Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 1940, p. 3

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It~. ____ i ----------a- -r--------------d eu ae . 8Tou 1UM C8L For TT1 haà - " IHEATIL~~ ~~~~ tf: e le lathcalceac AU.1 ' ________________________________ het Oc.dce ,teec ad lé eg" 0.1..oetg i[e- licLac. 1e 24ce.Da.d c Threshing Supplies cv»llri&al D.ýý.hà *5 nomla 00?I ufrt fcro id a <ibec t cir V. aM00" otsc nt e ccc l cghe t i ci esd.cc F U E L 0 1 1 - S T O V Er eniOniF u tu r, M ienIO u s t a n d . . F a rd UcZ =..Le4.le M i le c l ; .iA e e c 1 gh o l o t ca m DfLIVf ED PRO PTL ~ ceci Oeepîce.. e ,,iec Mile ua, e rrai sod~;Me Deefer l m otec, p~air. 41. Pctici h.. OlecîtJece ed ecMeyecil. Oec.onccAi 2tthL.dic ec c,,iziincc.ta A.ci. nd . W 'ieh ,Infn] cino. l. a icdc onth. l . tcc cd , ccpe. teg.cl-m la eR. pBiNGcec. ThSi. Ithor.declea1te , ecteo = .ù, Mecmelcces ee.hd cejoet coELIV tEc & e TL aT. Lac .1 t .JMortelClitli.gl01,ber,,cloin 14te .1 .. ble..l.jraining. Ace ah1 C NT- ýdy g t n[ !ý .e.adc ,îo'ce.. Aoei t ,eciie haccoeliedoic tc Thde ed ,celd i. lw . i ecc.d lr e JA K WcA D USA ENS)Y -d LcAt e --Chi- f Bcco . iiAe.ed ..tcceteedc t.îcethetctccclcccîd ceec ai I _________________ c. ThYc,cE. eecclecc 1 .,.bi . Lardt th. spirito r.Ii.t».c ececccticic PHO E 1 C llctMI7O , O TA IO. cties icccc . EteIBT 1" FR MILIN. ROr . . M. ctalece a . rlgt uatse«ihat C A.0Mati. .il . O lcc e d 1.0 .tic. eececîtaccadylie i1 ' ot- ---i t ceIf I ese My a T ibc ta ook c Oig..eservie-ecc lee ctaedceocl.tton, ttc 33 atec III 1> . i .Oc-tc bu! enicceaiceeecY.e Un.cia La________________ îtisu 1.. dotolir ei . R.cc nsIlO ud 7Sp...AD.S.T.C l its cl eio rO.Ld ae id e _______=__a____.___-cc*el ed i.ta ai.ccc tenstle tetc Lat-«.. t.nm.Icliit cî Wb. cetiîctcettccce ib t"e' ec(eecisccd t Na U U t MIcGcedtc, iiti1epr, S i T .. UL cVIed Celetcct.'-Oil* . .111p'pl alrc h.eict CAL duLW,, I, Teectord fltrete wt 1hcdcc I ...~................: cliluticacd 1 ...Idiclec. Wt bupys1 idcd ..icteoccye.g iîtcceck.. dc..s1.ed lii.1d., *dite. ILe.cd COAL ANO COKE Tacccceptccycet St.ecp..,,.e....d cct.pc i i no CAP P 4ii Nicic T. cc M c. O cie cc , et M lh e aec M c c te . l te d . c cutatlot a, elcI.b a c it tcc b ..cty eeccl dcd nc L R a g DAIVsh cedis ct e .cimctyhec.cLhuihctcýl.ltttt c."h -Sten sdcou.- oretcit y tt , .uutactu gir.iced thcic Ate.t.eec.hcetc teO ccc.ted te ttcactie e Tci.. ie... Mctl. elth. eC n Iht.M lcietndd evra unpccc t. e al cce es M 8p1e. ec t ee -cd e t...iac Met o ce.d .au ctaecykr lci.- At eI ctcMBdtM itet l.1 cle cd.. iiti. cccd iicctPI N E E "T.eeldfl ...