epalie ta, 5ahaa e ben-uara *buttr pafdNet lavred moeelclclccstddlrtly tecaclecaenl rTRE est cci t e gt cicer. dita rr led-ba he fIMeeTaIMe0 atoneitcie a taUe.aroneca c harpet. Of corsea h, cite le.tlabellen act-ccd. cc muetdllrect famcflià lIv. eed a ltie aprenten te4 courenanoeeedieehi talnt lea.. yTeelaileccl ht cite eti Hceev.ccMYorusede't have ice Pesle taen la rIc fat canccer".tiBOetuhtvise Pi acl crfa-ri efectve. mal acion,. aicinc taàcîmovingehl- A tei tclrh-4cav "cc jcta cnichaet hir, ce mcclttilia eoeecitar aes. Theai evera imletfircks. c-cal sports. A pieyerr lea T ir c rcl shoeclmclec dy-i atelef1r icatae objecte w c hfrer am ena ci. g al-aeond, talreeôreitenca ceati eraligtt ocaîf oreaicihl -cf c inet l ctitu cc- fnycyo. A eict atndama yorvictcve. Tunmeat I scorie uch aloencwhee recdîceeor tacatec theace ace-h nec-crhlce acf, inaenel.ta eda certe IH, ilc te hier. Tchi a oupleocf dIse Aascondfrct-mcvnftherconcevacîraltesctdcinatsl,1 .a h1 theeape.fedic Obejr ct 1.etckl'vaIre ecih.ul.'c recîref ta te. dcc tieden e. ire prantda e lb, chInes e cante. 'hia tvci Ià eceeielty goedroncsimplate eca0i cte bocts, motrycis,. ccd catel aiea1v.Icdie taIt1 eautomobie. 'cahe bcroundisetc John van PIONEERUNO dits prmit nàtivv qecvtcvvd had *eutgn ontl vv f 'pril cell.Oahatu Wdll e l 'i c.ga teiateamter.hcuac i.iei irtrcl re cth --iLacE 'f .tiratee etulllen ia etlt fer P, erla. forLia bc cc-yaaeclaaa ..ch.h. nyrd- eY ifiYeu 90ey l.Ifbetu Taetw ~acil te sang adcef cf c de h. ry cndrad cde itlenbasiane filat ae hilace ag t m e u. Ptaa..' tifte. ie., celcee rîta lTe tstcian, ehr lwslersse' dtoll eer e i tall enmo c.. h ial, ilîcworcMMtcr il c.a glChitmias c it cta bas,.tcatac, cdch eai i làe avturcteter Mlf. h.uc.. M aryhc tc plea t bartet lan«cer PMa.cthecd led iIam- toratoies- utiseled ca ah. ad tomBIhw l fe ivac t th Fere fer ticleed. mtiemrin e rebe. riillera et.t ament tn hic accriteg pelper thretigblieterlihi deetb itf18» heocwuSesse vllîaech.r a br paraste twlc.. Fecey cay le wccd ec ad. ileeorated cItte ra Lice f liter ar ctcorted ed ced. Fer Mdari Aed facey. te. c ci, tledilth. e d acerdail a pesion. cee titt smmewhcbt eaebonddt me..! baill eigb ta cnit. suc £Amufing te Ilmmenlal tic eofth' bournntrac cblrb dic tialîe au ad. Ce"ceaiecd pilid," endcerhe trce-'ch.racteristica alicli h.tc En Pacer tid "tlg--prebabli mmeo t archical gerrnieml ln prameHall preeleee andhfeeraach mail cand br ltis. aceg. Ne te v n lasbliniju, Hec aet âirale we ceritail p quga. c c aciuch ler.hbaae. of ttc atrcerdlcry talle- rornance i h. fat fth rth" bal Mciba ba e.cen ber cci te acemaropen h. Fraech peopta. "Thc.e.unyeo ernmhr. f teaVillae tlltadille' h.me ad Ibat wccler tirai Ue incrathe e Rolcîl firet crcl. eaccblaid c conteetaI .ctcaaaoa. Mîle h. moeaibh- au crrecectcbl tefrlatccc umrc In TheirceItre "Saudilte aemabody