atio aluuo.1il -ryeu«docn. Th. u a. l,..i.în-sîrr acOcut chncaed aaal ..anlaughtct-ud ci hli de@ua10 e.osrlia, 1 Phlumasr àniaboO.lBmî e. h* Abes 0l3, babiN aoetoap 9..bSOIa Joeph Huea .. noal SmIi. beut ofNb o nsi.Te civil0.08- jua-t- faledivrceactons.. POhd.M. I a ob m g Co Ibeel *0 udaterculanjuieso orp.é.offereod 17 ditI0c", 17, cf Btewaee3*aoau Sadat, ah. ah. ame ihc-nauo eubsuo nwl- mmobll.ahlb au d*2ly nan cenitl. Thé,. cadana aom" n th areelcil i1 sa OneaaelieneeA Aae aoWo th diho lb, boaded Ceal hie teoch 1.1 o aJ .. e..orl04a oh. îbî.d sellate tci...DcV. 901*0.0.. Of area, taee ah con e ' a fer. I a-hjueo., peecnVI lCenotedn Cane.Csh gs, Il. o CliW.3eations G Lm oialoi e .slmlamm ee.I U08ILh 'MIhu1 Kooelaaid 7, d.nped he hoaae i i. Datic-e a a no... e..c-un. lBc rensed tCenada maaIr, butîwa-.le jared hp au ooubean ill050. Ae, n b. mae houa ab»of iIl tîh.c , .. te.tars. HM. .fpo a birchon le, ami a trhclabooe. cule. f onas am.onnb. nbe ah.. sMlle u.un-r la Iblé»i.a lieud. lia bab.. . C 4=iolg h ce.. B M o.oyed L bcapiul la Guelph. Miieîg a..fraeted Jui, basethe bIp endîaR I.b mayometeech. befor ce.&rouned igain. Nc Ppl. Mai8. Coviod et optlTohpimuscilme la nTery posible issa hou Cet- et hompiaeah.Cbe.pmic longaendat ia *7b.o ha. Iloda tcahortm- flammey l b tsulleéssaetha,. s atielsspcion la d3lcsg nodt hosict ie r eri. 1f oisulbmo promlnl d.ui,.ei.îee .eenal leé Oui, artettriodle.tBeC lmn aevst 0 uyngpaaol oi aUnIl A. re r.Tau ont, a nC d Chr. C. Bilela ar l.uîraee.gîaalltth e elu ln it oy. seat-tccAcer.dO Mt. acd Mes. . A-Haut, ofLcedct Unitd calah eld tMe..rcet - CCC, o tici luoet- atgth e.caM. TII meeg nThIoclo. Ulee ci ihc Uthid oec c. tctttct Thc W.A. tihe Unituchoill hotd asocial «eains en Thoe.det- Net. 141h. t the cae.tuoe. lt-esmtt-h c l ecpee c h Milto Prcebytrie chlm mnh c ove.t ZIMMERMÂN Mr. sadc! t-. IR. 211.1*0 edon c ladualithMr. ald Ms.. M. Gocaoc Mie.MlehoPoil, ut Pc-ale,. t-st. .ed nS ac- .th 3Mime Mt-oeeGel- Mm. 2. Bclandu3Mr0. W. Bliad auccand Mr, ad Un.Gourdn B dt-I mona nd filelie i.iC.d Suedayt- il Ut. adMes.. A 1Smi t acamne. e T h, Ceteunoit- Lacge îhetd s tianiuaedpectyit e a. chet les,,z lait Wdoesde.c',e.lcig. t-l. .1in ners aenI Oui drselc.odlady. Un. W. R. Arcer;t but d.d eseille man, ddt-. 1Godon Sinclair; but Ot-ci. edcheCd, OClce eCett;coait, Odr. J. Gabrih. deLech was sert-d. Mis. e lie Boorne, f Oît-lll., vt-Cted ce Ocaday aiCh Ul1m0IucCClu Mme Mnt-hct-lîRadter,. et Tomtea, Vecd BorelCt- b ec heoret-. Th.e any frands of le. . Powell ailltbh morrotesr hat c hbus beu oCleOtale île hd. M. and Ut-. C. W. Berimnancd Mcr. and Me.. J. Rcl.u ciisd ce cetday eith U. su Mcs.. S.renoch Miseo8. Ut-Millet, oC Wet Flee bec-I. visitatd liedet hlMi.e P. Ne