre o t6Iisîh Efgment. Cnad,.o.o y ..l,6.M.a-'F LT. h..,1till »Cote ta b.àh.61.6.If Mu. .. ,. y Cament su.d th.lut. Carto.n..,1.,1 fe., la th.llllly. Tha.MCa 1~H.Lory Oi.t. v~. 1.6 . 411iiel N,__-,____________,_br ie -- a ,g.w. f vhit .i., TIIESDAT -WEDNESDAY Thoî bby .1.,6 wLi treMILTON 11,11 ýp6î 1.î.o 1 ht iiiih along v Om. a 116 L. 1 ..111 i. Y. ..Big Fir îhi. «-.h .611li1 8h. 1ca .41.11a 66.6 11lbouqet1of telle- Roerth 1Y.aiti, Muguet.1 Sel . e pi. .Thpis.. ,ili h lea, ma .rss îsd l,,l,,,da..The , 6.. las- s.ud Jui. .. 61..66 sietd y Roinn.l1 Big' 61 6.p..1.,1 1girl., N ...y H ...,..daNus. A- -7hie Motai Sto Ver bloc ~,~ ~ 11Bh1:d phik Pm.1lg Prade --"A W.y lu17 .,dhî1 furî, 1i.,,,..h..Of1AU riflas.bonnets.tu.match. Tedci. Anom Te Wid.n." 1nd.14 u.41 ln,. Canada5.b.u.El l'yOh. .gays î.o fîIueîand 111o 1di. At the 0 a t a -'-h V Ai Th t.d. fr... Sp. 15 ted Pt,,0 I. 'Y -n-oPtim Thwn,îClin. ,ride'@ oh. .,dD îîIMî6.,I1 f.vd for . .- 86.611 O itdl. 16Ip Il. kilos16111 * 1 i., 11 "3 Cbets lot the IiSh" recouche" «Jo,,,ï'. Wit. îý_ 6.1itteor 1nitith pcwder bîî, T.. WM. and ..4 4. f.1.6116.îof S201or1AU dditlfîim.1 . menthe ILON GOSPEL TABERNACLE 1.19 1118.1 lent Complet.îh.. hî1611. 0.1C. . P. Bcket Beau'. IL *1i6.à6P... .. 41-dy . e lt68.0-LonPUMîîd.y lent. ..a 10,... .rig1) . M.T. 0. .ue1inaie t heFar o Vd uenaNt Work o0,10.r 0. g...Wlh. uw.1. 6pl1td 1h. b qestonte t. à h, 1 b th. ,dîi. .6l 1d 11 J,-~1n. 1l . e. 1 .t..yi. th Bibli .or l.l6h66.. es lî16 . ,h H. didl1t ..661, 661.116.16 L L U L A L N EI W S P ,,, I, ulyl , îor.î 1 . 1 "I Harvest 1641l*. 1.1.51Th.,h.givinlg Sevic.2,, 6111W l,. Yeu. ..k 'Due. 11.1.1.ay vi a -Te Mrninlg1'61ye ab il &.m. .T1.'voryprsonmavedad u.11,d6 -T...6166l...a 6î1.î4.y. Pm'leh,. 6. .. Bian, LyE..*,y ,,edu, an Y lba- lIy tuI î.. 11etb.plat -ît Nt. S. 6l11how's Chî.'îh. Hmito. .1 and me a stua l' l e idd,166. Phil W,1 ,-W, I. EvendI11 Pray.e et.307E p..., B.T.1 : 1,'1T..111th . int. luChrist issu Th, British N.6666..lî,. 116 gl11. 666.1116, 6... 1M.Lt. Ge 1. or1g's *t PIiiîpI .lIth h. 11b,11 su entre or V[CTORY. Cah, aII,, .îy*Ail l.. dIa... d.." TI,.y me ,.dy aa TIa i 61t pulic h lîlhlday L.111buh. T16 .61111,11161th Jhn M"I' Thy 414161 îpId-,ylouba "hy. ThàUhl1i6fiog Dy-Eî,d.y. 01.166 Iton Ch-I.p1ni ticsI..0.E16.illoli, Pul "16,6111.1yourown salvitî.î 1411. wba h.d.d for Sept.raber 27t11 11.Phil.'2:12-13, Ty us. 1,e.I6dy1 .. ",W..-MaLy 616128 , .hnedt ct r4LII, îig P...i.. fIà.Il. YI1r.