mn«..Joe0e8lm,. DucM,.oisMn. À. W. lp, tele - utod - WarW ao - p1loamener . UNIoumet th de1stin0et1UV. ma &de lai, b 10.,.,j..10Oiam.. i ..4.d 0lel formeetig b.Id la. 19toi u . 80 i- Sso'00od08 0.< 001, a8formr bedonait .09940as 1.F b.tI.omi .d.10, LII- eih. oal ..hIy a....p.. le lapn. bamums8 lut. lb. .0b» Mu» '.-.ili 0 et theinited11abstritéolo h n 1 e9st. 1 ,y11. o.lho vi.4., . a ..oUd l.lopI. .-il tas I .are M. Pmd.I4n .ijA. h. Y-sro, 01.100.0 !î.. s h , eau nr. p .99000417b-.. oibr Sinclair; Ide V,-P0.110,8b00W. M.u. 140 o,î.. honu Loî Jll th. ti .1îoo, tIclinton pc- Saute ; 2d Vi*oPn...&A.i. Hume; ZIMEMA T. îoy . 70q a .,de bt.I olznjumti.tî, îhh u. IL M-.,. 0 . R.dh.od.o WkV AR1ý,. ,WW Klied.[o. 1 'î""d , 01010000h. o.itu ,, os, . A tLli, hO O. td,. P. M .. i I..,I'II I d ..jIInohoh oG otî., o ..[.p...t ..ilo.d.1 =0,L081 it ju. Rtioî HeIp, A. W W.Idh, . WE. 011cru 0..00,1... tah.., îobiId. o. lý,e0. o gPhPo. 1E.10h00A. Hslop, Harald Ag.î, 9. aDue tu s0110.11100.0the 0made her lue.T.. a ý On th utbmait o tho . . ho,- av' . .A. Dl.o.,M11in00pontcodiîtio.V .tr1.tllyn lP,.I ,ln.o cldel t0,. venthinBoop. Vers Uh-Sbom..W. IL .Cronuy. W . ni he cuh VU ohédlut wdon0. né.. ad.oilpo 9n00*0hich w.1 .e.ogb to «Ilptin, P...w...Wwodl.y, J. Wl.., M.W9.ilemente,4, dey. Mr. H. 100,1 lu .7.oitetepb or .. beo , 1, » I 0t.dILî0.oo.î g".. .h. 00I.lo,0.=r01, .Atwee.ds h,11011î1 M. .H.001,I0*.. 01î.d ftheo to,t .4 i *Ltîî1î.nip tuEurop.bele 10 not,lîîght, N A.010glacial, h 14*0 ho 1hidrs 1*011iamPsOL. G. 13. LffoIî, .îo ' ol, - h.oohm'. 10,oîPge. bh,. 1.Ane., . . b. *y, A. 9i403, O.-Cmll Vu camil tu adtiont u N1.1 1*11 lItLI. hen ,,01otu.La, Oou-o, *.pILor 0fthe daoîy 00, 0 h4 . h.,IB1ob l.10 *, f.1,.d.0lhoantI,.1 4 .. 1. &1h,,î, su,,.Iîd ho,, -..obold.uolosud relish., 90eî , B0,. Taon81.031, UlmUeUl , 11gansWls.hwn n reort l0v1 <1,, y pnbepi.oolu.addlito , oo,rh,#. very luooi.o.The .1t1. bî.8k 01., 104101*. Ob in ChhI. G.. 1. R. 001004 17001 11001*0 .,, î1,1I.o.f,,,l'îîoîi ... .L, .o, land o, b 1 711 01. sû LaCommdt4L0r. L S 1 Ohoofer. l10lance1î0m .o.p nt I , -îain :,II, W.- roporIed ver sud ve.. L.A. Oî1î..oufbî, Mm. Ag..,MN. Mrs. A. Pauea"1,oo 11,1.0,,of the ooOî.. 110,Ltb. , orhlt te-,L 7h. ..lyî..îo. ho,,,. IR- Il.UniMais. O*obIm. W . ls. *00i14 le.î,ooL," . in l tî 0,oLpodtLi.ol'hey b... Ooîî1.yr,.dboo041 t a A.;00..40 oît.î',î..h9o.d *Hgîd14111, -son.Lb.a. vintlImlbuLibtuothe uOu,0f Lnohog î.h. itLIlf.. LI ol etva- Ooot.d,.. Ohph,,4ud ..4Bennett00Domio,,IL w0,1bve heo Lb,0r0llO en s8ud Vun.1118 p,,d.- WARDEN WOIJ>BAVE a,1lai011110011011,7000d of Chir yux..,,oIy, -almira. lon wers 0.4 BobyhMien 3. 