etci.. Mc y thota t aori tc-btocerbaicblthtle ae'dbhavteaslaveandilaverte fgel peigeofthe Wcrld'c fairicin 8" ccrvvaithadeilred atoutsie rO meiter bndreil aia. le tti1914 th. h.dy f de Lilc ca. ca plai ca db. day ueectilrb ch A. Tom tlded bta paper cdenouti cd aa t .vlid :ucaanclcd May oen oe e.Ilrillail i, béanuea puiedail arthi chir ater hiePri edanttrthcInvlideas eeabc cfr ltsaacct abea t t. le. lavrie.resauerant inParis, e sat nometintechn 0 othra h.n& hîe .a.Witt lball.dea p bi.micil. Wbh. "o Laid hi MmArmecSithlf, laIY La cn n.acba t irntc, h. tueceiltf I t, titi7," wce.n ce 0baseetfcupli- the gutturra aldirection cf Wt Tcee. RasonDOS Loal avea lie, acd "LaM id yJohn Cromer, Jaly and r tret leccd f ich. .w.outt? onc. e nechar. Thot ce. ile chri* abeil bacc dccc if leha bd bacc cuapa Oulî Tce Nac«ea lvday tfr allbcdme, cnd ft Jmtelrc Seeig ta hIe office. Tc Reomedlvtded hir doeathm rn h. certd fr hm batilbouae a mr "Nbdi," b.e freughet te imasttaile sx groupé, elfrccugh h. tuccac oadectut place, fr tav" e*ahr "tas gieg le rture fAcimeni. ee.s cr grope de net correapond cled in ft.m ile gleclena ctega cen cccig hel ti neaver itc." hacl. lIt oefilrc. ere Canes Mari dreppeil ente bar loac« te a cerla H. cane te is ei, lice hreegit tcitti,(be.s de)a; CcenrO n p eofeth.eeteancd feit e treccas- ecvic crop- acccl. treansaco. ced face et crle. paecril aheph.nd dcgci; detteccve c amtto en cd aven acenfe t et h. aildmee.gican n thea aivr- Case cactti lcerticg dof); lie., Afttr br prciea ah.lie t hacit irectiona alcueace Pegme.aor bliceaSliefecrce.or ced rcul piclere bec dielty ber id ica gel il qeuc, e auheo ght i coul h.. cee dogeaI Nm.sagacs(idngaecaeeechathr muetbave Iced at lise &tarten iexeaive reemlng bacc..Ne H. ic ren hi crcel; an e Piticebr bridai dram atanding basida bar et he'rO puehd th. h.ttoe n arnbad "ia. retarcaies »Mdega cbich ne. hi heedernaeoungbe.ban-th.ra et Tati." ced acleaheari top* cem e t)l. hat irvali clter. 0flmeeud loch. rieurrlha picered le =mccl he UiteStattles, ocharvea ch. crderedI f thara ce. c .las ch. rirecroit. fadigod l8ldy chc cetililMargeaetKldderIle 1.Los Aotcncere fretth esortemaater coul n'l iae a asetei. Bto ore iltcs't glea Timeas, ce hava sport-hle nrharge. 5h. asupposait et. =. dc .th a oe. l adicng rtd lady. I ualnItnencicdgpue aclh ara the bird Hocever, Mr board h. gentla orInlesce- clircictiycceg anc-..il; =ieu grocp, lertcdih oth atopseofIocelrderti miniter leci- t.a Mie. Veit -aibore?" ha tiesenan cd the atght ourd.i; a dicti cic e f .ometircorridor cl i Goilfer aahrd. wcnilng dcc grece, wchli cclin elle. cret out techat cltrehl '.Cm irgicta Tai," acif fraeftheaitreherd degsancd the doeiaitr0 He heoail et bierot f kitall ycc-ctilad. themnatortllaitcar dogc; aetar-oys. -Thneperhpt' ycrasont. Taticr roue, chich huad no rceler. 