Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 May 1940, p. 1

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IIIY w 80000TO u I .7...>, 0 , - 0~ (aubî . * ..' ..' .74 IW~Tese>~!±f.d8seo~ T~~E~0h00 VOLDMR 80. (JÂNÂDIÂN CHAMPIONI TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Z=7 a1010400 00801119 (AlITrainsRa o Otdtou Te) poQ.je.,1 .o, .iý JAOOADIAOO 0AOI IAILWAK MAIN 8T., MITON. ONT. -_O.000 fou- - I I1.81 a....-Oooly,. 8 ruba a o000 000.0.9000 .O I p.ooo-OoOJy. ,Md 1..0p m -DatIy ..o.pt e.oa,, .Tu 12=1--.1. W. -~0000. a -e.. ie . 00 .27 &m.- D4y, San, 'Z ,00800000. i0. e*a0.10it.pii. -IJOy a UARIL»gEAT. Qu<4.00700.07.1.0 in. ,1Uo..-...1 ... bi- 19. .. -1 - I* o utr 801. 0U1IR ad ...G 8Iu ,Voo-.2?o.. 792.10 P.RL0 siucnetbi.l02*40000080000 0070.00.rial 0 POLLOCK & INGlIAA e a o.,.. Mr.- ...% ufoolooo 100.1r A Worth BLIili'r & W1IITII. PLO0... MONUMENTSi Dedlo0 on equmi. MEDICAL GALT. Ph-*.foo ONT bis. sikvidud and fIkd _____________ Phyion ad surgeons lC. R. TURNER Ibý . ý -O 07.07..O-B... Flfl5,00 OJre.0 .7 . 1 -8 p- j 7-9000g . j aud E.I.. 1;AMPB3ELLVILLE: Agnt for 19.1'. pb" Dssin.. Mr. ffliEïuand 4filiNSON polo» ON MILTON. Alzo 10 p.0. Milton 2w 0M .h.o--7 .01-3 P...,7.8 p.Lm 8i-d.ye 007 pp....o.t 00 0.. . W. IL FITZGERALD DII.O. E SYEI Iarance and 1mai Estat. Plyalolon andSIurgeon eb", 1, ABi ioo.offior,.o.Tro...10d. Ciir . 0 .000. ifara and Tooo.IProperto 08. WARO REDDICK POot, 53 . Mîo0 PIIy0îician andSurgeoon ______________ Lr0700jtH0070-9 tuI00%.m.; 2 tutT. G.RAMSHAW P...;7 Le0m P.0. ..il y 0p70000.. 70.er and >dIenh UbI.OMep- t>Iy ..Oo.e4 te LEGA-L .oeo 00010,0.0.d on tue0lor DICK & DICK FHOIr. 108 . MILTON170 . I C7K, .. - KENO7I YD0I,.I.. PLEASED! 1170700 oo.02 A.1.atwr.te- ou Apr10Ilibli lm,1u -Iîîw.-yo,r r.oooi010o Tl A. HUTCHINSON soeO. faite goîlIoog ume.y frmm Barrsîer, Solicior, Etc. hom.. fOoroodOr e 1' 777010-NooO dor CIoopi.. office. LoI n tO. mo. 01fe o 7 ton0. Tlpho...54. Bnd y00 flotI Dow. OEOROE E. ELLIDIT EL&AlN borool. M 11,o0. ai . 1 1010.eOn, T.I.pbooo 70.j ________________ DENTISTRY H. WHEELER: OR. 6. A. KINO PIANO VOIN DENTAL 9SURGEONDMGUITAR dom Office inRoyalBuiIig. 0M1lton. 0.ÂOo77o. ,07,. r orl,..0.Piano Tuming and Repairimg PRONO 0Ut .MILTON OR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON S.A F Y N0h hlne.bs . -.ooo Plumbing, NI ESEN....o.'Tin8mithing Tite Uhroprco POON RU240 y ... of 7007170. NAINM ST.. MILTON4, ONT LE.o.oooToo,,oo'o,. X.Rây 2 .5-7.3U tu9.3Up..., O.r Dominonoo Oor, O 1ooNo SU ___________ _E Pho,,150,.. LINTON NAYLER pîst owon. ,04"dent-.0-10. Painting,! Paper.hanging- And GIeneralel lpeir. .D E A E.iooo.t .oo .. ooo chrs. .D. ODEWA000RO OV.,,o..717p Oorî..0 1- 7.CM :On M.&Maas.» FOo,0e323. 70. Mo.... COUNTrY 0OF 0ALTON 1940 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1940 a ooooî.. 0 l». la.. 0a, 0 8 O 1 00 . 0.0 ... 7 O 0 7 1 4 * 000. o.,. Coo ... 7 O NA m)ADýeor 07.0,0.-O1. B. <ier 00000.7;2. 2John 00.000.. 0,ýH; L0,77 . T O . ,co.o000 4, . 1. 0Thetford 00007 .; . W,0. 