0P.,1011170, Two Coonicils Plan gloria Bennett and Bab W00lîb1lo, Mot t rapon George Planer1 , LbOf0,1," CMPBELLVILLE *-, S09oî,Iy 10bd Loeolîppoî0.,. PelanHIon-.t G..cll, ownhi. atd nayN...ogal ..o, o. a l I w, d a 1leî." ducu.0.4out.i bu ivent I 8.4 nMoinsso. n ai 'Bramp.lo,îir loo. 040eeté1t0tls.Meold b.esteof0the, anade, 1,to. bu a. ugh.u C..d&60a .,d. Lb, 01.,adlî, .100 h o, ton on0 Mtch 111h ta ,onaldî,0e H .î.4411...Od.o 0HohO 8108.0004, 88b00IIooh îl.oo,, Pointaient of offcils the R.od., e I ,.... eogé,Gronî.b Os A-dy, 180.rf, passait -y.arh.Su lrb,0n1 8100,U of Ro.fg ope,0ted In Brampton by Lhoh o.f8100.4101township.o8àhI.ur,hut In Dc,. Thl el1leb '70.f,14. .1,î,,gî 000t000,11 0040,î y . I ro..y o. .îor .u- Plues on, t . u ominibonsb. .t.,0 . .1- fn 011 I O ,0004 1011 000,00 Ol I p.Ipoh. t 18 .ey. r. asy1.. «,Ua. malehe W ... 100k«hmdn0,011 0I bave,00,107 w111.o .theI.11 of set the ini,0date0pon, the suggestion, ,,,î,..No. 81in Noffwea or. cos, .F. L0180Rave0a lecture and hoî04 tat., .,flrd , ihnirpl.oo,, Ooooo,d . alottO, b -alonîoomoo- yoh,.and so0.04M ownshi.p ,.onoîlidos410o00,0.. î.srit allie-. 0007011110 lit hers. fIr l yeuxH..1. R lauaLd la.LOnsThe Guldof Se. .Johnbouti, oob.Id a8 1*Issu,.1,lb.h odstil u I Willom Yarranto0, 000 00,, 0001»ruminati.Lon proindi1 bagne. la .,obo anddnceon Tosser avaci«0 savent.g8.o0 Pal, 10h, w01 bis dent 'f ' ibohome,. raesbis .0004 ond e lepnd for Lb.e00000.,.Lo, f bor ,01010..lbya.t I -'.0or0e a di. Mtch a m8 o00latLgtr charge, Whd,,0o8,F.ane 1go andde c lb lho.lO.8. mous 0MTe.- of.oI &bain.0 0,&B111. 0,.oîu arsIout ot 1 th, deoth et1an n ,y,0 as 14 Ym .Un te dur lh î,o.I.. .setu1 . o.. .,.L ,0 î A new tiIîooo.dl,.d wboaIJuy Lke p fatm1og 8,ud0bu08fumait, in re 11oItlalî,y yf.LII.,M,. Miices' 'a We1 f2lId tearon a ver oldict ai th. N-.,oopîafe2youts..n PhîIoand - ,4o0,Mî.11 mu"04 L. M 11 o t',ort'1.W fa1 ,1, o 7a1. 0,obî,'. A d.bat*h.. ne,,dh *0. _____ At h .1Poîloopoooloîlty cuni'Oeeingolv .»î..î,,ab b. outit ..oll.4 owax pire.14e, nio ai Br mptan an T'7OîOOfy,aentotiles Hlto, 1Ho1,tein Club Lfoo.,,ipîio," won On0..lgo loh.'hol, or1tour Pool ,o001,Reporte o,', 0Surplus0bod by jol. Boderd , .04 Noî.ldîdlo, 'a90118 l,1,0000,8 01e0Pes'7hd llit O 1111 7170s 01 1170.8ontlut091,. oho .poèteredng.o th I. Lo... Hnte The otai000 1P, rport ut o Oeof the ont »enduci o,0fo17î.f 8.D1I'... 00001,1pO~0.,00 s hhoultb,,,. it..1,100Holtein AaftIILon as110 81001110 ou iebhId On FP1'd.y, 1Je. countb11.onlb t le el I i. ri, reote ai the accuelOloohIoohld 26b. se8 p. .Lunch wiIIhase. 1Co ton_.___ I.261..estT ho,,48 a1 the 1coomutIntghall '7h. o.d f T1,081*...i Tow.bip deused Advertisements aPaleroe. Ltock breh h.'