tbat e bg0f du I»m ad n ei . c ci on "Ifs ail right-i uet c@ming &long the rond mi wbsc yod'~- got a lelephayc oeY" eesor quickiy. luta se IUr..taseho.sos a a .ach ther-it talcsa lot of &tis @MdssiMsa "nt doo- but il tc,ce noth i uacil a-bs1 got a telephace. Thosa YOU oam tatouch wah molghbours. ils the tores ia the alDge-cd 9roa-O cP chitirmame ws odog ita oeoby touai. cul hea. thir robes tas. Every Laceshoue abould a tlplnes- becoase it cas n te @tite. Y-- -cecn cc»e-. l.4k. cc-t.ep ..cnoie@ Ith 5cm 1 mciitrcso.cse-scd plt thonr , I celarge e s lho hrlrngcout &jl h. hscuty and richeus*f acMcetoi I N th cetew raMolccc cOco'huer-cch the pronone ci i ccdc cf coccicccc ob cby. cdd co phtcccrhy. jet. have stacird tchloc Pilurs 1. it.letcely ica- f th. fulcolor. TIi.spcoino ccd nocer,.chone torc plreiorer t houcud. clocr 11 coteksop tbie coln. Cotacithraces> la chthctlg follc f Phcccrcrhy. ganea'.... eoeahoutthe unon iccfcl.1 ficlms. sccpc, ricolce. ccd @etc Il la cecI for coroftuncs.are, ai.t, acoco,-ns.s an, - Oedtcblacchcod.chiscapot , tdycc-hcctciocscean t. imacinactacking acpiloir. 1cfull ta ccdrcctccd hoer, c coloccascctly a. .lcch-cdrhie. cnd rcllccc hey Totale Tcit co lo.Tc. ecohie oc.tuodo icrcd l l cl rc.. (cet tht. forcoe,p. th.stlrtcre ccciniatuorrececcear cct Pl-te Oc pr.bht eicmlrocs- tekn hesscc to-criep lccceccl. dcl fur vloolccoloet tl rccentlycine.rresi.e ttc hast. Witc scple pcrolftioc thetytria arencc, cade ecoicoccet, thcsric rapcr th.,c .. hrycreocccch i ePrit he meo c ehcscrencocei. Re $16, ccd cotchie for fed t Ic dccst ay dirises. taon stc lackhcd.-hite. Troeradc f soch tolo, picture. lc colo. aehult o cova fl era thty e 1, Pcticolo, parscmc New lochi Wold'caifir-rcecte.j cprcd .'cciy le the ceet oc eôccccaccoscres sahtcch ccd aide-coce hchhcicîs piccoc ta eloceed crproxmctciy nca-uhlithefulli circcci 60,000 icne.. ilon0e a."55 ch an essouce dseoloccct. rchiitlcc, i.lecimrosse t o rcltee '05 deonov mousson ~oisQU EN ame ito.b uet e t..,. IPaorais.virc abihfh:o r 'a istber, emm tse »w matser eic o t=h"e the lassé tua . si COîfcj» lunités n GnCmas h.1eo Pse l- sotic ek s f isa cetere. pf *é;mplue D ef t othOc e t.,i ceri=b,.tie coi cschoc.Thar, ourc arsinon- Col. Seth Wctreer (I. ccetccmcicafo-n rro ocf compoocds coctchrîe second in cisemecc (il ooccotcd icorta lty O ox c .lh.,or cct,.,.-cnca- Alen) t the. cpturr of Tic A ht-c t llge.td tclcîhat I ",t-h" ldtcctldtd gtdsce, loo1 c'ooytbboodc... io tttio )uooll trccy <diia-y er aond srcl, hrcoocc th. roda wcîG cherorîcciseppoco 01000 hetcceeo Oeny dl .1M)cerias ontet ohiph Christ acescccccd wrce , ocger rord Gothecon- a-bwit.as1di. a-r 1t scppsai te lihof ajUca- ais, iru cgci chtcce hc iim piaibadd Trîror. rrty cf Idccg l s homs a-IG ach SethThcmae i. l8I) In icricri. iccarver, fil a e h.. cGr, coi a-G cGr, ric Inricnoc ccc hecrecs u Giev c t a inc a acoipacre!in' Iciteale tty ocfoIrma. Thretcfmir inth ls e outry id ui Wb esnlrricg. In Scandinave, tGsy We.gaz. It cosie ci four