- 9 L r....iyn s .ý abyé .TI i e.fthi. _________191, _5_lucompet.____ .-d .t ellec.toryMe. .te nt0 ii eMe e.ci, M attet bMre NRetIs.et tlia, L.td a- ecep I feentseilNoiySvn rc an iibigyu et 9~î .3c.cce..t. îe .0T0 e t. cci, RccaesdM . cc Mol.-t Wil etoe hi.îc eU cceccc c.cîi ee t The G e o gton Lumbfo t e r Cig po. MI &.il 10.00 p...cd ur;~i. ,c:iM. T.cttctcclet itil cttti 5jcli a lce cee. laecicdty hc gi r. thi. Neccaîcie M~~d.ie, tptIl., acLàdOnce i tyeel .clcctt Mitc ieieyti MIT N ON.oîla citsecc l iM..di tiie,0f11h1 t ngl e tel VuOCd. Tite tc arccitccc cotiungthi netigsàr 4 L T .OSPLe k BE. Ireeî eiiii. pee -chcc ed.dWciti cd i CiEcM. cc ci.lc a--M-d. Th.i e t. yc e e ilcccntee î e i gi taireM . aT it tc e ocbu .ielc Ttccei teee.teitlM thi.usel fce , btcill, cti.lcd l ue cli. tetlccd epeclciee1dinic.c.fu Mlpiceci,cc d hir. c eiîc tl c 1cc .rc- rec g'aai e . oue r . ceic. C egaeic U ene t ie, G Pla c, GPrn Apbats Tc LO~ CA NE WSli.c gniiec o . Tcd trî ,ciceeIie . c. cee te. t ciet r c,d ti c1e _ccî. 1ict ece deie istiiL,. tâ iierd Cla ad h e . eeiy c-aCeeceti Mc fc. lte .M [dd. tMie Osse orecM.lc.tlet.ieWtepcecionetteiped citt.itcreeceet.tiee Scedr.AMP C A AN C O ET.Cta«b,iel eiird L a.. ..t tenteiy-ei o, ew ie .ea'..,c udîl dtyt:c i ie c0itectccilet.ated BLUE teecac m odic e n t e rs ; ifîclctcMr.edatercie. cca n flae t. lrde Jieux Tai. cTb. 'TBR aie ctIO " 1r 11 0,.tt, e., rdc Md cy.c cge e l c. cta T h e tc peit i ica p fru e inet pgo H A MtO C O KElc.caeectîcprîcc barncledaM.. Mr.c ec Dcc c cee ancdM-C allowy, it n. Z Oedi.l iseli KI. tic otontt, meîtl».et tc FIor r mpEcrle NIuMl ON 4 lyS iai iyex,e pitvi, ct'cs, Itl: oiiittctieethBnle d iecý, dcedîee .ce,- ticî.tcrce.le eec McR . A A S 8 e uliti.aiiNoc . i Soniee, ed.csd r cttg, uiaicid o ci., a o clycr tae Ttc cccaîally.,. .ietit. weeer..,e. p iatosauiitre r ».pî ,,, e t eceiee. cccO Cmpt.'t. brunîc e la, W.CbuTHR aae. l t .eel.. ci tiy p- c egrte ia Mcr'le r'We41, ,ee* . "Lo à. li rîc t .. .. nu..l ttcc dy.fic ir.a ndcIc laPo pc îcîettecrt cy cii-.Rer o MIne. ccIl. uicc . e Iqb u ote hi o,,P= .. are uiteplacifidun. e ied i .,us i.r rotîie as.nie.tcic cwCM Vl A i l ua i.. et. n .L a tac Ae. lctle Idi. 2adiei-r Fore ce . aeec C a.c . T h o -Idecr ledc, cicOnIunitWbathFM;ILTO ieeî e cmnoh e oent .ic .iicctie .. i- - ie in am tea ro c la rhontha ta.o n ccca I sevi ine1el.ei. . Ie. .i. e ive .dcceo cb ui lc Meii eil'.Ce-i b ON botec . . il lcti,c .jta te et-..o l. . -oe i ier R Hî i-,re et,11- ,eBd T- lathii -i eeîcci.1by t gi rl.. , The Geo get wc uieg o. s lcîcîreJ. . t cdsd . euy. idce. i.