adTwi n»liperofoGlaia Ili olua.Il to ~*tt, BU1' Ac DA raot th ="as. l Ua.1.o . ho Opoegl.-' t. nonsAI ttihe .atVbiaitet mefirnhtc i t (kt, Th ,t- tto.,.bodo Id0d ,Md ;îsd Wa lh., ,tf,,fiod J...ouo M,tD..ld N.1... 0,1fi .. - p-t.t 0k. wtt, ppt.o.ota, Lh1,1 -do,.Eddy 1. ,o.o11tbeN.. fitih. 1. ieti ,f o,bon.. orqttt od,.llt(,o.t hut, b.,. 13W EETI E ARTS" , le. nxitiý %a eilsa e aiva hema so unty ud prpete.Oemd-".Ity..outBobéde t Sité,h a spii0t wil ri f c llh t. ff'ain nlfi, Iidutry and lhlOlbhlfi ho,, *7phmly ,otry and p.o.,l p,.fItOtgti.r Un Un0,..ltod Chante'hvilefil utBe iavuy«I 1hl e. peur@ It Winmoite . ngertthp.tnatioal fitresm Ohi.e.otentil "0. dey, Ne.. I .tat.1 Il am1. MdI 7p alt.. ..yto..ildl. .o.idfw hi .t, o uiyft,,. y.. .h .O. IlDoft Queylb. Kin,.dg . 1 Th, moal , nf (h. p..p'le nd hi el.ofhe f0.hUnlg .oei ie et -«eu_________ M. Ietaimudo4t74. 1 Ihl, brut. Foofhroop. o, o ftnner solpos it.itl the m01ouoral 0000.10 tJlU,.ThlOçJgofflbw oi i 'f o. . Po. sud Bat.. Ns. 17 sudI18 creite o I m atOo., . in. 7h. Ï-1 ,ffo,.i,,. Rem,mbrtoh0,,Dey 0fume.à.1i.1h .ith th. d.,.d. V.toi<LiuftA..àolrm, ,No. 101h, et 7odélacé,Ih,ma Il ... .1.., i ,ne .tth 1h. fat i l al tid.,hff.. 1033.Lo5 pof iî, wW O.. O iht.edey, ohi. o.oooboboig h'fI.ious, soin- " AUMI pjyî1 0th. rff tti oh. 1gh.l . nie, l Pe 1 nd't 0,,PI. and ta fnit Pt ho rt ta arrviiNi.., mir Kng, hE o uOttI. ami mi, o.- Tu.W.d. ted d. mss. 00. flAzaA-Under the ...uicof.0th. *tiî,O,,,,liots t7.4 lenteoiptlh.. L.ihAdWid .of1 tit dae ws h, ril 0at % -nn incar ot,1,fiofiO-dlt 0i.l te in ot mnt. y .fl sudt.99O p.l. ma07 0,Oin. IIda, 'ov. l h .. a ..t. gl f, .hot .1..Rom.hllîo 07go. p o Thu we l It, n'y htanner i hl o.îtiotw ral eyto1day. Thont______________1î,doh0 hiitIb, .,der h. toupto.. orthe Mi-1 emmrneDay Service ID Prinoesa.Theatre £l& i w t,. ,ofClb, wu a grand issusthe 1h on Saturday, Nov. ttis, at 10.00 amn. LOCAL WS !nea Sbéo0 gu.sthei.l t. k The buslnesolmen Of Milton are. vequemted 0.0 cloue; îub,7TIb, Yo. theh' plaes of business froni 9.45 Puttb1.auti0. Volatilisr. ..,P. tembyub to 11.30 ami. on thal day. suy. tood (11,1. Ointes il.Ces- R.xo»Uo018uDAT »"I" Win.0bc ubidtoamab>trhi In th. Pit,.... Th.UV,o.0tn mal 37b,od0111. ..~ .Nov 111h I.n mawo .0oh.. A. L CHAMBERS, Mayor. Thi .:ltie:fe Wo bu- sa "wdm MILTON, NT. Co.Court St. .ce o0eoim.. Loth .f ____________________________ Nul... Ohlt.,.. "rd l, et oh..- h. puliei.