en s... ttityb5l.g..sh.ot. .d oh lb.A". sWlalZUdo .s..sdiy . E Whitlwtb 'k Cb,tBt .adId maMt= t L.=ts cotto 5.stoOiss. Atto .pod 1.9.s.0ttstY totObot nitoi P-, . 011t.. H .t ptoo , t-.d .. tits go.i..s R.t, tioosst. ;Jobt Vs.t,.iobt, ooîd, tos .i.ig. Ha...- Astn.ltsd H tMM. B. .d- mt.h.d osos..dbitS.by W. Ot- mmrd Hoisn, MlftotI P. Htd"E, mms . o a,. 3 5, au5d Toit un ttd Brs.ume eoas m o. % T.tribne» ixe. TbsHsisosot ns S.tttt om fa.pl.sdu perfomance amisa" à.tgr" roul =A.i .ttD y& wot- osoan aoUjstcdo .g"sMds,-E la *intan eab.tEi, Mu- d.S.siv e,. m.baligUIbudoob.- M7oo.s ob.M.ibb... enof Pl. OtoSy," Plu bcS.the"Unions, - Charotte.W tslott. ;ttLots. so s bIsos ss. wtsbT.hbSmd JohnsonsancV.saJet, St t Ant . . estsod eait h boua. i Ds Dos a ~ ltt a-Mty M., .ooe .s.s.goft. ilsosutbai.g t lut« lMSb #.Wwtt~oo, ts 1.5w. îmMb.d OhbulMtbs..e ".d i neH.ds.sMr . l oe DRIJQUI Cou 'se wb.t5on .1 lb. 0bya DR VIN itbsom, itfl oubcldis .5MaIMM aaoi; -te. lb. dotos. . udmwsm odi fur its.boss,.dag jl.swsfocssothboc àgateckbhiletason..9aPittob Ys~sbt qiobt Of <....Of sAU& t - g lu h .'... on 1.10t5 fOt57fali og. MtMo...... M 104 loi t2 1e s Mt... Vtli...', of (tlotl, b.. bs. At........sMs oo0o0 e0 lisO..CÀ s.n b A. ILNboy . Mstos asd Audoso.. ho. ba. b-iod.yt..WaO-g0 laIone-ofte ildetaseMm o th Roy tbodwml, b.d hwSnl.ss.o.Du .o. thebsss Dg as...otsy t, ptotsototpsi.s. totu.h w.. ,th. sootlg, 11M.tM..dsfat.Oiit 1.ootdoss7 s5.5b. Oo. osinet g.s.otbrbott,.,.tooftht.. tessto ob hib. Pym.armes. stlug tweeters. bin soobto t t.'ytinSfelng bttr et or usît- Mtts. ilt.o. misud Y..o b.dl hsasd. uo. . on Mubaof eh-b-.biltslte lb. bts.,lb .hot ittt, orstus.eh"t si . trb vinsbtenu la t h..Msa.. sos oyme.s.tFo . ml,,.sA. (Mometa tp- Mr. and lsM, M&l&nunofo,.5To. pi.d th. do. bleMo,.a hos.s-son sô.aim t h. we.s-od DeM Ss.- fllb ts oo to t.sd.ttu p.o0sJ t.Ltdl.ho..1A. . od a- h. itt.gbu-, .ot I. b, saodus m...l b. dy ia u Bth.1t lt.s (ete on @&,US.Mdey testobot.le U .ss.dla . um mi 0 men,,A.. 5.T toto oS lbe .q.st.j Tire b.aura clutttWi 2h=o. O. odotuomer9 bitsoglsh.bs ehi.-@ b&4b..I.m5.o.sy. b.td by lb.e.riversk.. Mm..LIob.rt a BE, Dom. lsd lth.os.ptuts sod,,g mhblb Mtno. ........on«ou18 14 a wuh. .tosp of Js.sba..A.b shor ottkvi, .... jetd10tlgHttléa s.ss tor My wu. rend by IM".. .t'i. oodun E. Coo.ts . s. .ntitd. but btoDot@ Itero edre ebih "d m nPr.TemWàyta Ope ~B..B 0ohoo ot," 1ti.uootg .starticMM05... of t lm:t.b.t sd M.L.sd. o 1-112d udye botoobosb barftot... 