TthSteil tNeuteth adoett ar- I4U I ted o eb ea ttc,, li t t l.ttt 'onedortautettgn g 'g-oted tt1.le th ,tlfro t tttuteatd * etrt.edltg tht's eteasetaeguide, sItlttttutOf Oiettu Pre lak at tile City. Ntt e t 22hte 'enete y.X uurgttteut eu ntpeett te ltet tthe Nova.tInte cltgged drins, keepe eug- ctttd or. te ttttp kttet etth. heu-te satttary an.d edrlesa, titeettto"e ,*nd ifeet Wttlteet., p..totep .an pnet &th *tttt etctiet. The Nvattte ttrettde eut ut Ilpns aen h t ftttttted eteet, euttet ted tt,thtt teae'd wutk tut cf heavy e ltatg ilevltutees.c .Keep a tit alwapa handy. * 1 * Nttt Sttdty evetett, et 6.3t ttc *cet tetty Nvtiothttto, hptttttten:l ROu. anse e-T UIý'nt .. atI .WH.AM tee tttch, e 9.tit tted e, tA ~~~~~bt ltthteetllteste ettd. Stte,'tly. tt..d Lht eu tylcaddttttthytPaetd. - t-e front Wttttn tt ettdey ttuhtt et e t1.06.Tedttt ttetttvte ttt ROYM 'ý PtttttiIgKhl11t tyhee, ett i tcT htttt. Red.tth ethMeePhet" r tSc. Tcttet. edettn Cdent htuCe te~~ae c, ttth hl t eetd onfhte tettt tetlpt,sttioett htt et et Natonl Prk Sevie t teelorba a ghte, o ntîttretMctte:l Ttu igte ihefteatt Batu WndlieS tiekeru l; thp, îîe lte ieCn tt _ e tttcthte epee tetts Thetatittefpttfeeeetbe, att cote ~ ~~.ýntTt.htte tttttttFttdttgtttte y _aitettttbt ittlttt etltggtt ttteetetttt tyabeyheeCtegeeltythu delet - i.etdcet S. AM ee Peed Cl-httepttttttt thtneho, th. y de peidteeqotedetteeettet eu,,, , ttte eendttsettrvttitetlnt hCae unFnALL ig hoi t waIL3 etet eaeetuttsy Wtdeepeeu diett'thtiee et tte ieeect tlantiei: teetief utihet it cdd te inth a ,Chttuth.ttIuieltstrepet dia fetetdhnt tht ettetef petk eteetteLurteotetrangeeGrav Ntithtlaree h erh ie pi , ciaist t. . . SeptrilnMoti. 'T hetre titwsho feetW eeteud telc heet 0.leife,. ii n tept1.1Cte taingte tuhesgel pBanus ete fits ief, pice oct.t ' W ie le I . pae ietfm le fp o l n blf Thenatonl prkseric, a a' 'a"uý e. or. le .. ý. t ete t te eurideate efe l e huet tttfa tdeheeteyethe eottetoatt,,.hht eettiet tOu tcedettt e tt Aeetet nStty-rttttttt.tad tpt. asben i ng e on Sanet rot uenu e, t .ete mt ie forth t uteecieto A thtei-littee- i. . tap. tefi stne , e iithfeieie t ptt aeteiutet t teed c riset P ut tLO . ET 7 h ttty t h eef te e ceeythatdelni eotd iel eeethetie uetil ara endsu-ite ailte . luvdIto.fsttth ttepg ptreaeteuteeated eet ttttaeas .in thefdra ek ss otkpolcie lceo O]1 0a te, .51gthtee pttiuefyoreppfitethrac tiv yc Reid th e tbequ d erntees as -etH M nSudt n e p eits ifeeothPethed Steettlf ctt',3Ott peefeehethteteedtttehctceC o t coeeUeteystiythetegho beauetteetthet , lecete, e e, of dtthe. . . - e tiff e wheddedieathtteutP' getetnteulrHrl . Ieteeltt eiteeetiun eee.h.a-tehe ted etetct h t meuealf tc- ci bditnetee etho s tttt. T tei el8t eei. e t ees.e eed ihpfttbeuied paesiet h t isec 'tiatoee Bratetmttnt......... oc . enf d t tt tega e f loet . ~1~ Iv~ EMERGENCY CALL! Fremte hohrestof tee Mtherland etemea an appv frtelewec not ue Cnadian ten fil te hted. Whltewe lice efoe= , dtth dropso nu teeSembttlitelatnd. Thte et fot RedlCrosse assistance luaee=tt.Our soue and bretherre oeter there. On tend, et smu, iuthn oe thty face death dully. We muettea prepored t e lp thete when hey aOea tîthor wondtd. Rted Croie help lu needeel onu tehlf oet altier end c titîan aeu. Iteiolaundl heupital ecuiptetut, te *-l aupplie@ and dresteug, .Culuesandue