hcdcgedccrioccrd taca aou ethG MM"r0 s ll vet tnoCchilicudlie hoiem tomc un hoe c sicgle sinonecf cor cioh ck atriseatehe Go a sasi incefilIf s wllow a- a-ciaeshbc. Boydr (id. 1070) Icvente 105555 " errby. chiceorpllttiiellestt«e id byse l thesil, r.Wiirs JO- te, ccbicg hct bodites. soi M= . Prnonce o f lic. terslacngthe cGllr. cpoisaprinwihnltlts hogo dbl e o mst thie-Gostcs'r Ici,rfuscd holte. " cheorc.rinor nhocompluso eecfseahrl UmecromGemrir fishicgth oijet.It. mmbhtou of isse ta-c fcocce. Seh Gratic (à. Ias! e iiiflA hea a-crip of n ecini Soldes. Snthe sc owccrc fonad i air,> tlocueriedsse et MI tl~ P A c psclshmentei G rae tulrdecilem cotcic ce ory scc 1e3i5cOlcl esherieu, was bletti hotrs acouGshwachieg frho. tfihch bbraPerIe t icb5 ccci an mton. me. la T ha goldnciirc -ina-cînet ale u.g ii0in ei eve eae.alcm il- tGheslliheipctcclqc« trou. lee sie l reesecoidlicn cf Gmhco bilding hlochs cf mat.'SetG C. Chcluier (i. 1013: iw #m graucad ttcoa-s a-iDllr ho.W tr ina ms c.colletiG Harvari ebseti crshit It.cocieodsp ht,! ydrncr ceeGte aimctar<(lm netr I I aiahade y drai Imo nrl h .gtethrrca-9 c litudce of aies)sm growerandmcrhhiyotdulth mk ell hececa dGtGe improt mole- igei théV e tmst an en esnshlabyieil If fi mirCusore genouthe"Gomeahct Pesecwacemeiof a resonblesuply o Mostue. ore ompe re ilqclds, ccidGohollte., cf touruniectc fitassimportai hno h ismCoutry nom mndccm uIdx os frctBeté andifoibih sorcit la rrc cmcmir -fori te icvetigrhe p smemer aldthe ltuanenlcod. cule orm oliecetcdiocyhtom csrver sie. the Aret wa-tb e-n Oa. lts a-coi iht nide ei c.tcr. lenoPr proiertheGrhd ertsaard itlr b sole, butctocch. cainGthe igesea t seL andcoinccy souide are seci for bcasketaceiet and for Gthecmixtur. Allcompocreis cfa lclog hirsoinmcey Europren1 hEeelb lt mcolestonoiy carin M" bt.1 Old Cathédralt Oa-es l.s Eeygnin i«o Epic lbe Red, Noraemrsee, Site ta Wandering Dousy f 'r"o, cciiiefiwererrîse d Gave Nme. ta Greenleot Durhamcatnehédral, one of Grthe i. iOpy eviieceofeto la p l loin iacEielth RedsaNorgaiesthon Brîcclo, ccooîly oa-rs lisite faetto,,lie cmark cf quel aho Spt cllad i IGOreniord..0cteothroodringoîcle ienccSw, 'ltsOhcf lis macnufacue esche propes ac oi hcGre. Erir e soiC. M. TurnepcftG. Asciai.elamo f tGr cccrp. OW d Bitih ad rshcrclays. 'Te Th]$e mmprlcsnlVO y. andt orlilnui yearfclieport.j the paeldrmadmcthea-hr,Altachopdthr, ,isifc1300, reetenpt.j bhyang toPodhoeOcelcoicth thrm techuch. îcInimar,or punich, a i à hou bitdishIcbolesci Bracccsiîd, cch Thr irgoc nd Os tGc h, coche. Iic.,plae. 0Ctlhr ece-n cf wh,î Jciîrhchmrailsands a-ho w a-r ccyicg Ghe oy cf Si' adopctai hrccahccî Ecia cîccistae ca-citr t. therniaaolsCcchr, cme ho a paciahe thieLodo ccliilate hr Idaeoi Nes. ldcsot hcdceîccbkfastcandcchcc.dcan tcmoiytcood. A ft ea c...jeter, Leif Epii efo crs tehcdge Llc ittoasOchoigh Tocepi G.e rai cf tG oi iroducci Chriselaiecy. The Nips oe r ceotic forcd a uid cdcntu-y oGher 011e t. mcme 0cndoidied out. Thc ei. lctehegOod. "Whîch scrc