-iud tje lirctoi ii yivicilt- u edpc..1Apiy , a e Mc.. 'Ci,ct e, ie ettcycelieciee e ree uctel beaiietest ____ h'_ Batue_______boy@ MMILT AON , 19 0 l~iBrctetccleeo,.ONT.Tiiete: lieci. ev. hall.. ccai.. ie t.ivthe M.tccs andi o ribet.gre.ieds buONiMeecvcetcdOlieittoutOor tcuttc i .,sitt. de i l,. e . rc e bi1,nUfr o-.tirbisz 01fr Occ o td eid o ra -p.ii.dtrL.1d COUiei ee.l.yy.. 1Tc Mîlo t i.c . ,eces Cac . T t.ocier. evi o. M sî.c Lc.D idc.aigt..i. i Z yvi , or i tscvv et c ac,- 'oc r bil. Ovdr, OTh.utten.e-e..r ThorndMi.iie . m leîcu tieitin ,,j ý It n. Oîiîi W la litTeLete dMreportîaelI.dcdld.. C iv i . m1 1..a y ff.,edciich.,e..cc viiitet , leb tire tI, ceiloolecIte preeldcd Rt t-.ilrgerbe. tr Te tuwn f lat o a s r aetc T.,icrcrcpdte, yc.rî, ll.iy ted. tîeig rthe acca".cgein Geoticci ledea re e on ent, M arberu ;aod cedocict. eiiec e'.ee it. Mdn c iit lv pet . MosCa]- deh l. . i iRes. cole.e Oti MetifCeine., fully requ st al ciizen to Tbc. Ctîte.le e &,. iltaI. ccr 1.Ile »du NL cm c4l.di- Dîecc e-.. etr y.. & ecd jccli fpi.igtLoe as-tof rtti h Miie, -utc.a neg e dîrr-9PJccM W 'Iosuneî obs rv thrme andeuiiyMr. e.F. . cccy8are;dn. .... PRIN.e. 1cESS Nr J.A Lied. Mouc1 i. tSoii ebeiIuîi..O.4. I , iaiboi t iteppici, Mc. .cccbae idc e, etudoce ilbu lcct-it________________________ For PpmptSevic PhnemiloM 9Ryiced M. n ieal cii teMp.t . ceec .- tirlg ..ile Meuo dlcie ta.t.cpeclcccc pe.c dcce ecccc ttc c c.ed et t o t c ledi'.C . cH.. tccd l.cclie le d.t. toM.. . ' 8"iaB . iP iubLie A. . K1 1~KUNi iy~c ac.cg c.ceit.eMc P.lTe, .-cdccecc.ti .toc Wtabc ers, e ns. UdceîI W(Boyne CLEMEN..Ub ta - hoiîiec. Dccctasd boa ctn.iccY stcp PertoMsdir ace-Th rcjdo r loi . . I 1.11) SA E T E INttorece M iac ce e e c'ei.;N,. rpý,W1.yi.wnr tracecr.ccailleisudtÏ.eerttc cteed- t e. 1 @anTec;dcy cd Re,icladr cep a u g ELONiHOME.c. ARdSelec.e- P itigadD o rtn ,h. eecoc cce ccpciclg eta.. .i l AbtMcdHy W .." ctce il ed, c t M lccc tcC ORn SALE o ...... th.#ed i.cyamicscWnl iid cie.e iîlfhie rCoue i y cîd ue d. Ica u . T RIc c L c TO ' IcLBWR I c Cge o lcce.-Ji.t ccccJccî,d tictDoennped d ClIca l, I, d p-le RrîINit,'WN Occpecdd 1, - 1 hors te, tar hc ~eti c. cciediittaidittci.ctleildeddi. DaEiaei'c. i'citsi Pr.dCorel- eIM Bs. eticl dcll-ty.d ,c.le B. CacCana-cdt c ete ta d orclecSions mccI ely 3 J.@ r iîtdcicllectione..,e ses zysyWeI Pei; Proclamctionet e'ctec'hednc eacetc. 8 lelMy, 7: te et- t ...ip i .. A j _ iaice ut .cry Io.f ud.,celie auIo c tr ed eccît ,oedcll btaorleeceiuIIeecbtg tr i , ')Ji iee Pc ,cr ilcg.coctlecc t Mer Ctc.i. l -("ioi et celot .tcp 0ehiI elel ceedc . s".c.iitiecce-pMci 0 aice d $700 'andc8Oi "dsP . TeecOI C rLnsteiAMAL. WHITd . Mc. &.Dc>M. liH.lTctpetTcc..