i la n 1 B AMNASIO volLums 80 MILTON, TKURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1940 (JÂNÂDIÂN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. inet. KlII Ea.clà, Other diar TagaoIAr MORNIN, (AU TucieFlo otenad .Tme.) No But No 'EnmityExiste BIG TOM'S Yeu..O. nt. ~ OdStyll edstermnooga oicaoc.. coccu.. oANAIASl'AtPl &&Lpercfsheen"ocofBo "hi'wy arne yoodisg 0010 oltracy ADo 5111 Rgatra Quastot un ami. 1160who ftonienscetallacoco ool'7 à' w'n 1fb-i4 %AAIEPOOoAlWYac10t10 -a 11 -le GRUELLING iluioi o ooyo il? ieo. i m oOoidoo! MAIN ST.. MILTON. ONT. ".000100 MA,- 10e oith he mi.vral secombaef. 30 r. i eurs iago li. cliirecordi0g oorthh - lio.o.-o.i c.. î~ ~oo~l 1c~c pete ~ 1. o "d bie 10haem 807 NOw 800r I 10mlnMobite. Ma., "cd doio Gccccectrcec-0.icccr.PU L1PO aiiYa.ee Ocoaj. roduc10g other oss10eclathet E .RCAOONhkWl 0 li.01. oorcd0018 0.eact0 e. ]eom our n cooelie. is, and ce By E LRCHRSN "Meybthe i.docc 00," Tom machines. -4Gico.Westc- Gpt tac00 ii fmith iiisorto14110eclie.n 0clroccsions Breg Nil]theol aec.-ai, of "hiological cotrol." 1teEovestintIsrmetetSrieHilcolg Oeic.cach.iictce 0 &8088A 5 -'w' oepoOcaday glati are coco. of th great qunli. B 10TOM O-BANXiON, monter AiUday as Tom weoded hic ocol. wu0the t ii henaioo ta record AEYEOe8E E!.o other inseots. DBut tie viclime Moor compcoir. crawlad hlie ai redhie decorcldcar, hc J. Westlicid, B&J., phyc icitcod vice li""' Daelire ont .g M h.baco»of eiicty' ocath a dicoocoied oac Iciepit dremiding the long, 1oi7 yhooriprostituaitocf ciecoologiele 1intire ece..utec.co c ~. .m.dml1.0irca., ."One ieeec," T. E. Roliewyof te10 001k thioga over. Mary Wisonof to ihe e. mercohi o h. Uied Staes. b, 8.cmc Beccee. cee10OeccGoé.u Wcafia. thci ~ p.. e bueau of entomoiegy acd pant ohom lhe loved c, one wojd Io"v. "Roi, are rien standing il?" Roce Father W.ad mid thelocal -nu - -0 7 m n 61 m quaraooiiee codi reoeolly ln eopaie. th. very sters lh euveriefer lhe a8k.d womelle ought hie Ici. uiemograph won the dut e.stab- Ad:r.w .1th-1 fl" wwmto! ooOhiser 1080, *za had hcclier cthr col b 1otteand Pr.tty good, but l'm. gelliol n et o enitive0and cueilie sne eo.uou 8ccia.oi .hcbtmc NATIONEAL OILWAY Man cote 0 oat ut0in et eoemy el ahoioi e leatc to he poud. ciepy. Sabire a terribl hi t.0g' mder.o type.il til] perforio ffUme.eaicr inetO 50 ica e@sonzev. 80,11SOTE. of catle. The insc Oleànet Tea.to M of o'a ctellogropher, lad Icat "Iv. ot a ahot for rjour cric cmoothij oand 10 reioble. &8c. t 7.16 pa. o-doe oolot ecd 1. DButRif a oitouced onoliernomo initiative ta tt Oongette10 ok. yoo." Ros.ecnid. Itla10the Wiechert type. .11 00te 80.ium89. _-à ____________ ci. i oocId ot want tgelot. i.e oold mary him f dculcdor, * "l'dlie ou taix inethemorai. moeitoommon 10 the oorldciad the tu oisia C. oP. noete_______I_£adeou._ragenhvehecereony pa. log 0000 corne coR e. that con oalhhModel T oM the selmogrcphi