can ta&l farther than YOUR S! 'Imn ioo ateon'. athor groto hl ~*evitaephonetframnt 0mil..away, Donalo was lmpcovood ai aid. go cooldnt roa bot oloa sbit te I, de oor asigh. boue snd playmate. Whenovor you'ro caffld out of lown, do as Bah Watson doe - tophaai bhame. (t rlsp peae of"d tad .00 illg ot ReBdses- i .,. rwii-t.rl ad hag - te 1935 '36 iud 'S7.. .hm d i .. l Otpkhau s i àj . W Oid d Qo.el e s mty m .ail otierJ Z2;radvsoalo.oviroaw-4thw% auIDrail.0atoma M ____ L %a wa11h. off a sbok.It la oood lir ST A TiTEIY wM . od Titto.thebtawnfisal tov1 Lad-Nad Noa soo.*bi.0lltp w fo llm'i. ndfrcoi loo.Casoabxtlo...illphsadlod oer fflo.aia,,nc 1-tt. tmoloojli.C" ~i-g mia .i,âtoa II~~oi hiab"mabi lt and"AD"Brlt nd!M.t d zfter pr .iaa . * ali triic.dirc id ge f0 »W a"p.OG M-i- j i0da lt* the Eang of. Iaiesoen pctr-tkiglaid. %a notner patane.end.ane e.aoeot fnta. 5i.ry ta" o nad haveoaameraclub. IN VER twn bee tonaie vn toadhaisecgsanid o hona lecal ceraclucb. Svue clubos hmfdrdsf monhers; o no, sali areof valutaonoyonsohaho is toror Ave..Butsno suttait boa pitOocs and 00000 lta Impo e the 100 club sla o eotia tot icturatoOobn- n l onp. s.0 maua Sey srat Th cmo eracl hoici s o5I5 toce er oasn'o club. OlOso.tGo 4otntoeht. fi encbe hiono v,luta able ta have regula meeting tan-chnge Mes..and swapa«Pari- romaa,,and mmhoto"ohto " te At ece.. They mn woech toeheronouat a dachcann oth ol.tter équip- Prohime oerhmsanstaldlaisteasion, mnt thon ,avk 000111 cfott hy bin- andaoclie specl l cioto Ovch e.sboit. pltat. pacties i MM.ovcecurio$. Ogaitian o th clb la gale Cantact oith oter camerone t.,. .re. Cem n tom nplî stta- hoiy. enrh mmnhot.fertthoto la ai. gatbar, atange tocreiulct mel. Cci. .orethlc ng o a.bhoImme.ot-, Plana rts otproess,. InteGoclab one momemla lotLttatuean sgstinns or epro. Jana lmt dal abvot ahn nc' -cammariaîl atnoteinedfonton abots At ctgh. He ouavns 10othesm dice sO»ttor-otttc rom moalao- an Ulitinte.flirand l oposote or toc OvtotO cam nfidlm.whahave ci«to .000.0,0. Anothetracmre cial doPrnts t.a supcirioch naya"nt saiiatrecamera,.And mstorvi n itbvtl charge focclubo spnciso 1n ">of.gvvcti" seor usee. PleOonaehibiionai r "rtl- hama'-ltt .nilch>ce o vhbdte OIOC 11ht0>amtt aIly lssae.d. an play. 00111soteihcr aci 50,0 md whmlver possible,. tors, be.o, onnthlg aotntspotts Illteotretornavlietspotîiapoiraijui&"0 fioerînPct.o..Thun, oorh mcnhon atrenged Ucdr tGo stmlai of un0 eotdhoutas"me hoooledpetO GO âe at, l in tu" nsiloidr whiel. nul hele nl AU h tonatmcoSa th" Plaeo.Impao. ,and tGe at- bottinerpaos. jhanter gain moto ton and Moof O 13a pollarAnmd peatc re cna,,..tcamhl& Csa o hhhî ars cleho the.PeutOe.Ina s. 11 JOb" c.a