WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE [ 1o&W wilbffieli ' t O IGTO TIdO PRINCLSS TH'EATRE, MILTON FRIUAY & 5ATURDAY, JURE 7 & 8 MItil Ri'i -difortlitPetfotmaes.tî StoenTtteDeily MATINEES AT t45 PHM. SHARP ..75c NtCHTS AT S P..SHARP . 0t0 *-GONE WITII THE WIND"~ Daiptt. nt l iii l h.w's e OcetHiîîtoy LOCAL NEWS Rpce,utttbastelite tet. e at,,wc Th..eilh .. ee teet th. u le, lied Orte@. t-teeto,.May Ot. hltitiiegcet tenieu u Kuup ctetdey utt..teetn, leu .t .euufeocelJuAio CeOr. Rctetee MAY ALE-Te dey aed fittuta n.. iRiht tthut cut..euand di. P...ucu th. tub th-e Mi:t Muteett Atinetth xenud citelatites et Mileon Hit, c Clety ,eueli eut te, utc dey. May 000, et C10 .3t Oc TieH eeu,.Tbtp tetl ppr, .î.e utetuettit le .e i-hrot, .uelh. he-.utth Aoeittb..t i.t0., Mille, Ail kututu et iedduooFPlant. ».w .-.'d3 Aiee Pot Planta, Teuatueteudee t t'1.RWTu ... .eh. bastI...,einst tubýbre thteuh 11,e.. le, t OiiiceAtittet, ve.baslubh. ctÉuteud Oche hue thtceebh iu te i, t.e, uupheed woe tpot, chic te tl Dt. Hee.b e ichu to e o Au- Cthat uWc ffitcii l etcloe iMep 27th, Oth, Cfih, ecleg te Ci Aitliuugh tube euthu.. Rueb- Ce .u.LhoLeeipuethugtu&.. lut.. hu (tO teut, etd ut c miuete et.cyut p-uth. la- -«et. 1 Mtu. H. Mfili, M.. J. Heu]y WE AIMT7OSATISFY- Me-. îde.c feui.i, t'22 citoce, -yMilieutu iet Mi 1. - d- . cCuet c tn __________________________________________ foritIhu.OeceTUS d.". cItet pti I~~_r TI. t' ..d Mm -L.. i'O f ,, 1 ne Georgetown LumDCbe uO MLTCIN .,iu...,, ceMeodey ette A upui.i meteingteN11. t. MILTOIN, ONT. IS. ,id M-u. Geteorge iliti, o 1 c t te wuli ee.. ealpoi0h. e iMilîci,, ,ttud ewlee.th.et. t ue ,eto'd y î.i i ceud ittoii~. cd Luce.Cpi. tteitecett te oite.heeclee th..u Lubr eLShingIeS, Francs, Satb and Trie dtuitotikdctuyleEeie. Hp i r ,,c.duth. btiehu..ec.... ' ttecthtceiet..t Chtutctf Pciw,uM. M.. RithucA Tek,,,Mltiton- %iittMdt,id, Lec1175 Put,i..1h,, t tekt et SULD RtSPP IEtSd-Y -!th hber o, Boyîeehet, ec t ..eet Mupay -Ctid BUIDE S' UP LIE ihetciiMrH.. T.keer.,el,. MedtIn,C. H. Meuip.tuccVd-dhp brtetdhber th biLtedayeand i qit@ . . Pwe,C hat Eh E. tuutt Ceiuelt, ItLh, Pleter, Gyproe Asphalt ,cetf er gou.-Btrampt.eoecu'ppct.td eefeteh.u Rtitt lie ýst.r. de..etucalctpo 25 fet het.h tcî,g.cadRocficg i eh inds. toté..er tthe Teilp Tee te Keee C,tied.1 Ptehtele heeb.h ce t,dep. Metud h7 i. a. btceue...ele dudV BLUE GOAL - HAMCO -COKE -P,-. , .eI~K. h e. etd . b.du .1$25 ,touettcectk Hbubip, . aW.1 le ce.eeeLiee eithhietede- For Prompt Service Phone Oilton 49 AClt.ehi, dec11, c::,1eitr. Cied. Wilt etvertuptChiu.Id edilot LiI,.buaehociteR aut,,, eed he. At lait T.