'tI ernmerhraIlioug ev ecr aId adi chu advertiard abaout tepart inta en tUrnas; a tle reot, chont bae.mrrlad,' b. e.id tent moca.' cficbenaceee.hlycccrmsninlcupec hearief bier atery. "ced lIva "Obi" The veler f the girlcw» Re m iy pets eravrylpop- bacchave hirty edd iera. Conae ecited. "Yoc dido't tdirdtI" tha cIcr arneftee rlire clase, ced y dear," b. outid, "ced l'i shc e ienIhtleatherhall. .'Tell a nesprticf groop, wchnce Ye ycer parents' ena." me-ice didel, did Yeu? I'. mit donitenleriadtcarc.of th hrnedi Thry c rr standiglucide h. iocry!" ihat h. Romnsca ti.d es hoece icy cear matnm cite chir brada r ..Hre ilela" .id Toc, pulure *dccc ring.coeteteer rier th. gret rcgic- outclpcprr eeveiepr hec ics pack- Thea. ccc grecrica. ccceesrcer- er che o icelttre. hecedeInl atancd prrîrclicg ilittegirfi. l apossiblecteenatldivisions trainctheineonid rctrl gardent. 'Twerti teve-dollar ge plaece.ý- f idoge acomrdleg te hir rlea ta "Oh, Dadi" ha ahrnild, thon yoe era?"te. geerl ochernac01thlcae. Carv- aoppeil scifti. "I'n err -l1 There ascaa ponldlooinci.ber taiitrcadahhaveshlfced greder- didel bacc ithereasmancne cite aaye. "I wcevavrylcg aenhmratia. lg tee puattt Oyrara, hec thic you." Ha teýd hailtadnlg and Ad 1lbilerne prc.elsadcthat'à woao atii bu teedu. e srct ll alc-cdervlcly, for Mcvy ces tle- bitrcraetadvapcthehag." rchangatacamrabutcallerceci dedealoeclypranetadiscct'cr in "Tcc oIcce eccîbter geeracleeueofaelrcivehbrerdlrg. cleerei.. eerae-eahr charnois bug. lilni ed onef as _______ Thiioti lady," eeid theealtd aoo 1caal erl oec." irtycaeli racr bannlgcilbgeo. "tu do,cuserd Toc, a haecclched the Mie. Mry Crer. llhe hec come# ivico tter hppiceeeadrlef.lBut The tract f lard khrc-aso.terail the front cAcnerir ae athe as Virgii laid lier soentTmn fautailDitict et Colombie, chd lecc-chevch ilecler ecparaentcavar that lie a jst unhhppy.aeleetesive In orecith thevltteIofcrrivd. Msa Crcer,tiislaamy wl!s. Wahington. c a cquerrd hce e, Tm Waler.' 'You »e," edla aald. 1I Ict allaioera gavaremet leIn 1789rec The tceieceg peopleasheeibande ta hava chet o enheoc, and I Marland ta prmuaceeof Avtile t. ehyiy huporectli cvi c arcli. l'u tirglt If 1 cycle hat hled f acdSetioln 8tef the Cnstiteionec. - 11 ic-ce rederief," sililMary chueaer b.d mym reay celd hbesprevîdae: "Conruvesalhoit vcercilifuly, "il hace wax the cighcrnî nuli trelr i mertc,eveif ilcsoinpwer taexerciscie euive lrglia lite tigI ceetidhavern the Lc omeeitdy lfrr yo-eeicrnrhedy inenecl cases eheleerver cccv cicech-nsa ocecieto. If terre ilYd pur ora thiaf. Led brr llte cc. nucb dtric (etecerdicie0 l-tira nt eeyticg,t1c-fl lenut taie. a met Vigi h acnte t NewVeotkqar)ala cy.hycesionf par. ttyatoeetrairante vael pâttor a f ac- ci.baloera c-her precteca Itrlraeanc.ad the aecceaccc a îrcleavesain em ofethoelva. a h hrdel aaelegaby hennitfrolerfacocegreca. bernme thcrtncefeger y