-i. 2 I 112w w2222.8Air.5 DouaSNI8 j, ~ht 333,3m om 2ê -'i. MILT1ON. TRURBDAY. INARCH 23, 1989 IJÂNADIÂN ClHAMIPION TRAV3LLBRS GUIDE- dyS!28180&7 1021 (Ail Tain.PAU moma.dad.IU8I d 222..25822r22588. sANADIAB YAIO MAILWAT MAIN 8T.. . m812. OT. a0512. . flo&8 Uar -=7041.U8 n-D#Àtl.15 22822822.58"-.u1 a b.-D 1 d1. goL5 Peh ..2828282 M8*825 2i6or2.-o@&I7 02.2222.82228 588882888.22 1. -. &04 &m. 1 7,15 P- - »a....28w2 a"- U.nosc.f sse aLIII 12 820412 MEDIlCAL fil-golb. sku ud f. ura«&& d tiT or.uea.o. 391X, tuilO. OConer sud1 (Oail 97SUgon. O. 6. E. SURS Physciensuadourdcsso 2 50000,. 8 LISQAL DICK & 010K KIiOttd i. UWK.11 ËS-A. MAI8.20 - -472v0 47rpi2002 T.A. ddiddIHOUH BarrisNer, zolcllsr. f21. Oiso-12,o do.,OIa.lo.088 M.. ee2t722 '2.ph ... Ni. OdOHE L. ELLIOTI 8251252.5. 8g0i1221r. Soorv PUuli12 0125 -lu . "c02 Building, M"-1 a285. 4212. T.I.phoui 70. .R.CAO#ELL, MA. Ba.55250, 81170205. Nl.s P.bhie, DENI.TSTRY 12 O. . A. KINO DENTAL dUhiEli Offis la>0Royal8u1Idi25, 0402cm. È- . W E. 8A1000 IV DENTAL 5119805 cul20. - 0' Prie- 84e.l 028222 appoinsenu 8cr a* serms ssiià1 auvuos. uO axss.OsîoB. Bouss'8 *-.222M.v Nl1ELSE1,2P -e Tf. ChIPoP to..» 24h >'sno pre. 16 0.5022'. Ti8sÂi..XRr 2 t 85 - 7.80 .lxP.u2. Cu.77e50 Evs2sv T.8osoow Ovsc Oos1on ors O8eezUoo5sows Phose 150 w. INSURANC E LII., Pire, Astomoble, BSujlat>' Plise Glus,. Acidnt. Booth. F. D. DEWARj Phase 72. 02-:8 c-smI M" àse2sU8 POLLÔCK & INGKAM O2s.em t8a0cou &AWorth MONU M ENT$ Dudpflse82 Iqass GALT, PbreeSm4BONT C. R. TURNER fou"falDlaum Alat, sorDawas. sant e5 Dd. F. W. . FITX8>EUtALD lasarace sud Rmal Etate Aiilinof 22es8Tauid v«Meuasd 2.e>s,PsupfflI fur ais or ssat LPuomsab 7 . ' 12,a T. G. RAMSHAW YaiMmiesand selse., V..al=a .-»e. 4. =58dd1 6 ssln.d. LINTON NAYLsER Palntlnt. Paper'hanthi And 5.22583 Issaa Ehiato8.uGlvea. Moderae marge. Wrkmsahlip Oorss..d. 7g0785 223. 2l-2S MILTON COLLMCIONS O Imuar>' 71, 1M08à *Taoroto 1,1eOuld urely'rec2asuend «oa &as o 20bas bille te collsaSa >',r os t22oau odo i.1 manI m.2d7l 0 a>'Othe,4noieuuaïsm Vas. 581o ofsimllar urela5 18jou? KELLY à AlUEN Sus.2000 Trmes:7No 00118rt1852- CoposiftsuSyte.s et Attoa.ss Copecolcos. 2222. F0185 Dm wu. Niboloos Itopp.smillbwu ber ut Thu!s.Psuseol5nd. in 143 He tadieda 208502.8et thfa Uive. it72of rk t..enpt as. bersf n aS in . I18.1, atu127185lundi 51 sund csaon law. About 1IWO 15 j leturd iIornemonmathmus*48 and atstroont>ieslin 52hoe t 52la inFraocobosi. 5288Primais, «. wbere 1e ontesed bel>' srders ar bmomie canos of tfa cafedrl. ne _ isld t7shave beeu devoted to te prfomnce fhi dtiwsad t have psactloed medicini, liing hi services fre tepoor, but ftwuz ie11 diacoves>' offheCoper.dcan q 5288 o t a.tsom> fat rmade hom femme ailes hie deah. Hliai îwosh won psobably comPla18d t S12U0 but 2282 8527ipubUeshsI 88 15042wbes ho loy d>'ieg. OdioatW 1848he pope, il deoibed tfa mas, the center of a8 esi ystneo. vO the8 easf mine ofaheplauetes ev Cng a Lu=f. toerutronny 222 bout no f. th ienlolaid don by 15Copem.ious. îtatifimtism Pressa 288 18 2ehe béat ofnd fou of at .. s"$s". A UMlorof mn"w81 8188112.2 Sds of 5827plomb 8require Itonn M nus g:o be 2 ripn?"s~ Vlftuq Day Mx5 menthe1te tin Iraient lnorder meu aw %0 smits. 