ttict Si .o.ab ft.Rt ltat ttt.te Ir I~ eaas.itimt wth Goades pobi.tmm w eti, ta0~I .1 Et pl~~~~~~~~~Bi.taoutia .*a.t' tab.hozr - rtho 1,00,00y ulmth situcetand.htme~t th cont tht rst t , t..ttalzd 0f the I- t mt . dttt tttftt hat butai udI. nt"aaitInai lot taieprecrit i in i « »des« wit " ILMtteit. b.slli1tas thtluof aata a- tttdw. ommi ea.ttrotta fiitt toc- hz.,orot atic. o. toatal It ete- in tra awfon tons a - amoeli ofi tamdt h Imbl a 0th. atlm ad tt loS totta i U r.t .? thi t t ttttto .0 tb . mm,.Oha tt>)tt 0Pltiet. 5.pta tetott y h ht hM,, theteand o ad ttht*natiotnal et t tlttt. h0 att rtl - ~~h 10afPCr a en ntr atonal titt l tI.t0tNatito- iot - t~~~~~~em sInitat r t ntt .h .s no & - OIamd a ttt .ttt5 h o tt - WEU tsot prtt eo rs a O.o ma ra cg in t t vt 1. 11.5 C &tlberita Rd1 lm e im of tt. aptrb..Ot h ad om t'n rala, y Il.mibt . h0". lied t, fl e ho oodO ,ttlin truaaabort d fu r th eattd, ho t Mth. r h a. tht . and atattot An.d0 t he oUati Os htot.tla t h 01thcom n i,, tt o ets t u» aSi... tIttwost hi-tt Mopato t nt ohe tanttt. matattal, mtltatlor ojctvtt. gop tht Red ttCro oltayhlohtar as d vit "mý7 assac ln OlcWhotS .0tO h s.i m.ttta rot.. Sm- e IU"t t« o heRd rA Red untandoletitn000 the I a ut -Thn ta t, hwt. hto tOda a ottooa a m n tih In taelte n o.,tit h T 5.- lot strut cture.10. formatiton.,.. ..i o iMoott, ttc., i oOtttattt 1hro t lIitifttr opaa Th t . d it ht r ""I Red hlose teraottito s". eSti-a..divisosan oha ratdnches.ty tt htasiott Organis.ation attanes tethe wu, couou. to oat.or IitlaoathioluterOtanitsatotiot sakt&andea &td =ebauxof Ototîta io- I i i~~~~oirtticoorai 0 .th,efort. eta nd. thr. t. Patr is ... h oltio bc im W hod P anowo detr to ~ e A.tai hntta. tlttt Mmlqis1h 10 O Imtill",o tla! the t at a f xt r ah th a dieta ao hl, atbtht.Na Ct tal d m lot, t O th t tagi g o ss a nt ot t . nt o ntt a ot ar t to to t O t JCICptitd-. tSCottt.. ptat ad heobligetiotaot aS .tOs b-105mBti i cor iM ti t- . tt '" t pa acah..Stttmîtyofthrmtot.-thoothttcaus ot, lit.cootte otitataS, tte t tta mdyoedb opra OttO t attt t011,f titaît.froto ptoimtm -ltttrttlTa tt t Itatttrart tpp -Amhdhth ootit foot Mat h1 tai1hy b. byt .rtt tt iroîa o Iat a. Smtt- tattototohtoc tatartlotat - . .ufra-J o- e T t in ttt . l" a O aaow sr how nîh t i o r iYa'o at ot.t. aa ra't b S btytot= ty ota a aooo9 ervies wIlàau it art hhtl atOM8 -fo t iOa ctiWiou the il puesss th mid et ass m at Grt .S A hto tat .at ft. srb . o i a or ooaisiOont h Ottit t strt an a i oo - i h breakb roayobo- iooofroiham.dothl a f t. a o,t hi dbthetrhcutil tio f fe à o-toar la macholieroaoIi ho..t h aaienhRedta h at Sia Bigtad of l9totoc - -i L e a o o o D Â l l t F A R O O L t t .O o t t i h t o e ith s p ee i o . it a it c a c k e ro l, - Il . T . ito n .Teoh v e a h A thocnet t iaton lte C t.ou"th noa Whot Da o n, theo i er oa Sri Wa aai - OfOtii OOiOtMtte t on tttOh Autrai aithp thtt one t o- .ttt ttttt ot. h ti tcombe rt ott199,ir bian 0f tt it o ti. o. iti. se oWhoamb io tt Sîea .vtid pt1.cnt 00ltaia orirelief 1hf. tto ti,.ur oîre ain« on er ci the. cat, marci hm 1 apoit v ivco ot ta, rn d b yh-i O i o wtm d yt pie ia Tt ..'