0ono10 ... t g00tt70.. 700r 1 r u d1 .600et0.400000000 10,.. BJ31d<eW. m. DICKI ieo.. Ca040IlePu«0 RENO MONEY oE By PHYLLIN GALLAGRER CAME IOOIed th. dreoe over her golden oureand ballon the emnnrituelof 4primping, Jcul proudly, 1but from o hbhit hod hagou. et.stri.ctovae 700 og, heo &ho hed dlarovered the =h. 10.d1re=o.ot . 0. il wa8 imporant hofore inertielle, bul wbol about aillrwords? hfoheuor 0no00maoep ah. wu si- 0070 heoutiful 10 N.d. "Nooeyl" Nad would say. "Id lave you Ifyou were boldt" 70.4 alwfy. oopected ha1 10e,. rephore her. Bul il dd'L.IL hort her. Why zèle,1 lotho. with dicrimi- nation, wrk oor beahn om- plon oh., 1Nad woukidnotice10? Jann. ratio.. lammeed her fore 10getIor .ow, for N0ad wm.det crs anod .0e didn't primp for ohe o m0 Not 7Yeu TO.u. .0. weo1 ove 10 the 1w10 hed ond w010 a .r,.gge-..h. only Ove t.est.d flne 10, hety- broogh forth on ..veoI, marhod, Rom .Money whih ohe h4 004e, foom Nad. Il hulg.d 0110 frugol savhogs 00000 the hoenb.ophog buedget. 00.001.4d cuttlhgon en 0.'food. Mrm. Worhlogton, nool door, 0.4 do. t001 end for mootha aflrword. 1014 10w tin oM. Worlhngon gol while *ho *08as torv10g the Reo 0000y out of00000 Mooooo? Thotas 08itI No, 101. wa8 menotenoust N70.0.as 00,0010000,0 NHeooa.'11000,oe wome001 hoooh.ods, smokinog, hor,. ho. hals.n ho 10. tolre, ahng à970.400000ou ye-thing og.inspire7 argumen. .Cooo.qet. tey h070 no 00800ul1,1g0100ofrecoocIli,...n Ned vise Oodsonne 0000g, et leantshe had once. thought no. Bul 000 0ho? If ho wer. handmootohor 00000<000014 flirt w040001800tpar- tie..Truo.. Nad4 414.11 4v. lOom muoO encourgment.. ealways c07000041nome duffer, ld au si, for an e010omic discussOion. Even if.a do....men rushed Jeann, Nad004oul.do' otice100. J.oI 0017 was forean 10 010. Aller un. 9part17@o.had prohed, hopefully, "Whet do yo.o.911710100k of no 007y men roohlog 0me,70.4?" "Theyve damn good 00.000" ho answered, yao.lhog. Anod 1e, "00000 Two a. 8mA My00,04111 an ar0y blimp ai dawnl" Jeanne thrust the Reno Me7ln ber pures. lammed a pilbo. 0at 0007 one doloooohood 0180 070oand Oooged the door 0.0104 ber. W.101ng rapldly in the clear gold 0000. ber 000.00,.. rose. SOo 414.1,1 100w qite 00,1 .0. waol.;,,o otr men. There ocre olvez lryhog 00.0 pan- ac08 but Jeanne Evns. oold 8me 0er Reno0Moooy betOO00.0'4.sio. te, 00t10 h, wanted only le 00.1 o ip..loe &gain. . . . thr7111040100 o4.. 0000000100of 1000070000 Su440.00y, &h.o0700.4 hrelf le Washngon koser10a200000hob1 oh and 10.4 084 eston0one0pring aOernoun., 70B00 &o. 00. liod and stared a0101. an achi0.4lump in ber throt. She 080 o....mbering a PartY 00.00 7004004 eeomrted eoY- holred E.91,. Wllers, a visitor fromPorts.. Nad h0,4 00004 001 Eunbe tht igt vry much as h aolod w0th thee .oooolo 40,0. Jeanne 0,4 lotI <017, and for I0v. daso7,oe oursed ber woud and r91osed 10o enbhnm. TOey 0.4 0mot, aocietlIy. et 1015 0077 10ooh. S0e 00014 imgi.e70.4 0.004. ber on0i. .. 