«0161" impie. fel u a l ans Loue ami6 and ,1 I Lci,6.î,.,.l1 . Thidî6 mes 21h "salon6 , The,6siens tu wo161ou bruit. . il. les wi111bu hcd et 1h'reîbu. If.16.'.. Id huit rMight1 tu1 I at; aisnc. Crtily il Ne.1 ta the radio, h.gsuaient 1.1 George 0-., .C.. w 16,11a.h unes1tu1th.î6..,.4. The,,av tu i.111I11d-111,616ion..-Is the little pnt office on Lbe II otation At2.40 ma ami]d1. troupau~ su*1 in@ me 611yl6.d .CW,1 16. 6 rrtetAcron W6diî1b,11. 6rang fer1Mr. and M,. "Bf 6grecs me 61111 .îd, 1net Fr6.A1 .. Press,. George Mole1y lu G0,11 1.6ly-fine worko, lent by 1man11 huld nouât ye .6.16e61. 1 1l. lh.occasionl.vas pI. 2:8.0. 3. . 16..iL Se . 27-2y8 11111. 6, Y . Mlk k1aroi6Ih1. 11 id11i Af.. ., 11iI1,,.Dedication Da ad Neri A ... aig .1 Ithe.î. i -.1,6 (1t, .11, W,116 Am11,ld 1I. Cnstat« y6.u l1111.. B p,..l.Iî .t'd 11ypî1Mery . Vous 1CII.6IIhIdnhi lire 1116.1., ifMiltonI' Hei. T. II2.,ilî....6y CI ().1. P- h F,. 4'I'1llîî.6lîîl4 y lu (lourd .111'î61l611, inlîîglteîipeo udch te , 81.,I. 1,06..8e.lI et*1î., 2.15 p..., D1..T. Duc i111,11 Ili1, la th. 1i7 16 , S . . il1l.îl Aelotesu . l..îî 1111 I 611 llS6.1..1.1l,4. .166,,l-116 ,Illgîî.1I.î E,îI,,.Th ,.......g 1Ali11 r. 1 Cip16166l116 si,. Onll4lI. C t . g ttaion1î ,6. 114 î,tl 1. . ab,116',,f1mLeh T11611111an. ,LlI.Ma.t11 . I,, . co.,.l m.l. ft-.otho lieîl11,,. W.,I,î.y.61.ii IIl'h..,.. iens 1166 4,,î i,l.. l"'l hL t o Iig ., t .î .,d.a-. 11 ,.,.lg,6,1,616 El,,1.11' IIîî,y1816Nîlic D1*1 TheiLiresofit. a Neî. la 11th. t6116,6rOnW6dréi Beraiî- f116., enAcî Le" clown.f Id bcy, attend l. .i14 6111. . at l - We bu.. . pociai66 value ut pOs, British Bedt l-1rv, ihl,,6, bu1 -ce1ci11 Il i I',l'.C1sud h1Mu . '. M. " w '.ll l ,' Nî, BI r4y.ll 6î11 46p,,,4,îpî,,i1h,1î1lie *1 6. an u1 h . eiero.r su T6. "l11tIy 11 - W 4 , d. 1sud .,I11641,61l .666.1. ,1. ai Se1.1l6lll111663011..1th6. 116'1166 IîMi-î.dd i îLA -n ,,1,11,î6,îly an______t._vlla__.._____g 111611g1hl1,l166h11l 111 ch1 , the'11 et111'1llly A6lDe ..1hbI onin.'ri-6 Cate AI meeting of the ilton B .11..'4 bi 6lw.. 11on 6y ,î,4 I. .r1.61116161. 06la 11î.-1Voir 1l14 M . ni6id066 p.1,.61 lu l criEi1 A .î... 811,,Tll, I.." Ne.l.6g Rollpt,,16 i .dlg .,LI.1 6. .A Eis 11 11a 61ist fer. T de_ yî 0., IClp.61..0 1L ,-rdMThing but.the M.'.. au f 111.2t1.a 1111 l'ilI iIî', M îîîi 01,1.-Me66. IItî, C1dp6it , . 11 Ym6.116 t2 et a TsàNF16,- Mr16 P. 0. 1,16, W Ad. t,î'îî,î(1,61,MI,6 I îî 1, gf theî1.. le11ighty1andIla 25î. 166,71.46 .6,ctî,u.laysud blC ... dis. p8.15plI. Mi, '..161 i,6l fl l> 11 iT. 11 d skieT . yu. g' a11l1 ,11 u th.