Mr. EgChaCrtarinht atd Ut. lIcCli CrtwtrighthavCeat tfer Ilhe ort-cion c dcee.hcntnt-.p M.ut- eldrn Wtbct- ay, .ind t rscd ouebaPng. ~ht- lisail o the W.e aIlll.eieie tintlla te.l&3 t-sd.. .ole, o» couspuot- bItsc.s, a a...nv m. uA*noms. e.geaphl by Viasuel dodum.. lliuhonleut la i. .lt e eteed nid ans. Aief autouchll.dricmrnot-. Of 10ai as. "Canadaoébaubi le ai.e taaua ca.siof " g@" Idustlclocloeea te«1A ftt-lllde 8 c.eldi ou A gmbden ew latdelce..a bcnt.m Aoydt-s a dierIhl tg.oust oit. W. ecraca"a émtant mater ahtebu edsSu a "0 oraay beu@ Ir It le nmouy lea e"Bde bnn. andheoum te four.*mmoas p. wo.htuer Dem, l, » tuod vm tmu pulls, nan.ed foneeu taniie Cehthe w tgnMla cllhc. liha. North Toronto Rie. Cies- e Nom c 71 'ilampis en---CI et-'.idlyît- e fore.-the t-c d C leeee ttIM t_ e eclaeCe tIC -Cll hIn tel,,lell lî,îlltheds, Idee-bie CIII î,d blit -;, ce12,C..4SeC oCCII eead D- -n feî.Cie elithe, - eboeyeUc à-Lül- liiL 0cMn 1lCuCCtor BWUgo ho Cley teCeoris.Cei. The Red Ce..saWith & CecCeiel o eee th = 1 là frissliti-* .3and eoganiea ti Wl l toa, w&lOg tCe 1b ls opit hecboeufrnamettII 21 re O3.I.g 111"31 III1161helis COrCgnst aCe ti cr &A..di. hiottiewd eI aU. CII.MWpl.lOic-.e .0 cal,&".05* adiâes m est M$"y«-bal,.properit- .qaiaqd.ýaisanseo am we ton vgnab clai 2* *Mn&. -é effiient aid aIeai heorequire lettat le e yL .he1 *me. llc JA. 0.*0. oea,3*c Ueo 14- Ihm W ho hae .lait t,heaoelood. MSe 0, bu"b utinlec hf deed et ZMe io'ac Pitt-ia2eAnd waIl.crh ltu ba3insdoe la the.Md am Ou .1.3. h elut-c.vceC 3M Z~31 o 8.1 .8.1 a titu0laieofCiwaR. h greo. pervien voq.1111M.0e ibis *1.1 c*sucl battt ep le Cane"d deng ihe ymufaMWw a nde in.3 h e O 8agegttt- Ou pmebb M .*0COO ci ait41 O i M t buC ho ieelie u aieILuNU-*P ieWt ~A3*oIm 101, C. the MaaI ls01ain OGeel ePOceellhtiee. Clemece luM * O(w1%21.A he'a10 diOin comepOiasn-lmce ehRcdCe ad odaolait Rle 818. S .W'10eilCR oh. ~ ~ tim d«eoec uoudlac eIedomla ubeucegm3od aal A MW. m*e.glun2 IofUMg telsoi . Inlerae,00,00,lte i Renn.ibis.Wnc- -i . B8.0.l2 . i am.3 ailend e l Idpa.Caimel ci o te.Coneils«aSud ofen '0VNou oe damnintfe e e ntl- u attcisa y na ociety. umýO 4§O plarle. heSi. ,11 f31 iait ed Ou itdFocrt-aide là» OVM . I. S. Coptes 5 M* 0cn T oh-Oc Reccolc 121h. thelied Ce.ois- Ubub et. . u .1l >=hp.c Naètioncal WurAppielai 20 ieleuc" I" polistai;lOtheMnmd.aboit of lp le.tblait 5& 0. l»maif.E&.off.Croct imsaeoeoh.e. ci e UMM I .3*Pu.5heO aAMIT- lWa iMW Tej end Har.old ual.dane d hav id e cte t ce 1,3erile tciait band ,.aa. ..Mile. ncii7 a .oei.u St Wluo l-lt geint or efort. The odfr IdenOOic ft203 ý 10Wtalis ada * vu1 ,mddrnhb. 0 abat1 Oud 2-the poCelagreiertniao..- o 1.