intru- ennuec c 12ec.co. oc-ic c Cemacl oherversMi fcoreecommn forcd the o loi1g oe.. "o.. Mco it I inthe country moi, munis. ali a lm-." .r. t -m k_ ca PLLC &$cIAA elot c hm leading ccem10glY "And hoo cm l?" liocght Tom cWd n gene. ohey cuit ai The. machine.a10 c booilive Ilwolli locecon cc cciec ccimacicc 5ceuoec hiOcir AWorth cccicd îclicisfe d10g on v&e ie b rochcd a ahooer o.asai 0.t.ptlo.mriigmng.rmd0.fca.eo 1dii BLIIOOT a WRITE. con focds,.bhoos itnteig diffemait from hic hroo, ccd ie.vicig tlach l'va.bhema o deor'c iimauae." dilait conlieebol], coco troin PojjaLma" MONUM ENT S floscer. e nt realie.thé omcdg« ail over hie hocdomolaoc..Tom hcd nee dreomned Il oid 00Ir0phjscioandd hemitrj classes. Diiu oqt a -eiaztI n h xs elnI"bton gmueaticc he. e udellihto c0 heryà ommu. Truccsrumbl10g paotth bilin OccIO 5aciqini. cicdreprcdccllicc Mf oon- 0mov.d front, te CoddCooïtde, Tom, ROesexpert sad o ccl Tain and heavY mm .pounding i10th. Gel] NEDICAL GALT. Phoamm .e ONT 8mots. Somte M the moult effeotiv. daopisth0e gccd Tmone yieho mde, oaiid Tom tlo.gh a fsirly comt. ccehY aimco 011 coue ocil]lions ri peenlre orctiny occicc.ct par. coe.ddc'tprodure cash for the. ood. fotable cdght. but dr iet deth Mthe fiemographa peri. Dis.e. SoTnVEeNSggN jig paa. d1g rta10 ay cothicg ofthe coU. wosfe liing trectgely lciopy. Te uevr alerWslndm R d ce Silk 1Hosiery Dri. STEEISON li fIEEDsio. co n d a crain stageorM th. taire, thétrip and the hegie.tagc of motor hal couccdte0 cog lil.mo. Plained. a.a Igeîc0li Ota u. o. ; uc.c. à..; c..e.c.o. 8 10cct on ohich I preja, il dc os e kp10g. nonon"Ail for Mary" and had glanes the doteroe it oc ooblx e d alci&"iand mdoea i R T cNER oloaen oPace lis egge. lThe proof'"Bonsoccie ta ce. yoc. Tom," ccholtutod cme0010g that ceccdgd ditorhacoec ccd aosioolearthquohe. x e d t r Phon 2w - 1EÀT assu Diect cojouwl] devepirp naiy10peetiocl]ed a fl]o mchotilc. lihe. "itoccldugoit hrocogiiAn av.rage oM a chSka ek e Sikso occh 10ob wsedate veywer o.e _jý mi; -8 P-;AT 74srai>..i r lochoot ccd 10 a certain stage 0M Tom emergditfromtihi t.e.inai Roc'li elt jou tlhmuh." ,ceded, but the moiemogecph fbled sohnonc 0h ahdabreeywa Co.». . P. ccd aci éoargem. .dBotmo he boct. 000e rc.itoc pay e. positionti d Mpreeom onolin 0AIMt elieve d etight pom lcclsii tepick cp tomlditchochc10 nMo. l b ottwashîcsg in bord wl]er is harînful _______________a coodly ocmhleroe M .pcc nditcesol0eme ffc10 e.e.Tom 00e oi00 pfmaienal y.lie.. c.a cosli. Fother Westlaod 10 lthedelicate Ihecads. CAEPEELLVILLE: I1Ag"ab fr Dai js'. ucect oeigcc. 