Uba Tom w0 ne B 0 u CAanwa * i Eauabiau o aniptou WhuToei.,.tt Teths.,. i T... W704...Tth Sn! 1 ýNA4A 1 ' MILTON, THUUHSAY. SEPT 2C, 1.940 VOLUoMB l,. ()ANÂDIÂN (CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GQUIDE. ,vous 08:8704!90NING !O (A7iTais . an mtu40d0755m) 4 l i 77.9 t P7i4.475. APOAGAN PAGIPIO ILAILWAY L MAIN 8T.,. 'MILTON. ONT. -O.4k0,,, Nos]- 7.36.&m.0-0,777. iq. i 4sdt .46 p éO3I uu72497d&7o e ~60g05005~.24~07R .i05 7.07827 ...-Dà.U1"al. h go abfi2r.M te AL 474àff 00, 5 12.8.47.-0777, .77pt,7 77000,%it b " 4ninm vRT . U7l5g BH,-.-300a...,, 0,g, 1.?P-m.. t éob ot.g Wioi-11.7 ... su .7 1 6Pm -né.55 . 0204. ....4 i7 a g,01 .. OANADIÂN NATION4AL RAILWAX ,.a .. 2 -a flnoPOLLOCK &,IINGIIAM ensILIUIIT àWHITE. M ONUMENTSI GALT. Pbme ,7446ONT .I ri ]m D 1 4o7DIr.o PC m'. "-à..ý MD ..CC C. R. TURNER Agnt for Dale. '@ ,,i lDiein. cAIIPBELLVILLE: Pl<,,, 8a MILTON. ors. FREEO ung SIEVENSON ____________ Ait., 1 P... Matou72,0el 05,b,,.-0-0.... Iîp...-Oo, F. W. B. FITZGERALD S440.7.7777 pp.10 i ~y. bmurauce and Real Estate Do. . Et ZTER Ail lin. .( ls.oTaci..a Physbcaud n 7740,8,08t N. M or @ale Iorpat. » 3745 .7 . 8.8083 4N 07 Car ... r84i785. 6.'-4.N..P 63 MLO D. WARO REDOICK Pb...::18 ___________ oprirtos .10... 2t4 '>CEMENT&ndCINDER .40d773777pp.l4.,-"It.BLOCKS LEGAL BRICK and TILE DICK & 010K : ith ,pto:4.tepoer mahine W. 1. DIC, . 4. Alite7.. - Amy 070070770 700754,952877.50 NEW T. PHON 838 YENT . DICO, B.A. o* BLINGT'0N 50.0DN4d47 077112 i. A. HUTOINSON W. (Boyne) CLEMENT NurirI«, Solicito,,tic. Painting sod D.cooating Oire-N.t îÏ.0 Chami- Ofâ 230. Conto'actop T.I.p64.. 4. Elutict Pitt rodW" 6EORUE E. ELLIOTI Su.woty Wau Piper, bi,..Z, Miton.. Phne 12w. mai. ,St. 10717 Tel.ph.o. 70. DENTSTRY H. WHEELER en. o. A. KINO PIANO VIOLIN DENTAL SURGBEON GUITAR 054« . ,Ryal Bldi.Milton. ,.RAY el l,*2~78~8.Pano Tu.img and Repairimg DR. . E BAUDCK PHiONE 24 . MILTO4_ DENTAL BSURGEON S .A _____". ____T__._a Heating and NIELSEN top Tinsmithing The ChipotoPPHONE M3 2817.h y 29m 21 W prAne. N ST., MILTON, ONT 036,17.1, TaaaA,00.. X-RAY ____________ T. G. RAMSHAW plue(i"$.Acident.,flIth. Valuter and Audois. - A Valt8om prompl7 *t7,ded 7te F ....,.,d,10,dand util.7.,on 8"rg F.., .DEWA .t»-.Phone,72 Re7d.n.,. Mil â264.t CCOLJNTY OP HALT-ON 1940 -LCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1940 il"' .....0".bl. ni Tb..77~~, aA4 lei...or...4,y . 