JI ad» M o" LOWVILLE BASEBALL MW N.a, ROMI& Jai"ql Menaoi.. ara. l. lm1. Mr. ced mem. M. Creekter.eofTor,; ________ ______ ae, ee. re SettdaY vStttet atb Mr.liferteet iPts. toroe c ~ 0 Iu -ed Mm. J. M. Raecd. 1611= ttt tethitpe.r oth e satt. t0.e12 = pa~ur et MI1E 'flT! entieoenadar ouy ihMr. ctanr rtabd M. i- otPassaitcoe t bcabosNatonalWar ie"teten.at tc neoret colin.. and th t a ee ofettht .eeerd tt= eaîeyeateetd ttete ectm 1-Mr. .il M.. .T. (leette il fdMr.mo rente h. OBA. pty-dewast. vins! t a e hdistrict cchrét h. ,ýef i o eee fiy r oi b."iedan. Gorge Clnetoevtisitaiet tdcrrd b ere atdc, eder Ideet'=D.etirmidee. Pattue ,te de te*Ilit hdleM lite th t ecy twe ' tOnae oT'renteOc eaY n cyn Cnitos. 1?mou tastieeatisr1fmso ipis th-ig-a. n - ell. a sen afw ea bhidioc littuiirie et. eeyou et ttor tertee ..il 8-tced cora',tt i W. t MrTec.ili ir neee ui n Caercbu ttehe ieCe' Ciiired te. ci 00 C h eren a W A.Wiiee.. errsI 'ii,,e le cOe00 Iheo l teir ereseeci .h a vengeace 'i'er , N-5, i,,r. t 1 1, 1e Smd i eguuuh. te jt h a.-sd _______Fuir,_------ bread cet ..le -i lee " ',,th,,'aiol i l b .urilt us bnci ciiial . _ieie leaegtlTht Ce'.unS se ilsul beiher 000Cr e iCie ieeiei'oed ai SI.y.eettrMe . a e-td, Go. f 'eeus iiiliîeî'e . otite eey. For. Ces a avith ihc. eicun etltae-orethCe Tht euniie UniCoWI1. eli tie inetOi r4 t Cith. -theisuadtCee .Seeot tttigefort tabe -reegala e Iie ene.l' ..it eaeieoiGel te. hd oithe Pilere, C 1eC1A8 -12 Yeeea pig. Phone fr e f tae oa hperCaiiraditeetietBO'C Cueeetui Miioeiet. th.~ re Oi artgedtece lue ettre OC. litfWeued.dy eel Mi. Mer. ti-rO pureedelit LCIif.cie&t, a qt et i oe htt.dstr.,a-gltC... lit.ebibite' ' ' h n i le a8t enle WotCt.-Batrd .bet ftr. Ce..ois t C ieh. eerrb-101.eet.eietiiec eudi'e.e oC , a ec eti-iy a rdi be at hall. AppiY Joýe. trr, Puee2M. octIlsi ortaoCn iettrmeeate MIte JeaneMisro Ced Mitt M.non- tblID eaw e" tre ier' aeatt~etne. Apy w Fi illeCitudios. Mie Goria enneiett fia' Meyotkilroin. h i en ieeeng e A . B 9-d .I , P .-ie et 0tetdm-u- att y nynree fatlll. TOpr.de teied ihe eiicty, ttseieltpthe 24t et tinOclae eaeelare, theec CCI ieiiiieeeeteieyw l Ct teforeetatre îiyn afth cieytloo ater.oppiea.M iltt. o hys t, ciL Citaaicne eitt heint e tig a n d e ae e t'spOcor t oth ltc Tte nte laic toat eetee teBox teet, soil..taste" Cai ieta edte n ionile entele ln Gelp. TeCe r i e rt eeP tlle. Cary pd mn ez A tte.-oB e d v ot et B 'a.. btr lg wIl .u.sp ia itet ed.t M. eCcae eiiberhmmd utad et trint:,icl.Inctig e e eli a te lâe f a ehi , uOCh n tio heetýlat Otaita propeeiy. Appie citaeitir teetethelCa ce ie iKy ir poetedte bv id 1.etO le u n cs ot . het722 tepeidia tuee ae aMilie _______fllaittc Lud Cee theibe ith cloe 018 B tegenifi h.Ceiel t iet attitoorrd 9t1111. The loteao alai leFn-A rataoetBtanetr tu Milton. PaeFteactcttCaO tee HORNBY