y- OANelAlqCHAMIONTRAVULLE3RS' GUIDE. 57C! TOMIA! (Au Tàm bmon dwdU.Tbu) us . -f . ueisee. .NADUR VAIVIO MAILWAY MAIN Ur.. MILTON. ONT. -UOeRi- LuS p..e-DoO. S.Is-Daup, esaspllaed&. du a _ e.s.-Dsltp g. ý à=lOp.-.-aialt. .s.ss~.s.s ldjd a.se--ouàcesp Gssey alme "VI& -7.40 5m Gow i.'-U &" &165 a CANADI.N-SAIOUAL BAILPAX uu~ic.9c lie POLLOCK< A IP44NAM m~uw'Wilf. MON4UMENT$ MEDICAL OALt. ObsusesMONT Ir. StiVEisud & 108E11801 pltpwm nd4feigue C. R. TURNER I RAY!as nrm rezs SeI~sud amidon 0. K. M-lre4à«. L545. t tue7-pY."0«4 au5.8cd a"Que gn. Piscea S MU!. Il6. E.li ___________ suec-Jse cccc.. F. W. 8. FITZGiSRALD se 5cU.* uiu en md Rosi Estae pasicuei8s. M.O.M. nd-oà,rpLý Isylle e Ssse c d lY&P ?ggo eP isaiO W. . oî- INSURANCE~ asaca mcs...' sesis.... Lte. fin, Alese~. 8assi aeces?.eLl-. Plate flme. AWact nom setb. ùa..-cesnîwase. ese. ces T.A.NOiNsoi . .DEWAR ýftItai S"tei, Etc.& .~ ecouceiiei ouiu.o-Ne& du -obeious fi Tslspbacs 50. Cet-opllar, PlY. W-aPo Bada. étci uttus. NctaiY Publl.. Even ti hmbeîscaerplllaisccc ]Oisies-l Peisseis.' Gisî &WusboMua m 5eoumentIliwtch a bing etr», Mibon. ulgt eevy, for tGi. "Cactblts amone 7u îld. Mémeorial Hall,"5 t Ruuehge Tsasleoa 7. Qlen. wun eted te Gie .is.sery of Gis catarilllr wblub de IN TORONTO crcyl Gsthekly paiecisls tas wrtae Leu owr e J. I. OAOWELL, 1L.. iecsEeeost aaa ec M lisa @ffl5.sà"s(t Y-8.) uectial tad by the Roanepot -ouns4 ed the csceremy tedk DENTISTE? place frocs VirgIls tom e cein __________________Rose.. Thé cbhuiseeoers veto BU. . A KIO Mids c aviCOYen, aterwarde tGi OBITAL BIlSQON LiseraI ocelles vwu dllvrsd by Mdecma bslcise the IWrgcldcogca o" .La Royl Ba& idg.MUSc in. Io& lea li mki"ea etor aisepetidc a-M&owv- Gilg, And putig soc .seam0si-ta Z.eAksts. 0.50.coaisIssc.e su. ncta. lequte seotiua Y, àtobac bue dos-b O. F. E. ANCE ciWseb cftarsd DRITAL itirntii Tbae lot o eksfee os. o.. use.s casss. severe plgiue f'wasplen18«,1.n saseeso M" tg metehe isceu mobé e0ugs.ns-Ar e 5555~se a s etad searby on tGi ce- sâilce. eueGA§ a.offost. osor. $mccthGis, causc*an"proa 'c.a. e. osshmeeauasmsada id Gies eccea weru à hadal sevise ld ék. NIELSEN4 .fterhMsca wbolsccle ack Io The Ohlotot dstrct Mb yseso1pssotli é A pt gut beglg id c a ol Osous TmaàeÂri. I-RAT un burisa l sislobcofncste 2 t 6- 7.W cae 9.seP.. uli ta wss. Codloes reboid OLosi visi TaisaccÂl rounisd the daiser, bai.ed Gisboiy O,., Duselesc@totaroOssuwo. wsecars-lad le solrans procession. Pbc5 u W. dog wunburlsd le e cotly marble veultieers,.Cty, EL. A, cte Tr. G. RAMSHAW wubtleutn' b a e mtso Vhetud scu ula affciction, btithIois a o la e dhofb mmaensteid reatdiss tbat make celusi. 0.r...taite thaerglinladu là PuRO - m ILTO. lad Rcd. OCOUNTrY 0F l-IA-l.ON 18 LOCAL COURTS CALEDARcI3 dsses es Wb. UbSe1snaec. 