00000ies the pronoce of er@moo DocodeviliTiompee., oh.onu"Tom 'Bcunoc . ccl hie.e id ho helioved il wonc conetieog ' desfodisvecmetln brwar Di.IEE d li ami e MLON a n 0 imodtatM hron 0easc.]tj e have tagM litnoesi ochut il 0h10 ight. Accordi0g 10 the coo. choct the eerth'setranta wbicii pro- S DrI FIEN ii IEVISO j ace t MITON bocciopeoccheoiegoo enedurccce 1801 haodcuffed te 0the rt, Icon tay w0000ril080 mcch tisi th0on choche hiiuccecccded. and il is alîssostim possible 10 rînse asay ltse soalp Phaý.1a j>-&crseofMthe parnsitelte o.control si.ee0g oheol of a Speeolool]hacn ase.mo cececary. l'tritcinig." pThe ceihioogroph resta oo toce scuso and cîîrds Ihalt omsi These adhere lu and Aller10 pm.icMilton _______2_______of the specesen hich i destructivePneeumonie," accouoood the yoccg Tom .himaihiehad, butlhooazpier ineYec. hal. The pieebuc;eddros hI OficecorlOp .m.c- ... .Micw ___t__________ cucltivt.d erope. chmp oho hadl eoceol heied0t0onoarj 10teorgue. Rose ccid modeuil 10 tho oarh, dcsec oc t ioch r h hreads, nîaking theni brîttîk shich Ofi.horce-ocm.l.p.c.ent.a omoloisie work10g 10 conicol tho bociness froc. a Oil]og pope. more-Icat staired. It0won goal!Lihbilding. Ihen 1break aca y and anulier par of stockings Beadayc hy appoinassicez cuey. F . W. B.FITZGERALD the Jeeccece beeni.are ceek10g est- "The pchl]c'l] oevee hlieve liai 10 have Noce kmhiàg te ochi. Ne The machice woronthe lidice have 10 be discarded. oetliy 10deteraeiefRomne pes. ithe be or ico dido't get colsdc lsevr mm 0a girl 1h. Rose. No principle " o magiieni.ooiching DI. 9. E. SURI Im.rance and Roui Estale ot: o the houle con aimo repro foest .lr ooy reboota oon lhe liocght girlse eited te moitede. aiohieololi tram miliedoohes ithi-V UII Phytoia ad Bg.&-. l le -f uuac Týe grabc that sre vey imilar 10 geoho ,, suppoce s80" Tom sentiuOtest f.l oe's Bilis bacds holding machine move. hui the00. lc-odD U IR A E aa.-euc Al iacoîacrcc roal. o!fithe Japao.c slc.ooie.f]thej olihot internat.' ison the he.el. te havo hier pumainstatiooaryrecording thhos -, .0" -ccicil bd oo.oocigtho 100' "Yocr an fitOcsDarolovil" lie com.thing Cool 10 hiclilpe. evec cita lioci on cmohod zpaler. ISOl Coroneer-. c.-i8..ic aeil acncd TowtîPmot,îi dcd froioorod hatccold livehbosshotioood."There'0titeselioo.8stick liatcm arting inoeeln10hlltac nnar ol0ecve a ceaecod Cooe. Rs.forc.mueeola.à loer cndiioheri oodhb..cd il, da hoocd mor l am.Thec %tieouoddlie locg ______ T EN ECRS II .I îPIESN l,c.. 'MLa s ot vnluchle.rami hod oct and th cor dmn7.trullsohen lh. muet have clepo OS na helme and dsagnesia froin yuor water B _________and__SurentTom'c heain ohired. Theohlie ecar 10 the od. This ate u))Y li hs lmnsta nk ae ad Pivtîaia.cres __________________Appendicitia Fatalitles old marry Mairi! Jumping Juci. Tom O'Baoii. 10 oasc ornaie in Are Cycle Enthusmaste Wiîh Sofîcîîed Watcr, lessi l l lsiicquarter tise ShwIt OliRticddhown ta roly mte xitne.Jit eoe lwe pnagnh abccl o sual qnanlityofsaflksi eurdtpouc jPho 4 pu.ite an T.aGe A1S8A "I Il tarejoi up" Tom ccaoered. itose spoie ta i.. veey one ccd octe-hal] unhchiaoe. 