~ . vnAd lld oC »al lae gol .. l Ct Cuk ycl.0eg apde tere,.u e CRedIOCeemp adi hae a Oue =10EL. haUr horde teccrry le Ih1s ae iiI.1231 .eed0 lcea- bh .1O lt 2e 037"t-cc-iRa. aerid ccedi,.ton&5lae O a peetels. m0*.eiet Wu the fer -due, teeger .aillentc amolli blian, 11.1.1 Oubt an. .d otoco cn iciclorreale n a&. 131.0,1.1 nieced de.tuctveomet,. o. .i-OId 01* Pd ~~~~~~~~«oo an*0.o~*a .31 ,ceCd h.deCtenion ocia 0, cyichl.'pa Wh,* sie.e ai 1., lot.civilisan diteite.. e 0 el uit~.-cec ita. le 231. *3* hlec.m"e Ou Red oce cetriencnt-, leni. ~O.'t . Wl icqet aiot-,lue ogel le 111.901 e i e war and oceprenacntIndicatiens, Cane .. 0. 501h 10.3 00» taus.loch a.eow sabeJda eV i ntu.t ytý-deu R 1 ed Cce.e .serices lae 20 i Mcea W OM Ou e MI« ndco iti1,.u13 au"l0 Tm. 1. ..e Onflct 1,11l cefe thde ie icieretthemu= Ou amie ,14 peim, ten Ouic intaacta- c. 1c fr ait ci ahieh tulid. .111ebte. ,*«3 reea s ctr ai maobte1i. à a.031d a M adraiot-cii0"uu. dllwt ped u Sol 1.0* 0Q *P-cl1ee e.ccecee e.i no 51 lAi. 188.5 mnt Ouh rispon e.3130leu le. t etc., foteeup nhnoc It-t-celelet-l 4 me&013' leco gect- Fieph"3and00m m laPrim 8 oupeleeeo canda. ______.____ s.. permitM i um ese ahe Ou Miebuilding ced .uucipttnofià B&Éli 1. 1 ainud. Vannie. es foithetestesud est.-a je.-, ta Contante a . siofI efait m entPeofrhî et-, o teec i,. mabgw& Fmm = fini rangemts arCe olfn aceede. At--.Ponl la tlollea-lUt=eim- ccooaec- icct ,e leme.8115-13 Young Pg.PI, tentan"$. cCcnaenuchelidis ai Cittedn. WAc.t- 33.1BorMe. R.>A._Aa- TII 1031If Nce.Sell ~31 Led ACIt'. caicie in iWned.p 1 ionn eptlBrltic on., tphcnec- Oude Ou 3*1clluxt-e wo buGrat usCCbCt- Red Cr-os.curen lath P sIltaQ -m C, pkBol.c o Ieffas.l - tus -tt4.Proiiot-nteaned moeîtiecofaIl &Bmodem. .,cl.e. At-tle Tapeuh- a cnew future of hethe eli ccdnocHhc7 rvicest-orabriBroie TIogrt-me eavu te mmarec ot-o f1rît Cd th Canadie niles whc FclkIan..-A qîsellty ci Mocceto. laleuiot Ou2 empleaibtaatll hat-ve ef ounedd. 30. hm. diellrecd. Arciy Wo. 30e- lee.02c1 cl 21 le.. &M*"the 6 . Suct-t-sCt,, te C ifflotai oci F«e»dd, plI»22- - langeadleea-n. .I aaninof Ok- eCdtes le eti Cite "itole. lFou8ALL-ilarpc sisOaknhette,- ille rottthe demIain frang . 1011t . Etscmot e 1 j ainsaieDnn.RuseTbe hn 1 t-ced and Mai. FUou,0. Fre- -C ericte. hieh eared theor e ILM.31. . Ceo.. màn an U asé: f PrtOretit ad hetsft, i CuaeoeduotTcesn' Fou Bie-Qohccfleaetr eclt-C. mca, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t01 u tPt cdC e he testwart-. nmedu ai%-. neuit- A,.. At-tC riisethe u 5t <ouf-St-edie , ue7.Thc ndditnof et eatieec,... , occh, pie ecot, Milton. act iofChuose. tolI.l.Iel e-en d o h.C ecsitecct. PM0ÂLe-T«.edo Suit, pt-ictItci y .c i iae. e. DhtierofluC- sd gyceeteet.tu Canadien boi ma0.01vagi merflOe for qeteh sale; olaib ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl lu20b'P 0 .3 f cn terClaed and Promis. aste ".0- Apedc iie'i D'y- 1 ombny. hcoont 4 wcol ce.liy W-*00 Suppiset--tc.Cet-ncedien t-clcerofet(maed.Sto,. tu iC &00ait eourge co . o t-tetewtutettheicet iooea e a ,cce- sied c flo.geti. efen onet- leerseofa 0fCefcele. Mla l llr, toaledm cclm bordcinBl. Pulhteau. M1g.ooe&-uth2gosan t i",etc. b0lond bled. pl c1 3et 3 Milto . 