-b-1,,iaTh..'o0.,allto. ,.Ot,hMit.t a i zo.0lb one, Nus. 10b,.1et'h3.A.1*Pb" Lumber, Lths, Shiegles, Frames, Sîsh and Trim "iityf :e' lea tlletteoliat.'basp,..beneho.. .o.tod, I.o.ding Isillarl AEPinoanatad. - lt lak n. Mor. (0,oKn til01 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES .p-t.tiý 1(0.Aply David Aod.o. et Iluch. aBrop.vilences." rMin, ftoot Uto, Domie1Wd..aDt. 13h, Coiet, Liime, Pinter, Gyprofi, Aophait A corail of otgue lfly.ottpt.o.,t g0.,iWd.dy partai In Intiatin. T . 1atm 1... .,sd d.... ri. 1 t e o ano.o.1d il suTo, 0W..... 0Coto10, IA, ui.,.11t Shjo0les and Rlfin nio1al iods. g 0000Io sudt,10d,. g. ain K.X choras sho.I-ooo dol.1 d 1o Wdeld,'Don. 131, Il 8 p., Mr. il IMr.. Win. Strau. Her.h.,.oItheo.,pices ofthe BLUE GOAL - HAMCO COKE si "eh bd lr. John osPtal attel 0-Go:p Dot... .u,0.het 0, .i.oo For Prompt Service Phone Milton 49 c Ktth .o..o aModor. . 1 aqo i- t..houdhld too.. 00.00 *tock imber ,tiohotu. L.dIsà h,,toin e d .il 'l,0o1 îfioi., te 1 au I.Ib 11 te00.attend b0iail- W. C. KENNER, Manager e'r.1, n. ît.. ffio.hly, Nov. 101h. 0Un u(0gîd paohoi.oheil P.rtio.ulm il tvieil dî,ohdtao .t. r oe feroeni 1 he buidng accepitdhy the F&t... thol ho, .00. 1 rabbi5 Annecy, fort. hoeP0 a! r. sU. Kodtoaris ltio ., iano ilbol ,yb Rtîpayers n Ah o n i o te la 1... i,.hob l d .0Palpte. peparidfor 0es- bh. .oicip.1 0 De1, s .. t t hiu. mi.ati.n.. Auros..he la 11110.0. yooo.rIfao tien .oo. , . he y.uihal iterviwpio s Dven tble j OId Company Lehigh Cod rZ::.ton inactin wu0il ..b. lNh. ost ui rtlophasei.O.. 11h il2t t73 im The o.vil mal et I.0l b.»Intg *The eteanest, Ionges t buring Arnerîcan anthracite SOR,,noo...X- A ,.onthint iI b. 1Aoit.y wa. hal..d 01170.11 mined. held et the hme.. of'..'iog et the hooe of UM.e. Z.ibe.. .ouder Pl' 0,e,17 p.... SpaherMIu.. N . Wfiiott poid Ulm CEMENT - st. marie, Fine Ground. 7h,,, ,avuut. Lob.ti.-.pi.intl*...o w o ... .00and Un. Pol.. LI M E-Baulding and Piaoteriog. lo.,,muni*itiol ditg th.: .tth1.,i . Il nuo An Ad..,. W.r.Thos muncipaitis whoho 1, n uffl.ip.OoThé San (t a h, FINISHING-reen Stripe, Pafiston, Sn- .e er h avr uhitrselsdsc et, Empire Gufing, Platter Paris. ilAnd no.the Middle. ohoi l u.sl1U.(Galbatih .p.out0.,th. 0Outil , to.oire g. h.. .tol b t .. 00&.0.uod Co.da -i. tid Lt,.u.h G PR OC-Wall Board, Lath, Instalation. t-re itact.. P,011y omi h. nid, aaof limi.teol lai.îyttbfs ..oh. 'tiaen..latI ,une,teliehohded out A the coseof he lb, a social Will bac.,o.. a (0.. mo.t-of-pint liat bhtor wu enoi.d Il il. DEIEYANYWHERE 00., ta RBh L.h l'ai aoST. PAIJLS UITED750CihSCU i .qo0a ,obll fn tbol.O.if.p.h.iii M 1100 NlttflTuh T u.d.y, N.. 2o,Out SMp..~'Ao. -volon0., S~odr, No. Pt0 N dris__ 2a Pat of theooied , u1het11....s.od 7p.ol ..Prie. * . AAM od fe vise,5woh. E...yh.dy ofpi Keot, MA.. DOD., theol A Rs.ud hmo.hoou Pan taatend batho.otOu. __________________________________________ Oxd.y. Nov. 1211, M. Les.illMu1 T.