>,tcdt ote t' .uiele W. C. KETNER, Maoageo tm, .ue tt fh, c ttop u t t 0,cioChtchciibbetdcSte. Celionehatce.tcclihtieipeua dep. Jtte dOt. Hu. J. A. Wtte, B. hyyte Tce iii iei,téttepe A.0.cle ofleedtetthc.uti, -te lileiter et Natietnal littttcuandod Di.i. A. euoteeec,,. cte, t,,,. uhsedetoeou.e-Ctîd fite t-ee.th. ce . Lieteanîte'. .eetheu Rut peintedCaptait I U e and etd..ee..dig OM- f . Metei.lte ATTENTION! rHERED_& W HITE___ i 111111 Tt'etiti.ep.ey t Ottuce-Trhe _______________ 4t.éuORt.B ie. Th. efflci] euei-g c cMHt" MCri.. Giere Stt, et Trotou a lclulie., ý eii u ,]t ,Mey w-k..d guét of er - Oa Clît2%beah .10 pe-.t Ale.eh,."cd Per h ian. il.lp'î 21,, ic tc 25 "'O. . tyucti cousi- e eMd bel diel11ithittd le Atteed. Tbc p.btiC Saton.Hcc.cb, . ilb.lic20.decbtot, mi..Minu tite, Otuot ni et. vi.itu Ce utitei etut Sockeye SloHt.. E........4 it i 2eM . W.tkiou,.e, ued brh. i,, eytime ud.ettethe Orange tlilrmalade Sicettý..... 2 lbt. jar 19e H..COntbaRILuh.Ceertî SC. 2r» XBE.-H.]_Sk.____ e Fig liar Biscuits, MCmck..ce ...... t 1c POITEU Tehce esp ncut:te "Kir e tey e, fot, ietetu. Prunes, talr, ie. sizetilt, he25e tg.ie,2 litse2 teEtqLetee cilcutdtecu etd yhed te c _________________________________ meeing et the tecechp cuceul. le P.etiei, Impttig, oel,ePi,,ie.- Gott.iuc. Ltel., . hh.,utlid. Chop, lOntu. Putthie-, . t,. Wt,t$1iti Plai n Olite, i... iel .... .e. , tce xJetr21.. Mn. W. Brtfd emOuenet i ilt- 8200.Akfitet eorr.u.tStre. S tufTed Olives. tielli lilpAti. ce.. 8o. Iphee Je, 250 cme.uftethuOftilet utom.ba,-i e, Keifer Pears, i.y...Val'ey, 1 in ...et ..ti, 2 fote rOc i'iee,. Teu.dcp. Mep SOh. otctreu u Green Gage Plume .....l... .tin 00' e Wi. 'tiie,.k eed cîtb Mr. Ctuutetm Craigl ea Beatier Hlueberrjes ........... .. ~in,eu lh 'i, ettuig MaPle SYrUP. OliiiClip .......ii..t o. î'îg 26' P,,tuc ExHAvtteotu.-Owneu et eThi Sunir Enerieiuer Friends Green Glant Peas ............... tin 14e fi.eh' teuui.plue hiheppet..eLI Crisco iIl t...21'....... 'lit.hile59, *bue.ted, cIibt hhtd .c ehe e t ci Cigit ' 1 . . ... . er 'or 7c .rp .t h e rC u t t f ieuuy A-t. Lfebuoy Se ap. . . . .p; ,("et « S,'iuee Tîehlp, u i» egcetghO.i We dter t eky,%e TotIet. Son .'.,t,i .......... ,percke Bc ptie.teCe.tehit AA. Dluet t .1.ve Waohlng Sada.,tt.îiîu.'li........... 2 pbee 9c MiLetupoueht a oult e ad end giiett. Pincers, Teee, Johnsons G-Ceat ........... ic fn 6 hu bi'. l ues tuh. inlt, lu.Bridges anti Lîtocheuito. le,, ced o,thetu.: AUC5QIi72. Ginger Ate, iii h &h iîbie...... 2 Itge bhetti 251. CaliUornia Grapefruit .... ***« t»»5fo , u 8p hieAtîCht)e-ThCeu.di.oClh MRS. H. STARK Oranges. ,,îb, Navl.........le. icc z37 e ut tefrod l(C. .e... 1 Ledu' Nîhttle Phone 15it13 R , 2Miton. 