78b . The deprensioci 10 recpoocihle for Tom aboyait oedees. "Let 8me out," ab* ai, "Imcct And usccaiujo! the mocinesoc an abundance of suds, which are fîîlly rinsed awsav, flu it- u Pye- t p Valaler snd Ationeer ano increoiuug deuiliraie omo.g vil-, Nopotioc for 00e ord.ol the oexo get jour breakfact. mrotacidema acd jomi Dctich leaving dainty garmenîs aids ilken hose fei n Bay liaoI'ocdy-.l10 dmVttaoce e.itlapedalido l ime o! ceuleoppndicltie, accord. aitorcoot.ieh holn ponit hic oay Bieiocied hacde gripp0g lihe rd mouiierc c.calij havoe ahchy-ccrry- ean. rsan LEGAL émissndcisad c.lifctoasuearicg ta 0500 Cevelacd durtao. liroogh lie ceood thaO had aireody %souid, che.face eet ecd esoltio, 0g cOctraptie.riggedon Oche0hmo. Dira_________ oncl . . . elly' ccd R. M. Wat' gouhered tefore tliow iico doo. In. Tom returno tet h iy. Nour dehers. the citj coloailj guiuoWtrSfeesca eqikyatce Pu»i08 MITO icsohcerviog 00e moccttag deuil Up lni the oso'efiece ,everaî mec. aflenhoeur, h.edrove. drove. Ne ojclteg e. mane and ehimutancacs l uî vtrspsyun iebsmn.Pi 010K& 01k Paee Ie - M rLte in1a a tdof M Sm.cooscctive wore oaittag lor hlm ouid cioo h.eo lia chinOthaN lie lime Noce 17 __.____________ port_____ a Wci'c victie si eee-ooc asw0000 iim. There oarai lie Au.lit in, Copeiuiagec docs peoc- 1 o s$50 n vial l ie u îi h w. . ic, ~ prttht opedIila iomu010."Mia ONeil," te osecsc inro, hum Of the mater, I"Rocel] gel y roi ij lytoits teohoel i100 hody on Softened Waer ecquirentof every type of home. ffl 1 ! utndc hesitale t10 commn cool- doced " he lenurse oho 011 lhroUih." Bos fd hho.Rose.gaveeverj immer Suij.Tii.hall. As sialOa ayPyîcs ln A I coaiweo cmattac cc ooo d ucd. "am- I£ASE) tryta trat thrraslil s. prepore jour moaie nd ood rltestiamulants, and al] throuigh todayexamine taoilesplace cci coplily loaalbeo n ayPyi ln I'LL~LU j thmee en.. rouite." night Rose wonaagain by hie aoletaihero are ronde miiero 30,000 Bold and Insied by MAIe OSaee - - Morro.11c --!-ai.vicime tadiol 0nure Tom grimitd. A delighi!cl]j Irish cedins liaI oheel thct hohavol hcYcila peas a gclenointolin oan rascloccce uica12 à li enitesirotecos nApni i 6h, hopiaied ithe more pecipeos youg personi on qicrly.He sommeta know siheiur. __________________mern ci! 1930 ta 1931;iiie Tet h-Huta orltrTmwsbn.OenostiginatocthTeletolsaeeiiaedyS.A F lmi5m clolocc." ore.aittaee 1000. 1031 ccd 10 h e deui l RooilIrTmahc oe ksla in ta tcccolicu i Traottof ycereouoîsia. . . A TA.NOMNN esnecohât ettico ci..eey Ocon a cte ciong helire.teo( w arenlait te oheel, and lio groeî leioh.co.ihdhopia1gec0m!yioudcPhoneo 06 tene. tpeet MILTON TA DOISIcoot; nmci t eond p 0' ZUn 0s bgu. e ws n xcelet gse0liat lefooced food throcgh wich bali motar vcohiles anod iarrNt SrChapicone, 11. hom& e.Iave oualhaveegel il." par cool. The docto re ipored thir Pcrin. oheui ho sowe cl diontaos* ip e e. horin I dle Te Dardait ordiieeofd. tae NIEBASNG oL Lt n g.9accsc for y.. adn j 10 0i0theJournal oM lie Aimor- cOMina ONeill and millier. harhrc."o'eolgr.h.00e voae.nrcir IdioOiluOouiShmWmcs