-.y -on,,,e0. 14 i, et 8 p.m., -" y o.--îoIdm, Ba,,l.,d.iII aet9ggt.àoîi fo.hf p .h.oioo. frpoait bol m V.I.u. M.hloKy'- Progme and oof.ohu.oo0.No ad. fo .th e, 11 . 0.W. hItK a...otuo, Aul a".. e.. _________________________________ 7,111,1,oiuo1nOy. O %dossiery-saong . Oehil. Mr.. Charles W. litotiniMton. a. United 0hto,.Lay.,îo'uHBanqet. ter, , oio,,. tMo. Hnr.y mi . El,.tLooi., .0etMr.o. ui Mo. X & W 11Wltiam Hnry L..di., of Mnt-.iKOO PRESB7TEIRIAN CUSRCII a.e.r. Wre.hipth, Lod tn th.alPh o Plour, lRed & White, FPoney Pastry, 3J lb. bto [Ce . M,1 otin Unootn o ootol00-101 1i01o,.Boi,'ord I. tlund bfn g 1.......... 24 pouood h.g fS ,uuf0.~.t 1 .,..,I101.,o.-tooboao O, 00 ShortenIng, fiupreinf or o ........... 2 Ib 25c Nb~oi. lth. Op..oT. Aiop~~ftai 1~O -3,O~010 . Rlatsins, Clifori, Sedei ............. parIlb 13c 1Rolf oii-YouportaliTalnt 1 ..o.t.. .td'liu 'ith- Jani, HunVa, OioowherroRoy ID ..h..o. 2 l. jar 23oC No. P.îpalher .i...1 . . ,.h 1. e.Pe,u t.nte.d 0hmo 1'i Fakes, Ntioa,Fie Qolil,..... 5 lbI.t h ,ot.t fp box 32eTo.W.1.B.willfti.00 h.muoh.f SOapD- and lPoenny 0so idta0tha.11 rame ut o Toudty, Nov. 10h, et 2.45 0i1,o il b t thosupport a100l, . 0 Itinconoeat, Duthie's ......... 2, 25c fPot0.221ri% ,thooo..odtotho' Th, .,otbly omeetng h. Y. W, Ned Glace Chaes.............. por Ili 39C, jooyStoh.b.,d,00 1.M. .t 1 -I 8 Tt.y oa lts se ,Ng v.lga. pt. .aop 1Th. Cut Mîxed Peel.............. j 1. pn 115, hol of hî.ot h CuPrants, OIyriffto tîoice quality ..... ... lb 15 Ts 0,,,,,T clS0RAO1.-ltI. 001maooni .0.Il ... railb, th. Tot Seav.,' Blueberrles..............ti oC me Tennis lb.. o.s..db'lp10. odP.o Quakr Nturl Bant ...pkg14a toof. Oioh tb!O. h, .11..1 tao L Quakr Ntorl Brn. . p..phg14c ,, ~ 040 lb.P,1'= .,,oo iiNTON GOSPEL TABERNACLE Cresanl of Wheat ............. agept.02C Hal iî.îi...o (Fldît@vteniBo.'__'l Pancake Flour, Aunt Jorit,.........phg 15c ~10tl.The music win b b Cuba Cereal,îith Saooplo... 2 p lbert3, Firboheeorhohsta. Auni.o..0y , t.. s tttht .1b. 2 pgs 3c U& o .7 0,.121h, et 780. Arthur Bee Hve Corno Syrup.... 1h.ti. 17 01Ytîoî,, AMuu.-3. . UD,tg'Ui githt Moril ,tNI 2-t Shoe Poluah, hbltth or.hotwn .......... tin 12Cc l rooIs1000Of tero "otIoles,,outihlo,"Tht J .1-Ni. P.otoo00o CsieSaFaiohah's ......... 12 cakes 25C &Pnneo1o.o..f000..DtoltuoOntari.0o RLumotoll.utio.-' Aoimm&,@ CantIeSOP~i..,.omoo. in.u 194IOiie b oighit Of- W@ Wtt b1.of0vital iibwo.ta Burprilse Boap, ............... 3 ba.o 14c los in ol w, it blark o,.osi. and.0J...ytt. Lt n o Jew Wonderfut Boap............... 7 bats 25o ltt, fcerthome rendby m-1, te d10.7 .r'odiolg ta h. prophîiî Grapefruit, Tex.. Sede&.............1. 