- ye eocc tc ceco te .c îcd ern lc Mv.. . Mcc. Mcd h lcyaie- ht In Me i il pcio.d et Biei. Ac.it.aituMr..Ig3.T ktmies tMceM,,b.e________ NOw al e .N e. 4 colon, 1 c ,9 0 1cid. crt.pu won . , . d 5The tti. wCec,: e.cecI.rced Tb t .bVt opc cea le. î. t efi, JciPa. dli C B McMu l . Cl. he, Itcousett.i. 18e illc Lee PcI ec TCcil..Mid.cc raciecua. t MIlee Acte, il itt .1 c ep-l ty. îtis1, lt. e MN A CAsP LL Mr.e.-D c.di etdc. e ta D t hco, cie pt.....t. ich . T. ie ta elci d.ei.eettccc. tIl C e t ieeW cr, et PeCcutMuc, lid oW i d a. y Oc Me . s &.cil midte, elcOcc.ccti e i t E.C.c c ,.. tee cMcici0- iic. .1e .gcpicilte h. 1cc -0ttc Il te et ,,Nt. 4, ,.etBd IlP...cctt y-ce.ceM.cc. - ____ td t ga ,in, d. eccee tyttclt c..l iîi aebc.i Qutek Taphoca. lied di Wtitt . 8 ce.I. pll... lOc'ae BALL entat. lclo.. T.i î cct . f trthiieta cic a i c tAae Pfor e t ouaarfMildon andce sep ec t b.Re .,.idc e rMcstc nerie.,pî il ,. -nket mZU: G. Wti ce lthe d r u.Allcc ec o nmeint$dc, 1h. en.i.ande Mc ccicclceeueslI aileeccedzt- Pcccîciitseect0etssedcy GorgcîtI Mii-d Gor e îo C o bs KperveS tea .....ntciîe"cie.A'adîcc y ""ve.'co»;f, GITATO D0. A. O tI., iSSu. ote leepiM. àmrFi. .iltlgc . cd .cî »Iiil in.tc Cua eral - - - - p..2 .. Mlec.% e ldi.e.. te ueag.nMti eitcii d i ccc Hoehl A.sE.ngRST . . .VM o. ace eactirmuTeoth ip dae ni.eid btteict c l 1 , ct biawee Lemo 011. . . .Ica 8 c.l.. c h egithl cil ...I..ti aye tiuOnicie cdstîrnCde RadMileerCait .My.tteluliiigtb îî.cn ee..Cori ccpi ot h, eciîi e,, e-NpoE O RE IT lcecceve lcihticiedîe. et cccetuu. Mai Flo r a2c Mii îui >l'iuc- - li. tle :ls Vlc. Lta, .lc .cec Sl otin.%lipl Ivîre iiPaintngîsudiieu, vec m cl w..iee .,gch to.b i l i niectcd Asec lMe-Ii, peidt t t ,. t. o ced t ce tcet icd oom. càMD o"Cecsencdlic.t Ji.. &.il.adfiil.tyf I.pi..dieBe t la aura ilTI L ne n WE Tt. c,îcdgclcc ~o x i .c c eed arptiset ed cc.cIsîc.d ciseiai r,.ticecctoe sh.t ciee mcctt nacii Wc. Ucta ce ced ch,1 i ptilM 1 t". GTîicccnee . e rre, Mn. ictln Ec cîeP"ct CioPm" eic PH~jc . I UNN NU lEU DELVEI Mcitb . iteeclnbd .ut pet ttpý..,. "' tel tCneormer&edut ..ilcontenitetsccHciyafirA.Mcle .e tue i BtUI i nf e a'vioc ci i. e the a .. i ccu~l~ ii.cc y a aeuet xi.syl &gsTa owR navn t.e dril fMilto. n'@Hie e Milloe. NIlutlieeci, Tod 1.,y .d rie TWH 1T T R s tc areIccicg. c l evpc..ies le 8 Junir si, . tdM.ormgeer or ot eee-petrticii y d ..,ttccl tCch cedNcec W.o , hi, .bai hllgead.etr x c . cacLi es - p e , ti. w tc "Aucc l dre. et eae wn". iI 1l~Tcetp4Niel A .ce..lc ecceicicceit.,d c»E-.Rdeeî (Tcdd. i. S..c r..ttP ela,,aTIc.. ~e . 