7 J.F i o rde . i. p, monW ~ iv50I..e th Pocb Mlabe.na Plans Reporet Blafr .,, standing ootide,, rd wih nmoaeWood Durability Ou isore Ilad NAGE g ooad 00770,7. By Protective Treatment Aabam laplanningIo overt a(3"Are th r,7yo bc?"hdeman7dd Wood , alay adu~rabbilding t ileinth Gulf-.ofplN1.1.7717Yes,0,I 0o 72the aean0. hve40 Iatrilif oo,,ty o,,d, as rre M.e%0.oneofe,7,,t7i'a ut- th47k you f7or ma ing aho,7"7 gar- gain7g ddd dr',hty s a resul standng rort spots 777. ttre,- d.n amy studo and dstry07777the .1 fpptreserc. At the 677rst by-6.,e-.711Daupi II.d, aithe ByHAROLD CRTR k o of reks. hc. oooi rd, i odt o 770.7 71 t7, o!7of1theUnited .47,,,,. o 2Mobile bey.,im.rnd Il B CRTR ooor, 7h47 IDelta 17,0 70907777 177StatesrOdeparttto of ag ~riculture t17.,rlyl'Frnh sett71.for the WIIIV Bil - . dd77rds attaoher beor. anod elser.'scince bas fond hIr ta he thron,,ofFrance. LI o-- oastdoinsl .yof mohg oodlet lonogerby bensa bridge ommissi,.on7hoP. te old.6î,hioed ditrt of Nw "TI1 ,otad ta help 77077,"the 71107 oo.olote0 70,,,,thet totoh,, gaist ..,i7î1,00,007,jeanfroi,7the Yrk, t the ve'y topof the..tammer. 'id..cIhoghy07 ritod gainst 77700777,77,77177 Rntrt'uction Fna.ce.crporation îodginous.1700,, mo rne But,0 70777 777,70ahttell ho. ohalCarrnt 00expernstO .7h 77070of te cor,,rt ,a1bridge frirent7th- Mo. ood bc, otained 00717,,! bord 0fohab hbailthought-h,!bc a h e ooo777Oh 7707777o777hr7077o1777o777ica ad ble maihd,,d 77,,,,.7miles, t e hatrui v7a'ryig fre,tota ev ol- 01 ott,,ome as a.1, ht bch hon 70 part077771477y tth soneof the pI,.- talc, I17,r',1y mailkig .777,,, te il lars5 eeky. Bair 1717,d 7thepaceone ot7cars7,,for hito. The otar cameticsproooise,17l 0,,7hr extenon*7 saiir e ou0ril.,.The brdg project bcro,, 77 s olit.o1ary, and hidit 777 , r erpr,, 4770 OpO77777il oop- ,ovi'or. .I.o.dy hn be.. îtor7.d hy 7the ,777704td 717a7 hi, 70070 24s 7747 ,47,te rotprirthpoo vhe put l17o'o octesof .oot as a building 1939 lgila7ture,, hirh ,00,0 a 7e17. ciallai. Th,,, h, ,,t,17ihed hodktoftaf ar0hace0,and, od 01717. 1 ooat.eroialpointte777such exemples as4 $10,000 y.,ho appropriaionifor, lis hm,,If .171 $95 a,,d 7theprapher,- Already diheprfrd 1777he o l tht F' o177717,ho,,ous nDdha, Iipkeep. nill,,ofh7, tri.teo 771. t7770fri..the tudo b îct thM bc, Ma .7o , 7777 f ood in 1636 and Prenant pas .7,17,0, He, ca1cu7ated717t7 71the7mûri77 17,ivas looening, and, paut!,,1 htill s t77Oturaîîy itc i se,77 tIoe7Eu- ExploIitto hsoie6~ 7, ~cFrt .7old lenthim jetait log enog o hand te bar band te maki,, ac, rppo housso,7f imbere onstruc-. Gaines07, hcletswatinhe the co7174 u et77 o7of710 .67!,grisi t ,7i.,d o77y o770,,drd i1.77704 h, ohoion7077datiog 077777117cp7lointo heMid- Cvil war andwhe oidwcraille I sien idowofor the Ch,7717of the auburn rossaturibl o ut4177b71,7dag, and ttiobr in Idien prt date bark te theSpardsh acon- A,,70r7iati. The ag'2reement washoldrs, poohîohon7theSothoor,7htare pation f the il7,7d. f7777 77yruent open07delio,,y., and There w24,along ilence. Dl, 1faudrait.77of