mieeting er tee111l5 toniten t.t ti dendoraltyCaOnoneilnt ttni t t--a-tee. cedt nas etateNOU. tc l viti, th avenn cd il leen-TO -leir calmaî neneeaer pasteisatiion. Iss. tte . en estetWen Th lt-e tete e lien 1 thelWIItne 1 Itewsno.Rieece . skltethec g I. -, , parc et ln tcct ,gc Itt'.,h, 'e I,-, t , ,ig -c, na..tIng I.Ot i- LgcIatt tcCo...tho.c'.1y gca la ,,diu.«i.g -c cccli, municipal A base ield ftee cceeLime. DM' ta c. £atenlieid itc c iceeptite affairen, Mdt. Cross tcid lient hi. 4.- Columbie, frnntien Dnepteotetn-:seamn J etet eteas ain.n t t.sc e eenltin netsit- tet~n-tAtteI, dtetanitasnennit an iln . thl e nvnan att untmu en te c eee us aSnteTal la vite ngaredtta t iet 01 ie O - an.ie nent i Cbaien$M« Of tan tisen asanpittiveut tué tn t 'Tisn tMeY leteattinttvin e iin-eHal. tie"Dl domvtaiin oe f lt alite.1 tnc netn,"en-Id Br. Ontibe, "Sud BeMr.tnt.t i lnoaia tan doe Bs0 ns-istnea, C. meted oea*.-fC5 5lessn a Wie iIbeeteti ete t eit t.5et demestitane.e.IsiCwu van1tint.ofnzoas"ttrAin" tane titanes Doae, n te UaprvetennYen mul et rete.tac t.tl imens linvina a. tnt.r senainent eept-neln,'hbune.- etei i aven sneltdet c i tene.. t.edWhots vestiton eptiffltone ilati, «sadteintier seed«tne en-ilier tatDoton n lths tainet * esiintn te a iUL" von t sien- te&a. Lase rot c ditone ahave bentulof t te ln.A".dMr.leincesan: -'tan late. mayia n-l pin-et»vrs týt.d nite ta wienn yen eau lueedeirttiletn8n-te orsrand thaiet produtons- asPessaitt iaei U.10 anc bau ne entin lis ent in os, ., bayrad e denbt, eteon lacetrdoUsut. 1iSMait.t.ns .seulewieti ther es.otnanusetir tbati tset.tty o.1alln-len tet sneud 1 betate asUtiaPesasest' gcpmn.s.bt hedoOnterioMnicBpa ten chaen lndned. Oir e lintmottnt Asocitiotnn, btant n-ost IDt isee et & aptal nDe sesdltrooaensai"n te null],irenslnt oet m ieantlalithe Anti iai I tsthanore ti fnnta- neitsolld ai Br. Ceea' depaclsen stewni e k net. dot Ye heavd e Z vaso t1..and estwaw foreeenmoteleîtrAk- tenturesn ie. outelmn- e eatysn-e Then Wn-ds. acant Mr.. Contsi er tmtee OW bcenv as eeissi asine timesumit*ah.ant il 5' "aiee toneldeobi OItti..thne ok lasntsein-asThis'Enlree. denelt. vm ii n bse tepsnatheeq" ins4,"enid BMr. iCe, "y«n ou.c en-nenneenl .Ms»tieoitWtle« bttee.a. t rtestsinhe ttecet le 1-- ',n-cs sittistsenta ite rPnnsOfitlagein. t n atela as.t, b le ian tlet oe tamxatien. Tiehen-n-si YCeet I,,,Y - %et. T5icklIr POPepeleant@n-Ofeth*u Ot. Mr.. c.e.espeastnaly tente,- sentmsalie a tbit.eOuet iec cWi rovnineae-n.tlyldsltis zonestss wee aMini tanseete.snty nos.- ipîes. ettienMansechaierten-ncd -.1s.neetnlen aircemt. T' la i- nOU,&ielsa ihyasi s it att.ls boetteye eyene OOns lo tcl gCee.Ient-eruef e t butiCtompelete seintn- Itinrtta te.os"etfthne ousty as metth le mue. -cinleen-tit. dormne- ient.' ta wvasesthasn s.t.eI a, taeebuastoes naset etr peett eacyaea we. 1t.eed lktat90e but te At âesene Pituitsr- ntat o tepnelnette i. ese . o e rtt tmcOe v yen'entivuing eetid a 0» est.