-- - "Il2..... .. . . .. Imma Tee. Bces Tn&, Bas Tac. Wledm Tect B0r BAZNABI1 ors ýS77 1 .......... (aubte VOLeete 180. (JANADIAN CHAMPION TRAVELIOERSC GUIDE. &VÉCRE Tltelldl.itlt MOBNING (AITranslbucon 8edard Time) 022th.2je.. .1 JANÂDiAS FÂOtFIO IIAILWAY MAIN 8T.. ' MILTON. ONT. -02,2NoceA- 20.Oe.e-2 l i. 00 .0 ,t-O)ily, --$b-I Ih.U.-e' . 2,0.00. p.t2.-0t2127 b - m . me 2h--. e s &2ee tls-,2 .m. ilag, 1.02 p.m., es ý.12 2p.M. lot. ortc..eoeO22,,.uec oraseltO. WsdO-1.'27 &.. lag, (2,10 .... ce.. ,aoîc 2 e22 eeOANAD1ÂN NATIONOAL RAILWAY t fl Y220 Ilc ce20luCeOc0e C s o2 eCICePecce oU OUTE .ocea 12 POLLOCK si INGIIAM à.4 .50 ,Otr se ,252m 9ueOhCücI 2talaerA&2W.2th OLIoIo'2& W2i2Tt caterMONUM ENTS I Otetesm rcequesg, MbEDICAL GALT. Ploie N20 ONT bts. 5kiiUso and NILtO ____________ 21245222a0adugeons 2 IC.FR.«T U RNE R 2.02, t 1= - 1-8 p...c -, tf2u2 I Pmerai Dretec 1022220. C l~.2. ed cel 220 andtsiEmbatus, CAMNPBELLVILLE: Aga, een t.frDi. Poerol Deig».. DIS- FRÉEU and SCEVENSON PHeeu es MILTON. At- 10c-.2.î2, -c .2W Cotid.ye 0 b 2î2 t200e1. F. W. B. FITZGIERALD 0. 6. E. SU~R insurance and Real Etate Physicien snd Surgeon 202 .2 22 2F -22 2si u d ~c T1 . 2erue2e T , 8 t, OR. WARO REUICK ?2's2 . -MIONo .22si , . 21Î-. 02222'011-t-922L.21',2c..24 T. G. RAMS AWl P.2..722'. S.. -d22 y 022222. VatorandeiActicece V.alees .-pemptly .tteade- LEGAL ees suctcade.teîa5. ,e OWCK & 01K I. A. RUI.INSON GEORGE E. ELLIITI Ur B.-o202220'02d22t. Mule 'Vler20 Fseoe 12s9 iLO PLEASEDI A 1r1cOeO eApffjI2it, 1229,yce tooe.2"' o. m ee KELLY & AIKEN Clletton,Speciiit, Orcegeille, Ont. DENTISTRY H. WHEELER DR 1.A.KII PIANO VIOLIN DENTAL 8111QUENGUITAR OfE.lu . 2y.l .ldi.g, Mill. _____ iaoTeming and Repaiting on. . E.PHONE 24 - MILTON DENTAL IUEGEOB .A A ZNgh apot,.% aybé.. %.«. Plumbing, T.I. M Reating and NU ELSEN - Tinsmithing Taie ChiopraetorPHONE 206 241h yeroi pra.tree W( MAIN ST.. MILTON, ONT 0 1 ~ .ee.. i.îr>.T. XRY 2L57.:elW.op.. - 1Lits,ire, Automobile, Brglsry LINTON NAYLER Pat O,., cÀdeetlssiti. P2atiEng, !Papet' hangtng- (îflenerl..t.- oh,«. F. D. DEWAR 12V2k.e2elp 2.lorteed. Ps,,ee22. -22j3.e MLTON! COUNTrY OF: 1-ALTON I1940 - LOCAL COURT S CALENDAR - 1940 2 , . 22 u . d à de =. .4-d tr * ate.2 m le dure dc e 2i.;,2 B- 0220222 2C 2 .. I re. lt.d I...2.2 , c. àbN t.d B-~elOt ....î2P.. .e2etOee22te.2eî2e J lm 2cC fele2Cre2 2.p.t.het flyood. W.. DOgtl, 1Milieu, Olerkb0eth21e Pesos MILTON, THURMDAY. APIRIL 18, 1940 Good Postal Twine North, Carolina Family 'Thank You, Made frocs Cotton . Lives cn Sey Dean Diet My Friend' carl a m et ui s]ecier lnesltoeed ta le hat a elf.respecting calae ale ... pesifirienOwe' '22222d't etthe leely oy bean -. tyeg buedie.eso teld i. .Ne IYLL W IN U olese tl csee eeeedinlegy t22gry. By MARTRA K. DAVIS habset seuigiete etefresoeo. aut today ehie ee.ee-dretettte food <Me22.er222t.