Me.k'ale initlin.lenoe .atta ct Pbtaet by preele ireetieitireieecitrciptaciCe - nilitecotitt e tilrd Ltet het . cthi gptlt er thlat&d A Cde tiie cic tu oe n.l rrto n. atreteaOd'. tti. A large Pi Chatapon Cffite. tic .eteee, ceig nC e 1 .. Th.efatsaitofethCe lnte Me. Oae. cure th. -redit tf C ith. i . I'm'e e- o e.dy th'pC i ,e tai..t eceteari. taeri.Ad.ent va a ieey ttndtd Kt ber dueCetre fitIJer Bouinri, ter 1.le ca e lipeeof etr ,d te ,taiterahefgoFael l i--e1-1ta i odZ Sbi2 W . ,,ttnehintode ittiie .cdece. ed-tp]ic... ttaitetC hChat. a b ieol. e beeaeer MI.it, ttseiv . i tees pawa.t.etC etetcd ieCeolrcen.iet a. rtt Cie tataIn rlotr-d e ere0esoftee sdaduna r lo aile.runitdecatceeth ee Asi, .rtt ea Citortrwni. Bte crniniict -Ytie'CaCCete, ilee hrter, bt icA.h tetfiriln dd h e ca ed. re ccnereell. m't ltCi Ar e ettic et etclker Stoe bitaryet tni C ie cltul Mu tnie cY. Mr.Taylo, woie7Uoct oe tieC Th'e Troito, Clu oitor abialen et.. an. ata.g eeunConne. Aply ted th.touneiowcieg te lit htasis.h, alli tee.. Tir Iced ceeier 1baiC. A. Bett Dte . 12a.0f. te . .Aliet eleoe,t. 0..e Ht- l ]e savteen and or tee ,reeatee buta tl.etery L.CiBgd..r h i Halton Jereey Show CaiiCeipt t p.ipla t. thilo..eCte the iSBA., et deaeiedate1,&. CadtAïie An utcendtigSuceatUeied iiieti rrei BndaIl n te a*initetdiate Cite deaCs.. M- lherecwbta e In araea Cendeec.d iarvee.aheereice'eu. te îrs.oliîheelbiî.tsebc. lg dec nt Tt inîitilett.rt et îhe Hehieii Je' le Hoiintil.tre iae ttC SeedCe. T.uteifeidretf "t uleqpooe BeyeCCtle Cu n letoiclnetîa .eh m.. . Miler etiereed teee i"el"It. dd . sc a rile aiit .6. e t. ldePair ,aitr,,iCer..Ietî leheý. hielgt dgir a..t .t. Cath- taceieCecatche. A T D Au11I_ Clb e hdlIti iereTe sealon.tlat OSdce -cat.n . ae-et Ncye e e htit pe.eeBC. ec A T D A rICI, ,,,ri l a tetoffc.. r dalrdniteLilde Sheao.e hrl i ceeilhtiiC Ciii icdt ean - bi a the ee i- ta. tlV, bitiiee.Ctrpe, doube iis .ceWeeiacd Pr' hctei ieec hBe uIc Acte,i, beuosWdîIedtr ot1a.Is ro 4 1.ee ee rlti. nai or leletfer t p-fe erady et. pat.ej. t atrlnePo. phee .Pcre l er,e , leuth.iiine Bu i .. etC 1, M. Eiiel i ,anId tpeutt.w,.Be Iled-1 tii ne. A. Cerenibt .trea4&. cedct i Mr et Haitli,,rJer e0.t îlerf...ede. le .edil ti acr tciicr, Mrn Wr.Siiicd. C0ttieat Wetiî . Cw. cente ert fd rWte' ciMre vieo le uuacu-d otesse wicli __ __ad e e &tc neeia le ed * tM2,e- rrédete et.. 40atr D uvCetr tAfIttMeCAADA prucoeuud fou Or, us lon th.OS er te BUSINESS Fa, - = 9 rlietuoigPii, rerived. coretiHtM. Troeto. iu.udroethtui.