'h ibelesh let ei ,d.,Mcpy'31t. Cuban Pinapples. lre ize ...........,cpi, 1 B ."ctîPpuî' tii1Puak. rhut.e -____ Egyptian Onlons .............. 2 lilt, C5e lieuha. etteogrd ae nud peeteet, ctu. cill h. ocilui, tte..th.t PA11ERSON'S "Qolyaiways egher tte priCtt ltuu .e .5,Dyihtsv. Tii..O bEaHU il 3'W lA UUN INfl D M JEER,,îcoand Rpuîccd t ehWuîttî'. ckiu . ___________ THt E BYmo BAVES TE olOpluaSERVE HomeuND Ct OtiecLUeete- Th Plantaofî.t tiI indtifo sae Mpceet.eeofethtIcomtescd Otel1 TOMATO tnd CARiAICE 0i.1;ciilRlmhulA la Mie.Mtty'u OPLANTS -m',e,.0 Piu.. ueRMayh2e.d.et A3toZINNIAS, ASTERS, ONAP- A weu tctri,ttighbtele el...Ite prepeedChathtite c -fi-e- A pioetci EtepîteyO.pPceîtec hy -it DRAGONS, PETUNIAS te OeIL, et. ha dot t1 tu tcteee-- pbtr.. eMi hteaietfth. e al ttecucee. Contee AlbdetBadcPite chthYeeuebcriptetQ la peid. W, i..,aC.g1uuetmat LM%. muhu ced llu luthi spcial etiehrthei tdEELIE tbeekyct. leek Mt«toueChr ece pueetue. CithChute.1 [ELI 1 - .ttu..hand ktun'veueod eui SALESMAN WANTED Fee.', to uelit h','cd,ucictt,îttuitue ý hOttkceuupdeW. -,d u, lu. ce. tc ,tt,. 1' BUSES LEAVE svctate uicttd rtu,to,,s. Att ltittiým iiug 2m ,cueîiu iu.'h, TO TORONTO ttutug ttputîetdoeu hbylhitet f-. uiu.C. Coote.tt',uîce,, .701 î.1, st. CttmetoML,, HeituCl. atC ',I. uu,,Cetchîîuettgctten. -,tct in . rie. - n '... t ,,uc utti.., Niiuc-in ieitliitt 0. cli.ui.1 fe.'CeMop liii,. 1140, Mey A.u Toe. ft.iCtdcue t nd. Cee-At hi.e tee, . c12li.--iuc .1.1,i. tiqiu Tc--uuh il,., CVl,tde4y, Hep 22d, 19411, Didl Cc-, b.utend ci h.lI.t Jco, D.0, . ehic@(1h ye-. W.TT BARNARD, PHONE 14 The Salvation Army The Red Shield War and Home Service Campaign A Nation-Wide Campaign te Raît $1,000,000.00 nti ent i t l c y I, (JOlit..iî. îîa ut. cetres, atcdt.iec t bitheS latt rti. ttýtl tcIn Fce, 011 ltv.îa.ti..uriii.îy t-I îtad b.i.p.arc l' it... the ifront ewith thitl, t hetu,tc i,î o,i ,ltb 1. iIie Theyt lirett ingppîtilltul eit, t iliietu t lt foi..t'.,, 1e t, 01. h. e u de l ýrî a d - i t-l Glloite oti o Gneoul The i In (, i 1 t f l JNtiP i IDIN " Vi 't, th wr hat h, Cala tenA iete cî; ,.iguu.... .' h-,, et-, 4 "t.. ii,,,tc,.. N.'de.. l'I " ! 9 t .tid c.i . g d p,il, .. e,,.lib ,p c . . 193 îlOt' ii'."ttc'. . CAAM:eELLVILLE u Ts, lITCHENS a,»O ' FLOU R, 24 IL bag- 69c Domino Baking Powder, lb. tinc - 19c 1Ricbmello Coffeeu freshly ground, IL.- 39c Domestic or Jewel Shortening. 2 Ibs - 25c Picnic Sweet Mixed Pickles, 28 oz. jar - 23c SALMON, 1I Letin - 27c rPure Lard, lb. - 9c Pard Dog Food, tin 10c Serviette '2pkg. 10c DomuTea IL.33c Ib 65c C .'àý?T P.&G.Soap, 2 cakes-9c Dom. Bread, ~c9c ic tNoi Camay Soap, 3 cakesl 9c ..... OXYDO '. 63eCLte. 