-.2eC ueeee2 availsitie hasont libid tbe eeeebine- eAdietetie tfuretions et the home ofe liieno1 qualities mecst detirable for YJc Y N. Judd of1 Aeheville. N. C. 4IMTERRIBLY erry, Tome, betcapoealie] e,. .Tdd la e fermter.Helise a2one ,i w ae havieg theerecier aed Per tinlg biteifratiers tii,.oetthe trowiee httalieno e ne 222W2ho hife efor diener." eiteuid be loeegh le beld de. P A I E have C2bee 2122e theteelvèethe job idecitîtes ieebed my diappeiee. cpIu rougit usage. t I hon e - * t fPrehleg iis gospel: "The 22y mete. be '0fine ibat il auto lie, bouad ecele theglmet ehealthfood on Sreedrd for a tew bhoutseie a laiters, aed ebeeid n eno streeg Crai. Est it." Ad Judd practiir, weernCeity Ibhallbppiiybetped aed fiee teatil ct te bandaeti hat lhe preaches. liren eeed ceiege chu, Jerry Soilbheeierbs wbeeaiey iebte bundic FO RIn noms lornoyhbeau, i the bae w2rtit, ehoee I hude't "eni ears. ad breub tbe ord. Thel.ine mete -aed o2tteeanthCbeihent...e Of cursenoting oul do ut notatrech noug taallo th tam t e l a day ceee duys mu2e1teote hie hoetf or dintC.r.die e tfent ancd te Jettera leatie.l2Cdeeh 'Judy cilllite eightey gad ta. a;; cler eeder reugit bcedileg. Ylie' ekntefd oee o2221 e ye,"hoeed tertiy cd e.ee- Thte Ueited States depareeeel et1 doer ditleret producee 122.22th berig PrettY JuditBoswret,I es. agriculture reports a eew Cottoen A IV Peaut-ied beu, andtat's l2ete prrieeeed e pleauae nic iptien lWlneedeveleiped tai bac peeed sat.begieeieg et ehet he hepes te de. uaie aiethl eht eeetieg lber suait,. t.tcclery ie preil.ttaryletest ie S Y Judd eeya there'e e "geld 2ine" 221 illave ta i est and run,2*-actul h iaedlilg etmail. Tr~esimen for aielieouth iiis222 tifthe p22- tacet. "My rainleaeTe.ai eight- te tine tuee.aa sing mire K f fi pie2a eteeeeieeed that the be trty aed 1 imtplyihaveelemote l." cmeluleleg a arali srat t etpie- B EA la gied. Eteeive oeeeteptioe et 1IfourniJuditchureigaueerter ltabaeP dceeme]dw)and theieaae,ieuea2rted,hliesgrcety aed aiee teeegh t.atee bettr' dryleg ueder teesiee remaeis mts NA~ itpeptTd is eltI. viit wjth ttesee eid lrieedc las de. Of te stret ce d Impovis the Mes,"There cas ce eid automobile cideIygiy i g.streegai. Tite Itue breakts ,au purbed2o1t in1the garage lthit i Ne-itere wcc m22hate«eecce- fleetyieg,ibtldsaithe tde e did'tihaveeny ueefer. S 1rigged noeteeig the impediotcariaetof aelte oci. il op weuh ac eetl'ild iteght aed b220222e2 recor ccd bis preitaity Mereev&r, aiehe er action twinee -arted lredieg tai.. 222trption citit Cqt.eiy itereeeeee cite, rocs about 1,350 ycrds tute laptndu, i* y beane i'd heeght tret ermic2es? «'ttc c peretl atuerneIl bcppees as ieMPared cihaboiteMO 0yards VSinCeat iet mee, hundredt ef ahie wuy,' depiered