îeeteCi n e ecaiiZ , i. Ged. "ee "ti -efuie.t jute yee Cubihu elhcet ALuCtiti pepl b - e stes ted eee-iiird lenu ti. Bls uouîet Ilkue.Scearit.. eilealareopch aHc.ett.tbe ceiuug glot el . nuith 51 souce euke Th titthui Jree c artg nCi! aetutpplie. csi, dicoceeo.et.vH. eit ueî.i'ittt1 t l'u. ehu 0 eidr teuoiucch" ic,.eu ..o ete l int .riueiceiOa dtepteiettr ;ýot l1 t te province. fe L i teLe. Ec tey aeteyo tache tMuoo.... .. .....113 ()02 ust- 7 12 2 ,îeuhîer11oles.th..ii20difteeeuiilhetd. hebu.. eeïr. o yhstr, eetclhe born tee t - îc . tekh Codl - e urooe.. ied l the h. Ctrrd. TnentteeaiTi. .. S' teti iheu tîerg il J. Grhan Son.&et GeCOs eorgtw, . tI Lb« ie..atet.. a scial-.td rut led hollSout,' eiehireeso2er -uoiuu lessanCtt cd etl..o Lott.I Le iip. iCre.Leal.T tud htîcedr. 1 ilthe huhhen po thipshC île ieaietleed.bo. 0. S tarres& Sos. et Geiluu. ieduittctyu iere.e itele sut Ceeitu en Seîeeeu cdieeprcph' iCCI t arti, tî- eed a tCiiC d eth.Te G.turandtie~ ult o-ep pe C eetOeiytt.irrCtou S lte O O ..ttuuhot C...iuuo Sutiierrut cce. Trh erdip eilreîrce r. ,t îrI.yi.w.. tîî. wioie ltue G .'eilnSCeaCCedSt tdeiet' sou e t lte LFallihe oue rotil ______Lens____ d e ..ite la iq st ie eey. Mito l Die, uere s y . a gdc 'w cac' i ,d.bip laetlitirThe.lia e , b ee uteet'nt.h12 1thSlec -cir e B Vloner. o Sec icade,' ealte ,iler.it mC erth ri tuIC cru-eutd 1..lol i -th.e "Iliet de,,, 1,,b .iiy .l o pr».. ue, )d. retti.g ie 1-ea fou ' itre ai r Ge.u.uueetehcdratin. &CeeSu.eiheeW....ieeiLeeuitautLartM Aatutti Gel f clleg Paeue ILw.,. u.e .,tiit,g h. Ti .Oi Eîdt Chue ol ou 053 .Set, tch lorenhetenb, Inrti W Ii Geetuuhtet , rl n- edbae..,eli i ceC eci e ot.o ee(,su spureoieIn ou r 0itettd eoelct eoret deCialce.P d.onrcuieth- uuieth.ed Bct.VededcirTey Ptrhnde err U u'- 1, -CI.. ut, aueerowrd.u tese"t ee red y ueîe doti runîeî eethabeii T. Oti. aidoo, tieigetihten TIer "aluh iueutJrr eCothCeie 0SeC Or Ch artuheepte oCthth.dreirdune PM Icre. p i e oteudl e l t.». t illi-te Tpeisuis 2 eut h.e.i. etei- CI.. c u e thtoie.thC e ,. ou ..o. e ri t t. eeonten Mil.teD.tMet .,C e dp.rb t.. i e , eitetd .ilrdte itepeani. 4. g4On. hy aT r ie doeicet tuei a.wfl u h e. urCX c chuC eiyil iu eee To he .de11,ie eryfrrde ieeo .orcirate thrretette"t7 i.ebededegcia uuuslrhutoatChC.NE.ahehed edrtooc. ed el ae Ccae. IL bal,. tisr1hrortidced uied h e'. âv n.ta o o thrb.cata 3t . AddCjioiidiorr.alyt f liuacco tlsute c t50 u rieueo ,C poisont- ire uhe r eter a ttct a u l i ciett Cee ito.t T lu i l J10eesetrrCuIti C Clubihl" tsrMd oquii arte ulaeIittOiueeerhi eemi.thc e ee. eidlighcaTest Bisecet Ceated-f i tda ,s irer shile ueu eirtutior tee ..ce Bsotee l thO S ctteCVîot erh i dt tr V i re o tir oe.,d Cetrrttrpossitbeleheric.ebe eeC .ee ltehtee w..uuus. l n fi le c d 30 .ec ,, .te ltu cee erit het tht'm eetn te fels i l Ttn srt e ie , -lC M uisea ntlee .t t ir e ep h ait b t ld5 Fl eît ict e a e ute'ul r c e t il n J e tr e r l t., eeTn, ea Thsud te, ioe s e lCo nta . îitee d .t e c M etci a c ur-tut tue csu c 'If Chue iiltsi uîe ueicti t c4.C. Tien.oct.. nui Sdî arliythc.Heiehecie B isree -u S .tu. itucet liouruduecuhuSSrtu ui t