1Mont2of8theAlites. - uis fi.dna d 8120012 bond. pilano.s. w11i18w878. limooefruits Bur~ ille hersai 5AU through a weeplu , e. end t iesd a.125.2 lu th 1128 i.8mm12movie <Caslin. Iioed Isepful mm Atelierdrap 812285 .'s 1888the2oeil ai).2. W8.U 822 2584.1m la n.> 8 cmPlishing 1happy doutso 8.120 D - 0522225,22. d tuhe nomUsmer ow lat*ieu.MR H511BRTN a218 b aneln 2 S2225 8mene. Thbedonniez véra l in18, 88dUE.2As filer' spuBt____rail- rowdn 8anpinjus *t àe5<MdB8rd^tt.d harMd ile Donnel.y, lr p5e588 221. 1888222 18*i 2longe18r3]dormi10. ber. Il 5 T thel>ogj;*lk flDu"s 7225 882d2881 armes85a1B. C. H., 812. bor18 2V65818 8.2waWtgsowin supicius 812.22 MThe als CDico t nd ores-tteedted m m tly f. 1lj288q 82205wss' 1.585rr 1dosb il t. i .m. j8022vll 50 82.1.8 dni aewosb .220221-a Plaine 81.Dhtroit Noee reoic 4'S2j.8112oo iarnofte is 515udutg88 tina4l a w oi ookhle The word 18 os"ai ine8ly te d- sin82d distrait a.8t". 8.8sd0" Wto 81»Me irthlla uy of2quetons sud m2.8ach diel d el>'k scib8 mm symthd f. .51257125seesc4i utnhd rneba tdi ng t~~. . o1ers. 10mles 8.1218ciliceu. alidi11 .as1b82 TARIN all055ous! 0 a rem tchen7 annlssiceeo 2 oo.l dte.dii1121..sd rubb.d tiret! bande 881288 In 18382218832.5 And ICimr!litheolrt.. Charles2.1Q oob. egsage8 a.re laid. But Ihese a22208lier Cyan2Abc8houa15 la wipe lI DU moseuilow.d 1 s.ms bve retc. 5d Weil.ertain5.i tstacthasîn. ba 0) ntable exreption,fr heo417e twtrefapuspi ble adowo of oves- W APE dis ;a lltbàb..rere mi 5,548488tatb.oe b b.e o01e lIncubtion o 1the cage worktfoi Ungseai t48.52. "WAl,PU E t18 pe stage or mandr 2SiU5ItY sbar te50-bar*e 15180Na< ookanulrerisi2the Yong fSalie 121the ému>' 4818la2nor«&=*ur, bmplag KEEPS IT P R Whofer theactuelfo12if 8tthelew5a naeb8in818mon. BtDorfthe male 1.s8oradnekd pas hiso. 481b footory going accorig ceai. complotez 4818 1«e .,0... llatd trio ford. rq.sco.Ira te18Olives G. Pille. 1taItydes u l. 252218 u, FLL RN T Oece8arY t8 the Serramis ato 21 roline oldIromstansd linkssudbi F. Z.S.. ln London TII-Bilsage25. 7 But18 IV&. 1 Wo8r7d, fi, and, maYApnsadfrm" Im a" ment rediteble pin.. BAT c aie,8 w lson OB 22858 se'i d&U,'if 'd dof u.tTR y ap518ss >B5 n Pie bai alwaym 1(outil82.522 The on ofyssda soris unw*Acng'uyirs sl'd do u par wodytheprena s ude ature] reno sd1212 8sd mont birdu 01 prey do tfois fortsd BSylvia Craoatan 2es8abc condiion&8 oosuds 25.1bemots)8588erbimahouiCM arit ofeof1gftheyoong, suad f.>' welhsd su dmesurai f.ediffrult__ o.ssdrr4mo 80,888. lqbuiedruoroi. 