Jediai, "bit o eetae aspeued o et ui ae-su a itsittet ofso eash ave102e setd 2iiil ey meetig Ncy Ratbur îaiiittYiigier piefor otioeltcarinstrugi thae ciil in te lte122 Teom. She leettaieerdinary reojceeidie offse by aie iceeeeed lreme hich aetroege aoetnet of tr'acwiîe'ent ai. heilathemont eardea, e.ntis orbthe depui. flead eried. fastioctieg inereetlog, deightM lmeet had te coi-operatioe tofalrge Therea .02 12eneut, 1fr in. warrantEveryoeeadotreir.12,11ewtemanufacturer. 'taneoe"edeid nl2y due. ehe ever happenerd tmerry George Tt oIofieaerist ecr.ibi e, oeesi.edt o O2i Nabr-INBetty, 1do eol be.eat 2erloeds o2theaiense.noton 122205telle1dtilstand h121if Il itwiibthiectiemanuftrereaelycortde wheielsraecieedaye weren' oli erlitle parfaite oes. cereitooked notcr aiecd onorderaecotdtageceetailbttedaiv.ene t cape. Everyesprigeaieepeeds atthe OeId et miedeeveriesealtetehee. tedeese couple et ceothe aitroed. Site rece, clehine reqeired ime ced ectld "Tttee theres soy1222 cil. W2 bao12 core becetitol thcneveer, loir- cet, titeretere, submtitide. une tit f er teei2g tayonnaiser, Iy eglee cith eauiasc, and .eaoiegcake, ftc2221200ads plunges hbrrendceduol lto parii, ad ordinary coinge po2es. work. The thiege that Cecce sa- U. S. Famililes en Relief 'Ae a botter of tort, f22 022 ai- 22e2rlisheal Wty-îeeî doter-" ibtlo m me dd *ey beau'taeeryting Judithe dsertction ce. iolerrepted Bey 'Prelectie.' Fende ce est." by tai ve]21 of etier goets. Peet do tamilie onrelief coieci- Th ee2rnd George NOlhbureyhfeOltitiO2,eteclaeed free 22e eil tht cy ti2eteshod cia- sapreeticui metitod air ditribue Reuponsible fer Scfety Lad Awarded Six Cents Plied. Pompouoeird...arr2 121 teedsofe ethi there ln e eurpus Saftyo e aihghwaye ea s tee gant! But feroa i itieeîser. 12ie UPPIY? Whtetlid, do titey eitoee al respoesibiliiy of oeey mat- Afte ' Losse ec Toselsls qoioly tcded leeiesgoithcrce. cbee aiey ihave oppereeetty ta e isesi set Who useite rans. oed le no, Edmund Sikorski et Coehee. N. Be2u02001, quiet, pieed Nncyoai tey pl2eae tretaelmtit lisleaproeitaieoieleentirely by Y.,11 y2ears alti222222d si. cents Rthburtll Ther 222she c22d-h2et of rplus fonds? .lie C2gi52er or the plice, eccerd beoause a Physicien reeeed hie 222122-22, th2eert y ietaeîe. Il lataeecrly tadrcc teeeral mg ta the chairmaeef2on si, tonls icleea2d 0 t et2ths from a presinen iereayez htwr ocusos sMl erkninlgwa omiso.leerated hued. A Suprremeourtî theee fathoml1ee , dreccy eye ero charge ef the Uneited States depart- Whie highcey 20gincers are de. Jury ecarded the dccage 21222 i2t? Surelyothlir prctoetical lit. cenitoftgriclturetood-sacp pro. eignieg and building rocds wchhabou nhor's deiberatione le huthied, or astfe r 22 eythiet gracet. Sorteec ,1-ceeb perlaid 22220 22222f cety factor k22202 te