î Me,,,,tir1. des 666C1M. Rl ock0,. Mi 6h î ,,îîlg 166 .ij îdIr. -ThedI' f 5 .1 les th11 I6 6 ,Iîî~11 '11. pu re ndH atCîi4 th,l AgriI ..eîîS.-y S1.6"11 BOR1.1117î î etN.,l111161, 1,, ,1, ,î on. .u1,6 61114661nd .11 6,-t4 for1ti0,1.l, l,1,2 . Valley.*11,111 ,11punch..611111 '.. 1fit fir, Irene , , F 61. Lot B.u Iîpl. l .1.t1 . 'y buspEn1.V-11b.ILu.,u 2C.A d628 .-MN.tCl guM, ,. .rd..I.lI1M6..14sud ,.VaAIId1.lkA6661ll.ILIgb DANE1-Don 6111.,1116611ire dance Th, eD RaloEE amsoat.OIETY . 11îîd-o 11,1 tgîanîd Mu. . 0,pt 2t . t.ln1 igtniMl.6 .j.,.D it.t . 0Rive.1M6une 6l'villa ou 66, (111 21 9 l6111Ifi6l1t111 y16 1LT1161' P ,îI, ,l.lI1e ,I:' 16.B6l1d pi,î.1inci .6fma1,ep. à 1 L. . tu e1. 0 .. i.. 0U1N1,6116,Ar COntl1I i 6.....lh1.11 l ,,IdB. 66aP',LJ.t11640 ff,,, niOd.., ,1. I 11166,6...a 0C.fe ,,ldnhîsL. .onQ,,8 Mir. MI M -b.larence . H li, h.. c1i,4 ed. -,or Gvra.chapr Pru t ie. Pd h e.y. ir . cI.N.. .. C 11-El. .C.-M.T ,611 F C. ' ll1. 166o..146. l,.1I6,11811,61 Mr.andMr V - ED COSSSOCITY, nd .14 îl Asg.r cîi.ltrî P W 1y l 'a., , 61 hII, ti.Iî, 161W.6Pu.tllIl,111,6. ..aî..Mi,. N. W,4î. la y, 11.21,Hi.'.re 6,,d1d 66,.M..16' T RPa. tl.iA..L.f satra, i.4ll Mie,,q atL&c16î.inc 'y CI,, , te., hg ., etc. Ml,, WI,., ob.e Iwil. t- il , 616 D.1.l1. Ba.illy .28eTr, ursew$1la M.,', pat of theProvinc ,fn.c1 mii. , 1W.l'I gî,1.hI6îp..andl1 Fa .,II. 11..y6d...l.'h t1 e bel114 1 the1ci.16,I p1.d mI, 16111 iN'1114.. Th.-. P. W.g h--l 'aî t'lieî4 111.« l'* La te.. (t. of .iîîîîîsudlRe.C'en. _M.Boy8-' Clubs . ,lIi.4 1g1. .4 11.1Y Te.. 111, ,6 CL .Mines B . h .e WiG.n -P. . e so phî 11.16.,1 166,11.6 .. st 11.1. Gour.. _________________ Lh ..D.Ea ti.- for t11h. 111,1111I ,l i. 16a. 1n.6..6Redycross,11,6, If Dlcoih11out tw1606y""'1, »nlesihhLis b11, Wit .11 h Standard11,6 $2500-00 1 ,îT.0..1.il1.i.R.2y... 666- train-,,I 1,î 1,11 ,' n e T w t î.n.g. .,.6611 AfI1,.î,161I1OU6î6îp,1l1i .4 .p16b.6.the. 11. ,hall, Mit, b u ", litho 1, L,,,m.,.MAL,1 ,î,p...... L Ih 1 - OC6Dwsn, llgS, i hut Elle TRIAR L I b,6,I1 . ,.'.t r.Iî 61 . . IL Ceb, ,4 121151. tnt.1 g1. I. 1dtiM, 1h,1.. 11 41113W.~ 11î . 1. 2 l' %, k, " " 2.28DMISON TO Fi$1 8-r. PAUI.-S UIE ~~ 10.1. 1M. y Sche. 1LodI Il ..uo.-E...l.W<o.hp. 6111.1 fd 7 j..-B1.15 e16,,. 6,111611, of ..Bfandig By.1 KNOX PIiESENTERIAN CHURCO 10l.61 -6,1 i ,plîhîld 11e- ....Th. .k,1'06,61 or ,161ofthe, W.M.8. 6111 . îLm conducte abyEm ...F ..îB.D., of C.,.P- k. 7,16 p....