8148882512ib. -rlg 8lait 11113o. the 099s.In the 52.5 baby fomuls. A2.ordnl 8 4e od m2b. 2f8>re times webly. IMood1ys.eCdhehaoda.me mollard droihr de. "ooh.I suppose s," gnrmled S inys esawdist. lurz*y pr- u 70r15 Srai .p 8d 54 i* se dirorily the n5228 Bibis. ,de>8tedty, -"but ih &s_@~ j ti.cs dln 1plontisgslow w i' aise maie. but lnrrot yea rse 148. su a.2215 resterai. 2eoesgy; nating eeda la bos of por;e sasd havé brh o.msy4as@ouofth4e____________ whlah ara put six 1che deop In48he2males2rem8 fllewt bar82. put rcun tSHORTis tSHORTnt n1h1ier anhsoYf uete SHORT SHORT I1AYWARU TRANSPORT 1282581Immfrobinets21. L oseaise. STORY ar182 kéleioosurm 271o th ,ic np loreare ofeorsulls 6ios.sbel hol ofthe STORY ri, Dally Dtieet Sel'vies ianted diraitiyn2du8. rou2id.1 Co88petéln hos1888s52185 duo.se .dulie».. InChule. a crs ap àl su OOT ITN - HMLO Vry fine, choe pecl»m nmay bé cure -nown es Darwîla.frog ts2. smou hIics. TOOT - MLON - HIIT tepOnsmofllier nmv.?. ru but tewretbrlaid 1122the 8821e. He lronsfs»Aimesas tfaugh a .15112persoo MîbnHomsDpeou lail,2tatlys Il bobt dse em spuvlnls27lc.soulholosueslhuos 2 SightBlbwdfl ?um $«M dorsa flod 88 lav8tiS-02 82mon05880roilCvil>' wblo oppears. tedldn'i hsv wo 0812toe5the point of TORONTO HA000 MILTON 318 HAMILTIN f'i1.733 Th5e Aghsu bseo, 0.o88t15ipus. ln gsuerai sud tisir f .ick nhave. bhnismade fosrtie purpose. dropplas. Ont 88 us will have olght -s su 1,s uces teaprodlucs particuros. Hes u.ighborse&@ sudrihbrs the sgeTerrain u0751thedol>'. If fi's poos me l'B do a srits , strad veltanci .Bt l .18 wmnw.1.2e l tdlso S08552.Wth 8mont al2sieshe King Tut selien nome quiet cornerl" ,nourri in fillecountry, il halas te2 lierhhsud ta dssrcion swlfbe r Young g0 ihrough scvrral stages, "Rusi'. pêented 885228aiw.have ha gseyhoo.d f522511>. TIhaba, long. ' erpetualcina051. Caroline doiter-5.25maina1ral s tadpolc., 22u1 oîth avlsltlag dey, sud Sm net1 sure 22115>'cmoi wiib esprlally heavy entend bte2virile tf. the 2282paer Dsswlns fut h f ro2.aies, when I1151288. 15el' expl.152ed Sylvia. __ teathering on te eatip8.ILil, e.88225e'MafsssMarion" (could hTread>'. hop out of 2hei. parooo 2h mst> rlfd o rom %n top of4te hbad.elare il forme nom82 s.2115 hosi prett esutifat? m - iraI>' gs.ry ch.afd oan18 dr Early infosmaion on the breed 1 "lave17" asshfie wroii?l mlght olv. Csawsppasse8.ead8 ' ies theo.S.le>'. ee lo very 'mesgss and the Aghans, fea.o hoermrobln.Csartsu Sr Mn onle hri ie 2e1v888m2.1a751t11b2722 8052 ell1e wsois a laboio ets If the onlsich Ioonesofthe most owter lnsavo ed it'snet ov- elve casno t hae litle nowldgebortue ltte. grotsque and ngualy o brds fisered end there ase quite a8Ida, ,,f21 auslîrie. Tbsy drib t im t Se lund5 lier8.12 e >'2ln1515gb aoo.l" 1e ellvrwhs08 leoy.,i,h 8505ir8 of duel o. 7, iru; I .hooid ierimouasu. bover. fiat Noah 01 uhirb h leragged 20 prmudly. romsoves Ns-o'Guivso. mois film ..ves forgive my.elf il as>' of 2.5 -k a pair o88fa.. sedogs on7th froi15adl-itted bsr fowrCompos at aàcoseéseond. bIn2theloovrau visitora should bide such a disgu.t- ,r.5fers. i. lovrl>' ladies Oho Bicotesad. 