etirv. .ilele reeeetti eetcti s iirue tyt icee. ""e buctedirtrrp.gettef Tiee ctr .cireht gebtilnW at . i ttu h.C.tlNitSCr.lac elicote he titecI nid h lld-1a.i R ',le, n rfa ~ ~ t*aRae ~ RboHt .al eaar c.rtidiu'iîereevee hiheai us luW rihT e rh aa.Ittc ile -toite Mile t....h, Oudetic ic-il2O e lei.atttptee at ht iS c ei er 1.5 f ieerdencaviesMCre a fuefrtuet aeeurece t s. Ble1ue aicJ-fi. l. V4nhab eeeck rieteit MttOlloier.r ecepaeitrcHnutitMntr eu dirorHi..ttltdebltOedPee te itr oe use aetreen datinteeuitt - quter iheR aod i ltdet i er adinlso et» dl£ elc requinthtaa5.oCueiqe th aCCo c' d C lte n d le .1 C irîeed tee ndted.aat on M atocF itond eotpAu.e.....a reCdtrie attuerr -d p idiRe n e te e heIito, erelti iidiueiheo eicen- etoiBlonde et uutuseuramyCiiscuitsibutCe4t eleteoutil -ig aid beotne. Bceediuiererihlri tîh e nerciuTeo tate .ee ne iorb..l O.e, z, ers ar t Je .Ig - .l td ou th t - it _ _ _ _ _ _ __.IL _lt _.cls ..l t i c ita , t eelitud iiîîluu t O cl u hal t, AUe.eeb at .e eei.eth e ooc p a e Cg i a te L15 i rO tte iiiteefuundeer giuitletern s'luueee t «,th..-in.ThtPora m ttV nm. en eoni. lth ut, tee uneo. fl 5f Tby. .. ub Rn bc. 'e , 1i i tîle ChîwfeueutuLgeni h.reiieeh eih îleld R tFsîRobinnueriutill.dieuco w.ih rapudI jiciAgMng rcogniRonbta helour huceelce uoieiieeu ced u t 24 swap.uicru Met y-Crn011 iteuucbuh..r..r....ihrnetfineeItu14 1 fer Isesu.oenieetdeauiu-aM.,.Jn.Feaeen ;;eOSec urue. iOnideh,, ..deuti. . a Fourre ýnt i tir dhu t' wart.izgCoid alfie hs odVcetO - C - ub Ca ien U ntt e ii t l r. e tuhlnarouuetlee Ua .: Cih aie.i Wlo, 4 e.bliigpde ia n extra*o%". O nc s (tuisusou lrseeith 'o13tCa,': e lu ecufheu-lCettil,-Marihiseheee.teth ra c Tor on oterunt N O. .. - T . . t cteeceoeefeurdsudtsr.ri Pai- iutrtia n t ue irrdffort Ve'eh. lîtoti.greie .Ccs t i htt I et ced ubglahhOiCO ou Met. Jatsorde SeC ctriiihe iitueidem 5e u-i-uiîcir isTh. uNaional C t eiaihfciiOiarcclr fusent alte h utnre-$eeni i ere .est-eioio ic deth lt1.eSi*tieetbcRenomrnrriîte. lu r an htC nale Coll. edte nt uB 'c Cfh.luuirtusod leist e eou' ot de d oCe uetcha c fe r ikh)a a .D t pd C atL - o a ew r hae a ei i reesp ni it te rt c 1th'e r y c erfiien ii uet ecr. e e d u h hau e R .o ia eid G e o ted tx Prria p wfys mit e int o ts d sfi -OyB J N S R I ML IL M ruen. tiitii.det cru-Cnriee.ioed lrutiu ule' te nei eea. eiohlýh et here u-9irSinepCBIeOO L'> i luegrofuriuth e ti le nferdn. cheC 1e raoeer'o fueie.tdMr . B ee ,ei t o n! r hyc , Bce ainueui euse 'iieo ihisrair ihlauh int10 ttS S h e e bre rb'm eei. C.t.ig tu i Whi llne . eetC di s o-edt eîeiuîeu iChrftef et Mtcpr..oJar.aeac f ]ReipSH"tF le C la eber oftheDeprtmnt f N. le, alie.Gdeumber..Jas P.