5«-"5.1 sui5is1u51 si s s151 *.W,55 %essaT~DsC cacs, . I. e c w#806 * Si. $1011 MILTON, THUESDAY. AUO. 25, 1988 WuPein t atrelmOet N ? vawus*bage-t titt d eTaaleri bni"xCy ut hie pas-ld. Cooe or61111110110 as-,GDisnt diallbd Gis tascr bus abow = bIe. worbs d et lefeconhce ble sOiuV LIssa wuas a avm set S ol. Lger u bstedbâtcceaiblesico- IT WA theM tla0 » asc d, lorbxteaabnb e basm oa. laval. 9 air.hwves- Md aithOe ene 0as9 i Oie i basbte o a Agcd nili tuai satu 4 eepsemait cyce u uat W ulsm. botcet fWu pont. voote nmetr&M abelvulbs Cy, 11tly artero wuaaUsIs ced pyucue smyir fvsrite ghltlisIfasd Grant joes esmp nart ofu ge esbflcs .heu. leresn lu*0. Mteas W donÉL ir ave a= RmeuisOregon suie sOie vu aiseu.Jm*. OSdmecma isns bts soi asr. «4s04.tuba .es il us,% t t*a7 Aitasu otb«ofeeb tsCMiilVU mIsie ohotwse1"u11g4, tfIa i gate eebsed s a oa.setastuc. fhe may .la Leamd- lias LaâeSulkyHelu t fie aii mmsis.sagsd. If h ouh. I Justes . ced Wb- et blasghmi »4« s th miea.mensair, sbzy vuassfdsi la a steras butrs i Ubll eft venageasce. bielbe- 0. ly tachles ya.c--go. I aut-S y bsl..g fI wvasbotters-nced oraset aoovWécoc u te t mal - mrciLta 0asdthé anilsi a1 ettasi. Eut. ce gors. ats se ssadtlyas poutbte.Hoveisaila. vmqj.eisyStOors~,jai ,Itrecorssuds is genssc taiA4 v#bays aslWy ev a it." Gmusd a s s ud u c edmsacy laéittIs Jack, aecde tha UlmOi _e st bssd tbat Gis Coafadertea bsp tats- Irwdliý ou l asuf.,a ou' eusaccs src eosdrt as vaut, doe = s vaast Gieste l ibmthv.b oletbis selt"a7ypopes limeer. lcritybl a via lcctad i th etianth .l sRdciltg?" leuni5dl tePrescldst cithOitddstsu. The Mys-e use dsyas asort t citroddsc- tbuat oL beinaugeural addreas, slte ta.heMotsaimportatcist.,"Lot us bave pac,' laie srl JoirWasde o ldeb shis favriita se is tecsb ilewisorkYistuy. sens sesa ePl"y ____ cHcc Nya gvea..ttta %a W SHORT SHORT Té_tPeMu NoI.oisthwoet STORY cest baNorh c foGie Gis rIvais Cums ino m.l hm ry btvusninsots ced Nos-Gi __________________ferPar Cdi'ta coucrse; Gia mo.snaba lse bu tecases-. .'ftat mnsds ibs bIn.. CotesGit mWct Vrglcle te) Paon- Lest yens-hola id dMerc ionta e 07la seevblas- nt ute vtheGi tbougt barinm,*ssatea GspesgisiiAlleghany tid Luise Oh iser; lata Gi vrid, ced tva ens"mgo0 la GisNiagare river.coonecnfLae tld mes Mys-evu bis LavasieEsi. and Lake Ontariso; tGisne* ma.. iLy«u taleR Gs la dSais. us rIi, ,bars t crosthéfla*.t Ie... ed uaG tcemteofeLTenesse; Gi. oilygucllsd blamvml. A,'t fpe. Scola iiver, uborefit Lorma tac P*t ecyV'bosndary btielan s-eg»neMdse- d Whle tbls omvu»tim was vast. la; Joba D- scbutese cedWllls. tes lece ledvia dyts id e etteirivr*, ts-blatiote te Gi> C le beGir or mot tatell Bab 1Whiteamsbn rives- te Oreo;se Ib[WMI1 Gh ie ld nais. sosirisverslne Gis vtet cdty Si. 1 ."Fueny tisIl la renarka. Hlea, Mut., and e Part 01L*Gi1 'gelly told n me tleugt tbg ack coeursé oLf hietue MMriver le Ideao "Wbeil,' yelpod Bob. "la esprasg Otbcrs bsvlng Courssabatre tOu cenyufoc? gay. 0 on sg sous-fbAed .crOhicitaetltdeOi aa"faiS ma RuDbert