-616t1g W.'.hip. Sîl. - i.1.. --T. B-t.îboft 8," by 1th. 'FI,.. t.,1611L,',Sp. ari. o . ... ,Oîî. III. h. TI. Y.W.M.Il. 611Il hîI4.1. Ily Ila tb th, .l-,..16.1M.d.y, Sept. 301. w- ",41é., 11 Tel.. Nb, 61p..k1- d- h.dis. ., h...- 1lbtheBu'. f,, f ,6106,, it la,,.,dmi id,.. 6,1.1. by NOTICE ble The Town of Milton will À)n-1 i. tinle IontIîyIiglîI Saving TimI SindAiity, in accodance 611111 11e Q4, nCîiîP j - 4by the Foem 16461Governnient. t A. E. ARMSTRONG, .yyî J. COOKE ou Floor Gontractor: r- FLOOR LAYPI 11111 16RBRFACI G PNBIIII S WE SPECIALIZE IN .1. FLOOF l. 3 NEW ST. PHONE 838 e B11RIL.NGTON :6 e GALT SMonument Works .d 62-66 W,.l St., N-t11, 0,14 ..k- Monumensts, Markers and "i. Cemetery Lettering a.Pr.î. 1614,.1, W.rk 01l.ra,.1,11d 1 D.E. HUTC6EON, Propietor ,~.BUSES LEAVE .p TO TORONTO s),of a600a m. 6161t b110. 30,6.n '). h 8.15 p1.. 6.O'y610 6P.il11. .10 1). it.H W.T. BARNARD, PHONE 14 WÂLKER STORES LIMITEEJD FAIR DAYSPCJ. Girl's Winter Coats Fur' Tinmed, Chiamois Li,îed, in('diots 1luc, ilîjt, Wine and Green. Sizes s b 12. SPECIAL$ Walker Stores, Limited ~ . Phooe 9 MI LTON Phoe 9Z Toronto Townsbip Agricultural Society FALL FAIR Fu Exhibit of Agricultural Products ST'REETSVI LLE Wednesday and Thursday, Ortober 2 and 3 BAND MUSIC AND COMEDY Neot proeeeds to go Ca RED CROSS FUND I DANCE AT NIGHT--OCT. 3rd I .ROY ELDERFIELD'S ORHSR Bramipton Fait Fair TUfSDAY and WEDNIiSD4Y OCTOBER 1-21 A Large Exhibit of Live Stock SPECIAL HALL FEATURES Ineluding Ladies' Wo.-k and School Children's Projects ..A FAIR YOU WM. BOVAIRD iU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS" FRED MoBRIDE I, , s', '~Far'Range Mash 11 ýOUflL airil PION E E R" IN PRIZIfS CEj mess Morses, Sp'eding Evînts, Lie, Gyproc Products ý1 ducta, Ladies' Workec O0F SPEED j COAL AND COKE rot$100 j $100, 48 R. S. ADAM S ~ -~~ ~ ___ iH 'xî in Hoîsteins and Shorthorns àWz Boys' Grain Club ... iri/f MIDWA Y ICars, Trucks, Tractors !sBaby Show 196t~iliM, ,tii al1, Sat. Night, Sept. 2 c nd ok î,îi n or wl îtyîln a id to t I t STRA - ADMISSION 25e;1 If youat vetenîî i iay Us' d imilt" h vO' l., , lt. ttîl a î',cli,.Fod Carî,.I T rucoks.Ilî1, l1 sal.'1 l ' t'îk,, [S [S F,,,',lî,TttI andîî o t ht wtîî lt, hav loelî.îîl.îy ti , i,' is [S 1DAY LIGHT SAVING TIME yca t ceq wîîoc hibh wîill surprise ytî :IENDS AT MILTON FAIR ERLSSAE anSRVC AIR GROUNDS 35c, CARS 125o CAMPBELLVILLE, ONTARIO E. N DI ADH , sc'Tres J QuaIit.v alwa.vs hlgher #han the price" POE R. CUNNINGHAM DELEI 1 1