6foo 25 .,tit0 m îht * oOrtt.t ib..t.-Wood .0(0.0. Sunkst ranes, wee an jucy .......... oit 17 -.l i iibfity. Noural.o. ie 0 au11.tit odil10a yo, do., fotood, .tao Sunktt0rageu,010.1 .odjute' . Ot 17.inch Iog.o th.,thoooeiltthe uoo0ot..od:P..l 4:12.Th.oi. Californie, Emperor Grapes....... 2 Iho 9c pst. tito ...o,0 0.lp.... thtM, =0io,01o;jh WE i110't tIîbOt. ot dl 'oth. 1h00 . fa tho ..y.hnth ut "QuIIt away hohe <an h.prle notur MfermetBe, Nbv. ltfI ,.ut 8Johoor dIbe l ourdi00ab. kit700.u., no. dl 67 HT o tetbt h e aine ______________________aabovin___h_-Slyou.,9: 27..o0 note J e. nl hall -1.olt lb. oh.oappoittait p6oto'othtoitOgfW,outh de tate h.tejd «*Quaiity alwys bigeor tho the p iih.n ..,.,b.hilto. îonsmuu 1= 6... uthootd tot.abittait . il _'h l (Jtim Chis) @alln M et'odo, No 10 Il ...,(0uo DaOOy Dieot Servce Oho.hoh,. .0il .p,.ilo, ... Syrol lli .0 bai-PMai. fl.Mtt A-e--. Utoi h. th. i0,1, (.Sofb- 510 IN bar17up. OserGall b. ll uedg.o $1 ud -ta - O, o.10 ti. IlTharoge0à.opubb.c plu.~. MI4S mue te*Otda St. Ille um.i Limi-TED (h.~ ~ ~ ~~ % auraiooie .o.o. t, lISb, S O11 tt e teTthh .bo0lotig'.0000,(. S1St oo.I ZOO h1b uis t lie@vnis u lerr &fct= Ct W'e le a et bjecmteY f1-1- hýcocl - T R SPECIALS - 4 Pla'ihi., a'.u.î 0. W. 0. 0. Tb.olieo, cf a. f HUp101, .0Y STUD Oa"lh tu od,1.d.0..,M..oniA.n yniî W Wle 1SPrils lire Lnw> .o,,'.ot...t.ot~oI.obt,,0, - nd. P. fi.Witn..i a,,o1hlo ,IbIb.,Bthob. I ho, iBrOo .0.oitD.P N o0 CREPE DRESSES, Short SleeveB, New Stylés mAbon o.h(n o mt. at.o ...Ooi 00, .0orfilt B i andyhoW.A. Now Color, Sîe 14 to 46 -Im,81B tolit ou. t u , o ng etille . A SPECIAL-------- mm Paulbto,, 0. cave0.a. Of Gibhos, Duncn = mRo FIGURED RAYON DRESSES, Short $2.8g Mo. .d iho nvo Dpoo ~e, Ce Peadbed -H. e- . Neat DeBigns On Brown, Blue, Marooo, 0,.E Rome Sheeluiil .0 Babe. - Ctit. Rego. rown- oe Sizes 14 tu 2(0 Mr.thdNoJ. LMO.., 000wu__botte_________the_ c3.0. D Fo.0.F t - Mes .pyo1urwoT±MP O Vuhan lat fhe oaty P.tRb.. p .- e- ofOy ..,May te o wm..ýt,'o, 182. GIRLS' WINTER COATS, Wool Blanket Cloth, mm of rWbeu B. Ao, . mNueao e..1. am-of00Ait0the loe .11T.0sud Fur Trimmed, ChamnoosLOnod, Cotoro, Navy, K. Mho,, 0.opb.IIut lrt;i.o s.001010.00 . conPohi. sOduolho for n, Wine, Green. SizeîS 8to 14X In MoNiyot o TotOtgo, A,.re. Athelle Demie o,.' SPECIAL ------------'OU ot..,.ft t.t .puttI.,I O $M3000011 0000010nte- H. Cartwright, Milo.:N... - 1,' P 011theActo F0. Press0u. 8ehSl lubhn. Paul Vistr; epo.- dGorgeowlai. N. 1' alter. 