1.s t, tL..tos Wot,14sob t _____ or .0 hlber clseo...ldy.5oft.dos.ty FALL FAIR DATES blloss lt.emssd, sud thittg-r bart offrios,., mblsb tpps.d satl'eleM3ILTON......... Sept, 28, 24 botitl odt.n othts tSan Ottb.o- Ds.goi.I.......... ps. 18, t7 as. Hlo.... Tlb ho.mal ..sd th.r- Aco o............Sspr. 20, 2t teset@.hsla t spicolet styte, ubtob o..sU.ti' . p leut. .ty alcyod by .I, pto...t. sdott *.......0.t20,21 IAlIO s.t;......... sepot, dB2 ttsiCoot .5.t. BS),Ot. 1 -A e...........s....14,6 Au&, o SordtolaoCudswddtous ...........0Ont. 7. 8 betle fots..dthlbs ottto o & 000 Ein,..............-..o-to etdd.gs, Stosdy tts.o ot st _____ bbsof ber mlose, Who IO Ad, .tbi Ad....., dauit,ghs o T. W. Pegu, of Isàer. Pas AnCsotoC tbdsh.tot.Roborts. An- dstMttsos.b, ....Omth. bide Of Ms. Bernard.t.saddHtCC, Mtb. New W«tmis.t.o, Atg.17-tom..a dt, cl.y iMD oMr. and Mn. WtertosWM. on ou.tt htIl omoss.td.t H.tdot. .so ý. J. d Ro~ o tsd.eràsts ty forloty.oss Ridd,l unistot, d, .th btd, Ct.C ys.terd.y la iehot yf750. He aitieMs LT. WClso, o Mitton.wubarniOntariMo antd .perage Plu . e.bsdl[g ..otit. boMebésdom tilbits"raet àst uerde bo.uo.. is.. ttu mur- tac, e.70t5t. rt.g bybarcsdse.tb@.t.M. Wtt- tM.FPotst . orstsd b a sontsd IlitsJH.ACrs.o.wu.soucie! 1.tut Cathtts. Clphso.s, ace ith blu.h soe. tt-,NoM-Mr. Motr w o à.mad.oe.o bth.rose. Mol rbre osu obte. Ml'Monsttt Pus50sg, bin« semptoyaid ttoboot ostls th.milSOS o, h. isbutob.s sbop ciths lot. t.sosg gs. H. u. ttghe-olpt oi the.1brSos.AndCs.i gro.HS i onwtloet n .= fl .. odv mbIltMhsb.lts sud.hbortsd a boutni sSbt.b Clolieds.oulbuopsogrssodau0la, r.gldtotL.Fsow UOh.botos. hOoOls,7bg.b.M a .ls obuosbot .and prioftor. bteo ttlt.itlli5sman,. hsolbos.Mot by tléb. tld.gsos.. parent. in SmUaM..The.bldeg5ttost . .C w..abtob.hof ombrbitbott. N TC Tbty w tss.tuded. .FOI-llg lb. m.ddt, sKoCpOto. Ms.. iltiula Ml.ts, ofSMatabos sel t 'Crsaits.,"7..Ac.-t-bring 1.10 ebd t.d bor'd,! mlii n..,.tssC ssitOb th.bide sud bde- 0me t t poIbi. fo tsy débet lo- n-s, goms.d l o sysohm, uù- cottstby ber. t.',OsO il mrbttoC ndm.e os.ck WILLIAM McMOTLLSM. . T he.' happyb. ouloton Mi.11 . lto. Ansg..o240h, lm. ab lb t.',s.bono to.a...st.dey buts ofo ____________ 1,e Osot Lob.. os tvelig t OstOs m.sombodered Davynett -turc sOs,. bcaottsot. Ole.lsLONG WEE GOLDEN WEDDOING BHwoa pin, . Cs"&an g Atotcertaintdestinatson.slatthe United Os» ., otth, "tF.sd. FtPèreslb. î- M. jS s. .. GâOlito, Fa...anid One-Quaroter S.,iBWkBosb mhssl. goldnan. . Fr The Rotnd Trilp dlog 5 So.Onnes tans.t. su.tCd__ Ms.es.t ibots, et.otGWFboswu .Tcsets tond .bnaoltgSt.ana.0.F.y. ostsbsatbd. Mt. sudC Ms. 5t, to. 13.10t. ostt2p.s., Mndel, SepLt. la" moly la h.oitercoouost, w.s . boa Omi.d.ctgbus, ., iSopo. ,188 bombit,bone.