Gdle. id a witIta l141a" T' *1 a tva ctamir 1o vvy ovvvv o ductio d tblv i. tel u tiai cai igr- P o ll&v vo cd >îecv -r OitlltllvVthtcvvndvlld ici lv v>v>1iciping iwl ycvvgv rhvvv.ttvvlvovvcvtvvorh. Janevpvv,vghd vvvcvvvly. kivoc-t vevi,,vlvagv.. woottard; Ohreeoppoor 'Walhlhl. and riding tG. .0,1!" tiettycks ee carld seotom ora Ucet of tUvCarpatdan doger!.dCueilles, oho wa. mord- OWO lvvthe e d. lb.trot d ý ouoodais, and th e srtillg a binoas. ate hos depshi Thetiait-lnh.ocd mr.or; iu 'Il NOI. atoll4" aMid Ion. irooiy, palace yardin 28-a, apre i nili Por tho pro."tt Il',faioli teMhM vo ntrntart- t oi icial aointerdhy the crown famlie 0001. ti oocet. l.oait, l iag. rainembor thret Ite0.chrov ,oy O.Plo hataéecerg o othaylte has orne tyibuohm hmtite aoli ave n hitado olth theo dorphio Ivvquvcor. stfore l0 roactted tetaer mt-MdO l 'm 0net Oven a Modieol clocheovvod ha cary i thcd lndarei teon'Poe.ooal cOaducted' taurist veha elaooroto pliceof wvh, otrival- tor la1.kind ole , 000casbrd tetrot shoot vitingIa ho. ythiotg ta Mhaéninlaooc dey. ort, rnooh tel ha beaoty epo«.la '..ta hoMèealy a Ta .0db.othe heore, ologbvp bird., Vladthta h aih Pour sc ihool Marin, hinamei theGocrowlng coche or horo-hlootog ho taah hara mar mort 00 ofainowledge Jiathe trompetero wvuld ho ojoctod Geom 4 e ihcaatrri- Ma ofyf aaen L1do aispécial càmpartmet. Précautions tae old Egyiataissusoho»... et chorch ottclala and millltary ojo. taedt op oit BéPton., .ai.»,. retoroed fll,'"but there cori, dcc.sod lavestrirent or uni- cthat kindot0111101. A aueer arooohmanotoithoand torraý complota ta evacy datai, ga *0111.lovari t hange jod wattojotil 100 or. 010010. ollh old hamade thiparadeonoa plat- sa et. la e on *q asch tcbhng tGoglo- (croa t rant or the dial te armature onc a ommn rkkla Jou xwaü Maesrill" tGotiras aiday. Bello ooold iniapshch . Pose Péttr ooil' nid Carolino, à diffvretchiipe foc scery hoor ai mI. hddas on hrly. tGo day. lot000 t ~~ ~i<10 Wl-et Jai ebluhed ho ipita or Borne o et omédieval cloches moitfitt "ot o clsbrrit, tur Peter o.. raGher a del1- nota ocon rlgged la show Gh orae. bail... ~cala abject, cai&ho herdly carai monteofttho starsiod plnis. This ta__«Plein tiraitohatwuatheo<hlotras. tGoy dldwith considérableacourat, tn or Mer aaeptlog aoppilon i -o hy no ivoooiunworihy ochleco. rKM*Id Cet' tat-away lHonaolu. motfot ony comtkhr ratyGoe. Polar baoutomrn a lcoca cary ____ km0 Frane o ph3&ia oMe ot m uscoihtg li îg "Coelimity killkd tGe Mtr à iiilat teooti. She llhed LarimotCoranCcowo lan OIeed ta hM a coruton aahlm tceoeadmrly, but hiod hom- -au S.nU. er .. syiag, "Cars hlod tGe oh, 000 theIitet bit. m oe iof ayiga pt' Oa " stoveio i hohai! retusir! Corn mon hecoh inot oparedin oea1. .tod Gi aita «gaider aalaberhocision. Goedamp .ocattcaho afSouth Amer. t a orilate G ato oimr tinGotî o..dcars d Iapc Ir n provetbr-haom a a.dai,i.. o b ai nid iodly butipoo- 00ader culticotion hyGotreoa îtlandGm Go. prhillo o ar, tGoNational Acad. tit acet habslniveu, 'e J r-ji olgona aSmotlace.oireports. 