Tu wémT*& n B_____ Wbm 80 o t 808.19888Mn 808w W9891.88000i8sa" BARAAO IILTON, THURSDAY. DEC. 14, 1939 (JANÂDIÂ&N (;JHÂMPION1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE- Pho netics of Egyptians Bird. Show Prefereoce IGMIt Wal' -Rveaid lun Documents To Islande for Nesting Ma B 4189Y Tk99R'"1979 1«GI 808001891 (Ail Trains au o88088d8d T888 Egyptian ogu er tan8 , 98918818881h8:ve88 9 a1818198.9888818pr8eeence The Great WaL 8888.8888 8888888 9A8AD9A89 7A09I I9 AILwAy 1888e8the days ofthe pyramide d8wt8 fofiiltrray1888 1 La807 .k 8878- 1r919t 81.1018 MA IN 0?.. . 118700. t-118.8 8189 ta88the8Middle. gem 1but8888791888for rial, 885188 [Oyond 1Pssage Lig1t, 8888181.terrains a MAINST. . ILTN. OT. uOIG EST- the l188100888 889la8. i. 11101Up 9the gul118 1u1181 ther assison88th huge 898 bord.ry of - I .318.o.-I ns. secr988ets of sourds familier8ta7Talons. 8rock8masseswh1818 78ke heir hose il frontMongolie.11 froculs, o 888898yese. P.0 .887.88.p8187. 8888Moses88ad hiellow110888sied bov. the 8898es. [In18811888Lake fit Il 198818et01i 8.468. .8.88888. .888Bandai, Cleopatra, through reeaarch 9In Cap.9Erie, terris889 1y th hodeds on8je visible fronM -91988Waal- 8tic8documents8.9t1the9U1ive8sity91of 7181817 Island8rieur8Put-in-Bay. rom 808988o8119 88 .i88.l. .888.5888888.8. .27s.m. 817.999a. Michigan. [o 5g188w boy, 8181888889moit .e 91889gratin 89191 Io i..8.8te,98898888 08.88 .89-U81Egyptlo88 have. Smo preserved C189818188. Wh889088 888nd1l18 99888W(longitude 981 des 189888899918. -8.8888- 18888the past, on atone and papyrus, 17 988r88888d81 y 889198.8lit 8o81saut), terminatin A9YAT88NQ"TM Gans .9u-7.31 &.m.. 8g, 1.02 p.m.. the ok81en 188989918 888replaced 11899 18r888 11188t888989188919e. 8888188181891the ( 2" ooasbor or 1- 810889"888-.88 W .32 8p. l ias. y G888h durng thyeurso Greek This8 preferee8for88 88,8881beed oser. Tibet. Se, pffl9888. l,. -98i8i888#.7.. is .1 .. n oanpwr.I8a rvvitiggo88slatudinm8 o u h8 h Oa 2 8888889888898,8888888888.988liehoTenth 8888889. 58holars have 9189118.te8r9, 0888889, p7188188878and8vou,1i, ores898 88888888 88.88888. .il 098889 8..9&.. 1 '.15 .0. 88888 18888 oble 88 do more thon8 91888,88 8888îi898nd provide pr8te8- fthe 88888-171 8888998888 ____________________a__ v918e98099817 8 9808he1long9ue lion9flairsai888888thepredatory 9mi- by the Manchon888 89888888 88.888d.88888C~ POLLOCK .& INGlIAM 18.888 8 gy et8089 88 1918888188909 Il18 er88880 Puuay. M ONU M E N T S Copt"0.in the1ram n.oow p98c 8t188818.te8889188yAt8888 98q0811178fieainaoeI nd Design@9OU ktO888 j the Egypieo pope .glace 88.18 98888BatI. Creek, one m8887Me8 Geat Wa91 788 MEDICIAL GALT. Ph.e2m849ONT Iadoption88of1Chriatian888y a81880991maremme8dockand1noces oasis o8Utie s l 899 ong. loc _____________ ____________ Ch8Iistiny in ont t prenant te deéertd ]8k881housse. In0the about2,5w miles __________________ dominant899religion98o 919177. Cen. 8Be"8river in 0regon, 9998.919191, ci98810881891arme8m Mr. SIEVENSON and IREEO ____________________ 8818 998. 