00,lo 0 W LPLL ..O0..1t0 A.0.AMr.. OaN o' the l01ots0H3p-afiooottenmbo Wfi LLVERS AND SWEATER 'JOATS ami Inspet.ttad1ILBoooo. pOlwedm 00fter ino ilices0, ai Bol» Long or Short Steoveoi, new ihipe-ent jttst lir- PM&OOYua i are ollmen rived. Sizoo 14 to 40. Good range of cote.. POLICE COURT 1luOGeorgetown Harald1nd -bac- (o aouot ram qu.offiy pluumethebsns rue T" empownenton rev Oud.M . LD.WarrenO. For0000r0111017 SPECIAL -------------$.8 moTat Oaieet oserfoo w.. b.des>ti, 1.l,0.0. o151.o madfor. judg....ot lht.oo Wod. B. O=1 eevt1,-M1 of. e- ale . 1 DWO" c Toont; tlot ndhü j lerStores, Limited ..oo m effo seilhor eia.1ottoliy 0n ,1ohn0M0que and Mary 01.100 w 26;..0i. .Y b.. M.0.1. W. 0100 P' ttKelben ami Jenner.0,ofMI LTON Phn9 vou teob leynd w,1 ay 101',MiTorot<o, nd.H. o..O. 00.0*0 Phr ofID, .b. vos.Sa.IL sud wu .00 10n .. Guelph, lcd W. J woo to, jmen. me. Ae,' T.h eun1000Pretoria__ __ __ lm.p.r.oair Of hé l. O, 0.1bsSot 0,rc. dithe oer.oW"' atpo.0,Q.,. Pnrh, 0,10 1h. meulier-i of.05 ,.- depatment Mo Quitf tot oc.d ditLotis . .5 . i. No. 210 .00 9khola gu.o..h.,df tg itZ..otalNl1o hpter RAM. 2340 00100 Ating 0o..,O.o=dlW. Bil.iGrtown00, theMo Ryal 0CityLodg. of blalmy, wh ex &in hhoadt« 0. ist,00100 00010100. OPiI.S. 12 0000.0 avrhi. g,- . 0D.uel .1.q (h.. 110 Ancim0t .and Aoptedo 000110MeIt Welles ti -eh. lloefto. t He wu aistl ant.0110e.w utsh .. il todeo.olotio1001.1.N 001.e 01 1 pOu1p li,..n. ',h .ahboeled ito ..O. e-hf. oh, Mr. More wu an Tortlj> N... 05. ,n[d ot 00000 &e-00, lett vingp0ed e- DR OODS STORE ooflty 10teh-. o r .1log Le.o iJ011ffi Afoe- Lacreteleu b in0 1 Ms'@ na0d y's, -- Lat, t.d-.W ths moooty oetW.. blehe, u...1M0-4. pIn 5. his . ,trüeSheo . _Ladies'___________________________ O lielt. 01 lesw, âed sd 00hme. ,tol und t looloto.. 10. ..1.'hill.o.u w00 .010,,0 o oon lbodtheMo loder of 0btâmes auons. BOYS PYJAMAS-Boy'o StriptdFanlet t wee ' udgeet..l asse»u watotoo findi se0010 , 11,. 1100 ie 1 etne te lite-to.2-piece syl.made trontfic.soift flonil- b.o i.o.npioltie ptý.. eooepoo rhe o S.0m.0-10. ele, tilles 8 yOitOSto14 years wut iO fou s0000t1011s01d5 « Real Value, tSuit ------ ---85C WEDDING leaRot]n ho.Olueeulp veau In th e- busines, . .He vins GOLF HOSE-Boy'g Golf Hoe wîth eatio tops, tit MlERRETT-WNITMH1g. RN..,of0 Gergetow,, looblo ,,oooi had.s (Grey, Brown and Navy W,îmt Bpilt ln.isalisrieseth - Oho,.b, ay ersD tetwocutiil c SPECIAL, per Pt]. ---------------- 5 Hu.flto, wu0Lit sono.of a qlie f,,, 0 f elle Pubot l t,-ay BOmoi .odiM. .'... ,. a.. h, fHe bas0 110, toited wflth briteuI.0 FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS-B's pee. 'b.ofi..0Mo.Wfo ConstanceNHyde o1.01to io.poer0 0tu i.Ow 1, Lieet]Combinationo, betTy feeeed, in îizes o.12 b t et Mr. adU.g.h, 10 and.011 etiM 1of0000s t allao hou. ~ ~ ehiý- of the H1ydre titlM.oolt ooin- 00, 32.i. This Week SUIT --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ---7 9 c N... 1 Ttdhe. 