8200572. say823Coieros.Wekly, in£ exempleO a ! 1su ensd Missa ER This ...sttmne. fola.pe..nsols Ite for n52228p505. his 22005 Ogitlsvv 227 e,12 ,r s n a Rdsr depsrted.107 laiudeosau one.8migbl suppoe.&A. It was paillette50te ebler uatch dwurf lorrm about thers end oonel lao ule smy 82esu ss.P. Haoilton Goonoslla the the paper forslhes r e1>. "122ve tBld IrsItel] and le euvlod olilong, ad for the o2tIre and mens sois.lrs- LW BETOI FANES TOR80120 letreit News, for5 52e lila u.hrhw1fe27mlmnpe"ds arifnhr. On 0,7hs 2endeuof5 a l7yo.tesNo. 0022 bssud how I Seed 1relata!moe pIe."assahd taihersell, so.rsvd oSe1>' Nse , lber isaineil er ctch- Di .soosavme i 8. EoDoo LICiîO tohidi' ioel' oltd 8 b.Susad 8 rsr27 'orl> sei 02evv.ggy. parîl>' ,aksd and12bi-igistiy lag sud ldeohS>ieg the souruu i eow S 227740il bROs 2L..2OONT hi, ord Partie wbm., ln. 88 Eg>p.1e a2.1Ssar. oorsd srok hre a ily-look[ag os filtothe 4arrivai of 48e iraIs 3. m2 20 .yss sd Prol wboh.lu ors 2.At lestI'Pespleo.d smsloved lier hertd omposrd of hugr bill and cteeolai.8viilors. î3~ 22~77. nownstehav llourseite ew eruwer. asdte abs w. coprie.d te eyeohorny routr'rianthandsînu lll.....e....b-a0o70he2ch.003, ?!m 21 l o Solf82tmimsmr. m e. fthables letlasb.d bea er ..m.. b-%.. àr8 Hsy071w488'birl'iîi.ssdie. , It in difitouit te deermfro 2t810b 85red te athes>' eryexpert. 0-100 0552 1. Thenatves iv 72Yung i 'y s 87air h.ig in 88 direom u tireai!8a oleder, or whether 48e &se net sîvis ieur'ms boa buin. and lire devolsd tu thsm. posuplrto tha f e>'rit o ie Afghasuenat sd 118 22B7 wte18 h- et verl.ly ln his diners8.' wSoie _____ed b.orhaIl 4.22.yupod gW.n. BA NAR theAfganS.bouito! vie.net chat Ihul Olympien, end Spur Mrso.Bur. f4 uile mat laMienRydes. deaof .T.B RN R Sufice Il 18.87 aytaitetype O ionns2812525218ted see filet menus Prst Footiball 0,82e s.0t150ing dr.pe or10adyisg th Aibu .odb __Wetrbsi usre sppevdsd trom vhelle 1OStire tiritfootblhl ine07piyed 8man, deliver tme from hlir lurrsdic- blu itfnte emo-y of man. Tey migbithsrle odsmenue.. inAmers. 122re ev. riaorecord. tieno.s frhove bossforne ries, eir .1 . 80e2"Flavorlsgs8' sinhecd.red sa Thero la, bowever, record of the Vlves,.highan d .hsill, low and forho.t4g or suurl, ap.d-bma.lle,'Ildoubtif poos Chasle tret Isteolegaeefootball fSerreSuIl. sot sdoaresvoire, .215- *n laon slght refher tfaIssment. Tbe>' somabuoutlthormbutl'IIl is>'. Lots& lntthis country. "lis 010 722l12 edg uesi' &0 sudmolgrmst sro ou e 1 cuple..ai4te -ctotrente tsalves' liver' la fairl>' champ. betweeosHuiliersiand Prictonoetend deUvesing chies>' mesauges 12 î8siafaoor>'tffsotvieo1 imu lli ver and oins, ewBrunwik, N. J.,vsmhvember he toit'8 iltpatientsof E. C and tise femtal isteherliait~- und afteswords,.appie dumplins. I 13, î1«i. 1Rusia w on 69093itl . fao.