c rc r pviiredte t.ecncia mceesycion. DenePhccqcîir coindcfciccr acccidect roducecoccm sadamr a de sccrr.igc rtghts hoeOrriccis ta re stoilcccntInhthhsof tlce f tCy werethe ad wrse oaset pies Aogmcgcciihacethe nitch," rocaconid chcociclci,, ocaec. W. have for ««5 elerc ding statio, andi hoiO7 "a-hrropcccthry fosed ced prayed thiecir cf Edit.hegh, tGo s leitoheor-hchle Islcnd.No,' GhredaYsa-ith grencdrevticote Biigham, nced Go way bîchri aoutce ba, uiccig ced khocobc recîcatio i.mGocd what ShcOhoid. se.cilg ightc ce ch.erCetCas, butce ho d amithhly hody",, Bto,. sariee o tevr ih Goe Duessetct iiht. Tcdey Grcen. IThrcvrlicame: he- Oc oir yaeivecraoulh. landin enmrk' cr coony iltehoktihe rbody te O pacccled leasydb h ad asca tetaor ,cet of 736,518eqar Occhlc,. rhy tcrce tilinipr. euh, . f Gth ulillct. satin Mie iiggr, Gco Alohka hut plîcity, othcooicg aho,. ODua-icasemped oithuth. kt.g- certhce Mecico), cof hihhOn' c x tihpcorG î ec cped's bocd. Thé cely l31.284 squar mie(about a-omce pcssed a-ho hiithstleclsat hso ci, aime Gel SuhCmiie'eais)o a trleofci m addthe hercd esothrr M. Btccolaa-eas subtitli Mcey cf te Dunes re.ompîoyci hcir." Sete G.moche pcocdcd ctedhliia-Gie ho G c.jcicr ccccorciît le e aiG cy h Qoholo acd ts ucnsctcedca-en Ii fcS'icohg mn erai ucmd ho cchhog set cp "c ittîr Chur'ch oc. GrcOchi, rooC icil ohc unieé an ilcinoo. and Brnchs." Sch wcitth on-ad13, h nrw I ttco DuhamcpcthedrcoiA. . i997. ea hihrrd, cul hraim Renaise«Archliteture 187i, the fca-ce hebae. Tt Reaiseaceoarchitecture uc.igl. hcs re rroucdccint.il ct.g I tly c a saiteslaponothe Cespake n hOho Canal ___ study soi adaptatinc cf the Roccn The Checapeckr and Ohio canal cle lcrder enddeign. Thespirit orintietrin h opcjccc foccd hy Cheddar Traces Hlelory ef ceriicchty, s emcchchy de-.Gorge Wcshicngconos o yas17 on h rn veopi y hyot c ciic, wace cho. 0te nkhettiPotomacclyco174, ot ls Trgt cacîgohar itccced oce G rant ddcIn te rRcncisceostyle ftom UdccocteOCumbccland, ced riwyaot2 ie n t.g cnnde, ce ce regogedcol- 1 portagctsiGthrheOhio. Ther ciohern. Vrciicc Joho Ci cnainpcrtiy icriedinho acii,,and aceof tGo Rrcocioc - tond h 4in socerbccico ciedMt acpilisterht orccir ,curfcs e chrc,hbtci wcucecc p coh deoctiitible coi tcm. opechoge. Rrnaissanc.e in 1784, cnd the ompn ac .dsc , Goheceini aic structures hv he . prrasce oi corponcird. Cil his cp00r cr bck oin Cadiergotrrcapt gret soidity Ancicnotabhe, Washington waOcpreidrcl octil is dae ladchhol fonf.tte o srucctuorebtient Inthe Rrnaisce lct iîo cs Pridrot 00te nte cr i"erccvci Gomiel style are tGr church f Si. Ciccool PStts. The roitcict enontri "Creg," mandle 'r c" n Oue n..t.London,, r'chod t.n1M coec ohstacles encd citî1820t5as "wte,, oy eeeoctîNef cflrr pans hy Sir. ChitopherWre; chcoadored o. icuicctichire. A cctrd on the River Ceci. Si. Pouci'e f Lodo, drcio.rd achoc, ccc ompccc ccc itco orgccîcodenttw lrfeth et hy Wren; Sit. P.ce,'e in Roc.