wv abr 5,JosqunAhad lisSisec9leCuis idesl!nm*. And ish' tolliaiEUsIa Itu otealiiver te Idaho, I Oreisancd lerisy MrCb t lsus"Muse iivr le Nortb Dakota,.Koace1 WUlse fc. IW&abouttiedumg"isol tcesd LUcbeg risvarIn e-acs e nu ls t id ps0g t i be& cb7sed tbe K-eeevaiver 1te cMd." Wet Vrgnie. Tbot isilt Jack aed SCcly, mt esan te thésgardone. I sucposecwyod batter sey sr laairy Uttu àmad tfessle ov.owdaeon 1 luve.A prislary lactîce lna epraics. 9ewIlate smarnisslg.bottre rempebucy lcctlu.et wvble idrect cs.n s tale yffl a" lgne ou a@ a leantioas ofcnddatas for ffice art t " ." -?yqa,5 ronW ~sds. ameecctluec ara gnsselly cartu iS ce evil«Coud tIme ld ,ced. t "Wtsgli..lissbr t rfsssd, bevnt wel W@îs GicerdssPcarty roi«a. TboY a Jurs LS battug ycuars. uuaaiy cld oce Ocsane dcy loisail outl vsisyrnbadt bd ncsc~,pates, sspluy the&&a secrnu-t bel. OLav1anth 5 m ans. nmnylt tl e ntlcby a plafclty cote. Itfvt'Wbts D tlgeam t?." ecTlare arc scysisal typs:eu:Gs"olcd a eisc r«gerisgcnoscWU t Gistprteeary lsetten," et vbicb ssarn yosrt~"blreusly uît oeo poltcel party vte; "Good.by, j .la a tee nUvo.iheo 'psn pîazear latlo," et "Eu-god.b. us5AnStbi lLbvtra May partlulpata vIGi. SU" A" taay oet mckleg boavc taule Party' lla c0 . stace; nid tase psistccePit. le Se menOic lae, a salir Who a c esiscioca"et wvlst Oie s - bcd bonsedofllotet la u t = .csditu oie balai bave nsa y eabout Jaul ltey. sstatuts a tt, deoclasatis. A 'pcaiacettc 7 vtsSy Cocnrs, dueasm tte . pirary .lsctloa." or 'preabiceteal - yuscsceaisryisyldic iteiibary. leinns at vbctoheisvoera Cnisapisa prsaioreca forsà Pesto la sIlymlaRa , sre O t mndstoisy orce.' te ses Y" er at, i isssl arve Jask. baguer0 pou gdsoter Lacheidclgata idgMthetleeal c=.! las-e? 1I oingle lou e s-s sll say." Il vIec014but, y"u ce.,1Inoem*a I visas. nass n eli st1 -Plut. 5ne met Rdp Obo e d taa tses' Vb., Githe at sesatr , bu Wh lal a Oeps eb chs Lh;Lot" avm e dsstly t ants$do $loup. ot ... WV-Tbrebupr-Lf'v'wY-tla mttoad s- , saeeDowc?"lovs ihma ldp Ron«atly, tlia tmvaisend Mseaevs.v .c oerel p sdiscop c* mlyeant i lats, d l Viilt. n mgt. , Pa s'On sLeoN cla vr. soess lfLuali'Maabuc. Vo cmc nisse Tobatgh cabd caob~.11 ~ttasby vatobte l slvez ofithé Jbot Imeus. otMse," Jus I 8Pl5.bPlet. tMs cvenlng si-s S oersu a. bte o e 1 rom, ctovr, acacia. ced meytdbt- i vcrnet CaIl. n id eves. coru. At lgt tas Plata-n s-o jwMbu - Do vu e5au55' ;"csibM pocusitinlCI lou e tas 'OUcucc, asm apy.abryu bud. Young pletadhoy a O cp r,"wnlhyhpy.o tais bledofc loop.posilUce mors Giet a. Mntyp-opleasinsotegla r rAcdsiscc. c i vbGiah toycn Lo l t do t Gil leisus inog e Msbunes roeo Étleut eut "Ceato Gice se a vlsdy corera.Perla pol Is alatp of Msey bcd rend th eccarlge gagne. Tecoàtp iLcacussbu s 0, tintaMste jlet ms.isg Oymis pecolar wcY of frottef. Ouist heM ke lave undcrtoOd ed o theal sri eliset ysaes ____ __ licr bodo dsvelep. The cbate.IMs » acddition continesa trnYsearid la- "8" MinesgfCr Gte yes. The ucetihl tantidtas- Lscesc Oton l I C Wgth Msu.eI etlu tMs S-tetsucd te Meolco, uaNs cocdclaed 09ut ela Coton. acys Cartla Rdierelnte Msews L oitrequesfiy quittef.