X-ltay equipmett ilte e uedeel. Ovtrtight O need may battueeoeargent that livea may tee eoceltlced f help countt be acte ontce. Nevut befere hac there heen an great eaeet for Red Crosuasusiutance. Th. chlenete hýUmaltert e huznerd. Give te thtee ýCru.G ethtetu0t NW VEUE$CAMtti.FOu s,0MWa-CO R SIRP. Ph CANADUAMIIIID CROSS !upplyoftVitanu8 ha Isportart to Hmblt Sema ufth5e atceuatend at eleleluhave bannieteusleg Sanlm up and dean tSe physteeul trame- tutk et humnabeelfortutma" érese ll tdttapear it peuple patit nuie atteuttion tetht eetcantiet eltumnB e Sy are get a To e lumataspotttiti a reu vtautte -eue. aetttthfem,c. lion lenutrittoet. cettht, dc. t t.tyo M". e it ittt sotottttnttoitheUtterty et Illinoie. Thisuefeuite-utdeg suh- steuaeaornimuet petteineelinb hote-pute tecoeeis, do It migte ee hoetemoetre people It e et St thry have whole weteed.eo teae,f orgrakern mafftnsforteeakfaset. Vtgetuteeeandt-'trtittettriete semeehtstnethenltmiu t-e aep- ply, as deotteutt dteguces ted Whtet athegiam tîtneaiCt en- eos autueuta deu tt aheeietttp guranttao es individelaiai- mnt eh dieuppear, saill physiienus have pttced tatcertain typtetf cturitsauretd uee akofetthteteub- suante, Tet exempleu aee thtece- ritia ot pteguuety end thetteuritie tf etereteit eeehellace. Palet ent nuembnetsaempaepieguteeref dissoet us he eee mticufy e- laet c ithie o a tepo y ehie R-cee. Fcttheeteeee, detere he liee tat tht pait, numeteheeuand recteletu ete heeeenpaey reaupetieeatsare meryear'iations with me eeuae-lutteeftthaetit. Ml pteytltul tittiltiee, et coeree. tueuCdt Se ettribte trte pe ptel sourte, bteIl ittlght Se aegend ides fer people chu tet eéI"lltf'atge eout" andca etpable ef e IlPdu* weck testeiftBey ]haventISbae-tee. Ueg o "tlle tee Up e toflvteele R-tee,maysaSehe triiuatfy Tteumle-tetimitpreacut art She vitimcet o tistetemees eoau afeta, constipetien, lme et toetouttht digeutivetrtt ant teeS et appatite. Aetheeilie. aa», oaetludig tBuethere eetee lu ke a loe eate foehip heftteee laotS thlltemlnleintheel ettndtht aruteut adamo, nd alefee teen luth eft Siaeeland thetdiee. WeIl-Trained 'Wolf' Dtps Assiat Jugoalavia Police Feretits uaSt teet-teuleetdedge muSe etfletent erimnltcheru et t regeuar pattce ftreetofetJet aluvin. Mtstfly Monaunet ef dege. utthugh te radeeeare aieteeed i tesaniaumais aru teeghtegte insatt uedietcete u eeed ftete Sueie truittea. Ntetthbatheg euceptetnoer retelelea Salir poiene teegetty, She Jegeeuavpetite tegu aeesrpe- teiutfy trltle nteeekleg ttee ttgi- *tivestey acett, le tegh jumpling, end te keeplea eut et thteuwy oC ut- eptted sOtte. Theyuaeeasugetl asakftteuetentheir monteraand their Bete, Sut smddeu teuth le etteete on eutmy, t e epetite tmc- e t ofJugeelaviae d adetie souvenirs et eriminat hunts in eteittetpetite dteaplupetd leig uttea. r uch trophie Iluee nuauseed t y banditsttarmetdether eh- JeetlendhtlefthBetexhihit et tlspley IletSe Wahington, D. C.. heutteeurttrs ut tht Fettruf Bureau ut Investigation, anedtrenutitieg tht texploit&oethBe "G-Met eageleet Ateetiet g angsters, upeeedlpg Cc She Nutioual Geegeeptet uoete. Cetee-Cbangloir AnphSbluo The elta, te Protecus, laeae intd, tute-eattentaldd attehîtetet living le thtet itemeteae et u1thSe Atrtileea. If tcaughl met eXpeaed te twhite llghe.te sehit te bluthenad.ivre ever tSe eyea. Bt if Sept lu