-ward (sîsel eal 8885oit ea fumeetcg.mcanule aveodee bousin01mut learols'h4alusse'tfond,1u.Inp-Priscton4. A reluira match %vas wslsof rosly pesfame; sot rustIe 100 .8.,su fs bve ee howope ose fgh fl U th51e wosld il oubed fos b>' Prinveton oand lth s!ec.nitquite ahu; soit gleam from te bries domms end25111lleopards.. suood. m8e lihe a juggies. and 1 und gnraas u.i.ayed on Novmtvhsî euioateewr andfe whiteaper- __________ nener dld likte ss . ugass; zoomasi, Princeto inning 1172t27itr ilî, !eotlonof on .d. flint toi sot. carry- Vieft Dlm»im as thugh lb,>' oseetempleS prov. a2scoe oS0to 0. EovrlisAmr- ig ot glovs ad purs@ rome 2815 IU5i25 liesse throwing platsOosd good ica ooall rII s eoe ftlevnsd Parts. Ironlo rompartisost of soch Bahmso.n'a Eoos'olapedlaof the moful liesasoasd. But 15 oint after 227755. vlsîtûo vie88522f.ebasd-worbieg, bord. Vioho 11gv.. a1t1518 sbowlag tfacos. fuse 82>'Charles' uffrctione,2121 and If_ ssabe, ia sddlotd8q77 vmct dimensios o8fahe ville ets k alancmeul2sa illodo 1the bsric. sobitrsse. C. 12. Smafl wsd oblshid b>' Vida; 48e>' reprenaut wite.baI.sed thsy'sefnr el e steî 8 5e xa.LibtiC offonursUen.pou.dH. oelong ootos the «mt pincil.pa dmesieoofats8af." her l4re 0Ssseences te ebandclaohig the ilng to the eeryIâne Sradivarius, tfa Vuil- A ubse ws * ored o io ib Lenrs i fithe *taire; paumaid te Eser ler se- sunie or La litu.88 eSiais.sl Ad 8 1eod 'si hB2~Lgî o ltv> 8b I rr'.,an au olimwentTotal extesrrChalesgave an udible RT o ot 4 hedsovrroS filestim. oltroloandaummonhlerestime o! esgb 8 hdy 1 inhe; s pprietlo. miheunlh. sutered th.e7oitieg proportion of thscodfeev boor humos, abolieail eserfinelo>alty usarllîtupof bea . 1Inhs beadh heuresandb edslie h.l.»d A Arabsahbiser ntivsd oneuait- end «llumitforithesoillia po acrou pper outs,6.92hahes ;hie 551.le ide bote ad o! loobigessooo filetfiles 82577,h57of ho'tesuso,hote .sie el ie t nter mroadf srea avmi er bots',leboraid.tockh runssouoly fpîuSi auSSmtrieve 1the oisudlag spoobai glun.. : à Whool.,12f !Ierbnu e 1emat dowo Su table 1eho bvlsg ibbiud .nt22thebrsssof th221Ad as@hoemode tfat brie! pause - u Butinlsûamsu,2 4.3 nchrs; engh etho«bout, 3fai>' boamed ai5the succulent lîver tonfte 1uh; th22e SIo isvstiga ed,, and lried te rsgai.ier ernt.5chessi- inrheIstllegtrom baue of btasutt-i a laIqui.7 islm of75001ind o.. RusI>' reauisd fat 15er est = te notcb ef 27Iai.., 7.8eInchos;-ed oaiens b. olets lithoasod flb.large oand thon étendedri,,hingg 2520.Zu .hed olf 2 a Iiggthcoh ,sahs0w thOeaert reOCdar wl 500095;2. donce t22tol ho' lehi istdlsa, sppr boute,.112 15.ed polalo. toppeil b>'paprika. rues. artOI her800pOituH~ 1 î1.2eachat; b.18121 of ai@,.losboard of pries te lher later r 8goul 51124800122ahsI eo nusfmbt8falogoi gldnbasthousndg - fbots.1.5 teb1. bch up Uri ong025 01522of88 0107, subscriptios basqi S er Tri b.sk, . 