1-~ i t t MILTON, -THURBL)AY.JULY 6,.1988 ÂWÂDLLK ~fl>% almil coitharf.arspuderets. 1, w« Camt. IIfslsed U TUE '~ leot tae tbterrfibb hle f Doýadwlan. mrfma"eeiboring $Dr ym.J ea in1,,a OMM eUn dan megf Urrhfave irOtrfa -Min! l J-O ZS&t iojtoLAI)DER ther tarsgatderliit bhotmlfaornfte atahirrof ivie MAH T. i oUL or -p fra ac-rl. s0gafe fooils ntebuta tutty fi ooaiearsasr~4 Ib aml - lsfiai e ll todi sgo btdfaami ~ lle r a' yêtes1f.l'osI Nm.-do bWoodeaisoad o 11the75 es Welam ntan ,Orego fd Califat,- B-*55et*ara~ ena, fol *AMt. ý r0c5t aietacnd a&tepmi wtffe1gi e, reports f rat af 10 iraeiaa «W010domIR "Cno hraf aie al. iachiai rradwirmte rs nd7 ou Uf w;ARIEL RWIZonadTh taro peisMra e yon 10cftheft.saiesuepport f thrir fam- o 1,1frad arr day ho tsors. -AUlm. tàfg .m ia. tRuairade trcvidrd ine-trattrhfs ~ '~~' efisrait bave ha" o- v Ati Mrtedelgoiestoil,*mrt sport smit, ioras. Me oof"fille.eett etarf hs sas. 14*-rbi onma l. ebdaon grrrd weuh ffsam. ailr urmr i Tes. anotaireg nmmai about ~~,:,rsyen Mrfse leRatsrtrlîr tAoetgffs sgays e bualetin ity Cie the ~rce I rew Mril dido't belOte i faim iIO4raYesai Martl. thlfedrs burasaof boreecrao- &MW obt011 ge uly s ecfofIb lestBrawigh. esod " vert, lI ra t a ftioal aise. AU of thoraafelletita as-ue- orea for U lb slsitnovatrice8 il ne i.Werly Zaourae-"brai a ialfa.bot ative-boto. fat pw1wr&Vglaý- In tan fhehorai.. adsbfromthe aksifnditi "if-1s e.id Mtfar- elilag tora tia aest-hallauI P Àraïml~1 taras UseM à.1vOirrre. f. 1M07pie afittarrr taa a iot c091 ii salowed.Doit dean" gea. Ied Astorfo, Ore., airaiOlyto- - 09 mordes"duesbar. Th e og mfunes t i47. --iraltof t.thecafmirae ut.a d.eaea.mecm tr ti z i .é a.mrt otili a longwany off, doami .dproed poli endei ' osibei Inonnusraoai$1,18 ar pa "te r:bot ah* ,aadlog ec lb înabova ail.l, em làsta. 12 Wabhingtonanmd Ore- ad tasmJa diinaien.-#%t Oana d&y intao net for dilaant trial.". fgAencoaess ans. beoare$104,andi * ta010 01~aBb5t~ et~eP>~ Wml effe bsty mrriget altt Éfaiersbedh;ILfcif.tl aas 'il i &W sus," ent I U be$1,885Intae 12 villages ira abbra- t fUn ta. ropt. U ata ftcftacute eeii 'I a. Do y« Demi olà ssaline BLiclbT l. lplnanst, aile stagesOite grsiniere&onacha iqalss "Iwe la irgra re-etioa et Pom.raa'lipro'P vf 9 f 'aMaY aitirora ider tara "aa OU dmel WbVY-fe, gUnsie-te ab rre naibles, Mes .i117preveing bigar ea l,guelf iletaoulftaiofre. f. Un PéWbit? Hmra he-deta aerg"nbft?" 'me bminaitaands ortatu typiral. BA? $se sans àrprofits e. tmiéhmitheiket 1h aifortaia.r»Y"ni ay efa af lfs srot ladesTe bulletfn pitrteren ortai- rae.ey ode thet eeaid ot' 't"a0s.W&raCercla Adirews, Unfortenmtati sfeVil 1-W&bo dti. forils ntenacesasd tah- at aabouler llakig. exemrple. foIl,, m ssituation of anl familles elaf- Ifs SIVEUON TheITUIin aes a .diveor crrCasOasws Marille rlarant "mfe?" aeMrl. tw'e erDsi. 