'VeOOOOl EwlSeWlem caons, ..oth10g 10 met" Hia ayez 0,4 lmplored ber tu un- 4.000004. ShO. 0dn'1 eau.aura f Nad0tho.. "I Just1wooldn'1 MarrY a b,. limer, 10.40" il 07,1.0117 remembering 011 1000 n00. N10.4vnsm,, wo.10mingt Jeanne .10,104 0off brrlodly. 50. coldool ear o tle11,.00of 1001 van- .0.470Na. On.Biais 100.1 J.ea..00 980004hb- f0om Mrker ooleerla's pastry dis- play. Nad ove J'anchbriohe.and whe e.. <0e .00,ln4 o b bome00, &ho stopped04 eddenly, ber 0701 di. lat.. . 70.408081t.a l0q.erd 1able wo010 the mont raviebl.ogbruneteliait8 Jeanne 0.4 ove 0.00140 In, the 0,0.4 .econd .0. .1004 doubt0og her ayez, s.s h e80010000 m ach 00ver and 1oh700'a . omae.lvlo And4 704 0chu0i04 in a oignant 11reveaîjon,.Jeanne maliz0.4 10.1.he 004n'.110004 for8 long ohilo 10 moite Nad4<0000000 Jeane oed 040out4and000.410in ertly ogahint the w0.dowPaoo. 50.01ion o 0004001. 000 0001.4 tu rome e 704 fo. 10.1 Oool.tlIy hosolifol Oo.ey; the wa,004 10 MrChohff t10Re000 and never, n 8er 0e000.00100n But0 <0e d404,14,oelther. Instead, the .9001 ber Reo oMon. ey. &pont1Il1.4 quiobly for ao ngro. 07000, d.,sez, o Bruges lace oogll. gee t0at trailed over impudent ati0n mules. Whm 7004e00came me 10.1 ove. nn o.g b. 00004aiJeanne o010 0000 dos yes 00.0 ber heart r.mblod 1000810 the ewmagenta.dre.. He boit .1.r.4 00.e10h0t0once1lon ogo .. .D11ho b.k ImO 110 1000b.. cause ws ememhrh omone derh and looly? 50. bld 10u007.0 abot thol om.,n . . . ibis minulet Tey werehinte living room.and Nad4 oioucbed in the dive.. J.....e000441.4 oser, anom 0.nger luokng Ln hi. 00.800 000000. 'Hova a 1.71.04 dey, angel)" gg,10<" Nid alli04. And400.. "I 00070 diooor'son tio.. 'n sarved." "OracioueI You m0, s il 1you badn't 0b4it lucl" e* .14 promp4y. T0ot ope.oO.gl 50080 heaven 000.100 Ned 100h04 up qulbly. MOon h. bept stari.g, he wante tu ,ry out, pamilo-.toekem,,"10040 1.11me shout 4'1 bil.a ot001001lunch," 7004 .014, o.Imaly.- "JO. Waiter and hie olfo wer0 in Mokr': eand 10. dareod wonngabb0d no mu00 ch* forget ber milk and butter ,and . . . w*4l .0e bopt J10 and me opp0g beeb tu the 1000000 00077 .minut1. or moethins. Ny 10e ime <0e w80 .11 sol, 1 ws 1.1. for a client. Ever seuber, Jeanne?" Je nno's lido droop.4 o010 relief? 50. O.Ov.4 100. N0 ollate, if s.0.boit hoord 1001 ch0ko, Ilho .0 adool 0Dm JO.m Walker ai oi 50e 000 101000.0 faut 0070. Even if1w0.170.40ba4l.. pi..10o4 0000 lue, a,4 il probblOy w 0s- 1 w 010t-100000000 st.0g- rapbors In 70040 office 1081as 1vly os Mo.. W91er, 8n4 onatered. O'o<o.osh.hadol 10mogbt of 10.1 port of700'. 1Hie, hie lemptollenc. Jeawo.'s 10w se.. FrDm 0w on Ide wfull. 7004 woo14n't beepeon Ior10g ber. il &hole b 091. Not la o world full o4 f Mo. W9100000Why 004.1 the o.olloed before 10t olding1.4a man00wu as 10o0111,g as catching hm10 500.04004 owanly. "70oo. l've nevesomm ber, 40.00.1. Io ob* po.lly?" "Pretty?" 