-CI t eidon i ue le ad the De tr te t n i hr ie u i C t n-"ae i e t ted e t C aie er erM . C l ï r g t w W., iiS - ii.tledChte.enerede- iesrerteC DA, leCee ....tairt rte thaiueie.f- us drteelhieOeCttCisCCtteCrOn, e- St tttec'lh rn M r.. MSie dette . PA.eyh L.k oC ugci i gif urerica i the trin5- urC eehce.u dS ro ttu ite e Oee tite. att g. i e or e haus reSu.i al iit-erririd ec rre uer , leeuLttha SROINhi.gles F rime SI m cf 011nv noue ere q.ietitice n ui T heorger htaC i tetee enithMer ' dae&a 11 -ti "BeuCidii .9 th. LiSAEtStIai fere1.lte DnoîuncTDeehils.ot ocoiduter 1,eeeiiy.".Tr0. i tuer r aCC.to tr tii iteionnebileneetduitNIPARADE " Aire Teaptles. th. aihuw n.làted senti ltatu LittrCo ,,wi-k,01 e Mit.~ e drie rie c le'th, .pingcttutreieco B IL ER S PP IE il iion f ls wu efort . t li Lo.ý w e etlen.d u .i rtih foreitee-t.kei et niic stea eèidwt mxmm a d a..l lheiterrodoc ciiireeried iitir.. 1e ut acy fed e irr e. rmd. e Ot Lime, F at-t Dy ttee, Neilt r Miey ill ieglPartiall e rr Eng -lad 'tOS lol usii -,iass ro. aie ne tle rectoer nei ng tti ater tit ienîr coiiao led l _d te Cc e a.Cr itir aunoe ltr ie Ce Ck Ch genpi tht a. B U C A - H IV C Cai a iluuc slvriiofehve aeefeeo niiti' In nidee i Ctu C luedli he aRedrel wih iteheer air at.ig.ad ut-te 1. Ibis rgard . lc. tio hou osrioiec oue y Se eieasdair, re te toahtgi ieteeCe Po Pomp B.clo Ph ne Muto 4 luthîleechitrt rrals her r _ .udie lo e teetirb_______________________________ v-u-iti.trhur .t-e sedseaO Ble e er .uri ai ru -sL ier e iSraeel sie utak a rîri' tu. irOu fulltPi e lyC.teshu, ota e roor dt iCi . e a i. f andttisuutthhut-1. rios e. hi euT 0s. ers, he esc. stucu lr miuadoMtolid 1ALE y 0F Lia DS cu gi iirvetiuirruuuo u Canadient .tc e r ofi C erre m e , a hu i e atc ^I u ai n. c r d o t . .. R v . îu i-uir ti rella ie r te ltu Iti ue suc tuusuu C e oreh ot a o er- i._ _ _ _ __an_ _Bil inam e r_ _ _ _ _ __le , F r m e , S a h n T teiigofalm lle pLrode o a hol l.coteDnes, Doubeep et icr' for ArrarsoffTaxs ion t, Aecei -Cieeis. n erele ussionti 'r aniat-. .gl.____ Brtih_ or._ oi e eieii ecio cl crr i nnu -r csud ie ifBrue. 'tles o O -eli ere.". i odin P a y s t u Cen nt it e P t e al y ro ,a .E iay alîeuui SeaiediselIi uC nceho he, pogcile Toeu1 e«t lliooC el-tyerHalo, [ cuti ,,eu-r»,uhneleOeiuheetd todOeicO bichefront____________and __________ni ____________ ritie île feredieuded-P.TIC htuee COKE aiiie-neddet e îl .13er.Oton i re Ruutr 'take Cte'" n e nt to T e etit u tropietinnrofChV PAE ithiiueu-eusu-eedfdpc aesi fol d « Cnit t BC Ic l i t hie wan . r ul phrea rdtedr e o istait ha eloItuh titt iciierm e r aiho ri l e h a i r ett h..Wlq u e O Cl Menerhe Hc l woodhue ace il-td Orl .i ff ic tnun . Ot . Fcs u t Oiteb i uSe CAOC CId te tiedh l nurc rie uCru uote r a r- stu tleede iiieetarsI no'theorr rompt cealia ieevl hup on.erMeltnh 49 ee cc. r l e o ith Sl thaor 5C 'ertepfiSo'.arted îilbd ne.SireOtide eeCeue tC ed rre cuuu ittp it. CIll oreo e t er1art e bis e O "e 3 b 0 in t a "nu uidrdtet eeet1..adWl.g C .peite NTach Re d an g e riic undte tt. lie sSl P-- -- t i cî t. Yser .111ee e .