0l f tsveer tsurrîlrs, ts tar pliplslalaasud Sargt$e le R. Tr UIINE ue n éprrou psfsia r i reod. iallfi osrryFor "at arla ise tees Isereel efefeli cf Obraador fear pr an e. w tsf, f a rtu, il inf. r h trafor mil th t# aliI. Fe at70 ffMia adao r5li.tmb dodtrf lycd I RAI ~ gj fe.lge ptsbm, bere. ~tla ael irsroCrla bhdlacambitionsa. Or id bave, it fo %Prty raiforidsrd ta dun rnfiog aoa bal firrr moe Rooejjl!.n ~a irs jneldenrm a %ai vraemee'fr.Rrle rrtdt feeva arepn.W erttm 55tmil mrores. Average aams ai ciol.o ri.1 2 fetei . givas- f5op. il & îi'dmercl tiac- taff. yau kboatW e lfr Ug fa ie regîrn asabout 3.5 pra. 0. IL sovvorait. ., gMt,0,fJ UdV* Nu" orm s55.' bever, f.rtne re.ofly otlairemi, 15enira tarait, boeaas it taraibr puy for thra" One vite lanavra sud pid avan ta Ocreas a if ri argess. age e. EJff8. a "ra ddtea ar et et i va' ats aeanyota. Sor papes. "Wat"ssfi Motiel. rapiremot tnmhty lerats. Bat airle abihaeles spitorfisaive %> Prile.She tard be rcancersand fi"Ieno orala iri, Un of ~tfratinasirofa tarte soeotha tsarffr I tiirmrabed. aat tas a afic fiastini for tesawtu- imn flts .tdyaaB a eea ya antahda DI .E. SYER vetepmmet.' N tuetlaeoyalgfr b a.rsinfemmevratePlaiA-atisira 5par en hitofar patda- Pbyefcfts eaU ~~~~~~~~cf lbTe.satisfticensa ragirt. bavr'tre. Aad s-at-frial eigbad agaloin mont,sie ta pbtrineri psaatfotraaIt- fitctan su efei I *j*FfjlfAO ata&ti mW CM» tsresntdif. -nata baerea, Catols? Wataieeg f or artiale. rirel hoaUnhe mit y rlemigs. a ai iyos , udâ.,-J- rem. *~vrre my bave ee"prm r@ifainptiallirs o ffie la Wabh- ierbasting m. 1tellIYou Airtit bo itUndvl (P itaa . *m)cs ivoratIel niaitedor Unegrearede lagto. A einattapbe err s- sh iea au aauýer. Obes riprer rrua laliefamille itrd ia ased hames, oarRelastâ* orr, herelus-Se as herepec ad -etngcoteUornear wr-no Coroeso, MOU asseraase o f nmeauppetanad abanoaimOrtin .taire.. Pmor Caoala. aCitonof Sbr ra Unrmpaahhi nIgrlg merrnreos at thae -tie canectian Rielasigelciiret tha Matl smathtdautatnlrmsrni eistr irvr ib-filrhig-aboaft 6rueti haoaif h *. . I UPNESGN *Atarat teermeTreealsi ta riedsitafatlt rause.ofethU e retfpaprt adpiritesi p ber pani. Atoricit. 0f. ball tae rareconnu tamillesa taaitsrdthir home -cent rira tara treaiy a cnevc' lb. mut wt etna Cclet. bnto ibigspbeadbe-palIe. taon$20 a mth. tra ftytcfs eU Sigf gra eî rslefnt irtre0inmUnculirstla tva. Ilehibau ealaBt it, mathe tifi andaaiharmirg cil t oace.ilialetoahlurh te tr adit.ao riet"a a" estii0"ssstaoie.ueata ria ent ato tr ites ss iabora diplamai. Bfinsmmesai m-ore-fita ai total inarnem. Familles Pbaa.i 178W bt~ fer aimn à_____esalud __ totsir nesthCausirnbtdegans ta rer.eatlii tas appar ilaaa ra b shads dom.Ras--Iinsesi-1154 4Ptt Oa. MrfftWahington. nmbtions. Rigbi Mensa ber Ontoenralasgertshorsaof tacir laaames GOO&a lr-am.a -4Su Pm-,alaOpnae Tgir l ir! ait pup a rm annitram tac top, ad rases gaistf fier itretere raid. Bay 1-itIeteitàp. c It. orapaoniace, bol Mariel hee ta aput lir