Testlteeey aheced 1122 y2212en. le .ludith't 2e2y epotmeel. the .tdtep hoider, seot al e 11more codern science, and tiie eng2. tened1the Gethen hoepitsI 2about110 I ce, glatd tae 12paced heide Ihano80 per 2cent et theirbhttestempc 2222serare doieg effectiv or 22n12 2 dot r tte tieg ies hstd. Hliait. lier ai tuhbe, hut the ,e2cleeesfor "protective' leodsan0d4ea1Mille rkog matdn cod eetehlshing rg-itee teîd bits ophysicie ta eturn of 1the party tbe2hsi, 2Y121120,1leee thcenI0pe ce 2t eer Or. .lItlons ta ei2minete lhe222d e 0. for remeeu of t îitchee. lis 2aider conersone,. corn naealrieeand beooe. Buttr,2eesotibisPre2cemteterest wth braile, iHenry, 2about123,2012222 Iltceeduring theusuolicourese hat eggs, and lreah fruits ced veege- the motorieî. 1Uniss.e a tety cmait- dee,îeod, 12220222, ehen a2nui-se 1ieotlOed the rng onaiethird figertaleshae preeievalues. iegolhe higitcoys la ohored bY ased i dmdeooed oe ofot4 othler right hand.A flowerOluster 1For1121. parlaitth11e tep pan aieeelorit, itceneot pre22221eon. doctr' tetteîIotoy cases" anddi of damnde mbdt e2hdded i lackIwrit effective ile Ocecilles. Ters îleeed accidents. plied inthairmative212. oy, orroded bfeareaiet dul er mi~erirdiilereneein2eadmiela- sDsregard et ,step,, signa ai le. Edeoed 2021 hee pot ender 2an g.1d. trative meteedo ta dicoer iticit îrsntsel e .one ofeth11e teqoet .al.hetic eatd ietstils e 2222e IeuatoaOItfor peitg. variatins ofaihitbsic Planeeemsd 2auses oaenet whire any mo- ved. The physeno, 22120222 "Yor ing, Mrt. ENathr-mayteo202k hbet.In geerul. erange- tondu puy lttie atteetion te altier saentealetier toeeilî pe22112e, on i look it11? It remindemeeofearng colered samps, citieh cere itoegittcautioe ced ccreheg signe ehirh hia chedoir lait1 day. did net rerog. aceotrde omieeinthe ce,.,' y the elif famly,coldlie sed haeliet eplced aIg te.,tate eethebey. Heeaid the toetjls Nancy Rathh2r', 2w121e hond 2 ta by cey teedsancd hait e. maey higbesys tor iheir protection. Eoe cere dlaeoased and thot 1the opera. 012221220. lue tumps givec rteee cid hite ions0ttr1mof ot ty d21claeon w2e 20e 22222222e1rallier thon "Ah-eehobiaum fering, My epeet etdy tor teeds o e 5oficia] blgiteays, chere treiler c2222g ln bcrcted. der" broeihe irector. .per. surplus t,1. At ta ie th ae 81or. opposite directions la eepureted hy _______ hcp ho22 121 20 ecl12,e sieoplus lis teilded butter, egge, cide pcrbcays, 12e, Cet eliminuîed 21.s Yooe aeYeu . lmerd, cfaelle orenges. grcpefruit, peaches, por., accideets chich tecait fleoeelpeor or Freaie Steeil, lImportant i optse,îr.tgeeadmpece Cbae2 lisse, tecete, oiocs.carlesedrleeg. Aoterhntepoyig a teclI Pcehep cring Leedone hce elmedried pronees,wh12te leur, grahsm Coelleeed progreee le hbeg cade doplicater 12 pintl hit edvertiel2g bled otlesigeie