y7740s 7770and70 .777 M,1770g a 17,177. o Cadi118! Blai knew617,7 hi, 64,7comsso n 2j,1,ded net loo u, botut cdared ourd. square,,itua,0tedalo nthb neor .oud 7,,d t7024247ciller. He1010n.t go boh iot hr roo24, fotr c Gi'ooo the protr77ie t7ff7724n7 of!h ile. 1,Tht.square 245s the0 .ght weeks in whih tcompltthe.7 fait67717,71ar crime w2447ton ,deep not do'loppd in reo,777777,rs, 772417,l se1f7h, mnlin ! of17, .t,.,Io, o! 07 andbc bailspart,77 hd etch-t7717 7,..d ,,qoitai. proving 1drble o77,r ronditions Cadilla,Frencoh viceoy 7Of7the 244 ,d 7767inthe 717 , smokin0g7779 ddudy cfeIt twond on hier7h47 ouold 77700 d.,toutreated L,ii, eioyi n the,17 'y ar7 17,00077 f7702447le7ciare4tes hthi is 770,1o10,r,. Mr. Blafr hdt ,p70471y; timbhr, and fore,,7,aep etin 1700.. ieas toohf,,7oinhi77oind. donc tht; bcd,,,d te swig her'1in te et ay77777odth2imton A spacr1,scasino or 47nc00e., 7He roulddnet7 6 h.2image of h, round so 7t he li7h, 1417 7om the hall,! the77durahoty o! treatod ti24h,,7 17.71770, ,.6,,.hnente and sports. îogel. Hi, id.a,, hadowy ,ai6li7,i247000246.11 opoo 17,r fact. oh kept watt prottd and in fa- Proper Ca" ,Advise lisait. Sooo,7,,o,, 17, ould 24,00,,"Mr. 07,fr!' 77177 flt,, dig- For 'Problen, Children' 171700041the17,77,,,7,Imkohoor br, 7..otoI. Recent Survey Reveals Dr. Eg,,, 1B. 0111,7, Michigan but1ha ,top found har. "Wondo'hoî! Youar0777 t777 ooop"' Meni asMost Careless .7,7. superbted... o! poubloe n-ilHowe, even ,oo othout 7171. b7,"Ho. dor yen 007 117te,77 ! 777777700,msy, "077771,4 oildot7 u77d777oure a satisfactoy77place7of 7id Dl,and then it'007 Bloir', osonnl nurses are 77~"top," thogh 717ir .70,1404,724,07th, ,~777~7772~7 1,0,0 ,othot.p 7fogî" 7770 This,tohe colo of the70177Amer-7 717ey brne17., soefrth cm te o,,7771,2,7774.7777171,4losonth17 i2lt.rs iod. t h, 0177 sort ,, 7of7 oootototLooooo 0v-7 7,,7hr lad parentI. so auh he alev ireaos.pone."heagotot, i nIntttof .177717deingoloo h H popoes ays7o, ,,17,1,7, teH.e1740 7the77,77777io0 7of hing 7777774 777do in glooo 771700 7700 00 7700a00'077it7'770t ,d oppl.adt fron,o kndergarten te juior hlgh crnk Tatwa wtMr,. Jaeshappily destroyed m24effots7«0N,0, no' ss iorme0777 and7 247777 oth7are the,,, 17 h,7,,, ,o p,,oo. told MissDella 0,07,,. 777724muet7777it77for me. Ihav sil ertal777071 inswih h petien wrrns ttnton ri 7,7f- 71, r.onn naxt ta h, myde,7" abc Ad whnbchadoplooodlthry tc717 oetr,7770007777770 7 ces of777777it7- Iy, h. d..o,11,d 7the propoe , sali47t ta the girl, "but as y4o40c'7,fait7,247,oselvs t fast7777777770for .Iy., and other valuab1o77h7 x. guid771iden in life-work c7harnels. one I can lety7777have aihe77pies. But loghefoe the g,1707770770ow a1407d7700'7 "Take the cas. of0one24aimatbo7y Th,,', 77771771707and0y7777s6on70the liai0t 7,,t 7777277177700and 17770.70170 AI]07oeh gard of course, re put tor,*" Eih,77 sild. "Sudd.oly 1bc24,s 77774ifOpo, doo't 24i700 17070,0." 