î0om-081.Are, Nu.1, N,...0adoy. hold tbl. New Accountig System 1,.Iîool2l6. w...oîold to.t Houoit.1. o eond 0meehing la th'Tonshipllp 00sos AR-il . - Now Aooouotiog Syîlom y17ompIlod th ya, îllh the ]18,0nt1 OooobîInIo, lo .udaylne y aO.b. 0 01OhWI oI, o'k For Road Wok 0100h,shlp of Luy Ho,lsteinclubluI Mm., FletcOher v010 il M.. -Bradford 1l,.ntî,, phoîo 701.2. On0tar,1. 10d ,bowod a.0urpluso $450Tro. .ofLthe board. 'IWlol.A,1d1po,,oo Tholprto170t of puble hghoys io th Otîea11y. W. 009001 te 0090,0 #bat MIo.olog o0seuil1w.-.Ph... 29, Mlo b8,., f00001014a 000 ystemo000f *,.1,0e- 007 ,a.i0 O,',lu' AI ,40.,. oh.lI. P.OL SLU10plt.6 4. tdAV- ,îoîhnoî 0 I 0000 0000 0,1 f 10Canadien Holotein0.indpoded but am p.'o0,.olg O,o,. J". 0@&ml lo n .1, k.- ,1or alO, 000y00n0L0In 004 00. Foloolaociation11,,outil that 111h 27 aîly. 'pyJ.9,h dIl,0î,o. t000ait 1n1Oooolp1,,Ioo, eoo.o,00r,. mem00ho0h0p of the alHO lcl hoy testad.fealed'0 htuont .L8 ofao l0f0ip ouuo on club oIw.101003. To thos0puent sL- 10î,,l.1o lauThu104îy 80b 01 h.0, Wt.- tg tg tue,. 104 ~ ~ scito Inî000ooooodo8 o 0100 1193 a1939 were a,1844 tu.. eto3 e11. oId. AppI7hCiel. MoCI.h..î H . -d0t0a0 . m ir, or110 10h htu une o"w 10421ew moilia.,h010 01o1 ot,f 1h0 . ,1. IdL,. 00n,0 14 ,0, n .mPooll frg 11010 41,11,11 111n.mu1e "in nue, lu OBITUARYrd.P.I,,lv Ih dfrn.T.n , ytn e n oîolite oreî.,, 10.. C. 10 10,tub-WATED Allkl.doPoîy lrifloroo, .1footoo a] laseso1îf woooh. ,coloniel. 10,4U. 00 .71,0o0Oh 0podIoî,,1 la1 00. pincipal of the aioV,00aria-1,WILLIAM JAM0ES ASTREI00K WoolUi P1,49.040.nor new Higlo. the OalousLund kin.ohlof 00000mag-L0collageoo14. He.stressait Import-0A au.. 100'0f lOlliO l 10p010pod.Pb..P.î,'o110 0u0s ptrolin,oo.-tft'uoooo lo 0, , e 'PI.'foIlowIng H1001000, 0.000000110,,PMouo.l,. 13. M... W. a. (bbol.m,1, o l*0 10. '0Mo. 400 101h0, o,0olIî Iollo, 4o 7,004. ,0140n,.A.1S. Mol, Cm-oMlon, 001*, 1~le . 10U. 0oobmhok our onTun. lone Inhoir ooo pthvoo iiooh 7 dur: 4 . 1 1vll ; ll eoIlpre,do,1.J. C. 1Bel]. bhild .d tu W,.pgTIobL 4' _______ ]as th4aun1orbîo,, 0101 ,0 .8,toity 0000, 80andW. H. Olgo, Oohotile; 781a.d forîol1y eIhL. 1-to.41 eahma orking n Oy o 00f te o 0004 0000011700',oaure. V. J. 1Lawence, na'. depul.oh.,et t h, T. E0..1 divisonsot. This 0will1000000 10770. lhIle; dl7loton. NangoîlOY& 10,087.t,l.LoVU huie111in .biof o oO the04 0,0 - 00,1to,;.tonship. F700Hamilton ad R 1îdooodL 08,hOî, ol Ih 000000o400lothoooopogo 00oh. 'Trafalgartownship. 