CANOT î. BAINAIINS ~Taua~iau VOLUNIR 81 MILTON, THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1940 IJÂNADIAN CUÂMPION1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Fire-Fighting Chemical Motion Picture of Heofrt Sili Particles Graded UBIKDUsed in KiIIng Inecta Shows Begioning of Lif e By Novl Wind' Gadget ~V8YTtIRSDbY MOBNINL O (Ai Tile un ottandard Time) Mthyl ra.atde. sauemetat.d A monataptttr the l. rtgta .ofI 1I.UU IAI5sI W ttf 134and 19t36 .t th . u p.bàu- . ANAWIN PAIVIO MAILWAYessa.ire ssttt.gut.her, in pravias tufe-tht tfrmatton anad ft,,t beat of I'LL W ~IN .kndtek fotteSuh MA je.. LO. Ts. -tIOts. Ha..- *avnmre aseW as an taset "ex- te heuat ofilani tt..hyt thtickn- W*utin, it tto.ta , tt -MAINaST...-DMILTON.sONtialusher'"aothra8t, uit. ~ifi as shat,...rcenftlytaaassembly tbte r t nitittttfthtgtt s.... sac....7 .a36 a.pÉl an. i may 5caes i.tu tasts wethtIta orathe Iternatttionasl Coltttge of Sur- tht.. the t iot.,s . tppdt nt K.t 8.41 p Ds=tyinsecte .are î The fim, ph.tfitgfapht.d tht.,.gh attgto,.Ntew Yort.hattd Bh t tt Wa _ â ;%b n ia Hat5a4 -Gaisea W..- 9aatt i1.5a8d8115mcosc,,.ded t. surgeonts stat. H.5M 9.27 a...-oftlprta. ,.n.asai.tang drameaaf th. mutanya- of tat hah.ppn tna "" st.. ,t,.a,,;depaLAnsta(aUItt..aire are wott.attertafaofilalth ph.e. af thet. ht.,is ofi nwds'tt, fettt.y ntg ltht Paintt.- .9t. tt12.88n.-DttsaiSpI tasa. du If'gti wtt. tht. huminattla dtrmne P AIS th tne v id tnprture n t ef.fitr. Itaa..ttraal oha. tr - ] atiches e ttpdttt n thesi ....I.nt..a,.atn. ~ t.fecîattve.far rsas.ent tahtillt.tsefits tI, Watt.thet. itatstht tfi.piet nsrvtion .servtct,,,.ttt.y nt umt ttMNO afin. tla.tts nt-7.tttt .... duo, 1*37 p,ý wtht.aa rt aI.pants.. cht,.ht.'s heutt'i 1tt .. orethan a ha alifo i titfi,,of T,.sts.- nodla hd . -o--a l. 0, ... ta. i....,p.M..Élus. 957thti-tfttlid tbe, frsI ht.gan a O RHo fi, Sa* a aM,818 e.. h brttttnai.e uad-tt.con- ttc, hOttil htaad crcuatiota trt- VWtthe abo t y t .t.dt.d ai#W t -97s- o '1 Il rai af the J.pannss hssl-ts ta thee.f haatt. h. spamctait .il h .1 t ,ctytttat- fumatatton af fruitls ason vg.Ialsî t.g ht.t.a a pulatt i 1h.thetlaudtding ta l IDifdttttd a t m .Z. tlit tS.Ad.s .41-917 CANDIANATIONAL MILWAY tat withttt tatranti rse ~~ .th cllettd blond vs,.,, bâilltta Y U l ahn htcotsagnl t _ ltatr -a a;Naî t a U sorisat. ,Ithh benfated partat.larlfitose-l.t.w ad t.e hut a inaa 'dtt..ter, 'The. tttctine ,dropst,.afit 8.9.. I 7.15 p.=.. 