111 ho oooooO.,hmd fort110.. 01,00,- ttIIIRTS AND DRAWES-Men't Fleece Lined 1 0, .ho watt uooîto.,d, lonkd u_011e h11 0d 1.0tee0, Dh1. lietrho tavelng suit oet gentlea. HL% sceli s out,. Shirto and Drawere,,wtt] fleeced. Thitst,, a dis- re00 .tth .oelop t l h .tit ..oive ties 00000 0000011111 andOtithllCetthumoer contiotot] une, brokien sizto 0.1y to.obtO.. O, fth he11100 10ommunity. The to. To rIes.. Eaeh -----------------------9C 1,00,,. Alter the ooe-ption i .1Tho 80011171and00ca01ottai, pbloOSoO d BEIIIVE FINGERING YARX-See car s tock of lot, Pifo Ooit, M..toid t ..Mo..011101. 1and01a bille-t O lîmt BéeoHive Yarno, in ail the wanted sht.des, 3 or reteuoo l milleet1e-nd 11 t. ,ete Av.., tailo.. A goot actutels id ttot 4 pty. Buy now Toot.I___mle htLn, isecr u per Skein.- -- -- -- - -- - - - ---.5 OBITUARY WtRLUI bc25 hiMS ONA. FOND. 0iilose eo 0e-9distance110.05 OWEN'S DRY GOODS STORE f NFrdElyo Lro,, 'lofJo ehnA. .11.00.0 the flotent 'o..Huges ls7.00 010 o Tud.y ooo.og ,, .. 10tP PBole-glo,; Mr,. Elgin PHONE 205 ]MILTON DutO, .0,te n lin..ofet.-si .moelhe.Bait,,,puhltoher Buigllto, 0Gazette; Ooed, .o w10nu hlh,'..t.em,,IM3. A. (.0 1. upuallSo. Acf,.7Pires ... . asont of Mit1o forove,,,o.o seo.; Mr. C. V. CS.0100o, pttbî11she .euye., .0sud s itîhfol .00d0 on L0.,oir esd0.ootgh active....mouilerofKtno P-bnylter., D= C=. . toWooly NOtOppe Obu,. n. M..Ford 1wu0.daugbte,,.Asocfioatto,; Mr. A. i.Dolobo. Manas- t he lo.0Mr. and Min. WiltiamL-, lýf 1g E01110,Sm0101111 05111 N Oeo; Mt,,ourse, and01w0uhbutitin Cap- 000 N Semple. ptbliellr otte010110 b,141110. Sopiviogarehbarho.teîd, 0,111101o0ri1l1Mm.1.Semple;;Mr.. 7raf une wu0, Tho11o1, &1 ..0. d.ughfo, Lme-to pubilh olto n o t.,,11 i .t; Dona ae T.hoo.toiandtue Mr. P. LWhi ad Mr1,e5. Blgh ett bothon : Mes. Lt'oooo..HBoit.Ntou is~ tes tteo Mlle-Chottdfit; Mr. township t Mo. V.rouoo hophood, w,, j. Iet n-t,' 100-1100 pt int1oo NOel .D 1010..btp tM iol Vet1 tonOtOtiLl-; M.. RoofIot Wttl..etoo.00 tod *Mo. Wit.o, Ttyl, I101hotO Ný Torellto AO,.01loo; nMr. B-arry _____________________ Jo it e,t ofLof Port .f.,',. ed , Cnade--ien Lnttype C.; Mo. &Mie of. Apples Mr. and Mm o 010011 Campbe,oSMet- im 0,(ua.e d Ft8 lurte pe-, IîAb.g $249 Ont; Bo«. an0 Mn..0e. A0100, Guelph;'M. Wm. 0ody. 101.eo.. l.t.a yo h ot ..0f(he 't tIL 0 M.N1.-e-lw 1, ILEANEDO 1It...duLt......l... It bu ,'(oo . thom0.c1 the wut o and0 Mm. Mo.0 h . Ht ris,Io.M-l lace.OtufBit.Poo i @tn .0h alger.o,,eo.tit.f.ppfos, pe-ia, 'Toonto; Mn.. C.fiU 1r. Mc CIRRAN7S ShrtotgS-,1,t2tt experts i. fouit 1tag.troc lo t s0(. a,, mm. J01M. 0Mis0 0e-li o0,ur .......... 