1w. mcld eh. ci le ic er.(r. .Oleet.cc Cece. ly 01M Tctro enst..,ce t Mr.cBpico t*i sci t cc cc t Quate rPe c.*c II hciitl .... i.........die sanhete mocvhctle et Ilecsebu tsed oM aMc t ie ed iacal neiselisn .cpcccl.d. se.,. peticce., »Idccc pibe eort cccOtaCwaMeccbtii, sMYordccBelil., idd, 14eudoi.- f ..cciui il i tece l il. TI c CcueiId.ai."cccqstdl MewMPak Peacc.teW.,id.c lrive,16aoz.3 forsac 22- cn,tcy Dc clsctn1 irilil-ee ei eh.edciIcio,. Xilte. e Cle.anca cdtino.Che, bah airse 4tic s .e.u . cMhe. l ca c loat. . .Io&lisek.c cgc e it .tan ci t cic. tête Juidr dl tiOntel teice. »,hIe . IccpImdy ,,, . e iul lt ie. is«PE .. Mep 1 CeCeiiîl Iig tlc. h.yc. ee pteag cgla 8ewe. i nneccet. . ie e Fr f.J l .d e....ho"'a ... c .lis i i.ecd i5C , le ccc c ei.es, a 1 l d g . Mith Hle..,OFermrcie h c usal ici..,. et.tt W., 5c eccS ozc.chiMîtoc 16 os. ihzc ,.J lt ahd,.Sa , Ues CMcabru ede is.etldt.Icdl1, t. .l t&eci Unlcie o tciccee hlcci e l cdcues ,c Red ce&eWhi te,..... e... ilozar. i it. s l. Mervcesatoebtin. h. ho bt ls e emande mnîtilt t e, . n1 "0, '. rbi [an t aery New Paok, E. Smith, 2 lb. a 7 Ginger Ale, ÂAeka Dry, deposit extra, Ig. bot --10e )xydol , large ize ced 2 cakea P. & G. Soap -24C Peae, choira quality, prr tic -----------1C Lard, lhtiff's ,2 Ibý -- - -- - - -- - e 1, " d'ý 1,Ii Iig ,Pu ie' - -- - -- - -- - -- -25c Icooa Flakes, per tinc------------- 181C 7erto, for precereing, liottie --------25C Pickles Sweet Mixed, large bottie ---------1 C Salmon, Commodore, good red, lb. tic ----- Ie Waternelons, good cize, Dixie, !ab - - 7 )raegee. gond and juioy, par doz-------- 15e Lemons, large ie, dozan -----------29C irapefreit, large ira, eaoh ---------SC irapofruit, gocd aizo, 6 for ---------25c 1 Littire, par head ------------------SC iarrotc, par buonni-----------SC Applea, Blueberriea, Tomatcea, Penpeera Peachea, Celery, Cantelopes, Hocay Daim. phone 66J Fpaee Dellve.'y lt'e eacy Mo start your te Save! fire with the hardese. cool evcr mined-Old Company'a An- thracite. Il kindîca quickly. The fur- nae.nerds leet eltention-thia super- hard cool homo slowly. Yot.re acre o aavings-bcauee you use fewee tous. Prompt. dlean dWliverc guaranteedviac1ouszi PHONE 48 ~R. S. ADAM S YOU'LL ENJOYiGOING ANYWHERE -by DMOTOR COACH- ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIP FARES between MILTON and TORONTO $ 1.35 NORTHI BAY $10.801 07TAWA 810.80. MWONlIREAL $13.35e c-S Dey Excurione EQUALLY LOW RATES TO OTHER POINTS -Tl-.KETS ANDIFORMATION AT- W. T. BARNARD-PHONE 14 GRAY COACH LUNES 1

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