141for tr.athtg ptt.d pants and u t tîa, aab fi ta tfP ire .flid si- ta nd it .tt _____________________ .4s'th the la, ît. as, élu..ata. lt..,aase. Atert.r I.att.t.I t.. pata coarle Dr. BraletyPattt.oftaihe.Uiveisr. e atc ta distncet. tnt. POLCI IGVA htppd oftittdfi t.e quar aa.had sty af icMthigaaa tas ttaty depart h mi acrt. sotitg thettstff POLLOCK & .NGHAN ra atot.fanger osreatsditlmentgae fthe.dea.aa.aabe. uath . 'dtn..d or h Oumaten51 a.I.& Worth t.e peu. A rat,.mspof. 1pansa *p.ptt.bha talih.and BRE D thrugh tiJ tfit.,nta . tnt.if 1ar injrd irhls &etaientt; t'htassociteshat tiy win-t,,..tatslw yt nt ecntd a ItLtHkt' nWUIt01T'. N T S s,-.ybh.stnaulated la mre r.p' dam, tn t.. a.ll oi a ferttltsai!d .g -r~0 unittt.ter...n. ha..a. Dos"s ~m xeL i mbyat.the llie »ta. htitht.t.bbaltitt aitd dt.att. ______________la_________d_____Iofapinabtad. Tht. pteparta t.atao a mh tlig m.ach.ine. taa bht. MEDICAL GALT. phtt,.tiitONT aatattal sit,as 2%tr.sfred ta a filosbehr ad wathed.ttttd taanneltabot1fit. utn.. llktl.llt. and.aaaifiîr' Tht 8,at ittt.ig, aifte tube, I tthett.,.t.d.tattra drap intht. ett iii.5kViIiM m faIU _____________________ ta.pattas oaintasct tan.a uhi terta ba eoaatbhet.ert, are ath d.aer bo. 51,,A s,.ttt a.,.' t .a....t. st..;yaradtoftai u. rhythmata ar atderty. Di.rat part. ttlatttri .,fandraat'ir t...ttttgh tht. h'y..aa sud Sren C. R. T U RNE R Eprec îhsaeptte n fi t .atrlyaatract ad t..r. aret.ala ntmr hn 1ýfc u.n.. 1a-8.a S a. 'P..t't 7-,aP Fai ifl Ir s haws one ai the pt.fiaarti tieUs Utof stte oacatt..ty. Thaaaaw.. nDry saat.îat.d sittîtltti it baeat.. t..t.t.sat hat tta.a. an a t u eI g as tiIn ls difrtahtao iig pat. a sert,. afi briltinsattd gadul.- h .hrttet.,., ta happer, nt oi) f t he I -W ttraaetptats ar treated di.'ly,alater to or thrcea baats, t.thetnnel..tLarget, ,.,tpnttt y P E -V L E Aent far Das. Pueari Oaisme. rertotri.n strat. tanUthe.,atr th.y tatt,.hataratta ,combhne,, atbfiita trti.taIIy. The fiSttflicttty or,,ttt PRts. n. MILTON. may break domtt.aa aterytfiatth' nastît'onte r tiht aidetof th te.. .t,î t, s lict he hyaccr iii' fHEEU and SIfVENSON [tasmtases. BttIl allattel ta Haro At,.' a,.,thr hor. aatttrd d y flt.ictttt, fi ,e . ti ttt.ttnor ptaa-ttaat.t., . op gaual for a fwday. ad aaa, aofih th et ide brinta cn qa1,'.da a q. AtWe luP... mitt.. wthentre tatd wtt.g. ai htgh tan- tr'act. Thnrfitght and et .ais -ot,. f tt' ttdtty tppt.n.. Wall _______h-_t,_m.,_1-3_p...,7-8_p..p.tata,stepituesentdurea fir-tr' iwttthintt.ewith aha te.ti 8.ttt tthe.ttnnel artt. rtndne ti.tttt.a a.t.