81891 91 wax988 888 889the8.Canada gee918mats8hall 88818 8888"M a"8n I C. R. 'TURNE R 88881888of1 riti8g 08889818 Egyp. Me. 88180re88897189t18restera8thelargest l1888 Ph..8 .88-w A I Fserai DIrecto. 8poses8and t8 translate Gris erlg- vantelle 8f81818 trait. E. A. McIli- ,erageo 208 i 0809888888...8889..-88. and RmbaIu8r Ta8do88018 th. 1888887. te8Islan, Louiiane,8a7a 9 ou s n the W8eme CAMPBELVILLE__ &a", for8ale'@ 81ek1aphabe, ,dded six Egypt1an tuorwsam h r ait88 8881 t8a188 8maire places l181enn0i Dis. FREEO and SIEVENSON P.8 . 81.0. 8curp188 88718,188of1th88li88888188 888 0889 isnseo. 00818898or8l1erons. 888818 88Theon Ali.88,18928.8 ______________ 8888888 8818108..Mlo8WsorsPoesrWorI sst1918e 879888881liait9 made.98 81 1818 T18888 989 t88t 088188-.1-.1..8p..science88ofphonetis; i. 888 tells118buildingone88of 88 81 8888191888 8in818e o18818 9r8he88 58981878188 pp.i.t...t Sz8888. F. W. iB. FITZGE[RALD w88881 88888819 88e7 18. 91 in8the81 18 88 en888188888o 8refug8 arase. Is-18988881f9881888818 OR . .STR Isurance and Real Estate 8888a8188888td8y f ai thediecte lnded. Resul118of t18l9sort9888Y inte"a19entaill 8f Coptic Arabie and Greek both of be 8888 8on the88888S8eey8Refuge8paapet t8888888 7981818888 8an1 Surgon I8i,8p8es8n8 ad as88888758888978ken in the88877788 78818981. O the and crenel1188fo a,-. 1.88.8898lse&.T ..88o toit8 89889.,,8888 88881898in8 8888809 817. By 8988888888888891, 888881818897vies Coroner. 8..0. fer8s8.88lent., 888818891 variations88and8888819 188. 888881891on8t188 8888 end. 7This i-8,u'ed fromallir logues il a a.j888788. ta88888a1gond8illustration18of Offer St 8,88808888-8------ 88888ckw 888n lme y 88888898888088 refuges. 918888888181888In 8857880888 and Surgen ____________t.__bc 18,5 ien 18888188888811788888'98.j progresses8919in 8ch ph... 8o~888.8.88.. 8j T. G. RAM SHAW centuries. Naturl Gain Aîerica and8the88188888 7-8.up.8. Valter ad Actioor Discovered by Accident euae h e 0,18 8IIo te 1 588d9 P.-'18President's Hobbies 1Nature1 9188 8899 18888in 88 388, 198888898811,88 _ _ V7.to. 8 noty O.d89W 78888988988898888 8899 il8w8888 put8 ta0p8r8c8878888898anger91of 181881 LEGAL 88888888888.998 88 888089 8Som mualy Athietic Type 78878989 8n8818888888try. i 18 the18188 8888888818 998988. Presidents' 1hobbies8have88basee8 708888as9 18818988 1888 9108.18898.888888918891 8 Paons 18 M. ILTON suasly (il t8e 888888,8 8type8rallier1891 888819 88888818 88888880 in the.reportait, p788881 010K & ICK 8888a888 8the 8889877. 7888888189type. oonadwhngtd 81889188, 8888118 bYai le889ta88oins W. 1. alitE, [8.21. - , 88888881 ollections88of ol 8188cc8d888888. 8888 8888 888891817as8a899u8888888the1poli 91985191 8.,iCKi9.. YL~1A~ 8 i,îg. Hoover, 88188 Ceveland, 8en. 18n8188UntStat888 e 8888 8888di888Y,88l 977088s 1129891888;988I.bby 8888 glthuî eTf t 818898 88871 in8 8 Ohio 01a8n8d1West Vlgna njoC88 8888888818818 1, A. BUTCHINSON h88888 888888 818'o- 8Vlilegt 888hwa 88writ8en abou, 87rprised saitmakers struck go germs in test8f 8,ko 918188891 88888 ' a mechan'i8888188 herse8888 881188888,!. 