a0,0 mOooNa oe(hcpa e o. ccioîua cai.oc. "l] gl 1Mliicicie ofiem 07yo',l] gel th. girl." methcd of goi0g plecec. Il in troc TBipoc0 oadycjouriau cool. "Duinî the depreculoo jeore." !ijt-mile rodius hforo leotinf." "WhaO girl?" h.o hlcperol. trm ain foirnead Il la ,ilecI; Télophase_______K __ hej wooe "patients delsyolnopera- Tom aciceted, turciig cciuntr-"h odo.oce joec ol atc; qidcis ci KELL & IKEN t, thW.,groupe.couupesido-hy-cide o;it IEOIIE E. ELLIDIT KELL & AIEN his20 p re b ce c10her onrd." cliW0 edm h.aalle." bad!thoco bein a gilacm rmeml ccciiooies' ehcildorc cetio.mpeotehioto mcrility rate. "Exooîly," oheo nuroe rephe.Tec roeeed.d.Ti. riftcROalong ol'ith ociud ocepî soocicico. follol10r. Ooicey Pl'ie. "if cocimic conditions hoprove, "Opeo jouir mciuih." Tona icr1e ryiere. T.iliIMcoeclnni oghe Orci-ta Forats e'Builing. Matenegviihit, 000delay on the paieo'c part w0oj Tom gonol andiaboyito. "Billes w.oUco eYm.h.o no a ltIe; ormougii and so.g. iirt Mlon. Fat.a.lm.-ho Ieeeened, but in the sec.timeycuoae e coly peruaocm 00talit defecd eaue h. board alte _____ Telcphoe70., percoos should lh. 101d ta pichet ta for four dajc. ohat abotetiblredt . ldn. itg.Na ide _______gard___ ienroo f eb edirnsanel aid ro n o." lien Roe'm hond teadied hic. More AamlheeMliacrd Mytery H!.00eir clrcilmercce, R "t oe"che.r10g. on ccd e.. Everyhineg""bme 46 yeaem cgo," w00h00 O. DENTHcIHEEL R chave paliniteir abdomen." "Ton, goncd 1 o etrust Mj Irieh iblack.l'h. .h.rp prick of aacole . Glsold0ofVallsie eotacthe DENT8TRYTca... h..____t_ Ecsel Co ju star cablocg limeS" I ie .rm. Btte thon. On andome Loz Angelea Titre, "oy hrciihec.uo. "Onlj ohite jou ase. eatieg tlicOn ade.. l ancd 1Ioererotogmsainevery DI I A KNI PIANO VOI pee alee h."At letct oce ohhcpaed: "(3h17 largeo ve oah. 1insha 10 Gif Fol]owiuig dfolte identification or To Tome distron. ,h routant tbemore hoe.Bas p" t00 park. Ino ccoiog uheogh o 16. DENTAL BUISSON GUITAR te!amousobattlefieldof 2.5W0rierma pe.d tO ietot ver more than Aoiecheue frm 0e c inch id 10h 00hOceuitalc a cavnity out _______and300o i odpar . "hOc WIen-Oou aota sgan" lieiecec. Tbey woecsanoding quii. of ehlchtelwoizrsaut1 tOt.10RylEedoMiie Lcodo o 0 hccldot arsWeojorot'sg1? ih Ol] midct 00e trafi the tii. mlloes long. Noo holo enoi is 1 mzccm Pieno Timng and Repltirimg .ohod ohile holding lie peucor ashol. Theocroodt on shriehiog. cavllj ocre complciely soled hy aroescc.Thermopjle egain00 Percian Ievad' "Lucoh c.rved ai cieven. Aftmar "You've 0e. theotnher hoic.d" coccnd oood. The llcordc miiit PRONE te . MILTON rs, soch coctiuez la n effort tii ual'm gbing 10 h.d." No. leoitod. *"nogte'salloe bock tav.ecterod ong hefere miceeao W __________ _tod tePcilyccdio. or communal "Muet jou? om m mon là hoohere" ranchcdhrohenoft iothe _ g h d 08. F. E. IASCOCK it lub of the iercca. Profamo.irthe girl lighted. morl Thcodceed1.omne .maehoutiopae DENTAL BUISSON M5 AT aon. dircooa ooogiaidAI precieljoieveo he !occd le her coohd leln.tomulonle ve mdoe.rherout tfor flce O co ocePicS. icseoA. FAYbservicee:n As or d o or Plumbing, lie hatileloîld wuon the spot ohoco "Itscm dark; ifryool 0e Mary won liere. lie accual gromolu ringi s ooy- DRI ED £.