~ t.ta.a-t'ttt ~tt*~ tA Ihat y htab conenatratt in of .se, fad tIb n ao gaitar trhytbat ta theaS pt.ssible. ft. pe tttttttts ,. Naaah hyppt.aatiabt.y. F. W. B. FITZ(IERALD tthra haddd ta prodais pletn es a.sttts a.a whatt.. i tttttdtttt.ttty, t,,th ir staock th.y yttld mrs dameo ar Thra bhere tata, therr ts a actt.ttinn . , te 11,tl.aythe, t on. 6. Et SYER Insuranceand Rosi Estate sprfiala for plaatag tan te un- chag, a ,t.graatuai l simpossible h ave,.pttttttth etcitt,toeil .tt,tttt,. Phsicien t an Surgonlireata.tig.ifne endtofthet.ubhaitthe t ra rpr.tttt, tttt, t..ttt t. .tt,,ttt. AiI....1 .al.aaaa.Trsnofh5d. ad rtppttttain waesta theather d at. ..telth t itS t- tIUH ar .tt .,t..t, lnBuilding SmaII Dams Ca thelaualetetta ftr.n A-t wilhader.60tNOpns &ahI t . ' Mca Whe t.t, aat.5ta haldtingdams.'a.httrha t b.ett h s l..vedrt. OR. WARD REDOICK MLO anaeaayrs tuat slflirai, bttae tabea.Thay ,hut atl acad ltttth , atro,.tu t,,bdw,,.,the instt, 3th Century Munnies m t. ..brt.)b ar t sa.h hat. Ttsht. atitg t. tata'prtid. 'The. ratt tt a bal' a rznaCv Plyact, sdAugats ___________________ harfthe ala îsresact. Thba ceue$th bon cll bcoet .tr httr,.Ah ,tt.~ Fousdi rzoaCv la.,.n n Sreo ûts'. rtnd la bhalll dama 1 wtt.,ore At lattthtat-bydyatinalttht. d . ,.t attn t .t Tepfytt ,'t..Ao, Pb.t..a 178G R MBouAI tleran.d Grand Ctalaesersar h eurbtattaepampte hbaond aitabody ,.cc t.. ofTht. pe ai,,,t t. T .t ,,yt ,f.cty ,c.,,,t, ttrou- aatttattt attaa 2~' ~ tar111 2 a TaGr.-bttI, fe, It cet ben dateoa î e.ahtyaatP t.aorie t. The tht,.k t ttadt tat"aThe intitts'ctn, ies, .bta t.A te,,t they,. t, P....; Ita Vsu5r P.-u.lmes slnaal a rtanstreann ai theait. 40 hbaat.t afiitidnb Cjpoaiatta bas nd rapigs n h su ywaters oaIasrivr andhUhlbida tll.t,î.. ' ,0th attttg a hiefaause ittotfit ttIenyIturh cnds ,ý'ttitnt LE L Luén. aal.asa ad ntitaatita, osse a.anfetive tathar plat..s the hatht taait tatttt," nett.t.tttt.Attizona bt, Utttî, fn LECIAL &atend. bigaaaa. At last ts te raClbAiazona sitt.t Wicosi Lar CubHtoyd y D rS, . Et.,tlHî to t t, Psasstt .MILTON U.t..arst srvice s.ayu ro is îcnanLTaohtag Fareign Lagaaar a,.îtrsitty staff,napt,,t m tLong osahutions oai hauts,. H sTo ompetition Womte.. aresr art. tat tt.,, ,,.,...',,,t, ,t,, t,ti re. W. I aIK. KIraifithe forent userice han ta the. tal-tortae .i, faces,,.tompetfi.t. -gt,.er, acctoding tt.a .tady cet.thttttttttt.'tttî,.ty intt r t.' sts5nA <'5!5' I bhs er asa watr.aa.arutattft, Ltrs ai Otage a havbue tchef- ttrd "Fragmt.entts From be, - tt tierce