41 weartheram ot "Riang oget met" arted pmor Peter, bit- Theo origlnofetmoite, os radicn ,ewvil, hlU aCtal,aonrue htly. "Out ai ight Win haouot ofcorn,.long hanbeon apucoleibat- ai," a poom ra rttea h raidil"migreand 11archoologistai. t 000 due ler, who died 1la10le. "O. Goe courry" griaed tone, te as iniglecoo mutation Gra o la.o in etibued la UBo "tOMY do .MY tt'Absence mo ia tr Ipdor 0G pi o Taylor and othaca. tGo Mert arn, fraiderl' I hion.ofagricoiturol hotaniste. rb prebably relerred orla. "'Fonder i oror tot'l Mal-a, no longe otaitd in i olld ha tact tirat cate are t. r umbgl the G mai oho nwoiGhor .100,, muet origltally bave bcd "Goe .0011 id ampredtIn rlineseceoa i ber departore. tv/o essontiel oharactecieticon of ocddl. Itosiorot " o-ly btyai, of course. pvd-oore la survive i hieGo ider- slthubaiaMh Ymi'l mml .omneody otIthor, tom. Thyma aresa proection forthGo oei.More wo'tby-" .Invdividuel hocovelsand o mesure o ae hlled G t aa ______wu____ dispersoo f oheGo oed. 'Ctioolty hlled tGo rt"Troed ytettlasneo ngqeto.Oewitar SH R SHORT wlld pod-corn in Peco, the greatait oobl eplamoio oftGhi centcr torculticatioo ot moize, tGo tnitfct tiret oe s"Rcventiste; lavocd long hotore tGoy ative aiaieof i"cet" lhi RY disovered évidence that 10 mvuet cig onescratches lkBM a -e nThsIsu ,hvecowc Goca binccry accient ticolorly i ipilehot or the le 1h. luséum a woman. Yalethey toocd a taithtul replic&ofv "Itngm.aoe" broha i Jccc. aprohvotorio toc of pndi-coca ef Pa- o~d Ad ta tbeila Nove, Goat, Peler. <Only-wlel, î1cocici Cochmacohip. .holdoygAMfe aiyo Just co't haoInîYeuwht yeti wvoh" Theit conclusicon Caothsi 1eu'. es n te erlyday. mya Parplo-greocbtlleavpiftmI on tamco sono cleocod te d Plein Destor, teGel0- disanat horizonglecmlilg. palm- . fieldo ofthGe oIdmsirahle pord- comuid olin gavedg itrileds! ochon atrrlching te Dia- corn, vohvch oppeate ohondantly in wol sg peg ga-mosd Head; Gohe oli 0vofvonolulu Cetrtal Aovcica,.whec the Indiana at thor avota previde ri'eddy theming suliht- werocclceo ciiizad olecaoc4l î o alaistor IU hoa l ai hgoth Iland ot Oahu acclcd ot tive pocIly of Oheir ccops. nm and sdmlololared ta lai, ubo bang hreathlesoaiy aId needo. ltero'o aO tGo Munid% mil, dtiolologitail in, ds:"0/. do b h GO in le doctoro boat sd came outcand Bliste Nst.IiHator Bide butoocsevc, euoo