7004 ohuîbled. "Gool.. 000"I 7004 oan't .chu00ig over Un.. Walker 001 h.10g Irrtty. Ho wa ch,..O00og becooe oe 0080bovin« mne greot ime listeo10g 10 Jeannoe'& "4,oo,00" .004 "80gels"... na0000<000.4dn't 0a1led 0804for on beb of.a long t0.. When ho droo ber loto hie orm, lie00 o0.oih. o.ng 0,1400 Oet0the0conta1t.eh100.401h. 00ue1 h.400000092 Anod ie oodeo.d and puzz104 over li. change in Jeannmo 00.100.0on "I'1LL CIVE YOUR FAMILY' TASTIER, MORE DIGESTIBLE! BREAO" ,, 0%- a happy, irreIevantought:01007 ue000 11,11 be sale ,oo ta boy oaoew cor ..110 thatdogh'v bee s.o'1g09 1o.eo r 'Tadto te a0000t10Jeaoo's 0Rem Mo"«oseonro'Tadto tha1 sho's beau hldhoa foromene G0. (ot. Scienifi Approval undeo lb.eoato.U." QuioI.eloscientiste proveo0,000 bonouod 0,00.01 tradition te 10 Rabbit Fur la Popular 7ong, but Ibere are lOe: when WitIo American WoMen diion 10 ho rigbt. For 000,7a0cou. In oo to01h i10 th00..e,.robbito- lorY, u=til scinc.ce 0 uIg o010 net the 01000 00at roo olld. botth1oos0listrained arcbeologiots t0 prove filet provide half thefurbornt.e, 00at there o.o11y wax .00001010g 10 necb.piecoo.and moite for Amoolon e olod tradition of 1Troy0000 Hele. w he-r ecoooig treaoolhoed. Of Troy and4the Troj....born,,.oboI. The Amrlo.,, 70.0001and Covy 0an regorded t aoan olertain10s Broodero' associatilon 1levs 10e 91007, but0no0more. Tbey evoo de- motatacieaimal for la h 10. he 0oqurstie.on îbeter 1er long, steak "Haveroo Satin," ohi e e 008wa *a Toy and410y zom104 000100048a,00er0andimpo0010070de. tesProved 00.0 00ere w0.001. 410007 -agloar oi or thelentoseve, ye.os Ameri. reofotheaou000 .0hareof a 0arceoginte have bhero dhg th e1e ooghgo05h04o o.oesi iri, a &Y comple obeofeocavation 700000000d0000 et5 the site0000of.Toy and tey ave new type ofered te furrolr a 90t 0100717 establ08hed 10.1 the 0,olent short, .007, unioro 10n1taxi--.-9 City ohîch 00,0.4for seon1.g a 00,004 of an 0,000a, ,natlc en.. g'a of th41e Dordneles.,exi,îodj Rahit 00.04.0. are con.ideo.d 10000gb more than 40 datableri.070 .0.0,1 au importantl 10fumirersof ode.4. 700. cmmunlîlee. o e .- thiscounry s thse mn wo p- rsent0000ed bythe ciy mound, mea.i ride soble, er.o10o and eeulic ing 10.0,010e aller ime. the com.à bra.,40. AIhogh oeg Obours ae mu00017nt royo800 ied out ad1 more expansive, the oebbiI. olmu' îo1r levled off adrebolilo.newon 1 ling cillr animalpae, 0I.o ofered top of the roaneof the former9 the ur-onscoios pbe ing&etcilles. Toybhallaie lives, Infact,1 qu0nt111e0..Nubieno&est isone00ty0790 001e..Dr. Jo10o.o Johnson, tUniver- rbbit fur. T1000800.21 other logol sity 0f Pittsburgh ao..heologfrl in1 loade .noms@. the 5000<oigc Amrloa.,Th1e es- Annouelows0 are0field t0enhibit pedillona 8t Tcoy ooro heod.4 by 000900v0000000an.d developolents of Prof. Carl Begenof the0.University od atteints, .and the uignof os eofe!Cncnnati. 0000, ta0ecom ercialhOooederg. The Plirat eh.eune..rthedwas a sao foncieso 0.e 0.ho esd rahilous10hal0011011100Mronom,.dallaitg asa hobby. are "1.107100o eobtct> rom 1900,10e 1400 B. C. Evidsoce, niclmlo" of the oabbib fur 1dootry. of destruction 0f the C017 by tfr. With lime for ooperinnent sud o01. oere found nt everab d.pt, In the 0 out 000 oo m n nmale 10 000097 tereofa loyer ofah and charred tbolo attention, 10.y ar ooslantly malorils. OMoterait.1atoes etone into0u..1g e fur or chngg od level dicted eathqab0e eu.1 stylo petit. ien. Fino11y, the earlioI ocoupa.1 Rego00tions of the .asoionure. tion evel 0f oi a revealed,-with quire a ew bree0 te4 10 h 0010104afortification o911 and gaies Oa.,hed1 1000. successive0 yersc. 