881888 9181888ow ellî 8for9sa1. 8918 11888. Y 8..Sr.-iW t..88980f8888888788 . i. 88Wilson enjoyed 18888819.85 8881. M8C88881siIe, Pa..881888. 888818889do888888818humai Sand88088y...9d088888e88889..w.8817 'p78980888881%s8. M.L. Cr KELLY & UK eiehbbe 888h88188088888888big gants,88888888they lied 88 'ed 8rîIo 188891188888888 8 t88th GEOR6E E. ELLIOTICollecion 98SpecialIsl8 8888888. 18888888881887 08nd tennis..188888.'At final818the811 889w. 88C8.. i 8888let 8888t, en 8.8889888.888888888, 88888y Publie. OrdeîillIe, Dot. Am8888888 1.88 9188 8888 88891888hoh.' 788 88 888818 88b188t8e8188 888888 18888888881e,8817 th 08888-19 78888888'I', 8888888M. irs 88. Theeinî8î888888 the8888uol , 81 the888 sait8 989 881889. This use 8olit9 no8conclusion88a b0.8, ton. c. 1c88. invention, arboricuture, J88 salit8te8have19 .oîd 88 or8840 889188818991he1e '198881888870. -te. Il is 1888888888091b8888ented 870889. ,8compou8d8in9t STY H. WHEELER 'e h8h 18b 7888881g Teecu.8188188989199ag88888888988891a,8881 8888a8w88990 DENTISTRY '=e888. 88 8 aise88 8a8 hobby187o John in18 128 the8fi88888888888888f189189 9888 dog la 91 388888Adam. Benjamin Harriso88wax8mad ai7edna,lfN. Y. A hall- bac88898 ole OR O A KNO PIANO VIOLIN .88888788 888818hutog. U. S. 0Grant818881 888888189188988888 1888theee 9y m188,8888in8a 1 was881 88888888ta18all88918ci8a8e am e9u8e w18881 huit8 18888 888ooeeolby hop.81 88.9 the IT D g188 88881. 8e8799881h888918a 88118888088. T7188rovo09 8,889888 DENTAL 9SURGEON180UJIAR 8808 7lace8ta188e7p7888t1for8the8use9ais. 0IE.889 RoyalBldi9888n, Mille8.__ofnaturel__ 811988 for188188888889palpasse 80ir988.90. 8880988 Piano Touing and Repairing Curious Tai. of Turkish 89 888818,7.,1 172 8189 n~ 8889888.889989.99808. PHO0NE 24 8-1MILTON Womam Who Passeil asMan Fifenprc OR .E. RARCOCK _An8- ________ 888888dnary storyof a twe9. Anima9le F0888198 888881888 1878888888j8co DENTAL SURGEON FAY a ruh pasabyadewth id n nml. latoiiso leci -.-.U-l oumbiJng 8ourt, 9878 9the 28889.881 00a8ald. b1888888 8,t1te 8 8888889, 0and 881888 188887 8888188 £-AYMZ8898GA 88TOTO. 88 888888and8898,888M811 Op.8Rem89 a18888887 988188 818888p788818a88818 B.1Y808.- 888b88 85Tel. He&teg and s"Ao9el" 8898 818891.81 91h 8889197 18 8181888888 88898898 ___ -Tinsmithing poposing 4.o a ovey Smyrna hein- ta s888h, when crows Oy up ad items 88881con NIELSEN..6..é. 'w, 8 la 8818 89 189888 989e88e.'888818 8888888888888888888988,8818818788.881119188818y 8se 28818y-8of87888188.. MAIN ST,. MILTON, ONT 088.88n9gond881 1888889, ed779888n8898891, 881888888888889888858888* 1888888801888 8 d188. I18w 1.81818.899 8o8i 881888881881887918887a. 8A8change188888. 