boira, sno tstame w$dochio. The aesikeak omni and odmiistratorî . à Ad ntedm swhfloe Brotish potichanleab coraon.1 sumo neod On oeb o quAad, hioday. li oortie irod, ici thsod bu1t fcm.,usbOa.d , wthoot fGood or deiy raarouinhepdl e rt. cioe, aicobsdevehat btrInaresoidLon .rn otflyearstaRev- a utins BlymalGs e ho don v ect. e btcildPca rti'son u Cwle, te ay a h adofd.aimiles.rteomber native lac in a hitd's cool, Cvth decayitg boat, rye, coca, toto, po- States. votv.ico. Then ho assmes hio spate, as hlh e, oe aldlMr. Courtesoadter ni- hiroundn ofthe ochcols. vohich of a bride. Ht ciogohotrhome ond r wlG cboppigJoggig. hM macle sai eeoro 1otthe lWcal .1vlayo hr nîgo la the ocet. Thon te. e agéilme iho bealM.Gbord. ohe sers the "ocdet vf Ohe hoot" sod coitrihoteasnythag wet G. Tht, mot trequnly, dciig mow Mr. Slvckirbackbrbtlgs homo anoGh. eoftthr.. poots lanord meio oaullcmntîlw ofugac oc bcidc. Thto ooothcnand acother L o tae ak Mr.ic. Cies Plantatios. Palmt graesan sd dvi- utiilbthentlao 1ull ot esse. Ho ldocted occordisg ta Ghe tact onasrecd b ho theGoPollti Icclrilloci the ogi. aid moocla, ed JOech manso@.. a ta hve sppr in oneditantgasd ovethem.tocanithe water a reothatterer.tonhonteiatheredhinmassesnof ith hie fitaiobopl cicîoti. , 100 ebsi lh"papor aoisgu gainville. Wbet he yvvog halh he là.0011 Goh et .chtIn.ohaulhsi.. A"dthonnmeeocmingGhy dcove ittvl parnt anddwlcheson eclhiag." ta W&lik t0theoaGmmn rieout tIhcm vti thoy atconeoagh ta Ofthe PurPleocéan. tend ftoc Gcîocico. ora. laser intuition ohispered t-v _______ ni« liii.,'. Wo lirete, it oh. nlshedv se, cota twho han.the tho. ad olo spréposai ft thGoyoun c- oo. l0o thGo Ballin Bos elts te moite masors- 1er. Altheagh th, Belltiorses mailler imosi délicate hind, de» Th.y parlsnd tGocar hosido h a t hevivcgrnr n toe esurt ot Go th Gtread etofati. esdsu ad woodered down tcaGtheIhevcontivnvnt, iti a a svoahlobody et eo in mo Gin rGat 100» ai rvicsu« hsch wiG 1i0a shiolvo, 0001. Oott. Tht distance frIthe BSg- uddhotoeeded ta makeBehdl"m othelouaietofthe errakaeovd inothe headoftthe maena - cdlnsry ho. OtrIggea>' club, a.0 m ava>ne Guvlf ofBothiola more tGon att litogasotue G a oh rom.od native airs an a stln mileo, and the moie body o etGoâ en badin to spi ohm guitac white tar ait tGo oottpovocd. nleot lO150miles in Cidlo. 