0.ore geai. 0y projec110g 1019.0.Troy beoreo. 10g recognition auoasgeno0. "<-luneothe g10sdeg of the age of moisls.9 m0o." Tbeo, the broeder0muef Sciencee thon bas 40000 ample ovi- show prof 0fi00000ohraleriatic,4.2000 for 1t.e0existeeof a os1 te îonlify 101. bo.odi0g innovation a4 ctoel Troy, se lot lovera of thee idopoodo..t of eler types.. "0700" and4the "IIiad" rojoice. 00en0 brande cou h. lrac.d 10 Europe, and4the.butât0ofte show rahhitsare 0deseamnte of .r0800100Unique London Museunm prevalent as fer away au Patagonie Aide Study of Historyj 004 Ud.odohoodreda f .4700 go. 0. A nom l0880.00obt we..a bo..dec 110tig Oquan.4 o010 th.1homes secs e mutatoion, saon po.dlabbe adpeople of hygo,. days in an1 freo, in1aler. Aloyeoweathe U&7 and pi.osnt buines.s for1 10000 requir.a 1introton of vital00v00oi hldren 100 10in ooo 1e i1, then over a<10.year p100010thé lait the 004 070 00000Dm in Shore. airain in tOO7gthened.A likly off. dilch, one of 00e 9007*7 districts of spring Le maed baOb10te h renondon.00 Perod foriureand card- This in epeated for Ive gen erp. « bord figures, modela,i..lanten aldes ohe a cross lamde ib nother akteaodH shimpemao oooeiand brancb of 10e ,,ow 0<07 large fam.bab11 .s.090,07,4 Dy. The oix 70005, 12 gneratio 0000007 Ifaosetvitl adInd eresting. prodoooe<otra, Th.,ahl,1 1e 0.7.1stop.in y and one la prodcesa tue ree. alitralqulohly h800 10in a alier Shore. thor.oughbbed. 41100, oioh bal! open fields00000,00 _________f____ 0 rfin,1e 0,4 automoobiles Aut'$ iene l Imortnt fo the ooeuolahosd i agrup 40,1'. II... <10000001 of Eigbîeo10 cerorIm lhoooes. One of th0e most peal1gfMatures Thefront door La ,îoohod 10000gb of4a new ca la is000 Iee. Keeping< a garden ,0a404 010 .000olrees and l haîssions< la.a maîlr Of 007c orr tealm<0ooues toseioee m1dy maintébo.ooe right bom the 80ar1 oltheeseoolbdigoity .and obuom II infooltaco thabody holt0 are 1in- ohioh beonged 10 the do.,otic or. cliied ta 10onont01ropidly 0w02 hitecloreof the 907004. thecar in ew. TOry .boooid betigb 0 I10.14 the .useoom. ie ineve.. eo0edet hered of thetiret 5W milesmore oiselle; omo r. furniled0 end *gain at.1,M0. Theltn .a nd pe.pled te Ill110010000400700i0 qoores bt aew minute.n e ntsoo lit. emt oobyof the lghteenth on- latineooogh 10 botify hav10g il 1007 101 of 1M00and,4op t1the Vie- dente. t1r0almare. iThey oe So Conver&ient *TEA DAOU Noý 51 Good Car. of Clothes Will Cut Living Conte T10re'sa otidy a000001 of pic 80007 10te l ickd op by 1rlfty olvo. right 10 Friood 1000000'. lothen cIoe. Sot In the 0000000 bow.ver, bel mnereîy i he 10ars00of the àame. Slnce 07,91 of the ool10'a 31,400,. 000 0vr., 10h.oncare of 10eir fho.. 0.0'. cîothe. ooyhoo, 00ey 000400 sa well Bave om $0 te 100 ayear On hubhys oardrh. yet h.op litre botter groom.4 10000 ovor hy follow. 