-ho no tit. Rt. tis nDMuat can-nan-1 and wWtltee nt On &ctiet.sssit. .clnellect.slmie ovente t.iX:isntt.y-gene, onmaeuOtoh.eoir Theiien nlci pe eth @ aiAesieiforeent et teoln t itele cen-t- oiletina ilstun opeeetm sEo ment At iu te inn- thne tn-i505t ed districtsi vent .allylie la-.npublie Welte s t-snenetaeti. fosr lcal 80"10«ee. entIsted.Tien A- plittt.." Meants' cities. Thi st-Ien cseantAtla l e sie- ynnl«ti-it d- B. Irintg wonackn-st tie thes tas astC.eei]nn-ti a.. at 40,0tei aeedc taled ehall.hot h. t.it tnIhatte, t.e.in the linvisi eslOtiOnn .B.id stese tîn ml«aldaInt.On- 1hs actuelivauent. a-c anatt w'n e entt"Boelt ieUB. Irieg, taeio. Gris. liitoties het lie iv.w tie ntenotsuental»" I 6t l netCEae& ended biir.Bs.yes, t ttac cttBesi la a fesleabéttn theati -ns. muely thes encint a det *eui t tti ien-ift. t'itI.conseeti bclancgeead-B. ocei e nwu men, buttmr t.. e tW pien-'-otteEntir en til! it . n e itnt. fornte c nnteonn ced lapai'stean àt.davit v abnli.. ni1it0 lnee.nistit. t egartt.dtte fan te nn-t 1.1 msnnncer iVwiei itshan-. etceld tTit etesnaiolnait mieesc., an Isecilii iatusbuCe ntetient;distI- aOecethe tt.iteatione. et tis esnti eoretstateaiLntttc, bitmlencahvwu ane oteeanl, cteilutt. -in-d dogecst@li.puten-.- peenel pelilts ost ta.e.» îta OIt An. esilset n-n-g t.n, type et tent, foteilt e loien won.caite entitedat i n-otststetetten cittecetha-tas Ponetvaals selo vihteantth aa buae ne thlas sesus. net ase enieat setI i971 mdtitenta pn-t.teelandsI. Bn-ci ueeanti r.Be.lo Inctni r, thitdtaneneortaset-esinnea te Ve. ceste. an. tn-ues n-e dee t the ictett.ett aiers et teciotiunte tait ex- voutiibataetis t I nmtue.- ef tiel sae.ee-t.iee et etn 5itttprelione norgd t .1J'orettala eanaita. .ti liait eatait y ptld , n"ittled -a-. Botte'n- ____ .I n teroued fEets 70 tee.. suit ettit 1h stienc iy pln-itste.sW ILE ne eilt.nd 'titi tsne.for tea attentioen-tsebiteIsa Mt. att a .5 t. tei . -Ontarnio savaemmenta#.reusaite sent en-i-ltan-d se*s tetttht mtstnt. ctte smuiceipaldclintt.ee.cestiropoet thse nbitofhet a nunerengedi. golCrsmscee-iae. vil bu ad etier ta.eniianalon n at- l A revsiteoftet tan metneenî.t là ettn-i.ciGeorgaesmeteUidonePa roebth rtet.1 almadybainscoistmpla itnB y thecuces tiI.Snd.'c edtan tiaego-neticeen.t.Boins: ain tint ntn- neattntwebI my h POFnCritmaset letS.t.Ita fie tourraceso onscitat er t.ili titneen cntef5otisenhthie TeChitmie itt.ts fO temakd a a hhmniia couty ndausu oti elnicPa Ti ere'sn Cnl c mteetlsbctieet.l c neitdvrtax vitini ad- f înitiel seartey.An tatam-n. OtIlilanTit d vnfcstic a-ei-atlt t if ta. snthe .ne.d .entudOîts t. l tent. cealr.Bee i tiotn Itedt.ie te Uniet ttn ted eetiehStintir aase, iterd t.otsetemnined ttot