8yad 2888 5- 7.W ta .w .1p8. Ç88ýh8881 8188880that 88.1.5 bai81 1889 1a8188 8hen og88o9188o8the8air, aod 883888888 nd. 988,8801,Eoooo7988880 1......a.,mol18888018887 inomasculine8attire81UC8Il81788888188888878881818988818e.18888888888188 Lis,,Fire, Atomob8ile, , ufl189f7 88 itthe888 88818 hot e z 888888888788888088a18cr188810 88 th9e8 888818s8. tzc LINTON NAYLER Pate Gass, iAcient,1 ib. rea sexbei 818888888. Whi1818e et .8 M The 81888 1881 788888 Paiuntng, !Paper-han ter - 8818roinfootbal.188819888n lien inthe Strats seto888988o l wit.h8n te91 AndGecrl 888r AR lok88888888 h te o urt88818,88. S18880899 88.8 j on818 88189988888888 ,818888818 8V88888881998 (888,9818?81 .8988i89888-8Mi. à888à" 9.l"I 88,11 nethbc a w880. I am à skiable botanical specimen.718871888888888818888 PRoa 3238 .880. 8888 t 889. 881898081128888188 197 ln, ared'018888 9881 5 ______________________________________________b_______sent 8i88 889 98889t880 teops for 888888888988 78 98,.8..88.8..88.88888888,88,888.~îe88 en8 John0 8199 8188988and John lbol 8and1888818788888888. M887 8818880888 9y 818 OCou NTrY0f= l-ALTOC:N Barr ofGlasgow, SS80818981,8888187 958the 888 887 18888891 188818 8ne88U81h9 88r818rem i iquentl1 to18 of8d8in9 t88ng1 8h87had 1888ow a since, silice88n88888liai18808 98e8a818 Y1940 - LOCAL COURTS CAl ENDAR -1940 8888888888887 8908811s1881 89981n9981 888818 1889118 8889118t98gt.8889808 aooas:d OU 11888 81887 8888 88818 18888888. 7587 88818878 89h8v1881o1888889881o18 8899,f88lier le wh ch, as ta *1188 889818 88ornit8988y JOIN THE J 88.10-LI t. laitI I 1 ld, nough81088881888888888. 7but 888898088.y 8198988018808.v . es a 088888 w98881888The9 .888880888188 ad8hae81. rt 8,898 7888888898 of l simpechm -a com88 ds il878 ha8, 8 189 88888788 il188 M. Mirande8, a 8888h88818.' 0 Fm ton cents lb.*a.16W moi, .io 8. The oison8888 n880ie the8881 o P S 8188T 8818a o l l u 888811 el8888188888 1818891e888Su j th 8118 988 Maraorm889. and oi.8o. .889 me ""01; 8ft. j hor 888988888' 981899891h9 88.1899 F=. =88888iSLaoA118 clitocmybe. 1 a AS a - CW.4" of China X-Ray Prove. Valuabie 4 Seen on Mars lu Stmdying Paintingo 'a11 of China, in the The8X-ray, probiog 18888818 t18 structure. in the8surface of 1888888 988888918. 188 fChina8, and dividing ooaling 88he8t818881u8e of 8888m8s- [a 8808888888897 8888 9881and 88888888891 8the 08818888888 Manm. I89s89e88hes 8f more 9tirait8101888891887189 a8 sie (l9atitu18 40 de- Har9vard1 80o8eraity'sFogg 089t8ma- 91199818 119 degri., 8s88881888891, it ta El, Yu 918898 8Jder te88ten or898888X-ray. 818e Infim9s.14 minutes original and retouched parts of a 891g 99907888887188 7Pi88o88 9are immediately1reve8l188 eGreaorth988819r88Thu7188891881888a9e8 889888891 the8art .88188157 Empemr of18899881891819888918parts8of8peint- (491210 B. C.), 88180 18919 y 8888171891those 8188818al- 88918881891 exist18g 889817 have 18889 918818181178888881ed. effecti8e laainst.the 8The 8888888'8 888888818 8187081 Mon9gols in 280 and in addtion ta theX-rays ta deter 18in8644. I81888888.8m188 whe818 r s8e8980881questioned 91d ta in the Fo88- 7989889818 888889180mi18. A 78888888 88888888 8centuri8s. 98 88e colonial 088889 ClopIey. 