er n. YT'etslarlita nata, OJIoi!T%= 1ýl 011; CiMiO PÙ&i&» eaprcttrd at Carota ad erar gel bave ibeeau arirasi of Carrla Ar. LEALPrdonaned parafe sbald bo 81bol- vec h. lent tor abat ai iuii dreWSeMimes Rntdti au l ietolsOe Cabin Fever'Waa ______________ . G. R&MSHAW foahd andpersaneviclid oftst. trel Pre. bBms ol serve.Ui at e."amtBad' odao dt tge taa? ndMeri. Cauead by Frayed Nervea 910 s.Aa05 orc. er41 tbsta orsI lafg, Maril ai bai aid. iC'a yaer chane habld fat fame. Athofgh the Orgoa hffer oc P.UY, tW"«. M -*lffedit ~Sapin -,oaashasl' Trah a-WhnfvrtOtyae'tBalmiiolia, na 'nat- lonsiredi a rthr a rror leg B al of M7 -gm 51par oet o a tmm mo ri ic, yoa con naaahryaetbiaiiteafme. terr ta, yBfl get thon. qeirbar maeor accideat, ada hiag ta tir flcsersae 05eeett mUaW MprrtiM of antinffl vOrtda IICit'otîb racrifiiaf romethiaag oti tabeCbames leatare7BB tarr spcdinlatae caurs af erYday KîfttITt it.fCKP.A. ~ -In a sustr"gt f AMB irtatrfor a.' a girtaral tfried aiMinAndadrews. ar, tas mrotaommauntooiBdy BI .ara.a.rarsNaffonllitsa inas pirybfl- Baa Carfia bcd olp milrd andatYaailbho aried atrraactate wvc tria f1rsariain hr aid daya ns.. uthp»r for murder gras toff smileng. ath a laokin liebrofnlier pplatlty. Mia Hiardirb," wrar e rly leefinraoimeat bI t ai t r mearaleu4pprearttbye. Par Cernt O etu a ibalMritl basi micandet- sali tae yaarg'man earrnestly, arIloenei -rabinle Iver," ohich titlli veoa.FatiBo 12 the laVVD Unme. a"d M8par men of tUn ramio. watrartaansirletraMimeA-a-prevaleat tentcamps oaI tht bsahr LWON II AI 157 woaraeet 8 par ce.tta the nCarl& bai gars acf Mrels aidrame atotr Yeu and wva asot 'rm1patb. lilen tam 1iogfetf ott Ta . UTNINONPaap'nalgand M a.par cent 01 tar aromeatb ha bair tarbtinaabitiosbady. WreS rr e, acesea a'lbat itatheataertfat. mordbr rt a loliita, aif P lEcll, !a tasisâ oasiuigleatiaraof atibiCuel St ahd totiilttttudaa artoomirmodasti iCa bard ta gsi humlaeLUe. acag f orrv" rnes ofali Sstrtu ic i (bn" RaJ tts cebriminel .y xpr ee aes., abrcahit t.rta ha italrs. Anad inea at Iactram a prmenalintas remit. While hrr daily eBt iime.S.ctaie, CbaPGO'Mttae n AM Orbaatea. erarroutntileranrad tavered aets a bd toms tirret imas. . fostastICimaba 7Bufeimme,lane mautrd. a feelingfoff talrd Ma c fcid-fftf. M e 'c eroies rraking. dea"n' rtender real- Aeopprrniat oga im~endwkkr. il yo eilU 'am frusirationar tmrd liteisr, aoit main Stare US, M-fa gouarak . ~a tsien lt atAiea LthesCydcae kh onffs e. f tas mer Oiallcame ,owr o mentpbatr criiel.d ag Th lra i b af in l ei.t rtea b îtteictmorcetaIf gve rat. yr,' sai Maie it aablr-ftvrr. Hicaobir -&te ____________________ta profeteral n lataairfiingb, nal ttutthaieoera ayoittrt a do natroatly. mlgbiho wa pauelay se eaedio SE0S6E E. ELLIOTI -0 -leg dsints def a"rf 'tem - chedleid cmaei.triiios id asi dses in- o t e b t m iethitanofictoilerregireleff 90fi - g tla l odaeughevatilrflit