101 ig oi he Ou 10 Th, eeeoviionot hotte. folmetantFoc-d. phone t-le 22. ngoem lun tlia Ouci...hé: outemBMM .-s.-o. JLe-F11., osCcoo chic and beuban ieleoian. , .51 * and Bruu 11ConCetiutonofcC t-ce lcc ct- keshr, aalantl baltîb c-,te rc- Raid f G0c-cc-letlac. la e.otheOu grmeiaucaset n43Cootet ho. n, pollbtre, chairs, aaat lihy sncd piole.Occr c .l els Antexcel- pliCistonceCcecd'sfotCon, ccri. tblsf dnae.,, leu iiasait aCiel let banqut vu beidlla Bue" Uni -Cetiedtthede'a ntd. Junior edbotellelrcofa. C e . sOc-aCCstd ed Choate sudcalet-cd fou 17 Oue Ct-c.ofisîInstructon, tt- 0c alrc rice.Ouc loe h inieor theOuchRC oiMe-er d, ncd nedyt-eti Ocf thehomebof i.0eaaCaret ac . t-. Ou rmnd cil-eo f PFraisntî Pc-l ag a unedet-, terreliflic.). eu. Podic i Oithe mk=MAma-lc, 12 Emrctcct- uttangOfrets W c vefne scprourameaw«rneoff. ecctILca. Thic heudd emcllenet uherel, W., î.co..oe th O n JlOlce Cec and theO A- Pto., the InertceiolcRce Cos R U D TRIP BE ton Quartet. lte. h afietocc of iConttsî i ctcect-,sce a, sa ouste rom MILTON N Otttheie l a3 ffe, fl cleai: heBrtishC, Frech aed Poilaih R.d Cls, t -Cge. JofeICtEln h 01-102,Ct-e. tocety oes-rnd cf eh. de.. B. 0. BrowCit:CI ld, 1. Thlumlc, pt- lt-ct tzCoC hCedc, et thoutneda To TOI 10211m; t1., .st-Y Pihet. HRecay; cf Pt-eh cnd the at- eCtee. tAio e, Br8catford. Chaham.,Cledecici. 4h, Joint 1iaeMm aht-; M.,Albertu ro-t-. Canadcao Mat-, ati vaet DaLc, J.emy.t-te, Ccdco t tetC mtgetcng theontU. Fole. Offrs ound, St.Cathare. St.I Clou 2-4bo fnes CouJltm n le Cîtteaet tcnnet-Ccpl. Woodt*h. sol--Ici BdOc-at- 120wd;d ad. Tee Red Ctos. e .mto, CaudetPioet, BMuaIt- 3d, Bc-anC Poened inte1802 to e ît-, tauo lriceelob u 13.31 . $te& Oua.l- Ctheooned lnCeae, thoefRed Ceess Th. .aIIco0.bOshaaad otot Col lot- Hrny Oc-lt 11h. OW Oe.u han5.11. hCe t-o tetia I aet- rgaaisaet-colo. r.bee, Capbc-ihfcrd, Naac Cam la-COpn,«ule i.Chos-2o2.tioe, ,idcncd Cc O6 ntions ccudBay. Peey SondSduy an, HonniraiFui. Selkirk; 2 dWalterct-ocattc me ton15eit eleon C adbrulat-et t-ataChchke IsuCap.tesWatt. ttctclct-. It Ci awats a neu 5aCfat-d; ICI Cat-l otol 2u-I ntdieCîcd bIt h, Cact tCîcefle ntaula. nuhdbiltcomeo t1 St. Curc- 5 lIa iacc ornce.commicatocad tanspottoneroi, e.eeit-aLane, Tes. i tîeeontoe, Goregeown- etaîe sboîtteeet coumarine, thon 1 O 4-C0pm hto u* 0yenst-utoviccdtcs camedumtChautphiahl h C A NADI A N -lci,.Plicuilgoceci., 8Omde.iod; rot.cct-aoC warc cte hC cced ccd leci. Nerfs. Juets teauih; slit, seupttcd atth fcud ccd coiec18. a rentaBeaaec]amen0a; 41. PMIt-oweatg no boureof et,, t-e.