andt. ret, nais of.t.t, th(yt attt IthiNtilI 1,0183k .8 A tbrior.lars traesplaatad mne.ralbat.gad l t.tgtt.fibbert.,t..a -ie- satd by thr Coltumbtia Utttetfitttpytht atttf7,,,tt supin- 500 ..'er in Idaho lest yesr tran teng sesimat it... no hfia batîPies.. Wttf,. at.....ttît, nobleT>,,. lturet oft, 700. t.ttt, it. tt MAtI'TXKhitfi -r MILTONia a aa wrte.on Al Uth t he awaad, wbrrr therrtaentublt.t.nuotahtastett.htan men f nittt, T hetttae wr i fi,.ata [tA ' w re ont apprciatal, la t thehgb "Ttea enr'rar tlthhrinc vttiii.tadtte tt.tty, . ________ - 1atM . tllwet Yaa -,ttaafi hadwtetrstreawt on tba Targbes, ptt.tthip ,.as,, ote Glen « t aGi~t t tlirnatureltpertti. llbýtht. Puat tbt.,t, T, A. IICINSON es ae ilinssht, atttig m .. y iran the ,aauteraIaho aatoaal irrts. aOne a Oaaae k.adergattwtpuptt ortjtterat. it a tite t. tof 't,.twiewap di turrittr, Sltattar. lEtc. ham.ns eu i u,,snaall u gt .a,. Tte tatsig 'as dois wiatUthe U t elle:-Tus,., Of taoktt, tntî,,.,and t.,. ttetsaNat dtt.thantta ot.. i~ a sa.a sia ps p,teraion tse Idahoatu1.. gans "I Ha, asgttnUdt, ataalo Oslr ,l,1 , rltt,d b]-l,,S.t Orgies-N.t Offic. Let m et tome or you te. drltt.atr edat ,a coanservations affi- wab a Itodrttalty dotphrd a,.ry SbaieDsse Isietefe ln h u min ttrata mtbaa fonte. I ttt, ut at'u Wthl.ite.froteta Batimo. fifi m . oteitt. tht tt t t uries 'T.t.phaas 54. Th tan.ptatang prgrn l in d.'atel ofttp clase, clratt as tit, a hna d.fiistt. e., Id, Dr. Huy s nd soti,, oftthe KLELLY & AIKEN holata iefolowd y louober Hefoinit a xpoedan emar tehU S st.ain S5tt.whie eIherd obs ,er ttant o GEORGE E ELLIOITI gaClmgSpeîmas igtssIuu as tbr nuatbrs htrsaseandao a w taitof ari a. 1Ittttaolrlthe mr .p.u Sprht.î f~ î t aslkttato.I. thai s absaaw. ullat.Iysîtbs, taiti stab an mad e atathtaa The ,abatarirtta s.pttdt.d talsilv- Tem softec eere u, ctsat.. Sleit, Nat.ry Pabtie. ONsfetuls 0,OuI. ho surplussoaatnois con tbu Im' trada ont lhe ,.tlaf jt.hand Inî radIera, batt ailed ta ttatghte red it dsinatth, wms e r tt-taa atore' Buldi,tltag.inatso raffalertrapptag. srrwl tt au. The fct look clot atr .abwaagencttaandfi ,,ed rsc tin ttnan cnctins theirt,.t Esta.. tta18p9a0.ttna efisttha iatthr bow was embrddrd tin the gd n elfesct fcn TatepbnS. as.s. ha. saapre out itotathe yard. tra battt. 