perista. ulifar, Nlar PMie.con ce C rai of mmtsudeTU&- r 'NBOa eha hadirreaIbve , Tra i .t 00eer. Be ieKirr11%,ifMi« OMsir-ts basa Bilfdng, Maies I ci s taraenwt eaiUta ri e 0ertoif n ctonC ntalbtKeandu S»eit.y pr ahchi r Borafntilta. Unasimieti Inporferi, tit1 maol- P a m a tmoua ato he at Evidrn otar fasa Fie lld Memi p s tiratît epativr. ihet, T.iaphacaMito. Adirartroea en Aprf llochay. Ibeomeaimlorfthons frians; remtîmr se oul aao Natur enl itry, Chraa threaal s Ien titla aoi-lstap data qeccetiar70.aque Icleisi rpaailnfe ifamaoas a te ItariB. A-ailpoot Car- atrfiafirgal rrlrle m fem rthie pey, brie sa eita t forattht __________________ . ia.eio:e,Youar roniifaaB- rt afedr tmrpanras ina Me, whtafr it qaiCtlin avarofia $30 aient 0,fr han cdded faroatrtgesîfte wnta htaa in it aaalaft sréTIhue ea eltn mala mece tra m; e npo ekofc o a 1onweekoideo h oeg rd o iadhci apes.Gcast cedure thnelsfr e l'epr ar i a l filoa. aiarlnd a mtibas e.00,18yra gaaity ie nramwia ravpîy packt I ý ý h sr esemioLdlravgattc pas.camtei- ;naf t a pif.Marirl aheavesiteerdos i er beCtaensmaient Bcbytarea,1toide, ead oe.gtr-h fan iecperttera 91.. A LIS Lreacfsamtrayaa~, LI;pafge nosp$ pe pa. Peri.mis ad Aatafle t<Un btnora g.eial raid ente avre. A. 1186 Lofac gel nfoidem btP tua. iitormm! aJ= Arisierfiabril acrrualier m id. wvh rbma.iihis themajor rof Bond ilGiI teiycr Ifif ras. ilase amqiiemrfor par.S'aeinsdoymiecoaes figfa o eidern Terbsyl. r Wh heI« Bo&inTal md sainet mmes he arla. tarfas. Tbreraollaetera brt~eslis nesi aTfe 1111011111011, lwrm ter tre trane a Borme day lbr InCarn, taslitleîr as tUnseat omin eme Un an Thea ia ssfaarlabbobelon ethaoses Se11Zm KELLY & posAlLENhi eeswil o aiUn crobet lifeIna.ormael, paea ralnes haah me mSrrlet ivilistion-ILat f -or. y Uta sptsarIe.Meyevira B-aiT Caiettase _______ aot toCerclre, wtdfrieiamosartioas-wereeobta idbyUthe ievarcsealaien Gel t a am. tta. bsyavold o leairami. Mero-Oxfordi Univeraity joint v010 slmply bo lekigiofetof esBab Unuielilà.Ot O 4 t Thfe pfbier avaaifcraverilicm. AnailRpeitiiro a aptai ilaiesi eseiciples aientife" s e- dà . l AMM 1,- Th.el in tts% bO alltoarpeple inO ahBmt Cby orrnhae bea taesusbjaai f inensive rr rgeeU retf 111of ed_________the__________ d hart in Ihet fue t s tdy by Richard A. Mcrtna Chibi.afiil abib, mrt- I ~~~~~c WPréasidet. fietBl i dhas eBul aI thrm ibot he ctoaarairogint anaoatcfd ewrinicie rarlfaiepn 'sommesmm",tUn ata mciOtface"10bo fabare bbY ailbrrr, etnd prhap oersn rahe asreparimerrit e.tibraO ey mraetailas et bambaar uegrratsn _____________ R soYParmos UnU ora peinte tu, ctaosstirotiof te greri anS tra- Field Musem vidbty whenaigthomf the bel.ea. lc'ee.3MavinfblaiUnacivil.rnefsition aaeis Lpr UIe o=cépi es reliei i MniseaHatditavai. B. c., amJin"ftfael b, Une prée.. Nar" b. aan' eed ai Byl ~ PIAO vuriaia ;uaitIlais: '. Thi is hoagb aas ationuatiret, race socae nObjecta eccasatai "web suisatr