%vers MW.Yorb World-Tlgrso. T.e ca IiCdce vry muob lsre wcl an pla5ttad cbuseidgther cnd dsiy li bas. estil n r'.y dam"su-_d.metn. bout end reptle. In Arguonsa un fuadsrcWb us calacqcefltisCot cenlcmIoun lbi osu vnabd a c Lflnseetly re-b -dtslaPboma tidtres &gfrmo sil- mach of Mshe tursel acelmioU . eiga idtes oGer-asvlug Gie cma vblub lne stMr bt r dacpsu i Pol". gae. LrOi d a Odiser, cd8"___ wvnussd out ofi sceamiy rater tbae bo. Wre vasien@batu ile Idipses mDOr Ps amidblaissibostc l and n qcslt Duwng tMs formatve perled of filea mi taseMy lad bagues teaiMl gilacounfry r-iod-able Giugbfi iotbalcs. ced dcuscsioc ra gven h the maelais teasrraogmce t Msh sag. itwvs. s.ucilresOu jPlaer tIsas "sesuel LUItas varions statu detuldbl a rpt*- Wbtabared boy out sslatorrse mcsd ilte Msdsmlme ccd us ef tas bilsdo. ttsc(gldeplacer, rcil po-tntprpsiin i t d dd a tripo t.d b tedeiat lea, lisa e t 'r eveisy mtatu ob veawudded id cdstsucH.Aies. ccstMsUnIo. Wbe tes tisipea va ahore bleds, Ms phttc' direvur oaied taswichMs ulà fereet pa ois te cab atM peib rvo t e m ins blobvsd Gmin teMsLaà. olun ver *s aarsea àgbla, ucdbaS d 1a I-~~~A otilusassun tmg rf Sis. Tm" w u e. buv thé ilc AGiAmi nsatis sas u ob9 Cha Mdupe caicems cm tof Sm Amricetroc mete.wSpe edded ls Og vasiS bu. Qom moeapol i Rwvs Sasde U.d Ws MUteote IS d na- opr*a jb 55..!s $Wou th mnis ym :emlomesa"I No. 15 Success ancij g1re Shuld you hoplaaiug soeuisepctteot buess .acoe isLay.ul-d 'Bansk's kcoldgof busiessaaMdilduiail s cesed fallurco lu Canada may ,:t ucioCsuttu eyur P/osid cclùic s , .t. 're-BANK of NOVA SCOTIA fflR à ENTURY OU RANEINC SERVICE forematiMagso la t Noedgd lu Tbaals-lo PPpToauccod ucnh.dstagesc me bavo teeraset. Ttes-s la a ds- - ilriso bstwee Gis, snd iseli. Br gazn u ""ce . gsor..reventcaa rticrle n Ere, eavstas- m ueo a1ls. by Dasiel Fruteece. veca.cs.la. To illustra: The grat-Recbs le bar youfb b.d te bars Gie subtîsElo, Lof oteof brerlemien rssx ycKNOWl cIt' cfl ne tbo wat- plcnecd te hir by bar tage mm lEs. Ms themont ac.usl tilognleero. Bel vbcu Goy mors rmade the sortd.I 1aov. bcoaue1 cever uppaenot eo llIus-oatod avery eub unes ;tcd m'lL.'NuEGth;I biome andccranyof hepart mse asbo- teblodi ois Gic. 1cl't moh prisoatng sthsbar Eirncdous, 'Voiecd't taksmno Prias tsbuety luculeous dosaculnsatur. ra ssytbinlill fet.!I 'os sTompas u ,li.elotrlelty. éf yredbead aced 1 Sotfrblesa Peapm il ines isnem. Wecou ntell il ,si bg sn dicuc. wetit l ls.. vbat Uts manifeste- se IsJuglbeiped. 