-- - - aofer, arupCSt-l 11Lllo Cpn lcealonet e ctcct-. te lad Ct-ossulano Cotsrc-e. wcccuit-oed hîC effo t-eotct-et-vy a Ctam 6-d«s Indilg-.2o. C0. I o bqiat tteatc tliat thCle ccery- Lee t-.5; M1& 0Mot- 3 Sa.NI-.oct, iC theo-ut efficienttocmue. he n= aCnmtO,4lkrm. - hemaucitaetet aort-ha oue.. il Cioam 0 - ite..llandlp Clous- seCue o rct-dlltChe eotseoft &U Ballon*oht-a miy:eora-lot,,Anes pensons. Whoetdete, itettut- anc 6 bmu. 0G08oiatm lsse Iarus oacch au t. he macnuacturecf bhe Riola, G.s.gno, lt& ack R& Bud-plct sulu-ites..the khtttiofg o> n- eo Pîesa. l' ieu, ilconl mea ut$ heeC leCeeheelof iis. ttalt, Geagewlaih, faed so ailu Hum; etd th oiccieenoftihesec ackage« 0111. Noiaule iytou, rlaoeL uaJcie. te thc dîet. toctalatcha the aree s-lo^it, ja a iasm Rosi2a, dslclataeilted CClt. dcetyaCet-ccs. Jack a-banh oMCat- Thl oto a 1.- aredlnc ectIhett omeVEIIU ta Irat-ta 110)&M.loi MIThd DogUt, frontie nîte Ci fraat- t-c sase ..lied e 000lat- Cossaenongc-otomecy cC 5e so Clam I1A5e-8~,Prid ht-t..t-lt ed cetefopi tictie ai SAN R.DIE0--- -- Tiff0ort noeM 32aintAler * cit vcttmae of art. BR.ueatof bas Gutelh;.&&,jetit. 3a.01Br-aptn; foete at-retenct le thce fieial plff DENVER ----1 4t4 Mm Bouscsin -e; tslieoyt Cîceof aent-t- eeelhlaet--th, ie OMaIL 5.a5.tt8. iîetlo o wu ehRed Croieetthe LS A16ELES.--- C.ou ow»erIeuu.1' .t-- flelet-tt fof ficit elîttinomtinau e v,-u -.taomolean;s matintnde. toi i-hl inhcontcn Tickca Md loocti. Ro-ct-d.. Cleoe. ied 0. nke Pcazinght, clloetaod diolcibo. Wils. Geogetow; lai.' c-imutm tR icîhtbdW. T. Barnard P aNeebudsonfuier. EMa-a. ou.elitW .L Baisen, Recîlireu lb.on.the cfie o g.r Chl l iait, liohI...lau MBiar. hae ,bulle.moed, ahlète ofil 't. 17; àtrcl 1h laauie.fda 13oge. iccd mîc a, Choatapren, naboeh"e. [jlemace Iciocat Slsa, Fatases;Rh it husirtroublc a aCiae.,. oubu3*. 01etCecqe.. forCeannting ptioie, lc." r L Grmcent l=g.g naDow na snTh. ecldecatd .diticn.9falel hm.h. nu fl ehn-e lejai reila. awosalaud la Klitceer la" tteti. id t-loua. ineasoen 1. Qon .i ui..Tîuie lad .10 be OfC.nal sadithin cd02t aten dnmoppro.ud. C».&fr.t. DR. KIMBÂLL 03. SAlut Co75ehi, u bnraté .dptoeetf Vielri eal. g i -l fiant dme.ti C.bartd hfront IK0 etceh M.d.y. W.dn..dair nd Ihiday S.clgdi... Caupbellvll es..'.l.ilîtut. Th. CamobSRIiI. W. 1.i. ,o.aitheb Orange B-11 - Nov. 118. Tho pmOld. canductel the ..ccelcg. Th.ratil .Ii wa ,pn eh"b diPc.