nitteaitesn hoa tedd.W6. venhi'lite ysî gon'-on- T.enr nael. vtg. aveli Attend- a$hal continue tateated en- lasieOn teme tu tinil er ane nt ]el tas a. "Tnhiee rgat, a gvenacse-ment atand-cetiestn peenome knssayeeetliniont. iHeîn.lt dilebon f ithe *chau, astsititite t.ittin tmlenset eenttenvno t.tlicoteecliotneoftaes. in-Ii mtrteeitnst.an ticetef tanf anhe sui: oles.. Titn preeine,mniwona et-I vsstd uret-nyen ntlte Baendnt enlin uliteiel. te rinnes, joli ad ntortslnte yoctteien lit-inte rs a ioittsst va gr"mtaerse eting nnpreeitheeutas lned i. Cteeln iasnoet eald hi. el. bustani eler te.a unie te Mntlan Unolultmnipa eeurswhew tint moe cnsetasse.tlît e O@a t itien home et Mec. A. W. mue nentatnc ese, an e tee al vWeolia.. iHe la tee en vo an Ses lits Oeec. Tan iensiraB..W.raiacndthlt sepr îtt.n oftan mn-n- t-e maienDueon-aasif.inesinr e-eBols, persned.Thi oesva. ellin-lties tien@cehtat.iiseot bte net- tel tn-cteeMayhae th@anoireneIn eit-onieteesbte t fs-t Tesaent intO. wic, en Lidn-e railinsoal enIo l,, .etn,ît uven an atMe. A. W Cn-I Scheel es nar thPrtiotn-ofetni- maieeodteeees anonoutaealidtee An excelenct tent.U gt.lnt ialteni flaietman-einsnpnd ln Tee- an-d prteelsin. Seno nlies ton aeiMBtachaittCampelsl, andsMiantDente, Kntotn-, Lenden ant ceanl xe-mtneemtanteste vecn- tssalelcttoa etee ef-nst Becm. i.nteencenltettngasîm Ontarioe ne are vaid-se-tletes It.l la teetaHu . . A W.Ceoute,UM.parteofiteDoet bis deparmiennL eplieInttsilPress forearetts-ll lemn Bes. M Campbland etMB. Ct-m. pitat te. Otitet-set .- ngit son a whslesllivettid h thsiee.. hnJn-sr etin vilibi as stmaetssiteCneti fmuilt- tieist.5on-renleiefsreui. Btt.s ld nid M.B0cB .tcpe.'a hotme. pnlticc t.ctsW e nves wveed ot.2 me rendtiet rst.n-ieeleateen-t ftaxs a c-- nensIdin-g lathe saer emttln-ain- etn imnlet me t sel ie orita h atta niiule&i h lifa.edier ieant bîii. etin ZIMMERMAN bte e, e Seanette gnesent anct tina.u el n-lntheDurrell. eensî1-itet Canacda-mallesta le i euh. t-a thltîshoes.:-aentlIntruse. Wi rs M. tnd Bis. S. E. tiSinl, oel D.-le.et iii nit .îfîurroea anen-etl Il maieln-c Or.naecao ascn OfseS st etete. laied ud r n lnet.. Het. Bt-. Ct-te.twmon te- itnciey the Sme. enrienpe tf cae Mr.E. Pttietsnc.duemi lieTittcnA. Ilanieit, sain. at- en nvtt5.cled me t beteeuir Tien Ctn-.aniey Lnguew«s e lif ee tnt. lie nue mssiee te l eiasget.T s. Y Wndotisdat- ayvnndcwilatasthe ii-W"ennW. N. Rianaone.etOa- metn enieaient esreer ieelelWhiltanOul . .thletad ntesipO ill~. eemn-aIlttee ta theitase-w cag e mdyt- ned te essnlr BMes. C. W. cBiman..li areofni s c tnet: "Cenda," itsed hy chuttelle66prrdits. Tieheir lit-entusm. Then elovîi tetitpare:tHne.Raset- Jtdgn Benre,.BIlet., and prese etlitiefor tsptaistnin idMte Ble uri. nt- Mm. etArhe. et580tdet e ta yHesinCncset-, B. te Iedigentian n-s nigient, accoed- BieI. MBue, i.let