1Iduc ienuscaru. Iet vs caceot slssrly d. b..e 1 aasorwu busi e. Sv âniI. Pctsps ilascesrer skia Ms BtamI1isce svey fromn. Ny Gihonsnlintellgecc. lE ssea te ho rasn ew inevyebo~isa s-rmys5Lf, Oihe colty c ing tes ibogs vIit- sud tt creuil buimns s o. Ido't ouf lrarcsl em io. mmnascpe. Cscdly spsebleg, ilEilatMspower Io uice DHo sgJoint to, vbsru id grap te symnpatbhs, te reapcud, y« as 0 sl a pop sansdwl ic ibm heqceliEy tht eablu ea nttle.e ucmmt UAceoap cimtf= =l foo. crmtteu aniotles orskch to aisM sssadîne. TIN 'umwIla.thuo'l ascte rossbut leo sobuminsm, tac-olec mtPp.cfer, ase Imvra, ced drai Gire- colclse, iMl1st sallon eougb et 'and bod oicouilosand passios. megt se"oo. I Sns. I dc't sor-ilosceieste Stocli le ubo:las, oadcd sy ebot RIIumm. Tha uly tilg eg oascl rnii a chare t Gis ever vors-la ebut mc. rny NUS Dssgmoas. theaudiecceu Le. Joint. Itvwsnr by a buccbô' A Igornt wmansmy posasse co*l a Mt wvn otl' ceme utaim in le acorrkd doro. whilste scy stabla. But urss-moUl, Git'a mc55bred. igily sducotod Lirl lE wlare Pop cornestl y to ury. muy b. mbusly Leigi. 1» i m th fini trsciion cold Ieerycsocialsetor villageomsy dey plll' is tilo oat round hn bse btuodnailtoastuoernsreuone id ry id beep thebis m o ut.Hr ecs dsitiucily ifttrd sitb mugeetisco. Il ladki'ntee Gi ldcw ' my Ht noy teoquîllty ocbibnsgluvcble. Dos Joint vIi iahtht ury look le At eey rat. te, i ilbc e ucd re. Quooltctsu uitaeoelaealeades. SHORT SHORT NuIr Was.Cllsd Paibsis STORY of the National Parla Cocpleo tThl sas u of te aional Parka ced h N. tionel Frusts."1 Mas myss. Y'baom. you saco Ocat Born in Dubar, Srtlced. April loo n uàsmobsr vbt's id leust 2Il. 18,38. bc hommerno rld.iernec dlad. Yosusaetmcileonsa gîsor pop I e mly.tiuvelsd ostuaeliat ced trall' con sesbdy'c bsola hupl' ce iterpisstes- of natue..Ai bic te leacdcptd 'staad o' baisg bled. dscatb. ue Chistcocsee.1014 te Sm eyou aic1 men ltuoluSuono.ctlalseidascthecmnt coibrst- Tbat'a Ou guttar pop 1 edopted cdunou eassl ususador for Oic Thesuraggllaat. dirtiontUtlutcsCS tiralen fur urelclIsets eoybodyee scsa. Bt you'docrior Ii cuntry hanem erc pcuducd, mes beit mv Gim hoknb s b e 's rriving intei ted States ai etadl fRs a pris ds. l rlgt the g ut lcven Muis'. usat u. and 1 doe'E sesce maybe. Iolps uaqse5occ e iib tho teres prisme«. ma teks s ce u'rn busiiess. albogae t i sore Wicons, Wall. akt b Ot t-eibt boeambre bs blped is Ssircleris *mort plled Pupm a itesers. farm Imrntha oildcrces. 'HI yl. tecty Clwn." b. yfl. d Toe nar Jute Muir gaielita. "Telt Chrsmas. Wsdde ya lunL alegianesus. ineg ail usr bantel' round brs oi?" the globo e aussui uS frci'bced Thos'isarbors I cour nSetce Gi. plo. ledge ufbar serets. CouLr. tur. I dioppsd rny papore.s,e, I ecaeu he stmîuîrouthie edop- W 'ècre liuBmtetcsuteibcdI1litEion.Thruugb is puecluoseta 1eve Jutet ksd. ILs-bedbhicbyolet nue adbI.istudiu de- the cller, cs-udoeir n te Gi.e.euacisin. ie Sespoliaion sby Sman, 0' et i rlet boutstrielebalctuicconsu sucaiie ess rouuud tu gttar. Toloueditd Oic ld the iscstaity utfuocseatio.ic