1.20In.hs; m;rI.os48ca e srhsuros 5211s o ts 2motte id 222Confucius. tu té azoe tetp loorwrd. And f.boord,101inTlches. A vlilu con- And ohm 1the appîs dumpling i swaiess and di0 ~ sh rpl. THIS NEWS A E ,1Y a luis" or 7t,0 ueapareute peros, sudappeared haomTrotter o8pletebl>'and oresl8stlb.ceu se01sa to hoicesele n n aameUtd-lttfrPieSo oe *v"revarletieusof wood are us.d. uoggeuied u movie flet ver>'se- Cakn h hle wopeeddt i neetdi n n OaieLse ohfrPieSon f,- iclaisg mapib. or place 08d tofur ira. lelUfls mettwlefahobars 8. luionsire, Esglosd. arr (or tfsir otys bontil s, the trsck, sni.rfs sund bridge; boss give a raies.etthé15. oU rtsablwe) lansdi ld Illethe !oiIowig Wlf sotmlips Eilîscoturoed sud Utqa.Lsai AU 80002. . ... nd sprue for Ifa b.liy. fe aro f hong ber wo h>' froibd u.es euroe;Ansoali>'. os Paim Sucday., tart.d 18estes No.?., sud stoppit, Asi litre............... 250 e rcoro, fahe "dg, U1201.en sd fougtof audit diebeSore. fasle. me.lS.nef.heloaai smied te the pot. A 8man0ans Aei.i- ,,G-.O .......... 225 e souodrapout; ebony or ru..und fot 'i tsled to iee7yen wbat.>'us shorcb holdiog u greeen.1215 pur.. standing b>' th. poudectl>'made A3o 20.1s103 fa te 8ger boasd, 2nei8e pei ofi. i2.lled. de.s." esle s.Id. i fogbl cooeiig 5loi shllings sud asiloos vacantit22eansd bhoBrse Ios ine Ss 5i. 2.352. ldiolv IIInMouo go pleac anite flpsce buton wich 7000 21252jot rsys&bout 188227,5penn>', lied et tfe sud o of er.seal ofreachinlout for thoffcodieg Csc2.3528818 . An supports î. pie.." abhite wbhhc5ecracs h roc lbrs asesof 88 221.siHosrilled, ElssCh it;, ...i......... 2 "F"0055 spaoo h l ho" 5ecrîed. ions outald. fhecburchnrb dnud mettait orwasd and 5s22.hed 522e cif e .. ......... .....3 lm88 %Vbe by lIsuS. 'l-ve eenkind of smlous-îcill, i .lh sse fes822 gsh7over th glana2of vaSers. u>iog: "Yeu CIiti.oH-., _ ..._ .... .1 ot Vrl.Iehdseem ire wlied terrienpeinver>' cloaergyc reui edl, hen menssg: 888448'tve drink15.ytng yousec, CIi.,,. ..2..... lu Pagtu4 Mae SacreVowstright. 1 oever otirat eusu aober ftrougbosal the seruon' 2e prses'tontf. tabes, Il mghl ho deuil>' îîd. liM.g.. et,......... il Vulo, duinl48.Mlddn aes Ptu8 ~5000 sus s ol ySaB. clergy'maen1th.puesea. thecomer.isntDonit Yeu h.oobolter?" ov. d Wssoui.spos ethe ravages ibres ornetswt>' xsonoshe--od th terme oflhiandhlersvoicooacronsly matesnal; ooi~ osv sds As tritheblack plagseowIsilteIlu, rs Buronsgoued. Ber respct lassislàtfied. S 088 w. ...52.....sml boy Jud M8 Commercial5 rolodab.li it v efor lbtser-Cmotira poper aoraid d ______ Boke-gray aezeemsunaidoos ........... ?,6 eW ,«fddf su ,ul ss.-trco sussaiNevera&gainsi holdbgig-ethlier foma six-oot heightuand the 8..23......22.3S, ,A tnne ci te Levant. Tan dim aige oves 2the.111> gls who .5500e te langeait0088 5215850 eParla 8.1.82 ,southecomoot dratol> vnive Nolool . .1 M..hl . . 221n731 wm wasgart AddS a divie visiatici lavel>'Soisp5erIienmfor suvies. Brttsh barsplpucoudntski ll ahlbuecsbhosrd ln al2lierork- 22010 N..Wssk , . ........_ 400 and punsshmt;In me faedw Site ît sik.dUsSher gratideThe CampbelleArt C7887og o r dden life, fsled tef. hIle r12- Op-.nd iR,l ...... .. 