eovee lente rreai ler, Cornenasci, rie, and drled by igitcay engineere le aie elici. letter. nc 2lars 21le îeequentIy Goeee 02sotns lifteeoitiliCy gel bord beees. Ntritioeiaî, do eet c ntioneeoetbacardas 22ch as crreee aeed hec 12e repootedly 21212222 teyieg te bey il her." Hie guffcced toodes. drcaedte elimineîioe et eherp eepiceee2îe 12e eetphasizet theus 2oudly. "Mre. RNhum thr ilele more ures ced grade,. Sletilae progs-otftreit stencils. Typing o221220222 oftaering thaeail the test of herMalalseigcmadelentrceiler.e. cllanCheedonseeffectu2eIfeon n id leceiri' pot tegether. Sert oetlis- ltions bith ae esîtabishmentet 21 eod stencil iteouose 1the 2022.1112com- etn ue, 20toc. SheA il ta hler, Mlcakees.BidBater, zoes, ee of .2 ot y icIees ta desig. positioe o1 thetstencil 12a1 1222222 Nancy." 'Te Fedayight seeeeiuatl- nets co-paselegoneead axef tac dyand120212 Iftencils21ore I looek inmcneethe bond ele.îwy ewaukeow oling aliey differe tle sigea. Malieeance pacticer.hever usait ely 22221l2221ly, 2sa Ihatlt eteeded. The iitgrrcere libeie.Iteerdicry ighittbttcei, beeauloprred aseo part of112e i imposileCahettrýesheoupply .AdeIloeied dn, I sacagale terotaihe epin spor, btthie tcwl. ee-ordlected aety pregreet etf the ul boed,.lhe udvie ise ping t112u02 c reeh-u ihekiti.rd cee, ehi-ener e. biid. Eaccitmenelltpeaere» ighe.ay coemisseion. ud sencils, 2on seîith 1e rellor tittul, gay, loetoched hy ter-heed. iy tathe racke, blance& allUare- Fete aceidet 0220r on aie igh. or 2aemenet ebere h22idif ced Ies-fe1201. "What dtes il mot. flt esureiteitasaihe rgitone, e.ay cystes in which the teetOrlîts teeerarceCc ore2 uf 2222m h marc ter, ld cae? Nteieg eue b.ppestepos ioepositioe, slnid., trward iceolved raier aione matinod, are uedeeemt hue o theupper toee etf te mer. lesacli heppeerdl. Yoe kn sot ced tsehieeaebaltitriesai e alley. net pritearily reaponseî. ' i),er. astore r 2office2huilding. If -Ibis -On22etfthosee rreeeed affaira. Site The. te vsterseotce tlere's ne tard oetcatiaend ccreieg eigne,, ctotbd l imosseiblre1the package doereet gi22ee adoeee chether or ont Oheerieg tor aeetrtee uetceanattend. talle, te give proper eignale end of tencilse ehold be kept le a li' hit ity c hîoomi' eheli. Sut there oct e&119 et: "A slrtee, JiecI" eiolaine,otIhe erdinary rules et ul-tigtIboe. le agirl, Tommy l1.41 o1,, e*112Orperhite iiegier ges aitcdiearteeus drivieg Ocolif muke ,hr'e ied us tithtaseI.11 epli. ced ehee aie mniisofbera e ared cdtons ea eeeedaryfaIctor There eue u emal piete ehlpped pic. ietîstandieg are eaiied titerea icn accidents. 