23v Domino Dry Ginger Aie 10~a. - lc New Canadian Cheese, lb. 19C Domino Peanut Butter, 25 oz. jar- 27c Westminster Toilet Tissue, 4 rolis - 25c PIN EAPPLESu lg. size, ea - 19c New Potatoes, Caifornla No. Oc 5 Ibm .... 250 New Tex'as Carrotsu 2 bunohea ...........3o New Catobage. 2 Ibm ...................lie 1 DOMINION STORESc LTD, GOING OUT' BUSINESS EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN White Shoes Womtnn's .1 Grownlg Infants'. ChiIduens Gie'Mistses, 98c, tO $229 ýi 79c to $1.59 Men's White Sport Oxfords * BROGUES AND PLAIN TOES $2.49 and $3,45 KIBLER'S QUALITY SHOE STORE MON DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE I SCIOX 11EPR S D ilEGRAIN, SEED CoOCN i.l .ACOiIoN SEEOII'- M-INF) Il'Iiý"II.,IZEIZSI'A t) INCIREDIENTS 0 'I -'s, OlTOR 01lS, WOREEFENCFES F EIllA ANI) FUELSI l'l)l' AI'\IL'.ANAI) IISINFEC'IANTS .1 A Y PIIIJU,'I'RIY EQIIIP'SIE.N'r i6 011, î'î si 1,..i.ttIt c 13 tOtERS - --,ý à T HPE AT iRE VEXAT et- B AUEDAT Bilii SyA et lpdeg Cuudy p.Ppu-"Pltttt O .eBety' Vetut ti.teL, Bii,.-" .1.. MtLi, tth- ..doe O.d TIJESDAY - WEDNESDAT tet utA Id. Liptetil lhe ~ Light %'hididu Ce1iuA Cttece--"Litt, lite. littI.Mcýetrbu- 'Dcy et lieut CODMO t fi. & Bat. ttty 81,J..eu1 Me Wet ced W. l0. Fieldu le ,,My Litle Cckkddeetu Tut. Wd.eodFi. ...Bt fIls et _. iý 'h..be 0Ld.100(tue. Stutd et ut.fi0 Làed0.lLtp..,i. lg DOT. A Dow ,hlpmmut o et mcuuut rutKNOX PRESBYTERIAN CNtJRCII_________________________ . e e tehe iidae ii l ai y t.u.e Si98 ePe0et yRitSJe 9r..Weohip the Leetlnte o piritofe Hia Lue Deeeu.-Jaet. Jehe. homet týdt.iie «h . he-muee tu . .t3Isol r -Oi eetu the I I 1 tinatilfo a rut. Ig. 1.%ot ÀL ER STORES Ireiud, hop. bucuileiri te ue'u. ."u,"eeti 11e.Ih.de"...eIleete' ILASR 1 Due,. uie te Dert.. te ieeAtotte RIG2..LIMITEO tH t'all, y HpChtedir .P..et* - ST. PAULS UNTED CIIIRCO i let 71,h 'î.h- u et d .... Warm Weather Suggestions Sets 8Montls for __________ v_ AInin oan JI. bu. Sbp tWAKR' oru-to-the-minute Kâ ute..euttttt cii eeî,teîtuueee., Wilit- . àttttt P. e Bttott'. D. ,,,d,,,fotr,,t.,i"FAI ttud udpueeeiu. u.etttute'ed. ieii.,dy e C tehe h.teîi.., c,..S Y E te,. ii hict t hMitu ldet . -i. W f. N. Meette te Dr. ul, of wi ,,ettt'Oeh et ttthIltc-tlvtduit. it Aeeed.'tt. A.N,iehl- M M,îdî . y intee, ce lititutihel lthettte in. 17) tee, tettth. i J.ttu ie , te tcth, ilfir the , f irs1.d om n o n e id a y , M y 2 O hh, e t . ., D T ., O n ta r io . t1 ute t h.y , li e . n g - v t e ir l ' e d W o e 4 S a c i s ci e upi t. et thu Bt auiee ieed,d eIl) t, hottt..eitd e,i ulgti te,c.Girls' Shorts Skirts Mutetutut . cc td tet% ctet. Th. tee, ii t ee ',iietttt..4h .l In'r, 1 e - c-1 HOL. tettd te._Ie Wtt 'reeee.tin..,,kpî,eItl.teh Chriu il.Ldu.C. cydetlteNth-.Je., ' ,. 