bafthe ar A huascoara .es* f~ I ilet I(« Marielal eita hesan d fluahrd et Ifih cf ligly poilbsi, an.leaboinvrgCtaaia.r T OiitfiPeamiO I.UM AR am th n stieUte-i lrpmeo t blarbara mieitral elta -Unià offrme tuit ilarnteitthamela a lirinyearorooaoa0erUn i ated S ot raate sets' itaafthe suoIt. eete ,Aataolc iendNrth syla, a=rrd1 white cijesi. The rat or atmo ffar de raersBasa XcOr r tti e 1 it ad gnerus anlîtemor .C. àý rsa ll1bakrun.Rprptso earîvrilby Os-as ulvaevTamo&'t PRONU MW ' MLl4 lieng=5a.IFnVmeu any mental trait enmese aCrolf aiebr fard- ita eof wsrnaflra iet adeoin nrtabmrlmy oartt Oves Dmiaion tonem.iereaTtN _________ _aeilan o iev"oln; Orerontr mefragmente f drrafami st.a' taisa" ramaa lapon thr cftrs- FaSuRneCt Iud hs ISu11-"îlng, îWhnataoteitttr breap- iami tt.lacfalileg taro M. ent atemlybs. S.fIreA.aaabfEsDegfryia 1 mrbus$ta ener.fal, l'e wncsei asc lbse n me a7 rop, aaan tag irlece aen t hat afo yBf, e eaurinr tlp eataie.assal, aeo.b a ille Tr.ouasy lracl i t fI15ta fsa5, 5aiU05. Un5ti. vloerrpy m Un otfa oait, atam t rae ar m le ds en itnas rarbS vi rmparT le.r la of rta onryhae beas - MRN C I ES î.. 1110, *g itfrt(iorpiroa-ani ai thtjftiy ti ta Olifeaipop- mantd y rtati oro n ra. ath o u earner t the c o sruction- F. D. DEWAR ________ andTheKa"_______ o rpae. palthe uit rstartsr oreoc od.speaa. nIe p alie..tcmi orabuad ithrebuildingt __________________ Aaleamn tte rod aeyil iPeleraPyoa ha enbra @tBamisa ea iit te fra lBif bu n emotaf pia- f rtara rtO rfeeivcof y bfh eitsea Mili me- îeo 310 IUN P.c die m ar , rae a Leudavr-roa dy.. ai- , mes-a, ~ li lirieraratletheil i g rolaie wrote. inbefoesbl standard. iaf lhtrbltit rosse C 0ffiator.IIeta5MaSdeMthe ILiais lodmu t ad r atl ee to h lo icrm ayoula eirorc cner itastia e n.tara foin dirtht.es aenOrhae boie, e ., Alatrg by te r a me u. PIeBtilaroI l es it ea dar e mo rr e m myai aS e a r- et nud 'In se prb oait a uîale Un neicbarto n l oy t is c indsi lfl ia a to beioy t e r ipefraile I d sr ipaa ta r e f1-Roiranr rattachest the ornmena- eos apear oarr t n of taa o tlynapeiar e mouey lode u e , iMoepol ae alr sth e .m rvo;ta oeb taa qAlu ST., MiLtoiqgin tOC7tara. rintub"e. aez, py aehae abataneheti 'afarle Imu ardigter phaleldtheOMaingpticult. etlpndirfillar rea.bogh GOUNT 0F tMdM..ON I 00. oserdla Aatebo thtr rtondPrapnlif lie ruili par traedifheboe- gn _th_______ig lu F. D. DE AR ,A VflA.139 ararmiUnelbri eslieofh eîyaa. igtatucem;ra menCrolb-na2700oaaSoit.Un.eatt aie or ncvrdwgnd.Sl I93Theaà. " cat.asselr abtas bat. tif ro th t hail a0o m aot ieyneso otean et i lpie sceh ea nteiin rocs ouIT lT aen nhrciPaiai. A m asoictinsol. thaot iPlao t Ibef f o'iao th OcureeOyp a rl t P c1 Ig ldifsitr ee ereso namerafcs si,£e' i ea r t ler u n Ur sbkor taC sintg.etot n utbatihl at tarl eati. ei todaochrctrsi o u mritag baa a e bo ate foatl brne«4ilaate .u. oe ht f ouorfal uprirao n wy nds itsan