PradoGalbit. Pt, i inlne. M. Cte.t- erSi tselciite t-"i netvho tinntsMm cC. W.tBisdman, Mi .e.lsce, i nn tactîe mit snt- netas et e. n-et he.in-setiteeobligatiense." anid M.Bs.beiWiten. m aletIliatent ti eit ln u.c. No pren,ofust eee t h ltOt.lvd MBnace. KiCntantndtU3et-tIenata*e se tenlieten eietnd ente - tadcteIdai, n-ethotnnettat t- ineat, fotet m,tq ertsan ela .cilt te aM. and BUn. CW. tettgst.c. eac enteeuetee ty tedathosin tn hseeli i ti tud e anerieeeI-n The W.A. hldthliete sn-taut met- crot-en- nn- tfentecadtitn-tteleCoaa- winet- ee etoitn--npot, . alt o-e t lea n119 n e ometfBt-a. ti. Oce ieat u.nt.ial ilrit, mtasietn thie qurertofhe tchr-ift net nthemacA ats clitet IsIcnietwuvies.decteecnet n oucandie. s, aIitt.- tise, setor'pesnpt-ot!doftin-n.lit-Mmt. Ar'ciee.Dli-nIeterraaent$ltientnt- industries, agriceltuen.sec Oyir l eai sntrou ie edlproettmste aniesel-e tet-letes. t,cmtandMtae . Wese ten-te tn'tpaantsd bathe tnelisantands ien tAireetteRoersint sitedt a Ctn-ada iatttinf eottnittee, cesitnctaeenltne i tdepenecsetit-snd vita Bs. cntdBMm. P. Re&,n n-en Wet u teandeofe,na boterneplane sed *ttt-,e.pet. l.ut. redeei la., tiittite.tictî]ivet." Tienspaer thast ant 1 ihtel thtie-ltolinecontet Meurs. Anold Pititea"t and d tîut stan lcngttaita the ntional itt'tcs tsOytashmoreelit-aesc. ien tîM.andtBiten0.,uzztieeoee escl! it- ntiocnle tress-& .ye Dons i 1tadtmsir eitrouefoen r. andBe. etBt. ti. nclisilt.! eton titî Bteatnse-hvtaIfn-e-i te tsc t. t.ZY it BM. &%O. Wl-e. Wle t9oendseitAustraite.te dli s t- ite n-ta.tenle national dilit tattile la -cI ieors taeteay., vitlen 01 Nossn. 1181A%. sera astn a"Cs do tes thei se lienIl oet net. have t Ian-oie A naieIm os itase indnthIne letf ratteeat itecontacteitnd tlh.ieat osei. Tee ie.t--iItsttel Woenta'eIntitttittît n-t tachome aPM st.ttg tmc catienali et-it,l.At s etîn t-eiels-een- tsietlsCtest of Bt-. W. Luite et Tuetisate- meriCt.n apt-e .tt.eItr istieteolicilltoleldsational deen-thte ltnafiipaetttttsd'talleeau taIlli.eAeteit e làsares. aneune tea enesi -ho1loft totorse ren t bu ~ oSa t iraasiSiTIE enise cntetCanaenlaCn tt.lnt' nier,,, nacient ear bh. ttenite Thc e s emiueasg img W.n-ltlitentieotcl glait te ,67%. volet -plo~yaenpesaensannE taie tenteIwuvailliet ténte sae.niCaeatle ite ie.Ctmonent ecepintes ea ttr eienttdesis. It enlief ltcettetstCvoncdeha d the ouat ocokh. Baialot-Lest, ane tute Itleon. enta t t ratîîIan-n due In mtshen eey snon et tb manet r lenctOlss. ne on-ner ennt. oe rtean-ts paid n-n SmO alaitsnothatve e 0petar à spiehne.lse àtepofha.cnnct St- the Unitedt iCt.dte. Ost- e,itt etrat anf n-iseule Setin- lies thee T't,t te tentiftaa vu . t.ie Ihe la. ieiset"Tas Oest.ttcutin."'pt-n. or) P.,e tnt. tnlesn-ic, Be. Be.edtansd M".Poupend lii î-Waren W. H. Berdtes, Appointeitn a t -nttsin a n.tteW.DHsmileon. A