'esnSu e il trainite 22fy. e ympaietl e iosn. Bewlinganad W_________for__ I I rememehed abot thet. "Sy oaier sports are ttepleg tn rebudl As Werth-Wbile 'Hobby' Jee-it I hde't pt up m onitu h ae coefidenceaofthlits36 miters Granita MeMorial Marks Ber geneeeoe getu2 22u2 feore Teieeyl Trust 1the 'Nue of ot ou-:ofthte Milwaukee Atiletc Club fer ago beaue ael rpuud, flh.tee 1ob land' t12 llîf eeUpetect is îles8e.Blite nde. Tito eght ai.î Water Abe Limcoln'a Birthplace for Mr*..Harold Kîelef. Il yerr.od of wsrî" Weael ieeled a 17 games, forte.» Abraham Lincoote Natioeal Hie- eeaiee et four boys2, t21en sin, of- Adltheen-ee22oIeeog ln aha. stan2ce, cuebed alaitnterimph ltrtal paritrthpe ofLcoln, ered a hp ortens i1th2ta pitl. Young Lord Grleed-Dickyand gav2e ics ightleae orade a comprises.110 acrs ced lies three terculeeje oil2of1the Aite A2122, Grioed cooibog ftieiiy 1r- neec9geul. Boclinîg, ecltemicg and miles sot th fHrdgee2iiIe, Ky. The Mieh., University hoepitol. "Noceilel Naeeel" ar'ceuticeuare aieirtfavoritcsports,Licoln Furet associateon oght New, 1Wicer2s012 022k. 1122baye Lter-a ire haed.toiuep. This botth11e eeber, esiteve trad it eleite n1906 und begane e 1e 0marchandise 1train down1onor2e rig ctin oe toeiecfla2,1. ..Gw olf deied o diteed fort iae-dcti eeoftagra ehbuididgin giee(o rhîtetsandpoeftet aff. hy, Tetcf, eid munt! Jely lockiihbl.-te place c log cuhie coud tC e h toWhiteda0221021222 hepero, MrsM. Take gied rore olf022,00l." inichrLilneteeore. W.Wheler, 53. tother of- 102 i looked op. Nancy lethitre's l ss oalThe a uin ua12 leet aeide end 17 dautItes trre 122for125022patients in feeB eeeormooe2andhler urder Zpesflearate Pemier tetlong,Il test fromthe fleur ta aeaer rd. lip eue coeghC igtI elceee harrToityo, Japue, wcliipresere e lthae eavr, aed 14 teet Iroeetiroir telt. 51e wc, holdiegiter rete resldeneeoet lorekljo Tebaait, teaie ilitent peinethe111roof2. lee Seh wcen dtte y 2221 li Io I eai,"Noae ringlthl.reciedeonce premier an4 muef lices Thememoeial building or whirh hop, 222112thu1212il 222ereres212 ed meeoet ue-qolle diltereni. le finance minister, au a creriliteroreercteeee aid le 19092n oehot2d e.erh. eeeh 2gree tloît tact, onec loepecii.aet parit. Seee aler lher fiacieer. the eneleiao ieîrieoln2.ehrthl, eneeare eserr tashtopfor, beo2e lite il OCai." Cîtenace as mred yity of otCoenneccutgranite liard oith thef keo2h01 Ihef 0221, iohere I hall te leave drerti afler dic. dierc len11e otbreeb 2ofNebrttery Teneeeemcrbir le. lel sde direee te get l 2, ed cr2etter satesled." err. Nncfya.hhorn tand beslde 1l,,1936, ie so5ge th leseideece loee are 44 fret I122 2014112, 24 iee But, odetttiegth11e 202222pf2222nt2 bier ihued. At I hiekbande w20Ct2 te it cîfThe hose eeecmoTed in deplit, and 45 tlet le hight. Thhe tite i2 about1201their 0000122122. lierieereloeii, I ceght a ettaoTerrecemetery. Taku12sh hd asociaitoein 118transtrred tîîeefeo sy woeir2 aregran2d, tac, in uile chiser-"Thuoit yoe. na athree-toryeuarehoe onethe prop. te