1, edo or.. cell". snobîîtppd .out, Me. Odfi. 2o plce aSd l.qýipdit p tyWd, UmB krn,01p M M 0 . Bus- pote.25e .a, p-l........ tl9. otop i. , i.0(1, trtle uep;of m.Pceig Thenaqa .,otd1..p.W0Jbarrots icipn;Mr..00nd 00.00H.. M- OOOg poo it. pho . , 1.10,0 . .tb..ou d u iop , ;KeimM. rd M crlerlu. 8,dit.......,..o 5 Dj ok Il.cKe 001. r. 0and5e-c. hOolo; Pa t3 T'< IBroe Wlat pr..... 3ý and t c d , h btoi ieu ltO t eoroto;M s. .01. 24 p ndhg 9 Niot0 .,Qi Ie, le lu a ho01 7' l O000 loJ01111eIn the o, toh Me.. 0e0th ai.. 8h 00, , M. i . lftl0S-t 01.00. . .2 issu r WMise T . de.M alop W.l .... .......11 0,.od-Oo0.1oo aye" 1.,.. a Rocd Mo. 0ean a0y li 0, nd 1,11 Bt=: O24: dSYRIJCO 6p.dOuii,dp Pl i.> osac te Pt. j Guelph;11.,.Mr. a Td e. 0 . ML- mm ...........2 of the late Toas..J. Boyd. 0L. H.Douglas, Doit; M. oS Mot. W Fanerai from thté -odoneoff. .'101001s,t1,-,,ir. sdMc,. Andew NEW PEU te...ih25c CITRON,' .,,29c Mllie Cunningham, Mtinî, oThurs- 00P,01, 0,1, Mr0al; Mo, 011Crien Cmp t m o overr" Cemt.o , M iton. ...........25, i 1 ,,......... .. il PFod-in Milon, ..1 Tu.ou.t, Noooo. Exu.iu .AbolOiod O, Onario -o1,,20oto Soottt th le 1 ber 7uh. l1 t. Mary Eooiyo L. -1 Apl ,1, t..In....JOF, et of oJh .F,,, O, Midde SeolBacEnh ...... ..21 ptood p.ot .... t 25, mi.ý-fJ.W alit, Aholit. f .01 midletto CURLED SPINACH 71108103 ce-... IOc eu, Nov. 'h , t 3p m. 8l .bloooodt- eh reni -Iel onKoP,..hytot.oob.oh t îtht.ouiy.thicyollpeo.g RT I .30 p.m. toeet oO1. Ooo:f..did.te,, h 0,,ho.ldl, G R 0AP EF.RUDT 6 , 25 Co.etoiry, Mit0o. l ..ooh ook quioo ct ttbotO... 1 r 00 1 8,lu Mt.. . Se f.àitc,, Tht Minit. 7,,th Cllfe.,p-. h,.d.I2, Otoig 0,,ttoo, 10 l.1, t .. h I THE th. mepe-11-tlo. c..0,ýt L-o1 .hhattOr. hoo ,oolh,,o, utît byooî...1,4t;fh...ptite _____________________________ ~~1 0 1 0 ~~~tho id..1 1 ..hI,,iot,, 1. oocni,,f,0 da,f. b ot nI t,0.,d mmum t___Duosa____________ bf, th. ,.,i-nitto, n o a t,oolsiorb,,., 1.test f.,o, > CLU B Bay, .rdt. i otht.% o! p.ot he...Lynch lasà ,1fle-tnown cf lt0o0watt tedotiez0,0 of r owtn to, h , guidooadondhoot. othi t, d t. ...aoi 00,,0000,1 1t.0se lIogi..ti.. ..'ooonho,1.ftfou ~~~ L~.0.10u1th«ye. Ao,t.o,.cl.h Ih ce0fedo on' o f t01h . at.iopo i n loto hes.. 01t1, tht10 wtld aPotos, btlihl. tjt erpe me r illa01000 i h b ât Iis me, ts rtier,0Olor. , .0, 00e- o oi !h.,' .0011be-O. th..hopfold. .ud ,..ioi. M.ilpoo .0th , n.wo.n lb.applo t. h. ..îî. opCLIS.4" Bin as. W Tmmb h fume. cdtht ameBoto. ools..-Wia. neuve w10bl tmoutmutuel ab a .11..Wo. u, 0 .ih htt71lt . ton Botte. taner a.oyt,.detue wax'oooh. . ,n n uRa at.oifrdte