5hh i . .,~sport Blouses Puilovers '-Wtiie th'b uA" Ky nt ... mu u deoteAbt. e,r-, Api, ,tge.iteciie ýrIh.. t, I ..ii.i iete.,uete tpe ie' Pue h pelttet huttge., Mul- Ankie Sox VWhite Purses ietout t ii,,le m te i t t't. ~Wiie, .. P.Vedlittt . lnApti - O Hte . Htaue th .t pat.l ie ..t-1t,811 ti..e.gd u tiut. Ap tyll: tht ttc,,,tt,,c.e ae ... White Feait liffis White Glottes ouoOt'ty . au -reroct' . Ildedtttt.T tb~o , 1,,h..tîd iheteîei poison h.ett u etedd ottu t..t ttetiie ee teeC..un-_____________White Shirts tetu. . O,eiet 1,' ttitiuttttteteeiM " ad~~.________________ Ae.ctdegttt.ietcoy iel STii Lditu' Aid et K .e. Chctt,, trialMitle it. h . dutotd1 Wood For Sae Boys' Ankie Sox Otuei ,.fu t.eT ... O ieettatlTitt. .d vhoteh eu"ti ttited .,. et et- hd Xgi.gý $ (I r" fgen's Sport Shirts M.2'lh. Th. WttI. 11. .u e.. ee ediei,îep.c,,tN c or cd , ,, ,, lt i.li, titc u . -Trotot, ii ptetid hu e tusiU,i P"' Oliieti. W.tdtea t fot.,i-Ieg îttIl uut ',-tli. eth, î tkl.. i l' Boys' Sport Pants and Jerseys eetc.M.Ci.t. h t,ef Mte,, h,.eepeded fitet hie te te , 'i,,.eil Iliii h liChu peuhtt.. Oeut r ecvetiut,.u uid Euitha eht htt____________________________ M- te. ud White ctîedhoeebOd, gtehhtd Cem. hyt.t FR ,,u Aend tuOeOet.Fede, 'e1eFORtke t. te td ...SALE vvamker Stores, LimiLed 'do. ieitt. Me hi edueotcuccdhd. h, etid he :u; eer ut eeei h . tieehh Ilt aueti. .b o it u eh.furniî IC.u.et- itteîi,r î Se, 22iti 'ti4"iziCti, hue9M ILT NPoe9 M,'iu ed ee Ohh, e Mie.ueeeettectetad thte t rtteteiud te g,...d,dt,. eh,. Fada Whit.-Pu. 6td eei. 'e'thtupeu"iEletiit i,..io iO l 'Th a.ted.,,,,eule.e. c. hte -Ah-db h.detOttetuCt A pîitueOitied -TutettDit'a bh. iOl e eihee ...ee.t.et hieAl. e i... 11 iheoeuetphe Bute, eemt.' t, ; seeroiht teut..u.pieu *'iee'd geîop td".î,,td i.eTownship et Nassagaweya ..Th. t.Ot Chu o tfOth.GafS." and vtete,. eettlu te COURT OF REVISION U Reyut Pîte,uu. Adeiciet 25. A 10. iitonie f th ehhbing Jeen Utdiek. ____ Iy N meti. euttae.. Il iepour auehi et thh curettceoti. tuJte N.t.'ii,,,.ec'ttbi Th. utan uih ey Poih reuet i .eti.ou e t l idd ee'..t .tt i. ...,, .,lb'1',.t Te, utu ittte ut,5,i.'e, ued t miie.. h al ttemIed .Ued i ..e ,eo i., - i. lPTOtheT R utIt u otbitt tee..naedau hOu .k,. dnt c.îîrl,tthuEitt.. N. .ie, 1.,..et.. thib i, dii ,ln. thndilcet- .. i a huiueup' toth. .'to..ettcît1 i,"f t. c t.ilt.bl'. iNilb nblll1 n SUiIT$ anhTopCueeeh..de e e tu o uuuttdee-1t1et, oed i...,,t..lhl ,.il..te..e.àc'ie WEDNESu, MAY 29th Oe et de TepadCe I. p.,du 0e ThCt hd.' te ttp.. 1 bed. h- 2wh eeiteC etu. AeiCt. aneed Rue-itu etncetreumet jushtiiuehueuwit c tîc o i . i ît At the home ofO0. C. Petlgrew, Mlton * Ldo' aed tute li.tu y atet t manteu poe e it],' aueuttd Cpeet, C I. tNiltltil peieottdteith ,i .e lC-t attorneyW. . Dick. iltIk * FROM 9.W A.M. TO O.00 P.M.,D.S.. Irtuttut.Mille,. r. edethe titte tettu utCt.. CELEBRATED 92ud BIRTHDAY ____________ il'l iig t..hitiiîi,1pttiîctiiîîîp i.i1 1. ofthhue it.,II"ctte i cptut N.i.c.'