tethe rmn and tee mers Io2ie ,.i . ti2. tred." er.I llheetanrd imageCoftheCUnitdStatet cthrdmi2euc Soddbu, pleCure screlile, Ohiet Oet ened by thee cr drprteet. le motn Tirs i arlandeaf ibookiouEngliih. Tite1933 tee peeprrty 200e lraeetereed Imete TsteTi New BatoieteAceerte curhoosee c0ite code lointo a te sJuriedietion et the Natil , iW"lihîeclehnicies of1henation- For ierc chiea omeiocted aiemecterie]itall. Parke service. 1tiii2eererr, e2oIued as ta hat 122112222 ell2e,. Dt receoly itath. hodlhe dors,02212 regard te the 12202 usris av ppecrt1. ..irebinleet inof skuniek he 2122 lr22î etols, peCtics aed glu,, ta obai. .f122bo leinGlaireNiitîeI 2k, lenge rhin's ceeepoif, Teei e Vi V.,..J1 r...a.52 0212,22 a2hier2national parti hure, 22012 diseeaed aeteer ,ocee L.Q11ltiy LVBIl EnJ.211U eas, retend that il e,2201 1the soreeoeoieddacioerad Dis the ' koeisthtonstee e teîhr 2heet, bathroeo, a2te c12e of 2eetmateriala t oy, bot CDre.attitude IfIhe publie. lie, widened te fitI eery requin-. Aile2y212le eur. efthliste ra212e 22 etan oed 2212, 014bstloeomts lrdn ettle hatreees2ad iterest tey iecodernized ad brougit up aileeccmali,, dvse e ie ildliîe te dote cith these ewecitreaed 'epeTtc. "Edouae tee peoet i 2e. accessoirisea.Not oeeyi lewe ieauq, cree tlter srqos2ned eitIt skeunks introdor.4 lhroogh ariîg rotr.a. -et est onpapr-and in limethe ceete, but uOliIly le ieigitesi SM irelodire titet Dcc90 loeg preeied ioerne ithîroteaccesoirls. 1e hasueltracnejofieg reedif Mcy othe ew e ee reroftun. eations 201e12visCtera t le 1coeurt- irestetancd aecsitollricg mais. wllbeoecec." CLeSNAPSPOT GUILDI MAKE À PICTURE SERI Es Ft sto22te2Ing --seqe'ce pitre- Fh222d 22 tehîte og -'p-rtr'e erire g2r21100und tel12e0222 t.eor. 1270220 _y 22 222000022212 !::,g 120 .2222022--ber00or21 d22221'da, Tht 1"iOOi22iO 22112 Th, Hek2Id te222 k a sartii 2le 12212225de_ 2222t. 222.221222220 Ol- 0222 f22ook1,2 2220"202t0e2222e." "What tor2y cou] d 1dceei2rrle- fe2 lite girl 2etol th1e teiepheî .. les. Eh. ,.. ef.et gl lei. Tho oeem2Ightet..k.ci.ii ofcefhots -oche. eIth .e sgltytpdilerel eepmiee . O I2e.cere hîidtec a lone, goeipr cooeeoti..Ar. rang. 222202. turolte aiDem,% -lte. r 22222e lto0f c2d2cho fun. galin dter 'lotîre. hee' d2d2222"'Oh. e220'121"1 1 (."I, 1 tel, o seul." Anh24 2220112. Il .ang2e 220 th. rltpheee 20022222 NottlIr, Yen22o0201h1222212220l the0 Pli't tlntheir flt2e1 2222. '?y e oo2l2o rne te pilote22 .ieheey et 20220 ou . 2eeh.lli,..2 2es Y.ie yeaee2here e f 1t112 bobf buctiy 22eangauloî e2e2 sin.12e... 1wa rtn.camteea, 0nd lett Borne eer of ythe, fam'2 tebiet pletrec. I'a ell gond cera tee-a2d teuI eeiey thalle 2121re .toriee.bee herre areeeeed te 2222 albume. it12 apropriaiscap-0 tionieter sdelon oe, 214 Jehe Toc 0221102 q ¶ aw.~t ~.. ~. tT~~i~?ec1s I pion