itee." ae hcrerdrd maa. ertent of theUnited States î . A cernent chant migbt bave bu. tait "Y1ou ensc," ahllsai chernltt, Marland. leIn 178,ead Vigiten eeccrfc-.tInp.db par 'L iveonceile mdtl trcufaut a lob I789, posad ent es tcgtbcnte radv tenppreacb fterco' ie Ilr.".0mile. quare fr cbheael ci gevc e elr I t: Firontce e tine t rdeit. chili rrmnof the.Uiterd SasBel, aeet,cbhtie-ardeother wbem ment in he odgig bose all leom Intu.,theetract cf lent] ll eth o *Mryle aionee. crecete balcgicgeccedll1ecsecI Tm te hrng icu Ilacetee hcac- Ibal Virgieto c-cc the girl ha tee l'otomac ceded by Virgiia cas be-" clle teec her eeiced thee .as geicg ternrry. Buellha dide't ucpeitlce oftee iehbiatc ro arveeger. "I'rn cse orn-I lbrnghc toitler safo efavraltes. Adedrtdby ngresa tethceoprent yecîc-ccciraliere." thbecar b ler Iceds e eagtte cetaie. Tc elncc eitrci e lec- ced ec Yrk didtemlauThorne.r a___________uh d aeeoc te gicee cr aja it s h. cvcrtechi cwfievadie Mary-fic c-os ctedfi cconeteey cera crrd E.Mbt et Crysteltrai eI l icrl c.ctr e fe Tf ,ehteccy long prrtrieiarye- ThetAilenat menofcvltiilird yecccgady tclg tonneirncf gagament. g neitneltondh hemmnofo h hrht ar IlîcaateirtalceivrrynfierericalMuseumrof NtelHi- hmc-tclier pareets, butc1dee'l hair wcadiiceand theoy ccc.Iut be.-ta d ced i nahbcc vimbi ce -ec Itled lMc." Wlkr ginlglteh.teurchnaeecet ne arsecrets lccîeev l ydoest -igh ud Tom wafrr nret ftrc.rcrnpaeiceip tat wnInthe Mteer iode district of Ne- 'eely no atcigecdTcmcann le lneea cite tien., lir Tomrnd olà,aa rcel!y. Clicctu. The ipvepc ls cfc cigcc fetc Trgiia re rai! happy. mecncîe ighrileoced ibvvtefî-trc .lce.. ur ccisMscCroeronc-el "Ilhaveenrntig tabhcw i," eounceaandhboxalacce o nuer ice t ha . e eeoftheold mn-c nid irginia fraI coveicti. "les 1fr. tructere, mcieg e gSd s ier lieî c-c ti uee che ber pnants cenecenieni yprsa a l io. Ittc antut. The gldftecknh iinfovrc ctecedevicce toettm." asecret,.tac. ihat 1cr liane keec were .rockIn te c l ca cul Oh .clvitced Mcry jciilly, '"t aittisbtre. I' your secrt rn Illtyaetercadclleaneclced.v"d le eol cnt lir ag it bouinse ce. teec.ad te.tact Ibal io ape crystllîceil. The rei oksbi necrece- u-r ,trbf -blcdr itcbac-d m trnheAthtteunc aidied ce c mcch i blev îero eccideee? Wr dccc bhave fret caeaosbicand geaoc as1 turebiehe.gnld. and th.eltied kndcinAmerta- temn they or@ frccght liccwrar." moal temli gtered le one plaie sa qeatt." fte elbcoutccier. bande, cite h. cter beevi preneacs. The celeng The btg ancncc. citent&IItisl laintlchamois bug-Tom huitbaughc PrcecucWilong and sow,. gîvîcg ter bel lits eurctl.cpddtefulli illtheArrcideyyend ratcrned teau han te. dla chance ,ecnysalltae c-e hcdhmthrcfti di ti ht eeaeig-eetenii M20 uge of Solmferedcaece.. unMac venig ioateara"ea ie-doliar gld pie»a. aion. hut tae risallitea bic ofI ccvintehe ctd calle daccg "t*ee becce frncaitday yrn Soir!ta rare. "o er o aeMnCoe brooghlt hoc lu me hatthai _______ aenelioneofthe alt cetiar c.re'l cina. A ccrnan eturnaed bws eth t eaftotetlatei miae alcr yocaae bckvlinibt Caasa Trac au Evecreaa be.W ihlfn ae. igb-adl1gaeclierac ardi, Tecaa ter leone oftboe r I iteTomralong whfleape. toc. Thomcc-e ltee c1 hinga- plaint. rnbch dc. botter in afor.dccc Lir gtlfer Mary, but, . leurbicrcd'lbhaverboe enaigulgencd har liaeberne veotry lini re tacMary dtdn't mind in aet neeventic-bwen jie Naive tLatin Amrica iltlacul- cl"ieelt. Whel hryenlenrdthe Laiee rr-we 1lent ten. And îvatd cirfy InWrestAvic. Arac.cc-ccgvc forete teredvracler thealest chamoeis beg. Ande vaeergaa.aas lr ilnhtnir cblctrcvhre.il thng. Ptt Icheue rin, da.e-evandevvocif ec "Thare have hbr nnycceinlies podin.111et thlorlc ic-c. Oddlyi WlicccMary mcienthe lieey lu cben yecrnighbhae eeeourna. fey grrccn e trcvhhcbrv etcl on ccte liervparcel.s ele tcd ecaItîrhen itou cighl ace teid bhnce or tc-gs. Thue revvc I aboutelcie iccvcoand heeahe meabot hccgecrîceaio'd bese,.laccaleld'cavao,"IranbenvIivccccd ,dicclietonccihtic eicrlcel jctltehavectheelen iccrad yeuc'cona. Tbe .dvchc.ccce ..cil.eicudeic-euiere-elen m caver dd. Aed n, itou arr l, ls a ccoma, are beili c-dec(remc-,d cleilce lle r coeicc-ee eeea srtlfet etand1 rayer t e, rie eaudffererc eicigiein ce..icvccaie oaire. The rosicat ceededIle. Thee ia'tccyitireat, rchuas.. Ccosah.nsgticth cch ýiaicciicccf,, M' ac-eîeecta Tmefrn thelertbc uer-" mrnyreacirgevndcovirf venrocsss .ldcrieyounccTomc athe vr But Tomn bcd ics neera. beoe endtng cp le a cep, bel Ihein ccc ciicc t l ci hclierparets originlegroers. Amreicer Indicaa,.cdil eclice icccbvc-. mencly drlal th.m i thee sec and ____ Ceoatet Rittrtfa timlocnl ae tfrem", ta 1Trqoay, ce the asolth Dcvn ___ At the Camrl Maret caotal. ited hi can r meel eceve bcyiee a prospectve prottd b heocel-abcped Lirnc HecSoarti pdvve Tr.ccl cocetiprchecer eactnerathe s e by and facig det,iltle d %Vrl soniceiîdver-scthecciccdc, i'eeht deevc-nte bcaetrnaîe. veetagmuayîriaced. lIn tle-i coelncg l uiatccc icc.tccrvci.r 'lacb ofaî cd caretearegeui ltîma aerbtrtrl ele fc l e maiiltc-i l eu encthco evili, c gond buvait, cbtcb eana .V. u= iy ar arhitetura reies f noe ieclenfolisr tbd and thc, civcyeofvcerve ergyaddout aTe ine îlà Aitctheoor cefrtone n. 'ai inthe ireace. Wbecclt adlca rceoitd andet cracbnd fisaueasej litbArmada neefthe gdlecaosé.coiaa.edrbbeidi cce ei. aeee 'cluts. brcccht loto the bai. Thi en.lt ifted and arried a milre or mort-ere loeîicead tane travel ardama» ofahetriee mentes a aenmcc lai.. n.cchaudai. asLondce Tir -cr0 te cccv dais ita citer cithoul etfui eroclag e4tges ontcei, Cc theBile Maaie. YTc lciicer n' e- ikcvc.cclrr waniéî - Telgemeut, et thea spiderr alting patecîrii the _____________ meth ofte Tein, Newton