pq rs n EIhtmn-n Tecin andesut ed t.t t e r ess Importatretr-er. e,asaamete Thngi, piendhyB. fT. In Ma.vtert-li, Trafalgan-td Boum K. vfte enI. mwth dtoeofthtenmd rendt iy Me. . etn.nsetdM.B A. Robinsn, Caet.e.l n "eWett. tcnliert-a'eeIr; eeussonspen- Ri leYnt d ihe etee t"ci. at a$,e" t-npeySuat- eeGordn, a&c .hieittfolierethe uetfil tnd the tan tf t.eCrit eheieid. Acullatet.. ancat.nrs.an-î espouet e iysE. ts atit lch tellit an-stlîle youen t-n.tel th.cpeeos nt n-ha aautsie oten n mon e, of Atue est ape'tiblitrtenappiantîsopeent -Inrniaval Otietimnesein aW"van Gent. on rdte.,et Satuine. W. a. Icen fest-nticipnalseenonta. Wn estdl'y Mm esecy, calecaea wWa vice. fnse.of Glltine, Drpent! nthetote. cety 'e. diht men lnt. ipae-lltnenpplunO.iltIcm« Proc"s. it tie Wnde. nn-t Wt.enRevusc lifaito-it, t o~ tetie gdit.ieteY Soici t.wa n ...woeee d -tl ly li îet. itees AthurtAleu,,of tit lineea ntes eurbt tmuitise-or fthIe.Mie.,Tihetn"rn d U t-efInv' ittimni. osnbattirlE0nta. mîunne 'tinttt eD td ll oI sntt.uconts..osel PesietWadn eu iset tah nat i ess-thn-ei -vins a loeli chair. Elle Iteth nea sbect tientt u à" n-Tewdip ietsen mtIt litaliietofetun- t-Iero P ttielttinfîse ety anngelle. Feu UIp Liège Mamule iaIt.w.em'e î.siaitî. Thisl ate 'tvtta51.1point. Tithem. - - Et-lt Ct-st bsai stilte:"Ab frt-ct tWiesi1. A. Passi, tli, pitec-d 'h. iinnere ettange do a ocenend theres sel lsncit e ea sommeil i tta. bill fn-e$111180 MitBeatcUnion Wmee'flantuete et the ECenîr Cetmiesla." iencu fîtab de.ua thiceahe 1t snyvs. bord ni ThttecdceDe. 1, lotach Sith ent ntoenste dpilntitie. ftren eta d-,tih, olanu t stBeA. W. Doutlerma mem itet itel sn i linof e the poicbsOnns,ll.evosnsieceesetd. 121e1-,itea ceettI. Theteala. t.s.c= tt lntîtinetît eot- esrtets irca Lawrtc.e en -Il nntildota-e or*th d ncen.aod de i eaj the ot anleit datesbu.sinteststruîom't 0iete.tonshiptmncaroer n e mec es,'le eet the tienrCeente mînareîThey asenansiepteeletî a- t. hn cece.nNec. ctaetinever@ oie.anBuease îldndieleablîn- svalue and ta. hi nnd lie. n , trrbillbult.won coeeY osetil l a te oantt tsenn L tdiettiEstoceng.bThecat.t.doe n-ste tutht peope. Th fâefor Ic llenkCRd nd * a n-15aiBe. A. W. t.ttsonoath.eMd ct-I, t.utaethoe, a note o. tt nnvtt esim-a"n.cn et.Oi nset-ed Sen-Il an ietet- scen-t.aciine. bmtp hlitd. Tion.c.at.torsWtt Tnvn-d l&.i"Wbeehthauonld l ît ottînien te Osînîr Cen-ti teecavteeW 12j.Ait fora.n-ts oin-sddhetetis ptaPil. Bec Benhclt Siren t' t ae.Titheit anctenet-oflit . hartditatnce tne.. lim, ncd latM CaeîIl endnin ,ttenedidas e abeolion laInteacgiessmnte dues le baile the ltet.dgIe d5 e te enîrtt i nls 'theulvsi. Tanhetpaa çc e or teh.doge voul-m n -,. CIVetlue.o aFru' muncipl gverain baineof aut> smposibefo toisakin th Pateu. t »ain-tn1 sI'edth -bu an.f dasouedla nu l ire tsa et t-citblees-ls in,, . teU«d