11.1' 00o.osurî.1.1r, h.d..Is 1. ite. a 1 Povnceduingth Pal eai ,.nFo,4. Addison Woodley. Il.. 004 0,t. aille;Lac1, eW. T. Roar Gaag etorto et4 aIMilton M88A. f Wnipeg. Th1.Balonloo h,îof th, Onloolo 1UNIQUE1IN NELSON RICHARD 110100010 01,01, J1n0,1000 ,,,oîla tho Mliltoo ,Watr 0o t o îf 4 ,10,11,104 holu C 8pbllwille, 4104 ..ddenly no Pri. 1 010,on1100LyOll, 'PTh- ownsooohip s om fd,4taffo, dey, Jan. 19... * 0 pyauxofr go. F' Iolux tlout oofîdol. '7hoanda o 0.pt0,4,NOH.. .004 in hi. nnlleI-,.bhomak., by 1ten.'7h. d.o.o.d Lo9 t t I 00h000o 00 OOoOOloohl,.000 LacuR081..ol.l ,ie and hl.f.,l lie 111r00,0 0,00as0of lbhe o, Yeu ,1uel s10 oonîhe al f., Geo.0e00 wu01 o ld fmm .hi. 1lotshome0,.1r0t' large0010ra1 wo 0rnene 1 tu te S 4hr.fd bu Ionst he outîOon, the dy..o'omig tL Fuelton hoh op î Mav nOIOoOlofOoIolor .ryoooob M.o0. 0-11ad.ddgIloOwaoth filet ervi.1 In0,et aohown, by 1oIth, 1"Ilooota fait1In th0 100,.hlp'. hfils- ho0 w c a]o items w1e00, 000001.01 other s.7,1,000 al0.1. Mm. 0,8uet Rail, 07, d4114ot b... k bandIed. Il owas,4de140e 00,00 thetoit-.Thor, w000 17 d4o and 254 16 hîhome,8in, Trafalgar 1tonship e ora0, 010, 000110,110 for 140o ili lho tiéditdrits: he yer, Dr. MacDonaldtated. dey. .Jan 18. 00,î .- Lb. former e TI1he700e'P0ent lîevfewedythe w Heurt and 0rteryalmente.ocondi l babl liza0beth Ho O.014î.m t'ePI,, 700,r and loft ne 1dou007Inf anehs,. 100 e00of p0011181,Is.d leur mart.,of thbl Uni o8.b b00011, ,oo o hIbpo dent..The owns1,hp waf0t.ac10f0co. JO. Tott. of aIHoraby, -adossait ta,l, h.dO.d .iooooî4oaip dettes the0 001107. ioal,111,im,. bel lote m14.o gtus. thaLiens and mu00Oh or h. llan d hilhub, o Smday. la- p,,1îos c0100 0001100rivent h m.he 0,î.too f Mr. C. P. Lawronce ___ P-1dentbai-dutlindh-orh the00 thpih ob 1 he 00.004 014oo 7 .1 oIl tlaW...1<lmoDis.Io 960h Year on 1118 partwoul b sard oi04moite terme0'. oldool 00.l4000, 1MTs. <C. 9Ve didntlcnow tIheoo-,,îtllboter 1. 1949J. Th îlOOly mentionIet h*M .tAc.p001,1l ai lier0hoelu UnonooW. I1. u 404 OnIL tetebot. Wedneoday ,ighl a101h. âge f ". A or lot he'i COULE.~ ~*0 of Mm.. 0Hobbýy 0n10,e 17h w .î l0, 1400on oid,14ofthe1distri, abch 100010Il 751008Sby h h. e-o.'p,.t,,IM». A. Colliar, danghoo, 0f lb, lots Mr..andMm.. hoe .. tact-rotary, M...T. WlIllIant 1011. .Ho, 10,004. 1h11 (Codedonul lut .001 Rei.d, ,_ad h0,0 liollol 0 1 th@lut 11,0000,8.04bero36 70000000, bo.l M .oî-irg. TheO.-.mnO h IA.4lr,,. 11 y1 sud1sa0, ...1Il00 lath.IL Mr, s0d 10, .Phll, 0. Buck, etf su, 0c.moit000, gave0,1.10811,9Anteriton c0vil11 . Mir.. HowII dllog univers i y001011 et1 hor ap.1*401 .00.00. La 100 h10 owuay, 0Oserho11the .., o ca,h ville, te ohple 1,haveo Oooled .hboo car FPh, . meetng. W. Ipbead04Mackenzie., 1h0 fI.lo f000.in0th Canada 0a0ro 4,8Il 40,100 h0l 1« 0'O,aoo.0M.J.00l o..bol«"Hoe,, on oubliera0,,durnto. h.e100.,001 l104 lr. 