tedlght, te teieehrunte oftlisakihl ueeandtthetteeshe- coelarge aud uble teaetet. Tht ulim, Ifk. SueMeuh-eu axootl, la whut scentise l tut e i re turetee tttee" met et tht animal Sluaduet. Amphibiens, f Or feega, have au leterete utege uf tttetoepnuuetee tatuhlg et Salir atdt terin, Tht tteg, eepflten She Bolter Vision Inalitete, liu Peut agir, Sttpott, andt tutipttg. Thtetht uteserfut hepeudthSe tut- end, et lattal, stage. Weatheap aayto"et Asthma Tht e ppelur Suet ethuteuthet affetth Seavrl etfAthmenase etcty eetvtee'ltreeteiec. ft-oet sp ttios oet fatety animuis, uteeetlug ItetBe Joureaetf e She AceciueMetîtet AteSetiCle. aSymptoeueideutitet elS thetoe hamac asthma teeeptoteeed le gciuee pise lteeeetIete aai te tereateevupoett etigeta "i. e. invisilelsprays et foetige pet. tteins.Tht animais eetheru u. Jaceti!te vurlece urtfialltetprpe. ducat eeathet teuditiens. Aflheegh Il tac touentSat Sttheývepor astema le uttepenetente uet fatorss tempature, hemidetp er aumompharit presue aselong au She&utenestattntetht tep ofth St tpetimeul, tapit tchangestin SaheuSeatheeoditionut ttuted le leereatheuaverage eetf Saheecns yautel0Mpattcet. Rard Water PieSiens 'Thement nlverel tt etettet probleme is Sartcess-tepreuteac et lime att mattezitt. Chemlete ant perset St hu hvreteade u uCedy et wter cntet stteethsttle isu- ble r urd le tere e Se sp utitta aieSth te ime In hued euter. Thiu eart. ehitte eppearsas aue tbckp scr n dieheater.ctuesa etetid. erehfaaupeusteeasieimineetu BthatmueS seup treettht tttevetg etroea. lIt he ec timeted Chet le teul hardt e Ceeu eh ust90 pretntet t o amsouee e inuttd. taedt ee, it addition Inte hicg uastefet et muet. taeuh tdeithing etatet tleuand ct ieteiteetecdn eftttet fee ct seote, tiscotbtee te Ceres.tuames tdf éteuaeae, efegu and etfurgts uhit peruesad meket fatre rSittet. sluetes irmeau FflIgSt Tht ahereest ethetued at eleu tee it thtetwrît lae s it-telle aeeealte aIrmait servite treet tht rooloethSe Phlalhieupeut cile lu the Cettral uiepert lu Catedet. Fieromutd ttipe ur etmae aifp, teqeirlea apprtehuutelyfy temit- etes achetuy. Thiseveteetteuule acguruatduonJely 1f, 1930, att le S thetta tesfirt actegite acheuelet aittat d@tette. DOMINION 0F CANADA SECOND WA1I LOAN 0340000,9000 The Bank of Canada as audaorized by the Minister of Finance f0 annotence the offérirtg of a boan fa tee isetted for cash in the following ferme: 3 Per Cent Bond@ mdue Oet.,ber L, 1952 Cehlable un ut alter Oteuber 1, 1949 lutue Prias: 98.75% and accrned Yielding 3.125%1ota mat urity Deneuutaudoa et Beatrer Rendes S0100, $M.Ot81,000 Tht pruceade wtll te uaed te tht Govereemeut te finaneexeptdituetufer war perpoee. Paymnent la to e emade inufuul agalut delivery of ieterlm ctrtifitateu tnuer afier October 1, 1940. Pritcipal and intertuft wll tee payable int tewful meney of Cenadla. teteret wilt be payable withetut ctarge temi-uunually at aeey treuehIn Canada ef euy churtered baeik. Tht Bonde wilt tee dateel Octalser 1, 1940. Iee eteerdence eeitle the aeereetecentfmatde te the Mitister tf Finetteetcn Aegeet 18, 1940, the Bantk of Canacdea ha been futfher etthorized te anncete thet ,applicetions iiltlee receved te cenvert Domeineioneef Canatel % Bonds, due Septtmteer 1, 1940, ehchhaviee ct pcft eeett reeiented fer Paieepert,jetto eu par eter etef,!ddhfiona ondstetof thteteetve