. » g 6 a t ao, t s. o-n - M nO1h to taU t o t -. N e w o o it t a the sitaf ,h commotit d Aao ottti t. ttad tl!tUiP o uPi pes enttt Souhu. h obttt do r oh reth a adi tlto ent O ralho- rrivaisttaool . .0 toi.. ndo li rtundl t l itoam. h-S a. Ht opombota Mia. c nt fth- o -tos ts a. l t s.t o anc lt alo-itlite h.a. .a t t t aCoS. tth ttidttttit1 a m aH w al b e po te ov - ,go Wel f A tion tloladI nti tio to. oi nd ato. b- th .i p a 0l ia s a td o to i MOtOOt otot" O t O .T h eyl * a - Ith . t it o o o o .tS aa e= o za i . IhihitS. A t o orin g h e i b roî a n o o r t I *ttfli a veM t mo e , s u it e s Mulokt. a 0n00 ret t ha ed I o .0 o s Red Crotaos. tont a th fr.taon h.] lti -c a tt pao.~ ia F o thens__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ tal-o o o. ttlài. fr o Ilo aoeotdth t otit i ot tlfl-.or oc- L. ifWt a - dia A i. y O th htt Bor fnielinoftetIn ge t.o Sinat tarot*t ra .apt.ta h ioooa- . e i. Mt- Snt ho Ottagrdi ate plo e to' W1h thor odltae [tl... at% t a lto..uhica l it tt orthe Mtue0l ottti.Mto oa Mh. I W lit. y M 'l*to te, rtAîtt oratt, tttt ttt 0f ht ot .a ht htot o Ie bl ale d d irio m .01 ato l- o S t a p o t i Il I i toorarttoo.ata . ppi«i....justiit t . h , a-. eligon a tatesh li. Zà- ttng-'d» ig' nteryI Oago ooaa nc. haeirI aeaat e. w a . Th is mu.stti ta .htoit trao-,,,t A Bo r - O U F bc os E R ~ L E n E S aotontoa st h atto t aha ton a m i t t att rt h hSiclotar lat t oa ra li a Path a d co955 t SE V En te ta tse.R d c o In o oft toat -os8 haiS oo Mat tat otheut ta oo a-"n < tooha- t e 1 . 0f t m entllltt ia tt oitd.t ha iaknSteat.stcnh .th.alc ta. tta oarr aîionoo 1rn io ta.a as ýhe onliterwtrî y uîlU la.6Mien e Otai b tat #, lhiln a nS F c ta a ma uhatlttoooot h o ohn 1 i h b t trittt o a ooie aidtti.t othfeaa o 0,01 I0f theze butin__ o-ta - .1,0 Sý4-l i d on aentliase. itil ha vebla. t.t... itin lo.ootNewstf 190 atltn rity tiocit1gfrt OTAliAabit tan it act a o htt actotd riboh tpo... o n tashe a Il. i rstoi.iioootdart on Z..G L 1M -rt hi i. oaiddtoirot thfratmoi- h eona i leRlu o ltiltnd. iiittioo a t In o th sopta g M .ap.tht r nionar l ar, ott ttten n u O -a oit Dit t he bctlt to p' ttaltc--iit pin0f ro ben r oa torepUitd atta ttlllo t i. tfth ay ta oast ow. *t., hc-httor t 00ga taot vlia etittoo-.on.Scrtti, etotlerirn. T e lit madottng ot.. ar oa eom bi.LO tttc oita o oi tln p oaN. ted 1h1 Oiaî torlmta tt, cuha c tnantiait cimatootlii Co- etottot iot. T Tir Yorh Wotid.tae.gte oîîîhlooatocet i otte s oi moaie uty WtteS tserenY Thsw k o 1 tol o ,t fle ri Dnnt M,,a thttte_____frte__________onc__ _&hereIth beait t ilt het 1 aefnd fo at f"larrdi o..hns0 m n eattfttt td Me r1pl foniulteilin ermeof a "D" ' CTadaaS Mond a v M i0 Onhi c or 9,t A flapn.atth*tutiotne ltthetopinpots a ttoo tit too. D t tinandr O it O as'i nviolablth,R tinmu. A buh bar too-oýlntd 86, the110iottila odSots 1. t wi.o neat tend