'hy ."It0.vlud1eu0,h l 711I th. og.," .1nidfavorite.. 1n.H.d. - 1 o ..od10,o. 14,o pu.108, 10,oo 111bb b1100.80 onWrud.837o, on " 11 o district.04eMohave0l ed tte or t eaot0, h.I..ethoo.l*..,d ....81 70t ... 0lh0ol,(la stated o.00o i.1 ..nii1 elor la. sud 04 01010, "hoie,o. . .....adais 1 0,bîh0~01010bolbarhlthday, April 111h. 71004 '00 PIbO. 00."11, 111 o 70hoîhdis,1a10..t.g ' Afl0hor mgr loge te Do. lAwroo, plk. 'lont00, h. t îl Mol.e1100hblî.,. g.unr a ah le aledfor tir reye0Iot. U010. will .... hu 80 Bollo un 1.0rond . ...... au Invitait 1.004108 aia4royalobailylaOLo 0a eholloo h01, 6HI oloooooy. 00 l7. . 8Il0 0don., hoi] bth, Prince of Walsoto you0,lI0'o,1111'o,. Ifr010,111, flHARVY & « îTO 11or ing1408,4 VI. About 140 70eux Mro. Arthur yoo,oo.f 70,ai1Toronto;ios thedeooo00 0tO0nd thbar trn R0l,000of Branle, nd Mm, 11014011 01001 he 0î. bor, wollh her bus. dey o, 110,4 110h h , parent. v0r000 0100 1100io eurteOy îest today 1af 1. th.000 04.k 1100na, 110h R,. H. 93. V0144,,officiel WATERDOWN I..Hg . u tltî14hy10î. B. Maco.'G D Four Monthin .1940 - Photo, Mal or 71. Watedowoa Unit0100 00,0,of ,ohloh 1h11 41100*0 Have Five Thursdays - 1111bO*0:oo 00,70 47100,1..Vn.0o00.l , forgotto. Lawrence Rager. he actveJo a-. a. g< 00Lo yTeo e,1940 Oob,,'o4 . oup TORONTO en ', 10D. W. M. Wtilnonî, Oa.. TJ. st~ ingle mor eu0.b,b 00007..ce0la fo, 01178 Dally SerVI.. OII0 10 :to nehJoh Lawrence, :la,î '7he , w ,, al.. pm,0l00s1 rive* 710..Churchill, sud Roy Mashal, of Hm. le , lo day7 In0Fe'rbOOL, w hil o .0bat; Lb,, Lakv. 01t0I ,00arvy0Devi. e0Fresneau.h, 1104 man'@ shorteot road1 Iîooal . batl1 ossioble 1h00 tho 8811,00 To.No oo 0. S«Woodad Robet Ru.oo, 0f 0101b .10,1, 00n'7h00.407 and of b7 98, ,0..5.m. 7Palerme. your Srvice. wherover nsrath ci . dors. .a0 ..ONFNE O Moy, Atantland4 Loohoo ,ll l 5l à , 1*90. ... a'ToaD91 .70p... b 7.»pm .,.R NEU baveo rieTb,,4,ya 01d4 111o11108 b 0.21 p.,. à411.0o p..:0108 OEII ln ohîoh p0hlt.h,,or rf 0.007 ly 0 -dh17 soup os. sud H9,1 - thil pprsrivethoo. In ehoairth" -ao..d oâi.-0Aly W80 abrui0f t Ay. t, 1h. ofat. thme enth, s ti 0 ru0t00010, pro. belge Mîbo. 1;0transi.y Oh,. otlO. 80 01*p.. 100 000 4Thomas,411 ooi 101 bc il., m.v.Icih.Iî 0 of .1.00,4 jouer l th ditot, ne.100 W ',On..p 1 oohog.o,.et Miltolt 41*1070,1 h00, raars ou e1nter theLb 1.4404 GR.AY COACH UNES tuait andfop 90te.000.417 Hadware, 0 PJ Rest.0.R hors la110,clua9 *0 80048food,l--aho vwhether I STANCIE t.o hOWhohadn't m us." Aod o it .ng Ditance is the m-and lthenoarried, home. Always «a Syou may ho. mf Th.Ooobo B1000hW.4L enthae 11 16n1t-rle. l..a venotsla M-0040*1 Il W«a . qblod î108 BoFlto olontooy. 