17, 17il dtpodd 717,7 Dlia, 7040 00 7770777077 771ta h77one 8724017 1by infantile paralysie and But 0,1,, did oiod 177sfron- bc t7174sort7o! ofageI ,f7,77 ,11. And, Close b1eh7d71thenurses' 7770717, crippld for lits. Hia ambition 24ight terr7ibl. Sh, 17,0 n0t17,., long in 0,7l, thought sa, tue. arc 00t7's4sport legs7, 70771747s7,01 bc,77,74.17,,butif his previous tan- 0'NewoYork, .17,r, ah..477po07a0t,,.ar-ohls ndod rt7707701777. They Ira' dol., 17.0llisait, eooded 7a cod self 4as 7770774777777,in7a 74077of-7WiId-Lif, ScUiptur, 0777777017 77777777707 72 change,17 oll 7771 bc diecteid in mehanical 111of fice. Shs w- homesioh4and unhap' of bil, 'o7o17ofoooti ps, pen- 97i7lanet building, an 700,îtry in o.., ad ,bco 1,0 7no7f7770007ai ail. Brings Fi,'..Boy Fame, 'ils7700 1707770777.buttns,7an 177eob. oork aet elieta h oI etcuh otigof the 07,01000*0177A Chicaogo lood7yoo77,otly "T1o, 2maxi c01711,.7 have be.77ta hiswto7777, dhoi oman. 1,,îo,24of he wîildo tfi'0o. alv, roundoo$85 in apir oo e's laoho sid,7,,kd i so17,o,r andhbc,'i H verl7kedai is7Dete, bt1ooh04M7D077,0ood7,0077oo07g O77077o77a 0 w0.0000o the17771017777007777747707y7777777$93 777724t80516j4.ed" EUio7t sd. Ihurriedhby, and atipasedh bar24777gart critp7177770cio *e0 0777m00000h0,g4777770777. Ht ,.oootood t 77,7theta,71777,77,77,only scannt,0to 777ta ion 24too,,0 bas-reliefs77 0piting 1Arovi l an 1 Laoodooo ,hoph allie operate dry f7,24 1717,5,,or enies1bc omtpUed the more. .oos, and biso, 0intheo 'opt Il iýcnnl ants77.07070770777,707td tht me gade, ai ,hich t71i, 7 777770 7bc 777771uc hp yBlioor'77 o777747747. Sh, ment buidin7g. 71 og'oi00.,171777in7he7ir lhe 1thon su24246,7024nul0a p7ogram, 1017177777417bc7rialnet1have77,ooogh te The poog sculpter is BorisoCOol 47-0770077 Iowed aordi0gly. cpt. Sl0770007net7k7ow th0f77774w17,,727777, who says d701ort"0000 o ono, 170777t.0getth7170777777nd0 more7 hag- Fond 0du La,.Ws., 7post office7." 70 Spidr Silk FoeFFrit gard-I77k07711as 7th weeks went by.bstcrii7,77bci70p71, vere .,,,7o, o Imagoie hoinOg in he paire of foze. fruit and genpsteg are 7 an1~ 7770,d the, 2asterp7iece as brd- or Saurd 47at,7777770's"ssions0In70077 770 dit,00olo'nOoopletely the poppo most,7p7pular foeo vegetable. 777 1,477. 7front7 of717e7 77770 office. to'oo'OoooftheIoo 770,0 7777 24772404 Buebt,ies areseondld char7rias1. 077dually a ,thoUght came into Critios are hotow'7774high p7777 ,00 fille 170 o 1707777a707704777777of7! thid inpopu1,,ity among the frui7t, ei'hadSewolhlpi Dl'7h,.S,77717,pi2oon17the77bas-relief,4o0770ooo17,,7 0"'0000077111but77one7pourri! 