nslAtaca andiluncehwsect-i. pliteteneesnd dle'tlt- ve tcaein t mtationaoetota.tee ndmnI Sd lseacc t ldn rt irait.. Tit is'ddnet lisp fite If YenetD nseeDm .nie s t ta' vcU"8"Iýwecpiien cd ti.entd, sii etit catîti lmouenes and oeilcet ta.ecenîttea-t la etab5chiigeff e. mpas hibuton". ns-sny.etnt talve rs t- lrpenansa an-C IlCne..vnta ses nt neer M Tasetnait- catn@., etn-&yeieing sta-teieahalbd peaduts,. l, Hue"t..ttcs, Cevenolt tth, tbodytm enet el nt tneasuiity DOWev1 sce ct at pet.nas-e fo oI ot.ld h.caliti Dpuce u bhcn. e ts. tod nettbcapt.liftesLa hteaigise.cta- Pecea. Quike.e as.ucci ceci.. Ne can Iul[& 't'elît esiIn cmn-ne et nst.nmî t i. lgtiont ts in @@"Mm ealM#eélte of 1 t.s . h-pchibeu aunnerit mistehnca .P&sIing te blckthomitler. Sc.Fn-aXIIISOs1. on Ma.Clcat lvec, the povnce, dart-stes n-ut iotax ai. es e of oncît-ntea. uneiea.mousméa, otiotee tequmty. tu ainsblcetined. It aseh acnneeHseepsio ett h We n-liton il ldenBsacnturt.aoen P eigne.eoOein- t.v. be ail e..Bc.vneehpsn.svte ti. te eDeOW testeea t, of g esseset l ave -tetn-.aibeent.etdho ene8.ser ah..., btblaofln t. ectebeca. Ans n-refcRete ti.on sa.emIsa eladwIo meeaipta o vite ite i.0 aaýtecs t. n'str lnlmt-t R"amn a yen mto t e et.m livingasetclaetld vll bat-et... ln tas put-&cmso tegsil.1 on èeDtm wvn pti i -e s IeSn-.I teidcil stn.M.L . neporclse, Il à dûgartt iraeana fn-r an pecebi. teleD.7 nettvat.ts ient-a d tetl I.ê te roma"Ie»ai n-as vt lte.Dmbu » oti ancin-e, e doantenîeilica. a ieta hs eadesscellionms-tas L ah» eah. dlebut.cdpa e uicteil net. i 5hnts v t.a tst e Osit-allrati. lt le . h. e mmsteds Cembcet n e tathauiit.aq5 s..ipW n- shahbu lt-seslitC* t.h.shout ha- d».wvsac ma. tatom l pp Nes meet Yslisetnîh Jet' cen-tetnttt-St ieics't. --'td J.- à,,, ,. .,'. basîo-îccyi e, ,a.k inett e i theiet ntg i.cY nts. tiatath.tte »SA itwtaeendpto ic n.ipICt. a.Jh nle.g it fi et .Tocs f Ie ùm t .e.e& ; alnaElnhh1'acté ap .piîtctîe tea gaed ty set anc thant leetquareterasla imer of - itn S.. =ioeea t5.ts'epeIlttt ey abnpnwtltia but.t14tés, ISOttit . ettti'ty emToneofet Btt- tom ns as es,tttg ses thLUndpotC:n, Omai fit,ll- t. T. ana, ts intipi e-- am; ttaltet. Efinit 1.-bnTtset t lit. astenetl Sb Ar. iiitoris.61. o lîva- .d8 ,dz mIt RieAcivet-. ..al'lt ilancete.e .tnI5.e.Viette :ai.eft.tn-p.meî cad ti beo"DfUcie- 4 u lm, PteAin-y bepket e .ees 5 ente vIlain .A.-utn Citin-, mah On ~0e.11 WBonday. fîtteehite aImebsP I. t>oniJauayt.î theend fs vmerilen .lnIe-s .. c-seaC ut . tettecf.ttlP. A.~ ~ ~~~d Seioe mI eOn ait Wndccntn-îarita t.a etm, elDeeer i . . tCS ymt nela I Advaeihiaaaaaea se-r n1 lb-pîhehtdy 11,0%SAIL...ems. dnt.ue. Jse. i t loaAi-elI ec ti Mct.cSfaU-.s ndfi anc. Ashfip mebe BW em c, tn Matae Ofjamea Henry Doen ham. Itn pws James Mniaio,ce-te tas WL c fh s Rîlten, iaee, d. tey . @tcmtpes-, ion, are ecq'tc luefondd.aete ct. h nti.um aolintîs.i nr efe th. do2e-h de-y n OseaiCr, 95,taivitihnc e'- W. i DION, ffi liaistee Rntfo, t Octe cabtteen, Der-. it, to N071CE 7-0 CRfDIFORS la thesIlRasinofi BSeT JANn- BtC- £L.1 tbuCh.nvaip nt Nacta- vnîcýth a Oeye (,lt lini«Lo, wtt., enence. AIl pare.nA hlt i-la». 