3 a ster b envieandblt hrches hswt Be ar nsm 0 "Co.soieCilete for htotft2er, ilSbandtneds ie @&isd:My itve- P.,nt. 5221...........27 te80nome 18820218 luLAMI. 2fonceConver»n' . ..Sbe woi.- Solad's forsigo isade aboutit stop, airs1ta1e orolded 15>'snob a pcstty P.fiirt . Os ...o....so23 As the rem et thlIactironl. thederadIif *IlInewspapor ladies ltsd se prRotlaaly 58ma18eris uaedin girl es ui 0Go on, sa> sme mora, hiopi.Vo ........... 31 Adaiai m 2.8la18dota it214A88h 2 w.velos dames 1112e ibsl-but pes- m *Tre bagplpe. are importai .plesso Ioloot f1812 yen rodanct ~Phî.k.si _ N,............31 a,.oharenisswriter ln thfalmhalte 18 would sot lb. seesus>' Woodfor thoa dedn2s fromASruIl sud RosylsI>' 288oortaiy Pop.lo, Iehs. ...........25 An.nNi. r11101 sas8 ucb a triait No . eor tfa West Indien, ronde from uplaloon filt 2e Bwus laghiog et Sos,., ,.,o8 2....I..hiy..........0 The.form'.nsChnrch or54885Saintesould 188pu5 tos de..stinprie. Bpain, Ivoi fin ir fis, bags trom aber.S'ut sealiYfewates oSRsbo aliabra1e faéplais.w om ma tice.115eput os 15r bat and cent Asralie.Thoghtettartans whch dilant, sud il mlght bave bbefe:s ..d ,i12l,iC-. .... .3 te lsacit8lu7 . ntyeura 558feSr tfe 820051ln8agSoofSdsllgbi rcoses t1116ipsaore made in u.Saasfiletos dedl>'ponsor JIUI..is. Quotent: wu laiton. b12thfaE8glisr F"2i' 025t uo 0 d!And a5>'way' andlb the s lan 522105bns rse eyu a foesb drih.ou ad elle watt i.,1. .............25 adwlhnWiefhrop wo fai llehwambrrî sioh its p1euroosMrs.fitema ase uao.y I8250 .12 SsnmSorous velihesself for blldng 8noT7Siru............> ...25 fae City of Boston, Veulco Arme just Sqsibbo anc.22>' hoaldn't elle ma.> 1221825 sd. hutly.>,,.i Mei l ........s....55 .sdiag 18 g the l.black plia _______ _____«____Let mecarry>theguos;>oalokh We,8ue H- .Cu.ri 2.5 22 = ir it 1573. &bout utIl n, rottieUNlifor aYoung Tae people voaved tfatSGld would grflermn atlcmet fa 8817he ety he chucoh would b b B1*W *duvothe mnlo ngng 274 utuburalt.Ï1011 fflt ansd Ilait es st.d tfa sud T Re enist T.deietewon 14.mo sa8 o8f eaiegssand the ulfilimentof uSeOh ra.snt lihe 4.othor., faeas.t.to.?riciait182.1>' 485 lIed and CHEICK MAGAZINE 9555550 ABOVE (X) ciPUai n S et ia 842 u X J.fuE 22 .8wwtrib.shd 0 eyouenssibribapiersa fielIyero rd i277 Aimunt erecy obect 5fetatst l'1 .a.... 1380282e. Boerywb.re are ploture Parrthe combtl aalo t0i 1c-frll Oursse a bow in wmu8 t fa teeSo peumai>' wa hlb 122"38 82575t............................ ersoeiwinueagélea dispatchinfate wnrtoesud Smmeiler-W a 01028. Dtmahog 8=13.-W. 9 Coea te COuiJNTy oFr-AL.O 199-LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1939 208228 . 5 tu*5.. 2 7 2 a2 7 8252222. j 4228d. N Il 8 4' 9W il, a -l A777I2~27~58.2~ -0.85"527 8228.8 Pm28 2222252 5.25 k-l. .«8582.2 2.29 J12b An tn.,.2 i...2 585..2 .0-S288.221828'MI . 'i 8t u81ma 5821 d0,%,.. A2212251 22227282728 s722.2 . 08.,f. M &P-21. obi2.12. 58b o0.2 Byi r w . 188 it«m, Olft 1 s b. Pm".