88188 tali igorance 9of89,88181 89881t8er 8888 9888ol 88888od Mon the88811880888889ern88science,18088881thot 88881888 the 880899 88888 of1888 t h ol8801988 8t Orly 8888818881 88888 Id. '788 19 88.paaoseffet! parts,88.u188bail 78888881 88 81 8891989189888. 7The 8888988888originl ol 881. 8708r la about 1,7080 9In8mo858888988, sa 808788888 riuidIog 8188888191881 888188. realioing thot 7part8of8a8mes- [a189l918.888881189 88e-878e8pi8898hih h had"toucher]187" an8118878. 718810ong.8888990898au1gond 9as 0188original, r oser the provn188889 elotait8o81 r the 88 ie 918888 ,889,88 n 8881818 and Sham,; once9988889, u8888 8888888888of 8the eth ofLancho18w, it Th188 oenen ra98y 88818888918888 final In h.191h9.ît . iwa,9part of a8 708888 1889 18 !9et8th9base;1518lent 889191888, l98808Ievaed hatwk88 808t 81808, and81in ar88888 N888818 da8Foligno8 7888888 il988188888 la888881 lion, h.e1.18 818e 8881t8 188lie ier]1i e88889888888 18boles. rer 40 8test1889118and 889 908 ta8a8ile1trainForest Fires Decrease 891889188a. T7188are988 oad Fish SUPPIF i t888889et irrgular Fire.. 788181887 8188887 more8for- 1oe ewai. 7The est gains and fait,.dire88817and8in. 0088991 187 8888808881818888887, îhao 9188881of l h h ha, for o18serv881o0. 88888881 1888188of8al]theo 8881888 tific Studieo 8881818118 y f888818888,890788888,' range Contrast.al 808ic19 are caod e88 18891888 of8the 888078888881888978989animale. the 88818.891911, and 8888 e t us thm o lis te yungesroe8889818888e8h88 8. The 88818888888in 888 e, ie cool8waters of888888 9888808,88n te1Queen in travaling 88988818888898791988888918988e88ourd, th due t88 8189808 On o 80888a88 18888078. 788888888nd 88 888187888088 888 18e 8889 the 888888 an881 7888808l,, me 888188he 1888 888 sur 8 818m,08188889 88te 18888 of8the soi 8898881 9888and 8008888 888888891t888doy. Furtl,88,88o, 8the lYe in w8od ashes dis.nl8,888n8th r, 8978818888 10881888 8708 88188818 8918 88888 118910a8fat 708888888 of e fluor 9 ofdlaites and ,88,88'i. 88188s, s 18889(88898 8caer isppar, o898 - 888888888. 8818881888988881888808 t 888111 8888the8q,,ati nn8ult8 wi888 large8Plante ad s88 8889anmais8o8188 c "Foeoto,' 8871th188orent9serv- 0081888808. 887888889 18lits ;88oo, 1888888881 91r8u888, a888 the8 88888888 C18888. 7881888880. 0Green 8888880 88me e88718898988the8,1989t8îî81î8e. Forest8tires8mena8888888' 11887 have bh89con. 9i0n." 888t animais ando81thot 8808887 81 of8te 888 U. S. la Older as Nation t188 reatet of 1dis. T18e 881888818 188888888 Than Ger.nany or Italy armer plate 8818818 th88 As8Uni1e9, 888180188888 nations, tb1e ta 888etrat. The Germ9yoand Italy ae8oth y8o,,g 888s 8891989989 888tue, e998 t88. t18e 88odem 188818888of 88. Bdgt teNational 0889188871888 888898 cent of the tota "Victor E8889nu881Il, 88808,817 e88 a188. f881 ao' kin8g of 981888. 89 88888888 the 18998 of 81889 8888. 