'e' tastetcte et Bac, i-et it,li, att- oftlt. ovaitp t asa-vf nt lu th@ CkentY -ifiaIt-tn, Wid-uv teect.e, d.tint t a te t .' uta tIen =.b.tt, , s- t quatetsetd am . tth. .odei- =@ a mlitltune t, reiis ienLOîl'4 a, sDeett-, ion. ht,.I..t. actace .il5 h. di.eeiittd aitasutit. gaedt. tle tîttetea. T. A. BOTOfIuidetN, BItee, otCeeît' eitlteatefielith lnsttc Bite, Dtieehs, . o a. TItbi ,t.a , hpeinof &h. T...si e t l , ban iae un hetA da/nent pre.nd.sn *à be htshnlday et, e.eitn t. a. Tit i mtq stee Wtet petdng Ottit,nnD'y l t. mnh ena, n-Il ntty .bopepce"e trm mi uté ci the. int0Pttii'Y t.the Ton t l. tet $htall ninen.. enety day zSept &Itetn d te.d.y P"tedi-9 me..Ontha md nSt.,day cnuet. hé taîd d.yretedl., ChrOtelctnon-Dy, ta. ..id «,..,îyah.péietrit #hal ie lite P t,, 4 Tact wl 0gretty b.iten otnen *henate ,itt.icn te Metttep.Ityc nu8,.tiny. .ed lhciidny.. 5. Tah&i mnr Interstinn oet ti. 5y- inc.hatll . p.ni.l 1tin y a 6.no e. ti0 s,, 20.00 nor sr. tin, S001 cenie Il,, neta.,.nd ln d.Et t lp.ym.tnnfnI t.n.std it.eand ...,it=oetnent nonttceecdiM dnyn . i't. i. and nmie h.nnn. p 6 Than5.ilit y-a.inor nepare.onf y- l- nt in îse,dscs cen.ita.me iee.ty q..4 7 Thctt i,-nt.whnll tek. enInt ie.,n ste 29.b diy nti.nnie,,Ilit ad t,eh ky..t hall itn dnly peIbt.it- d î, tth. t-u. .fThO ad- L, b-- pin ,ted flttetit Md., io i0cd tSm 1t-t in t5'd tli iliietie. and pne.ed liereeltit, 1518 E. MYICn,s.Ye.. JA. W. BSLAIN, Ci-eh. tlindnnytàtPir, epore.ac oepie. et tinel titin y.i. TeGeorgetowu Lumber Co. 84LO MILTOrN, ONT. Luaber, Laths, Shingles, Frames, Snobhand Tri. SBUILDERS' SUPPLIES Cernent, Lime, Plaster, (*yproo, Asphiaît Sihnglen nand Reone sg i ail kinse. BLUE COAL - HAMCO COKE For Propt Bee'vioe Phone Milton 49 W. C. KENTNER, Manageer N..t Ni, q ORANGES NOice 'eM.d'tt.17c R NBERRIS TANGERINES 0 Dnml ve Puneeid &.C1 A tceciticy Dt.n mus Grapefruit 9 Bey D,.25c TURNIPS CARROTS 5 5 P..,,d. L E TT U C E 5 PARSNIPS 2 'HtzelsDise 1 c4 Pu. 9C PEANUTS IMI Pound 1.1 tlOc -Detîtene dpples and Stier Prinsd te Saev- CARIROLL 'S LIMITUD - n-C. on Ie. iHiitses f.s.-i. tim t. -e -,e - 1 Il. -tuWe,vi" w. Wlleîn ne, & n sckiie, W, AtitneS a% 0. Beendîlh e5, e Seee. I& . i lùte- 97 W I.it eeea efier csin, tésa. theu00 -e *t"e an aiec etd. s.d teln. secteltc1«0.cie c DIuO Oolli-At bemid,in. 11itn ia Ciee.nst, a ed. W dini-. Lt-. 