'Th, g,.nooo 0.00 te0 r004, fol.d hy, peo.= o4',ooloy Mhlam i.*î o.îlI, sud Rfd, h Boaro ,.lao îlt0,aîiana0., l 0I,îI,î, lh,boloodaf- .I, ..... 0 . 0. , ' î.01101.t1-111, d M.L 1,,0lb,,,.lîodn-Ig Lhfl ton pi_.ll 1' 1 l,,4lO , t . 1010000f. îW'!I P-l0l'y f,.. hwho4î-"I '-y -.h,.o o .11dloyb. --d hy to. 0O,00,,,,01,010,lwh.ht1ts .10 0ool ,,i.o 7'"'Th,. n.. Pr1hîbIY IRLthot I lit oooool. doîlt 1, , LhL, ho, 3Tn.-250 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER tUn go ISpecial-Fpresh 1 ti i cy -Sunhi ; FvPesh CRÀNBERRIES OR A NGEs Beets and Carrocts POUND 19J' DOZEN 19C BVNCI0"7c vmsabam -4FM N 'om 11.1 udq Nibei * FaIt h.11,611 hbl EdiR II, 0101 IOI L L.o1h. ..t I. *0..11,. 111170,do.~oh. "U" olIphld ~ ; b n dit- f t h t. ..tth P d .4, t. pp-î* 0.i.tl0,I . ,d 9 I. l ,j.d1.,. f h bc b-otu bi .1 ... whes Canlda h.. 1ohn d00011bauohod lI oho t1o1,h t. .p ., .*Af11.z 10yo1I.o1..1.i10', op giNw York. Wn I go 1001h ANNUAL STATUMENT I The Bank of Nova Scotia capftalPotUp Roopp,'e Fand CONDENSED STATEMENT AS AT DECEMBER 30,0,, 1099 LIABILITRE Notesin ho o.olatio. .,,*... - - , - - * « * *,.-..,*,*,......$ .296,375.25 Dopoeite (oth., h.ho h.............,,.......,........... 279,7M,0.35 Deposita fr00.01h,, h*o..................... , , ....10,765,800239 Acoo.ptaooo and 10100.. of70,0411 outta04l.g (s p7r 'olfo) ...... . 6757,000.98 000.her l bhti................,...,... ....... ......,,* 369,793.01 Dividende payahle ....................,.;................. 31,815.75 Totl l Iiili.. 00o h0 publie .,.....................,.,. a36.3099.78 Capital, r..oîro ando.odivdedpofit..; ......... 37,174,659,86 $343,491,516.58 ASSETS Casho000bond4dou.from hooa.04 hand ,.. .......... . $ 48.4,029448 Ndoteoand04choquoot ohr hanta .,,,,,,,.,., 18,673,812.45 Goo',p,,o.ot aoher.,pohlie o.oorties. ot e.oodiog .0.1001v11ue 122,70,56945 Othe o 0004oan04stocks, lot e.oooodiog .îo.hhvle ............ 13314,000.43 Totol qoio ami......................,.......... ,507.769.78 010.0010000 and discoonts(aft1.,full provision Cfor0.04 and doohîfol 41h10) ............. ......... 117924,846.29 Liabilit1eo of 70.100.000 .104,, occopanc.o 1a.i4lattera of crodih (as pS*cotra)t................. ,.......... ,757,6009 Boul 90011*00i ............î.................. .......; 6135,845.38 Shron of and4 10s 00 hon001001104c110900î00 .................. 2500,000.00 01h00 amants ....................,..........; ........ 665,464.17 $3491,516.68 J. A. MeLzoD,. Pres,,14. B 1. . BURN,ooAsintlGonoolMaonager. Nurarnoyhc frontCoat te CoatIn Canaoda S.NEWFOIJNDLAND JAMAICA CUBA P'UERTO RICO» DOMINICAN REPUBLIC LONDO)N, ENGLAND NEoW TORKl BOSTON CHICAGO fwwý GRAY COACH UNES 1 1 . f . l ' ý