calisa nd tdd ntt h icasttoled jgtfo- ices wer poted: Mine Fem.ol iiolh:erveasth, ot e foati n o ufed h cpta f rg tyo mL astond tlMie mio r mi" oa or$tait n o-r otta.otith i f orth a im . T e er d i ttiBeletS.pTacy, Mita li th , oor 0 loitoun n otaStoti tonasics ntr xitt, StSththeintthotoatatet.andhMi ,it Wl t t h a bJe.S a vsr eý.r M- A totMoarmy Bta . ha -ua piettre mataMfOR(luhtaoe OltOtS.TOO. ittatnaoafdothe tarmata îtt thetentazlIlIti orlolso:eotmthae fiant wof0 forPM D Worttcor, ttatse ooiaiolos ii ttia PuIt f-, or h ave My. I u wroo mt r a i i a o adeanapo pria 0f ooa hoot i ofot1 asotîtato o e o thmar eo-Stgo th, ut o. -_1_Ier ____t __l ton 'tttt'tio ho10, f 11i o 0t tcatti tfI- iD to. Sl trtttt tl tW ttiuiaapa pooîr.000,1.000ail000110 too ba l lo, îaoo faîî .MiiSuan t lte toi t ,n.reUb liteToeliotia, dor1.g tht atto-u aotoiioaltito:JoihoMoo îiooaotatltOtîalttptttrt ta fecto tteiett Nera dtamoeapatemoeue ttoo rott uh nd .Paît.t ftto..alttitth tt0 looOotOAoI.3aotth Rittttsatflitt n . assprnniainlogO t a qoAso t. o tornesa r iumootS Sta. 10 tiies, tta g sec o tdiotait.t. wu et- th t t fort hie A.attut3t oeff, Oto 1 ilt-tlî,10' So h O t a O o lt l ot c ot... r ui ofi ol c oo t oa ~ ~ ~ fî. 1 pot tl otdse a teplum ti u t asoloîim gieta w s u ohartlih Co noai a ith s o r ofSa foc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~eec trtaet.ttootatc050ft.aalt ioto u. ooMî,t t a opadtoad riotao.hti littlti nsm a reytt .. oat l & tiO uicidahit Sio a o urni Oc dota taatitolioThtrrtoîro. aohtheoahait oalot f/t 1rey aitiao.eoo otas.r,;.,'hoPtrac, laltiltoato-In 11petittpo'to Satr . at ad stll r io iotr olllta.ct .!D l oftt d h ao tu o-t5litConvecton, h phhhttt ft. a.. tal atta ai ao-O hio V ocaosaonet oha ltoi aa o..rc f c ooo iitoti lia, .p at th h. tt octa Otr Ottt. lO iit tt. r ai, tth mhi 1htlapa te.a hl8Iro9toofeaihb o ns aott1tbt dttd 19 M tatrome l b 9 t 'oo-otîcatudoo im Ormacoand ttc..lia, toio ttto. a t1.ttl oas, ht ~ osPtlaoInthe ot t ta 0.n t c t thcesct ft p.pttlnm ayth.m idyf o t thrto Poi to driveo. Sil, pok- ipofr906 adi129.Thalotias ondansttnrUmlâ htw h orc tar ofa fal oIs o-oti Ilhoia 101 a 11.1ita .11 at goS lsla o t talo, the s î010- * . h ta. aedbusg. ,.P" 04UWS9 'to-ate-attccio ootht 0010 o -ale lOiorourot, fllo-ooîoaoitsootahot tthehotodoidotheiamentcoo-oac isttta. mttataata 'in 111Of. roileo- . ew nth MIhserlIch- of thetvaridoitedocss, MatiS hadîtrîooîîtntotorto-"IlnotPull Oftoligtesno-ndatht pto.b oi OlOtit-.ia-ohl itt, h MO clo Otcotai. 10 toCol itonsihlthtf/a.t aIntmcoco-ea.ITh 0100. sommeiil toot, tooit 10toooorît ouot o a e t othe licaic ervW e. a" Lartsdcomplts.rtnt Pitefsur o f ,1 ,ht ia . î t ti o s -b 10 r ot o a ttl 9. tf t.o pt ol a ndol o to to se seto i cest e~rh ar b e Ye ui otare r g t O h r n t o n 0! i t ir ito cla. tOI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nw ..tpatl.ooot aft Sc; ~ ~ f40,flttt oto Rad Cr-s a nt o tt. el orfkMpolit-tlga-imottotta ,hot. Tiis.10 t ait. ~ . la . aîît toso oittra oaît I.ibl. 0f