@boutand otb,sgamst MINIMUM SPECIAL PARE Tus .ts. O l.g... .51Adutlteor ' Oide s...- .23e T. eHts of ttheUm oSt netojt oS O.twued.. 81.1. (JANADItN PACIPIO tainM*1Mtinl, bar W"tot M.___________ .<, oa Tho, lire. . t.: tomo.lb Bina tit, uandsr . a Aots, otoul s uffebt ob, mss lt edtd.ths..radereothe M H- witots.t.tte bistyIr. mote otOdf thebr .id.nd SoCsoo.sud ltsstr C »otdetst. Ms.N, Ashu, or Hondit. TWelveSu&006 ton. hiCeO lt mtic t gt.vestu a s In Trotos fot, but wtt oaos.n motd., gare. . a bot.ditlo. to th.b.eoO t .. §o urCn im TO.. mllb a t.,y a00ltgtst bster osfir 7ps.ototod lis.. 1,010 t it Cousb.aW. et hylata en Imtltirmsdlagsp ndMtr.btt Yn@,BSR. d Rs.b.A,At mitlb a s.oking .ts.d. Ns.rtonne ysubs.a méaib. Ch*t Aot. Moottotu Ilsent.Prum, .dby S. C.air et ukwed A. tistp.t.d ltlotd. Nom boma a sm.U~ l. gtodt u.td b.tgo eb.mt usqt - irondqots .5 DullesiSi. mi Pclk t s .l _y M ots to its. b o . .. b . l A . su . e . CTu.Pg A v «sotu-. -Toullr;t.iasMIs et -O.md 51 Jus.. A, tOUss,.. iTxte FueTwo gs-1 Dm"sal m ou.Avé.. sors-lut Troto yotbslad s- 0D1.0Sa.l adW» va.sA 1.ut "&ldy momis brem.th.stcar luaotst mbctoh ly wmu. tld1atg abddtd o.' woat'ortro the ttts.?OUtlelt .d.s.d, m ...ttsrost lb.cote"a,.h ml oiddoilbs aMtetsd lb. tmbo. nosiâe. h. Suan0 bonAthuo OlND.234c= j, Ma-L 0....d, ,tutsrsu MCM. shi 2oBuny. IiAu"14 Ius. Cuît I. flots. . Mtt..Osa. Itelssé merOmWde ly NM......... ....... Afàgut Il Htas, .os OL J. a. 15.....5........ Ml toi, i Ma ................ DRY_ Phono 215 MILTON Phone 21 5 EXTRA SPECIAL 1 THUItSAY, FRIDAY, ami SATURDAY Girls' SiIk Crepe. Dresse 9With Puif Siseves, Colore Rusé, Pink, Yellow, Blue, Rose and Navy, Si... 4 yrs. to 12 yru. Begular 82.49 Boys' Polo S"it Boys Fso titch Polo Shirts. Colors Maroon and WiteBrw and White, with ripper or button front, sires 26 to34. Reg. poS I TO CER 'o -SMOP AT- OWEN'S DRY GOODS STORE nF"t M IT IILTON Eudy TO-Ver ZIMMERMAN arehetdaosget Pustt.ob lobs. Mr. Arnold SBesnett,' of Port Col- bone. stttted Stttdsy tttMr. and Mnt. S. Bennett. Ur. OGuy Oton and td M. osostOix eof .1Lo..sttt, s.o.Stnday vt.ttor. of Mr. and Mnt. J. Galts.tth. Mit.... sstty and PatriciaBenntt ar iaitingeibsbsotoand unels. Mr. and Msn . P.sgseenof t.ttstgtoo. A .ott5beros 50.tersttstndedthelb Stossalof oMs. lbotsson OheswooC, 'f Nelson, OSto Ssfor ayy stos.wa a Miss Menanost Gray, Mis. Mariel I 4 Hauust & ae hlia Los Othis tt, Wi1ttBlMr. aos. Spsyton.Ot us M. Msd lim..WPowtl, 01sas. bot.. Mr.. andMot. A. Tttotopaooot HiSghland Ct..b: Ms. an.0MM.',' Idutt toanlitr. 0andlir. t, PootIt wute', 5,405y5110..oS ofMr. tand Mt. destroyed the twýolosy toto 00d ontbtlCtss.of ltheLs.o.s. Oott.: os- "1,2asd etoOtg about .00. FTe to.. .,, et okW. o, ut . bond oentral wemb.it stott. 7%. Bo 0,s lsoM o tetanod Mto. St. dsp,.'t met@ wermse amble tah. T. bototal 1004 t. etitttttd t nomeO $16,tt00 1r of wib lat.coossO Os ylnsootoo PEACHES PTATOES D.'isttt M.t sk. s Quart B..o AdC1a l ..... ....9c ORANGES WZ. Jk 19C ONIONS 3 19C APPLES TOMATOES C. . todCo ... . C J Dst.oto . i. tg 3 .13.Dit,......... I ......... c BANANAS NS:ied:s:. ...23IC Canteloupes 2 DNice:s.. 15C Cappsolls Fsssb Made Fil-et G r ea e C osy Butter CARROLL 'S LIMITED- Con demied Advea-tieue.ts ,tios-ted os bot.,. si.Appty 3_Ot.,d'« .styMlton. Wuooso I,,js.boots.,Sos.k Iood.-S.V. Hpkio., Bslgo,00 Fog .SL.t-D.sbot.0 imb c5 ot ihboi o b t îsiksd, a,». Il ig. tbto t 4t0 . sssW. lit- Lob,,outlits, b..14.r2, Tb. Utittd RittoOtot P.stlto, M t, I.tsdt Ottiossi Exhbtono mut boopotd is -ti, Sso, LgtdosRo 0,.0i t,.dty. tOb, Oh.;. pt.sdit ..t g oof ~ tth. MoOt. t .' hob i . y so ti o s s t'sldoy. 0.tg. Itili, t.OOtpt. 1..b A Ba"lo.f Tomaie..on On. Sialk iIleos.ttowo HstICl Mr. 3. H. WaIb..of Glue WBIlisoa. jt...sld t.e .5. aldCw.10 o tof1toatma on bl..dos.th"sout ar e. tUast.ome 55.1.Thms Ottm aosmOSet .d i..sMd dsIoa ut.. Plttodce Apeil 23" tu hic. su. s.'.d wwPulobhfft omtheb.eb tu", SOU »BMi, .ts.e. a"dtlb. omsis eat.. . oed .dvtsll..tf ors obds .,d. Tlb.7 mo3it 5 p, 10 5 .055., ..d .are.m dt.poy lM omWied.0. P. L. Reberte. Mfg. Con pu.y, Ltd. MILTON. ONTARIO, CANADA. Notice te Besdhelders. Nois, . bssby ai'.. t t.11 t h. -tt.adiau bood@aetSth.b.Cos.ty, l.sod leIVS, 00md mtu ,124g2, l5ta, s. ps.td .d Soth. O. O f Ts. Thelbpmmus1.06%, m.ksinq bo.d, phi,.sto. tt.s,t Mo 0. ot, Mu = tp 0sth&& av s.enéM ZtitIi. Huton Wom.nt. Inatitute Tbo BoHalte.ILisîsoWos.o',3lu. .tit.tboit A '_y u.»I».lduo. tooy D.y 1. th.sBoo tilisit onoco z' 4nbotTos'.sy1t tht btsb ithoet