aibapy. eterof ile wnerh ondln. fui Ici am Decviait chIt leplelresqiie leg deyan cdnoefy r ce lb eUffa, Palgeler in crocher cWeil. rap, bei the spiderapearsce c cc - baca lan. lede la eracad terice. Certacnspdeescalan eca.cfrlecchdreetntàtiaSetimuni.arata soreoa ,& O A cal h. Guildhall. oeil tch tve. te.lare gardon spiderlia, brr h i ii z :: I E;c itiaae ea. ceoiptailit1 teclive or 18 etheclite bccsce taa uIL outtos.iscascy leads asisl"f You con puy more - à & bUt aapoct:re tàr, - - .L- d. Cd YOU CAN'T CET MORE QUAUTY! e CHIVROLfl bringa you the outatondlng quality features of the daey-lndludlng body by Fisher, Stearino Column Oser- Shift with "Vacuum Assitte, Adv.nced Knee-Action Riding Sysfem1* -mli th. lowest cosP for purchuce price, gaz, agi and upkeepl Drive this cr-be more comfortable phyiclly- ond b. more comfortale mentally, tooa-recily entOU motoring 1 bou't ln swtsfl.d wtbuytmobu b. be.kt. imgH EBY AO LEOT! WM. WHITAKER & SONS, Oakville Advertise in The CandianChampion &a a A ndancdi coenct pee.edng-dacerertcg and devaleping h. c.w and botter moiheil cf delcg thlicnlge w. hove le de. Tic. cas ch.. h Itodeefice cf a naw leplarecciores a mm- cobl e d historie avent, but iheascava fthe aery deys ln the eppli- calen of cachanc te fccclag aperetica.. Teday, chages sccei .ecfhc cth c racter repldfiyecd evec h. e ftrevltiecery Innovationsara accpcad cih iffe acclm. Nflln ccy perted cf h. .lccty yeure cof Maey-Harcta hlaiery hba ech cili hcca acptcycd lc h. dcctgctcg ecd develeplag cf machices fer the fccc c erhar.f.tedcy. The Cecpocy'c oetacInl tr extensive feld eeilce, ore teccy tesfti ccc ew osccd deerleping, uciler acteel cendtionc, machicesancd eifcchceta apacifi ecti y colfailttetha raqrireeats of he rrltery fr whichfrcey are lnended. Thea. chather If ha c ce.-hondltcd catidcpleur te a uecd hy a natrv, ced *ena perbeps drcce by natilves,ocache Seeth Africce veld; a poer-drlven mcer te coe. cthetecectcef gocih of grec. ce cn Ecgllsh ciacdow, er h. Oaa-Way Dise Seader davaioecd tl ehlp fhe fumce on he prairiesof WestermCcccducombteeihcsl drfig f ta the relteof daficie sclatfic rcsearch bycthe Cecpcay'. flcld eeglne.a Aed fa h. cetericail cachecteattea hef le fcktcg place la focclag opeatieca Masy'tlrrla lai.n he foefreel, cff lploeaeg in briagice tefeccers h. ltet eve rcects la Tracter, Ccmbices ccd cfhcf poear aqelpcacf. M A SSEY HA R 1 CHEVROLET Thboeu/ ow-prllced car comibifii?, '"XII Thats Best at Low.st Cosf e! _ _ _ _ _ -14 I VcieteCeail cii h iaceired ... aih bahav eceilcer hi ch trhe e U calEle rc n m.ea.iftecethe c.Cm"» a reade&Metlec Ccracmm 1 etce ec.me c * wc oi n raiCcv acc fmr prcd- SCM"&acint lceltou.ecr er Thoir MactI... a" à Octcailfr rduectic09cf l i» tec fe Or ae t-t-ile. cc.cfl te. ctrecheaca . etolecl a df c fthe.c C. on ocl cclt e hrceailfactMd Uic M0ecer .aaaa. laer e .The am