-raircslis. (bis cxeaccon. tn~d ouoare lie Thernmopyla.hbattis. countr, l'Il oever fbd li, On, ta galle o m, oca. «on.e body&rse ilr long thiiyli oro.OICLs Bains b-k 46 leaing and aig thelo icoetigatiocaon th, jour mooli."'RNon caid 'ilvely. grol 0h10me, oean1inim mroooh.eTi e eabo ia te 0e- Son S'a. Tii. c.u 1of Merodotuii, thc, maroherea1lm. "Yoo mec ien hefild mght flot, "WI.eo0tiathte.oNis lpaetnîadvecrY aigglsah, hut ailier N ELE '.bTinsmithîng cocerol Phucil a oi ie100 oety. Couldn't joui," Tom achol. n'Tom tricout.inathe"iit5uin TfoE CLlcopaotP13ONS M5 Thej defolelyoldeiedthe hi "Doc'th.i ilj" Rose :ld, fond» ohore?" o hiete raldaa 4 _ _ _' brafs "vcVlb nerballo ord roh 24lh ymr oie m. NST, SILTON, ONT iiuaied osear the bath@. "FcahehatmclIi .cdaue o. levr i.Oocr ___________ clarv ofo codcsi." Moe o DocI e@ver ca y onytitg agoitcIfRoranges are orapped ini papier 25ta 6 - 7.0o .M p... - --..---' .crjlacfgirl oho made me do i,lieh.hioh hac beeo treaicd iiiSU PE Oc.enoBvactv"At savon. Put me out no"AIl'mohimpered, holin1g oct a Pair of dipieuujl. lommezrcirotiicg are__________ Oe Doinioc Storceoasrooo.NC hx~i 1. c1epye o. oclod T:rmioiliihrna liieuhgreatIy redurdoy Dr. Fiman PhoîcîMo. ~One, mad. c i 0mal and vegetahîs ewahgcuoinelopR urse.Bh'giftncUS!ourlihooccd zine. Thiis 'i.dicciery miaoe Lits, i@, AteuoeonrgB-91 aslooo 1hî cmoil Prtom!n 'l. Mueanc aleyta atar l." Wierepo a tirol citron grooerrem"Yoy liciciîofe i e busifthauntles sicn didcihavoay col]d ltoecanimal fat type r alo' i> dl 0ecarM Utiay ole oIrishi girl oho hol net lept dollaracccallj. P'ciciocents' MON NAYLER Pue las.,Auidnt, 5.5105. omargarine. Thc«fota mocntoel "ogiuiothecarth Iii:themol-for fortioihhar eponsbgce M0ecmî]MlIelluily.eociaufisuccjc..odo <reod e.!feUuiroeu h Ic oThegoig moteair I sirt Lenoogh parier tIci op oe ton o!f cit iceil inatnttnc. Papelc'hung - loiat Oauf fat o o cik). The oher mou lullol hlma toa]ic..f~ ruit, accordicg t10De. Aaliert Fer- Aad (ecerel 'Repolco Ouod h.oc Ocs vegetaile fat or nct oo slum0îr. 0c eO. 0Heîhm oetc.oopOteIoYsi oicuoocc Sc tPiidCcsduil Bobinasses e. lea. Mdrîle Charges. Fa . DEWAR mrgrieinmadc o! vegtahle a.~IogtFEeLsd. procmn aroocimoo Worhccachiploaalccd. coo.cic. o.c icrc.al fatsa sai.t and mii. The other pre-abc'Mll or Maj,"of thhs icad feut. The fume o! Lourdes dates from .oc Ingareeac aie fuocosiauiibssîi uOcum050me. cipcl10gre protectsdo!ytehe vllie Pfne an. 13. flm MIo.eco ,'cillai 0001 su omonofbl vcd..es'-&lMor Marg." ocadcorggolhjy. aaton ggirl. BroadetteSocirocis. IcIl]y teted paper sciferel oly 4 You nduuusfriscDidcsFishs