104 a few simple rides, nccording ta Teny Williams, a New York do- igner, ooh..te0100wardrooes for a gmodlY section of the natoloo but dresseil mon. 8,0010 1u,1from 25 1040 p0r cent longer 8and hoId t10cr0ees botter it10oy are alwayshung, preeably on shaped 0004e, bu.ogers, l000point Ont. Sulla are mde of oolonet 0<017 h.cao.0 l0in anooceptional in. .91.100 go cim 110 0,0...4 oold but Be..l rinhg. hoob loto luo. 0h00 l tu b 10,hlie.eho plained. T00100000 <0ld lways ho 0004 f00in100 bottom, if posible. Their osightal0is0p.ul tem bab loto P074001 o0ape. Itla10aise0 070010the trl to b 1 ront.he10dont0 .and drt out1of trousero cut. beooe boging, h. declarea. A prose wilblaet longer ithe suit in ,Ulowed ta haog for a day alter pressing 10, 0010 00etsothe e formîy. Suit em00100, oUs il *est Ioe.ger if 0ey gel .a doy'o es& 0e- twee. oe.ohog., even if1te 0000 Man bas ooly 100 00001. When s00410g the Mier'. ohoes ta0l.erepaired, il la oeil bte emm- brta ubbe 00. hol. are n0t only mocre comOoraleoand longero 0,oo 10g th, leoîher, but bolO 00091 oand romin trimer. A stvey re- venin tht85 par cenofthe naion'a maies pofer 00om 0050019. BY eeplg a boop yc on Hbb y'o 9000,00d occasionally pressing 100800,4 o.mnoving a spot, mloco cou, bell i,, o0oowys te hovo the fre.h 0p90000000 0of a0man oho !a Hand Paianing of China Stage. Current Revival China painting, an a7,7o0plish ment boasted by a0.ost every young Werner aroun 190000000.il wa,0ai itt lsait, in omnlog bock, saysMrs Jouie L. Wood, Michigan 000001. "China painting fiobeloz looohl ho the aohooleand more opace ia broog devoted te il in the art magazies," Baya Mr&..Wood, a 0010000 îoooher cf china painting, but ooma paiotco in cils. "But in1900 e didmooily Olower,. Newthe ooklain on-o venlional deigna. "I'. 17,0e 00.oo 0070 so00e hor rible 1010gs 90rpetrated i1010e00om0 of art by min0e of the china peint. ers, butol 9000017thefol ooooed .a good purpose n oOsing an interest in art and m.lg the 70004 gilsl apprsile paintingo 10ey nom. Min-1 oral peints are ,o.ed an,00china la a4001001100.medium0on whiob to mob h.causeeof4lis raid d 07701. TO. painting 000 dried in 1010o and the Sl 0s 0 ealways ch,.ged hy the 0oat. Sons o.o01ta more oely.1 .1100 hae.a se1t o hina 000d 7000 pointait pince, front0mat im." Auto0 LiabilIly nurn.re Motoriste00 o carry07liablity i.soo. ance fnot only .hooid khoo the amouns of the cvrogo 11001, but 10.y aloo should ooderstand cOOOii7 oht hose100imi1te 0 008. For ex- amploe. lt l ieassuoed thoî,a . 100100 ...rryhog 0a standoard l00m $5,0004100009111071. laovolved inoa accidet in hich moreothononoepar- îored and a lodgmeol of $10,000 la rendeed a.0.1 0he0sed0070. As. sum0e fooc10rr 0.1. an froo.uo.tly ce. cuis.