mon. insplrod ledership bouuoht &bout "itcegry. Popt" I ccys t i bihes Girecgatiius ut millions of ecru Hte tar.d hblae-deyssonsstrOfL ceiie ouiy eu Gis poiptuel LIce. thonIbaoiv Id just havec hrriiugeofuthibisAcosiiccne ouple. cdcpt irn. HaNs, 7 o m sucis Iâte Bccu'm Gici dey 1t Lucd ico. Colursetisatesc Po just oddsd, duceblihe. Es, Thea srnllerrpeate, csruSry, vs-lebld cMbesdses biue trn Vrnscacd Mcss, are blli.vsd id Mse cold. hbe.ac mlid surace cumpuusd of 'itsre," 1 aya, 'youLgo i ere rks vesiioiste thons ofth au' tell'srn Jckblicl's me) mayasoartit, Mrcrysaed bymron* yoc icac t ceytbieg yuu w.ts os? obererae cuabe nou perscpible -cnd-chbargs Ge isbl tu me." .epply ut ater, but Gte uGaiier Whou bo conte ou, bc luubcd di. pceosae s atcr ced Ieun parts forent. Sort 0o atsced. of Giir srtais.. Tbe Iargss- pansis, "I con blp yua oilyuur ppere Jupier, Satura, tUranusand Nep. Lus- Gt.Soc.0' suya bs. tonaitees llid but eppoarasm Son ol li oNbodynevsrisolled ball.ofc lucd, mbisb moy hbeo eid measonbeors. So1 uveohintoriliuidiudisi. The ruddyisoloroft bop a' ppers, and say. Giym.ui Mrs te theobsrver la dus te Gie libe bt cae@u. Saiure 1kIl they iclr s-aurfacoeso ut Gici tpacect, wx csn. BCu1 tcbed hünoer-but Ihirs r.aste derb saceluga easp, cîSul1 ettudteladedGtheuhih shwauelsc al variation in Hoi Dos Juint. esevl' bin and Suiuislu. Thes plant-iPluie aise boa ei ubu vu sia re n.doby tist Umo.eapparrntseednees. aocstleg a tMa te rntthe popeisbuiness.'. eîsphrcce ad a srfcusseof lu, That nlght, I mays te I-Ic, 'éMOs s-s8ctisg oe.Veus a hs ail- mensyoucanUme Po ', mrseleesi ce retinse; Sajels recy m y ouego Po" emeysllcichUras.poIs greien ced 'W yas-e ysosgudt Joe upiter shos acecoiiety fclera, "&.', th'w iii rrddioh oe ecpsuuua. Bouc rIgbtet rny boote,."I eter bave c gtracddad m'et'si oce. Couci Use of ut Fcre o Pdlls ' bicnso crt ot guud bovin' you Beore npplyicg polluât ayouursr coissd. ntiiesrbis ur lE is thruughly Tues ams heboLleol'. Pup cnd legd aud sol, spts-rercsd I mebse a sout! compaey. WS OI whiuhrnay hr eccmnary. Ussplain sceyl.tesbadcfow. He runes jrnuuor linsecduoù or haveyu MthotDosgJoeits-formsll. Nu dosalesr rucormnd acomerncial moe creobed toIsaiisa.Audseern oplitis hicisheanlimacod il esits ho let mcoaeisryhudY cureneasibcssegrodieut. Sturtonarlece thoretacmt. lHe'* ddod curn eebiscott clut ith tbhe oich andret'sr and he ac'wicbete tlis rnuu, Gi.eocilisoartics ut turuiluru. ai. ce' aioupe .may p.lddi's a' mccc rohhiug mith Gi. grainofu fritd Lais dssrt. An' Gis plets- Gth euuod. Allussstue.polait te re- cl@ce na 4 wob5sle as esy o th. main on c uhiI-u-15Hor0mnuutes myesse tstmasb. Guessa its le nuticulong. Thiesewipe dry with gond for theseul te kow sscebudy au esîs mai clutisad u b s-h d wants Ira. oiouly tuabrigh sauc.i aPol- 1 nevec tebi 1dm &bout i.ver hvbleIshiugoul. te» a gisscddad. Wal. P'rsps I ted ______ oc.Wbu baoms? Aoymey, I gt snes mm. LossPart cifeHawaiiensumeus PPI HNsm e grand ld mac. Fun. Lupluo i. e icouuuipîioe Ibil cy ho thicbîl'l bo PrcidenotmorneoteGi a15.relyc touerlut badge, dey. Gus. 1 Oct tu gc te crulîrgeprccuetsd te visitcra upoe thiir os- ouv. Hesamystssi'cs hai hesialcnd dprurri he ueul fat worb' au herd for..