Ciod, Haddockh moedoiaophcc.ol]cd ho ther. ii.ty. Aufocr M ,Al] for r.tinbai lc l o proneroolcht egoe wbi rooped Hk,'oi.s.dPliss .cdnui iulFshu uo o i ooc hile ekfasitoiflco.ie"coiy the magoiieot Ciioreth 0e treated palier. Dipienyl la ocio.Herisi, Mauubccad Alescuss... and euconesof OOUNTrY OP NHAI..ON Wtag WnlWaters ad biisict Roeaad beakast.Roaryion»Inngy udi;eta ur ocssys.on Tieoirno00!amnos A80eoîîriveoîeouhiLadoLocrdc.The hrch ornroorortante or oloeof oranges. IO 190 LCA CURS ÂLNDTh190 aterpote aarc.t. are on fro! lite garage. NRosec us hee, tain ommrn eruiies, tablais ccc proiiahl lieushoiteftOcgurd Ecjoy ubi fodsina 000homer. You ao gc Did or 1940 -OCAL OURTSCALEN AR 190 wonest Uwy' aret ot mtoloknig efrsnesihe ren re. and gis.aohich memnorllizeecoure olhr fruiltsa gainsl dca microbhes. -'------y-----' mstat io ameotodubo bh.coe ber. C"otisiNoce mode tlicrediiol ta the Virgîn. A ntrnbikryuiiic jbmiicliigudoucie vceeaais. c.SCSa ca e itosbu isrifpat 0f ecand rpj acsor. Tom mac no longer spr10g ohieh miraculocsly appecred fke aainFs ih l t odesrrie riai i it.»e sl i clerpats f nlad.seeyai the lime of the apparitimn sadl- ic. for Ocler for ieuryoaj.s. si. uisalerr. Yeua o;l]fafd Gros est fumercame terooevoo-oc.. Ln tmo a 7 alu iv Yc'r no Daedvü hopn eo.re.moio aeera baoeinowhii 0h11. onale caot n pcoiiuicmS 500 i;; cemcea.mcnsôr 365 5 , ici n vo jorcago Oheo 10 men Tae joui" the girl asief irrolevac». the piterima hattue. ioMapciioiaod, eneirlalclogvi eyecroca ou O O " I ho dcanh tranwom 1 5000 ec ce.eOocem...ingaacIrish sweepstake. uode _____________________________ stpg.ol hicg. rs eers .asr d a. .adaly m. o! peopilien roodcd te ih. e ieil__ _______ arrivingin oCspeiooc. Sohh Afria, DEPARMINT OF Il]OERIES, e _af c l-i o rikadtoadso eln eport. They eoperlocedîmsffci j OTTAWA. X m r !rim i ocee cof. 1 .se ded Fer @uallty sichaîgme oihr for the WSTS oa RISBOOL rTo iii.Zulua oho Ove lier. mo, Lincol Travoed Inogaftecala champagne raasnature]and------------ - ---- Teliete bout seitcn'@Jou-atioal foolandhoeveccge. Iretch Oo,. îi m.ocioms.o.emcao.eaSse.oio TshosMci to Was houritoinot ea Bur-. i in a blo itte northof u o! Ii c auguraton wer complcatemiby a 'nd fr 0imiles by 50 ta 60 le,0i. mh Tj .. "«*o auitonenacneen o aplt i he Utopian pae loorilee pro-ca oa.lru loo ias, ciih Aédi of OeiuM IoznoccAmilimté,cRh myMar, il. oshMlr. 4th 010 sacoira hum as h.alped throcgh dcn, mn.urd ete apin nir. e Balimor in te nig t. A ainsthig iquor or a plemnet nom-acholi ..r.................e..........c cce.ca.c, andliccire 10oti.tnegproAale hic ordiaL. If the tiquaitstads for 24 .4 Br -4dc.W. 9. Dick mille%, effet opon the pubieil, leue o n, ho__ turaîfermentsadicaod imo ic 000................................. lee of liePeac duool ta leavc the party aod bravai telle. In48 hurIlcla$opowerfui................--.............. W incognito. ttbtl minutes. ANY D A Y A F1S DAY