24ihpt0hg,4~op7p41~it07- despiteh oI.H 77,,d 0e77er souri,724,,17. Thcy _e 1'l7:0 loo 7 a771.7oot77pt 0ils0the spider 7017 ily. Of7the vegletab1,s, 7lima, 7,,,, 177777724077il7 740 717t .,tohd 7777r fee7 e77h in77024 1an007777777707771290077 pooployed hy 11,John A11rght, as- close7,. 4777724024t70H. C. 01,171of p,,y darng plan clpueo l i. 7000,7te 077000707777,po,00 0Netoly isDr. Albright the, Unied 1States dep4,too,,7of ag 017, 1,0 77772e t7717ow the rootne in7the United States. une7of the, 70.77men in7the, United ricultre i chage o0 rzingo f Blai77r04' 417i!, if. EPO7y evening The sub17t for77the ceciwall r- Stas who770I,0 meurt.2 ross hairs4, 7717,7o7y nd engineering. adg ott tecea etarn io assemb1,d in agoofolptpî 170007777 7707700,7of7t17,dlioot, Mr. Dihl1looks f,7724,007te07a 7 2417,77, 17,cai1774 0777770. The rest CCd patte, the, 1777 10710d40 77077in 7p70o7' web oik tht goes 77o the7 tinuing 70,,,..,.in0the,7,04,0 pack, f7o!hi, 24,41s 17, o.oked0in hi, studio, thebackgoun7dfo247og 0a77777070070, 777 pie-77of70the, 7,1,oope, micro-777 7te beterquaIity, ad o4er pr777e.buth perot .9wlfriIvsn the foregrouhooond. tscelles, transits and sorti.7770 70777770777700407077717 of improved malotinh4of freezing and bhcessait te notice bar et ail. An7d 4gents7thefoige o! a no0770777777 ounique hobby andoccupation7,70,7 17,oo,. beedr,, aredevelopingone770v 290770alonghoped foravant lit,he 77pnel 7on7t717,7700 .oIl dp- simpleou00771, .fo, aso177pots il, v,01,71,, of fruis and vegetabl1.4 17ppned. Blair, lait 1775do,0 7un'-ppits a f4240177of0247700771777 b7l]1'.his "Maryy 77r407 go I7 7goo 770707001 particul.rly adaptait te 6,,,t70g. lohd. h,4d 07707e0pprehen s vely. stand-777cross 17770777in 7h77 ey70p07777777of op- Expnsion of the iduinry into T1747.47717,7,'opportunit71y. lie inggenlov o77 and,77 a7,,770777,îî ,7,717,770077777711instruments70. Serai qO,07ity roucionwil avo 0we wolne rt7271!47714for777707 an77777067701077..Sof7. 1B7t7 i wasthe st077pabout0Gil I ont 0000000I7l77,,Ooa,,opplpof points out8,77,,I,,771ttl svig,71771 and duster. 070777740477177te770y 0,ent77n. Ho, .studio7 s 777710,17In77lle,07"0007of7the ntrumen0000t. 7S eratd. 7round17,770in47704,,240. She saw ig was aheCI00774g Art i-tit l7o7 ____ th17,0. 