818r Pren8i89t1lea888818p7in81871. lit8in18e Un8ted1898888 Prussia. le $9.0001.0,0008mark 0"Onthe 08lie8 bond, in8terme of 8918 Portion of8incarne8racial98nd 781888881 18888887, Italiens 18889.8888888788088ant88881Germens88 18118look backkon a 88select0888888889988andPlgrimo 1898188 8in11888888911088. wi11 fid 88 89889118888888E8891188ta8th888 789808 go88f. 8888888 8181111891 8c889 8of188, las t18e888888888888888a0888h8188888 88788891 18.1888887887n 88tries1998a888888881i8. The Teutons8 88gupep nal 871887 man178 empir9888e8of te8 dde 888 8.8 the B808888 and No888888888 t8 the - ..~Mediterranean, 8888 18818887 88888 loh 88888 8ut 18888888888 il dmond. Adrap of e face8of8a89880081, 08r88881t701998891 t88818 818e 78i88 of 8a 7The 88118888891are8888,117 18o8o8 [on lisobula8188108 188881t18798ic88as the wor888818829188.88 818988188817 8vis181e. An B11essed V889180,- hy 7888888 "Aura ad 9918,9la e8s9817re8-ci," by Guide Reni; 8.88887888,818,8 bbing; on an imitation ion of St. 3Jerome," hy Dament.8 striatio 91898 8018188891. chine; '87888808 F8888 t1e Cross9," 889888878888888t0818888 187 11818n881 "0898088 F8888 h, 8788808 91888887t, 188881.Ceoss." hy Volterra; "Holy Niglit," Lin n odispersion098of8 y C88889191801 '888889881088878888 lio," 187 Mu8il88; '8.888Judg. 88888," 187888818818888181 '8.88888 per,"hy 88 Vinci; "8881,88 888888 lon,"hy 11071888. Old Parr8Bora in 1831 088 Parr was an English cents 88 8018named Thomas Parr881888888 888 881 ite8have18888 1bon0in814&31 ai 88891888. 111Shropshire. 9W1h- 130 y7ar88 l1 lie la said ta hav ,o81 188con. In 8 18188fum 888808888 88,00878 and e wastalon. thretale reene t Kn 'WÂVU~Fkm _&w -m lut Pays to Deal at Days"î ~I COLD WEATHER AHEAD ki1 1 Gl l r Now il, thp time W188de8 111888 1.3ilew 1 , 's11N II (1xk8 to81. ThlcmS tovvî, , :,, 9 88188811and 8 !,,8 888881 88 I 8l8tl 881 ui'. to' PHO0NE.28 C.T. DAY & SON MILTION If you heven't .. . you are missing somothing 0 Y,,88 î88ourice delr an etyo avaie, o Drie oPicklddniooFh,188 fiaour of w8hich is astasy d as pef988as18881gh y8o had '88;8 them 8yourse81î and8promptdy popped clintm 888th p88. Thy c 8 d in vrous pizi8g ways.. Dried Fi,18 88818as Cod, Haddock, Hake8, C8818 .and Poloc, 8and Pkled 78988 l88h asHerrin,g. 189de and Ai8ivscbe broght toiy918taeasne di188... ctthe 18fami881 olU like. Se,- 8Caccadian Fiî18 îos often. M8188'Any Day A 1'i818Day"'. Y.888 deale can ec 1888,1do P8kId Fih or 88y8o o 1888. (ow ayo88Ii livfon s atr. . . nith eey bit ofirsg.o 888.'8.'Jne fryou. And, by clicay .. sî'l f 18t,1pi .ly DEPARTMENT 0F FISHERIES, OTTAWA. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 88o8- ANY DAY A FISII DAY 11AYWARD TRANSPORT Daiy Direct Service TORONTO -- MILTON - HAMILTON ..val ad Ln1.8 )i1.8ce Cartag nd M888Novg. 181I81 1 [l s8 MILTON 318 I993881 '0-71:553 888888 888 .l . 81.5 9A88. . 1888897. Il71. 2 O 88.888.8.88.13 a 0. 8. K 8. 88883A38je. . 'W 8. aidi8..88..8.88p88808898.99 88l88988888918 J.M4- suW. i i, Mil1. t o&W Cle of the P 7.88 VOLOMP ý-'0