- e ie itr Cd 0 r io, uuai oii~ ginu 'c. ýt i ý..esPo pl enueiehs ilrto On tario tUc turetto te T B 1,0 u.5 BS il_____ iostahe losii, dr Thet ortiaodPhutue eitir ttohte Seic 141,.. abouit n.ai., leK iti lt 12n 0on eral o lu~s;tQikGtucRs ou Z j'iMe Rmaing u ecfco, h eit-Doite i ec tMlt r Melt.IMerMso i et Tîo.lep g Si elt a s ite M nalroe. Bbo it Hu btte hheee J A . t11 R _ _ __ t DA O wtl usearen.Ouil t Fe let eonaaeteno eutcaed5 Me e Mc . Moing ced ai. a ite i-IfaiCegih t aeottci. Notieic, tiOatsuitoVe e la tiiy i 'ae Me. no e c J. Oniyie I. '- e dnetIn Tares nt OO r Oe.t. n Mi e, Cst al. ...htue. coOmi e t. 1.A. Cathel . 50100e. Jer 0 . roa eu acte'nI O ,ie bate B Rive. tuf i c t PIIO 4E coent lOi Me. a nO et. J . . Br' t 3MiiuOrt.Bee EdeA i THE 2nd AND FINAL SELLIN G DRIVE Ki IBLERz]S GOING OUT 0F BUS INISS SHOE SALE FOLKS, thie je aur final and Definite Selling Drive to close onsu ii tire Stock of Canadas Forenst Footwaur for Meii, Woiiieî, oand Chidlrei. It will be yoîer Final Chance te saien real money on goed shoes. Consid r- ing thse approaeh of Foul and Wnter cotiser, the e frc faiiy n t ebod wttb eiable footwear-so don't e sthiss ale. THIS SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS SEE SALE CIRCULARS FOR FULL DETAILS KIBLER'S SHOE STORE, MILTON aee.loenee, c'a her-ee ad ieuc-th-e -eiproet epoint t. oh e erle nyn J geeBtford R o - d urE a oeto gis peeeatur e aii o e ente ri rwp B. &,y- afh... eJd e h c O n, rJReet - ende ed wf Thfe oeford Ron Comany' 3 VS ,CJiane hxeen e sped teis it , iadRf. Pro ee l oinoitof aer hTie,mBOefd Raefs ts or oguaee of rsupi e llnin e r ieh »Branford Roofs Sd yjub eýE. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited _____________________BRANTFORD, ONTRITOato 0 Fer Sole iy GEORGETOWN LUMBER CO.. of MIL ION Pteople Celot thiu fi. .o urît .pt. tior sareeti.y oeuld syata tierpot eeold iteaouttue _.ttu.tul t0tiey ha-,. leiciy. Tic elutdotthte11-1 lCe feigts.ded c.,e.ne'teseo. ni _tn-Thh t.'acee.ctr cabiliy te tup. P-1Cta ioîeited prehctache .Chta ndemced. Tht girl. me tiey act cip cure li.iu e iei.. uyneytee e huit J.kýý et ilat.t:yjl .yf SAVES ;'U ifOURS 0F Heavy Work1 A aaioftletr. Ptoe A maunLyr W aIR irete dendgr>n mi ofdoenft ai .t If nieet etet &ad e. . .lifte Verrao d bard-bthrd Ceed off poCtand pme. . . Ift »Vuern- iing and teeeiig irece iC ctsethrneg irin la ejiffy. Keoit a Un handr.taegnoc ~IIP<~/Î, 'e liaie"odýal i ul on -tirelycnew prnciple that sae ai 1-rI~Df 1- nr 1 , um oh Sn'l-1 n 1,tt ,fdittte hOtt igs101, o H. A. CAVELL MAIN ST. PHONE 245 7u MAo-1 &&JST LIÉE daegrrotiy a,îîîedeui luea shootj t ... ' I Tic bh.u t..oerr.uieeeyeir di.dleiliC.tChc ae. ii. Orpe. 27 12«d 28t, iliitCustaiifi otbaer. 1