- h.' ch o nccctcd thrChesapeake bacecand tiosiOce&olwt Locvre t. Pccis; Birchlc palceora i Ohio ccalfrG eoi ena cdecasetec OfoichIe; King Phiiip Il'a crir. ho Ccmheclactd, omp cc.cotInchr, and Gothcsm; Groà rclci Escorîil cc. Mcdcid, ced 1 850. Thccot ofcthe ookhas otoc oss;ciaGIecrndci Goe cathédral cf Forence., ;i.0<Ooo. Thr licecîcce hâlaleheG Chrddar cr. piecri y he Go Fecesecof Raindrcpe cGsfsiMct,. Conre icifle rticej Tocec erc pu hltril Mcpttr"iof Wocdc'mona-oc, foc G oe lie dry rivr.hi Clorado aot c ,W ersaoMnnngt. tir cr'putigte-f-o he1 rat ta 0w crs ce m on.aGcehilftc i are n ehibiionai hohiccdgcu- thrr' ln motio pictcn it l Ils st.oneseng c.the sbleri seluctofRNturelitor nChcg.hh eton o afim tccc chont1 tc a ltchcne..Ch. Thay acre coulcoue iRter ncc'e cehoir.,optrd rpl5ode wt>tfth. mest ptt c gmal tans ofthe ornGeutripcartcof thc e lapsuc, Unii,,ohcbre l e,- .ntteh oh ad ys-owtéC biis, inthe vohty ci Bouder. tien. ior Instcncr, thc lopur ocf illepr ettéfasts The posetiote Ga mrkstGo drpch cires noy lho hwn o h c. tlllcg dis n e Broietis s te whih theydug bie le errainofedet.s G.dePedtthelchnleIo t.dlclci hey muesthave h.endiv. iuves e drcce hGe pcciof das Honuaes ajc0" ecby aterrinceorest Sae, adete icoG. A Aoriccoicci Engiig oo cter nt etrm ofsuch tesiy s perhaps laprccorcccrdccct,Gth"'V"aseneenmth ctrycamireho, han0crtcbutihave on e hortt or on.7t tcc crte ardte *ca"iaie ct hGefini cf ciCeairaI siceer av bcccnpiwori oaeaccenmonGrh AreGerllabl- id tegehoti c il-c, tht. ooh pace cpprohiey 249chibe iyo amid. Tey à,he 0,OW eux ee for. Gihe rliestîbho. Gît Ode région tonducitm nm bélt.decrehohcivcihoehave. Swaun 'Crads0 a, . cY. Ucti Gheres1cco 17 Rgcc ie h ao !hymr icorefnEegicei ani Span, Ohi exett. Fefret iol Jas"Cynthcialcsh cere ccnet sppcs.i toce Pecrl Mecsss: e.Aihough thie hcgecy t.nltonduras. Ria-er LeceShoséailsrî eet OperacIehyiin .koonace .'cdr .rsicae ,c c Acusccfcpfsccpe, oropîfci HItl ititcdcchtficthatcchcCru, fia-lisertcndthe cutters ,auo *&deorlcccchog.cc.,r@c,, rscng iThe o ccl.io inro t. ocs tolncchlai 'acei fothihpojGeccrto Mgon' ars ttcc Inc 1677, aec iilchacd Slrlpi. Tlie cofcy wase Of Gohe i. Louis hoepicclint.Pariae borne Willis (1819-190tthl coolchd ctped out soi the suenvvoi in IcR. Cmttt. of lighho, prsmee G.oriinal Grmcn in chîch ritonsiae.y. Accodn ta Mo sodi lacis, ecce Ccflilccc Wreklcfi a-c. ittrc ccd pchihd hce h. ccStcelc'. bock, 'The Cshhn prJct ctuloprton n nAmnnonc i150. Thc tne Crut-. rcmoy, publfinhedi 103, t cedm Gocibe o ioaiig tGe ccii. fessor WîlliiIcoo a Siei, olk bih ld rhel en ord inl t.ea esocee011,811 coeerciovndofdteiuen'o.