(les, i' riso la that rvidents ofHawii weae jus boin' mceccd, sa' isecme octe,.th, e rrthu ailpunties and un ope- bdymceidsyousstecursoneody ciuluoccsons isdofucursages, _________ andseauy Hiiescouidiriths, a parstciftiseir errydaostlueios. "Tasazd,"llde Word Huwaenc euhycscd ur ridera The 'iseed," us- diuurr lochri, lseus er isthe garîcedo, aducd cuub lienostrontthue Tuucdc husky lahuirrs are ulten bru urus-' tcsb, cisaiofze i O t Tocedu ico strings ut grdieicu or the, Paih rk, c-gc ü.tity, N. 'Y. loch culCeros whls îhisy cutiuti sici it 1814 SPierre Lrslîcisd tuub ucer aud ahucel. it.00 cesof uSlaud surrouudseg Txesdu losrfSr a dibi sd ret e arsIter hie mi. Piesrre, or- Flrisl5s Art Scti.. egelced Oe Tuedo pari ssciua- iVitelis retntiMessbut iseiles, tiue Luis he purpos. ci dierelua gTise lrve an cd iclco, ocoîsce of cluuve menacer resse. E vos brrr glu, Rercos. Aduit 8ireftes ae ettMs Tocsdo club tGictheGis d ou t be o it IbnchrsloLg. The lisit tîcbaf, issumblicga a iirilesosdramopide f les oce uinbot ienis.acd fsi, ret Iccaatesjpplos-. Tbhe ra auaucmiihS uu ecrd 'Ixecdo' l drlrad frntcenp*bd lcuetdoethe cedsrsid ofithe ilgcequle Indien wrd wblb cc is domecs. Tus ligbi ci Brodiez ban w t te WoMel ob-fclbeof tis e mias bas,,of loeret te sciecee Cause . lss u l ter l ignilcacs dnces it s, ecupeied.by amn > -csdu. ei seaancd stoa mpiodocad it w'abuv a cowd àttast0éceeriS ma -I C HOOSE cnelocriranroge fer sîrucealise...- therr' o lo ic -nocui-o unes. Poseaud puss sio hiot'cue. W u.16 Iciliug acersitaissu ksep frus cd linauelcie. Cbcoou vn leirlu racg. breeser lie cmil. . .doseot rnulu ituhisu tenetuerdeeu unocthe hutt duyc ... couis Oie isood. nouit'eu. Ciosoeance leirieceuage heuse vuor hrnuieehee b edi f...k' ebogaud irits. . ùueil c=dudrudgey. ..- hu.euu it osakesa eery cscul ca.uuco-a tornlbof ulei. And chance ouur luhkri rnge noie. is ua e bho y el HYDRO ThisiL S=Nl.M dstse uva . MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION -i- 310 BUINESS WAS NOT ALWAYS BIC st l. a e u sei tlsfsstkm Msd mufflcg te a t osts s.psusli.s se"gr»m #..m - »Uis&oouthe 0us.wset muosn - wu"shlt h»a be.»uipdvflg teaousiaft sssng tRot, pm"at posi* of pwontm*umsola lt. cssam=buismi nhwb aime. ssslstls.with Csssils buduo"ulmlU, t" " h« "R M bin"d m lst[lasohwledee et Ifs puiwmou, wàls s ,a ssaustlvsssseopasstl etotin lbut p - hudson epSslou. tmBANKoeTORONTO e-kJA.S A CHINA PLATE &p(99ASA SUMMER BREIZE The Local Hydro Installa servcetanieter FREE 0F CHARGE j m -== selle Il Li j n h it .t Ir 78 In r- tr ýk a. Di ,d id ,r, la ka C» et W