tt tatttta. p-aitaio sthoelt oolio fla SiS f o Thot doîbgsa alirt Otio -oa- bo, tt tisn tot- 100. f o tî it the S1 Ir ! c -tçts, ot tîRed olot uthei tap o I nocul0 e D a-t rs hota titî pot o ata oîi at it hia toli ta ot aoo 0f go d C iross. a tt 050d. .t . tra mnt.oat to-rIn ri r o Sr 10.0 r oat h îtn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hv attr OO'Ott-.iio 0,1. l000 ttl aa i- cîattc t itipts. tauatîer LU. - 'h atr u as tiona reto oan tilSttt e. tottatu, aoi- ottet tti a lsaoaî a sNt0,Ot r thta -it10ha 10.5C t'..a..i Whnte or ftrul tanu onS telo m yt àeastonocorpsosamuetth e ahat or Itî o. ga t t p ol ta . - O fî a a to c o - f to p p d rit f at îa t IIo mIo- lO O O af O t or s sat e no àalo aS o m ,tîn a t. c n e u h g n c0ISatt ainq n " nr e u whih v. Oif.- 'ttelOg tto ttîntIt thatdo. 0050 mata., -yo _ fautmigt gl I wlh aboxcamn. ut Itha ntonsleathot al it n tion arett cher.hýtter $pnd, andb.anu.hvThtoncfortouholvetitut 1o QvOn I the____Oc_______honof_à_e__ ictlranS s "garien u srligio o we aedn o ies hte et - us-_ne adatae f àfut ong. l)atinat 1 opinionmuta hcpl hedtettPOTS aAND A NS th .iat onm~uetPIaoI'ý. th n o n cnn l toi »Wc -Ybyrma t. o t otttod hnc1.mdt ot Vîtottiata ta < .a. Oae;; m ti i p a p Id o r jinma'e.lau nour C a sIfatGau ? t;e si tc tne ,s e 'é haaat t I art.. : .hW ,h hemet' s en ofanI.xp ..iv R lQnl.dbyO.v-m t n 189inRom, urag heet NEW FORD CARS FOR 1940 rtant improvemnents, added to fundamental Ford feature,- -the most advanced engineering in the low-price field' 6a Pmd cm for 1940 match 1qone "- e-22 IMORTANT FRU IMPROVMBI FM SCMPOIT-M.oo-ch1-i. N- ... fstfldV.- met f lat.umisg at..fictr. There l à ludt N&.i-t tt ar htt datta.r. .pe, d pÎt.& hff aaavt.tldy Ietd on the sterimg lt-t-P-" mot ..ha. Tr.aý_ - I.ay .s ed translmisin ifutmm.fy asytgoashft tmi . L Na.typ..0fa.tent otat bath. Na, j Jmosm m à trietd hcabr FM5CONVUUINC-N- F--TipG.-fh. Hogia. mmpq.oamd na.rid-aabihtr. - accssile.Twe-. tytmit .ag ohat. Ligita ooch os of mmwff-tura makes the nm catrsquitter ý . eha-g,po-rlhydat.Icb-k-..They FOR STYL-N.. ..ntior New iator 1-iy. Item Hedoad"tat aam "fr, ttrot.ger New. ewactp-el. lger. Tht7 hm,.the fkm.... W .hp. porc! MiLlî-1....d .t oodp-ofi. . O..y tifi" àddt hf-mb8->isdr mm.tlota , .C..,-d di.. .it.i.. FOR SAFITY- S..i.d....Hei.opa. D.I .d.ithtid sessa couwith sa. mach performance, style wip t..base.f wadshied. Larger b.t.y and goat aclx a I... price. <st H,..tlg. Be-ta. mhcatr i.dýi.di-Lo Wil enty de mpwme PLUS THE FUNDAMENTAI FORD FEATURES df - t. - aoo. .0M.;» Mit.o SEED TIME a.1 HARVESTA I hs a-off day, Louis Hébert had no banir ta give hlm assistance or encourage- ment. Today it is diferent. This Century-aid Bank actuated by a genuine desire ta pramate Canada'a basic induatry, alwaya welcomea apportunitjea ta serve the agricultural community. Cast . Coastainj.Canada A SUN LIFEPOLICV qivesyou thls ItPcrs--and more itPasSECURITY for the Time of Need IL M. D11WIVRST Sun.,fe urof, hidi ADVERTISE IN THE CÂNÂDIÂN CHAMPION