- foreilk ongcin 184. R-ichard Wil subhjm. n' hacde, eccmpcned hy c vocal di..Unlaa- -coicico ccd caoroccy Rvns ne Steaek celait lcccosa tcd'pecn fheGrpi v~. cercaPer -an," AtrccclaIe ida dorât cci ____________ -dcr,diese Junglethroocti sjt.res Ce cAcributecrt Bo& hst. FAR PROM FAMOJS nct rcrtepho.ically secsbca, t -rhblem. ce totem -:"The a-cld ot hooche la - ot le Lodo AeenssMet home,icndc t ot. cccmcnfclchioptj00 rt.etil Fr hreinint.Afc la ivai ccc. &vens o. scNthting t.ueGi hehotiss c c ilo f laic. One part et il 0am the sk. ic ue. Monufim.ent*cacfd cedifns - vr c peut og cctiiictu 1 cdiG Yu ih. pavr lt siiain rwodaddelt uad &fe ne o fedletesecîchor portctio e 0,cvr Ce a-Ill esûrehewcenofoce Gc noUivrgeca tivero ih ahn ie- e-ne aceili othore, OBut.n Ge in- c rweatey re oued fo hae .seceiibitht.hppen aetih eand t ha lt,,s. . i' cict.and yrtlhvc e.nehsii Young, , cnorce ofe ell nce Geh es.tG. dcy iisy aoreaUg neg»uK Fs le,hbtcaea -llic, @Unitlhlhonie erté cil The City of New Yorklbe ris oieh- batsenncetrisdei."Ugetiudergondrca. isla tomin teinGtialec e rtcl.doi ig.eoppcTeooî rlac b-u ei arubàYsi a-alne tif ,kin inouoe m ccesern i . th he.atc'SW11FT ~dépenent City Suhaay anar ica-ili pY«". aL e c co.ttce -000,10; tGe a.M. T.Elerat. Léale ce I. ' PO A Cm Sobwaenoe r.MO.,o a sfer a gay" jLondon. Perle and OGoer 87a hm Picattr or &ou." berc etlu-r 'ALULNC" IN BRITMIN i. 8~b tessesete socscf ch. ciccicc tccsc he imposrtt,..of fi ted "' d d,î d ticscees a eBritain th e ys i. sthe fico o dbset fol crOr th. 214- sdfe xte ce m star t. tbu e chphog etc ththcajopco tl. = sti . ePo. in ict l . , yccciocGcenco ccr -cocoP'. h, dces t th@ smuc" otecrclhs.Oeocf Oprtet o f Trade and Ccco- tiocýndlenlecoc edthcecos. Ï5P]FI Û%ýCadp*it caefuty conn 'e ocrncchts ch ope- 'l~esat e tOc.dpcccflypccd efforts 5er' cMc tr 1cdi.picys cf Cctoa* toIht sti cc.soes. leîhd hy c British Doalcîo, Pgrdoc.g. a DubAte MILLIONPARM soi the rite of A pain,sWth the Son LJ e of cmrd sin" du DEW ED SECURITY ,.f o or lismla M. DEWHIIRST bu b& ~PORT NELSON, On. gol mds I' het ne Mst aprtent Ibei En xprgBdladfed,'Rpar am f ,..% clcE FINISIING-TOUCn.uVp WORI( GLASS REPLACEMENI 8fR VICt tarlyussSlmonizcu - PeiIshing a Tlepo4e14 et à. ille REASONABLf RAILS GV4RANTEED WORIUIANSIOP Wm. Whitaker & Sons CHEVROLET andI OLDSMOBILE -SERVICE sind SALES . *Gsdn limys woos aheem shopper asd qwck Do ccssnp up,, a barga lmt you'il1cecog"e es is BARGAIN OFERS withouc hcr yccrs of ex- Psiess... You Save rosi mncY . .. you gar a sweilselecion of nugecinus "is full yen cf Our arwspoper. Thsc's orbat woeil a"broak" for yooc assiste01... no wooder grenicas-y-YOUVE GOT SOMBTFING TMER!,, -ALL-FAMILY OFFER THIS H1WSPAPER, 1 VEAR AND ANY THREJE MAG3AZINES PLEASE CHECK THREE MAGAZINES OESIREO 0141c6.W. esci.(24 0,o R Old..d Gu.. lYs. ALL FOUR 1 y... . CI Osie-, ,1JY.-,. ONLY H- t kts.rss Mcchly. 1 Y-cc E[] :"dtpcc 6e,,, 1Y.-, OChc .lc .. ..,. CI pA..c cc. W' KI.. 1 *-delolO.. 1 Y.-.. Cricle Mcci,6 $3 00___ L hH.. e OP- R.d (F Y... .Y.. SUPER-VALUE OFFER THM NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND TISSE BIG MAGAZINES GROUP A - SELECT i GROUP 8 - SELECT 2 ON..WsMe QMoeeehege,.24 1me. OTM.sScicYrY, ALLFU O0 c.eesIy. O elsl M ..hlr1IY,, F U i.. l Y,. ONLY Y.srIl CY,.W O 6Wesse fIcl R OCcOY,. .., 1-l". 1. Yr ice. Y, r r, a oo. lsaet .eehc3 50blsi '0 tY.. El m . Otst..cbsll .ccpp ELr...-.c........ ............... ....... ESTINATES GIVEN