- lu I..of140 u h e--gI[ - O-oft- eH.-MONUMENTS CNULAINFE d. 10h. and Mi-. d,tii. etdth.eete ..te Nt, .rtutet mAlen,. .ft&tlli.t'bi .i.ili* u e tutu en nthue atit,,cci etthe fi i Mt..,. eceth. .tto9idd bIth' akillieMouenteeei eks e tCO S L A ON F E c, leiidtetyh e 8hMi.. e ip.1, 4-P-1-t te h, ,he.t C ,..eect edea..t, tc~ctct.,..i,, 'ei Ib oei f d th. iu t't.ii.o- pet. de ieeO 'i',tdeî. bio». t,. c"pe.y thu"t0tdieeeaigee. -Oe Hl.e . ltuM .Jeene D.m.T. f.teei,,,. Ltei Oieet. deuht, et MI eiu . ec hiue.teegeet..,e t,. . tht 'i Li. , 'h id p-e ... ticIwthth. i i,.-ufi,thduded, i.tg t u tîle.eandthieiteic..k -Yt 1 Il_____________St________________ eeemitgueetded hy D.A.B.McCu1tttt.huck. OBut the u]lie eil c.C th.' A G iii.plt t.N..k tui - u uîhhlierdticocuad -le-- ce." Hi,challuuteu-y Ce" ic t (A. c t LL.R rprc pi. A ee,,tei bhuqe ceutui h..» .ie tiu ucic,'udOt.ith h-Cite ..eh . Ai.ttpite ,e, hpti IIeupiiteeBoad. thilile Biteiilc-teu,"c ____________ be ThE-1ufiet ni. etcOi.plt 11100 ce.P"eua.ul. t ethceu "h.'y cil Sud 1,,tîehp ' '.ip c ietd I ,t emTeeetn t...~c W.,deuduytee,eur ipt.î.cht t d hliî,tcie --___ .e arly's Sales & Service .d heme cof ,eu Mytti Dc he "it 1 ,Iti.etp! . teh ti Aro.-ute1l n--W (Boyne, CLEMENT ______________ Lukc.it Cheptîci At..e...euu tu end teu e..td guttul .t ilueira. t""" iHeh,,c,)~clitcIil. 4 ~ ' aiiltiuti i G iîî (,tîeepd U Iil (itand Id ct,ethened t,'heede .teec.i ,e. u.- ,,ii....t,- ,lu tt, Palnting and Deooratiutgq e. îud.e ,.ceî,Il nite hupu. ad .e y d ,,i.e iî..yCo tatto iii tit. Sotit bitte b.' ic ea.tofreti 'ieijsfiitetce t" lie. B. P. Andt'ee u c t,'9-Lu Th "O Iýdult eee d t hl, . h, peuti e uuteo «....a.dtiii cupt mdolettof c i . a C of .ie t, e o, ut ithese îtis id , hu .diei, b lier htitetoehttttd- In.c 'nae .__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ fi at.f. h ti,. i ec.g.SucetloWeIPaerudusn -wolýr-11 ie it w ýý, lk ngn ul ati t..... t and petty. M.eueh.itySn ty cWall!3. ih- l. Cte , i.i ,ei , hdy. htu. t.. tct.'i 1 te K]let gave te., delititiel dettce 4 l'iî7 R i. i,.ti h oI l ; .@tuttihc,,.,.cti.e eteeicu h etîo tl t.,. RED CROSS SOCIETY Cleeî,,A " 'h.t Ic e, i.h ,eI- teb,.bdc, ti ., le h, t. _I. _dbya h f .,r t 1 .,ce ii.,ht. ,cu.. tht RdC-.cue op a, tkt"cidgu ['icu-- 121lt, CMai St, C.)i..î. P13 , ,t, long, -,Nt th u . ed e. het .p TOWN OUUCIUL eethutk 'et an blhht e ahuti., .lu.-- -,4Ll. i P,î,i t.,eht il. lcAI .1 - 'Th. 1 ... 1Oh.d C... .e .. 2 _ ill l.l'..t..ttt.".,beC2etdc,. ' 1 lhummmmmmmmwi