WoAb y m ul O lksandrives.; lbe foaiizd rem reman- a r ifa u ukop, hâi. haerrbeaueofBt IatJs-tre ia e ai .or asfora t roel.h ailiebri ie *itineambrt the ornermb.litgiandcalwrmptiis coaf. oftA Feioa hens-auraata hve b a lbeaaastrpstr ta.rtf th-ei s. aiaf1d lsar a rs Cs se brau ens htataea toutsi- 1rleatefpitaiwMthero ba aie n rtreCilahaeb riat __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ac inffltcyri niriof e eeeila etifrat efalee a r e atne ai:Mofetypelaisa C.t r le r ous af îCi 0..q 1rrasc an tlsit ilotl iiraa thereliato o a n e aied to aren um ratri cr10. th rame scas iteara oleas siShar aifralt for, siavsi peina. f. rfamîsil opif meaine.mc doOlsiisrnle vaJhntt Brahesashtc s aisth Unoorvr@ h oet oan leelsstsitofepa gIm 4.ea.atasebfesaafKtemplef. li 00 4 il Tloto "It Pays to Deal at Days" PURE MA NILLA ROPE HAY FORKS -- PULLEYS MACHINE 0W 0ILERS COCKSHUT andi INTERNATIONAL PHNL2 C. T. DAY & SON MLO ""Con y.u cone right over, Doc.. ils' gting worse1" n " bfi omer dd fot harve a tolepitoos if would probahly ha"e taien hira ail day ta get "dor" orgsiesi-or ta ecamnquick ad for alter amer- g.aaire»-'Saure w. oe.d a telphone" t.frmer saya,"wed nover b. wffbart if" - 8.shorta. har.e ih t.ath. aboi 00flO.. WD.e lefteeotir.r d«y go by riitat mnafermOeie f«r e fai.pbme ef yoar ora.Emey fa ora lad ira*,me. e 'RAES fr FR H M£ In teite ictures et the beath. rembehr thatetistlit sernd erewter a ule httfht. Be cefal rt ta otreos. S WIMMLNG t, sud,,tfbathng ..hht ,,'gaa, e.tptui.ga. Whtht tenctthty eu, ,af t, ttplacesintahe unt . attath deyth use, th B 0a-t-yttelad th..tttatdatttt tattetIt.ghttteb, .t,., of, atu- et ato tr, th t, ttt.,totttr Y_ 1,i .sd ghratoupe, ndthett to, tn w .I ainc .. dfda ofrattrrt actt ionytcornetrta ttto buteo -1asg ase ahtrttty itrortatlt ox ca amtra. ra, or saportr. Natttlly, ttity tatal i td itaaty tattttpy Il, t. dtat bapprtt dtrta a dttr-ra, watt Atarba the hMtusr t, ptttrearr a sowto camera yauiathavete potise hasch tomer, tatattr sttt, , dtta. htdivin« fi ptrtr er taa t,,t tbttdrra at I.Y anot , d ah. bnc t oith t.,tht rod et tht boatrd, t, cart Patttta ta rIpprtt e att, sud- aroper patrtite tttoho tta"-d It at threBbcits rtheroeebrc-eOatho doraI e Iltatthy, the phcttte. thcs adrtosuls. . 1ti o beaahbeu t aiterrtiaa as a Theohith t etombetahrlta aOttac tion rttre. tabttr idttareah tha beat,ltetat Il yonpuasea tuefrta"lfutur Menttt, and Bad openvatto-ter raf. tho tf-atlhba or BNO. ttrerl rh' ht b.Thertitta, o n'ta iUeb i mas tarearail or n'es c.ton ho, , ettr th bnanr ao f0 frll'aiair Aie0nt w0ia.aOVue rthttastan .thhta..' B tht beaçL or 000f. Bright a bet, scotei, ead t/0 seonani orthesePlita daBi tasfelaot ,.at BltMto frt ahOlbaet Inta.tttitby. Andai fetas5e'n dtrtdUAand af slaitgea ThIe as «My ta uee tt-otrirs ataueh of cours "aaceadplayg. mît pif torée la %hia,ayfto. ara-f caof-btt 419 mmeilsafdoe vn ife lý, U. ý5