8y boinaftht.waintt ..a,dytr.lDr.t ttttt saidtttic BalaRefet oeealtetr tanku h e Ustrn as l, iftttd i tet he ,. H ttt .,.tttît m-I. WHEELER: 'E,.ry ttmansa asmpttyed man ""Tbs eat t twg 1I atawastfiabasa 'tate..Thetrewra te rllttdPSn hhnat DENTISTItY H .aaosst g tsa ,job saryiaermerrtntAnesroatl plidtag brial a treerfi teeOti eutr,. ar ttaa her , nga it made.oftt ____________________________ *tght ta ye allefluattThaiets hpht htrta thrtt.t h wt, tsy patte rartdifianatThe mammis ot,, Et,.tyttond est ataHer ta waay ofbtsasrptus hbat1 pattai.r Wha aatratastock ah' tttr ai tofathaca OR .A IO PIANO -- VIOLIN ctml wthle ril fcohn DENTAL aSURGElON GUITAR 'Lamp ptan ata ddres , h. 'The at.ttt.gthe cPatilAlaftitt. Thte rws ai the anI,,t.i e mA teret..p ito OffcelaRoalBuldng Mtt.s fr t. Nattoala rt ititttas. a,.,ryîhng ,rgat..atd. lie bal ut- atd G.taat otthalsa notero the o n y.g jtAt..eyta tihe "hatpy ona t fputaatdug.Mtta, .. Prhttsadalntlra filts pla. tbr coatitttttoa ce tiaO a thoo t-tstaerr ut.a aroe a e b .t, huSmtttg gt.aad." aaa- a.s..stZ:.rPisse Tuig snd Repairias g 'W lokapuPi e tp an' 't,1 ct dagig f te eilsatra aihe sm a fia, .rleaing ist, O8. F. E BABCOCK .w het w. aesysihg ta fn aatd wta AltafI.t taa keeping tscore.' 0nad effortsta layge 1 wreablaaita1, yttttSt.tlc,,,tttoro- DENTAL SURGEON A , tle capitsalta worhUsatt file ______ dataI. at.natg ttt,'th.,, hyda ,of y.ta men congel jota. Utt.t* tyttter nanay m,.th of fltilt,,y as-.- a, ..ta.n Téss.. figares. that I bale caUl sîttacinymr New Daasn Mars e.a,.ttMay. Uta ,dit, tt, sopoîh r.ut sautausat ns.ta rnma rî inuî g ott.ds. The a nagslUang ptualie a' Staît' tf photograpbhe af Mars Maies'.Judasu Li.d the tt.Itttt, t tting yy,,ttt y Nih p... I .Asad l m i g iinebas talitsonabouht A»Raitonshu Hbt. a taai ttîhttu ..t. , t.t ttttt Myah.,tttîs. X-aattasavttts. aaaatc«TRACTON* aF..e et Ih'lotsaald.atai.a ua,,hapta a.araaaa t.. hiat bryaat, hs rs hfiromMya et.ttttt ttt,. th sas.. -a. Tt. ~ ieaaî g anu aitve cI s a W w hrt tthe sna p ittetty i7t0t0ttt0 aie-hat e'fie bbtrsyed lit trllt.Hpa,tt.ttin. a t.rittttthtt.ttla,,. ioIt,,, ya,,,h T inamitlhing plan int opertng, hota 05 onfitfilabldsctaita taa arritvetat dettaitatt fi i tIoha,. pttectio,,t. nd wartpret,, ibtytt,~ N IELS EN --.*g ,t..,nt . ai. Wh ttu possible fiaonclusions. Ani taprdttt. ffl wshefi n wt i eint tart aPetfidgei, de t, a yLigttaI xetrc ic ieLSENh .aé ___ PUONSMO ,,.ta getaofreliefamndet.a 0st ottaby the.Pltt.ta barvtatoY Mtbara.. Astralte. Stn a. indmasted eafittA n tt, t, tttî, da TIeC lo eoo ANB. ITN N hat gatl wsges ho #Pentd# 18 ad Lnitngradl fieitty. Ila t.rhtd .r. -gtrytar setencea.t, fertthe ,.t..ttity ttfor , tt, Oftî,. 