iece'. Tht 40% Bonsteel eested fer ceoevers"ete(tith finealceeepon deteehtd) will ltee tel ed ot 100.25%b atd tht reetlteent csh teejetteent tee fevetr ef thte ppetteent will tee mndte t the ftime of dttivee-p oftht tet Botnds, untor etfer Octter 1,.1940. Cahabucriptienu and convereien appitatiete may tee made threegh any eppreved le- veehtteet dealerur etuckte treket ert hireegh any traneh le Canada ef aey eharterte batik, f rom wleem copieu et tht officiai prospectus tenteinitg cemplets edetailu ef thtfetue, mey te obtained. The Minster of PItance reterves thel rlght te allet taule etheeriptiene in full er ine part. Thee liste fotr teuh uetecrptietue utdicoteteettedetuapplicatiosaetiti epen et the Beenk of Ceanade, Otteaea, et 9 an., E.D.T., en h6erdap, Sept ember 9, 1940, antdeeep ee l e leat eep fime ut tht eeetette cf tht e ester efjP'na.tutce, eith tor tcthotentotite. OtreWo, Septeter 6,19W0. Newe Bulit-lu Furnitere Ie Riing ln Popularity out t oextert, s tditticra I hig meuartte tet Ie patting eait-iteeornereeup. boartd, epbotett'd eteftmet. o L leitse et whett ite, tiehitg meate- o. Aettteding tia ut ohity etnfbord. ,,eed Plehing tla iemepotant thet WtoIefll the m m ottdetttand wolt tbe tight ftleu hbe ued intatteed-ltapied aepte fteut eeeeteitb theee.let'etdeeoitecy flottureuuam eesaeut ofa edw thetu tetteed, and luothat thteft 0er ehrtfUWsvm adsdw Biz wtped et thteeproe itet. kelege upeud. A ttllere te heicetty acmieiepig. sie, ehltieg, et etep, thourd te. ueeeae-fut ddelar np hae tta thtu gether ettb e saif eotetefeetve. forme hiete atd titeed elth gtuetine et mieetefsprtts. MmHu uvy ree r.dteuand tutI eeodi. rTbet ee te ay fPesibg reete. MmUgtlsed, jte pttbleues nhetutt . at. Ateetg hee t eu ttee tted aehte ttaned erengeusheitet, 5ffOtedi natuepmet t puetietu ant eehitteeeetesheandupeeeeetteh. 51e'ueexei0 as on efuth ettepart$ teeeoee there te eech e cite oSait, roilciuohiese ehie of celor and deteecds eety IlteeSttt etreputtsS sogreatlY, eeehhobtemee hueett hnthtte omr prdu h seltetheteolet tee hie hiftit nuluvale eef'fuete eeaeteuas pteee te het hep ecif l e nar- reutoeat lýup ltn-Heetis. moety ,,îth tht genetaf tyle et tht Mn.Cuepatettuuexp eepttaieelt pteblensundtt etle ta tutatkau peetu Dediy MoequitoeInvasion tu ucqulteun etia apatte tlit peectulus A ryeceetaonotfetStoCh Atee,h fore ro ieetW eeeltlity ut patsefot eahqietpe keettteesihoen s A.aey ofClrueteblm,nottner teteelt. tpbtthelsgmet.i coeettt.ttetsa as teaut aid esetîp teltys, are chut dieteet eteccephyeictens. This IteaeresdeleaMuy-l4ueiuttseattithe Moutoet, cett tht NttatilGee. reepeetluuwcih itthteloe eea- graphiecety, l te o man'et mottdegerous eeeie. Ceetpeg '"-NEPSERIZt ARtttOF THE CANADIAN malaiateithbaslongheee kot in tom trepticalAtete, ics ehiet htttdieeng. tetoetd. Thte pteue t asdteee' c etd tn the Wetern d t f93in en teeetltet etaoeti here 9tht Moeteoitd ppaeteip cigreied tee,, WetCAtette. Mttitg ep thtet ceate aed tieead, tht Attehetea gieebt s he eetged aetoecet. tet tecofettht grptC tet shoide etfPeeti. Iteearopeu t ditct tai e, epot'td etepidetit - tf moe t itee000tcaesteoet mae lette. Phttticn e tthe ottttetd -. u eped oethie teosquite, peeihip »ttti,~li ttteitt Noth Ameriteecthoegh the t[~~ itehettilet' tteedettet eed te te'Bra-tt't Élt oenetaet-epeetlptng i.a Jefr US at l K