-three er 0sona are hjooed and 1049070018 10 10eil aver r. re... dered i he 0antounts of 7,000, $2,000 and 110. Thre00000000 Orrying .a $5.00410.000IliobOhîy 900007 0m700 90$2,000 of the $7,000 100000000 hfinself because thepolicy ses orth 4.5.001017 0.1 10,the000i10c foro er- Bncombat exceed $5,000. Mo00.77 1o00 810004 beo 10.0000, lanet a "trick"fMaootre ,ot la il boomd in0the 901107 of aey oingle o 0000700.fi la sanodrd 1in0ailoabiliy policieo. Eacland'a Patriolle Vilage Rhuddioo, 0041002, la.a village 1000 pairiotio 0and0lucky. Ib the days of Edward 1 it 000 an rmel camp9. Ever <010e. Il 0.00 Oîken the land among Eng0100000010tie or pa triotimand..00feovor 1in10000 of 007. In the World 0ar It gavea quarter of il, population t0 the07077, and thos ho wee ool0d tefght ock munition Job.Of. the10.1,000 iohabi- tan, 0221 loin up and 220 r000000 Sa Rhoddloo la 1000 patrioti, and iucky. ln. the 0700en01 007.eoery 70000f man0 in tb. vilage able te 0401 h.n ge. More thon aquarter of th. total population of 1,700 ia ln k0.01. Net a y.uth beloe,17 and 25 in eIl in the village noir laer07e a counsientiousobjecter1. l.,omoaaMay Besau 14,. Ilinomnie oubles y,oy.7O7070y ho an mpi..ooed dea. Oying te break, lhroogO 0theoloohfoio 0and crevcesoOf yor brain, according0te Dr. Eltool D. Notoloinon, assoistant professer of 9,700100oO Ot he Uni. versity of Rlochester. NoOhnoo 00,00< 1000more0thon10,0per 7cent of artiste,. 0rs0, mosiciens, scie.. ti. and other reotive persona in. tervewrd have0m0men00,of4"i.. sigbî" oben trooblesooe problemos ,oddenly 0100, up. Such oreativ, Insight.l.ioe leves, la the resulof bord 100.obhog, long effort oO10oot .10 par relo.0, a period f0000170007 iriab0l0y and 01gb tension,.loi 100.4 by a 900004odhe, 700 007 torgel the problrm s,11co17. CeSNAPSI.ùOIGUILD HLJMOR IN TOUR PICTURES 1 ail w tc n-i w B m Io le VI t, ni al tý VI bi ni lain qi ré tr in ol 01 fa n; NY 01 il] in si î in ettc in E ri P., fi it a T ba SI ti MILTON, THUONSDAY. MAY 2, 1940 te y0u7 7l0u-plenty ofchacesfor,00. cour0 n 0 y hme H UIMOROUS pictures are 00700 Sloop 0,11 0In 000 and00007 ont- ,..7o-and perhoos t7001le he0thon0yn ba00 0.t0r,7 7777,, 00p. ,)777,aoon the have suce lasIng portunity well ooth seiz..g. Suo appeol. If0 ou o 9000,OenSot. In a but, se<omle 7o 7000no eart-warm funnyb ne. but the ci i0umatan- d0n7t70700. Thon7 te 777.77 cf0-h0Ilp- m000 oudtkOgIl tm10 iooo,07Oy. For t007070. paticlary oun ho mes00000 000077, Whou Daddy os te ban 7000 of7 cus, that g-oloO 0,..ot ..0117700. In suh a caeo, en wat have tho. abhît oment o p. tioOooOingsoolh. d.,Io.a olt Ami0 00,7, 00,070al 0077t0for 00. 00777shoot a 0001 0of0ben0 ow077 7on menedifyosoyoOOcamera o..d the 1777700000070707070the7b0et te 0.07770,0 00070t070el00710007. 1M'lle 0t o 00hve00 007 ln t 07h. lors. 11.re. 710 ,00. 7007 o,, 00000< 00000,0,. Rthem o r,77 the Johmbas 00 000raidies the coookw omera70. TIo..o#bots 100707aptes 10 070 gu7707 7look707 l 070 70 yo aplu- e070010017 Il you oo 4. 0007 0,170. lot. test Lassehih ro07layour 07007Ad m0,Ohil, alwy keep C.11.70070Yen or 00o0.4 and handy, w0,o 7t0e70000001 00,0700, 0fni00MAY10e9000000 the 0o.my 070770 41..0o0f1te0b0. lied. ho 0,00t0o1t. l7me0&round4the home. moka the grade, and dropsoff t.270 John voooGuilder

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