2ltpaatt .uatt.. ~ ___________________ ,ana ameaill. ,a hes r or 19tt9ytautTathhrfit. taaplia.ty ta alariatg batdtp. Atltnaturefl rt c.qi,s,t . , Di.ritzPtt Dafiahaa Tasuartst X.R captt a i lbe paentral Asiafi tUzbt. hist rat has ,.btand as a Jtudats as of tt.e Cti,,yt , îtlt 2 ta 5 - .0tu9.30 ""M, . u vnFrssuis tpahhi. w hrr, tattaphtrt,,catdti-'tht basl sa ilbtt ttIaH rimtinlsfitFt.tth.ttft, the tît, tINSU RAN CE Iamaaaadtlatttsshatt.hut t ttaatfIabtrsa.tita.t.rbh.,fyaotntttdt~tIIît, Oc.. Damcntaat Sa. da. atsfla a _________________ a .d I.ttoary sperteam Utfi50ttpbtagrapbs af thea edthe tht.t ta a detetaitt. Thstsaytatrt oftmodesin ce.t tt , ad t , .tt 15aaîf0 b oo. tbaa panef Ita.bas endtrrwettt tttp , . enh.. mttd aatlte aibis ,t, the prp o rt,,. t,,a t.achteethelîpurt, 1 h r umitsla sls. Op ra re t.Marshas qusa e nseatat.tpbare iiantath01a..a.hrd ,ttheji o. 1pa,e .ah.t. LINTON NAYLERA Aulli-mnb"lsmai infhicr sonattart.tarerwbtttticalsta protect benrot. the other ____ - ,.maers ,tet.ailads,,te ar se-.eret enme mornfayd tchme 1 t. i,~,t Paîntîng, Paar'haogtItatio g, sary taadiaula tons. tbawad that tI.y at.reratats day outlha ca,. tnd it,.d.nte ntnn,, at,, ,,î,,t Paitig,!P pe -h ng gw irs f ' rb m an r oraed w ttpaifita htais tr*_longer._ e-1 t..1t,,,,. t,, 1;11, NI. C., 1t Adl tuneral îtsparî F. D. DEWAR gsantés. -- IAt ntgha htlasrvta aausrrcâb,.d ,.tagtefittU ertaagr o,, t,..~ MutinaIs. Otesa.farine,"' harasthehoaannges..lorias.uC5u-dt5ina5. _______*_y Waataa htp ten Mdaat a ges Vt.d l.. i: . ah Iâ u. Uitetate s Ia.d.partmeit af sort- Wat ta BéIat Dn t n iEt, te ttttof,, 1a ________________________________ ,ultu rt. paaplbetelon t Uts uatal or- Slagiag in tae Sath tefted a n,..'H mt. in tp,ftî..g t"'.tt t,,,. tttttîtd in t,, til - I t..,rse ttan trm w tdle.hbutt.b, daîpita thr venir std te.,ialutWidtitr tt.At.tattt. Thttr tadsi mit attttttttt.It, yîîtîi COUN'IY 0F 'HALTON maricre..d $51 a s.rUtraugh onthe neiighfbat'rt.etah.saaghwmr ,a.hif .tat ndtt istttitt 1940 -. .. O R SAR. 1940 afittihae neataiy ts tae i sain r- Lu tonbathr mw lIm a. Siet,.tttt .atbt.wwrbta ving ,,.,,., i tttti o ia, i. tett t -LOCAL COURTS CALEND ~~t a nonmt as . lbagb a in- tIthr Art,.iwanttt of ttLat. troublhinfitheif ar.dan, tsanti,,y abte fnt fri, ____________________________ daat'Y't. strla Utl .aad ra' retaîbae daphs at it0 cnttt ncilpossi1ttablet, t t a nmo nt o . . . . L... Ssar .rss.tHe tattt aeapasurtiout at l rp. atrresarhhtmd tht it prday qttiayt,ttttt tt faait ha pac f I a t.t. afh tat. Thrt.dAit hfi ,tttttttttf ttt ,auaat.. fiasdar... a ,. t p ta a trabdomt. "The ii.',t t btrla gtnd job ai ande t.yy w aa tattas4.0 ioi rs,,. .. tatt asr . . T As-t t i oeut pitplc t. * a.ust...wa,.sÏaa t pt wa a W as RIl o culîzs 01 a, Shet' ta srtsi.acbathif fol SAma Jasaî t 04 or y.r ganCiai ai"the ttb-rtittflic. a Ia...aLI Gratte, ar. . SMne.Curi,tt flttttic at.ata ..a .a u.staa iI -.9Sinfln«i:e tasatraiin rTh 5 Jfm it,t,itIcblte ,tttand aasaMtsm2Jes h.hs. tI atcatyr atutbjet. ai] at asiiies The ,.ni ttdi,,. it.t Bta atad8ttau. 4 .t sefrar»;6.vr . 1B taai dtdrs at 0a t antaaitie o. anJnssaaHoattaeecaast hoadapo ta.theotaàh ta aats.tHlu.. ut t. AOt a ..,trt . " « I dnssaa.aei .eprtaett b.d ast, ai lar Inai. Pi 0 t.t at fi. utSt th 5*t tae dap entdrlis fi t UalIt' letfot,,gt ;, -4 t.t.. .%a 0.Pt.-s..b .a tt, h. tttt t.. b" -. sa.assa. ,..tta.a arst..tfasata.t aa5.n. 'aittag for the. day tsey ,uddshowbtamni- 1uho 1 1 Atsft ut0,namlli sui il ArilbillJ.1. 4s tat-athir uiowaà in8 aed ft. I Saii- bby pgtntWiltn itNnH. tric t. bal, 0... ly cme ad whn theliresignababylc aotitaN i.. tomobiles Bpardar W. . I.0C, ams.., rantg tha ntmbmhs umeed out i h igrcsala ongi n mIta t s. ag fortira ssistent achiot tse i vo-1Ae :Utar tat ne'.vli h .ass aaasdshila ths.) yÂtu.aa..a,aÉ. T - o thtt taeltagth Il' '"It Pays to Deal at Days" P.rt Up and Cl-'st tp ith C. V. PAINT 'l. fth. - k.. -vdtI- ta. M he, i. V. Pint t, of the t.,gh-t ig apacity .aak' tt, dpedahtt.pte-'t ~ I%1tl~iI~I~li P-rh aod ,.ghttt.hgh.. Y..Sattt Qtnh Dtyt.g E,,.,t,. 25, 45,. 75,'11I355 pay - t 'tty.. t y ..yte, EPHONE 28 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON jcýeSNAPSPûjOJ GIl WATCH TIIOSE SLJMMER SHAIDOWSj ofpol.Hee i'gt.t. .ttitt.1Idovatk r.fist. tthttuptatderthefi ha,. A Itt" l'ttt koc.s.hmo.,titadocur re.'ats ut a ihtt.of tght a ne Se , *,"""',dos se tt. thaatbj.'.ln t'.hh O, ",. 1a* ,twtgat. th.tb,t. at -itd . .... ... . .... . . I tetsn- - E.h, td n' fi l, toT h c ai ie, at. t . l , , d-nfioafiyl ftaty,,ty,,th [il 1 u o t th, at tghtgt.. . t, vi es 7ihaS., thaIl, thtt at h tas wl a o-kto tiI. 1J Help the,] Redthl e1.1. ai W saSetT.hCANDT A PATR IOTIC INVESTMENT WAR IAVINSU CEETIFICATES are a direct obliqgation of the. Dominion and may ho obtained. et ony hranch of tis bank. ror the Chiidren, Wur Savings Utumpg cire ivmed, et 25c mach sixteen of which mur h. *xchanued for one $5.00 Certificat. Tour Country and Empire aek your help intis struggle for justice and freedom. tmBAN KoTOROIRTO M I.T'ON 1859 .55 i h Ni, h BRANUN Msa.g