14t5, Ieda t.Datle, setie e Chastes (é. Mn-iat.T-en-te. fCes a aniels Oesnavedt LIeni-r. OeG- tove, os Bntan-r nîme AIea-Ab itb.i m, .S. 1, oct.le, : ce 1'eernda. li..16, Ian, F., lh Aine, bmittd oft10.,y Ati . t' tancenen- vm anlle 1 . et..iîtdt's t9I4a- àtiesî.On-hilin îs enme fi., tit Ntte. eoflogatvatio ofs Dy-Law. Ntite,n beh-ahi.siscetthn-t c Law-w valpiet. h. cIteB.tîpci cOui-sIetC the(ODouy elnu d ht n-r n- ofi Dnst.e. ]M, pe- 'Bdlssi. o teste..1 eftcCocLtat don-nset-D r ' tanhe ptie secea fnsths et-a tf ita O'fwthes lencbit.yctmnihe<tectynit.itenph ced 1 doei it f ifth. eegte ysia'tt-i Mutf .1Cnlluti in th. etit.t.c0netassglt. s. , ce th nt utîat t. st stlohnanq-rtîha clInt.-.. or at mst iel; on-edn-e Deteti the.Wh ,itdy ofDettt- W&Y. OCAN8, mn-oesty Oteeb, SIEED WANTED AtUinbtt.te ni Wsntt. lilgh.t an-ket prkenpetit. STANLRY LIitDSAY Or phoee ail,4 A. Atst.tiise R. HARVFY PHILIP eac"niulCs.ctia M -d Rflma G n. t mgltineinRadie,,Wa.ine, Ph'tn 5j. . . - illt. MINON INAYLER Vinting. Papns'-haig 1Andi Geceral Sepale Rtante, ai.".. hîdemîn .Chent. Wtebcnsiit- tenctleet. Ptetcillc . 2teSte itfisn S. A. FAY Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmitbîng PsiONR om MAIN ST.. M4ILTON, OmNT DRY GOODs STORE FHUNE 215 MI LTO N WE DEUVER Make thls Stor'e youa' HËADQUARTERS Foin Chenltras Shopping. Wateh Oui' Windows For Chtristrna SPECIALS Van Raalte Gloves Ladies' Suede Fabris Gloves in short or long Onife, Leather Trim, with or without Zipper. Colore Navy, Green, Brown, Maroon and Blactk at 59e 79c a-nd $1.00 pair. Men's Pyjamas We bave a large range of Meo's Flannelette, Yama Cloth and Broadoloth Pyjamas in plain and etriped Patterns. Xmae. Spec. -81,59 $1.95 82.95 Children's Bath Robes Children'e Eiderdown Bath Robes, sinali Pat- terne, Colore, BIne, Maroon, sizs 2, 4, 6, yeare. CJhristmasSpecial -----------------------8$1.50 Ladies' Hankies Ladies' Boxed E1andkierchiele, Fine Lawn with Fancy Emhrnidered Corners. Priced at a îeal Sa,- in@, per box---------------------- 19c. 250, 35c OWEN'S DRY GOODS STORE IWsa S med5 I fle Ladies' and Children's Fur"W MaILON Ready to ea The m.t.5d maneett..n net . b..hd t tisnnd C.e.di.,. hc. nennet.y stivels.e mec ofnthie gre.,en hedtdnt luney emxba. ie. ens. hndo het.SflIiete eent and dsetndobihey of "th.e ldstee60Msnhranie. Ordne'bien ced' iedy. Geopgetown Lumber Co. Milicie PHONE 49 It Pays to ADVERTISE I ~.44é.4ns.~nsfe4édi.di.de.dns.dns.dns.4~fc~nsee~nsasdd P MINCEMEAT jFU SMcAL 2tLiI.23c<D*T00 ÏIQS1 eHOCLAES .ES Wmasses Lb.23C MeAL à'.63cle Sa~ OtLIESc' ia.Isd - l , leeN TSHIci -PA17t PIC LE .ia23c<jAmony POECA ýN S P ..dl9c> St Bmne.ei NS8 t ras c l>eDtGieest 1CHERRIES li .orat~ A L E O<l i l tDt12c PINEAPPLE SICfE N.2Tn9 MAYONNAISE MW Jr *31c ICINO G b~ 20c CANDIES Lb.lOC$ (.Iat ae Stinet Cke OamBoe.aa Pttedal CANP)IES eMWdhladvmb%- J E L LIE S 1lllasTeeeChlonetASPARAGUS .GOLDEN TIPe.33c 8 Ti. 1.Te9C O..n Vcian ~Lcsbýl Wa PEAS V7 V I ~ BEANS Vep 3 'IL 25 CAIRROcrn kULTON FEu ,DIIVERY PHONSI »Ô -q I s..J I.