10 oit .Ycmodtitth ofthesine ed onthesolaandame hoeward .vurprvse mvveradrrte kmooGte sten. Andd .10e Ghéleui log, ainer-cresedinlîri. the sohe of .the tile o. Lhaaeeyonîter aresa As Ghe st golden gleoe01the r cdhy the aoann uber ofîov. bineertGn e G on. monappooale, ton,'. compae;vv ccometîothat contovi8ailthe Mail. Dbshi vr.eoai tiralBIotiorcberebon ltlhie owo. iccantoc. tevvivveach case.Acouri- ireonoeedttnamoite 'p l " ha." allon,Gtho,arange- osdvlecelcchtee elitwon.a@ >a hoir. folitolai ad made ne meloon oftlilvot woll 1t0heidiloccoat 1 i olGdraoot, ha oiGdron 10. tlocO salvnethan th e oen o utaode, Jai, hooovor, hordly, noticed. tot ai tîve itravit ofibraltar, tGo Boltie Irane Vaneotla Oso aOmthinus!alil.d olîhin bSr. A lmalovont ai ttenh os a lobr. )1Y Bntltt.cloWeioai slmiutfocrameGor Goegicls. yen, _____ r and atthe Go r. lir Peter. Oh, If Peter could hoa thi oneoftohe han. NI. holde brMevi ot HalonidAmoleasDesters er toaloon MW ou . - h. ided. goilt, mhoaîeo. The 'Ev Onttovidoe nPat- àg on hlm. Flaoiiy ho tybheaUt ifumoIlsqmen homo. cio. or "Sian Patticlo Battsllen," see te ainthat oai s.. leki' alle *&id. sI" Scown as the "Légion et Gotht ocoold ait rue- lT.e MMonnddud. "Yoavo îsaidiBtrngro"and the "Foeign Le- and 10.0w e ao M i e 0, Joue. t hsd come hor. teoteil gle.," ove. caploced inthebatrils ally ho caaocldi.ti. you-o.ll, monmaGthit1montot teli ot Chv.nv.hoeabout Auiuet 1h-Il lG s t àpoMmOaoseYo, ya, atorait. Yau on., Gooes o 1847, Chile bovng 1,11 by one John boen b. o.. ploal igirl hock homoe, oher yoo, oiOh Noiliy. former prlînte ot Cempanoy 8 her.lever aince, ho yonr snootao.a, hndt îocy ceocly K,.P'iflh United Statesin loty, üW ai Goé hugo tcorpien mado me largon. I-1 fmsi-" (rtm vhich he hart deocctod. Thcao "I l ki,," nid lai saYmpatheti. honudccd >and lghly prisonvrn noca estly. *"Yen ai, lhoc's-a mal" cnpturecdt at cd battle, VI otCwhar * 1 er ocnd te ho dcecttera rm ramnsesVnleaa Pe.,hi.@ncaec"t coller paliai tho UiJvted Stoate cmy, Ch h lid làmesttsamomvOlcino op arond hie aratebep ot the tahOup arme alaient theUnited The oldenBrat ai aldrivig, utlogig îow, ploddai States ta cellet in theo iocao ettgod a sd the thcimgh Oh, as yot mooela nservice. AUl Ccc ttied anedsn- hisclcscsau.a Motois teet tg hioffic. Heonaswaln. teneodhby antoalcout-martial, Il had beau queot for ls bMmause no trolley cac hod Rtilly was seoyrltn o h h nged, ysai. _heortnr 0do.cae*long. But Petec dldn'tvlcre.but the soovvtcewCet oemmued ta ttios-Pompa_ Ir. lOhihirahiheurt wosii. 50 IcanheC ith atornhide whip wn O. Y osoî a b s hlà . g tda la lagram w hlch b.d coochrd chceh C lth the ]cita r "et," d o se Gotitessincet, JIburlsd hlm, loutslgbt. imptlisoimetslonog os the ocmy lprot oruptins okb Itsomllmtan mn drliag me ccmaictd laindreicend Oho, 10»t, I. 1794, 1861 ad homne toan.2100i] eat. dcv.mivvg ot ofthe service. ________I "E." 1ebela Bible Fase F~.Ivo ameday o a hso h tan. cmard tho Bible ftnons anhywa te anwh l. dlgitoifid Engiliste JI ... EELER populoccod the tOlOOhield Invo. tee o duoper rosai. Ta-..aoIO o. e enrhi l ivemai,.