&e lion.. SI eih.yceciel.h rct.i." aéo .10. h let. .R. The (;,mot.n iC.ct. t.y Mc..1"ihe, I. 0-crec-d b Me. J. K. Mho. . wudctddI Ct.cedee1l'yai ocf,Oar. "0-,î Caa"ccep..Aanhtd ikuocrgeecpc.hcc. ge.c-a18ho De.ce..'r ,id-. a.. tha.e1 e.e.d,' o dpecdechodth,ac. lb,1 poe.ecr t-cneai pe.lti., but .I.ly1 lb. t eh- ickaa nd poe...oîg oflo-. 1cco1o thoi-ght.. A..abiW- o. , M h.y M0.. J. K. W*.b.d & dlîpiay * .,nîh.c of .im.pie bri.nt girt.. Wcci f.r hi.8 ocie Inr th.enidin. a.. dimrihued &a.n the..b oi-ui. Th- Pr-gr.. wuco b.. tale. -r, 1.y u etnI.lCo .83,front th. Acte- B,.ch. A cettret. Ic-d ht lira .J.. . ean cJtey.d. and e tth.te .. girn l'y Id». W. 3. 1.-d. Thec. , io.« 1-d aiCh tb. .l1 of th. Notiecai AnChftw. Lcch w c red îad .aueupohi.leboa,,u STAUP CLUB BARGAIN FARES NOVEMBER 17 - 19 ýONTO b. 0e-ltph, .moiCce, Loede,, Niagara *t Mar-y, garni.. sIleaec, trathret- 1.ot1--. Ileridg., Licduay *t Cetltcgoeed, Mc-aied, bgellcd, North q,iIete. ee11M OiOCRe..1 rNATIONAL iEnjoy Siqhtseeinq -$72.45 -$44-30 j -$72,45 A f Phone 14 THE GEORGETOWN LUNDER CO. OFMIL TON PIIONE 49 Nb7D SEEpictred emhe osadifle.nt autoanobile aYdut voie- ineisn eaCyeOt-'aNo. lest-. W. ctho dreasocd it, built it, lested t 3, oeil you ic i, MoasginnBuieh et ito uoheatabli, lct. Whou tci. uoosfchshle so.e.hi, went tIrcoghit110pue.. on the G.oerai Mocct-rs rvng gt-ened, a ritpi. of wn der t-ne III. quicnliver tiat-ugl thceoscenctho wceidle Yns'II lo i tfr you'Ii osorvec,cc- wben t-st.focS chisi incdibiy active,, ooonclo, eting ososboali.orn aile, .ndet - îlot-bhedo - Oiinc.r thst btiag. to e.inte dmb ent chat MeLaughiittuih anos. tros Oihe v.ivcc vc-lesity of ico .traigIcc..igIci DynsIlsol engines10Oie eupucb woy tf beIs sd, ita fullof 2new-dot- featut-co. Go mm thie heaoty. Drive chia dream-os-ctruel Al t-c asud nput-liog set-lt1'.s aglet-y of gllsatt--.d. tbedi.,nce. suwheelo, Batytco wn, IcI, fer Ibis sttinning ncw MoR.aeojlin. Buic ispried loweton yud tink possible.Ites a blu.t- for dtheosenet-! VALVE. N41EAD STRAICHT. BIGHT IENOINE "Sv ACTION RANDismen T*MSNIMON SAPETY-UWIT SEAUD B"Il HRADLICIbM FORE-M.^" FLASH-WAT DIRECTION SIQN^L ÎTRONCER New --DOU La WAý» TURRET TO EDDY sy FISMIER TIPTOR HYDRAULIC MAKIS AUTOH^TIC CHOIR 33LF.aANKINC KN«ýAICTION. RICOH. WNEEL NOUNTINC FULL4XNCý TORQUetUU DRIVE RUICOIL SPRINCINC MR THR FLOAl- RIDE HITCHCOX MOTO. SALES, OAkVILLE Grouod 1I "AR CC Frh g250 CO RN ITUMN A -- 1-t Soi I t1.-13-o Sp«Wu-Sut'a Sevifle Orange - d MARPMALADE 32oz.2 90 qj heJ Sp.el-Our Famous Cet Mi.od Panmut DUTTIER 2Is 250 P E E L SpocWm-Eaaifirnt Sbortening or 1 3 . ud.1lm. 230 Domestic l"b 130 h2S Bdcns owdr-CAMAY (z k) A INEAPLE -h-it25< ) . 23c DlebiSnkoerld ee 2r CW xr qy OtŽ JUICE 2I1SCLEr.,2 SpeCIAL DELia iond OUIB OY 5 t-ouedNo.e 2 pe ede Se 5 peu O oue ee 2 17e eue tO S p IKOT GRenAOR"EAP0 rY -b O BUTTER1 BPECIAL POUND 29 Idk id m ai