7701177777a, oioof imao, in777and as an 77707apprentie 0770000777 107741, vey and7ia table,, with a oueof7717d17I,707for7a r77po0. "Tory77Iv'ooiti-io coheat." This hor h e ,77k77tche. r,,hheap o!f17okn giais andthouh hNol77th.77000yooo- lot a Mo-oon ionerr o was 7777,oe A try for each me,2417,of the pain an7d varnisht7 She did net tiv,7701d1lf i ever,77777777777770000000of the 12poso of theCh777 16 t17,, the.t7b1-,od if bi1boerg las.70, 447b7c7 17 opieceotons QI c, 76,,on his77ay. He 770771 7sit7fo in000Il77,07s le the17,o0f a 70,717.17 bc7le late for brealdit. Coffres inp477ed 7th in ordrly 4o0,y "For'71the bas-rliefs ai theItO' 07700770017700il,7selves as47an7in- the s0nm toastothe 777,,7,, fruit aga7inst the wal. Th07701777g,71724'd 777."hbc sad 'ilhate 77p7the77 0.077777770o007leu'007. ... -01777or juice, c hOIed inapitchewt t77.077 Il7lebgi,,i f7rgmentstog777.71777and 1bis77n7in 77,7777777, hbel inozos andîte unsual oo07777777777177pod 7t special74l0tiesladou ohiit each Inlay 7put 717e77in0a4heappen7777he71flioor. in ourtonal 77,7poa'ho. The ose, h. 777000000007. sel. owebt Ipom the717,.7. pged. Taob7770,7777the777Il 717p070, 777000707log. Permson was eh- 717 Thethidreta1loveth17ir npper71177 Ait thwhite abc was liteninglefr 0! 2s47tI717o07777,17717,77 777oc f foooooaolan omp0777477777 way1, to, arxi howe,,,17j,041combleteny,.f7or onthe alaire; t the M inneotat7o'od.-1fi 1 's.00""07te1-t077-07rit 000f770 and 07,0 0770, .,o ..7.77 ma, 77htti s sly dd abc wo77717hatshe did Gil170777o said iait wen17,o 17077 ,07î7p0op.07777land 77,77777 1edtItim i1,tth miimum92of!7imet nw o tmews as sto77777p his stdio near Herhooo'pOoo,7op,.ooooopooooN 7oral onument777 [.et7Trin24as5 au1on aracetev- il th17,544 of777777 1079777 .'77 t7"he o0s77770700 fermiers07o7777'77eu- 077000077, lg swiable fi,, a tconb-7 .70 17.,I00uad etst he07,0771>fOghtt down stt,,77d br Selstrou sw.t071777077h1o777 s777 t770ile ,17,a.soncO7 The7oo ale.tcdIoîo uns o! pp.plates740and70gay, hight 17h717 balance , o7, tii t eain il, and17,7717,7 1,7,77 '7,000770mer! " 777007,77770,707700000777770077077xoand0777707ton77 paper tray ot0, 0selospkùis ,, eey tOPPl,0 00777777717 a7crash17 ,00 7the 17y f777700 17,774l.7 ,,I tri 0 d007lie ,00 os1770007777070770 t77Sait Loh, City nasal1in api770i0' "440 un4080te7.4peces74of ls. 7777e77777, 0pootinett 00777007701t0mark01the77grave7of the man o oacation right et7hom.8, Pa77i77 tricke,.ab17, 77771700 r 71777777717 77772470701777. 1 0 777net7717,0. _______ op andlied,1leaving the broom an4d 'In 4777."ie said. "by he7 17297 077,ste hbeli nd. Sho 0077loi.tbc, I hall fio47077000po7700pho'o77110771 W84. Variations ooto and looh,0 7thedoor. and77,.oo, 17,0 dore7the1job7o17 0000777. 77- Nwt. "Perchi.glo E,.t.70ation o! the ratine o ci i a aonyofsupnsetho04,77,,0bly, he7777007kow007of 7oIo Her77,"oa777000terni0forthoopooho varceleaniai sows7777are-7lar.nte7777ou. cl niais 700a0oI0000777777000770000017770011770000o If 170,1.in0thenoh.e of roa000ed She,1 4077d lie linerclos, aday7700.777 and7707'77'701000007 07POIoooO,îutoH,o.,Obi-, .llgtde- coos s, co,'070g t70the10,77,Vision loood exclamation7. ,4770 hdooo 7724,ya costutive. 