Miao.EKOttboobtoin, St.tht Wo- tota10titott.sbracotte D.pat. -L toAgiootiosostps,e... ,ssot tht.,..tt,,qttoity or wt s. biîbdubi,h ehs. »Io-Oboooblt s- tsttsd grty ta thestaoltsy oS tht l oal 1 os orthe moy Mlu htob thsy 0iat0r Istycd tbeIormaootiongito. Ou th.. o Ooe t tt .1.ios.. Th.b. ot.tsy D.y -a.uil Atttnd: si ad ast dsoiu otbào di rloysd. St.. bacbheb.Lud p pst iso mos .0.i Iebt o.pl.tsd thé 1-oss. tbo obiblO ts. gt.. pis.dqtttli.,?ptiqt.S, 3 Il oCei .so.dosd stobO Sîsi...qutod..h- 10,.. O. bttig hora mie.min psts.ot.oobs, tighO pai tts oelosa tu,t pis o titt.. lbos, mpère tls.. J. 9. Gah.,slDiiOsiO Ut rA dent,ookoharogesof h .o.oti and 1-1'O talent u. .tp..IbI. frSou. t.'yobit p,.«,,..toott lsade.i .1. spokebt bitSy, s.pss.Ig »ot.Ss.i.. ettthsbptssr O.Ivotbsto ly LOh. sI:.soboPSlts .W. I., s.11oS.1.bou 00.7NI ottbb.d L bî motO osjoy&bt. WANTED BIRtIL0 t H..Bo. Sos Jtmt.h lt.itos tads Abcotttotblib..tts.rieptdt, Pbo.. lt.o, itt Mathal 41:.J. RdsIili at M.sbt 14. Os Galt.. usyt MoatoMarkeotRM2. or mite Mo.. Zoter, 402 DotStots Rotd. Torono. 8800 PIIICES PAlS FOR MORSES lotsod cottoî, tc ., .mitable Sos tom ?-Aot. Wlt tos..rd Sana. ph... Et IwUPt"rt.. I lb ut oU. .atbiat t nuigt .. PsoNno ig .0 TOWN,, i31, s..otosg thte csa. Bs.aro ttoi ...s. rrold udos ltin.- VANiToRFOX Fa». Getorgetown. WeII Drilling Price R.s.oahl APPLY A. B. CLARK S. A. FAY Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmitbing PHONCE M NAIN ST.,. MILTON, ON? 'colineto Cauphevihlo1 SEE OUR Uned Cam Mud T"uk G"s.Osb.sOtim sstà ouIlbo, -EARLY'- pfu Slue ad Servie ivifkc& M 44t SALADA TEA NOTE: Al rural route homes ln this vlclnlty willI recelve their packets through the mail. Mmlton d RuralRutes 0*I BACON MACE tlitd mé Wsspe.d S... T Pkl. 32c 3 bo es lc 4«19 -WCmtr, NewFingoceU 1 LWbes-O uM I A «»" 4w a~dMimw o 2-W.un.0. 4.1b0ti5.o 2mm » PUDDING 2 P,bl 7c TEA e..- 31c, 36c M.L.. FS... Asb.s b" E A SY 3 Ph,. 25c STEW 221asstc S U G A R 2b-15c M'L"'1 SOMJP216--2ss3c POWDER2 Pto. 1 5c P E CTI N HADDIE 2"."'25c JUICE su-s.s.floc ..c. .SPREADS 3 Tm-25c JUICE 210--- .-17c FUT2miLIQUlD bti4c I...O. h.n '>... m -d 1.05 11s D.d FS J UIC E is. tt0c rnuEs s:..SRYi4 T 5 T'y .d O.G". aun los is l T E A ki. 33c ?UKWctks COILS 3F.5c FLOUR 24.tb b-, 93c "My Isolês TISSUE 3-11-. 25c NosP.. Ny mmle ts.Ilff FLOUR 24.lb. bn 61cCIMES 8.le POWDER 2Tbo25c Ct... ., L.. .. ALE (r=) à I12c: SOAP 4 <obe.23c VIL1ON E REPDLIC K PLOE 2 23