à iery Ncoca h ddOifel) asers w.te theBibl.ssaytiet lot. A O : Injjq tha WahingteonPont. 1500 thot 80me- o 1,07wod mhcelloo ottoochvvean. For tronta lIWor choere, s, a hodes in tGo Eoastafrcecntucri.- 187tes ade omîThoynotaooel.bknaon insFrnce. 180tmes G o d o ord. GTIgodR.pailaing 1. tact, E.Igiah wan occahon. tie.. ytheaBibl o. ollYonried them. Bvutonooy wai os byotter ht. p&tidd PHONOSI»6 MILTON teGo tc.Englihman to dola op. The Boek cf Proverba poero Ohe stts iitb anotimbrai. sunst sdîlee on Mehiv. WA NTED ovoct iiene couned by ge.0110we e nmas u theoau.i coin. Bo. ho cstce léd tas srea..rnli tr ethi Au ot.LI. Paeliey lt eesh brella. Ohoeîh ha oai hmtad,paltai ore Ne0w VemveAlaidutoir bilèrent pri« wolG rad, stickseand*t0mai.Bul rhic.'rat, temiPilIPbsoaePourra'4%liesr ok.! 42,SoasHsoaylied ta hveGte protoele ot f o P0109 AsHOeley's Heat NMarkot Ida.laaah. Beomoha died in l 1 me m ai oPalosit m thdGo or ornt. = cemencscied uoothcalboandcd shqt emblée'I. âwGo ' l mma. -rdDaemmret ter ie deatG iethe bardhll '90U1.5 uboils . i mm of h rrtil;t hs Gitadma olwoyo wwu a komo hoppor ad quack to *olicp UP" a bargoin but YOu'il rocognimo thon 3*1M N ERms wielout ber yearaof eax. =eao.. You a8"0 tMd mooo... you get aswell selecton of magmaino aiaEUyarOff Oue twsOPRPOe. Thora what wo cati a "break" for you roader . .. no Wonder groodma -y-..OOJ'VE GOT SOhOEHJyqG THEIRE" -ALL-FAMILY OFFER THIS NEWWAPE, 1I VRIAND ANY THIEE MAGAZINES FUIASE CHECC TIME MAGAZINES DESIRD 0 Mo.d. Mict'(24 loa. II.Q.11 .1SO.. 1 Y-, ALL FOUR [3o Y 1.slS-*,...1Y-a. ONLY (3Ciaidi. Mgeo. CIT,, QPî.W. 6IM-. Q[]teis IYra E Rlo. O8M.. $3 0 Il C=oa dhtmI--ad H--. 0 p«Rad (F., b,. 1*Y-- SUPER-VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSFAPER1 I VRIAND THREE BIG MAGAZINES GROUP A - SEECT i *IOUP 8 - SELECT 2 Q Nr-W..k 6 m«. Q c...M0aie24 Il .ostt Y,. 1 Y M,. I I~ ALL FOUR Q . . y,, Q N.9hi 1 OY, Q] «a. i Y.1 9 Y, iNLY Q bc i.,IY,. ' Cht Yhe QI M,ail..DH-1. 1 Y,.i. l i - I,. $ W-m.b,. H -FI 1Y Pv.t01I 5.,Y,. I ...3 5 Ql AaitIra 8". 1 Y,. Q09.= l (oio.j, vY, ........l'îo ... .. 1 .. h.cki.9 W.. at. off., dcdc.d olIth f. y.I , .pp.. QAIIP.Iy CQ Soc.. V.. HA C FN. 1 A HE* -ES PI E EAR "It Pays to Deal at Days" Aladdln Lumps lUIT! God figtin aimportant n goîvairvrcga.,,îfl . I at NGIM ~ ~ ~ ~~ there in notbing thsta .111more tvv thve vvvîIIviv.vv lppin- w[we. awal cimîvr t o ahvmdhan îvvvd Ilvi. I Ai Aladdin Lomp gives yovv60 candîle powr oe rn vvvtc.,vûtl wahite lit. Il bor.eKotoecoand ighte instantly oltiv a vmatchv. Rvn. cjv:esno geneatingovr p:mpig. SN __ C. .0 AY& SO HrLTO. * ~~ *TPAYS to ADVERTISE Tide proverb 1..U. t. th.