7000 TOo77 S.loo,0.,oo'.id , 00o ta. o 20,. hall gain00. ,oatitOte. Infiches thetwo ypes ,ety 0.op. And 017ere came a 7,.. ,7tt6770tseions70700,770,0 te!haveo0dance7, 770'000, 77Li.e.c, i'. "-Il717 celle are about ,qu17n47717i7.24r7707ai7he07770. Della774ied infront of he7Fod dLacO00o.st ig- intvadof7O"dil ,.The7terra botIt44.7 ,. n'y ' g 77e00hless7, allant. He240777d 77t 77Oinca, d47777047702y sculpture re7p- jod!is ,ligOOi lo7the07777710,7the bupt 177774.the 71026476 777. ,7477,Io7d0 77,i,,7704 72907hh07777large.0771700070000In700777o0 ses and lid $,04008 eswdb very p7oirvisionthe oda are sarce 0,-,4.0le.7M.. o entireIy as.6 In, 7,710, . hh H V A f DA '>fL T W ooo ooo.big,g 11-9.. 0771o,, ha8ve rerni74blhy goO s7ght, the 1*044Y W A R iTRA N S PO RT .?, i b fo10170lo ig le. Tlot'. t, the dtg,,. !411din 1reptiles. I. on,0,OOOoo(if l NewYok Gsaisde- large san7imal@,es wel u in 70 7024,,DaIy Direct'BSevic îo,le100p 7, pbe,1o'h 0000 70the mo1 Raneu,,s oms TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON 0077,000 70 taho, 0007007ger7, Bill Teo7y, -the, bes oy! Io17, catc,117,,lance7 gaieso!.man's ,7.cks h" F7707017107y0077" 1At the age of13, jumoped 700 par cetd 870, 132, Loal and Long Distance C,,70gt and Moviong. oooy 7go i"7job7on7an07777771400,n0 16,N6000., the volme in 1939 total- VcVC&B --- à ir . se ftsigsi 708.640 pusnilrp vî t $ 8 7-7C1205 05615- ot 7077 lumps 701 f o ,og 77.r nte Ow, 40t 50400014a il 8 889 sur1 TORONTO RHA10188 MILTON 818 HAMILTON ONT Los 0Angtles o.boe.. V.. B 07,.7.77, 0 ,7,,7 oho a liv. .t.. Woodhido, Ont. T17ey h.., e Chat ooh,"' 277i04 770177' -,,,Chat es...d Te, Bi,7707 4 0,777,1 ..id. "T. 1h-,,th..ofihoio .207. nd ight as foa,4, q770072ta ..4. it7b.gonbod y. 1 - R.0o170 Hood, 70t 077, fo- 24y 170,2977 170 for a71.,y 17,177,. 10,77,471777eC770777 'BSkk.g Mde 7749y' .heR.boo 1477. 677, 7book, ic 427Y. ef 200-P.717,0 dRobin Hood FI.- L. S7h 404,0 24242424,,00 dhoohoo0 powdoand0 aft t,7I7o and8717 .7070N02... 2. Ado 1777777i.g 7 1.7. lloop hy 3. 00I ,7 !.i777 707771 f77 h,,,s 4.7 ooT l. h 7007n,7a loghly flOoo7d h-,o770,lpat777777777 U i077h h,ko.. 5- cu 7~0 I,,.,odh,,.kp, 71o17!,g oooo'00.024 w IF h bo.,jO, a .,,17 70.0070777 1h 7700,, ,,dn , , iii ai,:l,o ,, 77 O77i I7l, d ,.7 i n,,, oOOo77.000 H 7 O 770 ERIC Robin Hood Flour A hii.p7.7729 - a.7fa.. 1"'. 17,0,070 0777i77brui-777, .7,oob". , ,in oei. 24177 24arket. 70071077777777 077-b07700'I fi. ti7704777Ioor ager. '7700' .7707' 77,77477,0 ithailfv oi the7 f47724 Pî,ily i, 77 7770long-.7777 ., eqUirelo W .7724017,0777 t,707 , io177777 77077, 77 7705w7000 le HALTON COUNTY FAIR MILTON, SEPT. 27 & 28 O i ý 1 - - - - To